Anti-alcohol policies in the regions of Russia called ineffective. Better vodka worse no

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

St. Petersburg University

Anti-alcohol legal policy

and anti-alcohol legislation

soviet state:

history lessons and ways to improve

St. Petersburg


Among the social vices of currently causing special attention of humanity with the most massive, no doubt are drunkenness and alcoholism. Their influence is somehow affected by all spheres of human life, affects the interests of all social groups - the entire public organism. In the crisis moments of the development of society, the strength of drunkenness and alcoholism increases significantly, which, in turn, stimulates the development of other destructive phenomena and processes.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in many states in recent years, alcoholism has increased dramatically and is inferior only to mortality from cardiovascular diseases and cancer. With the world level of consumption of alcohol per capita equal to 5 liters of absolute alcohol, alcoholic beverages are the cause of 6.3% of people dying per year. Alcohol abuse reduces the average life expectancy of a person for 15-20 years. Despite this, alcohol consumption around the world, including in Russia, is growing from year to year. In the RSFSR, the number of patients with alcoholism, including adolescents, in 1987 per 100 thousand population - 1628 people, at the beginning of 1991, the number of patients with alcoholism in Russia reached - 4, 6 million people.

The expansion of drunkenness and alcoholism contributes to the continuous growth of the production of domestic and import of foreign alcohol products, its illegal turnover. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in the country there are about hundreds of criminal groups, "specializing" in the field of illegal production and trade alcohol. Their monthly income exceeds 1 billion denominated rubles. Only in 1997, more than 700 underground workshops for the production of alcoholic beverages were revealed by employees of organized crime units, more than 600 tons of fake products were seized.

Sobility and alcoholism is a social norm and social pathology. To strengthen the first and successfully deal with the second, it is necessary to consistently and gradually develop anti-alcohol legislation. It is an integral public administration element, one of the means of orienting the behavior of the individual or the social group on the lifestyle, free of alcohol, and, at the same time, a means of controlling society for their alcohol behavior. The aggravation of the alcohol situation in Russia causes the need to develop effective measures to combat increasing alcoholization. In this regard, the use of positive historical experience in the development of the anti-alcohol legislation of the Soviet state is extremely relevant.

The relevance of the scientific development of this topic is also due to its insufficient study in legal science, the need of state and public institutions in the domestic and foreign experience of legislative activities in the field of legal regulation of alcohol problems, as well as the tasks of further improvement of modern anti-alcohol legislation.

Chapter I.

1. Theoretical foundations of the formation of anti-alcohol policy of the Soviet state

In the autumn of 1895, a historical event occurred in the life of Russian social democracy: under the leadership, all Marxist mugs of St. Petersburg were combined into a single political organization: the first proletarian party of Russia, named in December "Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class". On the night of December 8-19, Lenin and a significant group of his associates were arrested for organizing strikes of workers. Being in prison, Lenin continued research on the economic development of the country and began working on the book "Development of capitalism in Russia."

In March 1899, under the pseudonym "Vladimir Ilyin" published the book "Development of capitalism in Russia. The process of education of the domestic market for the large industry. " In it, Lenin first appealed to the characteristics of the capitalist evolution of distillation. Which conclusion was Vladimir Ilyich? "The expansion of potato culture by landlords and wealthy peasants means an increase in demand for hired work ... Thus, if the number of workers engaged in proprietary disintegration decreased, then, on the other hand, the displacement of the working capitalist system of the economy with the culture of rootfodes raised the demand for rural substrates" (7, 287-288).

The results of further study of the nature of the activities of the Pete Monopoly Lenin outlined in January-February 1901 in "Random Notes". In particular, he wrote: "What is the only good that our official and official press was waiting for it: increasing government revenues and improving the product and reduce drunkenness! But in fact, instead of increasing income, only the rise in price of wine, budget intricacies, the impossibility of accurately determine the financial results of the entire operation should be determined; Instead of improving the product, a deterioration was made ... Instead of a decrease in drunkenness - an increase in the number of places of the secret sale of wine, an increase in police income from these places, the opening of wine shops in spite of the will of the population appropriate for the opposite, strengthening of drunkenness on the streets "(8, 421).

In the eighth issue of Sparks, the article V. I. La Nina "Funks for work" was published, in which he reported that the law on the discharge of individuals of government lands in Siberia, promulgated June 8, 1901, will increase the profitable sales of vodka in the treasury "Noble disturbed breeders" (10, 87).

The fifth All-Russian Congress of the Soviets opened on July 4, 1918 in Moscow in the Bolshoi Theater. As a speaker on the activities of Lenin said the following: "Next to the mass of difficulties, next to the mass of errors, next to the cases that we do not take place at all, and pull out on the light, for disgrace, - those cases when our detachments themselves fall into speculation, in TU slippery, in which all the habits are dragging, all the skills of capitalists, - yes, these cases are everywhere, we know that it is impossible to redoing people that you can not inspire ten million people at once (where will they take this faith? Of His Heads? - From your experience) ...

Therefore, comrades, no matter how difficult and however, the period we have to survive, we must say the whole truth and open our eyes to it, because only the people with their initiative and their organization, putting forward new and new conditions and protecting the Socialist Republic, will help us "(5, 510, 513).

In connection with the loss during the Civil War (August 6, 1918) of large oil fields and the crisis condition of the presence of liquid fuel required for military and civil transport, aviation and health needs, the country's leadership is attempting to monopolize distillery. If we talk about numbers, about 90% of the entire alcohol produced in the country needs were spent. In this regard, despite the terrible hunger in the period GH. It was recycled 1.500.000; in gg; In the GGPdov potatoes on alcoholic plants (15, 11-12).

The further activity of the Supreme Council of the National Economy was aimed at the nationalization of distinguished and alcohotocystic factories in order to replenish state reserves with alcoholic beverages. In this regard, High Takes two decisions: "On the nationalization of distillery and spirotochive plants" (9) and "On the nationalization of yeast-distinct enterprises" (10). According to the decisions of distillers, alcohortochritative and yeast-distinct enterprises, the state ownership of YU and were transferred to the department of the Chemical Industry of the Highway. The nationalization of enterprises for the production of alcoholic beverages began on October 26, 1918 and ended on February 10, 1919, when an explanation of the High "On the spread of a resolution on the nationalization of distillation and alcoholization on vodka plants" (14). In fact, since February 1919, the State Pety Monopoly was introduced in the Soviet state everywhere.

On December 19, 1919, the chairman of SNK V. Ulyanov (Lenin) signed a decree "On the reversion on the territory of the RSFSR manufacturing and selling alcohol, spirits and not related to drinks of alcohol-containing substances." Many Soviet scientists believed that this is a dry law accepted by the Bolsheviks into a culminating time for the state that there is continuity between him and the dry Law of 1914. Is it so? To answer these questions, consider the content of this decret.

In accordance with the law "is prohibited everywhere in the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic, without the resolution of alcohol, strong drinks and non-drinking alcohol substances from any kind of supplies or materials, whatever ways, what kind of fortress and in any kind of alcohol drinks and substances They were cooked "(8, 45). This article confirms previous decrees that only the Soviet government has the right to produce alcoholic beverages, and no one else. Now citizens no longer had the right to produce wine for homework. It is not difficult to predict than it may end up. In pre-revolutionary Russia, this led to the Keeping competition, i.e., the illegal production and sale of alcoholic beverages.

The second article of the decret has forbidden to sell individuals for drinking consumption alcohol, strong alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing substances.

The third, the fourth and fifth article of the law gave clarification of the degrees of the fortress of alcoholic beverages. So, "drinks are recognized strongIf the content of the wine alcohol in them exceeds one and a half percent (degree) on Trals. For grape wines, the fortress is not allowed not over twelve degrees.

Drinks with a smaller content of wine alcohol, as well as kamys and kefir, are not considered strong and allowed, in the absence of admiring or harmful to health impurities, to free sale.

The use of hops in the manufacture of frowning drinks is not prohibited.

Not related to drinks with alcohol-containing substances are recognized wood alcohol, sewing oil (garbage and distillation when cleaning alcohol) and other alcohols, as well as all the fortress their solutions, except for wine alcohol and its solutions.

Under wine alcoholof course, ethyl alcohol, not subjected to denaturation "(8, 45-46).

If we talk about the next two articles, they regulated the issues of manufacturing and selling alcoholic beverages. "Sale of alcohol, strong drinks and not related to drinks of alcohol-containing substances - as noted in the 6th article - for technical (medical, pharmaceutical, chemical, educational and scientists, etc.) of the need, and equally for the export for The border is made exclusively from these drinks and substances of nationalized or those taken by the state for registration of factories and institutions, from warehouses, pharmacies and other trafficking places, which this sale is permitted by the government "(8, 46).

The manufacture of alcoholic beverages was produced, as well as selling, at factories and in institutions of nationalized or taken by the state.

The procedure and conditions for the sale of alcoholic beverages were determined by the Supreme Council of the National Economy in coordination with the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and Health.

The subsequent article of the law established the penalties for the illegal production of alcoholic beverages "... in the places disgraced by law, from any supplies, in any way, in any amount and any kind of fortress" (8 , 46). The legislator allocated the following types of punishment:

Confiscation of alcohol, supplies, materials, as well as devices and devices for the production of alcohol products;

Confiscation of all property;

Imprisonment with compulsory work for a period not less than 5 years.

The same punishment was subjected to guilty "in complicity in secret distillations and in complicity to him, as well as perpetrators on sale, transmission, acquisition, storage, rig and prosecution of illegally accumulated alcohol" (8, 47).

Article 9 listed the actions for which the perpetrators were subjected to the above sentences:

"A) for the deliberate breaking of the seal and other signs of the provision imposed by representatives of indirect taxes and the control of the distinguished industry on control projectiles and distillation devices when access to alcoholic pairs or alcohol, to account for its control projectile;

b) for the device of devices that serve to stop, damage or incorrectly the testing projectile and to remove alcohol vapors or alcohol to account with its control projectile;

c) for the secret edition of alcohol, wine and vodka products from their place of legal storage or location;

d) for issuing from the places of legal storage or finding all kinds of products containing alcohol products and mixtures of drug and technical nature for non-intended need;

e) for sale, acquisition, storage, broach and transportation of secretly issued alcohol, wines and vodka products, as well as illegally released alcohol products and mixtures of drug and technical nature (points "in" and "g" of this article);

e) for distillation, parting, squeaking and for all in general processing of denatured alcohol, varnish, polish and other alcohol containing products and mixtures not intended for drinking use, in order to highlight alcohol or weakening of their special taste, smell or colors, for sale, transmission, acquisition, storage, transportation and processed such recycled alcohol, varnish, polish and other products containing alcohol and mixtures;

g) for the preparation of a legally obtained alcohol of products and mixtures of a medicinal or technical nature with such established rules retreats that make it possible to easily release alcohol or the use of products or mixtures as an intoxicating drink; for sale, transfer, for acquisition or storage for sale of such illegally made products and mixtures;

h) for preparing or storage for sale, as well as for the sale of all kinds of strong drinks, i.e., with an alcohol content of an overly allowed limit, or with adding foaming or harmful to health substances "(8, 47-48).

Persons guilty of the device, acquisition or storage without proper resolution of distillation cubes and devices for the production of alcoholic beverages were subjected to confiscation of these items and imprisonment with compulsory work for at least one year. The same punishments were subjected to the perpetrators that made distillation devices from samovars, boilers or other dishes, as well as persons engaged in the sale, transmission, acquisition, broach and the procurement of such distilted equipment.

In addition, it was supposed to be imprisoned with forced work for a period of at least one year for the following illegal actions:

For drinking illegally prepared or illegally obtained strong alcoholic beverages in public places and in all kinds of institutions;

For the appearance in a public place in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

If the crime provided for by the first article is committed in the process of sending their guilty functional dutiesThe cases of these violations were considered emergency commissions and revolutionary belonging tribunals.

Analysis of the so-called dry law showed that there was no speech about any prohibition of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages from the Soviet state. Decree once again confirmed the monopoly of the state for the production, prosecution and the sale of strong alcoholic beverages.

According to a survey conducted in 2009 in the six Russian regions by a group of researchers in the Institute of Demography, two-thirds of respondents expressed concern about the propagation of drunkenness and related to the destructive consequences. In B. about sources of people are worried about a significant number of disadvantaged families, unfortunate children of abusers of alcohol parents, adolescent alcohol. The question arises: what can be explained by such a high social danger of mass alcoholization of the population of Russia at relatively small differences in the volume of consumption with other countries?

Many researchers see the main cause of such a situation in the influence of harsh climatic conditions, as a result of which the special structure of consumption was formed, with strong spirits prevailing in it. The presence of a large number of human customs and traditions requiring drinking and treat with hot drinks (and in significant volumes) for various occasions and events have turned alcohol into an integral attribute of the life of the Russian population. In addition, Historically, the habit of drinking a lot and quickly, often on an empty stomach. This is at times increasing the negative effect of alcohol consumption. And, unfortunately, the abuse of alcohol is dangerous not only the health and life of the abusing, but also his closest environment.

At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, accompanied by many political reforms, the wide prevalence of excessive consumption of alcohol acquired the nature of the national disaster. Economic, social and political transformations had the result of the deterioration of the living conditions of tens of millions of people. The feeling of insecurity and uncertainty has always contributed to a significant increase in the population's demand for alcohol, the use of which for many serves as a kind of tool from reality, oblivion, "overcoming" stress.

The transition to a market economy in 1992 and the refusal to the state monopoly on the production and sale of alcohol products led to the loss of controlling the alcohol industry. These events in combination with high taxes on alcohol products caused a surge of its illegal production. Cheap and low-quality vodka caused multiple poisoning. The degree of danger of consumption of counterfeit vodka for the health and life of people can be judged according to the State Statistics Committee (now - Rosstat): random alcohol poisoning from 16.1 thousand people. In 1991, up to 55.5 thousand people rose. In 1994, then reduced to 35 thousand in 2005. The share of illegal products to this day remains high - according to the Ministry economic Development It is about 40%.

At the end of the XX century. The country has covered the mass moonshop. According to various data and today, a significant part (60-70%) of rural residents is mainly used by the moonshine, produced independently or acquired from familiar or neighbors. At the moment, it is impossible to solve this problem, since the law does not prohibit the manufacture of a moonshine for personal use.

Is it possible with such a state policy to achieve any significant positive changes in the alcohol situation, weaken its negative impact on the life of society?

Turn to the experience of the past. In the tsarist Russia of the Anti-Alcohol Policy, until the reign of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II was not. In the country, a monopoly on the production of alcoholic beverages was periodically introduced, but its main goal was to extract the state.

When in late XIX. A century drunkenness reached the unprecedented scale, the next wine monopoly was introduced under the good pretext, and the first movements for sobriety arose. The main task of the latter was the organization of leisure of the population, since the absence of civilized entertainment was one of the reasons for the excessive use of alcohol. It was complemented by poverty, severe life conditions, the rejection of many people in the country of change, and, of course, the habits and lack of knowledge about the dangers of alcohol. In addition, the introduction of the wine monopoly obviously aggravated the alcohol situation, increasing the availability of alcoholic beverages.

Mass drunkenness and discouragement, having a place during the revolution, showed inefficiency state Mer and the activities of anti-alcohol movements. The closures of kabaks and educational events were not enough to combat such a serious social problem.

Petersburg (December 1909 - January 1910) and Moscow (1912) Congresses to combat drunkenness revealed serious differences between officials and activists of movement for sobriety. Officials defended the wine monopoly, considering its merits to streamline alcohol consumption, while representatives of anti-alcohol associations saw in it the main reason for the growth of alcohol consumption. The activity of both parties was criticized by the clergy, which considered the fight against drunkenness as "peaceful cultural work", Not as a means to achieve political goals. Be that as it may, by the beginning of World War II, an important task was carried out - the formation of a negative attitude towards alcohol.

Starting from the restrictions on the sale of alcohol on August 22, 1914, the Council of Ministers in October of the same year gave the right to local authorities to completely stop trading with alcoholic beverages. A year later, the income of the treasury from the production of wine was reduced by three times compared to the first half of 1913, which caused essential imbalances in the economy. Forced emission of money led to inflation. The population began to actively consume colognes, denaturants, braga, moonshine.

The February Revolution and the renunciation of Nicholas II from the throne could not but affect the social setting and social order. None of the measure undertaken by the Temporary Government could have been able to overcome massive drunkenness and differed in unprecedented cruelty of pogroms. Only the Bolsheviks, taking power, strongly suppressed all the manifestations of drunk anarchy. The main tool was repressions against drunks and hooligans, which were equated to the "enemies of the people." They reinforced "dry law": according to the decree of the government of December 19, 1919, only nationalized or controlled factories could sell alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks.

Despite his hard measures, the government could not cope with the moonshine. The harm from the manufacture of moonshine consisted not only in the soldering of the population, but also the destruction of a huge amount of grain, which was in short supply. The forced legalization of the alcohol and the introduction of a wine monopoly that followed in 1924 was made from the drunkard, the "counter-revolutionary" of the wins, lowering a person who did not meet the ideological image of the Soviet citizen.

In 1928, the All-Union Council of Anti-Alcoholic Societies was created. As part of its activities, the organization of cultural events, active propaganda of sobriety, the international association of anti-alcohol societies was planned. However, it was not possible to embody these ideas in life: in 1930, the government criticized the society for exceeding the authority and the wrong choice of drunkenness methods. United in 1932 with the society "For Healthy Life", the anti-alcohol movement ceased to exist. But it did not mean at all that the authorities allowed the situation on a self-shot.

Removing the ban on alcohol, a gradual reduction in the production of drinking alcohol and the expansion of the range of alcoholic beverages became the first steps towards the education of "culture of peetium". He was blocked in 1941, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. At the front, the vodka was one of the means of removing stress. Many did not get a habit after the war, but the high cost of the drink forced the population again to engage in moonshine. In the fight with the last government increased vodka production, reduced its price, which ultimately led to a significant increase in alcohol consumption. It is impossible to name it - many countries in the postwar years noted an increase in alcohol consumption volumes.

Alcohol problem aggravated and demanded a solution. But rigid administrative measures in the compartment compartment with pricing policies could not bring significant results, because it was not the struggle with drunkenness, but with drunkards.

With the coming to the leadership of the country of Mikhail Gorbachev, a new anti-alcohol campaign was launched. Another increase in prices, coupons, huge queues later poured into the spread and an increase in the volume of moonshine. But, even looking at this, these measures allowed almost a quarter to reduce the mortality rate of the population. In addition, some researchers pay attention to the fact that children born during the action of the alcohol campaign were distinguished by the best state of health. The completion of the campaign led to an increase in alcohol consumption and improving the crime level associated with alcohol abuse.

Thus, the preceding practice of combating an alcohol problem in Russia, if demonstrated an improvement in the situation, then with time, anti-alcohol measures either ceased to act, or changed their effect on the opposite. Any limitations and prohibitions led to the spread of moonshine, which aggravated the situation with morbidity and mortality due to alcohol consumption; Repressions reduced the number of open manifestations of drunkenness, but the scale of the problem was not reduced.

The main obstacle in the fight against drunkenness, according to experts, was the difference in the views of the population and power on people abuse. The consumption of alcohol categorically condemned the "top", while the society was not intended to part with the tradition of "drinking on occasion". Moreover, Soviet people have always distinguished the tolerant attitude towards drunkards and alcoholics, "I have fallen into trouble, broken misfortunes and evil fate."

The cause of failures, according to many experts, consists in a unilateral approach and limited measures used to combat the problem of excessive alcohol consumption. Usually undertaken actions did not differ in the organization, a well-thought-out structure, and long-term. In addition, in most cases, scientific research and work devoted to alcohol abuse were not taken into account.

So, for many years, the main cause of the widespread drunkenness was seen in the high availability of alcoholic beverages and transmitted from generation to the generation of tradition to drink and without. However, a number of sociological studies prove the complexity of the causes of drunkenness and alcoholization in the country. The following groups of factors can be distinguished:

  • · Economic (high profitability of alcoholic beverages, the availability of alcohol, the unfavorable structure of the implementation and consumption of alcohol products with a predominance of strong drinks in it);
  • · Socio-economic (bad life conditions, upbringing and cultural development, social inequality etc.);
  • · Socio-cultural (peteed traditions, customs);
  • · Psychophysiological (weak nervous system, heredity).

Thus, limiting the anti-alcohol policy by administrative and legal measures and ignore important factors determining the alcohol situation in the country, and their relationship does not allow to achieve and, most importantly, consolidate positive results in the fight against the problem.

Unfortunately, the problem of alcoholization of the population and to this day is sharply in our country. As mentioned above, over the past two decades in Russia, there were serious changes in all spheres of life, and any transformation, adversely affecting the level of life of the majority of the population, entail an increase in alcohol consumption, which desperately seek a way to forget about problems. Therefore, today I have never been relevant to the issue of anti-alcohol policy.

In recent years, anti-alcohol policy is one of the priorities of state activities. In 2011, the State Duma has taken serious amendments to the law "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products", according to which beer and drinks based on its strength of more than 0.5% are recognized by alcohol products on which the night sales prohibition is distributed. (from 24 to 8 hours across Russia, regions may at their discretion increase the time period of the ban). From January 1, 2013, a ban on alcohol trade in nonstationary outlets (stalls, kiosks, gas stations) was introduced. The short time of these measures does not allow to assess their effectiveness, however, it is obvious to reduce the volume of alcohol sales. This adversely affects the alcohol business, in particular some retailers refuse to have become unprofitable night work, but such a victim can be justified with time.

To prevent illegal sales in large stores, automatic software locks are introduced, which do not allow night a check on alcohol at night. Legislative trade alcohol via the Internet is prohibited. The remaining "field for activity" is small stores under the guidance of individual entrepreneurs. The penalty for the night sales of alcoholic beverages for the IP is 3000 rubles, which is incommensurable with the profit, which they can get so illegal. Recently, the deputies of the State Duma put forward an initiative to significantly increase the fine for the PI, which was admired by market participants, taking into account the loss of their conscientious representatives.

As for the pricing policy, in 2010 the minimum price was established for the bottle of vodka with a volume of 0.5 liters - 89 rubles. An increase in excise from January 1, 2013 led to another price increase: since the beginning of this year, the minimum retail price for the half-liter bottle of vodka is 170 rubles. Finally, from March 11 of this year, the order of Rosalkogol regulation of January 28, 2014 came into force on the new prices, not lower than which the purchase should be carried out (with the exception of imports), supplies (except for exports) and the retail sale of alcoholic beverages Fortress over 28% (vodka, brandy, brandy).

So, the price at which today can be purchased from the manufacturer's organ-producer and other alcohol products with a fortress from 28 to 29%, is 112 rubles. for a bottle of 0.5 liters. A similar value of vodka Fortress from 39 to 40% increased from 132 rubles. up to 154 rubles.

At the same time, if alcohol products are harvested from 28 to 29% in another organization, the price for 0.5 liters should not be less than 117 rubles. (earlier - 100 rubles.). The minimum price for vodka Fortress from 39 to 40% in this case is now 162 rubles. (instead of the former price of 138 rubles.). In addition, from 123 rubles. up to 144 rubles. For 0.5 liters, the minimum retail price for alcohol is a fortress from 28 to 29%, from 170 rubles. until 199 rubles. - on vodka Fortress from 39 to 40%.

Note that this year the minimum prices for vodka and liquor products will be increased twice. The above prices will be valid until August 1 of the current year, after which the minimum prices for 0.5 liters of alcohol products from 28 to 29% will be:

  • · 124 rub., If alcohol is purchased from the manufacturer;
  • · 130 rubles, if it is purchased from another organization;
  • · 160 rubles. With retail.

For vodka, the fortress from 39 to 40% will be valid at 171 rubles, 179 rubles. and 220 rubles. respectively.

In addition, the prices of brandy and other alcohol products produced from wine, grape, fruit, cognac, calvadoste and temple distillates are elevated. For example, the minimum retail price of such products is now 293 rubles. for 0.5 l. The minimum retail price of the same volume of brandy - 322 rubles. Cognac and Brandy prices are rising this year once - from March 11.

Without attention, drivers left. Now in our country there is an absolute zero on the content of alcohol in the blood. As for punishment for driving a drunken car, the driver is deprived of rights from one and a half to two years. At the end of May 2013, the government supported the draft law on toughening the punishment of drunk drivers, which implies "add" to the current sanction a fine of 50 thousand rubles. In prison sentences from 2 to 7 years old is waiting for a motorist, whose drunk driving has become the cause of the death of a person.

Russian legislation restricts both advertising, which has become a significant part of the market of any products in the last couple of decades. On July 23, 2012, a legislative ban on alcohol advertising on the Internet, on television, radio, outdoor structures, public transport, on the first and last stripes of printed media came into force. From January 1, 2013, alcohol advertising in print media is prohibited completely. Be that as it may, advertisers actively use the opportunity to advertise alcohol products in sales places and sporting events held outside our country, but broadcast on Russian television channels.

The prohibitions of children's images in alcohol advertising are actively and violated. Thus, the control of the FAS in the Leningrad region in May 2013 fined the Auchan trading network for 150 thousand rubles for alcohol advertising using a school girl's image. In the shopping hall of one of the network stores on alcohol racks, advertising with slogans "1 + 1 \u003d 3, pay for two, third as a gift,", "1 \u003d 2, pay for one - the second as a gift" with the image of the schoolgirl, writing on the school board. Advertising did not contain warnings about the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption. This case is proof of the loyalty of the law to such violators, insignificance of fines for legal entities in comparison with their "alcohol" income.

In recent years, the problem of drunkenness in Russia has become particularly relevant for adolescents. The peak of admission to alcohol was shifted, according to the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the age group of 14-15-year-olds. Psychologists explain this in the lack of other alternatives for self-affirmation in the period of grouping percentage in this age. Since 2000, the incidence of alcoholism among adolescents has grown by 65% \u200b\u200band equated to 21 cases per 100 thousand people.

In January 2013, the graduate student of the Faculty of the Economics of the NIU-HSE Marina Ponomareva presented the results of a study conducted on the basis of data from the Russian monitoring of the economic situation and public health, how 16-23-year-old Russians make a decision to use them, and in what amount, alcohol. In particular, she reported that the peak of alcohol consumption in this age range is 19 years old, and suggested raising age values \u200b\u200bto buy alcohol to 20 years of age.

Doctor medical Sciences, An expert on alcoholism, Alexander Nemtsov, agrees that the age to resolve the independent purchase of alcohol may be raised to 21 years, although, in his opinion, it would be illegal, because legal capacity competes in 18 years. With the prohibition of alcohol sales under 21, the main narcologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Evgeny Bryn, also agrees. It should be borne in mind that this measure is dangerous, as it can cause a wave of indignation among young people, to raise them to violate the law and the abuse of alcohol "for evil" power.

Modern state policy should include measures implemented using Internet technologies that have taken a solid place in our lives. So, since 2011, the Ministry of Health and social Development Within the framework of the project "Healthy Russia" launched an independence information online project, explaining what dependences are how to prevent the development of alcoholism in children where to contact in the event of problems.

Undoubtedly, the attitude of society to anti-alcohol politics is important. According to the survey results All-Russian Center Studying public opinion, in 2009, most Russians (65% of respondents surveyed) would support a new anti-alcohol campaign. Against such measures spoke a quarter of respondents (25%). The most popular measures in the fight against alcoholism Russians recognized the ban on the sale of young alcohol to 21 years (63% of respondents), the prohibition of advertising any type of alcohol, including low alcohol drinks (57%), promoting a healthy, sober lifestyle (47%) .

Comparing the situation of 2005 with the times of Anti-alcohol campaign of Mikhail Gorbachev, 61% of Russians expressed the conviction that people began to drink more, and only 4% adhered to the opposite opinion. At the same time, 58% of respondents rated that campaign positively, and 37% called it a mistake. However, in 2009, the share of Russians recognizing the need and efficacy of the anti-alcohol campaign of the restructuring times was halved - from 15% to 8%.

In early 2013, VTsIOM interviewed Russians on the problem of drunk drivers. Most respondents, both drivers and pedestrians, found the problem of drunk driving important. "Zero PROMILL" as a measure of prevention Russians called expedient (64%), but, the truth is meaningless (62%). The idea of \u200b\u200breturning a 0.2-0.3 alcohol permitter for the driver supported the minority of Russians (39%). According to the respondents, with drunken drivers, it is also necessary to fight for a long-term deprivation of driver's license (58%), the elimination of road privileges (46%) and alcoholum (40%).

The average life expectancy of Russians in 2012 amounted to 66.5 years. The American newspaper The Washington Post, noting as one of the main goals of the Russian government's anti-alcohol program to increase by 2018 the average life expectancy of up to 74 years, pointed out the insufficiency of alone prohibitive measures: it is important to "help people realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle and change their behavior", And also to improve the economic situation, increase wages and upgrade the health system.

Our country uses a large number of tools in the fight against alcohol abuse, however, it is necessary not only to use these tools, but also to evaluate their effectiveness and effectiveness, which is not enough modern politics. When developing anti-alcohol policies, it is important to take into account the rapidly developing modern society, to look for new methods of opposing a detrimental habit. The most important is the complexity of measures and the addition of anti-alcohol policies with measures of economic and socio-cultural nature. Drunkenness is caused and maintained by many different reasons, and therefore the fight against excessive alcohol consumption should be carried out at the same time different ways In various spheres of life.

Thus, the beginning of the third millennium is noted by an increase in activity of both European and Russian anti-alcohol policies. The awareness of the disaster scale stimulates public institutions to create new effective measures to combat the bad habit.

What is equally important, the EU has a database, accumulating information regarding alcohol consumption, which can be used as part of the development and implementation of anti-alcohol policies. The complexity and interconnectedness of the measures and the communicativeness of the anti-alcohol policy are the foundation of the future success in the fight against alcohol abuse in society.

The problem of consumption of alcohol in Russia and the external effects of excessive abuse of alcoholic beverages. State policy to reduce alcohol consumption. Assessment of the impact of anti-alcohol policy measures on the dynamics of minor crime.

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    Question: ... The organization adopted a local regulatory act "Anti-alcohol policy of the company". Its provisions is provided that the workman will be dismissed for drinking alcoholic beverages in the organization. The citizens accepted by citizens get acquainted with the document simultaneously with the rules of the internal labor regulation, and already working workers make the document under the threat of dismissal. Is it legitimate to introduce an act? (Expert advice, 2007)

    Question: In the Organization, a local regulatory act "Anti-alcohol policy of the company" was adopted in the organization. Its provisions it is envisaged that for drinking alcoholic beverages in the organization both in the working and non-working time or the appearance in the office of the company in a state of intoxication, even by hours, the employee will be dismissed. The citizens adopted by citizens get acquainted with the specified document simultaneously with the rules of the internal employment regulations and other local regulations, and already working workers make the specified document under the threat of dismissal. Is it legitimate if the introduction of such an act?
    Answer: A document called "Company Anti-Alcohol Policy" refers to the category of local regulations, that is, acts containing the rules of law and the management of the organization within the authority provided to him. Such an act refers to sources of labor legislation only if there is a labor law norms, that is, the norms governing labor relations (relations based on the agreement between the employee and the employer on the personal fulfillment by the employee for the labor function fee (office work in accordance with a staffing schedule, profession, specialty, with a qualification; a specific type of challenged work officer), subordinate to the employee to the rules of the internal labor regulation when providing the employer working conditions provided for by labor law and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, a collective agreement, and local regulatory agreements acts labor contract (Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or other labor-related relations directly related to them, employer, training, retraining and advanced training of employees directly from this employer, social partnership, collective bargaining, collective agreements and agreements, others (art. 1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Local regulations containing labor law norms should not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal actscontaining labor law norms; The norms of local regulations, worsening the position of employees compared with the established labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing the norms of labor law, collective agreement, agreements, are not subject to use (part 4 of Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    In the specified local regulatory act, an obvious error is a condition for signing it by all employees, as a general rule, the introduction of a local regulatory act does not require its signing by employees. To apply a local regulatory act, such a procedure is necessary as familiarizing with its positions of those who are intended to.
    Familiarization of employees with the provisions of the local regulatory act can be carried out in various forms (in oral, written, combined), different ways And to have or not to have a written fixation.
    Failure to work as a mark on acquaintance with the company's anti-alcohol policy (in the list of familiarization, in other document) can not be the basis for the employer's refusal in the conclusion of an employment contract: according to Part 1 of Art. 64 TK RF prohibited unjustified refusal to enter into an employment contract; Unreasonable refusal will be recognized for reasons for reasons not related to the business qualities of the employee.
    Employee's refusal to witness familiarization with the company's anti-alcohol policies can not have any legal consequences.
    Responsibility measures established by this local regulatory act are distorted compared with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, pp. "B" n. 6 h. 1 Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the responsibility of the employee for the emergence of an employee at work in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic intoxication.
    An explanation for the application of this standard is given in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 N 2 "On the application of the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" (as amended by the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2006 N 63). According to clause 42 of the ruling in resolving disputes related to the termination of the employment contract for PP. "B" n. 6 h. 1 Art. 81 Codex, courts should be borne in mind that employees who were in working time at the site of work duties in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic intoxication can be dismissed on this basis. At the same time, the dismissal on this basis can follow and then when the employee during working time was in such a state not at his workplace, but on the territory of this organization or it was located on the territory of the object, where, on the instructions of the employer, it was necessary to carry out an employment function.
    Relationships outside of working time, that is, the time that the employee has the right to use at its discretion is not labor and cannot be regulated by labor legislation and the more local regulatory act.
    The undesirableness of the emergence of workers in a state of alcohol intoxication, and even more so drinking alcoholic beverages is solved with other legitimate means. For example, by introducing a bandwidth, in which the appearance in the workplace outside the established working time of a particular employee will simply be impossible. If the work of the employee on the territory of the organization should be limited during the organization, then it is not necessary to introduce anti-alcohol policies to this, but it suffices to reflect the ban on the emergence of an employee in the organization outside the working time in such a local regulatory act as the rules of the internal labor regulation.
    Consulting and Analytical Center
    and taxation

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