Russian organized crime and power. History of relationships

With the onset of restructuring and capitalism in Russia, as is well known, the era of organized crime has come. Already from the late 80s, major cities have flooded the gangs of young people who have eased "primary capital accumulation" - the truth is not very legitimate ways. During the 90s, these groupings acquired a lot of weight and became a distinctive feature of the era, and their wars and leaders went down in history.

On August 18, 2016, it became known that another term - 23 years in prison - received a leader of one of the main gangs - Vladimir Barsukov-Kumarin, called at one time "Night Governor of St. Petersburg".

The "smart magazine" recalls the four sad well-known ODSs, wrapped in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and says that it has become in the end.

Solntsevskaya OGG.

One of the most famous criminal groups of Moscow originated in the late 1980s in the south-west of the city, in a residential area of \u200b\u200bSolntsevo. Like most of such organizations, she began their activities with "Lion" are very common at the time of the locks. However, Soon Solntsevsky turned and began to take care of the hotel, restaurants and casinos.

As it is believed, the leader of the group was a native of Solntsev Sergey Mikhailov alone by Nicking, who began his career as a waiter. In addition, he was engaged in the Greco-Roman struggle and even received the title of Master of Sports.

In the late 80s, Mikham and his team were united with another influential grouping of the south of Moscow - Orekhovskaya, separating the spheres of influence and together trying to confront Caucasian OGS. In 1989. trey year The leaders of Solntsevsky and the leader of the Orekhov Sylvester were arrested and accused of extortion, however, the loud at that time the case was almost crumbled - not least due to the fact that the witnesses began to refuse their testimony. As a result, only Sylvester was convicted, and the Solntsevsky let go.

In the 90th grouping increased its influence, penetrating in the territory outside of Moscow. In Russia, they were accustomed to Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, where they had a stake in the game business. In addition, Solntsevsky began to invest in foreign assets, mainly in Europe. It was reported that in Vienna they opened their central office.

Mikhailov, in addition to russian citizenship, also acquired Israeli and Kostarikan, and the scandalous episode was connected with the Latin American country: in 1994, the Costa Rica authorities tried to appoint him to their consul in Russia (!). Apparently, he was needed to get diplomatic immunity, but the Russian Foreign Ministry is a candidacy.

Solntsevskaya OGS, unlike most other well-known groups, appeared little in street wars and high-profile trials, preferring to conduct cases relatively unnoticed. Maybe therefore, it is believed to preserve its influence to this day.

Sergey Mikhailov, so never convicted during the period of my power, today leads the life of a respectable businessman. Judging by his personal website, he is engaged in charity, and is also trying to take advantage of the recently adopted law on "right to oblivion" and remove the mention of his connections with the criminal world from Russian search engines.

With a diploma of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

When presenting a diploma of the International Police Association

Orekhovskaya OCG

Another famous grouping arose in the capital in the late 80s in the vicinity of Shipivskaya Street and received its name by the name of the Orekhovo-Borisovo district. Her leader was Sergey Timofeev, named Sylvester - a native of the Novgorod region, who started a tractor driver in the collective farm and later who later moved to Moscow on the limit.

Nickname (with reference to Silvestra Stallone) he received because of love for bodybuilding. It is in the "rocking places" and the gym the backbone of the future organization was formed.


Started nuts, like all their colleagues, with a rack. In 1989, as already mentioned, Sylvester was arrested for extortionably together with the leaders of Solntsevsky, but if those in the end released, he was given three years in colony.

Freeding in 1991, Timofeev continued to climb the pyramid of the criminal hierarchy and united under his beginning all the scattered brigades of the South of Moscow, which by that time was mired in cruel street wars.

Orekhovsky successfully introduced into the most profitable industries: banking, diamond, oil. Their leader has become almost in the most respected authority of the capital and even went to the United States to a meeting with the legendary thief in the law of Ivankov-Japanese, who allegedly blessed him to managing the city.


However, the music played for a short time, and soon Sylvester was blown up in the center of Moscow in his "Mercedes". His burnt corpse was identified by the teeth. Who ordered this murder, it is not clear so far: I could not complain about the lack of enemies.

After the death of Sylvester, the Orekhovskaya OGG began to split into separate brigades, which began to fight both each other and competing gangs from other regions. In this slaughter, many influential nuts died.

At some point, the leader of the group seems to be Sergey Butorin in his nickname, but he was soon forced to go into the shadow, staged his own funeral in 1996. And in 2000, law enforcement agencies, investigating the murder of the investigator of the Prosecutor's Office of the Odintsovsky District of the Moscow Region Yuri Kerezia, and Butorina declared the federal wanted list. After that, he and a number of leaders were forced to run abroad.

During the zero years of the leaders of Orekhovsky (as well as associated with them, Medvedkovsky and Odintsovsky) were gradually caught and condemned. The axis was detained in Barcelona with the local police and spent eight years in a Spanish prison for illegal storage of weapons, after which he was extradited to Russia. In 2011, the Moscow City Court admitted him guilty of 36 murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Butorin at the Court

Kurgan NGG despite the name, this grouping also led its activities in Moscow, where he became famous for his cruelty even against the background of other gangs, also not seen in special love for humanity.

Coligs and dislike - the first left

The leaders of the Kurgan - Andrei Koligov, Oleg Nelyubin and Vitaly Ignatov - became acquainted in their native Kurgan when they worked as gravers in the cemetery (very symbolic). The fourth cemetery "Musketeer" was Alexander Solonik, then - the incredible cadet of the Gorky Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in the future - the legendary killer.

Vitaly Ignatov - Right

The grouping began its activities in their hometown, but in 1990 he was relocated to Moscow. There, she first entered the union with the leader of the Nutrition Sylvester, but soon decided to "go to his way."

One of his stages was the murder of three leaders of the influential Bauman OGS, with whom Kurgan did not shake the Nightclub "Arquino". Hands of Solonika were removed by Valery Dlugach (Globe), Anatoly Semenov (Rambo) and Vladislav Vanner (Bobon). Soon the Sylvester was killed, who tried to agree with the arrogant provincials. True, they made it kurgan or someone else, it is not clear.

Less than a month after the death of Sylvester, Solonika was detained in the Petrovsko-Razumovsky market, where he managed to shoot three militiamen and a security guard. Killer confessed to the murders committed, which in the end came about 20, but after eight months of detention, it was able to escape from the detention facility "Sailor Silence", becoming hardly the first to whom it succeeded. Help was provided to him by Kurgan colleagues who bribed the overseers (or, on another version, introduced it specifically). In the career of Solonika, it was already the third successful escape: before that he ran straight from the courtroom in his native Kurgan and from a colony in Ulyanovsk.

Detained Solonik

Despite economic advances, for their methods, the Kurgan group has progressed so many enemies that it was unsafe in Moscow. In addition to all, they cut off among themselves, as a result of which they left abroad by one.

True, two of them the Russian authorities soon managed to get: Koligov was arrested in the Sheremetyevo-2 aeroport, when he decided to return to the country in stupidity, and Niminda issued the authorities of the Netherlands, where he was convicted of killing a merchant from Latvia. Both were not destined to be on freedom. Nelyubina, together with another influential member of the AHG Pavel Zelenin, was killed in the same "sailor silence" as a result of the "fight between prisoners" in the 1998th. And the coligs, waiting for the court and serving the term in the colony, allegedly committed suicide there in 2005.

As for the Solonika, then Killer, after the escape hidden in Greece, in 1997 he was indequained by his prominent counterpart by Alexander Pleshovalov on the nicknamed Sasha-soldiers who worked for the Orekhovskaya OGS.


Together with him killed his cohabitant Svetlana Kotovo - the finalist of the Miss Russia-96 contest, whose dissected body was later found in the suitcase sword in the land.

Svetlana Kotova.

The only one of the four Tambov gravers, whose fate does not know anything - Vitaly Ignatov, who may still hide somewhere abroad.

Tambov OCG

This grouping was also observed not in the city, giving it the name, and in Northern capital. Founded by immigrants from the Tambov Region, Vladimir Kumarin and Valery Ice, who became acquainted in Leningrad in 1988, at first it was part of the powerful Velikolovsk organized criminal group, but gradually acquired independence and became the leader of the criminal world in the north of Russia.

For the first time about Tambovtsi, they spoke in 1989, but they arranged a rare disassembly on the use of firearms with competitors from the Malyshevskaya OGS. The court covered a well-known journalist Alexander Nevzorov and, as Kumarin later told, made a group of good advertising by grouping his reports. It is curious that, becoming a deputy State Duma, Nevzorov subsequently appointed Kumarin his assistant.

Nevzorov (left) with Kumarin

Freed from the colony in 1991, Kumarin decided to finally add from Velikoluksky. On this way, he with his accomplices has achieved great success. Over time, the grouping controlled not only St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, but also a significant part of Karelia, as well as the Novgorod and Pskov regions. It is believed that on the coverage of the population (5.5 million people) Tambov set a peculiar record of the criminal world of Russia.

Having accumulated influence, the organized criminal group entered the fuel and energy complex, buying away St. Petersburg branches of Surgutneftegaz and uniting them to the Petersburg fuel mound, which Kumarin was headed (by that time the name of the mother - badgers). His first deputy was the urban vice-governor Yuri Antonov. In addition, the grouping was done through the speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Viktor Novoselov and the State Duma deputies from the LDPR, the Brothers Sergei and Vyacheslav Shevchenko.

Viktor Novoselov

At the turn of the Millennium from Tambov, it seems to be legalized and become decent businessmen, problems began. Speaker Novosylov in 1999 blew up in his own car, the deputy of Sergey Shevchenko in 2001 condemned for 7.5 years conditionally for extortion, and his brother was killed in 2004 in Cyprus. In 2007, Barsukova-Kumarin arrested. He was incubated to raider captures and legalization of criminal proceeds. In 2009, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison in this case, but soon newly followed. The courts over it with some interruptions stretch to this day.

In 2014, Brancuk-Kumarin became famous for his last word "special distribution. The court of particular importance, "published in the media, after which the jury issued him the acquittal verdict in the case of organizing an intelligence for killing. However, then the Supreme Court of the country abolished the sentence and returned the case to the lower resolution. In the presentation of the prosecutor's office, it was said that the publication in the media allegedly meant an unacceptable effect on the jury. In August 2016, the leader of Tambov received on this charge of 23 years of imprisonment.

Mikhail Glushchenko (left) and Vyacheslav Shevchenko

Another prominent member of the Tambov ODG Mikhail Glushchenko in 2015 was sentenced to the 17 years for organizing the resonant murder of the State Duma State Duma State Duma, committed back in 1998. At the same time, he called Barsukov-Kumarin to the customer, so that, apparently, the problems with justice also added.

Starovoitova and Yeltsin

The fate and the other leader of Tambov - Anitkwar Mikhail Monastic, named after his feeders of the Eggs of Faberge, did not work out. Being a deputy of the State Duma from LDPR, he was able to avoid arrest and escaped to Europe, but in 2007 he died in a strange accident in the south of France.

Monastery next to the leader of his party Zhirinovsky

As for one of the organizers of the Tambov OGS, Valery Iskovsky, mentioned at the beginning, then there is practically no information about it. Which is rather strange for a person who has achieved such career "heights". True, the network contains information that it is he who currently holds the position general Director Gazpromneft regional sales company.

Valery Iceovsky

That this is Valery Ice or some other, it is rather difficult to understand, however, the facts of biography of two people with the same name indicate at least their related communication.

On the eve of the New Year, all the media will serve screaming headlines and wrap the avalanche of the "most reliable" horoscopes and political forecasts. But among these predictions there will be no prophecies of the most fashionable astrologer of recent years - Valery Icetsky. He died from cardiac attack. For many, this sudden death has become a real shock: the people called the editors argued that the horoscopes of Valery Alexandrovich were very accurate and helped them live. And they asked the "Express newspaper" to tell about the life of his beloved priest. At the same time, one of the calling ladies puzzled us with a question: in any temple you can order a mismatch of an astrologer on a liturgy or only where did they eat it?
Fans of Valery Icekovsky claimed that in his interviews an astrologer almost did not tell anything about himself. At the request of the readers, we decided to fill this gap.

Marina Vladimirov

First of all, we learned where Valery Icekhovsky was buried, and went to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery to honor his memory, and at the same time, to know whether the cross was on the grave of the astrologer. We also published among the old burials we saw the Fresh Hill. Wreaths, Cross - everything, as it should be in Orthodox. But what was our surprise when we approached closer: a very unfamiliar name was written on the plate.
Then we called in the Research Institute of Normal Physiology. There I worked the ice, until the astrologer became an astrologer. The Institute said that he is a candidate of biological sciences, and the real name of Valery Alexandrovich - Tuys. She just meant on the grave plate.

Incomprehensible pseudonym

Under the surname of Tuys, the future predictor was known as one of the authors of the book "Astrology and longevity". How and why an unusual pseudonym appeared, there are no idea at the institute.

In the astrologer environment, it is rumored that Tuys - Ice died so suddenly in the heyday, because he changed his native surname.
- He broke his karma. He was written on the bird to live for a long time, his parents were long-livers, "the astrologer Valentina Shatskaya, author of a number of books and numerous publications in the press. She talked closely for several years with Valery Icetsky.
- Everything wanted to ask him: "Valerka, where did you dig up this stupid last name?!" Yes, I did not have time, - Valentina Dmitrievna complains.
As she assumes, at first Ice, apparently, he was shy to sign his forecasts with the name, which they knew in scientific circles, and then simply did not come back to him.
According to Shack, the ice was the soul of any company. He tried to pay all to everyone. Customers simply adored. And the female colleagues were perceived as a girlfriend and sometimes trusted him their innermost secrets.
Valentina Shatskaya and Valery Icetsky met when astrology was still in its infancy, but in the popular Soviet journals "the peasant" and "worker" has already become fashionable to print astrological forecasts. On the wave of public interest, their compilation seemed to be an exciting and promising. According to the memoirs of the ball, Ice, with other beginner astrologers, together with other beginner astrologers, was actively involved in self-sufficient astrological circles and made the first serious steps in the "Star" science.

Good-natured womanist

If you believe that our name and surname define fate, then the life path of Valery Tueva and really changed dramatically after he took an unusual alias.

When Ice began to cooperate with the newspaper "Kommersant", he appeared new circle Communication. Fate brought him with a journalist Rafom Shakirov, who led the united editorial office of the entire Publishing House "Kommersant", and after the purchase of her Berezovsky left for television: first, as a vice-president of TV Center TV channel, then - the Director General of the Program "At the State Course" Russia ".
Subsequently, Shakirov returned to journalism, becoming the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Newspaper", and then Izvestia. In the last edition, however, he worked for a short time.
Evil languages \u200b\u200bargued that it was thanks to the fabricated friendship of Valery with Rafom, the political predictions of the ice astrologer gradually began to consider the most accurate: Shakirov, the debt of the service rotating in power and business circles, knew before many of the coming changes in the State Olympus - and allegedly shared information from buddy.
One way or another, but the Ice Astrologer by the end of the 90s became truly famous. As well as famous personRumors crawled about him. On the Internet and today you can find unequivocal hints that Ice forecasts were preparing in the Kremlin. But the predictor himself has always disabled from any relations with officials. And still the wanders rumored, as if the Ice twisted novels with young journalists.
One popular worker on the Internet on the day of the Astrolog's funeral shared in the electronic "live magazine" personal impressions of the ice, especially noting that the dead man under life was a "good-natured womanist". And when someone from the users "LJ" asked: "And what, is Ice, however, was a womanizer?" - The author of the memories clarified: "Yes, Khahal was otmnaya!"
To understand why immediately after the death of the astrologer, such statements appeared in the electronic network, we found them the author. Being pleasing us not to call his last name, he said that he himself was familiar with the ice superficially, and the phrase that was given to LJ, he heard Valery's funeral from someone from his loved ones ...

Killed horoscopes

The closest people of Valery Ice - his wife Tatiana and the daughter of Vera. Tatiana all his life worked as a librarian, and faith, graduating from the Faculty of Vgika, decided to devote his life to the ministry to God. We managed to find it in the Moscow temple into the glory of all the saints, where she works as director of a charitable foundation. Especially for "EG" she agreed to tell about the father.

He was carried away by the sciences associated with the knowledge of a person when I was not yet born. At one time, he even wanted to do medicine, but then changed his mind, because it was necessary to somehow earn money, feed the family, so gradually came to astrology, - remembers faith. According to her, she does not know how his father appeared a pseudonym.
The ice and daughter periodically arose disputes. Orthodox ChurchAs you know, does not recognize astrology. The reasons for this rejection faith understands this:
"According to Orthodoxy, a person must go through his failures and suffering to understand where it was wrong." Astrologers also violate this church canon with their warnings, "says the daughter of the predictor. Despite his convictions, she tried with respect to refer to the lesson of the Father.
- His best friend There was a mother, I'm sure of that, because I always lived with my parents, - continues faith. - And they lived all their lives together.
When we told her, what rumors about the father are full of the Internet, the daughter was very surprised. Vera is confident that his father was not to the amournal. He worked for wear. Never refused to help anyone. And very often he was strongly overwhelmed, doing at night by drawing up horoscopes. According to Faith, it became one of the main causes of a heart attack.

By the way about faith

Valery Ice was a baptized man. Despite his occupation, he, according to his statement, believed in God and believed that astrology and religion did not contradict each other. After death, he was fang in the same temple where the daughter works. But the father, according to the employees, did not bless her to order the fantastic of his father on the liturgy, advising the diligence to pray for himself. Why - in the Moscow Patriarchate we were explained so.
- only suicide refuses the church, "says the clergyman Mikhail Dudko. - A completely different and very subtle question - remembrance on liturgy.
In this case, the case is not at all that the church seems to not recognize astrology or considers astrologors "terrible" people, for which the priest "dangerous" or "forbidden" to pray. This widespread opinion is false.
The great sacrament of the liturgy - the prayer of the Orthodox priest about the spiritual union of the soul of the deceased with God is not committed against those who, being baptized, consciously rejected the main postulates of Orthodoxy, did not consciously walked into the church, did not confess and did not defeat that. And that's why.
If the astrologer publicly says that he believes in God and supposedly belongs to the Orthodox culture, and he himself promotes the idea catastrophic soul, as if life is determined by the stars running, it is unlikely that the Batyushka considers himself to remember him on liturgy. After all, in fact, it will be disregard for the will of the late and mockery over Orthodoxy, which claims that a person is created in the image and likeness of God and in the choice of fate is free from everything. In particular, from the movement of celestial bodies. They can only influence the temporary physical well-being of a person, but not on his fate.
Current astrologers, making their forecasts, try to subordinate our will
Calculations and introduce people to temptation. Of course, if a person, a luxury newspaper, out of curiosity will look into the horoscope, read it and will forget, in that there is no sin - it is just a beast weakness. But if he becomes guided by these warnings and, let's say, will not go to a pretty mother, since the stars warned him from the road, is already sin.

* Valery Alexandrovich Tuys (Ice)born in Moscow on December 18, 1949.
* Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation.
* Last years He worked as a regular Astrologer of the newspaper "Gazeta", gave political and financial forecasts in radio and television.

First of all

RAF Shakirov, journalist:
- We were really friendly with Valery. He was fully passionate about and in love with his astrology on her ears. I tried to project her postulates on all spheres of life. I, honestly, did not approve of his invasion of the political area. I thought it was nonsense, more precisely - well, it was not necessary to do that. While I worked in Kommersant, astroloral political forecasts were not printed in it. And so that I "predicted" him events, this could not be.
Was it a womanizer? Personally, I did not notice this such. And I will not comment on the Internet dirt - disgusting.
DELFROM Outlet Astrologer

the age of Azerbaijanis, as already mentioned, received from him the right to independently engage only by trade in agricultural products, while the drug business remained for the "empire".

On October 6, 1992, Malyshev was arrested for extortion, after which another 16 active members of the Maja Shevsky Community 1 were detained, among whom Vladislav Kirpichev was. In 1993, the Kommersant newspaper put forward a version that Malyshev was arrested on the initiative of the employees of the former KGB. For the Malyshev, the Association of Boxers of St. Petersburg was requested, the Russian Federation French boxing, co-operative "Tonus" and the administration of the prison, which contained Malyshev.

In the absence of a leader at Malyshevtsev, hunting was announced, the gangsters joked: "Who did not plan, that is worthy."In 1993, one of the "authorities" of Gritkul was killed and bricks were arrested again. It must be said that in 1993 the attempts were committed almost in all St. Petersburg "authorities".

As a result, in March 1993, Muscovites offered their services as arbitration judges at a joint Petersburg-Moscow approaching judges to regulate conflicts arising after Malyshev's arrest. It was Muscovites who were "watching" in St. Petersburg instead of Jacutenka "" Thief in Law "" Kudryash.

On December 8, 1994, the Metropol restaurant passed the gathering of "thieves in law" and "authorities" of Russia and the countries of near abroad. There were about 60 "delegates". After the departure, the business circles of St. Petersburg began to take attempts to liberate Alexander Malysheva, Valery Ice and other representatives of the Tambov-Malyshevskaya grouping. The prosecutor's office was reorganized the department, which was responsible for this grouping. At the same time, Alexander Nevzorov and a number of deputies of the State Duma sent a petition to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation demanding to consider the case "I illegally contained in the custody of the merchant" Alexander Malysheva. As a result, on September 12, 1995, the court sentenced Malyshev to two and a half years of imprisonment and freed him in the courtroom. Vladislav Kirpichev was generally justified.

Justice has been played out on its representatives - Judge Fedor Colds has fallen in the field of view of law enforcement agencies,

For other information, about 30 people were detained. Gangster Petersburg, p. 190.

"Bandits of the times of capitalism ..., p. 123.

condemned Malyshev and justified bricks. There is a version that he received from Dmitry Yakubovsky bribe, although it is more likely that the bribe was for the liberation of Self-Yakubovsky 1. In its time, the cold sentence was inflated by Valery Ice, another "authority". After trying to give a bribe to Yakubovsky Cold, with the help of a lawyer Vladimir Ternovsky, Cold's powers were suspended, a criminal case was initiated in its respect. Kirpichev did not avoid retribution - June 14, 1996, he was killed at the Joy Club.

On September 13, 1995, Malyshev was released. Now he lives in Spain, continuing to lead the remnants of his community. Today, it lost most of the personnel, which moved to other groupings. "Authority", Andrei Ovov (small), former Komsomol functionar, began to claim the leader. His assistant was a certain John, a former army officer.

The grouping small, formed in the 80s, actually stood out in 95-96 years from the Rows of Malyshevtsev.

The group in terms of the composition is small, but very mobile, according to rumors, was built on the principles of the organization of Yakuza - the tough hierarchy and discipline was observed, a finger was cut off for the provinity, for betrayal - killed. Due to this, PG existed quite a long time and was beyond the reach of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 1997, many of the active members of the Little team were killed by killers from the Kazan, with which GHG conflict was very tight. Especially with one of the leaders of the Kazan community Arthur Kzhizhevich.

In 1999, law enforcement agencies detained the Volis itself and several active members of his GHG. Interestingly, the oxen, unlike his colleagues, preferred to walk along the path of pure crime, and not to legalize.

Another "authority", broken from Malyshev, was Alexander Anisimov (Shark), detained by Ruopovtsy in 1998 on charges of extortion. By the way, the grouping of Vladimir Borisov (ensign), who gained fame of his killer and in the fact that consisted, mainly from military personnel, was released from his PG distinctive trait Many PG Petersburg).

1 "Independent Gazette" of April 11, 1997 "Izvestia", No. 61, 1997.

Perm criminal community

Representatives of the Perm criminal community have been very influential in St. Petersburg for some time. They focused on "thieves in law" of Jacutenka and Makara. Since 1995, the influence of the "thieves in law" on the activities of the Group intensified.

The leader of the group was Ivan Pyryachov (Vanya Perm).

Tambov criminal community

From the mid-80s in St. Petersburg, the Tambov group, which united Tambov's immigrants. In 1988, "Tambovtsy" numbered about 100 people, in 1989 their number increased to several hundred people. By 1999, the time of the heyday "Tambovtsev", there were still 300-400 people in the grouping.

The leader of the Tambov community Vladimir Sergeevich Kumarin (Kum) in 1988 took the place of the head of criminal St. Petersburg.

Vladimir Sergeevich Barsukov(former surname - Kumarin) was born in1955 in the Tambov region. Some time worked as a collective farmer. Arriving in Leningrad, he studied at the Leningrad Institute of Technology of the Refrigeration Industry, but he did not finish it.

Worked in various fusion institutions of St. Petersburg. He served as a Mother of Rosa, Bartender - in Tallinn. Since the mid-80s, he organized a racketer team from countrymen. At one time, Kumarin worked with a famous criminal authority Nikolai Sedyuk.

The Valery Ice (Baboon) became the right hand of Kumarin.

Valery Stanislavovich Iceovskyhappened from the family of hereditary police officers, according to some data, his mother worked inorgans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Tambov.

He graduated from the Leningrad Institute physical culture im.Lesgafta and worked inchildren's and youth sports school of the Krasnogvardeisky district, where he taught boxing. Was also a bouncer inrestaurant "Zurbagan" (former "amber").

In 1997, Ice defended the dissertation on pedagogy (work fromhard teenagers).

According to some data, Nikolay Gavrilenkov (Stepanych), former Bartender of the Soviet hotel, helped to create a grouping of Kumarina.

Nikolai Stepanovich Gavrilenkovborn in1949. inThe Great Luki of the Pskov Region began to engage in boxing and even entered the branch of the Institute of Physical Culture. In 1975, he was convicted for robbery for four years. Since the beginning of the 80s arrived inLeningrad and worked as a bouncer, bartender and administrator indifferent institutions. Gavrilenkov and Kumarin met in"Rose Winds" (Soviet guests), where Nikolai worked with his brother Victor.

Gavrilenkov remained in the shade, although, according to some reports, was a "super-ender" of the community (in fact he headed the internal and foreign intelligence community "). During the organization of the grouping, athletes were athletes who were headed by Sergey Lukinshin. He" held "Nevsky Avenue and died in 1988 in a car accident. In 1994, the Gavrilenkov community was given the monopoly rights to "work" with Chukhonians - Russian-Finnish cl.

In 1995, Gavrilenkov was killed.

"Tambovtsy" initially gathered at the Cosmos cafe (Svetlanovsky Ave.) and in Beer on Science Avenue and Civil Avenue, as well as in the restaurant "Coeleb".

The grouping was strictly organized according to specializations (for example, "clients" of the group supplied Volodya North, a well-known criminal "authority") and subordinate to tough discipline. The grouping had a common cash desk, in which the percentage of "privileged" was evolved. "Tambovtsy" among the first began to "run" on legal commercial structures and did not recognize the dictates of the "thieves in law". OGS had its own radio electronic exploration and outdoor surveillance service.

In St. Petersburg, the investigation of the leader of the so-called Tambov criminal community of Valery Iskovsky and the five of his handicrafts were completed. Originally Ice was arrested on charges of extortion of $ 25,000 from the St. Petersburg entrepreneur Kirill Schreiber. Interestingly, he was soon released from under arrest, and then the investigation even allowed the authority to go abroad, to Switzerland. However, most likely he returns, since the court is much threatened by him: the victim Schreiber has already refused all his accusations.

Valery Ice, which is called figure number 2, was arrested in December 1993. The basis for served as a statement by Kirill Schreiber. Since the beginning of 1993, Tambov tried to endure the entrepreneur by tribute, but he walked successfully. Moreover, he made an act, the gangster concepts completely unacceptable: he said that he was already paying to another Tambov leader, Andrei Stepanova, who was killed by a killer in Budapest in October last year.

After it turned out that it was not true, Schreiberu was appointed meeting on April 1 at the cafe "Evening". During the explanation of the ice, as indicated in the materials of the investigation, Khrotchacha ordered $ 50 thousand as material and moral damage and gave a period of one month in order to collect money. Somewhat later, having consisted, the gangsters lowered a fine to $ 25 thousand. Schreiber tried to protest weakly, and in response to this Ice allegedly threw into his head "for rotten bazaar" - it is these words that are featured in the investigation materials.

Schreiber hollowed for a long time, only in December 1993 he ventured to apply for a statement to RUP at the GUVD of St. Petersburg. It was at this time that another police cleaning of the Tambov Petersburg police began. In the SIZO "Crosses" turned out to be several leaders of this. The operation was held in connection with the murder of the major Petersburg entrepreneur Sergey Beneshiev, which was engaged in the sale of petroleum products.

After the arrest, Valery Iceovsky did not answer the questions of the investigators about a month. Only on January 19, he demanded that he was interrogated. At the interrogation, he stated that on April 1, 1993 was in Togliatti, as evidenced by the protocol of the Inspector of the traffic police Ambrosov (the lawyer provided him with a consequence on the same day), which delayed the bandit for violating the rules road. After that, the staff of the St. Petersburg RUPO visited Tolyatti, where in the magazine of the blank strict reporting Really found this protocol, but it was written between the lines and was under the dual number. It turned out that the ambros inspector himself since the summer of 1993 did not appear in the service and was dismissed from the traffic police. Later it turned out that he visited St. Petersburg, where BMW acquired. The examination of the protocol has shown that the explanations of the violators in it really wrote the Ice Himself. However, investigators found out that it was done much later on April 1, 1993, most likely at the moment when the suspect was already in the "crosses".

During the investigation, the charge was retrained to a harsh article 77 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - banditism. However, on March 15 of last year, the Smolnensky Jurles of St. Petersburg has released Valery Icetsky from under arrest, taking a subscription of the unseason, according to health. Unferring, who came out on the subscription, almost at the same time and immediately disappeared after that, the ice registers carried out all the requirements of the investigation and was always on the first agenda. Therefore, when the management of the company "Interconcelting", where Valery Ice Ownskiy works as a deputy director, requested to let him go to a foreign business trip, the investigation agreed. Ice carefully informed representatives of law enforcement agencies about their movements in Europe, which indicates his confidence in a positive decision for him.

It is likely that the ice has repeatedly seen in Switzerland with, the leader of the Tambov group, with whom he is friendly. Recall that Kumarin is treated in Switzerland from injuries received during the attempt on him on June 1 last year. Then the gangster guard was killed by the automatic queue, and Kumarin hit the hospital in a comatose state, but the mighty health and skill of St. Petersburg doctors saved his life. In August, the charter flight through Finland, the authority was taken to Switzerland for further treatment, where he was not in a hurry to return to St. Petersburg.

Due to the workload of St. Petersburg courts, the start of the meeting was not appointed. Moreover, most of the judges simply do not express a hot desire to take the work of the ice. Judging by the calm behavior of the latter, he is confident in a successful court decision. The chief witness of the charge, Schreiber, has already abandoned all his testimony.