What is marriage social science. A family

In sociology, the family is considered both as a small social group and as an important social institution. As a small group, it satisfies the personal needs of people, as an institution - the socially significant needs of society.

The family is an important element of the social structure of society, one of its subsystems, the activities of which are regulated both by marriage and family legislation, and moral and ethical norms, customs, traditions, etc.

The family has certain functions. The functions of the family are understood as a way of manifestation of life and activity of the family and its members. These functions have changed in the course of history: they are due to the socio-economic characteristics of society.

Family functions:

Reproductive (from Lat. Productio - production) - biological reproduction of the population at the social level and the satisfaction of the need for children at the personal level.

Socialization - the formation of the individual as a person.

Household - housekeeping, caring for children and elderly family members.

Economic - material support for underage and disabled family members.

Socio-status - granting a certain social status to family members (endowing hereditary statuses - nationality, religion, etc.), reproduction of the social structure of society.

Emotional - providing psychological support to family members.

Protective - physical, economic, psychological protection of family members.

Spiritual and moral - the development of the personality of each family member.

Leisure - the organization of rational leisure time, mutual enrichment of the interests of family members.

The life cycle of a family consists of several stages:

1. Marriage, beginning of childbirth, birth of the last child. (Fig. 1)

Figure: 1. Marriage

2. Marriage and separation of the last child from the family. (Fig. 2)

Figure: 2. Child marriage

3. Death of one of the spouses. (Fig. 3)

Figure: 3. Death of a spouse

Types of families:

1. By the nature of marriage: monogamous and polygamous.

A monogamous family is based on the marriage of one man to one woman; in polygamy, there is a marriage of one spouse with several persons of the opposite sex: (Fig. 4)

Figure: 4. Polygyny - marriage of one man with several women ()

Figure: 5. Polyandry - marriage of one woman with several men (Tibetan family) ()

2. By composition: individual (one marriage group) and "composite" (two or more marriage groups).

3. By the nature of the supremacy of power in the family: patriarchal (ruled by the father or one of the brothers), matriarchal (ruled by the mother) and "democratic" (equality of spouses). (Fig. 6, 7)

Figure: 6. Patriarchy ()

Figure: 7. Matriarchy ()

The initial basis of family relations is marriage. Marriage is a historically changing social form of relations between a woman and a man, through which society regulates and sanctions their intimate life, establishes marital, parental and other kinship rights and obligations.

Individuals who marry become relatives to each other, but their marriage obligations tie a much wider circle of people by kinship.

Kinship (kinship) is a relationship that arises at the conclusion of a marriage or is the result of a blood connection between persons (fathers, mothers, children, etc.).

In the Russian Federation, legal relations in the field of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood are regulated by a special branch of law - family law. Its sources are the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force in 1996.

The regulation of family relations by Russian legislation is carried out in accordance with the following principles:

The voluntariness of the marriage of a man and a woman;

Equality of rights of spouses in the family;

Resolution of intra-family issues by mutual agreement;

The priority of family education of children, care for their welfare and development;

Ensuring the priority protection of the rights and interests of minor and disabled family members.

In modern society, the family is undergoing qualitative changes associated with global social processes of industrialization, urbanization, unusual for a pre-industrial (traditional, agrarian) society. It can be noted that today there are processes of transformation of the family as a social institution, changes in some of its functions, the redistribution of family roles.

In particular, the following trends in the development of the modern family can be identified:

Reducing the leading positions of the family in the socialization of individuals, in the organization of their leisure;

Changes in the position of a woman in the family due to the growth of her authority in society;

Reducing the number of patriarchal families;

The development of a partner-type family, in which the spouses jointly manage the household, raise children, and provide mutual support;

Destruction of a multigenerational (extended, related) family;

The predominance of the nuclear family;

Separation of the institutions of marriage and family, an increase in the number of actual, but not legally formalized "free" family unions and children born in them;

An increase in the number of divorces, remarriages, single-parent families and the number of abandoned children.

In modern conditions, a special role in the development of family relations can be played by the state, which is interested in preserving and strengthening the institution of the family.

List of references

  1. Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, grade 11. - M .: 2008 .-- 415 p.
  2. V. Ya. Khutorskoy. Social science. Terms and concepts. - M .: 2006.
  3. Kravchenko A.I. "Social Studies", grade 11. - M: "Russian Word", 2011.
  1. Social science ().
  2. Internet portal Set-3945.znaet.ru ().
  3. Sociology ().


  1. Read the textbook Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social Studies, Grade 11 and answer questions 1-6 on p. 112.
  2. Give a definition to such concepts: family and marriage as a social institution.
  3. What changes do you think the modern family is going through? Give your own examples.
  4. Complete the tasks of the textbook Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, grade 11 1-5 on p.
  5. Read the textbook Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kinkulkin A.T. Social studies, grade 11 and complete the tasks for him on p. 112-113.

"Marriage is a remnant of love," - so they say the people, quoting the words of the famous American journalist Helen Rowland, who lived at the beginning of the XX century. There is certainly some truth in her words. But, you must admit, I don't want to believe that after registering a relationship, they move from the area of \u200b\u200bpassionate feelings to a calmer channel. You can keep your marriage happy, the main thing is to work on this difficult task every day.

Marriage for a girl

Even in ancient times, marriage and family, caring for a husband and children were considered the main goals of life for every representative of the beautiful half of humanity. Already from infancy, parents were preparing their daughters for a "ringed" life, trying to intermarry with richer and noble people. A profitable party was perceived as a ticket to a happy future. As for the personal feelings and emotions of the newlyweds themselves, no one considered them.

In our time, the barbaric custom of forcibly marrying a daughter has sunk into oblivion. Now girls have every right to choose their husbands on their own. Often, in pursuit of a family idyll, they are guided by love and sympathy. The main feelings remain for the chosen one: if they exist, then for any woman this is a guarantee of harmony, stability, comfort. In addition, many young ladies almost from birth dream of their own children. This is also the main reason for many weddings. The ceremony in the registry office for them is exactly the foundation on which the marriage rests. The surname taken from the husband, the seal in the document - iron guarantees of strong, durable relationships, material support for the woman herself and the babies born in a common union.

Marriage for men

As for the strong half of humanity, everything is much more complicated with them. Of course, they also try to marry for great and pure love, but this desire is not the dream of their life. Rather, they are looking for a companion with whom it will be easy and comfortable in communication and everyday life. The sexual component is also important: the partner must match the temperament. It is good if she knows how to cook deliciously and does not forget to take care of him, her beloved and the only one.

For some men, getting married is also an opportunity to fix a bad financial situation. Finding a wealthy woman, a young man solves the problem with money, gets a chance to get a good job, to change living conditions. Of course, girls also often get married according to calculation, but feelings and emotions are still more important for young ladies than for gentlemen.

In addition, men see relationships as another side of self-realization. For them, marriage is the basis of procreation, the transfer of property and life experience to the heirs. Having achieved a lot in their careers, they consider personal happiness incomplete without the presence of a beautiful wife and a couple of lovely children.

Types of marriage

A huge feast, a white dress and a veil, a column of festive cars decorated with balls and ribbons, drinking champagne and broken glasses for good luck ... This, in our understanding, should be the foundation of a future family. A wedding is one of the most significant events in life. In addition to the traditional marriage, the starting point of which is the registration of marriage in the registry office, there are other types of family relations:

  1. Civil marriage. Issued in the relevant government agencies without the participation of priests and the rituals they performed.
  2. Church. Prisoner in temples during the wedding ceremony. Many countries, including Russia, do not recognize the legal force of such a union.
  3. Temporary marriage. Some powers admit its existence at the official level. The duration, financial side and conditions of the break are indicated in a special agreement signed with a notary.
  4. Actual. People cohabit with each other without planning to hold a wedding ceremony or a registration ceremony at the registry office. The union is mistakenly called civil.
  5. Fictitious marriage. A feigned relationship: their goal is not to create a family, but to receive material or other benefits from the state or relatives.

Only the first option is the only correct one for those families who want official recognition of their union as a full-fledged unit of society.

Related terms

For some people, marriage is not only a relationship exclusively between a man and a woman. They build a family model according to a completely different scheme, which is recognized in their country or region. For instance:

  • Polygyny. In this case, a man can have several wives at once. Sharia law allows officially marrying four times (four spouses at the same time): the rest of the women simply live in a harem, being concubines. Despite this, girls are endowed with certain rights: in case of conception, a man must recognize the child.
  • Polyandry. Quite the opposite: a woman has several husbands. The phenomenon is common in the Hawaiian Islands and among the peoples of Tibet.
  • Group marriage, which is often called the "Swedish family", although the Swedes themselves foaming at the mouth defend the injustice of such a name. This union is a kind of experiment among young people, when couples cohabit with each other.
  • Same-sex marriage. Lesbians and gays can conclude it in several European countries, regions of North and South America.

In Russia, such types of cohabitation are condemned and not recognized. In our society, marriage can be called a relationship exclusively between opposite-sex partners, officially registered and pursuing an important goal - procreation.

Model of behavior in marriage

In the course of the evolution of mankind, family relations also changed: spouses tried on different roles, took over and inherited certain functions. Nowadays, taking into account all the stages of transformation, psychologists identify the following models of relationships, in accordance with which couples usually live:

  1. Equality. Responsibilities are divided equally. Everyone is endowed with equal rights, the same freedoms and restrictions.
  2. Parent and baby. The model is often found in families where partners have significant age differences. One cares fanatically, the other takes custody.
  3. Friendly marriage. Spouses are more like friends: they have common interests, hobbies, they often close their eyes to physical betrayal.
  4. Independent couples. Even as husband and wife, they keep their distance. Relationships in marriage are similar to collegial ones.
  5. Despotism. One spouse is oppressive, the other suffers from physical or mental abuse. The tyrant believes that the official registration of marriage at the registry office gives him every reason to dispose of his wife as a thing.
  6. Mutual benefit. The husband gives money and material benefits to his wife, she, in turn, pays for it with sex, tenderness and affection. At the same time, spiritual closeness is not a priority.

The above relationship models are the most common. Of course, depending on the characters of people, their desires and motives, new alliances are constantly being born with the unique behavior of the spouses according to an individually selected scheme.


What is the desired model? What type of relationship do people seek? Psychologists say that the ideal marriage is our fantasy, and each has its own, unique and peculiar. There is no one correct and categorical scheme that will suit all family members without exception. Each couple, through disputes, compromises and concessions, chooses what they like. At the same time, experts are confident that truly happy spouses can be called those spouses who have full compatibility in relationships: physical, sexual, spiritual, moral. Even the level of education is important, not to mention the qualities of character, general views on living together, raising children, financial spending and lifestyle.

If partners agree in all respects, they are considered lucky. An ideal marriage is when feelings and affection persist for life, the spouses are drawn home after work, and in the morning they do not want to part with loved ones. It would be foolish to hope that such a harmony will arise by itself. Such a relationship requires tireless work, constant attention and endless efforts on the part of both spouses.

A family

This is a relationship between two people, enshrined at the legislative level. A man and a woman get married on a voluntary basis. The spouses should have harmonious sexual relations, understanding, tolerance, and respect. Even love is not always the main component, sometimes you can live with a person all your life, only relying on sincere sympathy and deep affection.

Marriage and family are closely related and undivided categories. They imply mutual presence of each other and are often synonymous. Like marriage, the family has its own specific functions:

  • Reproductive: establishing intimate relationships with the aim of procreation.
  • Upbringing and educational: transfer of life experience to children, socialization of kids.
  • Economic and economic: consolidation of capital, arrangement of everyday life.
  • Regenerative: preserving family heirlooms and ancestral values.

When a family consistently fulfills all the functions assigned to it, it is considered exemplary.

Family happiness recipe

Many generations of people invent it tirelessly. Conjuring over their character and behavior, using the spell of tenderness and care, they are trying to derive the only reliable formula according to which their family nest will exist for many years.

In legal literature, marriage is an official union of two people who have reached a certain age, which gives rise to their mutual rights and obligations. But psychologists say that this is only a dry formulation that has nothing to do with real life. A couple becomes a real family when they manage to solve one simple equation: love, multiplied by support and understanding, needs to be divided into material goods, add devotion, openness, sincerity, loyalty, trust, warmth to the result, and be sure to subtract disagreements, resentments and criticism.

At first glance, everything is pretty simple. But ... This equation has one unknown, which must be found independently through painful calculations and assumptions. Only after stuffing the cones and stepping on more than a dozen rakes, you will be lucky to come up with the only correct formula that will make your whole family happy.

Family and marriage concept - an object of study for sociologists, psychologists, religious scholars, lawyers and even talk show hosts. We, of course, are interested in the family not in the understanding of Andrei Malakhov, but from the point of view of social studies.

“The family is the unit of society,” says the host of the ceremony at the registry office and does not even suspect that this is the main thesis family sociology, that is, the branch of sociology that studies marriage and family relationships... In fact, the definition of a family is somewhat more complicated. A family - this is small social group, and also this. Every person in society has some kind of family and marital status (single, divorced, married, married, widower, widow, etc .; in an active search, by the way, this is not a family and marital status). Thus, every inhabitant of our planet has something to do with institution of marriage and family.

Marriage (it is also a marriage union or matrimony) is a historically conditioned form of an agreement between a woman and a man, sanctioned by society and (almost always) by the state, the purpose of which is to create a family. Marriage brings the family to an official level: family members have rights and responsibilities. The marriage union is protected by the state, has restrictions and entails legal consequences in case of violation of the family code. Marriage and Family Code created to protect family members by the state at the legal level.

Family structure.

Family structure (family structure) - these are various options for family composition:

  1. Nuclear family - husband, wife, child (one or more).
  2. Supplemented family (or extended family) - nuclear plus grandparents, uncles, aunts (all living together), sometimes - plus another nuclear family (for example, a husband's brother with his wife and child, again - if they all live together ).
  3. Mixed family (rebuilt family) - may include a step father or mother (stepfather and stepmother) and, accordingly, one or more step children.
  4. Single parent's family.

By the number of children, families are:

  • childless;
  • one-child;
  • small children;
  • average children;
  • large.

By place of residence:

  • matrilocal (with the wife's parents);
  • patrilocal (with the husband's parents);
  • neo-local (apart from all this joy).

When considering the subsequent types of family and its organization, one will have to hit a certain degree of radicalism, in terms of generally accepted moral norms.

By the number of partners there are:

  • monogamous families (two partners are the most common form of family relationships since ancient times);
  • polygamous families:
    1. polygyny (polygamy - one man, three or more women, as in Sharia);
    2. polyandry (a rare occurrence - one woman and three or more men; for example, among the peoples of Hawaii and Tibet);
    3. swedish family (three partners of different sex - a man and two women, or vice versa) - an interesting fact is that this type of family is associated with Sweden only among Russian speakers, and Swedish society is conservative, and this type of relationship is extremely rare there.

By sex composition of partners:

  • heterosexual family;
  • same-sex family.

Same sex marriage allowed in some countries, or in some areas of some countries (for example, in the USA and Mexico - not in all states). Having mentioned them, one cannot fail to mention that this type of relationship has been the subject of fierce controversy and discussion over the years. I am forced to move away from an abstracted, impartial position and emphasize several points.

Harassment or oppression of supporters of same-sex relationships is a violation of the Declaration on Human Rights. However, same-sex relationships is one thing, and same-sex marriage is another. And the possibility of same-sex partners to adopt and raise a child is generally the third. If the former is normal, but should have some kind of censorship (that is, gays should not expose their type of relationship, because in this way they can psychologically traumatize others, and this is also a violation of social norms). Second, this is not normal, although not critical. The most correct thing (I cannot say for sure) would be to recognize same-sex marriage at the level of society, but not at the level of state and law; and again - censor. Everything described about the first and second points coincides with the official policy of the Russian Federation and some other countries. When I talk about censorship, I mean that "if a gay person wants to go to a parade, he must be a veteran."

With regard to the third (adoption), this is unacceptable. Unacceptable, since it contradicts social, moral and religious norms. In addition, it affects the child's psyche and is medically unacceptable.

Let's go back to family and marriage.

Family and marriage functions.

Family functions - this is the relationship within this family and the relationship of the family with society, that is, its internal and social significant characteristics.

  1. Reproductive function. This function contains both the sexual need and the need for procreation.
  2. Economic and economic function - issues of food, family property, family budget and amenities.
  3. Regenerative function - inheritance (surname, property, family values, social status, family business).
  4. Educational and educational - the function of socialization of children.
  5. Initial social control is the function of instilling norms of behavior with elders, the concept of responsibility and duties.
  6. Recreational function - entertainment, leisure, recreation, hobbies, etc.
  7. The function of spiritual communication (spiritual mutual enrichment).
  8. Socio-status is the reproduction of the social structure within the family, since the family is a society in miniature.
  9. Psychotherapeutic function - satisfies the need for recognition, support, psychological protection, sympathy, etc.

In conclusion, we can say that the family is the most ancient social institution, and the history of the family is, in fact, the history of mankind. In addition, the family, as a unit of society, reveals the problems that exist in this society. Therefore, the sources of problems in the family should be studied not only by family psychologists and Andryusha Malakhov, but also by politicians, and legal scholars, and sociologists.


Distance Learning Faculty





Family and marriage concept.

Kiryanova Anastasia Yurievna

Course 3, semester 5

Form of study: distant

Moscow, 2007

· Introduction …………………………………………… ..… 3 p.

· Main part ……………………………………… .... 4 p.

Types of marriage. ………………………………………… ... 4 p.

Civil marriage - a little history …………………. ……. 6 pp.

Conditions for concluding a marriage union …………………….… ..11 p.

Is it obligatory to register a marriage,

to start a family …………………………………………… 11 p.

Family and children - statistics and facts ……………………… ..... 13 p.

· The final part ……………………………… .15 p.

· List of used literature ……………… 16 pp.

Family and marriage concept.

Registration of marriage and conditions of its conclusion.

“Historical changes generate common

improvement through the good of individuals,

families, peoples and states ”.

Mendeleev D.I.


What is family? And what is marriage? Are these concepts related to each other? Is there a family without a marriage or is it always a family is created even if there is a marriage certificate. Every adult citizen undoubtedly has his own opinion on this issue: someone believes that a real family must register their relationship; and someone thinks that in such a fast flow of life it is just a waste of time.

What is a family? The family is a complex social phenomenon in which various forms of social relations and processes are intertwined. It is difficult to compare with it any other social education, which would satisfy so many diverse human and social needs. The family is a social group that leaves its mark on a person's entire life. All this leads to the fact that it is not so easy to undertake objective scientific research in relation to the family. As the American sociologist Good noted, "We know too much about the family to study it objectively."

Are there any advantages of registering a marriage, except that many women of fashion can make themselves wonderful gifts for their anniversary - buy new wedding rings (new fashion).

First, you need to figure out what these concepts that are so familiar to us mean:

Marriage - family union of a man and a woman, giving rise to their rights and obligations in relation to each other and to children. In most modern states, the law requires the appropriate registration (registration) of marriage in special state bodies; along with this, in some states, legal significance is also attached to marriage contracted according to religious rites. In some states (for example, France), a marriage contract is often concluded when registering a marriage. In the Russian Federation, only a marriage entered into in a state civil registry office (registry office) is recognized. Until 1944, the so-called. actual (unregistered) marriage.

Marriage (marriage union) - a permanent union of a man with a woman with the aim of creating a family and procreation. People who are married are called spouses or married couples. A man is a husband, a woman is a wife (according to Brockhaus and Efron).

Marriage (presumably from the verb to take) or marriage union is a permanent relationship between a man and a woman regulated by society (including the state), usually based on sexual relations and with the aim of creating a family.

A family - a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, the members of which are connected by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. How a stable union arises with the disintegration of the tribal system. The first historical form of monogamy is the patriarchal family (ruled by the father, including his descendants with their wives and children, as well as domestic slaves). Industrialization destroys the family's connection with domestic production, leaving only the organization of everyday life from its economic functions; most families are composed of spouses and their children (nuclear family). In modern society, there are two contradictory trends: family renewal based on industrial and cultural progress (transformation of the family into a moral and legal union of a man and a woman) and an increase in family conflicts and a significant number of divorces. Most marriages are made at the personal choice of the future spouses, and family relations are increasingly characterized by their equality.

Main part.

Types of marriage.

Marriage and family are the two most important concepts in our life, the definitions of which are very, very many. Depending on the culture of a particular place, these concepts may differ, but one thing is clear - family and marriage in their main meaning imply a close relationship, in most cases the ultimate goal of which is the birth of a child. Why in the main? Because the spouses also may not live with each other, and, nevertheless, be married, or the family may exist, even if one of the spouses has to leave for a long time due to work. But with all the diversity of human relationships, marriage unions can be easily classified:

A church marriage is a marriage consecrated by a church. In many countries it is legally binding, in some it is the only legal form of marriage. Other states, including Russia, currently do not recognize the legal force of a church marriage, so the priests, before its conclusion, recommend registering with the registry office. In Orthodoxy and among Catholics, marriage is one of the Sacraments - the Wedding.

Morganatic marriage is a marriage between persons of unequal status. Currently, this concept has been preserved in dynastic regulations and laws of a number of countries.

Civil marriage is a marriage registered in the relevant government authorities without the participation of the church. In colloquial speech, this is often referred to as cohabitation and joint households without marriage registration.

Temporary marriage - in some countries the legislation recognizes its legal force. The duration is determined by agreement of the parties and is established in the marriage contract. At the same time, the amount of the ransom is set, which the spouse transfers to his wife in such a marriage. After the expiration of the period for which he was concluded, the marriage and legal relations between the spouses are considered terminated.

as well as a few more types of other unions:

Actual marriage (in Russian law - cohabitation) or unregistered marriage, often incorrectly called "civil" - relations between partners - "spouses", not formalized in the manner prescribed by law. Even with a common household and / or having common children, not all religious trends are recognized. In the USSR, it was legally recognized in 1926-1944. According to the current Family Code of the Russian Federation, unregistered cohabitation of a man and a woman does not give rise to marriage rights and obligations, although the rights of children born in wedlock do not differ from the rights of children born out of wedlock. The legislation of some foreign countries is recognized as a concubine.

A fictitious marriage is a sham marriage without the intention of starting a family in order to receive the benefits associated with it from the state. A proven lack of intention to start a family in Russia is the basis for declaring a marriage invalid.

Polygyny (1 + N) - the simultaneous state of a man married to several women. Of course, marriage is contracted by a man with each of the women separately, and gradations are possible. In Sharia there is a limit on the number of wives - no more than four (N≤4). All other residents of the harem are not considered wives, but they have certain guarantees (from the owner of the harem) that the child will be recognized in the event of his birth. Nevertheless, their position is significantly lower than that of wives, and rather resembles slavery.

Polyandry (M + 1) - the simultaneous state of a woman married to several men. It is rare, for example, among the peoples of Tibet, Hawaii. Traces of polyandry are seen in the Mahabharata (5 + 1: Draupadi was the wife of all the Pandava brothers).

Group marriage (M + N) - cohabitation of several women (N) with several men (M). In our time, it is a form of youth experimentation. In Russian it is called the "Swedish family", although the Swedes themselves oppose such a definition. Previously, many scholars argued that group marriage existed in primitive society under matriarchy and preceded the institution of pair marriage; this theory of promiscuity is now considered highly questionable.

Same-sex marriage (2 + 0 or 0 + 2) - cohabitation of a homosexual couple. In many Western countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, Iceland, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Czech Republic, Switzerland since 2007), as well as some regions of Northern and South American same-sex couples can marry. Some churches also recognize homosexual marriage (eg Swedish Episcopal). In the respective national languages \u200b\u200band legislation, the same word is used, which is translated into Russian as "marriage"; the conclusion of such a union has legal consequences similar to marriage. However, it is clear that there are a number of natural exceptions to these consequences, since such a union cannot have common biological children (but there can be adopted ones). In most countries, including Russia, same-sex marriages are not recognized or registered.

A family - an organized social group, the members of which are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is due to the need of society for physical and spiritual self-reproduction.
Family and community values
The family belongs to the most important social values. According to some scientific theories, it was the form of the family that could determine the general direction of the evolution of macrosocial systems for many centuries. Each member of society, in addition to social status, ethnicity, property and material status, from the moment of birth to the end of life, has such a characteristic as marital status.
Family for a child
- this is the environment in which the conditions for his physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development are formed.
Family for an adult
- a source of satisfaction of a number of his needs and a small team making various and rather complex requirements for him. At the stages of a person's life cycle, his functions and status in the family change sequentially.

Social functions of the family:

Sexual regulation function - the family is the main institution through which society orders, directs and regulates the natural sexual needs of people. Despite the fact that there are certain norms of marital fidelity, most societies easily forgive violations of these norms. Family norms often permit spouses to have sex outside the family. In many modern societies, premarital sexual relations are considered preparation for marriage, and in patriarchal families, premarital sexual experience is strictly prohibited (at least for women).
Reproductive function - one of the main tasks of any society is the reproduction of new generations of its members. At the same time, an important condition for the existence of society is the regulation of the birth rate, the avoidance of demographic recessions or, on the contrary, explosions. The family is the main institution responsible for the reproduction of new members of society. Other paths are ineffective and usually socially discouraged.
Socialization function - despite the large number of institutions involved in the socialization of the individual, the family certainly takes the central place in this process. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that it is in the family that the primary socialization of the individual is carried out, the foundations of his formation as a personality are laid.
Emotional satisfaction function - the numerous human needs include, in particular, intimate communication. It has been proved that the need of people for close confidential communication, intimacy, emotional expression of feelings to close people is a vital element of existence. Due to its structure and qualities, the family is the most important source of emotional satisfaction. The relationship of kinship and matrimony provides people with this opportunity.
Status function - every person brought up in a family receives, as an heir, certain statuses close to those of his family members. these are, first of all, such important statuses as nationality, place in urban or rural culture, etc. The status of a person often determines his future life.
Protective function - in all societies, the institution of the family carries out, to varying degrees, physical, economic and psychological protection of its members. We are accustomed to the fact that by hurting the interests and safety of any person, we also hurt his family, whose members protect their loved one or take revenge for him. In most cases, all family members share the guilt or shame for a person.
Economic function - keeping family members of a common household, when they all work, as one team contributes to the formation of strong economic ties between them. We can say that the family is the strongest economic unit of society. Family norms include the compulsory help and support of every family member in case of economic difficulties.

Family aspects
  • The family as a social institution, characterized by certain social norms, sanctions, patterns of behavior, rights and obligations that regulate relations between spouses, between parents and children.
  • Economic family: unites people who are economically connected by a common family budget.
  • The family is territorial, unites persons on the basis of cohabitation.
  • Biological: consists of parents and children.

The social aspect in the definition of the concept of the family dominated in socialist society, according to the position of Marxism that “ the family gives us a miniature picture of the same opposites and contradictions in which society moves". At different historical stages in the development of family relations, territorial and economic Aspects. For example, in France “ the concept of a family included a group of people who locked themselves at night behind one lock", And Russian zemstvo statistics, when conducting house-to-house censuses, determined the family by the number of eaters, proceeding from the fact that" according to peasants, the concept of a family includes a circle of people who constantly eat at the same table or eat from the same pot". However, for all the importance of the socio-economic function of the family, it should be distinguished from the household, which can be run by both an individual person and a group of persons who are not related by kinship relations. In the same way, living in one living space cannot be decisive in the understanding of the family today. At all times, its basis still remains a purely biological concept of a married couple cohabiting with their descendants and elderly representatives of the older generation.

Types of family and its organization:

Depending on the forms of marriage: