Open lesson in the older group of wild animals. Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech in the senior group "Wild animals of Russia

Consider with the child illustrations depicting animals of our forests - a hare, a squirrel, a wolf, a bear, a hedgehog and a fox; note their external signs;

Tell about where they live, what they eat; fix the names of animals and their cubs in the child's vocabulary;

Visit the zoo as an excursion.

Task 2. Solve riddles (learn by choice).

I confess I am to blame: I am cunning and cheating. I often run secretly to the chicken coop in the evening. (Fox)

Under the pine trees, under the trees, there is a ball of needles. (Hedgehog)

Fast little animal on the trees, hop-hop. (Squirrel)

Gray flannel animal, long-eyed cross-eyed.

Well, who is he, guess and give him a carrot. (Hare)

Who goes hungry in the cold winter? (Wolf)

In summer he walks through the forest, in winter he rests in a den. (Bear)

Task 3. Didactic game "Guess who it is?" (choose nouns to adjectives).

Brown, clubfoot, clumsy - ....

Gray, toothy, scary - ....

Sly, fluffy, red - ...

Small, long-eared, shy - ....

Gray - ..., clubfoot - ..., cunning - ..., prickly - ....

Task 4. Didactic game "Who has who?" (exercise in word formation): for a bear - a bear cub, for a wolf - ..., for a fox - ...; a bear has cubs, a wolf has ...

Task 5. Didactic game "Name a family" (exercise in word formation): dad - bear, mom - bear, cub (s) - bear cub (cubs); dad - wolf ..., dad - hare - ...; dad is a hedgehog ...; dad is a fox ....

Task 6. Didactic game "Name Mom" \u200b\u200b(use of the genitive case of nouns): bear cub in a bear, fox cub in ....

Task 7. Didactic game "Who gives a voice?" (match the verb to the noun): fox - yapping, bear - growls, wolf - howls, squirrel - ....

Task 8. Didactic game "About whom can I say ..." (choose a noun to the verb): hunts - ..., sneaks _ ... howls - ..., bites - ..., gets scared - ..., jumps -. .., waddles - ..., cunning - ..., hunts down - ....

Task 9. Didactic game "Who lives where?" (use of the nominative case of nouns).

In the hole lives (who?) - a fox.

In the den - ....

In the hollow - ....

Task 10. Didactic game "Who will we give?" (use of the dative case of nouns).

Meat - to a wolf, raspberries - ..., honey - ..., carrots - ..., an apple - ..., nuts - ..., mushrooms - ....

Task 11.Didactic game "Hunter" (use of the genitive case of nouns). The hunter caught in the forest (who?) - ....

Task 12. Exercise for coordination of speech with movements.

Task 13.Finger exercises.


Bunny and ears

Task 14. Make up descriptive story about the wild animal of our forest (optional) according to the plan:


Where does he live?



What does it eat?


Task 15. Cut out pictures of the animals of our forests and paste them into the album.

Natalia Ishkova
Lesson summary for older children preschool age "Wild animals of our forests"


direct educational activities.

Integration of areas "Cognition" and "Development of speech".

For older preschool children on the topic« Wild animals of our forests»


Educator Ishkova N.N.

Voronezh 2016


Activate the dictionary on a lexical topic « Wild animals»

Learn to form relative adjectives from masculine nouns, singular.

Learn to reconcile adjectives with nouns

Exercise in the practical use of nouns with the suffixes -ONOK, -ENOK

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.


Object pictures with the image wild animals, ball, pictures of cubs animals, pictures with a silhouette image animals, plot picture depicting a forest, footprints animals, pictures of tails wild animals.

Lexical material:

Subject (names wild animals, their cubs, body parts, watering place); adjectives (hare, wolf, badger, bear, fox)

Course of the lesson:

Org. moment.

The teacher makes a guess riddles:

Runs through the snow - winds,

by summer she changes her coat,

You can't see him in the snow,

The wolf and the fox are offended (hare)

It is very small, the fur coat is magnificent,

Lives in a hollow, gnaws nuts (squirrel)

Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,

The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.

Lives in the forest. Stealing chickens in the village. (Fox)

Day and night prowls through the forest,

Day and night looking for prey.

He walks-wanders silently,

Ears are gray upright (Wolf)

Walks in summer, rests in winter (Bear)

Educator: Remember what animals were mysteries?

Children: About hare, wolf, squirrel, fox, bear.

IN: What is it animals?

D: Wild.

IN: Why are they called that?

D: Because they live far from man, they look for food for themselves and build houses for themselves.

IN: What body parts does animals?

D: list body parts animals.

Main part.

Educator: Today we will learn to name the parts of the body correctly animals.

A game "Whose tail?"

IN: Listen as I say. A wolf's tail is a wolf's tail.

This is the squirrel's tail - whose is it?

This is the tail of a wolf, whose is it?

This is the tail of a badger, whose is it?

Educator: Who heard what changed in words?

Children: The last part of the word.

IN: Have you noticed that the tails of the bear and the fox are called slightly differently? Listen: a bear has a bear's tail, and a fox has a fox's tail.

IN: You have envelopes on your tables (pictures with tails wild animals

A game "Guess whose tail?"

IN: Let's play this game with you. I will name what is drawn in my picture, and you - what you have. I have a fox tail, and you, Petya?

Peter: I have a badger tail.

Vasya: I have a fox tail. etc.

IN: Well done, you guessed everything correctly. Do you want to turn into animals and take a walk in a forest clearing? To do this, you need to guess which of the animals was who in childhood and follow the animal tracks.

A game "Who was who?"

IN: The fox was a fox

D: The bear was a bear cub

The badger was a badger, etc.

Children take turns guessing and they put on masks with the image of cubs animals, they follow the footprints laid out on the floor, they pass onto the carpet, they become in a circle.

Physical minute.

On an autumn day in the forest

The animals went to drink.

A bear cub followed the mother bear.

A fox was creeping behind mom's fox.

A squirrel was jumping after my mother.

A badger ran after the badger.

Behind the hare mother is a nimble hare.

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs.

Both mothers and children want to get drunk.

Children imitate the gait of animals, in the end "Lap" water from the reservoir.

A game "Who is whose baby?" (with a ball)

Children stand in a circle on the carpet.

IN: I will throw you a ball and ask who has which baby. for instance: Whose cub is it? And you answer: wolf cub - wolf cub.

D: Squirrel - squirrel cub

Hare - a hare cub and. etc.

IN: Well done. 1-2-3-4-5 - we turned into children again.

IN: While we were walking in the meadow, our animals hid... (A picture of a forest is hung on the board, no animals are visible, only tails are visible, you can use an interactive whiteboard). Let's take a close look and say who hid where. I will be the first to complete the task. I see a badger tail. The badger hid behind a bush.

D: I see a squirrel. The squirrel hid in a hollow.

I see a wolf. The wolf hid in a den. Etc.

IN: What did we learn today?

D: We learned to name correctly, whose tail and whose cub.

IN: The animals left us their portraits as a gift.

Give out animal silhouettes.

IN: but they need to be colored.

Petya, whose portrait are you going to paint?

Peter: I will paint a rabbit portrait.

IN: Ask Vanya, whose portrait he will paint?

Well done, you did very well.

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson "Wild animals of our forests" Development of speech, familiarization with the surrounding world. Topic: "Wild animals of our forests" Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about our wild animals.

Dear Parents! We bring to your attention distance learning for parents of the "Kapitoshki" group Distance learning suggests recommendations.

Abstract of direct educational activities in the senior group "Wild animals of our forests" Objectives: To strengthen children's knowledge of wild animals; To form children's ability to perceive by ear the figurative content of the story "Like a hare.

Abstract of the GCD for the implementation of the PA "Physical culture" for children of the preparatory group with the ONR "Wild animals of our forests" Purpose: Increasing the level of physical readiness of children on the basis of improving motor skills and abilities, as well as the development of motor skills.

Abstract of the OOD in the senior group ZPR "Wild animals of our forests, their cubs" OOD abstract in senior group ZPR №19 "Wild animals of our forests, their cubs" Purpose: To generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about the wild.

Natalia S. Svetikova
Summary of the lesson "Wild animals" (senior group)


1. Consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals;

2. Enrich vocabulary children on the lexical topic.


Educational tasks:

1) activate vocabulary on the topic " Wild animals";

2) teach to answer questions with complete answers;

3) teach to coordinate in gender, number, case;

Developmental tasks:

1) promote the development of auditory attention;

2) promote the development of coordination of movements, fine and general motor skills;

3) promote the development of logical thinking;

Educational tasks:

1) strive to foster children's respect for each other;

2) strive to foster a sense of love in children

3) respect for nature.


1. Pictures with pictures wild animals,

2.masks wild animals,

3. riddles about wild animals,

4.bear painting (separate body parts).

Event progress:

1. Organizing time.

Let's remember our rule:

We always speak beautifully.

That's right, leisurely,

Who wants to talk

He must pronounce

Everything is correct and intelligible

So that everyone understands.

2. Surprise moment "Letter".

Educator: Guys today I went to our kindergarten and in the mailbox I found an envelope, but only from whom it was not written. There is a riddle on the envelope, let's guess it, maybe then we'll find out from whom it is.

What is this little man

Sat on a twig by an oak tree?

Small, but businesslike,

Doesn't sit in vain:

He has no hammer, no hands

Knocks on the trunk: knock Knock.

Find a crack in the bark -

A long nose sticks into it,

Pull out behind the back

Any larva.

That peasant is not simple -

This is our forest doctor.

Children: Woodpecker

IN: Well, now we know who this letter is from. Shall we read it?

D: Yes

IN: Hello dear boys and girls. We had a trouble in the forest, there was a blizzard. Animals all have run away and cannot find their houses. Help me please. And to find animals, guess riddles:

1. Lump of fluff, long ear,

Jumps dexterously, loves carrots. (Hare)

2. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden

He lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

3. It is very small, the fur coat is magnificent,

He lives in a hollow, gnaws at nuts. (Squirrel)

4. Walks without a road in summer

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den

From the frost, hiding the nose. (Bear)

5. Who in the cold winter

Is there an angry, hungry wandering in the forest? (Wolf)

IN: Well done guys, coped with this task. And what do we call all these animals?

D: Wild animals.

IN: We found animals, and remember in the letter the woodpecker said that the blizzard had brought all their houses, will we help to find them?

D: Yes.

3. Game: "Who lives where?"

IN: Connect with a line of wild animal with its dwelling.

D: The bear sleeps in a den. The wolf lives in a den. The fox lives in a hole. The squirrel lives in a hollow. The hare lives under a bush.

IN: Well done and you coped with this task. But we still have tasks from woodpecker:

4. Game “Collect animal"

IN: When the woodpecker flew to us with a letter, he carried a drawing animal, but remember there was a blizzard, a strong wind scattered all parts of the drawing, let's find and collect them.

D: This is a bear head. This is a bear ear. This is a bear torso. These are bearish forepaws. These are bearish hind legs. This is a bear tail.

IN: What we got the animal?

D: Bear.

IN: Well done, we did it. Now is the time to rest.

Physical education

Wolf and hare

(Children stand in a circle, hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into a fist.)

One, two, three, four - (Children alternately unbend their fingers, starting with the index fingers and ending with the little fingers.)

The hare protruded its ears (Children raise their bent arms to their heads (depict "Ears").)

Here he is a gray wolf, a wolf,

He snapped his teeth, snapped! (The teacher claps in front of him (the wolf snaps its teeth).)

Bunny, me, and you, and you, (Bouncing half squats.)

6. Fairy tale: "They were looking for a mother rabbit"

IN: One day a woodpecker in the forest heard that someone was crying plaintively. He sat down on a branch of a tree and watched. He knew that one must behave very carefully in the forest so as not to frighten animalsso as not to harm them. The woodpecker saw that the baby was crying, a small white lump with a small fluffy tail and big ears. He piteously called - “Mom! Mother!"

Suddenly a squirrel jumped onto an oak branch and asked:

- What happened? You are lost?

- Yes, I lost my mother.

- And what is your mother? Does she have fluffy tassels on her ears?

- No, - the baby cried bitterly.

A bear waddled out from behind the oak tree and said:

- Probably your mom is wearing a shaggy brown fur coat?

There was a rustling sound, and a hedgehog rolled out from under the stump. She frowned in concern and said.

“I know your mom has thorns on her back.

- No, - the baby continued to cry.

The bushes began to stir, and a fox came out.

- Who is crying here? Does your mom have such a red fluffy tail?

- No, the kid suddenly laughed. - Where have you seen such mom: with a fluffy tail, in a brown fur coat, with needles on the back, with tassels on the ears?

- Yeah, - all the forest mothers laughed. - And what is your mother?

- My mom is the most beautiful!

- We know, we know, - the forest mothers snapped. How good it is to know the signs of mom. And then his mother jumped out into the clearing. The kid rushed to her. She rubbed herself gently, soothing her cub. How glad all forest mothers were at this meeting!

IN: Children, did you recognize this kid?

D: This is a bunny.

IN: Tell me, what is his mother?

D: The hare has a fluffy coat, gray in summer and white in winter. The hare has long ears, slanting eyes, a small fluffy tail. The hare has short front legs and long hind legs.

IN: What kind animals offered to become his mother?

D: Belchikha, hedgehog, fox, bear.

IN: Are you glad that the bunny found his mother?

D: Yes.

IN: we have found a mother rabbit with you, let us also find other forest kids their mothers. But before we find them, let's play with our fingers.

7. Finger gymnastics.

A squirrel is sitting on a cart

She sells nuts (banging your fists on the table)

Chanterelle - sister,

To a she-wolf, a hedgehog,

Clubfoot bears,

Zainke mustache. (Curl your fingers on each animalstarting with big)

To whom in a scarf,

To whom in the goiter,

To whom in the honey. (Banging your fists on the table)

8. Game: “Find Mom”.

IN: On the card there are several superimposed contour images of forest mothers, and next to it is an image of one cub. You should circle the image of the mother whose baby is on your card.

9. Summary lessons.

Well done, you worked very well today, coped with all the tasks that you

suggested the woodpecker in his letter.

Related publications:

Synopsis of the individual lesson "Wild and Domestic Animals" (younger group) Carrying out form: Travel. Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of a child of primary preschool age about wild and domestic animals. Objectives: 1.

"Wild animals". Summary of the lesson on the formation of grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech (senior group) Summary of the lesson on the formation of grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech (Senior group) Topic of the lesson: "Forest lesson" (to the lexical.

Abstract of the GCD "Wild animals in the winter forest" (middle group) Abstract of the GCD "Wild animals in the winter forest" Educational area: cognition Type of activity: directly educational Age.

Purpose: To create conditions for clarifying and systematizing children's knowledge of wild animals. Tasks: Consolidation of children's knowledge about wild animals.

GBOU D / S №164 Prepared and conducted by: Strelkova N.V. Moscow 2012

The purpose of the lesson: to expand and deepen the knowledge of children about wild animals.

Educational tasks: consolidation of ideas about wild animals, their appearance. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic: "Wild animals" (animals, beast, bear, wolf, fox, squirrel, hare, hedgehog, gatehouse). Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Development of skills in syllabic analysis of words.

Developing tasks: development of speech hearing, speech breathing, visual attention, spatial orientation, thinking, fine and general motor skills, coherent speech, sense of rhyme, development creative imagination and imitation.

Educational: the formation of skills of mutual understanding, goodwill, cooperation, responsibility, initiative.

Equipment: Pictures of wild animals. Laptop, disk with didactic games, multimedia screen, tape recorder, CD with music for relaxation. A stuffed squirrel.

The course of the lesson.
1 Organizational moment. Exercise "Guess and Name".
Educator: - Guys, now I will ask you riddles, and you will guess them. Find the answer among the pictures.
Where does he live? Most often.
In the very, very real,
Loves raspberries, loves honey,
Has a reputation for a sweet tooth (Bear).
The first child guesses the riddle and takes out a picture of a bear.
Educator: - Whom did you find?
Child: - Bear.
Then riddles are made about the fox, the hare and the hedgehog, the squirrel.

Look at how it all burns like gold
The tail is fluffy and large.
The craftswoman is a subterfuge, and her name is ... (Fox).

What kind of forest animal is this?
Hidden under a pine tree
And stands among the grass
The ears are above the head. (Hare).

Here are the needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.
They look at me, they want milk. (Hedgehog).

The red-haired mistress has a lot of work:
It is necessary to fill the hollow with mushrooms,
Have time to change a fur coat for another.
Winter is coming soon! We must hurry! (Squirrel).
2. Examination of the protein. Tactile examination.
Educator: - Look who came running to us. What does a squirrel have?
Children: - Muzzle: eyes, ears, nose, mouth with sharp teeth, torso covered with fur, 4 legs with sharp claws, fluffy tail.
Educator: - She needs a fluffy tail in order to jump in the trees, and when it's cold, she needs to hide herself like a blanket. And what are the legs with sharp claws for?
Children: - To climb trees.
Educator: - What are sharp teeth for?
Children: - Gnaw nuts.
Educator: - What else does the squirrel love?
Children: - Mushrooms, berries, seeds.
Educator: - Bear, fox, hare, hedgehog, squirrel - what kind of animals are they?
Children: - Wild.
Educator: - Why are these animals called wild? (The teacher listens to the answers of the children.). Guys, which one of you answered correctly?
Children: - Artem answered correctly. People do not care for wild animals. Wild animals get their own food and live far from people.
Educator: - Where do they live?
Children: - In the forest.
3. Logical task:
Educator: - Guys, look at the picture and tell me who is superfluous? (Slide 1. Image of a bear, wolf, hare, fox, hedgehog, dog).
Children: - Dog.
4. Forest animals and their cubs.
Educator: - Guys, in front of you are not adult children, but their cubs. Do you know what they are called and who is their mother? (Slide 2 - 9. Hedgehogs, bears, cubs, hares, foxes, tiger cubs, squirrels, lion cubs.).
Children: - The hedgehog has a hedgehog,
The bear has cubs,
The she-wolf has wolf cubs,
The hare has a rabbit,
The fox has cubs
The tigress has cubs,
The squirrel has a squirrel,
The lioness has lion cubs.
5. Gymnastics for the eyes.
I'm jumping here and there (moving eyes up - straight ahead)
The trees are clever. (downward movement of the eyes - straight ahead)
Never empty (eye movement to the right - straight ahead)
I have a pantry. (downward movement of the eyes - straight ahead)
6. Game "Watering".
Educator: - Our animals wanted to drink and went to a watering place. Spin around yourself and turn into animals. (children go in circles)
On a hot day, the animals walked along the forest path to a watering hole
A moose calf stomped behind a moose (walk, stomping loudly)
A fox was sneaking behind the fox (sneaking on tiptoes)
Rabbits galloped for the hare (they gallop like hares)
A hedgehog rolled after the hedgehog (crouch, run in short steps)
Squirrels galloped for the squirrel (they jump squatting)
A bear cub followed the bear, (they waddle)
The she-wolf led her wolf cubs, (depict wolf cubs)
All mothers and children want to get drunk (turn in a circle, "lap" with their tongue)
Educator: - Turn around yourself and turn into children.
7. The game "Who is gone?" using a laptop.
Educator: - Look at the pictures and tell who will not.
The teacher shows a slide with a picture of four animals (bear, fox, hare, hedgehog). One animal “hides” on each next slide.
Children: guess and call: “There is no bear (fox, hare, hedgehog).
8. Finger gymnastics "Hedgehog". Children stand in a circle. They depict a hedgehog with fingers in a lock.
The little hedgehog is frozen
And curled up into a ball
(Press your fingers - the hedgehog removed the needles)
The sun of the hedgehog warmed -
The hedgehog turned around.
(Straighten your fingers - the hedgehog showed thorns.)

9. Title.
Educator: - Today we talked a lot about forest dwellers. And I brought you a story by Valentin Dmitrievich Berestov "How to find a path" on the theme of the forest, wild animals.
And the headline immediately suggests that someone is lost and is looking for a path to the house. Listen.
- The guys went to the forest to visit their grandfather, the forester. Let's go and get lost. They are watching. Squirrel jumps over them. From tree to tree. From tree to tree. Guys - to her.
Squirrel, squirrel, tell me
Squirrel, squirrel, show me
How to find a track
To grandfather's lodge?
- Very simple! - Belka answers. - Jump from this tree to that one, from that tree to the crooked birch tree. From the crooked birch, a large, large oak is visible. The roof is visible from the top of the oak. This is the gatehouse. Well, what are you, jump!
“Thank you, Belka,” the guys say. - Only we do not know how to jump on trees. We'd better ask someone else.
The Hare is galloping. The guys sang their song to him:
Bunny, Bunny, tell me
Bunny, Bunny, show me
How to find a track
To grandfather's lodge?
- To the lodge? - asked the Hare. - Nothing could be easier. It will smell like mushrooms at first. So? Then - hare cabbage. So? Then he smells like a fox hole. So? Skip this smell to the right or left. So? When he's left behind, smell like this and smell the smoke. Download directly to it without turning anywhere. This is the forester grandfather setting the samovar.
- Thank you, Bunny, the guys say. - It's a pity that our noses are not as sensitive as yours. I'll have to ask someone else.
They see the Snail crawling.
Hey Snail, tell me
Hey Snail, show me
How to find a track
To grandfather's lodge?
- Tell to-o-olgo, sighed the Snail. - I'd rather take you there. Crawl after me. - Thank you, Snail! - the guys say. - We have no time to crawl. We'd better ask someone else.
A Bee sits on a flower. Guys to her.
Bee, Bee, tell me
Bee, bee, show me
How to find a track
To grandfather's lodge?
- Well, - says the Bee. - I'll show you ... Look where I'm flying ... Follow me. See my sisters. Where they are, there you are. We bring honey to grandfather's apiary. Well, goodbye! I’m in an awful hurry. F-f-f ...
And flew away. The guys didn't even have time to say thank you to her. They went where the bees were flying and quickly found a hut.
What a joy it was! And then grandfather treated them to tea.

Reading the story, the teacher gives an explanation for the word gatehouse - a room for a watchman, a forester.
- Did you like this story? Did you like the guys? Why did all the forest dwellers gladly help them?
- The tale is called "How to find a track." What title would you come up with? (Help of forest animals. Good forest.).
ten . Muscle relaxation exercises using music.
The teacher invites the children to lie on their backs and close their eyes.
Educator: - Imagine that you are lying in a forest clearing, the sun is shining. The sun warms your face, shoulders, arms, chest, legs, you feel warm, calm. Inhale and exhale slowly. And suddenly the birds chirped. Open your eyes, smile at each other, hold hands. Smile to everyone!
11. Lesson summary.
Educator: - Guys, what animals did we talk about today? Where do these animals live? What story did I read to you? Who wrote this story?

CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW NUNS: bear, she-bear, bear cub, wolf, she-wolf, cub, hare, hare, hare, fox, fox, fox, fox, burrow, den, squirrel, squirrel, hollow, elk, moose cow, calf, horns, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog , wild boar, boar, hog, badger, badger, badger, forest, glade, cheat, paw, wool, claws, nose, ears, hooves, tail. Muzzle, snout, mouth, animals, cubs, bushes, trees, mouse, lynx, raccoon, beaver, deer, marten, fangs, sable, mink, mole, den, connecting rod.

ADDITIONAL:brown, clubfoot, cunning, predatory, gray, indefatigable, scary, thick (wool), red, wild, fluffy, dexterous, careful, fast, white, cowardly, long-eared, lop-eared, sensitive (ears), oblique, fearful, velvet, prickly, wolfish, striped

VERBS: wanders, climbs, roars, fights (bast), jumps, jumps, growls, grins. It hunts, escapes, howls, gnaws, digs, runs, "gave a snatch", collects, stores, grunts, sniffs, sniffs, listens, lurks, pricks, sneaks, sucks, lies down, falls in.


Tell your child that it is a bear (bear), that there are brown, black and polar bears. Show the little bears. Show where the bear's nose is, where the paws are strong, that the bear is covered with hair. Tell us that bears are very strong animals, they are the largest land predators. Paws are strong, five-fingered, with large non-retractable claws. The claws are controlled by powerful muscles, allowing bears to climb trees, as well as dig the ground and tear apart prey. Tell us that bears are omnivorous but love honey. Brown and black bears spend the winter in a den and sleep. sleep and suck their paws (live off accumulated fats, tell us how a bear sucks a paw). Tell about a polar bear that he lives in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is very cold, where there is snow and ice, but his fur and subcutaneous layer of fat are so warm that he is not cold.

If the bear has accumulated little fat since the fall, then it wakes up in winter and walks through the forest hungry. For this, the bear was nicknamed the connecting rod.


Fox, or fox. Animal with beautiful fur, show the child in the picture how long and beautiful her tail is. Describe that the chanterelle is very cunning, show her cunning eyes, a pointed nose. The most common color is red. The fox is a predator. (remember the fairy tales about how she hunted chickens, ducks, a bunny).

Basically, the fox hunts mice, gophers, less often hares. The fox cunningly catches hedgehogs. She rolls the hedgehog to the water, he spreads his thorns in the water and swims to the shore. Here the fox is waiting for him.
The fox lives in a hole, in the spring foxes have cubs.


Squirrel "rodent" - loves seeds and nuts. Butshe also feeds on berries, mushrooms, cones. Show your child what a beautiful fur coat she has, a white tummy, what a long red tail, ears. One of the well-known distinguishing features of many squirrels is their ability to store nuts for the winter. Some types of squirrels are buried in the ground, others hide them in the hollows of trees. When an enemy is detected, they emit a shrill sound, warning other squirrels. Squirrels are very intelligent animals, and often allow a person to feed themselves, take seeds from their hands. The squirrel gives valuable fur.

The squirrel has sharp claws. This helps her to quickly climb the tree. The bushy tail serves as a parachute for the squirrel. The squirrel lives in a hollow, insulates its nest with down. The squirrel is red in summer and gray in winter. In winter, the squirrel sleeps almost all the time and looks little out of the hollow.
Squirrels develop squirrels in spring.


Hedgehogs are very secretive animals; they leave their day shelters only at nightfall. And in places where they are little disturbed, animals can be found in the daytime, especially a hedgehog with hedgehogs taking sun baths.
Living constantly in one place, they remember well the places where they can hide in case of danger, quickly find a rain or snail, caterpillar or bug. After all, they need to eat their fill in the short night hours in order to accumulate more fat for the winter.

During rare autumn walks hedgehogs dig dry leaves, grass and other construction material and pull them into the nests, trying to insulate them as much as possible. With the onset of frost, they tightly close the inlet from the inside and fall asleep for the whole winter.

Hedgehogs are unpretentious animals. They eat everything that gets in their way: insects and their larvae, earthworms, wood lice, millipedes, various snails. Hedgehogs recognize their smell even a meter away. They do not refuse poisonous insects either. Without the slightest harm to themselves, the animals eat Spanish flies, foul-smelling bugs, are not afraid of bee venom.
In spring, 3 to 8 hedgehogs appear.


The wolf is a predatory animal. Wolves live in packs. The pack is a wolf family. Wolves almost always hunt for sick weak animals. Wolves hunt at night.

Wolves live in a den to raise cubs, cubs appear in spring.


The hare is a rodent. The hare feeds on grass, leaves, bark of shrubs, mushrooms, roots. In winter, gnaws at the bark of trees. The hare is white in winter and gray in summer. This helps him to hide from predators. Long, fast paws also save the hare from enemies. The hare runs uphill, and rolls down the mountain. A hare lives under a bush in summer, and in winter it digs a hole in the snow.

In spring, hares appear at the hare.


The boar is an omnivorous animal. It differs from the domestic pig, which is undoubtedly descended from the boar, has a shorter and denser body, thicker and higher legs; in addition, the boar's head is longer and thinner, the ears are longer, sharper and, moreover, erect, sharp, the canines of the male are much more developed than those of the female. The bristles, except for the lower part of the neck and the back of the abdomen, form a kind of mane on the back. The bristles are black-brown in color with an admixture of yellowish, the undercoat is brownish-gray, due to which the general color is gray-black-brown, the muzzle, tail, lower legs and hooves are black.

Wild boars live in a den with thick walls, soft bedding and a roof made of branches. In early spring, the piglets (wild boars) appear in the wild boar.


The moose has a large hunchbacked head. The upper thick lip is longer than the lower one. The body is massive, with a nape similar to a hump. The legs of the moose are long, with wide hooves. They allow you to walk in deep snow, in a swamp.The elk also has a decoration - large wide antlers. And so that they do not interfere with running through the forest thickets, the elk raises its head, as if putting its horns on its back.True, in winter the elk sheds its decoration. Nothing, new will grow in the summer!

Moose calves are born in spring. A moose mother gently licks her cub and feeds him with milk.


The sable is an agile, beautiful and fast animal. He likes to live where there are many fallen trees, snags, thickets. The sable is flexible strong body, small fluffy tail, wide paws with sharp claws. On the head with a narrow muzzle there are small, almost round ears. The sable is famous for its fur coat.
For housing, the sable chooses the hollow not very high above the ground. Or he makes a refuge in an old tree stump, under a snag. He climbs trees well, jumps from branch to branch. But more often he runs on the ground.
The sable is a predator. In winter, it hunts wood grouse, black grouse, etc.

In the spring, babies appear. They are tiny, defenseless. Their eyes open only after a month. The female feeds them with milk, and the sable - the father brings food. The sable grow up and by the fall begin an independent life.

Game "Guess what animal is it?"
Brown, clubfoot, clumsy - ...
Gray, toothy, terrible - ...
Sly, fluffy, red - ...

Game "Call Mom"
Bear cub at the bear,
fox at ...,
hare at ...
wolf cub at ...
squirrel at ....
hedgehog at ...
calf at ....
sable at ....

Game "Who lives where?"
A fox lives in a hole.
In the den - ...
In the den - ...
In the hollow - ...

Game "Guess who is doing what?":
Hunting - ...
Creeps - ...
Howls - ...
Bites - ...
Rides - ...
Cunning - ...
Waddles - ...

Game "Describe the Beast":
Wolf (what?) -….
Fox (what?) - ...
Hedgehog (what?) - ...
Bear (what?) -...
Elk (what?) - ....

The game "Whose, Whose, Whose?"
Trail - wolf, fox, hare ...
Ears - bear, hare, squirrel ...
Head - elk, hedgehog, wolf, fox ...

Writing a descriptive story about wild animals according to the scheme


This beast lives in the forest
Bark gnaws at the trunks.
In the summer, in a gray fur coat,
And in winter - in a little white one. (Hare)
What does a hare eat in the spring? (grass, leaves).

Master of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
Sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)
What does a bear eat? (roots, grasses, beetles, mice, hares).

We will recognize the animal
For two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)
What does a squirrel feed on? (cones, nuts).

All winter between the trees
I overslept a bag of needles.
"F-f.f - stop sleeping,
It's time to get up! " (Hedgehog)
What does a hedgehog eat? (beetles, worms, mice).

Gray and toothy.
Howls on a rainy day:
"Ooh-ooh.,." (Wolf)
What food does a wolf eat? (meat - catches mice, hares, sheep).

Fluffy tail
The fur is golden
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens in the village. (Fox)
Who else is the fox catching? (mice, hares).

Didactic game. "Guess".

A short man, weak in appearance, but he will not be offended.
You better not touch him, he walks in a chopping coat ... (hedgehog)

Ears on the crown
And tassels on the ears.
Big cat is a terrible beast
And the claws are sharp, believe me.
And you can’t tell her "Scatter!"
After all, this is a predator, this is… .. (Lynx).

Like an arrow shot from a small bow.
A red light in the branches flashed ... (Squirrel.)

A fur coat with a small tail.
The ears are long, moreover.
What a handsome man
Real ... (Hare.)

He looks like a shepherd dog,
Every tooth is a sharp knife.
He knows a lot about pigs,
He is a gray predator, he is ... (Wolf.)

Clubfoot feet
Sleeps in a den in winter.
Guess - ka, answer,
This is a predatory beast ... (Bear.)

Sly cheat.
The tail is long - beauty!
This is a predator ... (Fox.)

What kind of monster is this in the thicket of the forest?
Like a horn hanger. Have you guessed? This is ... (Elk.)

Wildlife Instructional Video