Students' attitudes towards marriage: a case study. Sociological research "students' perception of marriage" Sociological research attitude of youth

* This work is not a scientific work, it is not a final qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information intended for use as a source of material for self-preparation of educational work.


1.1 Formulation and justification of the problem, its relevance

The problem is complex issuerequiring study, research and solution. The problem of this sociological study is to study the spread of drugs in the life of modern youth.

Drug abuse, known since ancient times, has now spread at a rate that worries the entire world community. Even with the narrowing, from the point of view of narcologists, the boundaries of drug addiction to the legal acceptable in many countries, drug addiction is recognized as a social disaster. Narcotic mafias run states, (Latin America), have their own armies (Southeast Asia). The revenues of the clandestine drug dealing corporations exceed the known revenues from the oil trade and are close to the global revenues from the arms trade. The abuse in the youth environment is especially disastrous - both the present and the future of society are affected. From the point of view of narcologists, the complete picture of the spread of abuse, including the forms of substance abuse, is even more tragic. Substances and drugs not included in the drug list are usually even more malignant, resulting in even more damage to the individual. There is a document at the International Drug Control Center in New York that indicates the number of drug addicts per the globe - 1,000,000,000 people. Drug addiction, as the experts of the World Health Organization emphasize, is a major threat to public health on a global scale. Each state takes measures to prevent abuse among the population, and Russia is no exception. The scale and rate of the spread of drug addiction, the wide scope of illicit drug trafficking testifies to the low effectiveness of

measures. Until now, doctors and psychologists have not developed effective methods treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. An effective system of anti-drug propaganda has not been created.

Over the past 8 years, the number of drug treatment dispensaries has decreased by 1.5 times, the number of drug treatment beds - by 2.3 times. A serious obstacle to increasing the effectiveness of therapy for drug addicts is the absence in the country of rehabilitation centers and departments designed for a long stay of patients. The issue of using specially trained psychologists and sociologists in narcological institutions has not been resolved.

Thus, today the issue of the abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is still relevant, and its final decision remains with legislators, doctors and society. Not only society should fight this problem, but also each person should be aware of the great harm of drug addiction and try to fight it. Only then can we talk about solving this problem. And so we decided to conduct this sociological study in order to clearly see the spread of drug addiction among young people, because youth are the foundation of our society.

1.2 Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to identify the state of this problem at a given point in time, in our city.

1.3 Research Objective: Collect as much information as possible on this issue using a sociological survey.

1.4 Object of research: Young people aged 17 - 23 years.

1.5 Subject of research: The attitude of young people to the problem of drug addiction.

1.6 The respondents of the sociological survey were 2-year students of the Faculty of Law of the Higher Military School of Civil Aviation, in the amount of 30 people.

1.7 The method of sociological survey was the questionnaire.

1.8 Formulation of the hypothesis.

As mentioned above, drug addiction is one of the most pressing problems now, and the later we start closely, at the level of state regulation, to deal with this problem, the more difficult it will be to defeat and overcome this disaster. In our opinion, the negative consequences of this defect are, first of all, harm to health. In addition, drugs destroy spiritual world person, faith in something good, pure, holy. They cover his soul with mud, because of which it is very difficult to see something positive. There are many factors that can influence a person's addiction. These are, first of all, social, economic, psychological. In our country, this is especially important, because Russia is far from being in the first echelon of countries in terms of people's well-being. Our questionnaire is designed in such a way that after analyzing the answers to it, we can conclude: "What exactly prompts people to take drugs?" Also, after analyzing the data, you can get information about how young you are aware of the available drugs, and about her attitude towards drug addiction in general. Of all the questions in the questionnaire, I would like to single out two of them, by which it is possible to determine what determines whether a person is inclined to use drugs or not. THIS IS:

2. Where do you live?

Since only a few of the respondents admitted that they had tried drugs, we would like to put the question differently. Those. correlate the answers to these three questions with the answer to the following question: "Are there any people close to you who use drugs?" This is primarily due to the fact that the question "Have you ever tried the taste of drugs?" most of the respondents answered biasedly, although the questionnaire was anonymous. And to the question: "Are there any people close to you who use drugs?" there were no reasons for biased answers.

We believe that the more financially a family is, the more likely it is that a person has acquaintances who use drugs. It may be against his will, because money is needed to buy drugs, therefore, drug addicts prefer to communicate with wealthier people, so that in case of lack of money they have people who can, for example, lend them this money. It can also be assumed that if a family lives from paycheck to paycheck, then the person, not finding an understanding of the house, the desired mental disposition, goes to the “street”. Those. the street seems to him to be a more favorable environment for spending time, and there he meets drug addicts.

We also believe that a person's place of residence also affects his environment. Living at home with his parents, his access to drug addicts is difficult. Since at home it is controlled. If a person lives, for example, in a hostel, then he has more opportunities to find drug addicts-acquaintances.

Our further research is intended to test this hypothesis.



1. In your opinion, how serious is the problem of drug use today?

Extremely serious 14 46.67

generally serious 11 36.67

not very serious 2 6.67

completely frivolous 1 3.33

find it difficult to answer 2 6.67

As you can see from the histogram, the majority of respondents answered that this problem is extremely serious or serious. It is gratifying to see that young people understand the importance of this problem.

2. What are the reasons, in your opinion, that some young people start using drugs?

name of the feature number of respondents share%

under the influence of the company 7 23.33

after drinking alcohol 2 6.67

from idleness 1 3.33

from ignorance of the consequences 0 0.00

from the desire for pleasure 4 13.33

out of curiosity 3 10.00

due to the desire to look older 1 3.33

out of desire to forget troubles 6 20,00

due to inability to control one's behavior 1 3.33

due to lack of control by elders 2 6.67

by external compulsion 0 0.00

out of interest in the "forbidden fruit" 1 3.33

to become "your" 2 6.67

other reasons 0 0.00

As you can see from the bar graph, young people believe that the main reasons why young people start using drugs are: the influence of the company and the desire to forget troubles. In our opinion, both are manifested primarily as a consequence of the fact that parents pay little attention to their children, do not discuss their problems with them, and they find the solution to their problems in drugs.

3. Have you ever been in a situation where drugs were used in your presence?

name of the feature number of respondents share%

As you can see from the histogram, the majority of the respondents answered “No”.

But the situation is darkened by the fact that 30% answered “Yes”. Which once again confirms the fact that drugs have a strong position in our society.

4. Have you been asked to “join”?

name of the feature number of respondents share%

Since in the previous question only 9 respondents gave a positive answer, this question was asked only to them, and we drew a conclusion from 9 respondents. As in the previous question, the majority answered “No”.

But there are two people who answered “Yes”. This once again confirms that one of the main reasons why young people start using drugs is the influence of the company.

5. Have you ever observed a person under the influence of drugs?

name of the feature number of respondents share%

don't remember 3 10.00

Most of the respondents said no. But about 27% answered “Yes”. From this we can conclude that at least a third of us have seen a person who is in a state of drug intoxication and can imagine the consequences of drugs. But on the other hand, some might think that this is a state of relaxation, which, on the contrary, is the propaganda of drugs. The state must ensure that people who are “high” do not appear in public places, and thus do not affect the psyche of children and adolescents.

6. Have you ever tasted drugs?

name of the feature number of respondents share%

no 30 100,00

As can be seen from the histogram, all respondents unanimously answered “No”. But our opinion was deceived by some, thereby not exposing themselves to suspicion.

7. Have you ever encountered drug traffickers?

name of the feature number of respondents share%

regularly 0 0.00

sometimes 9 30.00

once 10 33.33

never 11 36.67

As can be seen from the histogram, more than half of the respondents have encountered drug traffickers at least once. I am glad that none of the respondents answered the question “Regularly”.

8. How often do you discuss drug problems and drug use with your friends?

name of the feature number of respondents share%

regularly 11 36.67

sometimes 14 46.67

never 5 16.67

As you can see from the histogram, more than two thirds of respondents discuss this problem. This means that the problem of drug addiction worries young people and they pay close attention to it, and do not leave it unnoticed, they say, "This does not concern me, let it be, it will be!"

8. From what sources and how often do you get information about drugs and the consequences of their use?

Most of the respondents answered that they receive information about drugs mostly from funds. mass media and from friends. I am glad that the media are actively involved in anti-drug propaganda. It was disappointing that parents pay little attention to this issue, and practically no one reads special literature.

9. Do you need such information at all?

name of the feature number of respondents share%

badly needed 12 40.00

in principle need 14 46.67

hardly 4 13.33

absolutely unnecessary 0 0.00

find it difficult to answer 0 0.00

As can be seen from the histogram, the overwhelming majority of the respondents believe that such information is needed. I am glad that none of the respondents answered that such information is not needed. Those. it is clear that young people are interested in the problem of drug addiction and this problem is not indifferent to them.

10. There are many drugs. To what extent are you aware of them?

The most popular among the respondents were such drugs as: extract of poppy straw, hashish, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy. Some people also know such drugs as: anasha. barbitura, LSD, tranquilizers. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, no one has heard of such drugs as: amphetamine, ketamine, codeine, crack, methadone, morphine, pervitin, plan, phenamine, khanka, ephedrine.

11. To what extent do you agree with the statements below?

From the answers to this question, we can conclude that young people believe that drug addicts are outwardly unpleasant, look repulsive, it seems to them that it is dangerous to communicate with drug addicts due to the fact that they are prone to crime. Nobody thought that they make life more interesting, nobody felt sorry for them, tk. not a single respondent agreed with the statement "Drug addicts are defenseless and pitying." From all this we would like to conclude that drug addicts cause negative emotions and associations in students.

name of the feature number of respondents share%

male 13 43.33

female 17 56.67

Most of the respondents are female, but we believe that this indicator does not affect anything.

13 you are learning

name of the feature number of respondents share%

on the budget 12 40.00

on a commercial basis 18 60.00

As can be seen from the histogram, most of the surveyed students study on a commercial basis. But we think that this indicator does not affect anything either.

2.2 hypothesis testing

Are there any people close to you who use drugs?

name of the feature number of respondents share%

Most of the respondents answered “no”, but there is a third who answered “Yes”. Those. this once again confirms the urgency of the problem of drug addiction, and confirms that drug addiction must be combated immediately. But let's correlate the answer to this question with the answer to the question:

Where do you live? The general answer table and histogram look like this:

name of the feature number of respondents share%

at home with parents 16 53.33

in the hostel 9 30.00

in a private apartment 4 13.33

from relatives 1 3.33

Based on the histogram, the majority live at home with their parents. At first glance, this does not affect anything, but let's return to our hypothesis:

5 out of 9 respondents living in a hostel: "Are there any people close to you who use drugs?" answered "Yes". And this is 50% of all those who answered “Yes” to this question. Consequently, part of our hypothesis turned out to be true, that students with less control have easier access to people who use drugs. 3 out of 4 respondents living in a private apartment answered “Yes” to the same question. And this is another 30% of those who answered “Yes”. By adding these two numbers, we get 70%!

From this we can conclude that the student's place of residence greatly affects his social circle. And if we add to this the fact that 75% of those who live in a private apartment have acquaintances of drug addicts, then the situation is generally awful. On the contrary, 2 out of 16 people living at home with their parents answered "Yes" to this question, which is only 20% of the total.

Therefore, we have proved the first part of the hypothesis.

Now let's check the dependence of the financial situation of people and the question "Are there any people close to you who use drugs?"

First, consider a general table and a histogram of answers to this question.

name of the feature number of respondents share%

we live paycheck to paycheck 6 20.00

enough for daily expenses, but serious purchases are difficult 4 13.33

money, in principle, but savings are no longer enough to buy expensive durables 10 33.33

buying most durable goods is straightforward 7 23.33

we can hardly deny ourselves anything 3 10.00

As can be seen from the pie chart, the material condition of most families is average, followed by families with a low material condition and above average condition.

Now let's correlate this data with the answer to the question: "Are there any people close to you who use drugs?"

4 out of 6 respondents, whose families live from paycheck to paycheck, answered this question: “Yes”, i.e. this is 40% of all who answered “Yes” to this question.

I would also like to note that 2 out of 3 respondents, whose families practically do not deny themselves anything, also answered “Yes” to this question: this is 20% of all who answered “Yes”, 66% of all those whose families are not in what they do not deny themselves.

I would like to note that only 10% of the respondents, whose material condition is average, have drug addicts.

If we add up the indicators of the poorest and the richest, we can observe the following picture:

The majority of people, namely 60%, who answered “Yes” to this question, are those who either live richly or poorly. This once again confirms our hypothesis. The material condition of the family greatly influences the circle of the students' environment.


The state pays great attention to the problem of drug addiction, developing various programs and methods to combat this pernicious ailment. The main goal of the programs is to halt the growth of illicit drug consumption and trafficking, and subsequently to gradually reduce the prevalence of drug addiction and related offenses to a level of minimal danger to society. Priority attention is paid to improving the activities and building up the efforts of society in the fight against illegal drug trafficking, prevention of drug addiction and related offenses.

So we decided to contribute to this business by conducting a sociological study on the topic: "Students and drugs"

In the course of our sociological research, we learned the attitude of students to the problem of drug addiction. It is known that many young people are in close contact with drugs, and there are mixed opinions about whether this is good or bad. This is what we tried to figure out. We examined the dependence of the material condition of the families of students, their residence and their circle of environment. We learned about how widespread various drugs are among young people. I would like to note that young people are quite well aware of this issue. We have proven that the problem of drug addiction is one of the most urgent today. It was pleasant to note that students are not indifferent to the fate of society, and they are ready to actively participate in anti-drug propaganda. In the course of the study, we learned from what sources young people get information about drugs. Proved that the media make a huge contribution to a good cause, encouraging young people to stop using drugs.

K. S. Stepanov




GOU VPO Kirovskaya GM A Ministry of Health and Social Development

The article presents the results of the sociological research "Participation of youth in the social life of the city." The topic of social activity of young people is acute in our city. A questionnaire survey of different layers of youth was conducted. Most of the city's youth noted that the city authorities pay little attention to youth problems. Financial assistance for the development of cultural and sports life is not sufficient.

Key words: sociological, research, participation, activity, power.

In the article the results of sociological research Participation of the youth in the social life of the town are exposed. The theme of social activity of the youth is sharp in our town. The main part of the youth marked that the authorities pay little attention to the problems of the youth. The financial help to the development of cultural and sports life is not enough.

Key words: sociological, research, participation, activity, authorities.

The peculiarity of sociology is that it considers society as a single integral system, and its constituent parts precisely as parts of a single whole. The main goal of studying society in sociology, in contrast to other sciences, is to increase the level and improve the living conditions of a person, study the social life of a person, social groups, study the phenomena and factors of the development of society, as well as the social conditioning of human health. Sociology fulfills a variety of functions in which its purpose and role are manifested. Among the most significant functions are theoretical cognitive, ideological - ideological, critical, practical, etc. Its main function is to study reality, accumulate knowledge about social reality, generalize them and compile the most complete characteristics of modern social processes. This function applies to all levels of sociological knowledge and serves as the basis for the implementation of other functions. The practical function of sociology is associated with the improvement of socio-managerial and socio-political relations. The applied function is associated with the fact that sociology is not limited to the knowledge of social reality. It develops proposals and recommendations for policy and practice aimed at improving social life, at increasing the efficiency of managing social processes. Sociology serves as one of the theoretical foundations of politics and practice. Social foresight, planning and forecasting are especially important as concrete forms of implementing the applied function of sociology.

The actual use of the results of sociological research in the development of the fundamental foundations of social policy and in the practice of management

social processes is one of the urgent tasks of the development of our society.

Applied sociological research, which is usually understood as application general provisions sociological theory and the study of specific sociological phenomena and processes are an essential part of the process of sociological research. Specific sociological research is a system of logically consistent methodological, methodological and organizational-technical procedures that contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge about the object under study for solving specific theoretical and practical social problems.

A case study consists of four sequential, interrelated stages:

preparation of research; collection of primary information; preparation of the collected information for processing and its processing; analysis of processed information, preparation of a report on the results of the study, formulation of conclusions and proposals.

In accordance with the nature of the goal and the tasks put forward, there are three main types of sociological research: intelligence, descriptive and analytical.

Questionnaire survey

The most common type of survey in the practice of applied sociology

Questioning. The collection of information is carried out using a questionnaire (questionnaire), developed specifically in accordance with the research program.

The questionnaire is a system of questions, united by a single research concept, aimed at identifying the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the object and the subject of analysis. The respondent receives the questionnaire in his hands and fills it out, answering the questions in writing. There is no personal contact with the interviewer. An interviewer is a person conducting a survey. In applied sociology, survey participants are usually called respondents.

According to the form of the survey, it can be individual or group.

Group questionnaires are used at the place of work or study. The questionnaires are handed out for filling out in the classroom, where the respondents included in the sample are invited for the survey. In case of individual questionnaires, questionnaires are distributed at workplaces or at the place of residence of the respondents, and the time for returning the questionnaires is discussed in advance.

In the mass survey, the respondents are various social, professional and demographic groups of the population. In specialized surveys, the main source of information is competent persons whose professional activities are closely related to the subject of study. Participants of such op-

dews are experts. The questionnaire must have a clear composition. It consists of three semantic blocks: the introductory part, the main part and the "passport". The introductory part is an appeal to the respondent, which describes the topic, goals, objectives of the survey, explains the technique of filling out the questionnaire. The main block contains questions that reveal the content of the topic under study. Questions are placed in the "passport", with the help of which they obtain data about the personality of the respondent. The questions of the questionnaire are distinguished on three grounds: in content, in form and in function.

After the completion of the layout of the questionnaire, it must be subjected to logical control and tested by conducting a pilot study.

Justification of the choice of the topic "Youth participation in the social life of the city of Kirov"

Numerous sociological polls recent years reveal a general value and normative crisis among young people. The analysis of the results convinces that over the past decade, complex processes have taken place in the youth environment, indicating a reassessment of the cultural values \u200b\u200bof previous generations, a violation of continuity in the transfer of socio-cultural experience. The reforming processes taking place in Russia highlight the problem of social participation of young people in a new way. First, young people are one of the largest social and demographic groups in Russian society. Secondly, yesterday's graduates of educational institutions replenish the socially active population of the country every year. Finally, the relevance of the socialization of young people is determined by the complexity of the time in which young people find themselves. The previously created youth associations and organizations collapsed, young people were left to their own devices, the process of desocialization began, which led to a significant increase in the number of youth with deviant behavior. Today, the situation of youth self-determination in life is ambiguous. On the one hand, representatives of the younger generation make up a significant share in the composition of new social strata, and the number of young people who lead social movements and political parties has increased. On the other hand, young people turned out to be one of the most unprotected social groups, their contradiction has worsened significantly, caused by the discrepancy between the new socio-economic requirements and personality traits of a young person, traditionally formed by the social institutions of Russian society. The object of the research is the youth of the city of Kirov. The subject of the research is the social activity of young people. Purpose of the study: to reveal the level of active participation of the youth of the city of Kirov in the social life of the city. Research hypotheses:

1) young people do not consider it necessary to participate in the social life of the city of Kirov;

2) participation in the cultural, sports and socio-political life of the city has a positive effect on the youth of the city of Kirov;

3) the city administration does not pay enough attention to youth and its development.

Presumptive factors of youth participation in the social life of the city of Kirov are:

The level of youth participation in the social life of the city;

Influences public opinion on the attitude of young people to the social life of the city;

Attendance by young people of cultural and sports institutions of the city;

Impact on youth participation in cultural life cities;

Sufficient attention from the city administration to youth.

To determine the level of youth participation in the social life of the city of Kirov, we have introduced questions 1, 8, 21.

To determine the influence of public opinion on the attitude of young people to the social life of the city, we introduced questions 25, 28.

25. What or who, in your opinion, can more stimulate young people to go in for sports? (you can choose no more than 2 answer options).

b) friends;

c) parents;

d) your own version __________________________________________

28. Who or what, in your opinion, can more effectively influence the social activity of young people? (you can choose no more than 2 answer options).

what about parents;

c) the immediate environment;

d) your own version _____________________________________________

To determine whether young people visit cultural and sports institutions in the city, we introduced questions No. 2, 19.

2. How often do you visit cultural institutions of our city (museums, exhibitions, theaters, etc.)?

a) once a month;

b) once every six months;

c) once a year;

d) I do not attend;

a) visited before;

b) I visit regularly;

c) I visit whenever possible;

d) I do not visit, but I am going;

e) I do not visit and do not intend to.

To substantiate the hypothesis about the positive impact of participation in the cultural life of the city on youth, we introduced question No. 3.

a) positive;

d) negatively;

e) does not affect in any way.

To substantiate the hypothesis that young people do not consider it necessary to participate in the social life of the city, we introduced question №29.

29. In your opinion, should young people participate in cultural,

sports and social and political life of the city?

a) yes, it should;

b) no, it shouldn't;

c) your own version __________________________________________

Substantiation of the hypothesis that the city administration pays insufficient attention to youth and its development, we introduced questions 20, 26.

20. What do you think, are sports sections materially accessible to young people?

a) sufficiently accessible;

b) little available;

c) not available;

d) I find it difficult to answer.

26. Do you think the city administration allocates enough material resources for the development of the city's cultural and sports life?

a) enough;

b) not enough;

c) your own version __________________________________

Rationale for the choice of methods for collecting social information

As the main method of collecting information, a questionnaire survey was chosen, which differs from other methods by the relative simple cheapness, a large sample population and the efficiency of the amount of information, which makes it possible to quickly collect information about the thoughts, feelings of people, their

opinions, moods.

An additional method of gathering information will be interviews. This type of survey allows you to identify the nuances of consciousness. The reliability of information is determined by the effectiveness of mutual understanding between the interviewer and the respondent

The following methods were also chosen as additional methods for collecting primary information:

Analysis of documents in the classical way;

Included surveillance.

Justification of the sample

It is supposed to interview 120 people taking into account marriage. The sample population is 100 people - this is an acceptable number for a pilot study. This assumes that the sample is not representative. General population: youth of the city of Kirov. The sample is planned to be formed on the basis of the stratification sampling technique. The selection criteria are two social characteristics: age (age groups are preliminarily divided into two categories: from 18 to 23 years old and from 24 to 29 years old); education (the group is preliminarily divided into two categories: with no higher education and with higher education).

1) Determine the level of youth participation in the social life of the city:

a) cultural;

b) sports;

c) socio-political.

1. Do you take part in cultural events of the city?

a) I have taken it before and will accept it in the future;

b) I have taken it before, but I am not going to accept it in the future;

c) did not accept, but I am going to accept;

d) did not accept and do not intend to accept

13. Do you take part in various social and political events in the city of Kirov (rallies, meetings with deputies, etc.)?

a) I have taken it before and will accept it in the future;

b) I have taken it before, but I am not going to accept it in the future;

c) did not accept, but I am going to accept;

d) did not accept and am not going to accept.

21. Do you take part in sports events in the city?

a.) took before and will continue to accept;

b) I have taken it before, but I am not going to accept it in the future;

c) did not accept, but I am going to accept;

d) I have accepted and I am not going to accept.

After analyzing the answers to the questionnaire: “Do you take part in cultural events of the city? ”The result was obtained, shown in Figure 1.

Do you take part in cultural events of the city?

18-23 not higher 18-23 higher 24-29 not higher 24-29 higher

About b. accepted earlier, but I am not going to accept in the future (I did not accept 3 c., but I am going to accept

Figure: 1. Results of the sociological research "Participation of youth in cultural events of the city"

Conclusion: Figure 1 shows that the majority of respondents “did not take and are not going to take” part in cultural events in the city. This was the answer of 46.7% of respondents with a non-higher education aged 18 to 23,

50% of respondents with higher education aged 18 to 23 years, 30% of respondents

respondents with a lower education at the age from 24 to 29 years, 30% of respondents with higher education at the age of 24 to 29 years.

After analyzing the answers to the questionnaire: "Do you take part in various social and political events of the city (rallies, meetings with deputies, etc.)?" the result was obtained, shown in Figure 2. Conclusion: Figure 2 shows that young people from 18 to 29 years old with higher and lower education basically "did not take and is not going to take part" in various social and political events in the city, 80 % of respondents with non-higher education aged 18 to 23, 30% of respondents with higher education aged 18 to 23, 70% of respondents with non-higher education aged 24 to 29, 50% of respondents with higher education at the age of 24 to 29 years old. Most of the respondents answered: “I am not interested in all this, it is absolutely not interesting for me” and “No. I think

it’s a waste of time. ”

Do you take part in various social and political events of the city

education education education education

□ a. took before and will accept in the future

W b. took before, but I am not going to accept in the future

□ Mr. did not accept and am not going to accept

Figure: 2. Results of the research "Participation of youth in various social and political events of the city"

After analyzing the answers to the questionnaire: “Do you take part in sports events in the city of Kirov?”, The result was obtained, shown in Figure 3.

Do you take part in sports events

18-23 not higher education

18-23 higher education

24-29 not higher education

24-29 higher education

□ a. took before and will accept in the future

P b. took before, but I am not going to accept in the future

□ c. did not accept, but I'm going to accept

□ Mr. did not accept and am not going to accept

Figure: 3. Results of the study “Participation of youth in sports activities

acceptance of the city "

Conclusion: Figure 3 shows that the majority of the respondents “took it before and will take it in the future” or “took it before, but is not going to take part in the future” to take part in sports events in the city. The majority of young people from 18 to 29 years old with lower and higher education “did not take and does not intend to participate” in sports events of the city, 23.3% of respondents with lower education aged 18 to 23 answered, 45% of respondents with higher education aged 18 to 23, 26.7 % of respondents with non-higher education at the age from 24 to 29 years, 25% of respondents with higher education at the age of 24 to 29 years.

2) Reveal the influence of public opinion on the attitude of young people to the social life of the city.

The following questions were drawn up for this task:

25. What or who, in your opinion, can more stimulate young people to go in for sports? (no more than 2 answer options)

a) promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

b) friends;

c) parents;

28. Who or what, in your opinion, can more effectively influence the social activity of young people? (you can choose no more than 2 answer options)

what about parents;

c) the immediate environment;

d) your own version _______________________________________________

From the analysis of answers to the questionnaire: “What or who, in your opinion, can stimulate young people to go in for sports to a greater extent? ”The result was obtained, shown in Figure 4.

What or who, in your opinion, can more stimulate young people to go in for sports?

18-23 not higher 18-23 higher 24-29 not higher 24-29 higher





□ a. promotion of a healthy lifestyle Ш б. friends

□ c. parents

□ your own version

Figure: 4. Results of the study "Encouraging youth to go in for sports"

Conclusion: Figure 4 shows that for young people from 18 to 23 and from 24 to 29 years old with a lower education, “friends” can stimulate to go in for sports to a greater extent, 70% and 42.5%, respectively, answered so. G. had the same opinion. He replied: “First of all, friends with whom they have common interests can stimulate young people to go in for sports”. The opinion of young people from 18 to 23 years old with higher education was almost equally divided between the answer options a,

b, and c. - this is "promotion of a healthy lifestyle", "friends" and "parents". According to young people from 24 to 29 years old with higher education, “promoting a healthy lifestyle” and “friends” can be more stimulating to go in for sports.

After analyzing the answers to the questionnaire: “Who or what, in your opinion, can more effectively influence the social activity of young people?”, The result was obtained, presented in Figure 5.

Who or what, in your opinion, can more effectively influence the social activity of young people?





Sh a. parents Sh b. Media □ c. nearest environment □ d. own version

Figure: 5. Results of the research "Impact on the social activity of youth"

Conclusion: Figure 5 shows that, in the opinion of all respondents, the “immediate environment” can more effectively influence the social activity of young people, as 46.7% of respondents with lower education aged 18 to 23 answered, 48.4% of respondents with higher education education at the age of 18 to 23 years, 43.8% of respondents with non-higher education at the age of 24 to 29 years, 34.4% of respondents with higher education at the age of 24 to 29 years.

3) Find out if young people visit cultural and sports institutions of the city.

The following questions were drawn up for this task:

2. How often do you visit cultural institutions of our city (museums, exhibitions, theater, etc.)?

a) once a month;

b) once every six months;

c) once a year;

d) I do not attend.

19. Do you visit the sports sections of the city?

a) visited before;

b) I visit regularly;

c) I visit whenever possible;

d) I do not visit, but I am going;

e) I do not visit and do not intend to.

After analyzing the answers to the questionnaire: "How often do you visit the cultural institutions of our city?" the result was obtained, shown in Figure 6.

How often do you visit the cultural institutions of our

18-23 not higher education

18-23 higher education

24-29 not higher education

24-29 higher education

□ a. Once a month □ b. Once every six months □ c. Once a year □ d. Do not attend

Figure: 6. Results of the study "Young people visiting cultural institutions of the city"

Conclusion: Figure 6 shows that young people mostly “do not visit” the cultural institutions of our city, with which K.'s opinion coincided. He replied: “No, I don’t visit the cultural institutions of our city, because I think that in our city there are practically there are no establishments that would arouse at least some interest in me. " It can be noted that respondents from 24 to 29 years old with a non-higher education visit cultural institutions “once a year” more than all others, most often “once a month” young people from 18 to 23 years old with a lower education visit cultural institutions of our city.

After analyzing the answers to the questionnaire: “Do you visit the sports sections of the city?”, The result was obtained as shown in Figure 7. Conclusion: Figure 7 shows that most of the respondents “visit, if possible,” the sports sections of the city, so 26 answered, 7% of respondents with non-higher education aged 18 to 23 years, 30% of respondents with higher education aged 18 to 23 years, 50% of respondents with non-higher education aged 24 to 29 years, 30% of respondents with higher education aged from 24 to 29 years old. They also include the opinion of V., who replied: “Yes, my friends are also doing it, although not all”.

Do you visit the sports sections of the city?

18-23 not higher education

18-23 higher education

24-29 not higher education

24-29 higher education

□ a. visited earlier in the century. I visit E1 d if possible. I do not visit and do not intend to

b. I visit regularly d. I don't visit, but I'm going to

Figure: 7. Results of the study "Young people visit sports clubs in the city."

3. Conclusions on hypotheses


1) Young people do not consider it necessary to participate in the social life of the city. - The mortgage is disproved.

29. In your opinion, should young people participate in the cultural, sports and socio-political life of the city?

a) yes, it should;

b) no, it shouldn't;

c) your own version ___________________________________________________

After analyzing the answers to the questionnaire: “In your opinion, should young people participate in the cultural, sports and socio-political life of the city?”, The result was obtained, shown in Figure 8.

Conclusion: from fig. 8 shows that almost all respondents believe that young people “yes, they should” participate in the cultural, sports and socio-political life of the city, 76.7% of respondents with low education aged 18 to 23 answered this way, 90% of respondents with higher education at the age from 18 to 23 years old, 70% of respondents with lower education at the age from 24 to 29 years old, 85% of respondents with higher education at the age from 24 to 29 years old.

2) The participation of youth in the cultural life of the city has a positive effect on the youth of the city. - M mortgage confirmed.

In your opinion, should young people participate in the cultural, sports and socio-political life of the city?

education education education education □ a. yes, should. no, it must not □ c. your version

Figure: 8. Results of the study "Participation of youth in the cultural, sports and socio-political life of the city"

For this hypothesis, the following question was drawn up:

3. In your opinion, how does visiting cultural institutions affect young people?

a.) positive;

b) rather positively than negatively;

c) rather negatively than positively;

d) negatively;

e) does not affect in any way.

After analyzing the answers to the questionnaire: "In your opinion, how does visiting cultural institutions affect young people?" and the sports life of the city allocates "insufficient" material resources, and therefore part of the city's youth does not accept and is not going to take part in cultural and social political events of the city. At the same time, most of the respondents are taking and will continue to take part in the city's sports events. This means that modern youth are more interested in sports than in the cultural and socio-political life of the city.

Do you think the city administration allocates sufficient material resources for the development of the city's cultural and sports life?

18-23 not higher 18-23 higher 24-29 not higher 24-29 higher education education education education

EE a. enough W b. 13 century is not enough. your version

Figure: 9. Results of the study "Allocation of material resources by the city administration for the development of cultural and sports life of the city"

Some of the city's young people, regardless of their education, do not attend cultural institutions, but visit sports institutions whenever possible. Some of the respondents noted the insufficient allocation of material resources by the Kirov city administration for the development of the cultural and sports life of the city. Sports sections for young people are not sufficiently accessible in material terms. The majority of respondents made a recommendation to the city administration and all owners of sports clubs to reduce the prices for visiting sports clubs or to make any discounts for young people.

List of references:

1. Devyatko I.F. Sociological research methods. M .: Book House "University", 2002. 215 p.

2. Yadov VA Strategy of sociological research: description, explanation, understanding of social reality. M .: ICC "Akademkniga", 2003. 308 p.

Stepanov Konstantin Sergeevich - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, GOU VPO Kirov State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, e-mail: vas7 01 @

2. Study of the attitude of young people to their health and the health of future children

In the first chapter, we examined the tasks of social work in institutions for social prevention and rehabilitation of adolescents and youth, the importance of reproductive health of young people, as well as factors that negatively affect the health of future offspring. In the experimental part of our work, we decided to find out the degree of awareness of young men and women about the destructive effect of psychoactive substances on the body. And also to find out how much modern youth cares about their health and the health of future children.

We conducted a survey, the results of which are presented in Appendix 1.

Base of the research: The study involved university students, colleges, library readers, as well as boys and girls on the streets of the city (20 people). Their attention was offered an anonymous questionnaire, consisting of 50 questions, which were asked to answer in any form or choose one of the proposed answers.

After analyzing the data obtained, we came to the conclusion that 60% of the boys and girls surveyed by us consider themselves completely healthy. However, 65%, knowing about the dangers of smoking, continue to smoke, and 70% use alcohol, knowing that it is harmful to health (Fig. 1).

As can be seen from Table 1, 65% of our respondents smoke. Moreover, 20% started smoking before the age of 16, 60% smoke every day, 45% smoke even if they are sick. 60% smoke for the company to be "like everyone else", 30% smoke to cheer themselves up.

Figure: 1. Results of the survey of young people and adolescents

Only half of the respondents believe that smoking is harmful. 45% want to quit smoking. However, none of the respondents wants their children to smoke.

Table 1. Attitude of young people to smoking

Questions Answers "yes" %
1 7 35
2 Do you smoke? 13 65
3 4 20
4 Do you smoke every day? 12 60
5 7 35
6 Do you smoke even if you are sick? 9 45
7 6 30
8 12 60
9 8 40
10 10 50
11 4 20
12 Do you want to quit smoking? 9 45
13 7 35
14 0 0

Consequently, young people are aware of the dangers of smoking, but do not believe that cigarettes can personally do them any real harm. 60% smoke for the company.

According to the results of our survey, 70% of young people drink alcohol, 80% have tried it before the age of 16. Moreover, 25% drink alcohol more often than once a week, 85% drink "for the company". Moreover, only half of the respondents believe that alcohol is harmful to them. And only 5% are afraid of becoming alcoholics (see Table 2).

Table 2. Attitude of young people to alcohol

Questions Answers "yes" %
1 Do you drink alcohol? 14 70
2 16 80
3 5 25
4 Only on holidays? 2 10
5 12 60
6 17 85
7 11 55
8 6 30
9 4 20
10 1 5
11 Do you think alcohol is bad for your health? 10 50
12 5 25
13 Do you respect drinking people? 2 10

So, the harm caused by alcohol by young people and adolescents is also underestimated. The motive "for the company" prevails.

Among our respondents, 20% have tried drugs. Only half of the respondents believe that drug addiction is possible the first time.

15% of the respondents will go to a company where they can offer a drug. But the majority of our respondents will refuse the offer to try drugs (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Attitude to drugs

As can be seen from Table 4, the majority consider themselves healthy people, but only 20% lead a healthy lifestyle, although 45% are sure that health should be taken care of now. Bad habits are recognized by 35%. And at the same time, all the respondents want to have healthy children.

Table 4. Attitude of young people to their health

Questionnaire questions The answer is yes, (number of people) %
1 12 60
2 1 5
3 9 45
4 4 20
5 Do you play sports? 6 30
6 Do you have bad habits? 7 35
7 9 45
8 20 100

So, according to the results of our research, it turned out that most of the boys and girls we interviewed want to have healthy children, try to monitor their health and believe that drinking and smoking parents cannot have healthy offspring, but despite this they are in no hurry to get rid of from their bad habits, drink alcohol and smoke "for the company."


So, in the conditions of modern Russia, the need for social work is especially acute and universal. Health sociology is becoming one special theory, which, by its development, will contribute to the further expansion of the sphere of interests of general sociology and at the same time, due to the latter, reaching a higher level of theoretical development of its own questions. In its advanced form, it will allow to overcome communication difficulties between natural, technical and social sciences, between medicine, health care and social sciences. Its fruitful generalizations, scientific methods and private methods can be applied directly in the field of medical research of health and disease problems, norms and pathology.

The influence of nicotine, alcohol and drugs on the reproductive functions of future parents is extremely negative. As a result, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, infertility, the likelihood of having a sick or defective offspring increases. Drunkenness and alcoholism complicate the socio-demographic situation in the country, affect the population and its mental and physical capabilities, and reduce socially useful activity. Alcohol abuse leads to a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the number of children with congenital physical and mental disabilities.

Preserving the reproductive health of young people is one of the main tasks of modern society. The young family, which is an important socio-demographic group of the population, draws particular attention. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should be expressed in the consolidation of a set of optimal skills, abilities and life stereotypes in the youth environment, excluding addictions.

The aim of our experimental study was to study the attitude of young people and adolescents to their reproductive health.

We assumed that Russian youth and adolescents, due to their age characteristics they do not sufficiently take into account the consequences of bad habits that affect their reproductive health.

According to the results of our research, it turned out that most of the boys and girls we interviewed want to have healthy children, try to monitor their health and believe that drinking and smoking parents cannot have healthy offspring, but despite this they are in no hurry to get rid of their bad habits, drink alcohol and smoke "for the company."

Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed, the tasks facing the work were solved. The goal of the course work has been achieved.

List of references

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4. Afanasyeva T.M. Family portraits. M .: Knowledge, 2005.- 226s.

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8. Delarue V.V. A destructive cigarette; M .: Medicine, 2007 .-- 80 p.

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12. Kazmin V.D. Smoking, we and our offspring. M .: Sov. Russia, 2003.- 61

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14. Krysko V.G. Social Psychology: Diagrams and Comments. M., 2004.-326s.

15. Kuznetsova MN, Smetnik VP, Frolova OG; About your health, women. M .: Medicine, 2003.-224s.

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Attachment 1.

Questions and statements

1. Do you consider yourself a completely healthy person?

2. Are you not completely satisfied with your health?

3. Do you think that health should be taken care of now?

4. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?

5. Do you play sports?

6. Do you have bad habits?

7. Do you smoke?

8. Did you start smoking before the age of 16?

9. Do you smoke every day?

10. Do you find it difficult to keep from smoking in non-smoking areas?

11. Do you smoke even if you are sick?

12. Do you smoke to cheer yourself up?

13. Do you smoke "for the company" in order to be "like everyone else"?

14. Do you enjoy cigarettes?

15. What do you think: is smoking harmful?

16. Do you like smoking girls?

17. Do you want to quit smoking?

18. Can you give up cigarettes altogether?

19. Would you like your children to smoke?

20. Do you drink alcohol?

21. Have you tried alcohol before the age of 16?

22. Do you drink alcohol more than once a week?

23. Only on holidays?

24. Does alcohol lift your spirits?

25. Do you drink "for the company" to be "like everyone else"?

26. Do you enjoy alcohol?

27. Do you drink to relieve stress, relax?

28. Do you think beer is an alcoholic drink?

29. Aren't you afraid of becoming an alcoholic?

30. Do you think you are harming your health by drinking alcohol?

31. Can you give up alcohol altogether?

32. Do you respect people who drink?

33. Have you ever tried drugs?

34. Will you be able to refuse if you are offered to try a drug?

35. Do you think it is possible to get used to a drug once you try it?

36. Will you go to a drug company?

37. As a child, did you often spend your free time with your parents?

38. Do you have many friends?

40. Do you consider yourself an interesting conversationalist?

41. Are you in the center of attention in the company?

42. Do you have enough communication?

43. Do other people easily understand you?

44. Do you feel abandoned?

45. Do you often have sad thoughts?

46. \u200b\u200bDo you often get bored?

47. Do you feel lonely, isolated from others?

48. Do you have insomnia?

49. Do you take care of your health?

50. Do you want to have healthy children in the future?

Appendix 2

Questionnaire questions The answer is yes, (number of people)
1 Do you consider yourself a completely healthy person? 12
2 Are you not entirely happy with your health? 1
3 Do you think that health should be taken care of now? 4
4 Are you leading a healthy lifestyle? 4
5 Do you play sports? 6
6 Do you have bad habits? 7
7 Do you smoke? 13
8 Did you start smoking before the age of 16? 4
9 Do you smoke every day? 12
10 Do you find it difficult to keep from smoking in non-smoking areas? 7
11 Do you smoke even if you are sick? 9
12 Do you smoke to cheer yourself up? 6
13 Do you smoke "for the company" in order to be "like everyone else"? 12
14 Do you enjoy cigarettes? 8
15 What do you think: is smoking harmful? 10
16 Do you like smoking girls? 4
17 Do you want to quit smoking? 9
18 Can you give up cigarettes altogether? 7
19 Would you like your children to smoke? 0
20 Do you drink alcohol? 14
21 Have you tried alcohol before the age of 16? 16
22 Do you drink alcohol more than once a week? 5
23 Only on holidays? 2
24 Does alcohol cheer you up? 12
25 Do you drink "for the company" to be "like everyone else"? 17
26 Do you enjoy alcohol? 11
27 Do you drink to relieve stress, relax? 6
28 Do you think beer is an alcoholic drink? 4
29 Are you afraid of becoming an alcoholic? 1
30 Do you think you are harming your health by drinking alcohol? 3
31 Can you give up alcohol altogether? 5
32 Do you respect drinking people? 2
33 Have you ever tried drugs? 4
34 Will you be able to refuse if you are offered to try a drug? 15
35 Do you think you can get used to a drug once you try it? 10
36 Will you go to a drug company? 3
37 As a child, did you often spend your free time with your parents? 8
38 Do you have many friends? 6
39 Do you like reading books? 7
40 Do you consider yourself an interesting conversationalist? 8
41 Are you in the spotlight in the company? 5
42 Do you have enough communication? 12
43 Do other people understand you easily? 7
44 Are you feeling abandoned? 5
45 Do you often have sad thoughts? 6
46 Are you often bored? 8
47 Do you feel lonely, isolated from others? 3
48 Do you have insomnia? 2
49 Do you care about your health? 9
50 Do you want to have healthy children in the future? 20

Appendix 3

Research Protocol No. 1

Gender: wives Age: 18

3. Do you think that health should be taken care of now? - Yes

4. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? -Yes

7. Do you smoke? - not

8. Did you start smoking before the age of 16? -not

9. Do you smoke every day? -Yes

10. Do you find it difficult to keep from smoking in non-smoking areas? - not

14. Do you enjoy cigarettes? - not

15. What do you think: is smoking harmful? - not

18. Can you give up cigarettes altogether? - Yes

27. Do you drink to relieve stress, relax? - Yes

34. Will you be able to refuse if you are offered to try a drug? - Yes

40. Do you consider yourself an interesting conversationalist? - Yes

41. Are you in the center of attention in the company? - Yes

45. Do you often have sad thoughts? - not

48. Do you have insomnia? - Yes

49. Do you take care of your health? - Yes

50. Do you want to have healthy children in the future? - Yes

Research Protocol No. 2

Gender: husband. Age: 15

1. Do you consider yourself a completely healthy person? - Yes

2. Are you not completely satisfied with your health? - not

3. Do you think that health should be taken care of now? - not

4. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? - Yes

5. Do you play sports? - not

6. Do you have bad habits? - Yes

7. Do you smoke? - Yes

8. Did you start smoking before the age of 16? - not

9. Do you smoke every day? - Yes

10. Do you find it difficult to keep from smoking in non-smoking areas? - Yes

11. Do you smoke even if you are sick? - Yes

12. Do you smoke to cheer yourself up? - Yes

13. Do you smoke "for the company" in order to be "like everyone else"? - Yes

14. Do you enjoy cigarettes? - Yes

15. What do you think: is smoking harmful? - Yes

16. Do you like smoking girls? - not

17. Do you want to quit smoking? - not

18. Can you give up cigarettes altogether? - not

19. Would you like your children to smoke? - not

20. Do you drink alcohol? - Yes

21. Have you tried alcohol before the age of 16? - Yes

22. Do you drink alcohol more than once a week? - not

23. Only on holidays? - Yes

24. Does alcohol lift your spirits? - Yes

25. Do you drink "for the company" to be "like everyone else"? - Yes

26. Do you enjoy alcohol? - Yes

27. Do you drink to relieve stress, relax? - not

28. Do you think beer is an alcoholic drink? - Yes

29. Aren't you afraid of becoming an alcoholic? - not

30. Do you think you are harming your health by drinking alcohol? - not

31. Can you give up alcohol altogether? - Yes

32. Do you respect people who drink? - not

33. Have you ever tried drugs? - not

34. Will you be able to refuse if you are offered to try a drug? -Yes

35. Do you think it is possible to get used to a drug once you try it? - not

36. Will you go to a drug company? - not

37. As a child, did you often spend your free time with your parents? - Yes

38. Do you have many friends? - Yes

40. Do you consider yourself an interesting conversationalist? - not

41. Are you in the center of attention in the company? - not

42. Do you have enough communication? - Yes

43. Do other people easily understand you? - not

44. Do you feel abandoned? - not

45. Do you often have sad thoughts? - Yes

46. \u200b\u200bDo you often get bored? - not

47. Do you feel lonely, isolated from others? - not

48. Do you have insomnia? - not

49. Do you take care of your health? - not

Marriage partners, the role of the head of the family and the rights and duties of relatives, from close ones to distant ones, the place of settlement and genealogy. The universality of the family as an institution is revealed in the concept of “family function”. Social functions are understood as the basic needs of society and people, which the family satisfies. The most important functions of the family and marriage include the following. Sphere ...

Family and marriage have always played a large role in the life of society. And modern society is no exception, although the attitude towards marriage, its forms, and the family has changed.

The purpose of this sociological study is to clarify the attitude of young people to marriage and its forms, to the family.

The object of the research is young people (students of grade 11, students of 1-2 courses).

As a result of a sociological survey, the specificity of attitudes towards marriage and family on the part of girls and boys was investigated. Were interviewed 100 people aged 16-20 years (50 males and 50 females), students of the Faculty of History and Sociology of the Mordovia State University. Ogareva (1-2 course) and pupils of the 11th grade of the Lyceum №43. 100% of the respondents were born and currently live in the city and are not married. One of the trends of our time is the emergence of new non-traditional types of marriage and family, to which young people are very calm. So 62% of girls and 47% of guys have a positive attitude towards civil marriage. Sociologists consider the most common reason for civil marriage to be an attempt at rehearsal family relations to check everyday compatibility, which mutual love and sexual attraction do not yet guarantee. There were no significant differences between the sexes in the respondents' attitudes towards types of marriage. The majority (80%) consider a marriage based on mutual love as the most acceptable, since love and mutual understanding are the main values \u200b\u200bof the family. However, 5% consider a contractual marriage acceptable, and 15% - by convenience, in which the mutual benefit of partners is decisive, and not feelings. The majority of girls (84%) and boys (72%) are against the fact that boys marry to "cut off" the army, but the remaining 16% of girls and 28% of boys approve of this act, if there are no other ways not to join the army. These results indicate that the majority of respondents take marriage seriously and consider it an important act in their lives. 75% of the respondents would like to get married in the future, 20% have not thought about it yet. And 5% answered this question in the negative, which can be explained, most likely, by personal reasons associated with the respondents' relations in their family, individual psychology of a person, or a negative attitude towards this social form of relations. Early marriage is considered normal by 61% of respondents, but everyone believes that it does not last long. Nevertheless, 85% of the respondents believe that the most acceptable age for marriage is 20-30 years, only a small part (4%) believe that they are 30 and older, and 11% that it is 18-20 years. Among the girls of the lyceum and the university, opinions on the question "Should marriage be based on love?" agreed. 62% answered positively to this question, and 38%, respectively, negatively. And among the young men the opinions were divided as follows: 96% of the pupils of the lyceum №43 answered positively, and among the students of the 1st and 2nd courses there were only 63% of them. This can be explained not so much by the difference in age, but by the difference between such organizations as school and university, as well as the relationship in them. School assumes a softer attitude towards reality. At the university, however, there is a transition to adulthood, with a more real perception of the surrounding world with all its difficulties and problems. The answers to questions about the family were also mixed. 52% of girls and 78% of boys believe that a man should be the head of the family, the rest answered that they are together. Only 1% of respondents answered that the head of the family should be a woman. Among the reasons for divorce, only 7% of girls and 2% of boys named material problems. There were also the following answer options: 15% cite boredom as the reason for divorce, 32% - treason, and 36% - a difference in character. Such a spread in the answers of the respondents can be explained by the fact that they were not in their own marriage, which means that they proceeded from the experience of acquaintances, relatives or friends.

Opinions on the question "Who should be the main source of income for the family?" divided as follows: 44% of males and 42% of females believe that the main income should come from a man, 48% of boys and 52% of girls believe that due to circumstances, the rest answered that it is equally. This distribution of answers indicates that by the 21st century, a woman, along with electoral political rights, received serious responsibilities for the material maintenance of the family.

A healthy strong family is a healthy and strong society. The family is the link in the chain, which can be used to change the situation for the better in society as a whole. The very foundations of our society, which are based on the family, are under the threat of disintegration, which creates instability in society itself, the impossibility of educating the younger generation spiritually, physically and morally healthy. Currently, modern families are going through a crisis, because most people put a career first, not having children.

The era replaced the era, the culture and values \u200b\u200bchanged, and the relationship between husband and wife also changed. But, despite all the changes that have affected families over the past decade, the institution of family and marriage is still the most important for human society.

The topic of this sociological survey "The attitude of young people to marriage and family" was not chosen by me by chance. The study of family and marriage is one of the most important challenges facing sociology. Family should not be confused with marriage. The family is a more complex system of relationships than marriage, because it unites not only spouses, but also their children and other relatives. The family can be considered as a small social group, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties, that is, on numerous relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters and other relatives living together and leading a common household; and marriage is a form of relations between a man and a woman, sanctioned and regulated by society, which determines their rights and obligations in relation to each other and to children. ... Most divorces are due to reasons arising from living together. The largest number of divorced marriages occurs at the age of 25-30, when the spouses become quite independent in material terms, have managed to get to know each other's shortcomings well and make sure that it is impossible to live together. At the same time, they are young enough to create a new full-fledged family and have children. Also, a large number of divorces occur around the age of 40. This is due to the fact that the children have grown up, and there is no need to keep the family for them, and one of the spouses actually has another family.

The highest divorce rate falls in the first five years of marriage. The presence of children in the family directly affects the strength of the marriage. In large families with more than three children, the divorce rate is below average.

The problem of "cohabitation" or "actual marriage" is also relevant in our time. This concept is often confused with the term "civil marriage", which, on the contrary, is understood as a marriage registered in the relevant government authorities. Half of Russians (55%) have a positive attitude towards the fact that young people are increasingly living together without getting married, among young people there are 77%, pensioners - only 30%. A de facto marriage has more minuses than pluses, and a woman is most at risk: a separate problem of a civil marriage, especially for a mother, is common children. In the event of a break in relations, the woman does not receive any rights to alimony and there is a risk of remaining in poverty. Legal insecurity is the second and main disadvantage. Children born in a civil marriage risk becoming "fatherless", as well as being deprived of material assistance from their father and possible inheritance. Such a family is actually deprived of support from the state. Children born in such a marriage, having matured themselves, begin to think that such a relationship is absolutely acceptable, which means that they are unlikely to want to get married ... And this is a small fraction of the negative consequences that a marriage without registration entails ..

It is also worth considering the problem of increasing the number of early marriages in our country. According to statistics, almost 13-15% of the total number of marriages is early. Early marriage is considered a marriage entered into before the onset of marriageable age (in Russia 18 years) with special permission from administrative authorities. It is interesting that often marriages concluded at the age of 18-20 are also considered early. Early marriage is a highly controversial issue. The causes and consequences of such marriages are being investigated by psychologists and sociologists.

The main reason for getting married at an early age is expecting a child. Many young people are now getting married after receiving vocational education, and having entered into marriage, they are in no hurry to have children, preferring to pursue a career in order to provide the family and the unborn child with material well-being ..

A young family has a number of characteristics. They are associated with an objectively insufficient level of material and financial security. Today, the average per capita income of a young family is 1.5 times lower than the national average, 69% of them live below the poverty line. Sociological studies show that early marriage is an important factor influencing satisfaction with family relationships.

When studying successful and unsuccessful marriages, it turned out that in the group of successful families, only 43% got married before the age of 21, and 69% of unsuccessful ones. A successful marriage presupposes a high level of social and psychological maturity of people, since it requires stable attitudes, certain knowledge and skills, which sometimes is not present in adolescence. Young people often get married thoughtlessly. Various reasons urge them to take this step. Statistics show that early marriages in most cases have no future - 90% of them end in divorce.

With a view to more in-depth study this problem I conducted an interview on the topic: "The attitude of student youth to marriage and family." Among the 13 respondents, there are students of the P.P. Belinsky, Penza State University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Sciences of the 1st year, students in the direction of "Sociology", including 10 girls and 3 guys, aged 17-18 years.

Most of the respondents have a positive attitude to marriage (84.6%), the rest have not yet thought about their attitude to marriage (15.4% - mostly male). The students referred to the values \u200b\u200bof the family as trust, understanding, respect, love and children. Answering the third question, the majority of students were mistaken, giving an incorrect definition of civil marriage, which speaks of the insignificant awareness of the majority of the respondents about such a social institution as marriage (only 15.4% answered correctly). Only 23% of respondents have a negative attitude to the so-called "civil" marriage, the rest of the students spoke in favor of "civil" marriage, arguing that before registering a marriage, it is necessary to live together, to get to know each other better. It can be assumed that "civil" marriage is a "rehearsal" of family relations. 54% of the respondents believe that it is normal to get married while studying at a university, from which it can be concluded that modern youth have a poor idea of \u200b\u200bthe full burden of the responsibility of marriage, especially if combined with study and work, and raising children. The students considered the most favorable ages for marriage to be 20-25 years (mostly girls - 61.5%) and 27-30 (mostly male - 38.5%). All respondents have a negative attitude towards marriage at an early age (up to 18 years), only 15% reacted positively if it is really necessary (most often a child becomes this need at such an early age). The main reason for marriage young people consider children, love. All respondents have a desire to get married in the future, only 8% are not sure that they want to get married. 69% of students are planning a magnificent celebration, this suggests that marriage is far from the last place in the life of young people, they strive to observe traditions, remember this day, and take it seriously. Many believe that a family can break up due to betrayal, mistrust, and dissimilarity in characters. 46% of students have married friends. To the question: "Do you approve of their act?" only 38.5% answered positively. 54% of the respondents have friends who do not register a marriage, but simply cohabit. It is noteworthy that the respondents attributed to the reasons that hinder the registration of marriage: different nationalities, poor relations with parents, lack of confidence in their feelings, financial problems, fear of burdening themselves with worries, all kinds of responsibility, independence of partners from each other ("It's easier to leave later" ). Girls also call the test of feelings as a fundamental component of cohabitation, and they interpret this by the fact that partners should get to know each other better, preparation for family life.

Summing up, one should pay attention to the common mistake of young people that, when planning to start a family, they rely only on the strength of feelings. Young people do not develop a true respect for the institution of the family; they are exemplified by unsuccessful marriages of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Most of the students have no idea what a civil marriage is, the legal risk of an unofficial marriage does not bother any student, and this speaks of the legal illiteracy of young people, and requires fundamental changes and transformations in the field of legal counseling and premarital education of students.

Thus, a sociological study conducted with students eloquently speaks of the relevance of the problem of civil marriage among young people, requiring new approaches to its solution.

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