Stage completion of preschool education. "Presentation of pre-school education as socio-regulatory age characteristics of a child

The material lists target landmarks, ways to achieve them, difficulties encountered in the formation of targets and ways to overcome them, such as methods and forms of organizing children's activities, organization of classes, etc.



Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

"Child's Development Center - Kindergarten №8" Golden Fish "

valuyki Belgorod region

"Ways to achieve target landmarks at the stage of completion of preschool education. Problems on the way to achieve target landmarks and ways to solve them "


Teacher speech therapist

MDOU "CRP -D / s №8

"Golden Fish" Kushnir T.N.

Valuyki, 2017.

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From September 1, 2013 in Russian Federation Pre-school education for the first time has become an officially recognized full-fledged level of continuous general education. Together with the entry into force of the new law "On Education of the Russian Federation", for all preschool institutions, the newest Gos-school education was relevant - the Federal State Educational Standard.The standard aimed at creating comfortable conditions for the education of the child and to ensure that it is motivated to learning, knowledge and creativity, puts forward the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program pre-school education, which are presented in the form of landmarks of preschool education.

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The targets of preschool education are the social and psychological characteristics of the possible achievements of the child at the stage of completion of the level of levels, forming on the basis of educational areas.

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Presentation of pre-school educationthey are the basis of the continuity of pre-school and primary general education. In compliance with the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, these target landmarks involve the formation of children preschool age Educational prerequisites at the stage of completion of the pre-school education.

The following social and regulatory age-related characteristics of possible achievements of the child include targeted guidelines for pre-school education.

Targetlights at the stage of completion of pre-school education:

  • the child seizes the main cultural methods of activity, manifests the initiative and independence in various activities - the game, communication, cognitive and research, design, etc.; able to choose a deal of classes, participants in joint activities;
  • the child has an installation of a positive attitude to the world, to different types of work, other people and oneself, has a sense of self-esteem; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. It is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, to empathize and rejoice in the success of others, adequately manifests their feelings, including the feeling of faith in oneself, tries to resolve conflicts;
  • the child has a developed imagination, which is implemented in different activities, and, above all, in the game; The child owns various forms and types of the game, distinguishes the conditional and real situation, can obey various rules and social standards;
  • the child owns a well-speaking speech, the child has a developed imagination, which is implemented in different activities, building a speech statement in a situation of communication, can allocate sounds in words, the child has literacy prerequisites;
  • the child has a large and small motility; It is moving, straining, owns the main movements, can control his movements and manage them;
  • the child is capable of volitional efforts, it can follow the social norms of behavior and rules in different activities, in relationship with adults and peers, may comply with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;
  • the child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, interested in causal relations, is trying to independently invent explanations of nature phenomena and actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment. He has initial knowledge of themselves, about the natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature possesses elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; The child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on its knowledge and skills in various activities.

In our kindergarten team of teachers in the composition: teachers - speech therapists, teacher - psychologist, educators of compensating groups, music leader, instructor physical culture And the swimming instructor was drawn up an adapted educational program (AOP) for children with severe speech disorders, the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the realization of general education problems along with the correction of the speech and mental development of children with ABS. The targets of this program are based on GEF to, the tasks of this program and are given for children of senior preschool age, assuming the formation of pre-school children's prerequisites for training activities at the stage of completion of pre-school education.

AOP targets at the stage of completion of pre-school education.

Education area "Speech Development"

The child speaks quite well a speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express their thoughts, feelings and desires, building a speech statement in a situation of communication:

Understand the concerned speech in accordance with the parameters of the age norm;

Phonetically correctly draw up the sound direction of speech;

Correctly transfer the syllable structure of the words used in self-speech;

To own the skills of word formation: produce nouns names from verbs, adjectives from nouns and verbs, diminishing and magnifying forms of nouns and so on.;

Grammatically correctly draw out independent speech in accordance with the norms of the language. Conductable, Rodovoid endings of words should be pronounced clearly; Simple and almost all complex prepositions are used adequately;

Use in spontaneous communication words of various vocabulary-grammatical categories (nouns, verbs, adverbs,

adjectives, pronoun, etc.);

To use in self-speech simple I have difficult suggestions, to own the skills of combining them into the story;

Own elementary recovery skills;

Own dialogical speech skills;

The child knows writers, poets and works of children's literature;

Mastering the child elements of the diplomas: the skills of conscious reading and printing letters, syllables, words and short sentences within the program;

Mastering the preschooler with some spelling rules (separate writing words in the proposal, use of the capital letter at the beginning of the sentence, the names of their own, the point at the end of the sentence, writing the chap with the letter A, Chu-Schu with the letter y, live with the letter and).

Educational Region "Physical Development"

The child has a common and small motorcy; It is moving and hardy, owns the main movements, can control his movements, knows how to manage them.

Educational Region "Socio-Communicative Development"

The child is able to adequately exercise his feelings, knows how to enjoy the success and empathize others, is able to negotiate, trying to resolve conflicts;

The child has elementary knowledge about himself and the social world;

The child is initiative, independent in various activities, is able to choose to choose and partners in joint activities

The child has a positive attitude towards peace, different types of labor, other people and to themselves;

The child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint activities;

The child has a sense of self-esteem, faithfully;

The child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow the social norms of behavior and submit to the rules in different activities, in relations with adults and peers, to comply with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;

Educational region "Cognitive development"

The child is inquisitive, inclined to observe, experiment;

The child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on its knowledge and skills in various activities.

Educational region "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Musical development

The child has a sense of rhythm, rhythmic expressiveness;

The child owns musical and rhythmic skills, speech coordination with music and movements;

Artistic activities

The child shows a steady interest in the manifestation of beauty in the surrounding world and art;

Exhibiting research behavior, initiative, independence and individuality in the process of mastering art.

The child is planning activities, skillfully organizes the workplace, manifests accuracy and organization during the execution process, respect for materials.

By 7 years, the child's speech development should be characterized by the ability to ask questions to an adult, in cases of difficulties to contact him for help, adequately use verbal means of communication, as well as own a dialogic speech.

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Ways to achieve target benchmarks at the stage of completion of preschool education.

  1. For the formation of targets in our DW, a correctional - developing medium, taking into account ergonomic, pedagogical, psychological, sanitary and hygiene requirements. (Saturated, transformable, polyfunctional, variable, affordable and safe environment)

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Subject and correctional - developing medium ensures the implementation of the educational potential of the space of the cabinets, groups,

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sports and music halls, pools, the implementation of the correctional - educational program for children with OVD.

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Since the required condition for mastering the standard is the creation of adequate conditions for the implementation of special educational needs in which each child will be able to meet its need for the development and use of special training methods, special benefits and didactic materials, the use of innovative means of corrective training, information and computer technologies, Cabinets of speech therapists created a favorable speech environment, which serves the interests, needs and development of children, corresponds to the age of children. It is comfortable, aesthetic, complies with the modern requirements of the educational environment for an individual, frontal and subgroup speech therapy. Zones are located convenient for both the teacher, and for children who can independently use a visual material.

Due to this, children increase motivation to speech therapy classes, the active position of the subject of learning is formed.

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It's soon a year, as a magic room appeared in our kindergarten - the sensory, in which everything rumbles, sounds, shines and manit! This is the place where the child's feelings come to life and encourage the identity of the child to development. This is a medium specially created for stimulating organs of vision, hearing, touch and vestibular apparatus. Sessions in the sensory room prevent sensory starvation, stimulate the development of objective activities, form focusing skills and spectatic perception, promote speech development.

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2. The pedagogical process should be organized through the choice of the most effective means of correction, training and education, which, in turn, requires a wide introduction of innovative forms and methods into educational activities, which is carried out in the walls of the kindergarten.

New modern innovative educational, speech therapy technologies are used:

  • game technologies in speech therapy correction (use of toys, game form classes, various games - didactic, wallpaper - printed);

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  • art pedagogical technologies in a special education (art - therapeutic - drawing, modeling, collage, applique; talentherapy, music therapy, duck, mnemonics, game and therapy, sand therapy, aromatherapy);

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  • psychomotor Development Correction Technologies (breathing exercises, finger movements, kinesiological exercises, massage of biologically active zones, self-massage, etc.);

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  • technologies of speech therapy, phonetic and speaking rhythmics (logo, phone. Rhythmic - reproduction of sounds, combinations, speech. Material at a specified pace);

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  • information and communication technologies;

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  • health-saving technologies (finger, respiratory, articulating gymnastics, artificial hypo- and hyperthermia (ice games) Gymnastics for eyes, Massage of different types, su-Joke, Fizubuz, physical education, occupations in the pool).

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3. Equipment of the pedagogical process of a methodical base. To implement the tasks of the program in the DWA uses various methodical manuals and didactic materials Nishcheva N.V., Teremkova, Koshinova E., Konovalenko, Native, and others.

Equipping professional pedagogical frames. Improving the professional skills and competence of teachers in the field of effective cooperation with children who have speech violations, as well as in the field of prevention and identification of problems in speech development.

Problems arising in the process of developing the program, as well as achieving target landmarks in children at the stage of completion of preschool education

Problem 1 - update of pre-school education

Solution Ways: 1. Organization of children's activities in accordance with the targets of pre-school education

Nowadays, there is a need to revise the target foundations of the functioning of the education system, content, motifs, norms, forms and methods of the organization educational process, the role of the family and teacher. Today, there is a transition from an information paradigm oriented, first of all, to the accumulation of knowledge by children, to the "sociocultural active pedagogy of development, the cultural and historical paradigm of the child's understanding."

The disclosure of personal potential, versatile self-realization and human development are a decisive condition for the development of society, requires adoption as the main task of the pedagogical process of creating conditions for maximum realization of the individual as a subject of activity.

GEF of pre-school education determines the levels of goals: First level of goals - Social order of state, society, its various social groups This level of education system. The order reflects a certain public ideal formed personality. Second level of goals - This is a goal for each educational program for various types and types of educational organizations.Third level of goals - These are the pedagogical goals that are implemented every day in the process of communication and holding pedagogical activities with children.

Today, inconsistency of goals at different levels remains, as well as the inconsistency of the means to implement the goals and objectives of their humanistic essence.The objectives of modern pre-school education can only be achieved if the necessary changes will occur with all components Pedagogical Systemsat the level of programs (the content of education), educational organizations (methods and means of education, training, development; organizational forms of the educational process; teachers), the parent community.

The need for reforms held today is dictated by the inconsistency of the main components of the educational system, proclaimed in the GEF of pre-school education, the principles and objectives of Russian preschool education. Many examples of contradictions can be distinguished:

between the individual creative nature of the formation of the personality and the massive-reproductive nature of the organization of the pedagogical process, its "torganization";

between the determining value of the activity in the development of the individual and the facilities for formal, violent performance of the activities of children;

between the task of mastering the child the main cultural ways of activity and total dominance of a value approach, verbal teaching methods, the lack of pre-school education models of cultural activities, its inconsistency of mobility and dynamic of cultural changes;

between the nomination of a fundamental idea that the child should become a subject of education and the continuing situation of non-knowledge in the education of the Personality of the Preschooler, its "Self-Device Forces" and others.

The recognition of the new objectives of the education system should entail changes in the "teacher - pupil" system, which in turn will be the basis for the transformation of other structural components of the pedagogical process: methods and techniques of pedagogical activities, training, education, development, organizational forms.

  1. The choice of methods and forms of organizing children's activities in accordance with the targets of pre-school education

Interaction of adults and children Makes up the essential characteristics of the pedagogical process, is its engine.Pedagogical interaction It is a deliberate contact of the teacher and pupils, which consequences are mutual changes in their behavior, activity and relationships. Pedagogical interaction can be carried out in the format of the joint activity of the teacher and pupils.Cooperative activity - the activity of two or more participants in the educational process (adults and pupils), which is characterized by the presence of an adult affiliate position and affiliate form of activity.

Another important component of the pedagogical process is independent activities of children. This is free activities of pupils in the context of the educational components created by educators, providing a choice of each child of interest in interest, allowing it to interact with peers or to act individually.

Changing the principles of building interaction between teachers and children determines the needrevision of arsenal methods used by the educator.

To date, there are more than a hundred classifications. The traditional classification is based on a source of gaining knowledge. It is all known to everyonevisual methods include organization of observations, display of objects, paintings, illustrations, the use of TSO and didactic benefits, etc.; Slible methods associated with the use of the word as means of communication, information transmission; Practical methods related to the development and application of knowledge, skills and skills in practical activity through exercises, in various games, drains, projects, orders, trainings, etc.

AND I. Lerner and N.M. Sprhat is proposed classification of training methods (character) cognitive activity Trained: Explanatory-illustrative (information-receptive), reproductive, problem presentation, partially search (heuristic), research.

Characteristic features information and receptive method is the transfer of knowledge in the "finished" form using various sources of information.

Within Reproductive method The transfer of "ready-made" knowledge is accompanied by an explanation, repeatedly repetition of information by the teacher and requires its awareness, an understanding of the child.

Problem method Allows the teacher to teach children to analyze problems, educational tasks, show samples of the implementation of cognitive-research activities. When using this method, all cognitive processes are developed: perception, memory, thinking, imagination, speech.

Partially search (heuristic) method It is characterized by the fact that the teacher does not organize a message, but the production of knowledge. The most important result of its use is the development of children ways of knowledge. Partially searching this method is named due to the fact that it assumes the help of the teacher in situations where the students cannot solve the problem or resolve the problem independently.

Research Method Conjugate with independent development of children's knowledge, methods of their extraction, the choice of methods of knowledge. The use of this method determines the high cognitive activity of children, interest in activities, systematicity and awareness of the knowledge gained.

Unfortunately, in the work of pre-school educational organizations, verbal and visual, explanatory and illustrative methods are often dominant to the detriment of practical, problematic and search. It closes the preschooler the opportunity to exercise an active position in the knowledge of the surrounding reality, apply the knowledge gained, skills, experience in various activities.

The effectiveness of reforming the education system is associated with the adoption of teachers of modern goals and principles of personality oriented education:

orientation for value relationsdetermines the constancy of the professional attention of the teacher to the emerging attitude of the pupil to socio-cultural values \u200b\u200b(man, nature, society, labor, knowledge) and the value basics of life - good, truth, beauty;

principle of subjectivityprescribes the teacher to contribute to the development of the child's ability to realize its "I" in relations with other people and the world, to comprehend its actions, to anticipate their consequences for other people and its fate, to make a meaningful choice of life decisions;

the principle of making a child as a givendefines recognition for the preschooler of the right to be as it is, the values \u200b\u200bof his personality.

the principle of compliance with educational intervention by the nature of the natural process of the development of a developed personality (the law of the golden coincidence)determines the search for the "optimal ratio of educational intervention in the life of a growing person with the activity of raised".

Accounting for the principles, as well as the principles approved by the GEF of pre-school education, determines the selection of such techniques and methods of training, when using the child, it feels the need to learn something new, it is better to understand itself and the phenomena of the surrounding world, to show the desire for independent actions, perseverance in implementing conceived, and the adult supports it in this.

The decision of the modern tasks of pre-school education requires the use of active methods for organizing children's activities - the method of problem presentation, partially searching and research methods. According to the definition offered by S. Tulina, Active learning methods - This is a system of methods that ensure the activity and diversity of the mental and practical activity of students in the process of mastering knowledge. They are built on a practical orientation, game act and the creative nature of learning, interactivity, diverse communications, dialogue, on the use of knowledge and experience of students, group formation of their work, involvement in the process of all organs of feelings, an activity approach to learning, movement and reflection.

An important condition for the effectiveness of the use of active methods, solving problems of support for the development processes of preschoolers isincreasing the share of children's independence in the implementation of various activities.

Personally oriented educational situation as a unit of pedagogical process

The basis for the use of the teacher's active learning methods is the use of situational, personal-oriented, activity approaches. Construction of personal-oriented educational situations (hereinafter - JiooC) allows you to solve the most important tasks allocated by GEF of pre-school education:

"Protection and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being"

"Ensuring the continuity of the objectives, objectives and content of education implemented in the framework of educational programs of various levels" - one of the most important aspects of continuity should be work on the formation of prerequisites, and then elements of training activities based on the content of programs of each of the levels of education, priority types of children's activities with By consideration of age-related features and capabilities of children and current problems of supporting the process of their development.

"Creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and the creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with themselves, other children, adults and the world"

"The development of the initiative, independence and responsibility of the child" - the educational process in the DOU, built in a traditional way, not only does not contribute to the development of these qualities, but also leads to a violation of the natural procedure of their formation. As part of Jioos, development occurs naturally, because The situation and the interest of the child in solving the learning task, the permission of the problem determine its initiative, and the methods used implies independence and responsible attitude towards the general case.

It is obvious that in order to solve the urgent tasks of preschool education, the educational situation as a unit of the pedagogical process should be particularly constructed. Teacher must formulate not only knowledge transfer tasks, but also:

determine the type of personality experience that children must acquire;

the choice of personally significant content and forms of work capable of interested children, encourage them to accept the goal of activities, finding ways to achieve it;

reveal the motivational basis of all the upcoming work and its individual stages, the motives for inclusion in the activities of individual children;

to establish ways to acquire appropriate experiences, the tactics of assistance in the "opening" of themselves in certain activities.

The structural basis of the educational situation and the motivational basis of educational and research, game, visual activity of preschoolers should be an educational task that contains in itself Educational problem. Designing various forms of organizing children's activities based on a problematic approach allows to create conditions for the assimilation of cultural experience accumulated by previous generations, to actualize the individual life experience of children, to increase the personal significance of educational research activities.

The wording of the educational problem, the creation of a problem situation is the most difficult and responsible moment of the design of Loos. A.M. Matyushkin formulated the following requirements for problematic situations:

the solution to the problem situation must be focused on the maximum independence and creative activity of the student;

the problem must comply with the educational information, which is learned by the trainee, as well as its information already exist;

the wording of the problem should be the most clear and free from incomprehensible for learned words and expressions;

the problem situation should create sufficient difficulty in solving it and at the same time be satisfactory, thereby contributing to the formation of needs in its decision;

the problem situation should challenge the curiosity of students;

in the process of solving the problem, the need to consider new situations related to this problem (actualizing previously developed and obtaining new knowledge, skills);

the problem situation should be constructed taking into account the main didactic principles of training;

the problem of the problem situation should be a contradiction.

The problem situation should be created taking into account the real contradictions meaningful for preschoolers

For example:

between old, already learned knowledge and newly identified facts;

between scientific knowledge and everyday, practical, intuitive obvious ideas;

limited source data, etc.

It is the desire to solve the contradiction most often becomes a starting mechanism, "including" children's activity. Among other powerful incentives include children in work, internal psychological sources of motivation can be distinguished by a cognitive need, the desire to help the character (or other person), interest in the method of action, the need for self-expression and self-realization, in self-knowledge and self-development, social recognition.

Thus, when designing a problem situation, it is necessary to take into account not only the generally accepted requirements for its structure, methods of its modeling, not only today's learning tasks, but also features, opportunities, interests and needs of children. In this case, the result is the result of the problem, in addition to new knowledge, skills, competencies, personal neoplasms are becoming.

Faced with contradiction, children arise to solve it. This need becomes the motivational basis of subsequent work, children appear in children target - an integral attribute of conscious activity and an independent subject.

When creating a problem situation, teacher must formulate a problem so that in the process of its permission and the goals of children (help the character, find an answer to the problematic question, to solve the practical task, to identify the pattern, fulfill creative work, etc.), and software tasks .

Thus, the problem should be charged and transferring software tasks to the area of \u200b\u200binterests of children, to provide a teacher with the opportunity to solve them through what pupils want (the purpose of children).

  1. Care from the curriculum

Features of building modern classes

GEF pre-school education implies changes in the method of organizing children's activities: not an adult management, but a joint (affiliate) activity of an adult and a child.

The modern emphasis is not on learning as such (the score, letters, sounds, etc.), but on the development of motivational and psychological readiness for learning.

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In the program Any. educational organization Section "The planned results of the development of the core educational program of preschool education" describesqualities And not knowledge, skills, skills that the child can acquire as a result of the development of the program.

In connection with the foregoing, the main feature of the organization educational activities At the present stage, it is a departure from classes built on the training model, an increase in the status of the game, as the main activity of children of preschool age; Including in the process of effective forms of interaction with children: ICT, project activities, gaming, problematic situations.

Of course, the occupation is not canceled, but it should invest a different meaning: occupation as an entertaining business, specially organized childhood activities, interesting for children, implying their activity, business interaction and communication, accumulation of certain information about the world around the world, the formation of certain knowledge, skills And skills .. Teachers continue to "engage" with children, but, meanwhile, it is necessary to understand the difference between the "old" learning and "new".

When designing classes, it is necessary to take into account the following important features of modern pre-school education, differing from traditional learning:

child and adult -both subjects interaction equal in importance;

primary activity - These are the so-called childhood activities. The goal is genuine activity (activity) of children, and the development of knowledge, skills and skills - side effect this activity;

the main model of the organization of the educational process- joint Activity of adult and child;

main forms of work with children - view, observation, conversations, conversations, experimentation of research, collecting, reading, project implementation, etc.;

motives learning carried out as the organization of children's activities related primarily tointerests of children to these activities;

the main objective teacher at the lesson to form and support children's initiative;

it is allowed, the so-calledfree entrance Classes. The adult is obliged to provide him with the possibility of choice - to participate or not participate with other children in sharing.

Abstract Partially can be used to borrow the actual material (for example, interesting information about composers, writers, artists and their works), individual methods and techniques, etc., but not as a "ready-made sample" of the educational process.

Thus, it is clear that the entire system of organization and conduct of classes is changing.

Therefore, the pedagog function changes.

When conducting a training model, a teacher's function - to be learned, and during modern classes that meet the requirements of GEF pre-school education -organize children's activities.

So, the modern lesson must have all the signs of joint activities, list them:

  • a single goal that meets the needs and interests of all participants;
  • spatio-temporal suggestion of adults and children;
  • the presence of a leader exercising coordinating the activities of participants (planning, distribution of activities, control). The role of the leader in most cases takes on a teacher;
  • distribution of activities between all subjects. According to the distribution method distinguish jointly-individual, joint-consistent and joint-and-interacting activities; The presence of interpersonal relations between participants in activities.

Each lesson must have a clearly formulated theme. The subject of classes is determined taking into account thematic planning according to the educational program being implemented. The most acceptable and effective education form for this pre-school age is thought out. The purpose of the lesson is determined, which is a specific expected learning result of the implementation of this educational activity.

In order to ensure successful children's activity, any lesson is preceded by preliminary work: the speech and cognitive development of children, the accumulation of certain ideas of the child so that new information fell on the fertile soil of children's knowledge.

Organization educational space and a variety of materials, equipment and inventory in occupation must be pre-thought out by a teacher.

The teacher should not forget about the emotional side of the classes. A psychologically comfortable atmosphere, lack of regulated guidelines, contributes to the liberation of children and effectively achieving the result.

On a par with the children, the teacher plays, turns on to the problem, performs tasks, makes his craft, shares emotions, and does not wait, as they do, to praise them. It is also important to plan a summary of the results so that at the end of the occupation, the pedagogical assessment becomes the address and did not end with the words "all the great!".

Preparation for classes involves drawing up a preliminary project of educational activities, which was traditionally drawn up in the form of an abstract. Modern pedagogical practice offers today not only the writing of the abstract, but also the development of educational scenarios, the scenarios of the day, the development of technological maps.

What is the fundamental difference between these forms.

The abstract is the result of the content of working with children before classes. The abstract is a brief, connected and consistent presentation in the writing of the text on the content of the activity.

Scenario: list acting persons play with the order andof time Exit to the scene, a pre-prepared detailed plan for holding some spectacle (explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov)

What does not look like a "script of the day"?

"Day Script" is a whole day of life, not just the time of classes. Accordingly, the scenario says not only and not so much about common, collective work, how much about individual communication and about communication with a small group of children.

The script is not only a description of actions, but also standing comments, discussing possible situations, advice on behavioral options, depending on what the child, to which they appear, what happens to this child.

Day scenario - element of technology.

Building educational activities based on scenarios, the teacher gets the opportunity to organize activities technologically, artistically linking the suggested plots with the life of every pupil.

The lesson is already the level of independence, following the levels of recognition and reproduction under the guidance.

The script is the text reflecting the pre-prepared detailed plan of the holding, in detail illustrating not only the content, but also the style of communication.

"Technological Card" - a new type of methodological product providing teacher efficient and high-quality development of the new material by transition from planning classes to design an educational process by themes. The technology card describes the development process in a certain structure and in a given sequence.

Construction of universal tools ( technological card) It is aimed at achieving the results declared in GEF to and OOP to. OOP is answering the question: "What to teach?", Technological map - "How to teach», How to help the child effectively master the content of education, achieve the required results.

Compared to traditional "methods" in the technological map, the topic of studying the material is revealed, and not one lesson, which makes it possible to systemally master the content from the target to the result, to put and solve the tasks of achieving not only subject results, but also personal results.

The technological card in the didactic context represents a draft educational process, which presents a description from the target to the result using innovative technology of working with information. Training using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, to ensure the implementation of the educational program of the educational organization compliance with the requirements of GEF to significantly reduce the time for training the teacher to the organization of children's activities.

The task of a technological card of classes is to reflect the activity approach in the development and education of preschoolers. This is a way of graphic design classes. Forms such cards can be the most varied.

The structure of the technological card may include: the name of the topic, the purpose of mastering the proposed material on the topic, planned results, organization of space (work form, means and resources), the basic concepts of the topic, the technology of studying the specified topic (at each stage of the work the target and predictable result are determined, are given Practical tasks for testing material, diagnostic tasks for testing its understanding and assimilation), the test task for checking the achievement of planned results.

The use of a technological card provides conditions for improving the quality of the organization of educational activities, since: The educational process on the development of the topic (partition) is designed from the target to the result; are used effective methods work with information; The phased independent educational, intellectual and cognitive and reflective activities of preschoolers are organized; Conditions are provided for practical activities.

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Problem 2. State of health of the preschooler and individual child features:

Often ill children (somatically weakened);

- the severity of the speech defect;

Pedagogically launched children;

Features of character, temperament.

Ways to solve the problem:

  1. Effective wellness job. (Physical education, classes in the pool, physical education, including on the street, preventive, hardening procedures, oxygen cocktail, active application of health-saving technologies)
  2. Timely diagnosis, prevention and correction of speech violations in children. A compulsory comprehensive diagnostic examination of the child (as well as speech therapy in secondary groups, younger to identify speech violations) and on the basis of its results, the objectives and objectives of the individual correctional and educational program are determined. At the same time, constant control over the development of all components of the child's speech, for its activities, behavior, the dynamics of its emotional states, feelings and experiences.
  3. The use of innovative speech therapy technologies and training technologies in correctional development activities.

In support of training and education of children with ONR, the diversity of methods, techniques, means is used. Their number can be attributed to those that they received in theory and practice of correction in last years The greatest distribution and recognition. Such methods of game correction are used, like a finger and respiratory gymnastics, Su - Jok therapy, drawing flour and semolina, verbal, subject and wallpaper - printed games, games for the development of shallow motility, etc.

  1. Use of methods of psychological impact.

Various methods and techniques aimed at self-regulation are used.( Self-regulation of its behavior, activity, self-regulation, self-regulation of goals and motives) who help to achieve the ability to adequately respond to the emotional experiences of close people, empathize with significant characters of works of art; Forming the ability to use expressive means for transmitting emotions and feelings; Improve the development of the emotional perception of the surrounding world

For The creation of a positive attitude towards the perception and awakening of interest in children to know the new material, as well as the correction of psychophysical functions, elements of psychotherapy are used, the use of music, relaxation, mimic and imitating exercises, etc. In an interesting form, lexico-grammatical categories are enshrined, a coherent speech is developing, children exercise in the right sound testing, which helps to get good experience Communication with each other and with adults.

Slide 22.

Problem 3. Insufficient involvement of parents in educational activities.

Ways to solve the problem.Active attraction of the nearest social environment to work with the child.

For this purpose, there is advising parents on the state of speech skills of pupils, the content of speech therapy work, its effectiveness, consolidation of results at home.

O. is held raying parents to effective techniques to raise a child with violations of speech and organizing a correctional and developing environment in marital conditions.

The interaction of the speech therapist teacher with parents as participants in the educational process significantly improves the effectiveness of correctional and preventive work.
The systematic organization of a variety of forms of interaction with parents of pupils is important: first, meetings, group and individual consultations For parents of children on education in the child's family with violations of speech, as well as master classes for learning articulation exercises, workshops on parents training speech therapy games, open-ended classes for parents for the purpose of learning their game techniques for consolidating speech skills, various holidays and Secondly, educational work with the parents of all pupils of DW, as well as parents of children who do not attend kindergarten (consulting center), including the creation of information stands, folders - movements, etc.

Slide 23.

Problem 4. Insufficiency of the interaction of Dow specialists.

Ways to solve the problem:optimization of integrated interaction.

Only systematic interaction of specialists of the DOW at each stage of the age development of a child with ABS on the problems of prevention and correction of violations of speech allows individualizing the process of escorting the child, taking into account the following indicators: psychological age, the specifics of the development phase of speech, identified speech and non-symptoms of violations, features of educational and social conditions Developmentconcrete pupil.The close relationship of the teacher-speech therapist, music leader, teacher-psychologist, physical instructor. Education It turned out to be possible, subject to joint work planning, with the right and clear distribution of the tasks of each participant of the correctional and educational process and, as a result, ensuring the emotional well-being of the child with HSA in kindergarten. Integrated planning and concretization of the tasks of education, development and education of the child isone of the main ways to optimize integrated interaction.

To solve problems related to achieving targets, coordination and continuity in the work of all subjects of the correction process are complemented by a clear organization of children during their stay in kindergarten, the right load distribution throughout the day, building a model of organized educational activities, taking into account integration into other types of children's Activities. Around a child with a general underdevelopment of speech by joint actions of various specialistscreated one correctional space.

Problem 5. Not to the end of the staff of the staff of the Dow, designed to ensure the maintenance of children with OVD, etc.

The ability to solve non-standard situations, implementing the standard, to make responsible decisions, create the same conditions - can only know the teacher. Therefore, the teacher - the speech therapist should constantly improve, increase his professional level, constantly reviewing his approaches to work and thereby staging with time.

Slide 24. Thank you for attention!

Preschoolers are the first step in education. GEF to focused not only to support the "diversity of childhood", but also the variability of developing forms of this support. GEF is a quality standard before, the quality of the full creative life of children in the Do. The adoption of the standard will lead to an increase in the social status of childhood. And this means that social status will increase, first of all, the children, their families, preschool institutions, educators. The standard is aimed at creating comfortable conditions for the education of the child and to ensure that he motivated for learning, knowledge and creativity.
Now education in the Dow is considered not as a preliminary stage before learning at school, but as an independent important period in the life of a child, as an important milestone on the way of continuous education in a person's life.
A cultural and historical dialectic, considering the level of development of the system in the context of the growth of the variability of its components in the context of the growth rate of the system in the context of the growth rate of the system in the context of the growth rate of the system in the context of the growth rate of its components. Education in the context of this methodological basis is considered as the main source of the variety of systems. This gave rise to the main principle of the new GEF of pre-school education: the activity of the child should be the most diverse as possible, for which the diagnosis of selection, seeking to identify a child having a certain set of ZON, is replaced with the diagnosis of development that is assessed as much as possible to diversify the knowledge, skills and skills of the child.
The requirements of the standard for the results of development are presented in the form of target formations of education, which are social and psychological characteristics of the possible achievements of the child at the stage of completion of the level of pre-school education.
The following social and psychological characteristics of the child's personality at the end of completion before:
1. Initiative and independence in different activities.
2. The ability to choose a race of classes.
3. Confidence in their forces, opened to the outside world, relevant to himself and to others.
4. possession of self-esteem.
5. Interaction with peers and adults.
6. Manifestation in various activities of imagination, fantasy, creativity.
7. Submission to various rules and social standards.
8. Manifestation of creative abilities.
9. The ability to control their movements (the level of development of large and small motility).
10. Ability to volitional efforts.
11. Manifestation of curiosity.
12. Next to observation, experimentation.
13. The ability to make their own decisions.
Thus, target guidelines are not an assessment of the achievements of the child in the tight framework: knowledge, skills and skills, but are social and psychological characteristics of the possible achievements of the child.
Targetlights at the stage of completion of pre-school education:
The child seizes the main cultural methods of activity, manifests the initiative and independence in various activities - the game, communication, cognitive and research, design, etc.; able to choose a deal of classes, participants in joint activities;
The child has an installation of a positive attitude to the world, to different types of work, other people and oneself, has a sense of self-esteem; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. It is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, to empathize and rejoice in the success of others, adequately manifests their feelings, including the feeling of faith in oneself, tries to resolve conflicts;
The child has a developed imagination, which is implemented in different activities, and above all in the game; The child owns various forms and types of the game, distinguishes the conditional and real situation, can obey various rules and social standards;
The child has a good speech well, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express her thoughts, feelings and desires, building a speech statement in a situation of communication, can allocate sounds in words, the child has literacy prerequisites.
The child has a large and small motility; It is moving, straining, owns the main movements, can control his movements and manage them;
The child is capable of volitional efforts, it can follow the social norms of behavior and rules in different types of activities, in relations with adults and peers, may comply with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;
The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, interested in causal relations, is trying to independently invent explanations of nature phenomena and actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment. He has initial knowledge of themselves, about the natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; The child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on its knowledge and skills in various activities.
It is important that the child for the end of the preparatory group in kindergarten was formed volitional and motivational readiness for school. What does a child choose as motivation - game, entertainment or knowledge? These are targets that allow you to understand in which direction you need to move. They serve as a basis for financial calculations - that the founder needs to be investigated from the point of view of financial, material resources to provide the possibility of maximum achievement of targets.
But these targets can not serve as the basis for the diagnosis of the child, evaluating its level of development. This is a principal moment.
The CSC is not directly evaluated, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring), and are not grounds for their formal comparison with real achievements of children. They are not the basis of an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements for educational activities and training pupils. The development of the program is not accompanied by interim certification and the final attestation of pupils.
5. ... targets can not serve as a direct basis for the assessment of both the final and intermediate level of development of pupils, including under monitoring (in the form of testing, using methods based on observation, or other methods for measuring the effectiveness of children).
When implementing the program, the composition of the individual development of children with a pedagogical worker in the framework of pedagogical diagnosis may be provided.
The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively to solve the following educational tasks:
1) individualization of education (including the support of the child, building its educational trajectory or professional correction of the features of its development);
2) optimization of working with a group of children.
If necessary, the psychological diagnosis of children's development (identification and study of individual-psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (psychologists, psychologists).
The participation of the child in psychological diagnosis is allowed only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives).
The results of psychological diagnostics can be used to solve the problems of psychological support and conducting a qualified correction of the development of children.
In preschool pedagogy, they like to differentiate children into strong and weak groups. If you really give an assessment of the development of a child, then only comparing it with himself. This allows you to see the dynamics of the child's development, adjust the work of the educator.
How will the effectiveness of the development of the OOP be assessed? The standard clearly defines that the development of the child is not an object of measurement and evaluation. According to the standard, it will rather be rather an assessment of the desired vector of development, and not a finite result that needs to be achieved. Here, unlike other standards, we are talking only about personal results.
In this regard, monitoring the dynamics of the child's development is allowed, but it is not needed not to evaluate itself, but to identify those methods with which the teacher can give the child to develop, discover some abilities, overcome the problems, find an individual approach.
To achieve this social portfits of a graduate in accordance with GEF, the requirements for the implementation of the general educational program must be implemented: the requirements for psychological and pedagogical, personnel, logistical and financial conditions, as well as a developing subject-spatial environment.
Program targets are the basis of the continuity of pre-school and primary general education. In compliance with the requirements for the implementation of the Program's conditions, these target landmarks suggest the formation of prerequisites in children's prerequisites at the stage of completion of pre-school education.
1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) Moscow "On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" of October 17, 2013, No. 1155.
2. CLITTUIN Tatiana Nikolaevna, [Targeted Landmarks on GEF to], (15.11.2013),

Target guidelines for pre-school education in accordance with GEF to.

The specificity of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of the child's development, the high scatter of its development options, its immediacy and involuntary) does not allow to require a child of preschool age to achieve specific educational results and necessitates the need to determine the results of the development of the educational program in the form of targets.

The targets of pre-school education, presented in GEF, should be considered as the socio-normative age characteristics of possible achievements of the child. This is a landmark for teachers and parents denoting the focus of educational activities of adults.

Target guards marked in GEFs are common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, but each of the exemplary programs has its own distinctive features, its priorities, targets that do not contradict GEF to, but can deepen and supplement its requirements.

Thus, the target guidelines of the program "from birth to school" are based on GEF before and objectives and objectives marked in an explanatory note to the program "from birth to school" and in the part that coincides with the standards is given in the FGE text. In the program "from birth to school", as well as in the standard, target landmarks are given for children early age (at the stage of transition to preschool age) and for senior preschool age (at the stage of completion of pre-school education).

Factory targets in infant and early age

  • The child is interested in surrounding objects and actively acts with them; Emotionally involved in action with toys and other objects, seeks to show perseverance in achieving the result of their actions.
  • Uses specific, culturally fixed objective actions, knows the appointment of household items (spoons, combs, pencil, etc.) and can use them. Owns the simplest self-service skills; seeks to show independence in domestic and game behavior; Shows tidy skills.
  • Indeed negative attitude towards rudeness, greed.
  • Complies with the rules of elementary courtesy (independently or by reminder says "Thank you", "Hello", "Goodbye", "Good Night" (in the family, in group)); It has primary ideas about the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street and tries to abide by them.
  • Owns an active speech included in communication; can handle questions and requests, understands the speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys. It becomes a full-fledged means of communication with other children.
  • Seeks to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; Games appear in which the child reproduces adult actions. Emotionally responds to the game proposed by adults, takes a gaming task.
  • Manifests interest in peers; Watches their actions and imites them. Able to play next to peers without interfering with them. Shows interest in joint games in small groups.
  • It takes interest in the world around the world, participates with interest in seasonal observations.
  • It shows interest in poems, songs and fairy tales, viewing pictures, seeks to move to the music; Emotionally responds to various works of culture and art.
  • With understanding monitors the actions of the heroes of the puppet theater; Shows a desire to participate in theatrical and plot-rollery games.
  • Exhibits interest in productive activities (drawing, modeling, design, applique).
  • The child has a large motility, he seeks to master various types of movements (running, climbing, stating, etc.). Interesting participates in rolling games with simple content, uncomplicated movements.

Target formations for children of the second youngest group.

  • The child can calmly, not interfering with another child, play near, unite in the game with a common toy, participate in simple joint practical activities.
  • It shows the desire for positive actions, but relationships depend on the situation and still require constant attention of the educator.
  • Actively participates in a variety of activities: in games, motor exercises, in actions to survey the properties and qualities of objects and their use, in drawing, modeling, speech communication, in creativity.
  • Takes a goal, in games, in subject and artistic activities for displaying and prompting adults, the child brings the work to a certain result.
  • Especially turns on to joint activities with adults, imitates its actions, responds to an adult question and comments on its actions in the process of a joint game, performing the regime moments. Shows interest in peers, to interact in the game, in everyday communication and household activities.
  • Owns gaming actions with toys and substituents, turns the game plot of several episodes, acquired the primary skills of role-playing behavior. It is capable of offering his own intention and embody it in the game, drawing, building.
  • Significantly increased the stock of words, the grammatical system of speech is improved, the child enjoys not only simple, but also complex offers.
  • Owns an elementary culture of behavior during the meal at the table, self-service skills: Washing, dressing. Correctly uses personal hygiene objects (towel, nasal handkerchief, comb).
  • It shows the desire for observation, comparison, examination of the properties and qualities of objects, the use of sensory standards (circle, square, triangle), to the simplest experimentation with objects and materials. In a joint cognitive activity with the teacher, he experiences a sense of surprise, the joy of knowledge of the world.
  • He knows his name, surname, gender, age. Aware of its individual skills and actions that are self-mastered ("I know how to build a house"), finds out the house, an apartment in which you live, kindergarten, a group, your educators, nanny. He knows members of his family and the closest relatives.
  • Overall some rules and rules of behavior associated with certain permits and prohibitions ("you can", "need", "you can not"), can see the inconsistency of the behavior of another child standards and rules of behavior. He is satisfied with approval of the right actions by adults. Carefully listens to speech and instructions of an adult, takes a sample. Following adult issues, considers items, toys, illustrations, listening to comments.

Target formations for children of the middle group.

  • A child can apply learned knowledge and ways to solve uncomplicated tasks set by adults.
  • Benevolent in communicating with peers in joint affairs; Exhibits interest in different types of activity, actively participates in them.
  • Having mastered the skills of experimentation and with the assistance of an adult actively uses them to solve intellectual and domestic problems. Special skills and skills are formed (speech, visual, musical, constructive, etc.) necessary for the implementation of various types of children's activities
  • Fits on the emotions of close people and friends. He is joy from communicating with animals and plants, both familiar and new for him. Expresses fairy tale characters. Emotionally reacts to artwork, the world of nature.
  • Shows the desire for communicating with peers, needs substantial contacts with peers about toys, joint games, common deeds, the first friendships between children are being established. At the suggestion of the educator can agree with the peer. She strives for self-expression in activities, recognition and respect for peers.
  • Games have a variety of plots. Calling a role before the game starts, denotes its new role in the course of the game. It shows independence in choosing and using objects of substituents, with interest is included in the role-playing dialogue with peers. Moves game ideas, initiative in the development of the game plot. Enters the role dialogue. In the Games with the rules takes the game task, it takes interest in the result.
  • Speech contacts become longer and active. To attract and preserve the attention of the peer, the child uses means of intonation speech expressiveness (voting force, intonation, rhythm and speech pace). Poists expressively reads, retells short stories, passing their attitude towards heroes. It uses in the speech of the words of participation, emotional sympathy, compassion to maintain cooperation, establish relations with peers and adults. With the help of figurative means, the emotional states of people and animals transmits emotional states.
  • The movements have become much more confident and diverse. The child is experiencing an acute need in motion, is distinguished by high excitability.
  • Performs aged hygienic procedures available, observes the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle: talks about the sequence and need to perform cultural and hygienic skills. Independent in self-service, the goal itself, sees the need to perform certain actions. In the usual atmosphere independently performs familiar communication rules with adults greets and says goodbye, says "Thank you" and "please." As a reminder of an adult tries to adhere to the basic rules of behavior in everyday life and on the street.
  • Differs high activity and curiosity. Specifies many search questions: "Why?", "Why?", "Why?", Seeks to establish connections and dependencies in nature, the social world. Owns the main ways of knowledge, has some experience and stock of ideas about the environment; With the help of the educator, actively turns on in the experimentation activity. In the process of joint research activities, actively knows and calls the properties and quality of objects, features of nature objects, surveys.
  • Has performances: - About me: knows his name full and short, surname, age, gender. Aware of some of their skills ("I know how to draw" etc.), knowledge ("I know what this fairy tale is about), seeks to learn from adult some information about your body (for what you need hands, legs, eyes, eyelashes, etc.) ; - About the family: knows the composition of his family, talks about the activities of members of his family, about the family events, holidays, about favorite toys, pets; - about society (nearest society), his cultural values: talking with an educator about the professions of kindergarten workers: assistant teacher, cook, medical sister, educator, barerad; - About the state: knows the name of the country and the city in which he lives, well oriented in the nearest environment.
  • Owns in different ways of activity, manifests independence, strives for self-expression. Behavior is determined by the requirements from adults and primary value ideas about "what is good and what is bad" (for example, it is impossible to fight, it is not good to smaby, you need to share adults, etc.).

Target formations of education for children of the senior group.

  • The child shows independence in a variety of activities, seeks to manifest creative initiative. It can independently put a goal, think about the way to achieve it, implement the idea and evaluate the result obtained from the purpose of the target.
  • Understands the state of adults and other children, expressed in facial expressions, pantomimik, actions, speech intonation, manifests readiness to help, sympathy. It is capable of finding common features in the mood of people, music, nature, paintings, sculptural image. It is an opinion on the reasons for the identity of the emotional state of people, understands some figurative means that are used to transfer mood in visual art, music, in fiction.
  • Children can independently either with a small help of the educator to combine for joint activities, to determine the overall intent, to distribute roles, coordinate actions, evaluate the result and nature of relationships. The child seeks to regulate its activity: observe the order, take into account the rights of other people. Clears the initiative in communication - shares impressions with peers, asks questions.
  • Maybe pre-identify the topic of the game, interested in a joint game. Coordinates in gaming activities and the interests of partners, knows how to explain the ideas, address the appeal to the partner. Manifests interest in gaming experimentation, to developing and educational games; In games with finished content and rules, act in accurately according to the gaming task and the rules.
  • The child has a rich vocabulary. The speech is clean, grammatically correct, expressive. Significantly increases the supply of words, the grammatical system of speech is improved, elementary types of environmental judgments appear. The child uses not only simple, but also complex offers.
  • Shows interest in physical exercises. The child performs exercise correctly, shows self-control and self-esteem. May independently come up with and perform simple exercise.
  • Independently performs major cultural and hygienic processes (food culture, wash, dressing), owns techniques for cleaning clothes and shoes using a brush. Independently notes when you need to wash your hands or happiness. Mastered individual rules of safe behavior, is able to tell an adult about his own well-being and some dangerous situations that need to be avoided. Shows respect for adults. It is able to be interested in the state of health of loved ones, gently call them. She strives to tell the elders about their affairs, favorite games and books. Attentive to the instructions of adults, manifests independence and perseverance in their implementation, cooperation enters.
  • Shows intellectual activity. It can accept and independently put a cognitive task and solve it in any way. Intelligent emotions, guessed and intelligence, experimenting with pleasure. He is interested in the events outside the framework of personal experience, it is interested in the events of the past and the future, the life of the hometown and the country, various peoples, animals and a floral world.
  • He knows his name, patronymic, surname, Paul, date of birth, address, phone number, family members, parent professions. There is some information about the body, the appointment of individual organs, the conditions of their normal functioning. Especially talks about yourself, events of your life, dreams, achievements, hobbies. It has a positive self-esteem, strives for successful activities. It has ideas about family, family and related relationships, knows how relatives are supported, as the relationship between love and care in the family, knows some cultural traditions and hobbies of family members. It has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of parent professions, establishes links between labor types. It has deployed ideas about their hometown. He knows the name of his country, its state symbols, feeling a sense of pride in their country. It has some ideas about the nature of the native country, the sights of Russia and the native city, has ideas about the diversity of plants and animals, their needs of both living organisms, owns ideas about the care of plants, some animals, seeks to apply the presentations in their own activities.
  • Complies with the established procedure for behavior in the group, focuses in its behavior not only on the control of the educator, but also on self-control on the basis of well-known rules, owns the receptions of the fair distribution of toys, items. Understands why it is necessary to carry out the rules of culture of behavior, represents the consequences of their careless actions for other children. She strives for peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • Listens and understands an adult, operates according to the rule or sample in different types of activities, is capable of arbitrary actions, independently plans and calls two to three consecutive actions, is able to keep the rule expressed by adults, and act on it without reminder, is able to argue its judgments It seeks the effective performance of work in accordance with the theme, to a positive assessment of the result by adults.

Target landmarks at the stage of pre-school education

  • The child seizes the main cultural means, ways of activity, manifests the initiative and independence in various activities - the game, communication, educational and research, design, etc.; It is able to choose a deal of classes, participants in joint activities.
  • The child has an installation of a positive attitude to the world, to different types of work, other people and oneself, has a sense of self-esteem; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games.
  • It is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, to empathize and rejoice in the success of others, adequately manifests their feelings, including the feeling of faith in itself, tries to resolve conflicts. Able to express and defend its position on various issues.
  • It is able to cooperate and perform both leadership and performing functions in joint activities.
  • It understands that all people are equal regardless of their social origin, ethnicity, religious and other beliefs, their physical and mental features.
  • Shows empathy towards other people, willingness to help those who need it.
  • Shows the ability to hear others and the desire to be understood by others.
  • The child has a developed imagination, which is implemented in different activities, and above all in the game; owns various forms and types of the game, distinguishes the conditional and real situation; Able to obey various rules and social standards. Able to recognize various situations and adequately evaluate them.
  • The child owns a well-speaking speech quite well, can express his thoughts and desires, to use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, building a speech statement in a situation of communication, allocate sounds in words, a child has literacy prerequisites.
  • The child has a large and small motility; It is moving, hardy, owns the main movements, can control his movements and manage them.
  • The child is capable of volitional efforts, it can follow the social norms of behavior and rules in different activities, in relationship with adults and peers, may comply with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene skills.
  • Shows responsibility for the work begun.
  • The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, interested in causal relations, is trying to independently invent explanations of nature phenomena and actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment. He has initial knowledge about themselves, about natural and social world, in which it lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; It is capable of making their own decisions, relying on their knowledge and skills in various activities.
  • Opened a new way, that is, there is a desire to learn new, independently produce new knowledge; Positive refers to the training of a horship.
  • It shows respect for life (in its various forms) and concern to a consecutive environment.
  • Emotionally responds to the beauty of the surrounding world, works of folk and professional art (music, dancing, theatrical activity, fine activity etc.).
  • Patriotic feelings showing pride for his country, its achievements, has an idea of \u200b\u200bits geographical diversity, multinational ™, most important historical events.
  • He has primary ideas about themselves, family, traditional family values, including traditional tender orientations, show respect for its and the opposite sex.
  • Complies with elementary generally accepted norms, has primary value ideas about "what is good and what is bad," seeks to do well; He shows respect for older and care for younger.
  • He has initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Perceives a healthy lifestyle as value.

Masyutina Tatyana
Target landmarks at the stage of pre-school education

The child seizes the main cultural means, ways of activity, manifests the initiative and independence in various activities - the game, communication, educational and research, design, etc.; able to choose a genus of classes, participants

For joint activities.

The child has an installation of a positive attitude to the world, to different types of work, other people and oneself, has a sense of self-esteem; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games.

It is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, to empathize and rejoice in the success of others, adequately manifests their feelings, including the feeling of faith in itself, tries to resolve conflicts. Able to express and defend its position on various issues.

It is able to cooperate and perform both leadership and performing functions in joint activities.

It understands that all people are equal regardless of their social origin, ethnicity, religious and other beliefs, their physical and mental features.

Shows empathy towards other people, willingness to help those who need it.

Shows the ability to hear others and the desire to be understood by others.

The child has developed imaginationwhich is implemented in different activities, and above all in the game; owns various forms and types of the game, distinguishes the conditional and real situation; Able to obey various rules and social standards. Able to recognize various situations and adequately evaluate them.

The child owns a well-speaking speech quite well, can express his thoughts and desires, to use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, building a speech statement in a situation of communication, allocate sounds in words, a child has literacy prerequisites.

The child has a large and small motility; It is moving, hardy, owns the main movements, can control his movements and manage them.

The child is capable of volitional efforts, it can follow the social norms of behavior and rules in different activities, in relationship with adults and peers, may comply with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene skills.

Shows responsibility for the work begun.

The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, interested in causal relations, is trying to independently invent explanations of nature phenomena and actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment. He has initial knowledge about themselves, about natural and social world, in which it lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; It is capable of making their own decisions, relying on their knowledge and skills in various activities.

Opened a new way, that is, there is a desire to learn new, independently produce new knowledge; Positive refers to the training of a horship.

Show respect for life (in its various forms) And concern is a concerning environment.

Emotionally responds to the beauty of the surrounding world, works of folk and professional art (music, dancing, theatrical activity, fine activity and T. d.).

Patriotic feelings showing pride for his country, its achievements, has an idea of \u200b\u200bits geographical diversityMultinational ™, most important historical events.

Has primary ideas about themselves, family, traditional family values, including traditional tender orientation, manifests respect for his and the opposite sex.

Complies with elementary generally accepted norms, has primary value ideas about "What is good and what is bad", seeks to come well; He shows respect for older and care for younger.

Has initial ideas about healthy lifestyle. Perceived healthy lifestyle as value.

"Admission to school is an important event in the life of a child."

Admission to school is a turning point in the life of every child. Start school learning cardinal makes all his lifestyle changes. Peculiar preschoolers carelessness, the immersion in the game is replaced by life filled with many requirements, duties and restrictions: Now the child should go to school every day, systematically and hard work, observe the day of the day, obey diverse The norms and rules of school life, to fulfill the requirements of the teacher, engage in the lesson in the fact that it is determined by the school program, diligently perform homework, seek good results in academic work and so on.

In the same period of life, the entire psychological appearance of a child is changing in 6-7 years. it is converted by his personality, cognitive and mental capabilities, the sphere of emotions and experiences, a circle of communication.

Central new formation of preschool childhood is a self-awareness that is formed by the end preschool age due to intense intellectual and personal Development. Self-esteem appears. The child acquires the ability to assess the effect of other children first, then their own, moral qualities and skills.

AT preschool Aged prevailing game activity. At school, the leading activity becomes a training. Special attention should be paid reverse on the formation of speech, the correct pronunciation of sounds, as this can lead to negative consequences: from problems with performance to the development of personal complexes. The child entering school should achieve a certain level of mental development to cope with new tasks. What features of mental processes play the most important role in school readiness?

It is the development of visual figurative and visual effective thinking, the ability to orderly navigate the world. The child must learn watch targeted, compare objects and phenomena, see the features of the properties and differences, allocate the main and secondary. Being ready for school learning - it means to have the ability to generalize in the relevant categories of objects and phenomena - live nature, subject and social world, etc. And if we started talking about classes, I want to note that not only their expansion is important, how much deepening, the awareness, systematization and the ability to operate them. This is the indicators of mastering knowledge by children at school.

By preparing the child to school, it is necessary to educate interest in the most educational activities - the desire to know more, it is better to be able to do faster, fulfilling difficult tasks, to achieve results.

We are a bright indicator of the child's development. First of all, it is necessary to produce such skills:

The ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting it;

To be able to speak only after the interlocutor finishes his thought;

Use words characteristic of polite communication, avoid rudeness.

The child learns to assess his own and other people's actions from the position of universal values.

It is believed that the child is ready for school, if he can plan and control his actions, can allocate patterns in the environment and allocate the properties of objects, be able to listen and enter into contacts with other people, can perform logical analysis operations, comparisons and generalizations. A child coming to school should be mature in physiological, social and emotional terms, it should achieve a certain level of mental and emotional - volitional development. A positive attitude to school training and the ability to motivate are important. An equally important thing is how developed by the Motoric Hands, visual-moving coordination and speech communication skills. Concept "School readiness"- multifaceted, comprehensive and covers all the spheres of the child's life.

The main tasks in the preparation of children to school are:

1. Formation of the motivation of the exercise, oriented For satisfaction of cognitive interests, the joy of creativity.

2. Development figurative thinking(sensations, perception, presentation).

3. Formation of methods of mental actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy).

4. Development of creative abilities, fantasy, imagination.

5. Fasting the scope of attention and memory.

6. The development of speech, the ability to express and justify their judgments.

7. Education of interest in the subject and learning process as a whole.

Older preschool age - a special period preschool childhood. it stage preparation and transition to the new age step, to new system education, new types of social relations. This period in psychology is characterized as a crisis. The crisis is this correlative with neoplasms In physiology and psyche, changes in personality, social status, intellectual, emotional-volitional, moral, motor spheres.

G. S. Abramova, Ya. L. Kolominsky, E. A. Panko, V. S. Mukhina noted that children of this age have a good flair for the language; They know a lot of words, love to talk. Since in life children and realists, and fantasies, then in their imaginationwhich has greater variability, they create fictional situations about themselves, about their family, recreating the social conditions in which they are. Gradually, a child learns to manage his imaginationExperimental (pretended, prevents the form that the ponaroshka, etc.). It can be said that this is, although involuntary actions, but already actions that are based on effort.

And over time, the six-card children lose the immediacy of behavior in relationships with other people. The mystery of his own "I" appears, so the child becomes more closed and less understandable to adult. In behavior, this is expressed in the care of adults (Listen, but do it in your own way). The state of "I - Mystery" requires protection, so the child begins to invent his own, only the world belonging to him. A children's lies appear, as a deliberate (attempt to protect its world from unnecessary guests, and unintentional (the child cannot really divide the reality and its own fiction, or imaginary. It is with this personal feature that the appearance of productive and directed personality is connected imagination.

For children of senior preschool The age is characterized by cognitive activity, which is expressed in their endless "Why?" and organizes their attention. They can already arbitrarily regulate their behavior, focus on the fact that they are attracted, although they are characterized mainly in case of attention. They easily memorize what is important for the implementation of their own claims (success in the game, reading poems at the festival, etc., although in general the involuntary memorization is most productively.

In the productive activity of any type of senior children preschool the age more attracts the procedural side and less - the result, which is very important to use in teaching them all kinds of skills (labor, organizational).

For children of senior preschool The ages are peculiar to close emotional relationships with parents, close (grandparents, etc., in which they are shipped and which, unfortunately, do not yet be analyzed. Children are in a large emotional dependence on an adult, so the style of relationship chosen by adults determines the mental Children's health. They are prone to deep experiences both grief and joy, therefore it is impossible to underestimate their feelings.

Children seek positive relationship with adults. This organizes their behavior. Deserve approval - one of the main motives for the behavior of children older preschool children. The desire to assert himself is sometimes the cause of children's whims, especially when a child cannot cope with one or another order. The negative behavior of adults is further aggravated by the whims of children. Children of the six-seven years are constantly worried about this or that occasion, being prisoners of their emotions. They are very expressive - their feelings quickly flas out.

Children of this age are not enough willpower. Motives "I want" and "necessary" come into martial arts. And it does not always defeat the moral motive. The child sometimes consciously goes to a lie to keep good relations with adults. He needs positive emotions - the first human need. The ability to reflection, which in children of this age is already well developed, gives them the opportunity navigate In relations with adults and intentionally adjust their actions, behavior, sometimes in favor of an adult.