Yanukovych Died Of Heart Attack Denial. Rostov doctors denied reports of "Maidanovtsy" about the death of Yanukovych from a heart attack

For half a day, the Ukrainian Internet community has been strongly worried about the rumor about the natural death of the fugitive ex-president of the country, Viktor Yanukovych, who allegedly threw his ostrich shoes that night in a cardio center in the glorious city of Rostov.

Many do not believe: knowing Viktor Fedorovich's love for Ukraine and its treacherous people, they believe that Dad would never have given his compatriots such pleasure, at least voluntarily. However, while no official information on this matter has been received from Russia, hope glimmers in the hearts of grateful residents of the country.

On the one hand, vague conversations about Viktor Fedorovich's secret strokes have been circulating in Ukraine for a long time (and this is not to mention a sore knee, over which an Altai shaman fought a tambourine at one time), even Yanukovych himself recently threw firewood into the furnace, telling the deputies of his faction in Rada, that he came to them straight from the dropper, because he had a "hemorrhage." That is, in principle, why shouldn't he really die from worries for the people suffering under the cloven hoof of Yarosh, whose name they scare Israeli children and their elderly relatives? They say that special pillars have already been erected on the Maidan, to which everyone who has not been able to answer the question correctly in Ukrainian, is tied to the question: "Kotra godina?" - and hit them on the back with heavy trembites.

On the other hand, Viktor Fedorovich somehow gave up the mooring lines too on time: he officially demanded the entry of the Russian army into Ukraine - and almost an hour after the announcement of this at a meeting of the UN Security Council, he promptly died.

It is possible, of course, that Yanukovych's request for an invasion became news to Yanukovych himself, and he died in protest. However, it would be foolish to suspect the fugitive president of being overly scrupulous, especially after his car was "bombarded" by the Luhansk region's fighter troops. Rather, some overly zealous comrade senior lieutenant of the state security could hit him in the head with a service snuffbox so that this Pivnovsky hog would not blab too much, and Yanukovych's good heart could not stand it ...

Optimists also say that Viktor Fyodorovich could have been completely deliberately removed by order of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin himself. They say, Vladimir Vladimirovich realized that Ukraine is too tough for him, at least while the whole world is trying to protect it, and even his old girlfriend Merkel calls him crazy behind his back, and Kolomoisky is a schizophrenic, and is looking for a way to get away from the "brotherly country" saving face without using botox.

Therefore, he decided to blame everything on Yanukovych, who pushed at him in time with a request for intervention, and then shut his mouth once and for all, especially since no one in the world would cry for Viktor Fedorovich. Do not forget, in the end, that some two weeks ago in Kiev, they were talking in all seriousness that whoever flunked Yanukovych should be given the title of Hero of Ukraine. Perhaps, in this way, Putin hoped to gain cheap popularity on the Maidan (it was not for nothing that Merkel said that he was crazy), but he guessed right, although, of course, thanks to him for Fedorovich, moreover, in every sense ...

Of course, one should not also exclude the possibility of staging the death of Yanukovych following the example of the highest officials of the Third Reich in the spring of 1945. Here, however, it would be better to arrange not a heart attack, but a beautiful car accident, during which the body of the imaginary Bati, mutilated beyond recognition, would have fallen into the Don, where he was quickly eaten by hungry crayfish. But all this would look somewhat suspicious. And in any case, the real Viktor Fedorovich, in order to continue to live peacefully on Rublevka, would have to change his appearance, and even taking into account the undoubted skill of Putin's personal plastic surgeons, the giant growth of the Ukrainian ex-president would sooner or later give him away anyway. Unless one could cut off Viktor Fedorovich's legs at least to the knee and send him to beg at the Kazan station, but this is still too creative option. Vladimir Vladimirovich is used to acting easier ...

Vasily Rybnikov

On Tuesday morning, the Internet space of at least two countries - Russia and Ukraine - literally blew up the news of the untimely death of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in Rostov-on-Don. About sad for many - and even joyful for some - the news was reported on the social network by the activists of the "Maidan". However, the sensation was quickly refuted.

Activist Mikhail Lebed was the first to report Yanukovych's alleged death. On his Facebook page, referring to a call from a friend from the Rostov cardio center, he wrote: "Yanyk was brought there at about 11 am on March 3 with a heart attack, and an hour later he died."

The Ukrainian media, in particular, "Left Bank", contacted the activist and made sure that his social network account had not been hacked. Lebed confirmed the information about the death of the politician.

However, the Rostov edition of "Note" managed to get a comment from local doctors, and they denied the death of the Ukrainian president. Alexander Dyuzhikov, chief physician of the Rostov region's cardiac surgery center, told the publication that "we do not have a patient with Viktor Yanukovych. Moreover, he did not even come to us."

It should be noted that many Internet users, reading messages about the death of Yanukovych, immediately doubted the reliability of the information, although, admittedly, some regretted that this was not true. You can find such comments:
- I don't believe ... He has no heart ...
- Until Yanukovych himself announces his death in a video message - I won't believe it!
- Even death will not raise his rating
- It's a pity ... He still has to suffer
- Nonsense, of course, but to make people smile in the morning ...
- It looks like Moor was written off and helped a little
- Why does Putin need a suitcase without a handle?
- The most convenient way out of the situation in which the Kremlin finds itself

Some commentators immediately recalled the predictions of Yanukovych's death, which were allegedly contained in The Prophecies of the Greek Catholic Priest Father Herman Budzinsky, a prisoner of Soviet camps who was highly respected among the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. These "prophecies", dated 1991 and are now being disseminated on the Web, contain information that Ukraine will soon be led by a woman released from prison, that there will be a great uprising, and the leader of the "third councils" sent to Ukraine by Moscow around 2010 will be killed. And this death will end the bloody and cruel period of Ukraine.

But the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church called these "prophecies" a fake. The "prophecy" that is being disseminated in the media does not belong to Yerm. German Budzinsky, since there are no letters, written evidence or persons who could confirm the accuracy of the above information, "the Church said and appealed to believers" not to disseminate it and consider that it does not correspond to reality. "

However, we can say that Yanukovych, having arrived in Russia, has really already passed away - but only in the political sense. Thus, the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN at an emergency meeting of the Security Council last night said that Russia recognizes the impossibility of returning Yanukovych to power in Kiev.

"Our task is not to return Yanukovych to power. We do not understand that Yanukovych will not return to power in Kiev, will not come to his residence and will not rule the state?" - the diplomat addressed the meeting participants. At the same time, he stressed that the future of Yanukovych, "like the fate of any Ukrainian politician, must be decided by the people of Ukraine."

This also includes the statement of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who, commenting on the Ukrainian crisis, called Yanukovych the legitimate President of Ukraine with negligible authority. Along the way, the prime minister predicted another revolution in the fraternal country and assured that Moscow needs a strong Ukraine, and not "a poor relative with an outstretched hand."

It should be noted that false reports of the death of politicians are not uncommon. One of the record holders in terms of "fake" deaths is former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Last year alone, he was "buried" three times. Last fall, the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia "buried" the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko. According to the Arab media, the President of Syria was "killed" by a security guard a year ago.

And during the 2012 presidential campaign in Russia, a reservation made by the leading TV company Krasnoyarsk sparked discussion about whether Vladimir Putin should be buried.

There are plenty of reasons to doubt the tragic death of the youngest son of the fourth president of Ukraine. The modest funeral, which was not even attended by the mother of the deceased, the silence of official structures, both in Russia and in Ukraine, and some other inconsistencies of this mysterious incident on Lake Baikal raise questions.

First, the official ukrainian Foreign Ministry request about death on Baikal Viktor Yanukovych Jr. Russian official structures have been keeping a significant silence for the second day. Second, the funeral of the "drowned Victor Davydov"In Sevastopol were modest in proportion to the scope of Yanukovych Sr. And what is especially noteworthy, they did not have the mother of the deceased - unless, of course, the youngest son of the former Ukrainian president is considered as such. And in general, take a look at the photo of a fresh grave. Do you believe that the ex-president, accustomed to special luxury, buried his beloved son like this, literally under the graveyard fence?

Yes, and why, in fact, Viktor Davydov, and not Viktor Yanukovych Jr. ? What is the reason why a different surname appeared in the Russian passport of the son of the Ukrainian leader? The following explanation is proposed (it seems that many Russian TV channels did not even bother to check it): the Yanukovych family received numerous threats, and in order to provide her with proper cover and reduce the risks of possible assassination attempts, the authorities of the country that gave the fugitives asylum provided them with new documents. Likewise, they provide new passports to persons involved in high-profile investigations under the witness protection program. You can believe it, of course, but where is the official confirmation? They are not here.

And in general, hardly anyone hunted for the children of Yanukovych - but even if they were hunted, the president’s eldest son, Alexander (or, as they called him behind his back, Sasha the dentist), would most likely come under attack. It was Alexander who locked up the entire family business, it is Alexander who is credited with close contacts with the Donbass militia, which, according to some sources, he finances. But the younger Victor did not do anything like that - he generally had more fun than he worked. I drove cars, changed girls - burned my life. However, in sanctions lists Victor Jr. was also hit. In February of this year, information appeared from Europe that allegedly the children of Yanukovych and Prime Minister Azarov will be taken out of the sanctions but later nothing like that happened. So the president's son might need Russian documents with a different surname simply to travel abroad without any problems - the old Ukrainian passport was no longer suitable for this.

And here's another extremely remarkable detail. Politician Nestor Shufrich, who was the first to report on the death of Yanukovych Jr., never had a special friendship with this family - to put it mildly. There was no trace of trust between Yanukovych and Shufrich. So why was it Shufrich who announced the death of the president's son? It is known that this politician often voices all sorts of "slippery" information - could it be that it was for this reason that he was entrusted to tell about the tragedy on Baikal? It is very similar to a custom "stuffing".

Anyway, the circumstances of the death of "Davydov" look strange. Well, imagine: a minibus with several people sitting in the wormwood leaves. Falls through the ice. Four in the back, in the cabin, manage to jump out through one side door (no one used the back door, either it jammed, or they simply did not remember about it). The one who was sitting next to "Davydov" is also doing well. And only the Davydov, fastened with a seat belt, does not have time to unfasten and sinks. It's somehow strange: the four passengers - those who were sitting in the back - had enough time. But "Davydov", who for some reason strapped himself on when driving to the fragile wormwood - no.

Well, and one more touch. The son of the former head of state dies. In just a few hours, his body is delivered to the Crimea, funeral service and immediately buried, as if trying to be in time as quickly as possible. The place for the burial was chosen more than strange: this is the so-called "North Side" of Sevastopol. From it to the city, or an hour and a half to go - bypass, or get by sea, by boat. An extremely inconvenient place, I must say. The locals, I must admit, do not consider Severnaya as Sevastopol at all. So, kicked it off. Yes, the Bratskoe cemetery, where the victims of the first defense of the city of 1854 were buried, is quite a worthy place, although it looks abandoned, but there are many places in Sevastopol that are no less worthy for burial of the mighty of this world. All this is strange. It's strange.