The impact of individual anti-alcohol policy measures (temporary prohibitions for night sale and price mechanisms) on the external effects of alcohol consumption. Evaluation of the effectiveness of state anti-alcohol policy: Research Review

The problem of consumption of alcohol in Russia and the external effects of excessive abuse of alcoholic beverages. State policy to reduce alcohol consumption. External effects of alcohol consumption and their connection with anti-alcohol policies. Most of the authors are based on foreign data. However, there are currently a number of works on the features of alcohol consumption by the Russian population and evaluating the effectiveness of measures. anti-alcohol politicians in Russia...

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In Chukotka, in Magadan, the Nenets Autonomous District, on Sakhalin and Komi, there is a problem of alcoholism. And the most "sober" regions traditionally are Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Karachay-Circassia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

unresolved problems include youth alcoholism, crime growth, the high proportion of counterfeit and the "irresponsibility of officials." According to experts, it is necessary to introduce additional legislative restrictions and improve the quality of life in the regions - "drink people not from a good life."

The rating was compiled on the basis of the open data of Rosstat, Rosalkogol regulation, Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the central base of statistical data and EMISS. The final score of the region was calculated on six criteria. It was estimated, in particular, the number of deaths from alcohol and consistent with alcoholism patients. As well as the number of crimes and offenses committed in a state of intoxicating, associated with illegal production and alcohol turnover. Another evaluation criteria were the volume of alcohol sold and analysis of regional legislation in this area.

Thus, Chechnya (12.78 points), Ingushetia (12.82) and Dagestan (14.18) have been recognized as the most sober regions for the fourth year in a row. Improved its position in the ranking and Karachay-Cherkessia: In 2015, she was the 25th, but from 2016 it fastest ranks fourth (20.02).

Following Kabardino-Balkaria (20.70), which has always been included in the top ten regions of "sober-free". Also this year, Belgorod (22.51) and Tyumen (22.52) regions, Stavropol Territory (23,61), Volgograd region (24.24) and Kalmykia (26.48) were also leaders.

The main problems of the implementation of anti-alcohol policies, according to the authors of the rating, are youth alcoholism, crime growth and the high proportion of counterfeit. Improkes the process and "irresponsibility of officials" - for example, attempts to legalize alcohol sales on gas stations and trade over the Internet, as well as the lack of proper control.

Anti-alcohol legislation in the field should be toughened, the chairman of the Committee of the Council of Social Policy Valery Ryazan is confident.

According to the expert, the authorities of some regions should be thought out, because "drink people not from a good life." And it is necessary to think not only about the prohibitions, but also about solving concomitant problems, raising the quality of life of citizens, the political scientist believes.

Fig. one. Alcohol consumption in Russia by type (Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health, 2014)

Russia has long been considered one of the fiends of the world. The diagram shows the statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia until 2010. In the 90s, consumption of strong alcohol has sharply increased, which led to a significant deterioration in the health of citizens. The diagram shows that if the consumption of strong alcohol began to decline since the 2000s, then the consumption of wine and beer increased significantly.

Since 2009, in accordance with the order of the government Russian Federation №2128-p. The concept of state policy is being implemented to reduce the abuse of alcohol products and the prevention of alcoholism among the population.

In most regions, regional target programs to reduce the use of alcoholic beverages, and various propaganda activities are carried out. In the concept to reduce the scale of alcohol abuse, it is said that the measures of combating alcohol must be located not only on the shoulders of the Ministry of Health, but also to be distributed among other bodies executive power Subjects of the Russian Federation. For example, one of the measures to combat alcoholism is the development of mass sports.

Fig. 2. Population alcohol use

Such a systematic approach already gives results. The diagram shows that from 2008 to 2014, consumption of alcohol products in terms of absolute alcohol decreased by 4.42 liters per person. At the same time, it should be answered that such consumption of alcohol products is designed without taking into account the shadow market. Submitted experts, this numbers can add another 5-8 liters per year.

Moreover, it should be noted, a significant difference in alcohol consumption between the country's regions. According to Rosstat in the southern regions of our country (Rostov, Samara Region, Ingushetia, Alania, etc.) Alcohol consumption is lower, when both in Chukchi, Nenets and Autonomous Districts, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan region.

The study conducted in 2010 in HSE has made it possible to identify factors affecting alcohol consumption on macro and micro levels (i.e. at the regions level and at the individual level).

On the regional levels The authors separately analyzed the consumption of various alcoholic beverages - vodka, wine, beer, etc. Based on the regression analysis carried out by the authors, it was concluded that the main macroeconomic determinants, which causes interregional differences in alcohol consumption is the average per capita income. The accuracy of the unemployed share, which included all constructed models with a negative sign can be considered as an indirect characteristic of income, because, with other things being equal, an increase in unemployment leads to a decrease in average per capita income and vice versa. The structure of the population in the region on the floor, for the reflection of which the indicator of the "male population" was used in a significant factor only in the model of vodka consumption. Consumption of strong and low alcohol drinks demonstrates a strong relationship

The number of patients in narcological institutions has decreased from 381,393 people in 2009 to 293,122 people in 2013. The indicator of the primary morbidity of narcological disorders decreased by 23%.

According to Rosstat, the maximum peak of alcohol consumption was in 2003 and reflected in the incidence of adolescent alcoholism. Then, during the period of stability and economic prosperity of our country, we see that the number of adolescents with a diagnosis of alcoholism has decreased to 919 thousand people and continued to slowly decrease.

Fig. 3. Alcohol consumption by teenagers 14-17 years

In connection with the serious incidence of alcoholism among adolescents, the Ministry of Health of Russia developed and issued an order of October 6, 2014 No. 581n "On the procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations studying in general educational organizations and professional educational organizations, as well as educational institutions of higher education in order to early detect illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. "The execution of this order will reveal significantly more cases of alcoholism among adolescents and take measures that will subsequently lead to a decrease in alcohol mortality.

Against the background of a common problem with alcoholism, the problem of children's alcoholism in our country is particularly acute. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia and the National Narcology Scientific Center, the highest level of adolescent alcoholism was recorded in 2003 G. and amounted to1270.9 per 100 thousand adolescent population. Compared from 1999, its growth was 65%. The graph shows that after the active policies of the fight against alcoholism, the indicator of patients with alcoholism among adolescents decreased significantly. This indicates the effectiveness of policies for young people, with the rare exception of the regions leading to the consumption of low-alcohol drinks, leads to consumption of strong drinks (Kossova et al., 2012).

Russian path of anti-alcohol policy

Attempts by state regulation of the alcohol market in Russia were undertaken repeatedly in the royal time. In 1896, under the emperor Nicolae II, the state "wine monopoly" was introduced, eliminating almost all the private sale of alcohol in the country. During russian-Japanese war In 1904-1905, a complete ban on the sale of vodka in a number of regions, which lasts until 1907 was followed. Later, in 1914, in connection with the World War II, the Government Decree, the sale of alcohol was banned throughout the country. This allowed 1915 to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages up to 0.2 liters per person (in 1913 the value of this indicator was 4.7 liters per person). As a result, the "dry law" introduced by Nicholas II lasted in Russia until August 1923.

Subsequently, the Soviet government also made repeated attempts to introduce various restrictions on the sale of alcohol. So, in 1958, a resolution was adopted, according to which the sale of vodka was prohibited by the majority of catering enterprises located in the areas of train stations, airports, in places of recreation of citizens, as well as in close proximity to industrial enterprises, educational institutions of education and health care. In 1972, temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol were introduced in the USSR: the sale of alcohol filth of 30 degrees was allowed from 11.00 to 19.00, i.e. Until the official closure time shopping alcohol.

In 1985, the most large-scale anti-alcohol campaign was deployed in the history of the USSR, during which the rules for selling alcohol became even tougher, many trading points were closed. In the same stores where trading with alcohol was permitted, alcohol was possible only from 14.00 to 19.00. In addition, a ban on drinking alcohol in parks, squares, as well as long-distance trains. The economic crisis that began in 1987 in the country, as well as the mass discontent of the population of the campaign events, forced the government to collapse the fight against alcoholism. However, temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol canceled were not and acted in the country until mid-1990. According to the estimates, over the years of the campaign of selling alcohol products per capita decreased by 60%. At the same time, during these years, the "shadow" market of alcohol began to actively develop, the scope of moonshine and illegal alcohol production increased, the number of poisoning alcohol surrogates increased.

Unfortunately, after the collapse of the USSR, the anti-alcohol policy was not among the priorities of the Russian government. In the conditions of rapidly developing market relations, the state has lost both a monopoly on the production and sale of alcohol, and control over the time of its sale. In the 1990s, many manufacturers and sellers, including major international companies, were published on the alcoholic beverage market. According to Rosstat, the sales of alcohol in liters of pure alcohol per capita adult has increased dramatically from 7.1 in 1990 to 10-11 in the 2000s.

Researchers emphasize the negative role of weakening the anti-alcohol policy of the state. Trazman notes that the increase in mortality observed in Russia in the early 1990s was caused by the current price policy regarding alcohol (low relative price of vodka), and not social stress from political and economic reforms in the country. Other authors consider the end of the anti-alcohol Gorbachev anti-alcohol campaign the main cause of the so-called "Russian mortality crisis".

Recent years are characterized, however, increased attention from the Russian government to regulating the situation on the alcohol market. The key document in this regard was adopted in 2009 "the concept of the implementation of state policy to reduce the abuse of alcohol products and the prevention of alcoholism among the population of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020." In addition to legislative regulatory measures, economic measures are laid as to limit the price availability of alcohol (increasing excise taxes on alcohol, the establishment of minimum retail prices) and to reduce its physical availability (reducing points and alcohol sales time). The goals and directions of the state's anti-alcohol policy were further recorded in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 7.05.2012 No. 598 "On the improvement of state policy in the field of health care".

Since July 2011, uniform nightlife restrictions on the sales of alcoholic beverages are introduced - from 23.00 to 8.00. According to the law, from January 1, 2013, the ban on the night sale of alcohol was distributed and on beer. Unified federal restrictions imposed in 2011 were sufficiently soft compared to those that were previously established individual regions.

In 2011, a significant increase in excise taxes on alcohol introduced back in 1992 begins. So, in 2010, they accounted for 231 rubles per 1 liter of anhydrous ethyl alcohol with a fortress of more than 9%, in 2011 - 254 rubles, in 2012 - 300 rubles, in 2013 - 400 rubles, in 2014 - 500 rubles, and from 1 January 2015 increased to 600 rubles.

The new state policy measures for Russia include the legislative establishment of the minimum price of vodka. One of the main reasons for the introduction of this mechanism was the decline in the price of vodka relative to the average salary than and explained by many researchers an increase in the consumption of alcohol observed in Russia over the past 20 years. The relative price of alcohol in the country was constantly declining during these years, making it more and more affordable. So, in the mid-1990s, 25 liters of vodka or 100 liters of beer could be bought on average wages, and in 2009 - already 79 and 358 liters, respectively. Changes in the minimum price of vodka and the availability of alcohol in the ratio with medium salary are shown in Table. 1. In 2010, the value of the minimum price of vodka was established for the first time and at a sufficiently symbolic level - 89 rubles per half-liter bottle. But afterwards the price rises several times, and by August 1, 2014 reached 220 rubles.

Table 1. Minimum price of vodka relative to the average wage

Date of administration

Minimum price, rubles for 0.5 l

Average salary, rubles

How many bottles can be bought?

However, from February 1, 2015, the minimum retail price of vodka was first reduced to 185 rubles (or by 16%). Among the reasons for this fact, experts identify both the freezing of the betting rates of the vodka excise on 2015 and 2016 and an increase in the sector of the alcohol market.

Thus, to the number of the most notable measures for regulating the alcohol market in last years It is possible to attribute the introduction of the minimum retail price of the sale of vodka, increasing excise taxes on alcohol and establishing temporary prohibitions for the sale of alcohol. As expected, official statistical data show, starting in 2010, a stable reduction in sales of both alcoholic beverages in general (in terms of pure alcohol) and vodka. Sales of beer, a slightly increased in 2011, began to decline again, and in 2014 the average alcohol sales, beer and vodka were lower than the 2010 level (Table 2).

Table 2. Dynamics of sale of alcoholic beverages in Russia, 2010-2014

Summary annual sales:

All alcoholic beverages, ppm Dkl Alcohol

Vodka, million dyk

Beer, million df

Per capita per capita per year:

All alcoholic beverages, in l alcohol

Is it possible to say that positive changes observed at the macro level are a consequence by the state of anti-alcohol policy? Given that similar economic measures have been actively using governments of different countries for many years, analyze well-known studies on their effectiveness assessment.

Forms, mechanism, social control methods should be adequate to genesis and regularities of deviant manifestations.
Drinking refers to the retretist forms of deviant behavior and finds the same explanation ("secondary failure" of R. Mrthon, its same tension theory, etc.). In addition, alcohol abuse, like other forms of retretism, is a consequence of the loss or absence of the meaning of existence, "existential vacuum" (V. Frankl *) filled with alcohol or drugs for lack of possibilities (inappropriate) to find a more decent means (for example, creativity or Hobbating something). Doctors narcologists know this pattern well, arguing: "There are no people with a hobby among our patients."
* Frankl V. Man in search of sense. M., 1990.
The World Health Organization calls three groups of consequences of alcohol abuse: problems for the firing - disease, offense, early death; For family drinking - conflicts, quarrels, lack of money, negative impact on children; For society - crimes, traffic accidents, the costs of treatment, the loss of working capacity, etc. With the undoubted harm of drunkenness and alcoholism, this evil cannot be counteracting for banning-repressive measures. This is evidenced by the global experience of introducing the "dry law": bootlegity and organized crimeIn Russia - mass moonshine (in 1923, more than 100 million puddles of bread were spent on Mogon, by 1985, 26% of alcohol products were moonshine *).
* Treml V. Soviet and Russian Statistics on Alcohol Consumption and Abuse. In: Bobadilla J., Costello CH., MITCHELL F. (EDS.) Premature Death In the New Independent States. Washington, 1997. P. 220-238.
The priority areas of anti-alcohol policies are primary (social-selling) prevention - the improvement of the conditions of being is possible a larger number of residents of the country, creating conditions for concerned labor and reasonable rest, an increase in the total population culture, educational level, and the secondary (special) prevention - anti-alcohol propaganda, culture formation Pythy and others. An important role is also played by tertiary (individual) prevention - medical, psychological, social assistance to persons who have a tendency to abuse alcohol and suffering alcoholism.
One of the most common forms of assistance (self-help) to persons suffering from abuse of alcohol, patients with alcoholism, is the "AA" movement of anonymous alcoholics ("Alcoholics Anonymous") *. It is believed that it originated June 10, 1935 in Akron, Ohio (USA), although similar attempts were made before. The main idea of \u200b\u200bmovement is the provision of mutual assistance to persons with alcohol problems in order to hold from its consumption. One of the most famous strategies of AA - "12 steps". These 12 principles of AA were institutionalized as the first International AA Convention in 1950 in Cleveland.
* For details, see: AA - Anonymous Alcoholics // Sociological research. 1991. № 1, 3-8; Osyatinsky V. Alcohol dependence: Disease or vice? St. Petersburg, 1997; Bryant S. (ED.). Vol. IV. IBID. P. 38-42.
From national anti-alcohol strategies, the Swedish can be called: a monopoly on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages; prohibition of alcohol advertising; selling them only in specialized stores; Only wines are exhibited on the windows of these stores (strong alcoholic beverages can be bought in the same stores, asking them from the seller); active propaganda of a healthy lifestyle; Social, medical, psychological assistance to persons having problems related to alcohol.
Of particular importance acquired the need for a reasonable anti-alcohol policy in Russia. This is due to a severe alcohol situation in the country.
The terrible effects of mass alcoholization of the population of Russia, especially residents of small cities and rural areas, are associated not only and not so much with long traditions, but with the most severe conditions of the existence of the majority of the population in the XX century. Over the years, the "anticulture" of Pythia has developed: "The Russian elderly habits in Russia were a festive, festive character, and were the advantage of men. Women drinking and youth remained shame for a long time. In the newest history of Russia, a new consumption style is dominated when they drink and on holidays, and on weekdays, not only without biting, but often not even squeezing. Or on the box-container instead of the table, on the newspaper instead of a tablecloth, among the garbage and dirt. Became familiar to drinking women and adolescents. This pee cannon is massive and is only a superficial reflection of degradation processes. russian societyfirmly related to irrepressible consumption of alcoholic beverages "*.
* Nemtsov A. Alcohol mortality in Russia, 80-90s. M., 2001. P. 5.
The next data on the "Pite Cordless Boundary" are given in article N. Alyakrinskaya. If 2002 gave the lives of more than 40 thousand citizens from alcohol poisoning, "the problem seriously aggravated this year ... There is a means for wiped glass with affectionate name" Maxim "and a tonic for bathing" inspiration ", flickering fluids Kostov "Merry Fire" and "Astra", anti-ansulistic means for dogs and pigs, preparations for hiding household insects and even liquid for softening hoofs ... "*.
* Alyakrinskaya N. After the "Triple" do not eat // Moscow news. 2003. 11-17B. P. 22.
After the ineffective anti-alcohol campaign of the mid-80s. The last century in Russia there is no strategy and the prevention program of the non-harmonious consumption of alcohol in the country. This does not exclude, of course, the activities of medical and non-governmental organizations to assist alcohol addicts.