Travel certificate. Travel certificate program for business registration

ArtConfig: Commanders

Comfortable, multifunctional, scalable program for business trips " ArtConfig: Commanders"It is designed to keep registering planned and actual business trips, in order to predict labor costs and financial costs, as well as to combine multiple business trips and sending express mail, to one.

In addition, based on the filled applications Commanders, You can create a document "".

Based on the document " Estimated travel expenses"You can print an application for transferring funds to the report and the estimate of travel expenses.

Configuration " ArtConfig: Commanders»It will be a simple and convenient tool for traveling business trips in any field of activity.


  • drawing up applications on a business trip;
  • drawing up an advance estimate of travel expenses;
  • print statements in accounting and estimates of travel expenses;
  • an accountant of the actual costs in relation to issued advances on the basis of the checks provided;
  • processing of group approval and payment of estimates of travel expenses;
  • report on business trips;
  • a summary report on business trips, which shows intersecting business trips to merge them;
  • report on the Gantta chart on downloading employees on business trips. The report can be built in the context of employees, cities and cars;
  • report on approved and paid estimates of travel expenses;
  • the delimitation of access rights to users with the role of the head of the department (employees can view each other's business trips, but cannot edit and delete other people's requests).


  • a convenient product for monitoring travel expenses, as well as analyzing business trips, drawing up the schedule;
  • convenient, understandable interface;
  • the program code for business trips is open. You can refine the configuration for your needs.
  • Operational technical support, an individual approach to each client!

If you need a demo, please write to me.

* The demo through the browser is not always well displayed. Those who want to provide access in terminal mode. This is nothing complicated and terrible. Write me to email.
The demo version is not completely printed by the text of the application. Unfortunately, this is a limitation of 1C platform and web interface. I can provide access to the remote desktop to test this configuration. If the demo version of the program for conducting business trips is not started or you detect some error in the configuration, I will be very grateful if you email me to email - [Email Protected] ! Thank you!

The direction of the employee on a business trip is a frequently found fact of economic life. In the pharmacy business, a business trip can be a trip to the branch (division), located in another city, a visit to the specialized conferences, thematic exhibitions, etc. In any case, the fact of the direction of the pharmacy officer on a business trip must be issued properly. About how to do this and what changes in the registration of travel expenses occurred, read in the article.

The procedure for the direction of employees on a business trip regulates the provision on the peculiarities of the direction of employees to official business trips, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749. Changes in it were made by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1595.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1595 "On Amendments to Some Acts of the Government Russian Federation"(Hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 1595) From January 8, 2015, the issuance of travel certificates issued during the direction of employees on a business trip is canceled. About how the actual finding of an employee on a business trip will now be confirmed in this article.

Cancellation of travel certificates caused some excitement among experts, this event was extremely important. Indeed, all business entities are very accustomed to this document, it was used in the country for several decades. However, is the consequences of the cancellation that occurred?

Employers are no longer required to make commissioned employees neither service task nor a travel certificate. At the same time, the execution of the report of the employee about the work performed.

Accounting programs will retain the possibility of forming travel certificates, service tasks and business reports ,. About this informed the director of the company "1C" Boris Nuraliev.

The expert explained: "The possibility of forming an order for a business trip to" salary "solutions of the" 1C: enterprises "system is preserved. As for the cancellation of other supporting documents, this is an organizational change that does not require support in programs. "

"Accountant is important to know that these documents are no longer necessary, although the possibility of forming printed forms in the programs is still supported," said Nuraliev.

The employees of the organization were on a business trip, discharged a total account for the hotel per employee, and not for each commaed. Will such a document (common account for accommodation) be legitimate to attribute to costs to reduce the income tax base?

The director of our organization went on a business trip to Moscow to search for new suppliers. In a business certificate there are no marks in which organization was our director. At the time of the business trip (5 days), he lived in the hotel. Can an accountant adopt an advance report to tax accounting, if there are no marks on arrival and departs on a travel certificate?

In the direction of the employee, a travel certificate is discharged to him on a service trip. By marks in it, the duration of the trip is determined. However, officials clarified how to be if such marks are not affixed.

Please tell me who should put marks on a travel certificate (arrived, loss). We have people will be sent to our construction sites, the marks are set by the linear ITR attached to the object. I do not know if it is correct?

To confirm costs, the daily company did not collect confirmation documents: accounts, commodity and cash checks, and limited to a travel certificate only. Can inspectors requiring confirmation documents and how in this case to defend their costs? We turned with this question to the Russian Ministry of Finance, the Chief Accountant and the tax lawyer who discussed him in our edition.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in the letter No. 03-03-06 / 1/906 dated 01.04.2010 explains whether the employee needs to provide accounts or cash checks in addition to a travel certificate to confirm costs in the form of daily.

The specialists of the Ministry of Finance noted that from January 1, 2009, the organization has the right to make the cost of paying daily rate in the amount of actual costs not exceeding, however, however, the work of the number of days of travel and the size of the daily, enshrined in the collective agreement or local Regulatory act of the organization.

At the same time, under actual costs, the costs of the taxpayer for the payment of daily rate, and not the cost of an employee for their use, as the daily pays are paid in a fixed amount of cash for each day of the business trip.

Taking into account the fact that the daily daily reimbursed the employee for each day of being on a business trip, at the same time staying on the business trip is confirmed by a travel certificate, costs in the form of daily can be confirmed by a travel certificate.

In addition, according to a return worker, an advanced report was obliged to submit an advanced report on the employer within 3 working days and to make a final settlement on the cash advance payment issued to him before leaving Travel certificate designed properly.

Thus, a travel certificate is properly designed, is one of the documents required to confirm the spending on a business trip.

Collecting on a business trip to his employee, the organization does everything possible so that his trip not only brought the benefit of the company itself, but also did not create any problems leaving. Business trips for a company representative must be extremely simplified. All concerns about the hotel, transport, and documents takes on the sending.

Expenditures that will suffer traveling are calculated in advance. Some amount is issued to him, and tickets are bought on another, and a room is booked. In addition, on a business trip, an employee is endowed with authority.

How the ID is issued and how to avoid when filling some ordinary errors so that there are no problems on the road, is important information that you need to know.

When an employee fulfills his duties in the office of the company, all organizational or project issues are resolved by the head. But there are situations where the company is forced to send his specialist to another city. A person can go himself, without a travel certificate.

Such trips are practiced quite often when the organization is small and a slight trip. The hotel for the hotel is located on the Internet, a ticket is acquired, the arrival of a specialist is reported on the phone.

Upon arrival, he presents any power of attorney and a passport for which it is accepted in the company of another city. All operations S. cash Produced through the accounting of the usual order. This is a simplified view.

By law, large enterprises that send their representative to another city as an intern, a specialist, a consultant or for other reasons, should give him all the authority to fulfill their work as conceived. For this, a travel certificate is issued.

How is a documentary design work, you will learn in this video:

This document is issued by order of the head of the employee during the business trip. It gives the authority and advocates his stay on the territory of another region or city. At the end of the business trip, on arrival home, the certificate is applied to the financial statement in form No.Ao-1.

In addition, the document is needed at the most riste and reporting, thanks to the certificate, the lack of an employee at the workplace for the needs of the company is an acquittive reason. Especially if a business trip may take a month, for example.

Such situations are now taking place quite often - experts are sent to the Crimea, from different organizations to create and develop branches and subsidiaries. Railways can send his employee for repair work to another region for an indefinite period - in this case, traveling is held if the company adopted a representative will reasonably ask for this.

The issuance of a travel certificate is not mandatory.

Form and structure of a travel certificate

The certificate may look like a book or simple form. Organizations themselves choose the desired format. If the same employee is constantly driving on a business trip, then it is issued a reusable document in the form of a book (unified form T-10).

If the trips happen very rarely, the form is printed on plain paper in the form approved by the manual.

The certificate contains:

  • data on the enterprise (name, OKUD, OKPO codes);
  • internal registration number (by account);
  • date of issue;
  • F. I. O. Officer, his position;
  • place of travel (company name);
  • purpose of the trip;
  • for how long the time is sent;
  • passport ID;
  • signature and print sending director.

In the Blanca, the receiving side also should be noted the time of arrival and departure of the traveling. The data is fastened by the signature and seal.

How document is issued

Despite the fact that now Identity has lost its relevance, for accounting of accounting of travel expenses, in some organizations create their own form, which make the necessary data. Later, on their foundation they are written off daily. But most often use the old sample (T-10).

Certificate fill sample.

Registration of a travel certificate occurs in the following order:

  1. The head publishes (T-9 form), according to which a specific employee is endowed with the authority, to travel on business issues, to another company outside the city. The purpose of the trip and the actions of the employee who is waiting for leadership from him.
  2. Based on the order, the personnel department fills a travel certificate.
  3. In addition, the certificate can be attached to the "Service Task", which can be complemented by another document by attorney. The service task is signed, for example, the head of the workshop, and after approval to the management. Additionally, a second copy of the agreement of two companies is issued with a content of approximately such a list of duties of the parties:
  • list of work;
  • operating schedule. You will learn what a sliding schedule of work;
  • requirements for security required materials or tools of their representative;
  • mode of operation;
  • access to the necessary information and other actions by the host in the provision of all kinds of assistance. In addition, the head is negotiated in advance the conditions with the receiving party.
  1. Upon arrival, the commanding must compile a report on the execution of the official task.
  2. The head of the workshop signs a report.
  3. After that, a travel certificate, a report on a business trip and form No. OA-1 employee who was on the trip carries to the accounting department.
  4. From the accounting part, the daily calculations are held and funds are allocated for the purchase of a ticket, booking a hotel room for non-cash payments. Very often, cash is issued by cash, and they themselves remove the apartment from individuals to reduce the cost of the company. If the tickets and the hotel pays cash to the passing employee, then, upon arrival, it should include all the costs of expenses, receipts and tickets to the accounting department together with the reports.

Basic errors when filling

If the company has decided that it needs to issue travel certificates, then it is necessary to fill them correctly. On the form are unacceptable:

  • corrections and blots;
  • inaccuracies in codes;
  • mistakes in the name of organizations (all);
  • dates of departure, arrival, departure and arrival home should correspond to the amount of days on a business trip. Counting time in the way is considered or not in the number of travel days? If, at the discretion of the manual, the calculation of pure stay at the facility is paid at one rate, and the time in the way differently, then the dates must be absolute accuracy and clarity;
  • the signature of the manager must be decrypted;
  • printing should be clear and clearly read. Can IP work without printing - read.

All corrections, if they suddenly appeared, should be crossed out only one feature, and the correct information is written above the error. You can write below the correct text and attribute "Fixed". The new version is assured the seal.

Where a travel certificate is recorded

In addition to the company itself and its accounting, which is paying taxes on the basis of reports, no one is interested in accounting for this document.

Form of a travel certificate.

In a special journal "Accounting for travel certificates" recorded:

  • data on persons who were sent on business trips;
  • posts;
  • community ID numbers;
  • dates of issue;
  • dates of stay on a business trip (departed - arrived);
  • who signed a certificate (official);
  • signature of the most traveler.

Thus records travel.

A simple form that has been abolished since 2015, sometimes it is necessary. There are no special difficulties with filling, but also negotically treat such a document of internal reporting, as a travel certificate, not worth it.

How to make a business trip in the program 1C - see this video:

Modern automation means - special software developments - allow you to significantly reduce the time that is spent on solving trivial business tasks. For example, making a business trip. In the presence of a remote branch or head office, preparations for a business trip of the employee takes a lot of time. It is necessary to fill out an application, agree with the leader, send to the staff and get an advance payment for official expenses. And after a business trip, the employee is forced to prepare a set of documents, report on expenses and agree on the accounting report. A number of actions take a lot of working time for each participant of this chain.

Automation of business trips, for example, using a cloud business application, reduces extra temporary and cash costs, providing the ability to make the entire procedure in electronic form. Instead of the traditional scheme, the coordination procedure is capable of looking as follows:

  • the formation of the application indicating all the meaningful parameters;
  • application confirmation by the head online;
  • booking tickets and hotels in the system;
  • filling out an advance report with download photo checks and scan copies of all required documents.

What tasks are designed to solve the automation of business registration

The use of a centralized system eliminates the loss of paper documents and extra downtime. The process of negotiating a business trip may affect employees in various branches of the company, respectively, paper red tightened. Software controls solve this and many other problems:

  • downtime is reduced when applying documents, work in the company is carried out in accordance with the established regulations;
  • maximum control over the execution of obligations and documents is carried out;
  • transparency of internal business processes is ensured;
  • electronic document flow is debugged;
  • the number of paper documents turned into the company is reduced.

All this ultimately allows companies to save up to 50% of time and up to 40% of expenses. This is especially noticeable for large companies. Want to know how the Schneder Electric company reduced the time spent on a travel process from 5 days to 2x? Read.

How to automate a business trip

An employee independently fills the application in the appendix, pointing to the purpose of the trip, its duration and destination. The head receives a notification to e-mail or in the form of a push message and considers the application. There are mistakes? The application is returned to a refinement. If all the conditions in it are specified correctly, the application is consistent and sent for consideration by the responsible commanding, which evaluates the financial feasibility of the trip, determines the employee's employment. The responsible person can book train tickets / plane independently or refer this task to both the employee itself and the approved travel agency that also works in the system. It should be noted that all the policies and rules of the company are complied with automatically, and the appointment and sequence of roles in the business process are configured in accordance with the needs of the company.

After this stage of preparation is completed, the order for a business trip is formed directly in the system and is sent for approval by the head of the personnel department and the Chief Accountant. Then to curl the document should already cEO Companies.

After returning from a business trip, the employee forms an advance report. The integration of the system with other reporting tools allows you to significantly save time at this stage. Moreover, if the company uses the Hamilton business trips application, then an application is also very convenient for the trip report on which all business trips are tightened automatically.

Special programs are accepted different kinds Confirming documents, the corresponding files are stored in the system and can be exterminated to check at any convenient moment. With this, the manager constantly has the ability to control the processes taking place and analyze spending.

The result speaks for himself

The implementation of travel automation has the following total:

  • determines on the coordination of documents are reduced;
  • improved business planning efficiency;
  • labor costs are reduced to design documents and organizing business trips;
  • a tool for monitoring travel expenses is being developed;
  • controls the preparation of reporting documentation.

In the complex, software instruments work to improve the efficiency of all taking business processes, allow you to reduce extra temporary costs and optimize costs. To increase the efficiency of the work of departments, branches and entire companies, they are indispensable.

Advantages of using special applications

Designed for automation of program trips become an effective tool of modern business. They are most comfortable and effective due to the following parameters:

  • Mobility. You can use them anywhere: on your smartphone, tablet or personal computer.
  • Independent or delegated booking. An employee can order tickets and accommodation on their own or edit the preparation of the company Travel Coordinator options or travel agency.
  • Easy access to documents. All written tickets, vouchers for hotels, other services are available in several clicks, you can also quickly request the options on a business trip from travel agencies.
  • Consent with the rules of the company. Each request for a business trip is automatically verified for compliance with the established regulation of the enterprise.
  • Transparency of documentation. A large number of parameters opens the ability to expand and optimize costs.
  • Operational preparation of a full package of documents. An order for a business trip and other documents are created automatically in accordance with the rules established in the company.
  • Flexible integration opportunities. Orders for booking tickets and hotels, processing accounts from travel agencies are made directly in the program.

The applications are successfully implemented in the system existing in the company, can be effectively used with other tools to monitor and optimize expenses, prepare various reports, business processes planning.