Chicory and joint diseases. Contraindications of chicory

Arthritis is a group of diseases of inflammatory genesis, in which various elements of the joint are affected: cartilage, synovial membrane, capsule, etc. Such a disease is usually accompanied by severe pain, inability to use the affected joints, or to walk, so treatment of arthritis should be started as early as possible.

In this article, you will learn what medications and non-medications treat inflammation of the joints, as well as what arthritis are in general and what symptoms they can manifest.

Briefly about the types and symptoms of arthritis
Basic principles of arthritis treatment + video!
Arthritis medication, homeopathy, physiotherapy
Operative treatment

Briefly about the types and symptoms of arthritis

Arthritis can be of metabolic, infectious-allergic, dystrophic, traumatic, reactive origin. The main clinical symptoms of arthritis include: arthralgia (joint pain), hyperemia (edema, swelling, redness, local increase in joint temperature), joint dysfunction, and deformity.

Arthritis, not without reason, is considered a serious problem, as it is characterized by a protracted nature, prone to relapses, and can lead to disability and loss of performance.

Treatment can be prescribed correctly only by making a correct and accurate diagnosis. Therefore, one should recall the varieties of forms of this disease.

Types of arthritis

The group of arthritis is very extensive, but it can be divided into inflammatory and degenerative.

Inflammatory: rheumatoid, reactive, infectious arthritis, gout. In these diseases, the inner surface of the synovial membrane of the joint is affected.

Degenerative: osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis. They are accompanied by damage to the articular surface of the cartilage itself.

The course of the disease: acute, subacute, chronic.

The types of inflammation in arthritis are serous (there is an effusion of inflammatory exudate in the joint, synovitis), serous-fibrinous (a fibrinous sediment falls out in the exudate - the course is more severe), purulent (the most serious course that captures the entire bag, as well as borderline areas with the formation of phlegmon joint capsules).

Features of certain forms of arthritis

Some types of arthritis are characterized by damage to certain groups of joints. In rheumatoid arthritis, this is a symmetrical change in the joints of the hands and feet. Psoriatic arthritis is characterized by damage to the distal joints on the hands and feet, and ankylosing spondylitis - the joints of the spine, the sacroiliac joint.

Arthritis symptoms: wavy joint pain; swelling, swelling; limitation of movement in the joint, stiffness in it; fever, chills may occur; changes in the shape of the joint and the appearance of skin over it are later symptoms characteristic of a long course of the disease.

Basic principles of the treatment of joint inflammation (arthritis)

1. Treatment of the causes of arthritis

Elimination of the cause of this disease is a mandatory component of the treatment of arthritis of the joints - infectious, allergic, gouty.

2. Pathogenetic therapy of arthritis

Treatment should be comprehensive and aimed not only at the causes of the disease, but also some of its mechanisms of development.

Pathogenetic therapy for arthritis is aimed at:

  • normalization of metabolism, balance of minerals and vitamins, impact on the focus of infection, that is, on the correction of immunological and general reactivity of a person;
  • decrease in intensity or complete elimination of local and general inflammation (medication, physiotherapy, balneotherapy);
  • rehabilitation - restoration of joint function (massage, exercise therapy, reflexology, acupuncture and much more);
  • therapy of the underlying disease if arthritis only accompanies some other disease.

The peculiarity of arthritis treatment is duration, phasing and complexity. This is always the most individual treatment plan, selected by a qualified specialist, based on the group, the form of the disease, the nature of its course, the duration of its existence, the presence of complications, taking into account the assessment of the general condition of the person and the tolerance of various drugs.

Medication for arthritis

In this section, the main groups of drugs will be given, the names of some of them, but only for information.

We categorically warn you: the independent use of any drugs for arthritis without proper examination, testing and doctor's prescription can be dangerous to your health!

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

This group of drugs has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the ability to reduce vascular permeability (this reduces puffiness), to relieve pain.

This group includes drugs such as diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, ketorolac, nimesulide, etc. You can learn more about them in an article completely devoted to anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pain relievers for external use

This group of drugs is prescribed against pain syndrome in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They are applied topically to the skin above the joint. The main advantage of this method of application is that the components of the drug are absorbed directly into the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected tissues, bypassing the path through the gastrointestinal tract. This reduces the number of side effects and increases the concentration of the active ingredient at the destination.

Contraindications: component intolerance and skin damage.

Examples of such drugs: dolgit cream, apizatron, butadion, bengei, voltaren, fastum, emulgel, diclofenac acry ointment, etc. You can find out more about such gels and balms in the article Ointments for the treatment of joints.

Muscle relaxants

This group of drugs relaxes the muscles, which are tense with pain. Such muscle contraction is a very common protective reflex, which limits mobility in the diseased joint, reduces the range of motion in it. When the painful attack is delayed, the muscles cannot stop the spasm, which is why they begin to hurt themselves with prolonged exertion. Muscle relaxants relax muscles, increase joint mobility, and relieve pain.

Examples of drugs: sirdalud, midocalm, baclofen.

Why can not pain be tolerated in this case: spasmodic muscle tissues do not receive enough nutrition, oxygen, metabolic products are poorly excreted from them - pain already arises in the muscle, which, in turn, increases the spasm. A vicious circle is formed.

Anti-gout drugs prevent uric acid salts from forming in the blood serum, as well as falling out in the joint cavity.

Preparations: milurite, allomaron, allopurinol.

Bone mineralizing preparations are agents that restore normal bone mineral metabolism. Inappropriate human nutrition often creates an urgent need for a doctor to prescribe mineral and vitamin supplements. Most often, such combined preparations are prescribed as "Berocca" with calcium and magnesium, "Vitrum calcium", "Biovital" for children, "Materna", "Teravit", "Calcimin" and many others.

Homeopathic remedies

As practice has shown, competent prescription, combination and use of drugs of this group contributes to a significant improvement in the condition of patients with arthritis.

Remissions are lengthened, pain attacks become less intense.

These drugs have practically no contraindications, they can still cause some side effects, so avoid self-medication even with homeopathy!

Preparations: "Repisan", "Traumeel S", "Zel T", "Osteochel S", etc.

Physiotherapy and labor therapy

Arthritis is characterized by the fact that in the absence of movement in the diseased joint, the pain syndrome only intensifies, therefore, reducing the load on it is strictly contraindicated. Seeing a physical therapist will teach you effective methods of physical analgesia. You will be able to return to the previous range of motion in the joint, quickly rehabilitate after operations, prosthetics or injuries.

Operative treatment

When damage to some or all of the joint tissues cannot be cured with pills, injections, ointments or physical therapy, various surgical methods are used:

  • arthroscopic synovectomy - removal of a fragment of the synovium;
  • cartilage transplantation - cartilage tissue is taken from a healthy joint, grown in laboratory conditions and implanted into the damaged joint;
  • replacement of a joint with a prosthesis;
  • implantation of a metal spacer into the joint, simulating the articular surface.

The invasive methods of treating arthritis also include punctures and lavage of the articular cavity with various drugs.

Alternative treatment

Alternative medicine has enormous resources. Traditional medicine recipes often have a rational grain and are able to have a good effect on the patient's condition as part of a comprehensive treatment. But which methods and methods are more effective, contain one or another component that is missing in treatment, only a good doctor can evaluate.

Therefore, before using traditional treatments for arthritis, be sure to discuss them with your doctor. And you can find out more about these methods of treatment in the article Treatment of acute / chronic inflammation of the joints (arthritis) with folk remedies.

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Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies

The list of drug groups used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is impressive. Even more impressive is the list of side effects they cause.

But the medicine can be synthesized in unlimited quantities in the leaves of plants and contained in the usual food products!

So, 3 cloves of garlic eaten daily can easily replace a whole handful of tablets. And only treatment with folk remedies can quickly alleviate seronegative rheumatoid arthritis that is poorly amenable to basic treatment. Therefore, when you hear the doctor's disappointing verdict about an incurable disease, do not despair: treatment with folk remedies will help curb rheumatoid arthritis.

A few words about the disease

Doctors attribute the main role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis to the presence of a focus of infection, which, circulating in the bloodstream, releases many toxins into it, which leads to unwanted immune reactions, which are especially difficult in women. The latter are faced with an autoimmune disease much more often than representatives of the stronger sex.

The harbingers of rheumatoid arthritis are pain in the joints of the hands and fingers. For 4-5 years, the inflammatory process captures multiple joints, and over time - organs.

For young girls and women, a systemic ailment, often disguised as arthritis of the knee joint, threatens with severe damage to the organs of vision, up to blindness. Therefore, folk remedies for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in women, however, as well as for representatives of the opposite sex, should only be a mandatory addition to drug therapy.

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis using folk remedies?

Most people mistakenly associate traditional treatment with decoctions and rubbing.

In reality, alternative methods of treating rheumatoid arthritis are a whole range of measures, including the intake of medicinal broths, the external use of the leaves of some plants and homemade ointments, restorative diets, gymnastics and the effect of the healing heat of the Russian bath.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies and nutrition allows you to maintain the patient's health at a sufficiently good level and restrain relapses and, which is not unimportant, does not require an exhausting hospital stay.

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis at home?

Healing herbs

Herbs for rheumatoid arthritis reduce the inflammatory process, and with it, the pain that hinders movement.
Several effective herbal recipes:

  • The outflow of inflammatory fluid is facilitated by the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with caustic buttercup: 3 tbsp. grind the flowers into a gruel until the juice is released. Put the resulting mass with juice in a plastic bag and put it on the sore joint for 2 hours. Fix with a bandage.

    If everything is done correctly, the skin will turn slightly red, and after a day and a half, blisters will appear on it - as the healers say, this is evidence that the circulatory and lymphatic system "pulled" the disease out of the body and it will "leave" it along with urine.

    The remedy is the strongest;

  • Herbal treatment will help to pacify rheumatoid arthritis, which "constrains" the mobility of joints. Combine in the collection and mix well for 2 tbsp. herbs horsetail and St. John's wort, chamomile and linden flowers; add 3 tbsp each. calendula flowers, birch leaves and buds. 1 tbsp collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink the drug during the day, 60-70 ml 30 minutes before meals, and before bedtime - apply as a compress for 3 hours. The tool perfectly restores joint mobility;
  • Hemlock for rheumatoid arthritis soothes joints "filled" with inflammatory exudate and relieves intense pain that occurs in muscles, ligaments and tendons in the morning. Tincture from it is taken twice a day, 5-7 drops.

You will learn more recipes from the video:

Propolis and honey

Beekeepers claim: propolis tincture for rheumatoid arthritis is as effective as aspirin.

Few people know that the often found beautiful, small, sky-blue Cichórium wildflower, which hardly breaks through the dense soil of the roadside, is related to the tasty and healthy drink of chicory.

The history of this plant is interesting and overgrown with legends. "Cichórium" is an Egyptian word that has been adopted and used for definition in all European countries. They figured out the healing properties of the Compositae plant 5000 years ago. The inhabitants of Egypt purposefully cultivated it for healing. In ancient Rome and Greece, chicory was added to salad in the form of greens. The poets Publius Virgil, Quintus Horace, Publius Ovid, the encyclopedist Pliny, mentioned chicory in their writings. The Roman physician-surgeon Claudius Galen defined him as "friend of the liver".

Despite the bitter taste, the herb has found its use in all countries of the world. Previously, in Northern Europe, entire fields were sown for livestock feed, and the Belgians still use young shoots with pleasure for food.

The French were forced to try the taste of a coffee substitute when they were sieged in 1808. The lack of a familiar drink forced them to look for a replacement. After the situation improved, the habit of adding chicory to coffee was firmly entrenched. Louisiana and New Orleans have made this drink traditional for themselves. Despite the variety of coffees, this is their taste preference for centuries.

In Russia, the "golden root" began to gain popularity in the 19th century. It was grown for making a drink and as an additive to coffee. It was a good and profitable investment as it was in demand all year round.

Collection and storage of chicory

The growing area is wide enough, since by its nature this plant is not whimsical and does not require fertile soils. Its favorite habitats are rocky, sandy slopes and hills, steppe zones and gullies. Large areas can be found in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, Crimea.

The chicory is harvested in the fall. This is the time when the flowering was over, the leaves and flowers fell off. Carefully dig up the root, thoroughly clean it of unusable parts and small roots, wash and dry it spread out in the sun for 5 days. Dried according to all the rules, the roots can be stored in paper bags for up to three years.

To understand what the benefits and harms of chicory are, the composition of the plant was carefully studied, which included:

  1. Essential oil.
  2. Thiamin - takes care of the nervous system and keeps the heart working at the proper level.
  3. Inulin is a fructose polymer that takes part in metabolic processes in the body. Part of the unsplit substance takes with it and naturally removes cholesterol and toxins outside, and the part that has undergone transformation and penetrated into the blood cleanses the body of toxins inside. It can be called healthy fiber.
  4. Carotene is a powerful antioxidant. Takes care of skin elasticity and youth. Excellent immunomodulator.
  5. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - good for the reproductive organs, important for the functioning of the thyroid gland, and also maintains the health of hair, skin, nails.
  6. The glycoside intibin is widely used in pharmaceuticals. Able to dilate blood vessels, eliminate tachycardia, reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. Smoothes out cardiovascular disorders.
  7. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - supports the immune system, a good antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes muscle tone.
  8. Beauty vitamins of groups A, E, PP (nicotinic acid).
  9. Tannins - help the digestive tract to work, remove radionuclides, toxins and heavy metal salts from the body. They help the absorption of nutrients into the intestinal wall.
  10. Bitter and tarry substances.
  11. Pectin - gives a feeling of fullness.
  12. Choline is a unique natural medicine of nootropic action. Regulates brain metabolism. Improves cerebral (cerebral) blood flow.
  13. Microelements. Potassium, iron, manganese, sodium, phosphorus.
  14. Fats, proteins, salts.
  15. Intibin - used in traditional medicine as a sedative, balancing the nervous system. Fights tachycardia and is a vasodilator.

The benefits of chicory for the human body

  • It is characterized by astringent properties due to the presence of tannins and bitterness in the composition.
  • Decreased blood sugar. Controls and normalizes its level.
  • Sedative action. It contains many components that are invaluable for the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Immunomodulatory, thanks to the rich composition of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants.
  • Wound healing.
  • Choleretic. Excellent stimulant of liver function. It removes toxins from it.
  • Diuretic.
  • Gives a good boost to the digestive system.
  • Good antiseptic. May relieve inflammation.
  • Stimulates the growth of bone tissue.
  • Promotes the absorption of calcium.
  • With colds, it can serve as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.
  • Intensively expels slags, radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from the body.
  • Normalizes heart function and heart rate.
  • Improves the resistance of the bronchial tree, ureters.

List of diseases that chicory can do:

  • Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure.
  • Neurosis.
  • Insomnia
  • Hyperacid gastritis. Chronic stomach inflammation. Increased acidity.
  • Kidney disease (nephritis).
  • Anemia (anemia).
  • Lack of vitamins, leading to loosening of the gums (scurvy).
  • Inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis).
  • Violation of microflora in the intestine (dysbiosis)
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Weakness, loss of strength.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Inflammatory process in the bladder (cystitis).
  • Formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts.
  • Used for spleen disease.
  • Chronic liver disease of a destructive nature - cirrhosis.
  • Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)
  • Joint inflammation (arthritis).
  • Inflammatory process in the colon (colitis).
  • Inflammation of the wall of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

The above listed diseases can be treated using a variety of dosage forms (decoctions, drinks, tinctures).

It is also effective to apply chicory externally (lotions, rubbing, poultices, baths, dressings):

  • Purulent wounds, ulcers.
  • Itching, blistering eruptions (eczema).
  • Painful purulent inflammation (boils).
  • Food allergy in children (diathesis).
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

A wide spectrum of action will not disregard any system of the body. It will support and strengthen the heart, liver, kidneys, blood.

A valuable factor is the ability to use this healing root for people suffering from diabetes. The polysaccharide is a complete, natural substitute for sugar.

For pregnant women, chicory is useful and necessary. It is rich in vitamins, trace elements. Takes care of the preservation of calcium in the body. Perfectly tones, removes excess fluid. Helps relieve nausea and heartburn. An excellent antioxidant.

Beauty and health of hair and skin

Nerves, stress, polluted atmosphere, leave the imprint of fatigue on the skin and make the hair look painful. In cosmetology, extract from the roots is often included in the composition of shampoos, conditioners, masks. With increased hair loss, seborrhea, at home, decoctions from the collection are used to rinse the hair and remove inflammation from the skin.

Chicory juice can be added to creams and face masks - this will speed up the healing process of pustular rashes and acne.

Calorie content of chicory per 100 g - 21 kcal. To get rid of extra pounds, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Take on an empty stomach, without milk or sugar additives.
  • Take 2-3 times during the day.
  • End the day with a cup of chicory.
  • Reduce consumption of excessively high-calorie foods.

Inulin is a prebiotic. Its benefits have been tested and confirmed by microbiologists. Long-term use is completely safe. For people who want to reduce the size of their clothes by a couple of sizes, it is a good helper, as it creates a favorable environment for intestinal microflora, and also regulates lipid metabolism. An important point is the ability to regulate appetite, create a feeling of fullness. Regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

  • Neuroses.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Individual rejection.
  • Children under 3 years old.
  • Vitamin C is an allergen. Allergy sufferers are at risk.
  • Varicose veins.

Note to the hostess: recipes for all occasions

  1. We brew tea. The chicory root is washed and dried. Fry. Grind into dust. 1 teaspoon of the powder is poured with a glass of boiling water and cooked for another 5 minutes. Let it brew a little and you can enjoy tea with the addition of milk and honey to taste.
  2. Chicory juice. Squeezed out of fresh plant leaves. Mixed with milk and use 15 ml three times a day for a month and a half.
  3. Collection recommended for stones in the gallbladder and ducts. Dandelion and chicory roots are taken in equal proportions. They are accompanied by a mint leaf, agaric leaves, tripoli (all components are 50 g each). From the total amount they take 2 tbsp. collection spoons, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. They insist for several hours. Spread the appointment over two days.
  4. External broth. Dilute 20 g of dry collection of herbs and roots with 2 cups of boiled water. Insist 10 minutes. Use for instillation of eyes affected by conjunctivitis, and a poultice - to relieve pain in the joints.
  5. Tincture for the treatment of wound surfaces. Pour 10 g of roots with alcohol (40 ml). Insist in a dark place for a week. Used to wipe the surface of the skin.
  6. Anti-cellulite therapy. Chopped root 2 tbsp. spoons are mixed with 1 glass of boiling water. Brew in a thermos for about an hour. The contents are poured into a bath and immersed for 25 minutes. Repeat every other day for 21 days.
  7. Decoction for the intensity of hair growth. The grass and roots are filled with boiling water. 4 cups are added for 30 g. Cook for 30 minutes. Insist 6 hours. Chew through cheesecloth. The finished medicine is rubbed into the hair roots. Allow to soak for 10 minutes and rinse off under running water.

Joints are treated with chicory, sea buckthorn and spruce baths.

My aunt lives in the village. And he treats many of his ailments with folk remedies. True, these sores, despite her venerable age, are few in her, except perhaps arthrosis.

We treat our joints with chicory roots compresses. Fortunately, the village is full of this plant. The aunt digs out the roots, washes them, cuts them finely and dries them. Pours a handful of roots with a cup of boiling water and insists for about an hour. Then he moistens the gauze in the broth, which has already cooled down, and applies it to the sore spot. Aunt puts a plastic bag on top and winds a woolen scarf. She keeps the compress for 20 minutes. Usually this procedure is done at night. Course - 5-7 procedures.

The aunt complements the treatment with a decoction of sea buckthorn leaves. She stocks up with leaves in the spring, dries them. Boil a tablespoon of leaves in a cup of water for 5-7 minutes, then strain and drink 80 ml three times a day. Aunt is treated like this for at least a week, but more can be done.

And also my aunt suggested a recipe for herbal ointment for joints - my knee aches. I tried it on myself, it helped. 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort and 2 tsp. I ground the yarrow in a coffee grinder. I melted 1 tbsp in a water bath. l. Vaseline and mixed with these herbs. I smeared the joint before going to bed, wrapping my leg in a warm handkerchief. I did this for 7-10 days. But every time I prepared a portion of the ointment fresh.

Spruce baths also help with joint pains. I rinsed the branches with cold water and poured boiling water over them. This drug will stand, it will cool down to 30-35 degrees, and I dip my sore leg into it (hands can also, depending on what hurts) for 20-25 minutes. After the procedure, I wipe my leg dry and wrap the painful joint warmly. I repeat the procedure in a day. The whole course is 7 baths.

Joints are treated with chicory, sea buckthorn and spruce baths.


Chicory is a herb that has many health benefits, including preventing digestive problems, preventing heartburn, reducing arthritis pain, detoxifying the liver and gallbladder, preventing bacterial infections, boosting the immune system, and reducing the likelihood of heart disease. It also has sedative properties, protects against kidney stones and helps you lose weight. All in all, this small herb is a powerful addition to any diet.

The benefits and harms of chicory

Chicory grows well in a variety of conditions and is commonly found on roadsides in Europe where it originated. But it is now widely distributed in the Americas. Leaves, buds and roots have certain beneficial properties. The leaves are used like spinach in many cultures. The root is ground into powder and used as a coffee substitute. It has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy to protect against many diseases. And today it continues to prove its value.

In terms of nutritional value, chicory is considered an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, folate and potassium, as well as vitamins B6, C, E, and K. The main benefits of chicory are described below. :

Health benefits of chicory

Digestive system

One of the most well-known reasons for adding chicory to the diet is to improve various functions of the digestive system. Chicory contains inulin, which is a powerful probiotic. Probiotics is a classification of bacteria used for therapeutic purposes. Inulin is used to combat a number of digestive problems, including acid reflux, dyspepsia, and heartburn. It actively reduces acidity in the body.

Heart diseases

Inulin is useful not only for the digestive system, but also for lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body. LDL is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure because it blocks the flow of blood in the arteries and veins. This contributes to the possibility of heart attacks and strokes. Curiously, the cholesterol-lowering function of inulin is not very active if the person does not consume a lot of carbohydrates, so this advantage of inulin is not so noticeable. However, the latest research is highlighting that chicory can help heart health in other ways.

Chicory also has phenols, which are widely known as antithrombotic and antiarrhythmic agents. They are considered antioxidants. Replacing coffee with chicory can significantly improve the balance of blood and plasma in the body, which lowers the chances of heart disease.

Cancer prevention

Various studies show that chicory extract reduces tumor growth. This is due to the fructans in chicory. These substances have anti-tumor and antioxidant properties. Chicory polyphenols and phytochemicals also have beneficial effects in the fight against cancers of various types, including those of the breast and colon.

Reducing arthritis pain

Chicory is used to treat arthritis, and also has strong anti-inflammatory properties, for this reason, it relieves pain in such ailments as osteoarthritis. In a recent study, 70% of people treated with chicory reported a marked reduction in pain associated with their osteoarthritis. Chicory can also be used as an anti-inflammatory agent for muscle and joint pain.

Excess weight

Chicory is an excellent source of oligofructose and inulin, which are naturally occurring fiber. They help manage and reduce weight. This is due to the regulation of ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. By lowering the hormone ghrelin, chicory reduces the chances of overeating and increases satiety. And thanks to this, weight is reduced.


Another benefit of inulin as a natural fiber is constipation relief! Fiber aids in the bowel movement by promoting peristaltic movement and gastric secretion. Because of this, digestion is generally improved and constipation is significantly reduced. By supporting and regulating the digestive process, you can really reduce the chances of a number of gastrointestinal diseases and diseases, including stomach ulcers and colon cancer!

The body's immune system

Chicory has a number of health benefits that make it a great booster for your immune system. It has a clear antibacterial effect on a range of dangerous bacterial strains. Polyphenolic compounds also play a role in this process. Also, chicory contains phytochemicals that act like antioxidants, fight free radicals in blood plasma, which reduces the likelihood of a number of diseases and conditions.


Chicory has sedative properties. They reduce anxiety and calm the mind, thereby relieving tension and the possibility of the dangerous effects of stress. Chicory root extract is also used as a sleep aid due to its sedative properties. It is much healthier than many sleeping pills on the mainstream market. Reducing stress and anxiety reduces the likelihood of heart disease, hormonal imbalances, insomnia, cognitive decline, and premature aging.

Kidney health

Chicory root is often used as a diuretic. Consistent and healthy urination speeds up the elimination of toxins stored in liver and kidney cells. In addition, frequent urination eliminates excess water, and even reduces fat, since 4% of urine is body fat that could be stored elsewhere in the body!

Potential harm from chicory

A little about precautions. While there are many clear benefits to using chicory, you shouldn't overuse it if you are pregnant because there is a chance it may stimulate your period. Which in some cases causes a miscarriage. In addition, girls should restrict chicory in their diet while breastfeeding, as there is not enough research on this.

In addition, this plant is closely related to ragweed, marigold and chamomile, allergic reactions to which are not uncommon. See your doctor to find out the cause of your allergies, and whenever you add something new to your diet, be sure to check with your doctor.

Finally, if you have gallstones, too much chicory can make the problem worse, so be sure to talk to your doctor if you have had gallbladder problems in the past.

Herbal medicine in oncology: chicory and cancer treatment

Attention! The following information on the use of chicory in the treatment of cancer cannot be used as an alternative to the clinical treatment of cancer; any self-treatment is unacceptable without prior consultation with an oncologist!

Chicory is a herbaceous perennial plant up to 100-120 cm high. It has a powerful spindle-shaped root, a straight stem with short-petioled leaves located on it. Basal leaves are collected in a socket. The plant blooms from July to September with large bright blue flowers. The chicory fruit is achene.

The homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean. Currently, chicory is very widespread - in Eurasia, North and South America, Australia and North Africa. Chicory grows in the European part of Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine, in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The plant prefers dry forests (usually pine), hillsides, steppe beams, rocky and sandy talus.

The benefits of chicory are known in ancient times. The medicinal properties of the plant are mentioned in the so-called. Ebers papyrus - an ancient Egyptian document dated ca. 1536 BC According to the document, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt used chicory to make an antidote for the bites of poisonous insects and snakes.

Famous ancient scientists and doctors - Pliny the Elder, Dioscorides, Theophrastus, Avicenna - wrote about the benefits of chicory for the treatment of joints, eyes, and digestive organs. In ancient times, chicory root was endowed not only with healing, but also magical properties - used as a remedy for spoilage.

Today, in many countries, including Russia, coffee (less often tea) is prepared with the addition of chicory root powder. Chicory is also used to make candies and cakes. In addition, chicory is put in various dishes (meat dishes, salads, etc.), young shoots of the plant are stewed, boiled, baked.

The healing properties of chicory are widely used in folk medicine. The root of a plant is most often used as a medicinal raw material, less often grass and flowers. The root of the plant is found in many medicines.

Currently, there are many cultivars of chicory, the most famous of which are endive, witloof, escariol. They contain a large amount of vitamin C, are tasty and healthy, but their healing properties are somewhat weaker than those of wild varieties of the plant. Therefore, for medicinal purposes (preparation of decoctions, infusions, baths), it is better to use common chicory.

The chemical composition of chicory

Chicory roots are rich in inulin, a polysaccharide recommended by nutritionists for diabetic patients as a substitute for sugar and starch. The roots also contain the bitter glycoside intibin, the properties of which are widely used in pharmacology. The root also contains sugars, organic acids, tannins, bitter and resinous substances, choline, chicorine, essential oil, proteins, fats, vitamins A, groups B, C, PP, as well as micro- and macroelements iron, sodium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus.

In the flowers of the plant there is a glycoside that breaks down into glucose and esculetin. Chicory milky juice contains the bitter substances taraxasterol, lactucin, lactucopicrin, and the fruit contains protocatechol aldehyde.

Medicinal properties of chicory

Chicory preparations have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, urinary and choleretic, sedative properties. The plant can be used alone, for monotherapy, and together with other plants as part of medicinal preparations.

Chicory helps to normalize metabolism in the body, removes toxins and toxins from it, regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system, acts as an antipyretic and vasodilator.

Chicory has the ability to stimulate appetite, it normalizes microflora and improves bowel activity, cleanses the kidneys. Plant preparations are used to eliminate heartburn, to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver.

Chicory is recommended for diabetics because it has an insulin-like effect - it lowers blood sugar and generally has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients. Taking inulin, contained in chicory, reduces hunger without using additional calories, so the plant's preparations can be successfully used by those who are obese.

Preparations from chicory inflorescences have the ability to improve cardiac activity, slowing down the heart rhythm, and soothing the central nervous system. Chicory also increases the overall tone of the body, relieves fatigue and increases efficiency, reduces sweating. Chicory has the ability to improve blood composition; the fresh sap of the plant helps to treat anemia.

Decoctions of herbs and chicory roots are used externally (in the form of lotions, poultices, baths) for purulent wounds, furunculosis, diathesis, eczema, acne, inflammation of the lymph nodes. In the form of baths, it is also used to treat joint diseases and obesity.

The use of chicory to treat cancer patients

Recent studies have shown the antiproliferative effect of chicory in the presence of malignant tumors. The greatest antiproliferative activity was observed in relation to melanoma.

The specialists also noted the absence of toxicity of the plant, due to which the chicory treatment has no side effects. Scientists have concluded that chicory treatment of melanoma is quite effective and cost effective.

In addition, chicory is a plant that improves liver function. Experts have proven that liver function largely determines the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment. That is why patients suffering from breast cancer are shown preparations of chicory and other herbs with a similar effect (calendula, dandelion, immortelle, milk thistle, yarrow, etc.).

Drinks with chicory improve the general condition of cancer patients, strengthen the body's tone, and have a calming effect. A decoction of chicory roots is prepared as follows. 1 teaspoon of crushed root is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered. The broth is taken at 0.25 cups 4 times a day.

Chicory: contraindications

No serious contraindications to the use of chicory have been found. An exception is the individual plant intolerance, but it is not common. Manifestations of individual intolerance is a skin reaction (rash) to plant preparations.

Chicory, unlike coffee, does not contain caffeine, so it does not excite the nervous system. However, people who are being treated for depression, stress, insomnia should not use chicory preparations in large quantities.

Chicory is good for the digestive tract, but overuse of chicory can cause digestive problems. Those who suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, chronic cough, bronchitis, asthma, should consult a specialist before using chicory.

Chicory should be used with caution in hemorrhoids, varicose veins and other vascular diseases, since the plant has the ability to dilate blood vessels.

Important! Any treatment of oncological diseases should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending oncologist!

It is known that chicory is one of the most commonly used plants for various diseases, which has an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, vasodilator, choleretic, and calming effect. And this is not a complete list of its properties.

But, unfortunately, if for some people chicory becomes a miraculous healing agent, then it can cause serious damage to the health of others. Therefore, before you start using chicory, you should take into account all its contraindications. What do you need to know about?

How not to harm chicory ?!

First of all, it should be noted that any, even the most useful, medicinal plant should in no case be taken on its own, more precisely without qualified specialist advice, since chicory, in addition to beneficial effects, can also cause side reactions.

In addition, consuming chicory for too long can also harm the human body. Despite its positive effect on the course of the disease, you should definitely take breaks between courses of treatment with chicory.

By the way, it is very dangerous for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This is due to the vasodilating effect and strong stimulation of the heart muscle. It is also harmful for those who have problems with digestion, for example, with stomach and duodenal ulcers. Care should be taken for vascular ailments and varicose veins.

In addition, chicory is contraindicated in bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. And it can also cause neurasthenia, depression and insomnia, especially in the hot-tempered, with an unstable psyche.

There is a misconception that chicory compress is effective for joint pain. In fact, this procedure can cause pain in the spine and joints. By the way, contraindications to chicory also apply to a coffee drink made from it.

Chicory or beware of allergies!

It turns out that in the stems and leaves of chicory salad there is a lot of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. Such a composition can contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions in people predisposed to them. Therefore, they need to avoid eating chicory or limit themselves to minimal doses, keeping their well-being under control.

By the way, even without eating chicory, you can feel how allergenic it is. This is proven by the huge number of allergy cases among fruit and vegetable sellers, among whose products was chicory.

Poisoning with exacerbation and undesirable use of chicory

In addition, the use of chicory is undesirable for liver diseases. And since it wildly increases appetite, it is not suitable for overweight people.

In addition, excessive consumption of chicory coffee can exacerbate gallbladder disease. In addition, chicory root contains a huge amount of calcium oxalates, which is why it is prohibited for urolithiasis or with a predisposition to it.

It should be noted that even a practically healthy person can eat foods that contain oxalates for a short time.

And for people with rheumatoid arthritis, gout and kidney disease, especially with kidney stones, foods that contain calcium oxalates are the most natural poison. Indeed, according to doctors, 80% of kidney stones appear precisely because of the influence of calcium oxalate, because its crystals clog the kidney ducts.

It turns out that chicory is an absolutely harmless plant.

Romadina Victoria, 300

  • Arthritis
    • 1. Medication for arthritis treatment
    • 2. Diet for arthritis
    • 3. Treatment of arthritis with folk remedies
  • Arthrosis
    • 1. Folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis
    • 2. Medication for the treatment of knee and hip arthrosis
  • Osteoporosis and sciatica
    • 1. Calcium and Vitamin D
    • 2. Drinks and tinctures for osteoporosis


Arthritis is most common in populations over 40, but it also occurs in young people and adolescents. It includes diseases associated with joint damage, which often lead to disability, regardless of treatment.

A sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, leading to excess weight, or vice versa, constant diets, poor ecology can become factors that provoke arthritis.

  • Pay attention to your diet: joint pain will go away (or become much less) if you regularly consume the foods that are available to everyone, described in this small free book:

There are many types of this disease. It depends on the reasons that provoked arthritis. It can occur as a result of trauma and hypothermia, infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, hormonal or immune disruption of the body, and many others. Each cause of the disease is accompanied by different symptoms, common of which is joint pain. Each type of arthritis requires a different medication.

Drug treatments for arthritis

For rheumatoid arthritis, which is accompanied by minor damage to the joints, use the drug " Methotrexate"In the form of tablets and injections. This drug is the basis for the treatment of infectious rheumatoid arthritis.

Have you ever thought about the fact that one of the causes of joint problems is in your plate with food? The fact is this: what you eat is one of the main causes of your joint problems! At the same time, there are special collections of recipes for healthy joints. The free book "", which can be downloaded by clicking on the link, describes only those dishes that will have a beneficial effect on the joints. In addition, you can easily prepare these dishes every day, as they are easy to prepare and do not require the use of expensive products. In addition, you will not have to stand at the stove for hours, but at the same time you will eat tasty and healthy.

Methotrexate is used 1 hour before meals with an interval of 12 hours. Between receptions. Doses should be increased gradually, starting from 2.5 - 5 mg. During the week, the drug should be drunk 3 times (Monday morning and evening, and Tuesday morning, after a week the dose increases). For arthritis, the course of treatment lasts up to 18 months. The maximum dose per week is not more than 20 mg. the dose should be reduced using the same scheme as when increasing.

Distributed means " Actovegin»In the treatment of various types of arthritis. It helps to increase blood circulation and reduce swelling. It comes in various forms: creams, ointments, tablets, and injections.

The most effective for simple forms of all types of the disease is oral administration of Actovegin 15-25 minutes before meals, swallowing one or two tablets whole, the first in the morning, the second at lunchtime and the third in the evening. The duration of the course of treatment is 3 - 4 weeks to achieve a therapeutic effect. As an exception, Actovegin is prescribed to children ½ or a fourth part three times a day, washed down with water (about half a glass).

Means such as antibioticsare used in the treatment of bacterial arthritis. Antimicrobial therapy is accompanied by the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as pain relievers. The duration of taking antibiotics is up to 7-10 days, they are prescribed exclusively by a doctor who will identify the cause of bacterial arthritis.

The most common antimicrobials are:

  • azithromycin (1 tablet one time),
  • doxycycline (1 ton, 2 times a day, within a week),
  • amoxicillin (2 tons, 3 times a day, for a week.)

After the end of the course of antibiotics, the remaining drugs must be used for a month.

For the treatment and prevention of arthritis are used calcium and vitamins... With age, the absorption of trace elements from food decreases. Therefore, additional use of calcium in the form of tablets becomes advisable. It reduces pain, participates in the process of restoring cartilage and bone tissue, and has a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

In the human body, for sufficient absorption of calcium, Vitamin D is needed. Therefore, when buying calcium, you should additionally buy vitamin D, or choose preparations containing both of these agents.

The use of calcium preparations is involved in the processes of blood coagulation, helps to reduce edema and has antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Diet for arthritis

To enhance the effectiveness of medications, doctors recommend adhering to a diet, eating foods containing calcium: kefirs, yoghurts, cheeses, but exclude the use of milk.

Such a diet should increase the alkaline balance of the digestive system and include the use of alkaline mineral water... In total, the use of water (regular or mineral) should be about 2.5 - 3 liters per day.

Water thins the blood and promotes rapid metabolism. The diet is long-term, it is recommended to adhere to it for 1-2 years.

You should completely exclude the use of coffee, as it promotes the removal of calcium from the body, products such as chicory and milk are also prohibited.

Arthritis treatment with folk remedies

In the initial stages of arthritis, you can use folk methods that provide relief, in combination with medications, prevent the development of the disease.

A popular folk treatment for arthritis is turmeric... It has a strong antiseptic effect and reduces pain in the first stages of use. Used as a root, as well as in powder form.

Chopped dry turmeric (2 tablespoons) is mixed with 200 ml of water and 200 ml of milk, add 1 tsp each. honey and butter. Warm up over low heat for ten minutes until a mushy state is formed.

You need to use such a remedy inside in the morning or in the evening for 1 tablespoon up to two months. There are many turmeric-based recipes that are used internally or rubbed on sore joints.

A common treatment for arthritis is decoction of bay leaves... It helps to cleanse the body of salts, thereby reducing pain in areas of excess.

A common recipe for a decoction: 10 - 20 pieces of leaves are added to 400 ml of water. Boil with the lid open for about 5-6 minutes. After cooling, the broth is drunk in small portions within 12 hours.


When stiffness, pain in joints with limited mobility appears in the morning, symptoms of arthrosis can be suspected.

In most cases, arthrosis is observed in the hip and knee joints, since they carry a tremendous load during movement. With age, blood circulation is impaired, and the cartilage tissue becomes inelastic, microcracks appear. These are the first signs of the disease.

To prevent diseases in the joints and in the initial stages, it is effective to use traditional methods of treatment.

Folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis

The main condition for the treatment of arthrosis is compliance with the diet, elimination of toxins from the body, increased immunity and improved blood circulation. The first assistants are herbal decoctions and compresses, which contain many useful trace elements and oils. They not only relieve pain, but also act as a healing agent.

  • A tasty and healthy drink is a decoction of lingonberry or black currant leaves.

At 1 st. water add 2 tsp. lingonberry leaves, boil for 15 minutes. After cooling, drink during the day in small sips.

  • Another effective drink is a mixture of birch leaves, violets and nettles.

Take 2 teaspoons of all the ingredients, pour 400 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. The drink is divided into 4 servings and consumed within 1 day.

  • You can rub an ointment based on the herbs of St. John's wort, hops, and melilot into the inflamed joints.

1 tbsp these ingredients are mixed with 50g of petroleum jelly. The ointment is ready to use. A mixture of petroleum jelly with chopped hop cones in a 4: 1 ratio is effective.

  • It is imperative to include dishes containing gelatin (puddings, jellied meat, jelly) in the diet. When gelatin breaks down, collagen is formed, which increases bone strength, prevents platelet formation and helps to thin the inter-articular fluid.
  • A very useful recipe is a mixture of fermented milk products (kefir or yogurt) with the addition of oats.

1 tbsp. oats should be steamed in 100-120 ml of water for about half an hour, then mixed with a glass of kefir. Drink this mixture within one day

But traditional medicine will be most effective with the use of medication methods of treatment.

Medication for the treatment of knee and hip arthrosis

Together with the diet and traditional methods of treatment for arthrosis, various types of drugs must be used, which will give quick relief of pain syndrome and a decrease in inflammatory processes.

  • One of the main drugs is pentoxifylline... It thins the blood and improves the supply of oxygen to cells, especially in the limbs. This helps to reduce swelling and reduce pain in inflamed joints. In the acute form of the disease, you can use the drug in the form of injections. The drug is administered intravenously in an ampoule with the addition of 250 ml of sodium chloride solution for 2 hours. Intravenous administration is prescribed individually. In the form of tablets, adults are prescribed 2 pieces 3 times a day after meals for 1 - 2 weeks, then the rate is reduced to 1 tablet per dose.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are gaining popularity SPVS... They are used clinically as well as at home. This can be explained by the fact that they have a wide range of medicinal properties: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effects, relieve symptoms of fever and pain. Unlike hormonal drugs, they have much fewer side effects. Every day, more and more types of SPVS appear in pharmacology, which are purchased without a prescription (aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, etc.).

Each SPVS has its own dosages and recommendations for use, clearly stated in the attached instructions. The only prerequisite for use is the short duration of the course. To reduce the negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, drink non-steroidal drugs with plenty of fluids.

With arthrosis nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are subdivided into two groups: cyclooxigenase inhibitors of the first and second types. The second type (meloxicam, celecoxib, nimesulide, etc.) are more modern drugs that selectively act only on the foci of inflammation.

  • Popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam... It relieves swelling and inflammation as soon as possible after application, while it acts only on the inflamed joint. It does not contain substances that adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Both tablets and injections have exactly the same effect. Therefore, the choice of drug depends on the patient's preference. For knee or hip arthrosis, meloxicam is taken 1 tab. The dosage is 7.5 mg once a day. The daily allowance is increased to 15 mg if the pain persists. The course of treatment depends entirely on the state of the disease. For chronic diseases, it is taken up to 8 weeks, and for acute 1 - 4 weeks, until the pain symptom disappears completely.

  • Application teraflex promotes the restoration of cartilage and bone tissue in case of knee and hip arthrosis. It is presented in the form of capsules, which are recommended for adults to take 1 pc 3 times a day for three weeks, then reduce the course to 2 times a day and take up to six months.

There is also a teraflex cream, which is applied directly to the inflamed areas 2-3 times a day and left until completely absorbed through the skin.

  • Application vitamins together with calcium play an important role in the treatment of arthrosis. As the body ages, a lack of calcium appears, which gradually leads to the appearance of arthritis and arthrosis.

Obtaining calcium through food is insufficient for treatment, therefore, it is imperative to take calcium in the form of medicines, containing vitamin D, for its complete absorption. In pharmacies you can buy various preparations in which vitamins and microelements are balanced. But this complex will be insufficient, so you should additionally take vitamins of group B, as well as other trace elements (selenium, copper and silicon).

Osteoporosis and sciatica

Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease associated with a decrease in bone density and an increase in their fragility, which very quickly becomes chronic.

Radiculitis is an inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves, accompanied by severe pain, which can provoke movement disorders.

Although these two diseases are different, the causes and treatment methods are almost the same.

Calcium and Vitamin D

It is a reliable prevention of bone diseases

As you know, disease prevention is much more important than its treatment. With such types of diseases as sciatica and osteoporosis, proper nutrition is important, and in old age it is recommended to additionally take Calcium D3 nycomed, calcemin, etc., which contain calcium and vitamin D and are involved in the formation of bone tissue.

  • Attention: For joints to be healthy, your daily diet should have exactly 10 essential ingredients. They are described in as much detail as possible in the book you can. Moreover, these are not some exotic and expensive products. Not at all! These are affordable products, which we often pass by in stores in search of special delicacies that only harm the body! Download and read this book now! Fortunately, it is small and read in just 10 minutes. The book was written by Alexandra Bonina, a certified physical therapy doctor and fitness trainer of international level, who herself has been adhering to her system of competent nutrition for many years.

Fat-soluble D vitamins promote metabolism and mucous membranes, increase the body's resistance to various infections, and also regulate the work of blood vessels and prevent the formation of rickets. If vitamin D is not provided in the calcium preparation, then it should be purchased separately and taken in combination.

Osteoporosis drinks and tinctures

Together with medicines for the treatment of osteoporosis, various infusions and drinks are often used.

  • For a long time, a simple method was used to increase the rate of calcium in the body, the essence of which is that the eggshell was crushed in a mortar. Then 1 tbsp. poured 250 ml. steep boiling water. The infusion was allowed to cool, and then drank during the day. When using such an infusion, fish, liver, dairy products should be included in the diet, or vitamin D should be used in the form of a drug.
  • Kombucha is well known for its medicinal properties. Kvass from kombucha is drunk on an empty stomach, 200 ml, within 2 weeks, after that you need to take a break for 2 months. During this period, alcohol and even non-alcoholic beer is strictly prohibited.
  • Green tea is a healthy drink, it tones up the entire body, strengthens blood vessels, strengthens the nervous system. But the daily requirement is no more than two cups a day.
  • Sesame oil also contains high doses of calcium and is used to prevent and treat this disease. It is enough to consume 1 tsp. per day to provide the body with calcium. This oil can be drunk for a long time from 6 months to a year.
  • Bear fat for radiculitis. It contains many vitamins, is used both internally and in the form of an ointment. Rubbing with bear fat for sciatica relaxes the muscles, thereby reducing pain. When stored properly, it can be used indefinitely. The exception is individual intolerance.

Keep in mind: In addition to the recommendations given above, be sure to pay attention to your diet. Because eating the right food means healthy joints in many ways. In the book below, you will find 17 delicious and inexpensive recipes for joint health:

You should categorically refuse to drink coffee, it helps to wash out calcium from the body. Alcohol is strictly prohibited for the same reason as coffee. Although American studies show that moderate alcohol consumption has no effect on the development of the disease.

When we hear about chicory, we probably remember that we saw it on supermarket shelves, or are personally familiar with the specific taste of this powder. And you probably heard more than once from the older generation about its benefits and how it perfectly replaces coffee. Today it can be found with various additives - rose hips, ginseng, or blueberries. In nature, this plant looks like a representative of the Aster family, often blue or lilac in color.


Its chemical composition is irreplaceably valuable and useful for human health. Vitamins and trace elements of chicory are useful for diseases such as oncology, osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, heartburn, as well as problems with excess weight.

He possesses anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, removes unnecessary toxins from the body, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood sugar, and is also a vasodilator and diuretic. These are not all of its useful properties.

Chicory for gout

There is a disease in the world that has been known to mankind for a long time - this is gout... This disease often affects men over the age of 60. According to statistics, men get it 9 times more often than women.

The cause of the manifestation of the disease is accumulation in the body large amounts of uric acid, which is deposited through the blood vessels in the joints throughout the body. Usually the toes become the site of the lesion. The essence of the symptoms is the sensation of sharp pains that interfere with free movement, and redness and swelling may also appear. Together, these symptoms are difficult and uncomfortable.

Many who have encountered this disease are wondering: is it possible to use chicory in this case? After all, you don't want to give up such a unique and healthy drink.

Composition and properties

Treatment of the disease is simple - you need to change the patient's habitual diet. All foods that contain the substance - purine... If the kidneys do not work properly, purine is converted into uric acid, which, in turn, becomes a factor in the appearance of gout.

If you look at the list of products containing this substance, you can see chicory in its list. However, 100 g of the product contains 6 mg of purine, when it is 1900 in coffee, and 2800 in tea. The amount of purine in the product is negligible, but besides purine, chicory powder contains other substances - calcium oxalate.

These substances accumulate in the kidneys due to the high content of vitamin C in the product, provoking urolithiasis. Unhealthy kidneys begin to malfunction, accumulating uric acid in large volumes.

but chicory perfectly removes toxinsthereby helping the kidneys. Its anti-inflammatory properties are a good remedy for acute joint pain. Another plus of this plant for gout is a decrease in blood sugar levels. Sugar is not a reason for the accumulation of uric acid, but its excess prevents it from being quickly excreted from the body, thereby accumulating in large quantities.

You can often find patients with gout among diabetics. The root of the plant contains natural sugar substitutes - inulin and fructose. Chicory also helps to improve metabolic processes.

Can I use in case of illness

To date, there is no single point of view of experts on the question of whether it is possible for patients with gout to use this product. A controversial question arises: to drink chicory or not to drink? Most doctors are inclined to believe: it is useful for gout, but in small quantities... It should be taken wisely so as not to harm your health. Be sure to use it before using consult a rheumatologist, because each disease is individual.

How to use correctly

There is a way in which the plant has no side reaction. They are applied externally, in the form of lotions on the affected area. The broth is prepared as follows:

  1. 200 ml of water will require 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of dry and ground plant root.
  2. The resulting mixture is cooked over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  3. The boiled liquid is passed through a sieve.
  4. Pour in so much warm water to get 200 ml of liquid again.
  5. Apply a dampened cloth to the affected area.

But back to the internal application, because many patients are worried about this very moment. Unless there are serious contraindications for use, which are found by the attending physician, a chicory drink can be a good daily ritual, but not more than one mug a day.