How to cook apricot jam with kernels. Apricot jam with kernels

We will prepare a real treat for children and adults - apricot jam with kernels for the winter!

Such jam is not only very tasty, appetizing and beautiful, it is a real vitamin pantry. Because fruits lose vitamins during cooking, then the apricots themselves in the jam are "just" unusually tasty. And in the nucleoli, according to some authors, substances are preserved that have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and skin. I do not presume to argue, but for that short moment of pleasure that you will receive while drinking tea with such jam, you can forget about everything!

There are options for making such a jam with whole fruits, while the nucleoli are hidden inside. Perhaps it is beautiful. But in my opinion, it is not very convenient when consumed: after all, apricots are not such small fruits, and biting a large apricot from jam in a company is not very nice. You can sprinkle with syrup or pour yourself over, so I always cut the apricots and dip the kernels into the syrup. It is no less beautiful.

So, for making apricot jam with kernels for the winter, take the necessary products.

Rinse the fruit, dry. Cut each in half, remove the seeds. I have apricots of the shalah variety, quite large, so I also cut each half in half.

Cover the apricots with sugar, shake so that each slice is dipped in sugar. Leave in this form for 2-3 hours at room temperature. If you make jam in the evening, then put this blank in the refrigerator at night. The apricots will give off juice.

The next day, when the apricots stand overnight in the refrigerator with sugar, place them in a saucepan, add water and bring it all to a boil, remove the foam. Cook the jam over low heat for 5 minutes, stir gently, shake it better. Cool completely.

Break the bones and remove the nucleoli. Try them. There are varieties with bitter nucleoli, they need to be doused with boiling water and the upper skin removed. Mine turned out to be sweet, so there was no need to remove the skin.

Now boil the jam again for 5 minutes and cool again. Try the apricots, if they are all evenly cooked, then the jam can be placed in dry jars and stored. You can repeat this step again - get a thicker jam, you can add lemon juice if you want.

We've got such a bright, aromatic apricot jam with kernels!

Try it, bon appetit!


It is not for nothing that apricot jam with kernels is often called royal. Everything in it meets the highest standards: color, taste and amazing smell. It is very important to choose the right ingredients. It will be ideal if you choose such apricots, the kernels of which are also suitable for jam. Traditionally, apricots are chosen slightly unripe, and the seeds are taken from those fruits that have already ripened. This largely affects the overall taste of the dish, its aroma and the integrity of the fruit slices.
In this simple step-by-step photo recipe, we will tell you how you can properly prepare delicious apricot jam with kernels at home. Home preservation is a vast and global topic. Products for her are chosen in accordance with personal preferences, but almost everyone necessarily closes with apricot jam. This versatile and affordable product retains its vitamins during boiling. Also, after conservation, apricots retain their shape well and remain incredibly delicate in taste.
Let's get down to preparing apricot jam with kernels for the winter.


Apricot jam with kernels - recipe

We put the selected fruits in a colander and rinse several times in cold water, get rid of spoiled apricots. We leave the fruits on a clean and dry cloth so that they dry from moisture, divide them in half and remove the seeds.

Now we need to very carefully crush the shell of the bone and remove the nucleolus from it. We do this with all the ingredients and put the finished product in a separate bowl as shown in the photo.

We will prepare the syrup based on lemon, so we rinse it very carefully and cut it into thin slices. Pour water into an aluminum pan, add sugar there and add lemon circles, mix slightly and set on fire. Bring the liquid to a boil and cook the syrup for 1-3 minutes until the sugar dissolves.

We filter the finished syrup through a sieve, let it cool completely at room temperature. Then pour the apricot halves with sweet liquid and let them stand for a while.

We put the pan with apricots and syrup on the fire, bring to a boil, stirring and removing the foam, turn off the heat and leave the future jam to infuse for 8-10 hours.

After the specified time has elapsed, we repeat the manipulations, but now we add chopped pieces of nucleoli to the syrup. After another 8-10 hours, bring the syrup to a boil for the last time, cook the apricots over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Fill the apricots with the required amount of sugar and leave them for several hours, or better overnight, so that they give juice.

All seeds from apricots must be split and the nucleoli removed from them. Unfortunately, their shells are very hard and can only be broken with a hammer. This is the most time consuming part of making the jam.

Let's go back to the apricots. To cook the jam, you will need a wide non-oxidizing dish - a large saucepan or frying pan, and ideally a special bowl for jam.

Transfer the apricots with sugar to this bowl and put on low heat. Be careful not to damage the apricot halves and stir the jam until the sugar dissolves.

After the apricots have boiled, cook them for 5-7 minutes and then remove from heat. If foam forms, they should be removed. Cool the jam completely and let it brew for a couple of hours.

Repeat this procedure one more time - bring the jam to a boil, simmer for 5-7 minutes and then cool completely. The third time, add apricot kernels to the jam and boil the jam again for 5-7 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

In our family, apricot jam was considered a jewel and an amazing delicacy. Our grandmother always brought us from the village several buckets of ripe and fragrant apricots, which shone and smelled throughout the kitchen. If in the summer my grandmother's luggage was always fresh fruit, then in the winter she always brought us delicious preparations in jars. Since my mother worked for days, she never had time to stand in the kitchen and roll up the jam, and grandmother's gifts saved the whole family. Of course, most of all we loved sweet jam and, of the many varieties, preferred apricot jam. As I remember now, my grandmother brought us her signature apricot jam with kernels - this was the subject of her special pride, and we, in turn, instantly devastated everything that she brought. We even specially chose the nucleoli, as they were very tasty and sweet. Mom loved this jam for its specific nutty aroma, she kept saying that it was like almonds. And my grandmother called such a royal jam, maybe even at court it was prepared. It was a secret for us, but we loved jam very much. Now I make myself apricot jam with kernels. I offer you my step-by-step recipe for this delicious dessert.

- 700 grams of apricot,
- 700 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook from a photo step by step

Let's prepare apricot 6 for our jam, divide them into equal halves, take out the seeds and put them aside.

Fold the apricot halves into a deep container and cover with granulated sugar. Let's leave the apricots for a couple of hours so that they let the juice in, in which we will cook the jam. I do not add water so that the jam does not turn out to be very liquid.

We boil the jam 2 times for 5-7 minutes, then insist for 10 hours in the resulting syrup.

We break the seeds from the apricot, put the nucleoli in a bowl.

Fill with boiling water for 10 minutes so that the bitter peel is easier to remove.

We drain the water from the kernels, clean them and send them to hot jam. By this time, the jam should be boiled a third time, the main thing is that it boils well over low heat. Boil the jam for another 5 minutes together with the nucleoli, gently stirring with a spoon.

We put hot jam with nucleoli in sterile jars. We will prepare the jars in advance: we will steam them or bake them in the oven.

Let's roll up the caps: ordinary iron caps are suitable for a seaming key, or take screw caps that screw on without any keys, just by hand.

The prepared jam is very tasty and presentable. It can be safely served at the festive table when guests are on the doorstep.

Bon Appetite!
It turns out no less tasty

Required products:

1 kilogram of apricots;
1.5 kilograms of sugar.


Ripe apricots must be selected. This is necessary so that the bone is well separated. First, the fruit must be washed and left until all the water is drained. The bones should be removed. Then you need to split them and get the nucleoli. They will be useful to us.

Peeled fruits must be covered with sugar and kernels must be added. In this form, the apricots should be left for a day. After that, the bowl of jam must be put on the fire. But the mass is advised to stir. When bubbles appear, turn off the jam and leave for 10 hours. Boil the jam several times. This will help keep the berries intact.

After 10 hours, the jam must be boiled again and poured into previously sterilized jars. Boil the lids and cover the jars with them. Then the banks should be rolled up. Jars should be turned upside down with lids and wrapped in a blanket.

Apricot jam with lemon

Many do not even know how to cook apricot jam with kernels. But this recipe will help even an inexperienced housewife make a delicious preparation for the winter. You can make apricot jam, but for that we need a lemon. This is an unusual piece. Such jam can be cooked in one go, but the time will need to be increased to an hour. Usually everyone prepares the workpiece in three steps.

To thicken, simply add time to cooking. For example, those who want to make thick jam should cook it for about 15 minutes, and those who prefer a liquid mass should cook it for 5 minutes.

Required products:

3 kilograms of apricots;
2 kilograms of sugar;


The first step is to rinse the apricots and leave them until the excess water drains. Then they need to be cut a little into two halves and get the bone. It is in the kernels of the seeds that the whole highlight of our workpiece lies.

The peeled fruit must be put in a bowl for making jam. The lemon should be cut into 4 pieces. It will need to be passed through a meat grinder along with the peel. The resulting lemon mass must be laid out to the apricots and covered with sugar. Cover the basin with a towel on top. In this form, the workpiece should stand for about 3 hours. During this time, the apricots will sprinkle to give juice.

In the meantime, you will need to kill all the bones and get the nucleoli from there. The grains must remain intact. After 3 hours, the bowl of jam should be put on the fire and brought to a boil. After boiling, foam should form, which will need to be removed. Then the fire can be reduced.

Cook the jam for as long as necessary until the desired thickness is formed. That is 15, if thick and 5 minutes, if liquid. Then remove the basin from the stove and leave to infuse for 8 hours. Then again you need to put the bowl of jam on the fire and bring to a boil. Stir the mixture during cooking. We cook the time you need and again set aside for 8 hours.

Then we send the basin to the stove for the third time. While the jam is cooking, you need to prepare the jars and lids. They are usually sterilized. Each jar should boil for about 15 minutes. After the jam has boiled for the last time, you need to throw kernels from the seeds into it.

Everything should be mixed and boiled for another 10 minutes, then removed from the stove. Ready jam must be put in jars and rolled up. The cylinders should be turned upside down with lids and wrapped in a blanket. The recipe for apricot jam with kernels turned out to be very simple. By the way, it turns out no less tasty.

Apricot jam with kernels in a slow cooker

Many housewives switch to cooking various dishes in multicooker. It turns out that there you can cook not just ordinary food, but also preparations for the winter. You can try making apricot jam with kernels in a slow cooker. Apricots can be cut into small pieces instead of two halves. Thus, you get something like jam. Below is a recipe for making apricot jam, where the ingredients are designed for a half-liter jar. If you need to cook more, you just need to increase the amount of food. Well, the first time you can prepare one jar purely for testing.

Required products:

650 grams of apricots:
350 grams of sugar;
freshly squeezed juice from half a large lemon.


How to cook apricot jam with kernels, a detailed cooking recipe with a photo can be seen below. The first step is to wash the apricots. Then you need to carefully remove the bones from them. If you have chosen good fruits, then this will be easy.

Peeled apricots need to be sent to the multicooker bowl and covered with sugar. Immediately add freshly squeezed lemon juice and stir. On the multicooker, set the "Baking" or "Stew" mode and the timer for an hour. If you chose the first cooking mode, then you need to close the lid.

The first half hour you need to look and mix the jam. And the second half hour must be constantly stirred, so it can burn. Ready jam must be poured into jars and rolled up. The cylinders should be sterilized beforehand. Banks are advised to turn the lids down.

Apricot jam with kernels

Most jam is made from sugar and fruit, but you can prepare a blank by adding a little water. Below is a recipe for cooking, where the ingredients are calculated for 1 kilogram of fruit.

Required products:

1 kilogram of apricots;
1 kilogram of sugar;
110 grams of water.


You calculate the amount of ingredients yourself. For example, if you need to cover 5 kilograms of apricot, you will need 5 kilograms of sugar and half a liter of water. The apricots must be thoroughly washed and sorted out so that there are no spoiled fruits. They should be checked before buying so that they are easily separated from the seeds.

The bones should be split. You need to do this carefully so that the nucleoli remain intact. They will need to be put back inside the fruit. Put water on fire, then add sugar there. Put the pan on fire and boil. You need to cook the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Put apricots in boiling syrup.