Build a well in the country with their own hands. Option # 1 - Monolithic concrete. Rules for choosing a suitable place for a well.

Well at the dacha, made by your own hands, is the pride of each owner. Often, the wells will be ascended even if there is a plumbing in the house - just to decorate the site. Of course, the construction of the well is possible not far from each territory, sometimes the aquifer is too deep, and then you have to drill a well. Find out how to make a well with your own hands, see the photo of all stages of construction and get the advice of specialists you can by reading this article.

Previously, with landscaping cottage plot The well was just a necessity. Currently, in addition to the main function, the well built with his own hands has become an integral part of the landscape design.

Construction is better to start in the fall, when the water horizon has the lowest level. Of course, before making a well in the country area, it is necessary to make a small study of the territory of the site and determine the depth of the bombing layer. If there are current wells nearby, the task is simplified.

The most reliable way to search for water is exploratory drilling. If, as a result of research, it turns out that the aquifer is located at a depth of no more than 20m, you can safely begin construction.

Construction of a well with your own hands: laying rings

So how to make a well with your own hands, so that not only to ensure the household with clean water, but also decorate the plot? The most common design is a well made of reinforced concrete rings.

Look at the photo, how to make a well: the first ring is placed in the dug hole, follow-up on the downstream ring. From under the lower ring, the soil is selected - and the rings under their own weight are lowered. Thus, the column is increasing up to the aquifer. The approach of the aquifer is determined by a noticeable cooling - the air temperature in the well drops by 1-2 degrees, mini-spring people appear on the walls of the mine.

During the construction of the well, it is quite often possible to face the so-called rigor - underground water, located at a relatively small depth of the waterproof reservoir. For water supply, the rigor is usually not used, as it does not have time, leaking through the ground, to be cleaned of contamination.

When the mine istes, it is isolated: one or two lower junctions between the rings from the inside are closed with mortar. Water intake occurs from below. After the solution is grabbed, the penetration of the well continues. In the aquifer, as a rule, they are installed from one to two rings.

After that, all the remaining joints from the inside are closed with a solution with the addition of liquid glass, the bottom of the well will be rested with a layer of gravel with a height of 20-30 cm (fraction 5-25 cm), which will serve as a filter for the incoming water. The burglar space is falling asleep with gravel and sand, the clay is tight above to prevent the rain and melt water from entering the well.

The upper ring is located above the ground level to protect against snow and dirt. Waterproofing the joint between the upper ring and the entire column is performed especially carefully.

After the water level in the well becomes sufficient for the dive of the "baby" pump, it is necessary to pump water several times to "dig" the well.

How to make a well in the country with your own hands (with photos): Construction of the head

The next stage of how to make a well in the country - the construction of the ledge. Wells look most effectively, top part (headpoint) which are framed in the form.

Pay attention to the photo of the well with your own hands: the log cabin can be assembled around the upper concrete ring. As a result, such a well will be not only functional, but also decorative element in your site.

For the construction of the headguard of the well in the form wooden sruba You will need a board with a thickness of 30-40 mm, a forest-round forest or a log-in diameter of 180-220 mm. Instead of logs, you can also use a timing of about 150x150 mm.

Prepare the material. If you are dealing with a forest-round, then in this case it should be cleaned from the crust, to open, remove the bitch and process the antiseptic. Then the logs must be sorted by increasing the diameter, because the larger diameter forest will fall on the lower crowns than on the top. If you choose on rounded logs or timber, they are also better to handle the antiseptic. This is desirable even if you are convinced that it has already been done in production.

To make a well on the plot, mark the position and size of the log cabin on the ground. Over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe future design, remove the ground to a depth of at least 150 mm. Put a layer of rubble, gravel or pebbles into the resulting pit, and dream it. On top of the stone "pillows" it is desirable to pour concrete and after it solidified to arrange waterproofing from several layers of rubberoid.

Cut the log or timber on the workpiece of the required length. It should be borne in mind that the headband usually has dimensions from 1000 x 1000 mm to 1500? 1500 mm. The number of billets depends on the diameter (thickness) of the material you use - the ledge should rise above the surface of the Earth by about 750 mm.

When assembling a log, it should be borne in mind that among numerous types of cutting angles in practice, 2 methods are most often used - "in the bowl" and "in the paw". When cabing "In the bowl", the ends (residues) logs protrude beyond the walls of the church. Therefore, this species is sometimes called the cut "with the residue". The ends of the logs most often protrude beyond the borders of the car angle of approximately 200-300mm.

The technology of cutting walls "in the paw" (sometimes this type of logging is also called "into the angle") is characterized by the fact that the logs do not protrude beyond the corners of the cut. The ends of the logs in the corners are connected by a secret toe (paw).

The method of connecting a bar "In Polterev" is that at the corners of the top or lower Crown Remove half of their thickness.

When building a well, with your own hands on the waterproofing layer throughout the perimeter of the prepared platform, put the antiseptic or spotted boards. The assembly of the wellhead is starting with the laying of the first (bustling) crown of the thickest logs, left below. Then they consistently perform the final assembly of the crowns.

So that the log house was more stable, the logs of each crown to bind with each other with special round or rectangular spikes - molecules. Before they are installed in the log, a through vertical hole with partial gripping logs of the underlying crown is drilled. Begroen clogged into the holes before the failure. The remaining unburned section of the brazen is cut off with a plane of a bar with a chisel.

Now that you know how to make a well, cover all the wooden parts by several layers of colorless or tinting varnish.

Over the well set a wooden gate with a metal handle. The chain or cable is fixed to the collar and tie a bucket.

As can be seen in the photo, the wells in the country, erected by their own hands, are not only functional, but also very beautiful structures!

Borehole drilling in the country

Often, wells do not allow watering water from deep aquifers with high-quality water, so many today give preference to the well. The wells are built at a depth of 30 m or more. With their help, you can take not only groundwater, but also running more deeply, which makes it possible to get high quality drinking water. The process of the well construction includes drilling of the wellbore, its equipment with pipes and filter, pumping and pump installation. Depending on the depth of the waterproofing layer, its structure and the nature of the threaded wells of the well may have a different design and differ by the device of the water treatment part. There are many methods of manual drilling wells, but they all require special snap, tools and devices, so it is best to invite specialists to perform these works.

Problems with water in the country areas, make many think about the construction of the well.

Cause lack Water is particularly acute in the summer, when it is necessary for watering the garden and the garden.

Finding a solution in this case will help drilling well, but this will require special equipment.

In turn, building The well with your own hands will save money and solve problems with water supply.

Choose a place

Choosing a place to build a well, it is important to correctly determine its quantity and quality, as well as the composition soil. For the well you need to choose a place away from possible sources With household pollution that go into the soil.

In the presence of autonomous sewageit will need to improve and make it sealed. The fact is that the groundwater will gradually fall into household stoki., after which the clean water will deteriorate the taste, and it will become unsafe for health.

The well is better installed on elevated Place, and for convenience - closer to the house.

In the spring there is a high probability to get on verkhovodka. As for the soil, it should be noted here that the presence of sand and earth will make it easy drilling Well, but clay soil and a large number of large stones, on the contrary, create a lot of difficulties.

Types of players

There are three type Wells: mine, key and tubular. We will get acquainted with their peculiarities in more detail:

  • oglong (located above the earth's surface);
  • trunk well;
  • water-receiving component.

Shaft wells are convenient because during drought They always have water at the expense of additional tanks (zoomrov).

For guaranteed stock It is necessary to make the bottom, the underwater part of the structure is to make a little wider, perform it with a tent.

  • Tubular.
  • This type of well is also called Nortonovsky - a kind of artesian structure, which consists of pipe. Its diameter should be 25-45 mm equipped with a sieve tip.

    With the help of it and the water supply is carried out. The pipe is introduced using a drill. It is installed in the aquifer.

    With absence water pressure The pipe is supplied with a pump, in the pressure water layer it can be used without pump. For the construction of a tubular well to be carried out drill works.

    The well of this type is much more expensive than mine, since the soil drilling is carried out. In turn, it is much more profitable because the water is not stored and always suitable for use.

    Tools for work

    For the construction of the well, the following tools will be required:

    • scrap (preferably two: short and long);
    • all types of shovel;
    • sledgehammer;
    • scoop (needed for a liquid layer of soil);
    • rope;
    • badja (the soil rises with it);
    • several buckets;
    • trolley (for the transport of soil);
    • rope staircase (for descent and lifting a pit);
    • pump (for water pumping);
    • portable lighting devices;
    • winch.

    With the help of the winch, it is very convenient to raise and lower materials, only to use it to use a tripod. It will need to install over the well.

    From materials for the well will be needed: cement, Sand and Gravel

    Stages of work

    Construction of a well case is not easy and therefore to facilitate and speed up the work is recommended to invite assistants.

    Digger Kotlovana

    After the place of construction of the well is determined, digging pit. Poam pits for the well carry out one person, the rest of the assistants are at the top. They will raise the ground, disappear and lower the materials.

    First, a pit is digging to the depth of one ring. After that, one is put on it ringAnd from under it removes all the soil, gradually blocking this ring. Divorced for some more distance, installed second Ring.

    Rings are put on each other (the second on the first, third to the second, etc.), increasing the mine column. Under your own concrete weight, the column will slide down on the depth, as far as the soil is removed from under the first ring.

    Approximate aquiferous The layer will be determined very easily, in the pit it will feel a strong decrease in temperature and increased humidity of the soil underlying.

    This stage of construction of the well is the most time consuming and responsible, so much effort and patience will be required. Wet priming You need to remove very quickly. Maybe need powerful mud pump.

    If it is not at hand, then reaching the aquifer, it will be necessary to make every effort and dig very rapidly 2-4 M. To the depth (the speed of the water tide in the well depends on it).

    On the bottom of the well as a filter will need to be laid gravel (layer up to 30 cm). The slots formed between the soil and rings ( concrete slabs) Also filled with gravel. An extremely stapled ring will lie on the surface (it is not plugged into the soil).

    To prevent leaky in the well of supper waters will help linen rodlaid between rings. Bog rings need to cement. On the surface of the well (around it) stacked clay castle. Wet clay, removed from the pit during the coppe, lay around the well and tamper using a log.

    When the well is filled with water, it will need to be pulled off by the pump until it is changed clean and transparent.

    Making Gamesosts

    Games protect the well from entering it polluted High and melting waters. In addition, with the scenes, the construction looks much nice and more convenient for a set of water.

    Games are installed one year later After building a well


    To perform the scene, it will take clay or concrete. Permissible thickness Skylconces - from 20 to 30 cm, width - 1.2 -2.5 meters. The clay scene is the rammed clay layer laid in the extrusion of a certain size.

    However, she has one disadvantage: in case of water from entering the surface of the layer, sticky is formed mud. As a result, additional costs For coating protective material.

    Performance concrete Gameshet: Initially, the pillow of gravel is laid, a formwork is installed on it, which poured concrete. Increase the service life of the scene will help rhumatny meshlaid in the formwork.

    Concrete scene requires waterproofing external walls of the well. This will help to avoid the hard clutch of the last ring of the well with the frozen surface of the scene.


    The roof improvement should be started with rafter farms, representing a rigid construction to which the lamp is attached. A robust board is suitable for this (3 cm thick, 180 cm long or in the height of the roof). Montage of the beelel and streaming should be carried out using the board (2.5 cm).

    Material For the roof, you can choose at your discretion: board, metal sheet, rubberoid and so on.

    Decorative option

    Decorative well today in fashion. It is a country decor and some dacms equip it with all the details so subtle and carefully that it cannot be distinguished from the present structure. Below are photos of decorative wells in the country, which can be performed with their own hands.

    Decorative wells are made of wood, tires and other Materials. It all depends on how much the owners are suitable for its manufacture and what highlight they will be laid.

    The decorative well is perfect for a well design with electronasus. Some daches, using tire well, plant flowers there, and they perfectly complement each other with their unusual.


    A beautiful well is always striking and gives the dacha an unusual look. Regardless of whether the decorative well is installed or present, it should look like a well, and designer fantasy can be used at its discretion.

    Consider several styles Team design at the cottage with the photo:

    Containing rules

    The very first and most importantly, you must comply with the construction of the well, choosing place for drilling Well. It depends on the constancy of water quality, the absence of possible pollution by bacteria and chemicals and so on.

    • in the nearest 20 meters From the well forbidden to wash cars, ride cattle, rinse underwear, etc., what can contribute pollution water;
    • the headpoint of the well should be equipped with lid (delete-concrete overlapping with hatch);
    • around the well should stand fencing;
    • insulation And the defense of the well from freezing should be produced using straw, hay or sawdust. It is completely forbidden to insulate glass gamble and other synthetic materials;
    • if necessary, the well need clean (remove the foliage, the night and other garbage);
    • after cleaning must be carried out disinfection facilities;
    • timely replace Worn equipment.

    The well in the country is essential and indispensable, so the construction of such a plan is necessary.

    If there is no uninterrupted source of water in the country, not only household difficulties, but also difficulty with watering landings. It will help to solve the problem to help the arrangement of the well, which will allow access to the water of excellent quality in unlimited quantities.

    Optimal time For digging the well - summer and the beginning of autumn, when groundwater is low. Due to the low level of wood, the probability of mistake with the depth of the well is minimized.

    How to choose a place for a well

    To dig well is necessary where the depths of groundwater are closest to the surface. There are certain methods that will allow you to determine the desired point:

    • relief analysis;
    • observation of fog;
    • study of vegetation;
    • biolocation;
    • exploration drilling well.

    Relief analysis

    As a rule, groundwater is located closest to the surface in those areas where depressions and lowlands are located. But on the elevation, the well, the well is not worth it, since the water at this point is most likely located deeply. The efficiency of the method is about 40%.

    Observation of the fog

    If a thick fog appears on a certain site in hot evenings, it is highly likely to speak about close underground waters. The accuracy of the method is 75%.

    Learning vegetation

    There are certain types of plants that grow in the most wet areas. First of all it is:

    • mother and stepmother;
    • sick;
    • sedge.

    In addition, we usually grow in places where groundwater is located shallow, trees such as:

    • alder;
    • birch;


    You must take two half-meter segments of a straight brass wire with a diameter of 2 mm and bend each of them at a right angle, retreating from the end of 10 cm, thus making a handle.

    The resulting fixtures should be in hand, without squeezing them tight, so that the wires can rotate freely, and bypass the plot with them. If they become shuffling, it means that water is not far, and if they start spinning - a good place for the well found.

    Drilling well

    Well depth up to 10 m, which can be drilled with ordinary gardening A boome will help determine whether water comes close to the surface at this point.

    Since none of these methods gives one hundred percent warranty, it is better to apply several methods in the complex. This approach allows you to install best place For digging the well with maximum accuracy. Be sure to know.

    It should also be remembered that it is impossible to equip the well not far from the sewer highways, cesspools, toilets and livestock courtyards. Such objects should be at least 50 meters.

    Choosing a well type

    There are two main types of wells:

    • mine
    • tubular.

    The shaft well is digging with a shovel, and the tubular penetrate with special drilling equipment, which is expensive.

    On our own, you can construct only a mine well.

    Device of a shaft well

    Any well consists of three main parts:

    • head board;
    • trunk;
    • water collector (reservoir).

    The waterborne is located at the bottom of the well of the reservoir, in which water is assembled.

    The trunk is the mine of the well, which needs to be strengthened to prevent soil squeezing. In the previous times, trunks were usually made square in cross section and strengthened logs, round trunks are most often digging, which are strengthened by concrete rings.

    The head board is located at the ground level design that protects the well from getting dirt and precipitation, prevents its freezing, and also makes the water fence as convenient as possible.


    Drain the well is necessary manually.

    Required tools

    In order to drain the well, you will need:

    • shovel with a short cutlery (with a long well in a narrow mine, do not turn around);
    • jackhammer for breaking solid soil;
    • buckets for lifting land;
    • device for lifting buckets on the surface;
    • the staircase is sufficient length that will get to the bottom of the well;
    • pump for pumping water during work;
    • lantern (the lantern is most convenient, which is attached to the head).

    Calculation of the value of Ryya

    Since all work on the sowing mines can be held on their own, the cost of the well is only from the price. required tool and consumables.

    The only serious expense is the attraction of a crane for installing concrete rings. But with the closed method, the ring can be installed and without the involvement of special equipment, and for laying the rings when the well is open, you can use a tripod with a winch.

    Safety technique

    Do not do the root of the well alone. Next, on the surface, there should always be someone who can help in case of unforeseen complications.

    In addition, underground should be ready to be ready for a variety of surprises, in particular, there is a risk to stumble upon a gas accumulation. Check, the space is not too high, it is possible with the help of rachin: if it goes out, it means that the level of gaspace is too high. With the help of a fan or vacuum cleaner, you can organize "ventilation".

    At the time of staying in the mine, you must wear a protective helmet on the head.


    Choosing a way Copki.

    On a plot with a dense ground, digging is carried out in an open way. Open method of coppe mines has a number of advantages:

    • ensures maximum comfort in work;
    • it makes it easy to cope with obstacles, such as boulders.

    But if the soil is bulk (contains a lot of sand and rubble in its composition), the well needs to dig in the closed way. The advantages of this kind of coppes:

    • minimum volume earthworks;
    • you can do without a tripod with a winch or attraction of special equipment (crane);
    • the integrity of the soil is almost not disturbed, the walls of the mines cannot turn.

    In order to choose a method of digging, it is enough to dig up at the site of the future well a meter depth. If its walls hold well, the open way is suitable if they are trembling - closed.

    However, in the event that it was originally to choose an open method, but after deepening for a certain distance, the walls began to crumble, continue to work hard and unsafe. In this case, it will be necessary to go to the closed method of coppe mines.


    In order to dig up the well in the open way, it is necessary:

    • drop the mine required depth, its diameter should be 10-20 cm to exceed the diameter of the concrete rings to strengthen the walls;
    • omit in the rings in the mine and copold them between themselves;
    • the gap between the walls of the mine and the rings fall asleep with sand;
    • seam seams between rings.

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    Copter in a closed way

    The process of the well of the well in a closed way is somewhat more complicated:

    • at the site of the future well, it is necessary to escape the pit of the depth, which allows the soil (as a rule, is the depth of 0.5 to 2 m);
    • in the pit put the first ring;
    • deepen the pit;
    • as the first ring is deepened, under its own weight, it will be descended down, it is necessary to place the second on top, then the third, fourth, and so on;
    • after reaching the aquifer, the last ring should be installed, which will rise above the ground level;
    • the final stage of the arrangement of the trunk is sealing seams between concrete rings.

    The final stage of the well structure is the construction of the head and the installation of all necessary equipment.

    With the right approach, it is not difficult to equip the well on the site, and anyone can cope with its forces. The main thing is to carry out all the work, which is called, on science and strictly observe security measures. And the finished well should be periodically cleaning so that the water in it remains clean and fresh long years.

    Well - used as basic or alternative option For water supply cottage. In addition, the presence of a well ensures the autonomy of the summer cottage not only from the general system of the water supply system, but also from electricity. Also, using a well, it is possible to provide water with water as a garden and all at home. How to independently build a well in the country, consider further.

    Well at the dacha with your own hands photo and features of the structure

    Initially, before building a well, it is necessary to determine its location. This factor depends primarily on the amount of groundwater. Groundwoods are formed due to rain filtering and snow, which seep through the ground.

    Water is located between the layers prone to the drain of water, most often they consist of clay. The location of the water is called a waterproof layer. The clay layers are located under a slope, it is in these areas a lot of moisture accumulates.

    Water, which is at a depth of no more than five meters from the soil, is called a supreme. To replenish it, regular rains require, otherwise, this water supply option is unsuitable for further use.

    The most optimal version of the water source for the construction of a high-quality well - the deep water. We suggest familiarizing yourself with ways from discovery:

    1. Prepare a moisture content in the number of multiple liters. Most often it has the form of granules that absorb and hold moisture. Initially, it is necessary to dry the substance in the oven, then put it off in a pot of clay, weigh the pot on exact scales, Wrap in a dense material and install in the desired place for the construction of the well. The depth on which the pot will be placed - 50-60 cm. If after weighing the weight of the pot differs from the previously predetermined, then water is close to the soil and here you can construct a well.

    An ordinary red brick is used as moisture absorption materials. In this case, it is enough to bury him into the ground, before that heighing it.

    2. The observation method is that it is necessary to inspect the area in the evening or earlier time. The formation of fog indicates that the soil is overshadowed by moisture.

    3. Claine layers that cover the soil most often repeat its relief. Therefore, if you have a place on the plot, surrounded by hills, then boldly construct the well there. If the plain is characterized by horizontality has a large area, then the water will be enough on it. Also, it is not recommended to equip the well on the slope.

    4. Pay attention to the vegetation near the site where the well is expected. Plants that love moisture will grow in the area where it prevails.

    5. In the ratio with the height differences in the area, the depth of groundwater is determined. For these purposes, a tool is used in the form of a barometer, which determines the water pressure in height. With small pressure drops, you do not need to build a well in this place.

    6. Exploration drilling option - with a garden bora. For this, it will be necessary to drill a small hole to the aquifer. Thus, if it is high enough, then the well confesses at this place.

    Children's care and correct care Behind him will allow it to exploit it for several decades. If water is deeply in relation to the soil, it is recommended to build a well on the plot. If, the depth of the investment of water on the site is about 6-8 meters, it is quite realistic to build a well.

    The well must be away from garbage, sewage drain, compost, compost, etc. Also, with the arrangement of the well on the slope, it is also necessary to take care of the thawing thawed rainwater from it. To protect the source of water from garbage and other items, install the lid on it.

    If there is an autonomous sewage in the site, it is recommended to provide complete tightness. Otherwise, the groundwater will be combined with stock, while water quality will suffer.

    The location of the well on a high hill will ensure its protection against neighboring sewage drains. If the main purpose of the well is to use water in domestic needs, it is recommended to install it near the house.

    It is recommended to choose a place for a well in the fall or in winter, since it is at that time of the year, the groundwater is at the highest level. In the spring, the groundwater is near the surface, so it will not be possible to determine the exact place of their deep downstream.

    Well do it yourself - original ideas for giving

    In a ratio with well facilities, there are two ways to manufacture a well. The tubular type well is installed using the drilling method. In order to get water from the depths of this well, you must use the manual pump. The construction of such a well is relevant in the event that water takes place near the surface of the Earth. The only drawback of this method is the need for drill equipment for its structure.

    A shaft well well - for its manufacture is quite ordinary shovel or bora. Such an option of the well is easier and easier than tubular. Initially, before the construction of such a well, you should familiarize yourself with its main components. Mine type well design contains parts:

    • the water receiver - is located in the lowest well, it is this part that collects water and filters it;
    • the trunk part of the well - preserves water and is responsible for its quality, it must be durable and should not turn under the constant impact of moisture;
    • the headband part of the well is called soil, it will remove the well from dust and garbage, and also protects it from freezing in winter time of the year.

    Before pulling out the well in the country, you should familiarize yourself with the safety rules for its construction. Treat seriousness to work in the wellhold, since non-compliance with the recommendations below may result in detrimental consequences.

    First of all, on the head in a person who is engaged in the ground of the earth, there must be a protective helmet that protects it from a sudden breakdown of the bucket. To raise buckets with soil, use a tight rope, and to lower the ring and rope. If the depth of the mine exceeds six meters, two ropes are installed on the bucket - the main and insurance. In order to prevent the soil movement, which falls from the walls of the well, a person engaged in the apartment is tied up with the help of a rope that is fixed for a durable subject outside the well.

    With the development of deep mines, it is carried out periodic test for gas supply. At the same time, it is necessary to set fire inside the well of the candle, if the flame is not lit, the weathelation of the gas should be waited. In order to get rid of gas, in the inside of the well on the rope omit a large blanket, omit and raise it several times, after that, the well is once again checked for gaspace.

    Earlier, a tree was used for the manufacture of the stem of the deck. Now, most often, as the main part of the wells is applied concrete Ring. However, ordering these materials is very important - it is properly picking up. For their installation, large-sized equipment is used. The height of one ring is most often leveling twenty-five centimeters.

    The inner walls of the well in diameter should be twisted at least one meter. To reduce the load on the arms, during the construction of the well, it is recommended to use the trinoga or winch. They allow you to control the process of installing the rings.

    Having ready-made rings for a well, the process of its structure looks in this way:

    1. digging the well with the help of a shovel. It is preferable to choose a shovel with a short handle, as it is easily placed in a close space.

    2. After depressing into the ground by 50 cm, the first ring is set. To pull up a winch is used. Next will occur the constant settlement of concrete.

    3. After digging another twenty-five centimeters of the well, the installation of the next ring should be installed. Try to install rings with the highest density. At the same time, steel brackets are used to fix them. To check each ring, use a plumb. Try to install rings in a strict vertical position.

    Well at the cottage photo:

    In this case, it is possible to reach the water for four, five days. Please note that another option is possible to fulfill the well. Initially, the entire mine is digging. After that, the installation of concrete rings is made. However, if the soil on the site differs fragility, then this method Setting the rings will not suit. In addition, this method of digging the well is very dangerous for a person inside the mine.

    Completing to the water at the cottage from the well, such actions should be performed:

    • the fluid that is in the well is distinguished by high turbidity;
    • initially, it is necessary to pump it;
    • focus the bottom of the well for fifteen centimeters, scatter it;
    • set a sandy pillow at the bottom of the well, a thickness of about 20 cm;
    • install the crushed pillow, 20 cm thick.

    Note that before installing gravel or crushed stone, it follows from washing with a chloro-lime solution. With too fast arrival of water, it is necessary to initially install several wooden boards, and then pour filter layers.

    Next, you should take care of the implementation of internal waterproofing. For these purposes, cement composition with PVA glue is required. With this solution, the slots are close between concrete rings. Next, with the help of a spatula, this composition is distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. Possible option to buy a finished waterproofing composition or liquid glass.

    Note that the use of waterproofing mastics is unacceptable, as they contain bitumen, which will adversely affect the suitability of drinking water.

    In order to protect the well from garbage and external moisture, it is installed on it a concrete ring, a height of approximately half a meter. In addition, it is also recommended to close the well lid. A trench remains at the outer edge of the concrete ring, which is tightly stuffed in using clay. Thus, it is possible to protect the well from external moisture.

    A variant of additional protection of the upper rings is possible with a polyethylene film, tightly glue with glue. After that, for a month, the water regularly rolls out of the well and is used only in everyday life. Next, we should pass water to special analyzes that determine its suitability to drink. Only in this case, water is used for drinking.

    The trim of the wells in the country is a rather important process, to which the execution should be approached with fantasy and intelligence. A decorative well in the country may become a real highlight. For decoration, concrete rings use natural or artificial stone, ceramics, mosaic, glass, etc.

    In order for the water to be always clean, it is recommended to build a small canopy over the well. In order for children to not look into the well inside the well, install the cover with the lock.

    To facilitate the process of operation of the well, it is also recommended to set the gate on it, the diameter of which is 20 cm and the chain on which the bucket will be held.

    Station arrangement in the cottage from the well

    The manufacture of the well is the most inexpensive way to arrange water supply in the country. Most often, the depth of the well is about ten meters, and this is much less than the construction of the well. However, if there is a large garden and at home, water supply with a well can perform the function of adding the main source of water. Since the productivity of the well does not exceed 150-200 l per hour.

    In order to get water from the well, install a submersible or outdoor pump. The first option is characterized by the complexity of installation, but the sound from its work is practically not heard, in the second version, the pump is installed in a special room, near the well, such a pump is easily repaired, if necessary. You should also take care of the installation of special filters, providing additional pump cleaning.

    In the process of conducting water supply, it will be necessary to purchase pipes that are steel, metroplastic or rubber. The most optimal second option - pipes made of metroplasty well tolerate frost, resistant to moisture and external influences.

    The depth of pipe laying is determined climatic features The locality, as well as the seasonality of the use of water supply. In principle, performing work is quite real independently, without the involvement of specialists. Watering system Based on the well - an excellent option for the supply of water of the country area.

    For permanent or temporary accommodation on country plot Requires a water source, preferably functioning round year. One of the easiest and inexpensive in the construction of water sources is a well, which you can well dig up with your own hands, almost without resorting to the services of special equipment.

    Initially, consider the basic requirements for the location of Yu Well.

    1. It must be as close as possible to the house, but not close to the walls.
    2. Also important remoteness of all possible sources of pollution - cesspools, landfills, etc.
    3. In the selected place should not be horsewater (they are found in swampy terrain) capable of polluting the water in the well.

    Despite the low cost of building a well, certain costs and efforts are still required. Therefore, it is so important to competently choose the place that this well ensure constant water supply in the required volumes.

    There are many methods for finding a place for a well - with the help of aluminum framework, yav vines, glass cans, by observing natural phenomena or animal behavior. But one of the most efficient and at the same time available ways is considered to study the characteristics of the landscape. We definitely do not find water (or find, but in a minor volume) in those areas that:

    • have significant elevations of the relief;
    • located not far from wells or other water intake points;
    • are near the steep shore of the reservoir;
    • gusto placed acacia or pine.

    Note! There are also places where the well will give a low-quality water. These places include low coastlines and dried swamps - water here often contains a large amount of manganese and iron.

    Different recesses and depressions are our search spheres. A kind of indicators of the presence of underground aquifers are plants like Iva, lingonberry, birch, and so on. A specific place for digging should be chosen there where the crowns of these plants bend. Finally, if the fruits of the newly planted apple are rotting, and she sick itself, it means that groundwaters lie nearby, because it garden tree susceptible to rich moisture soil.

    Of the schemes below, it is possible to familiarize themselves with the types of plants, as well as from the depth of breaking the appropriate groundwater.

    Note! Another effective indicator may be fog. Hot summer in the evening or morning where the water is very close to the surface, the fog is sprinkled. The thickness of the latter is directly related to the proximity of the aquifer. It is characteristic that observation of the fog makes it possible to calculate the place for the construction of the well with an accuracy of 75%.

    Where does water come from?

    At the bottom of the built well, water begins to accumulate (it comes from the aquifer, which is also called the horizon) area from several tens of meters to several kilometers square. The horizon, the "power" of which is enough to fill the well, usually runs at a depth of 4 to 20 m. If at a mark of 20 m, the aquifer is still not detected, then further digging the well is unprofitable - it is easier to equip the well.

    Stage second. We prepare everything you need

    The construction procedure of wells is not normalized by any government regulations and standards. The classic device was formed not one century until the modern appearance found.

    To make a well do it yourself, you need to prepare:

    • trenalog from metal corners or wooden stories;
    • winch;
    • staircase rope;
    • shovel;
    • material for strengthening the mine.

    As for the last item, concrete rings are the most promising material. They are durable (reinforced steel rods Ø1 cm and more), durable (operational period is 50 years), frost resistant and waterproof.

    product nameHeight x Wall thickness, cmInner diameter, cmMass, kg.
    KS-7-110x8.70 46
    KS-7-1.515x8.70 68
    KS-7-3.35x870 140
    KS-7-550x870 230
    KS-7-990x8.70 410
    KS-7-10.100x870 457
    KS-10-550x8100 320
    KS-10-660x8100 340
    KS-10-990x8.100 640
    KS-12-10.100x8120 1050
    KS-15-660x9150 900
    KS-15-990x9150 1350
    KS-20-660x10200 1550
    KS-20-990x10200 2300
    KO-6.7x1258 60
    KS-7-6.60x1070 250

    Concrete rings can be:

    • wall (abbreviation - COP), which are used to arrange the neck and are suitable for all types of wells;
    • dobly - apply in cases where the standard options are not suitable, since these non-standard sizes;
    • R / B rings are used for drainage and sewer wells, communication systems, gas and water supply systems.

    There are other species with overlapping stove, with bottom, prefabricated and so on. In order to avoid displacement of the rings after installation, they are equipped with special grooves that prevent the moment of displacement.

    Note! For a well on a country site, it is best to use wall products KS-10 or KS-15 (numbers are the inner diameter in decimeters).

    After selecting and preparing all the necessary, we can begin construction.

    Stage Third. Construction of a well

    Immediately make a reservation that it will not work alone - you need at least another person.

    All actions perform in such a sequence.

    Step 1. Place the first concrete ring to the place of the future mine. The "kickman" dips the walls of the ring, as it deepends it lowers deeper. It is advisable to use for the first ring the product with pins or cone-shaped pointers to facilitate advancement down.

    Step 2. After the top edge of the ring reaches one level from the ground, we put another one and continue the work. The weight of each rings is approximately 600-700 kg.

    Step 3. Two people are quite enough to tune the ring to the place of work. But if there is an opportunity to use a crane, then it is better not to neglect, because with such special equipment, you can more accurately lower the ring on the seat.

    If the soil is dry and durable, then you can go deep into 2-3 meters, and after that, with the help of a crane, set a few rings in a row.

    Step 4. Similarly, we continue the procedure until the aquifer has been reached. As practice shows, it is possible to lay 3 concrete rings for a standard work shift (8 hours).

    Note! The proximity of the aquifer can be seen by small springs driving from the walls, and quickly declining temperature.

    After the appearance of Springs, they deepen another a few meters, after which they cover the bottom of the "pillow" from rubble (it will serve as a water filter).

    Step 5. Mine is pumped by a drainage submersible pump. The more water will be daded from the well, the bigger will be his debit.

    Stage fourth. We protect the design from surface water

    To support the cleanliness of the well, it must be properly protected. Water should enter the mine only from below, in connection with which the walls should be securely isolated. To do this, we firmly connect the rings with each other, resorting to one of the two possible ways.

    1. Drills the walls of the rings and fix them with the help of metal brackets planted on the bolts.
    2. Twisting rings with steel wire, clinging it for loading eyes. To twist the wire, use a metal rod, for example, scrap.

    Pay attention to the waterproofing of the seams between the rings! If water is seamless through the seams, it will lead to the contamination of the well. To close the seams, this substance should be used, which will not affect water quality.

    Seams strengthen according to the following scheme.

    Step 1 . We put in the emptiness between the rings of the linen rope (excellent material - natural and environmentally friendly).

    Step 2. Ropes are smeared with sand, cement and liquid glass. By this, we will achieve reliable waterproofing, which is also completely neutral when in contact with water.

    Step 3. On top of the top rings by the roam of the pitted depth.

    Step 4. Waterproofing the outer surface of the rings using liquid bitumen mastic.

    Step 5. We labeled the thermal insulation layer around the upper rings (we can use any foamed polymer, for example, foam).

    Warming manpower well

    Around the well equip the scene - a small platform from concrete or carefully tamped rubble. The scene must leave at least 1 m from the mine on each side and, which is important, constructed after a certain time after the end of construction, when the soil falls.

    Globe from a mixture of mint clay and rubble

    Also over the design, we build a canopy in order to avoid atmospheric precipitation. If the pump is used for water supply, then the mine is better to close completely, leaving a small hole under the hose and cable.

    As a conclusion. We protect the well from frost

    If the aquifer is too close to the surface, then winter water can freeze. In such cases, the design is built "House", and for insulation, any available material can be used (for example, foam or minvatu). Moreover, the water supply pipe should be administered in the mine below the level of soil freezing.

    In the scheme, which is shown below, two wells are used for the system - one directly for water supply, the other - to supply water into the intermediate tank.

    Video - Construction of a well