How to name a girl born on October 22. Best names for girls born in October

What is the name to give the child according to the Holy Calendar, if she was born in October? It should be noted that the calendar of the Saints is used mainly by believing families. If you are one of the Orthodox families, then choosing the name of the girls according to the Holy Calendar for October is the right decision. In the Orthodox tradition, the custom of giving children names in honor of Saints has become relevant recently. So, parents want to endow their children with at least a piece of the Shrine. In addition, there is an opinion among the people that the Saint, after whom the child was named, will patronize him.

The names of girls according to the Holy Calendar in October are very diverse, there are primordially Russian names, but most of the names in the church calendar are names that came from other cultures, but eventually adapted in our time and language. How to choose a name for a girl born in October according to the Holy Calendar? You open the church calendar of the church where you will take your daughter to baptize, in the month of October you look at the names of the girls. It should be noted that each monastery has its own list of names, so the editions of the Svyatsev may differ from each other. So, when choosing a name for the October girl according to the Holy Calendar, check if your church gives permission to take any October names in the church calendar. The fact is that there are churches in which it is customary to take names before the 8th date from the date of birth, that is, if the daughter was born on the 6th, then the names can be chosen from the 6th to the 13th of the month. But there are churches in which you can take the names of the whole month, the main thing is not to use the names of the past days. If the child was born on the 6th, then the names, in this case, can be taken only from the 6th to the end of the month. After you decide on the rules of the church, you have to make a choice among the specified names. Some parents, when choosing the name of girls according to the Holy Calendar for October, pay attention to the meaning of the names. Since many parents believe that the meaning of the name plays an important role in the lives of children. If you want your daughter to be wise, smart and kind, then we advise you to pay attention to names with such a meaning, the name Sofia means - wise, smart. For example, by endowing a child with the name Elizabeth, you thereby associate her with God, since in translation Elizabeth means worshiping God.

Names of girls according to the Holy Calendar: October

How to name a girl according to the church calendar.

The rite of baptism of newborns came to us after the adoption of Christianity in Russia. Newborns were named according to calendar - lists of saints venerated by the Orthodox Church

How to choose a name for a child according to the church calendar?

When choosing a name, you should have before your eyes the calendar of the main days of veneration of the saints, corresponding to the year of the birth of the baby. From the same calendar, parents learn the meaning of the name and the individual name day

You can pick up the name of the saint for the next eight days after the birth of a daughter

If on the birthday of your baby there is no name in the calendar, then you can choose a suitable name for the saint whom the church honors on the next day or within eight days after your daughter's birthday.

What are Saints?

During the sacrament of baptism, the infant is given the name of an Orthodox saint canonized by the church. So the saints appeared. Saints are a calendar (list of saints).

In addition to the names of the saints and martyrs, the calendar contains information about the date of veneration of their memory, as well as a brief meaning of the name. A newborn receives a name depending on the Orthodox calendar day when he was born

Choosing a name for a girl according to the Holy Calendar

The names in the Orthodox calendar are constantly replenished, so you should not worry that the names will cut the ear with monotony.

In the month (aka the Orthodox calendar), parents will find not only the name of their baby, but also find the most favorable combination of sounds that will serve as a talisman for him. Having named the child according to the calendar, parents will not have to change the secular form of the child's name during baptism.

Calendar names - January: meaning, origin

According to popular beliefs, January is the coldest winter month. Perhaps, precisely to maintain the Universal harmony, this month children are born who are able to withstand the piercing January winds and bitter frosts.

  • Patience, restraint and determination are the hallmarks of those born in January. Girls born in January also have these qualities. "January" girls grow up purposeful, but they also have a negative quality: it is sometimes difficult to find a common language with them.
  • Girls born in January are chosen an Orthodox name in the expectation that over time, the firmness of the "masculine" character will appear in the baby's character.
  • The girl "January" is a good mother's helper, from which an excellent housewife will grow. She will easily organize everyday life, hospitably meet guests. Does not tolerate other people's shortcomings, which affects his personal life.
  • In January there are many maiden names according to the calendar. You can choose a rare or familiar name, strict or lyrical. But in order for the girl's character to be sociable, it is better to give preference to a soft and melodic name according to the calendar.
  • The sounds "r" and "d" should be avoided. A fancy name will make you laugh. As a result, its owner will often feel discontent and a desire to respond rudely.

Calendar names for girls born in January

January 3 Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Yulia curly greek
4 January Anastasia resurrection greek
Feodosia God given greek
January 6 Evgeniya noble greek
Claudia stubborn latin
January 8 August divine latin
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Agrippina woeful latin
Anfisa blooming greek
January 9 Alice noble ancient germanic
Antonina engaging in battle latin
10 january Blast furnace lady latin
Theophilus loving god greek
Glyceria sweet greek
Agafia chaste greek
11 january Barbara foreigner greek
Efrosinya joy greek
Matryona noble woman russian
Agrippina woeful latin
Natalia latin
Evdokia favor greek
Anna grace jewish
January 12 Anisia perfect greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Fedor God's gift greek
Arina world greek
13th of January Melania dark-haired, dark-skinned greek
14 january Emilia affectionate greek
January 15 Yulia curly greek
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
16 january Arina world greek
January 17 Klimentin gracious bulgarian
Zinaida belonging to Zeus greek
Olympia celestial greek
January 18 Pauline released greek
Evgeniya noble greek
January 21 Yulia curly greek
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Antonina engaging in battle latin
Vasilisa princess greek
Anastasia resurrection greek
The 25th of January Tatyana organizer greek
Eupraxia happy greek
January 27 Nina brave girl spanish
Agnia immaculate russian
28 January Helena greek
Sofia wisdom greek
Efrosinya joy greek
Alyona beloved gallic
January 29 Leonila lion-like greek
January 30 Antonina engaging in battle latin
January 31 Ksenia guest greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Feodosia God given greek
Oksana ukrainian

Calendar names - February: meaning, origin

A girl born in February will be fine with a soft name. It will only have a positive impact on the fate of its owner: it will soften her unpredictable, like February weather, character, and balance emotions. After all, often "February" girls are guided not by reason, but by mood and feelings.

Girls born in February would make good leaders if they were less impulsive. It is not superfluous for them to master the ability to build relationships with others. They tend to be reckless and can always stand up for themselves.

The name of a girl with a complex character should caress the ear and endow its owner with positive traits. The difficult nature of the "February" girl, such names soften and facilitate their fate.

Names for February according to the calendar for a girl and their meaning

1st of February Louise smiling spanish
Feodosia God given greek
February 2 Karina flawless greek
Vasilisa princess greek
Rimma roman latin
Inna stormy water flow greek
February 3rd Agnia immaculate russian
Anastasia resurrection greek
4 february Anastasia resurrection greek
February 5th Evdokia favor greek
Catherine clean; great; domineering greek
Agatha kind greek
February 6 Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer ukrainian
Ksenia guest greek
7 february Felicata happy latin
8 february Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
10 february Olga saint; great; perfect latin
12th of February Pelageya sea greek
February 13 Feoktista created by god greek
Afanasy immortal greek
Evdokia favor greek
Feodosia God given greek
The 14th of February Evdokia favor greek
16 february Anna grace jewish
February 17 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Anna grace jewish
Catherine clean; great; domineering greek
February 18 Agafia chaste greek
Alexandra protector of people greek
19 february Christina follower of Christ greek
Martha noble woman aramaic
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
February 20th Evdokia favor greek
February 23 Anna grace jewish
Bella beauty latin
Galina calm greek
Paul baby latin
Valentine strong latin
24 February Fedor God's gift greek
25 February Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
26 february Zoya cheerful greek
Irina greek
Svetlana bright slavic
Vera TRUE latin
Anna grace jewish
28th of February Euphrosinia joy greek
Sofia wisdom greek

Calendar names - March: meaning, origin

A girl born in March needs constant care. She is characterized by shyness and tenderness, reminiscent of the uncertain first spring sunny days. Girls, like primroses, make their way into life. But for this they need to constantly strengthen their spirit.

March-born girl is weak and vulnerable

"March" girls, having got into a conflict situation, prefer to find a compromise solution. They adapt well to the prevailing circumstances. It's easy to hurt them.

Calendar names for March for girls and their meaning

March 1 Valentine strong latin
2nd of March Anna grace jewish
Nina brave girl spanish
Marianne sad beauty jewish
March, 3rd Camilla noble latin
4 march Alexandra protector of people greek
March, 6 Barbara foreigner greek
Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
Irina prepossessing; peaceful greek
7 march Anfisa blooming greek
9th of March flawless greek
10th of March Anna grace jewish
March 11th Theresa protection greek
12 march Marina loving the ocean; sea latin
Kira madam greek
Victoria winner latin
March 14th Hope hope; beginning of life russian
Daria gift of god jewish
Matryona noble woman russian
Antonina engaging in battle latin
Olga saint; great; perfect latin
Anna grace jewish
March 16 Martha noble woman aramaic
March 17 Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Yulia curly greek
March 18 Iraida hero's daughter greek
19 march Helena beautiful; light; chosen greek
20th of March Hope hope; beginning of life russian
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Capitolina capitoline latin
Antonina engaging in battle latin
Ksenia guest greek
Catherine clean; great; domineering greek
Matryona noble woman russian
Anna grace jewish
March 22 Alexandra protector of people greek
Natalia dear; born on christmas latin
Alina noble ancient germanic
Olesya protector ukrainian
23 march Victoria winner latin
Galina calm greek
Nika victorious greek
Vasilisa princess greek
Anastasia resurrection greek
Theodora gifted by God italian
March 24 Karina flawless greek
Bertha bright ancient germanic
26 March Christina follower of Christ greek
28 march Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
March 30 Marina loving the ocean; sea latin
March 31 Natalia dear; born on christmas latin
Cornelia with character latin

Calendar names - April: meaning, origin

April girls are stubborn and love to dictate their terms. This month, all living things throw out the forces accumulated during the winter hibernation. Children born in April are distinguished by determination and perseverance.

They are often lucky in all endeavors. Since the girls of April have a strong cheerful character, they have many friends. But since their “own” persona is most important to them, problems may arise in communicating with others.

April girl needs a soft name

When choosing a name for a baby, give preference to the softest options. This will help the girl show her femininity and tolerance.

Names for April according to the calendar for a girl and their meaning

April 1st Illaria funny greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Daria gift of god jewish
Matryona noble woman russian
Sofia wisdom greek
April 2 Alexandra protector of people greek
Feodosia God given greek
Claudia stubborn latin
Yulia curly greek
Svetlana bright slavic
Olesya protector ukrainian
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
April, 4 Pauline released greek
Aglaida shining greek
Daria gift of god jewish
Taisiya wise greek
5th of April Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Lydia musical italian
Barbara foreigner greek
Anastasia resurrection greek
8 april Anna grace jewish
Alla invincible gothic
Larissa gull greek
9 april Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
April 10th Marina loving the ocean; sea latin
13 april Miroslava famous all over the world slavic
14th of April Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
16 april Feodosia God given greek
17 april Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
April 18th Theodora gifted by God italian
20 April Evdokia favor greek
25th of April Afanasy immortal greek
26 April Martha noble woman aramaic
Alina noble ancient germanic
28 april Vasilisa princess greek
Anastasia resurrection greek
April 29 Irina prepossessing; peaceful greek
Susanna lily jewish
Victoria winner latin
Galina calm greek
Aglaya shining greek
Tamara regal jewish
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Karina flawless greek
Anna grace jewish
Nika victorious greek
Vasilisa princess greek
Martha noble woman aramaic
Arina world greek

Names according to the calendar - May: meaning, origin

Girls born in May sometimes lack the patience to resolve a conflict situation with a compromise. They are principled, stubborn and smart. Their optimistic attitude helps to maintain inner harmony.

May girls are optimists

The name for a girl who was born in May should neutralize negative character traits and soften a strong disposition. By choosing the right name for the proud daughter, the parents will facilitate the process of raising the baby.

Calendar names for a girl born in May

1st of May Tamara regal jewish
May 2 Matryona noble woman russian
May 3 Violet violet italian
the 6th of May Alexandra protector of people greek
Valeria born healthy latin
Olesya protector ukrainian
May 7 Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
May 8 Victoria winner latin
May 9 Matryona noble woman russian
Glafira graceful greek
May 10 Anastasia resurrection greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
May 11 Anna grace jewish
May 14 Tamara regal jewish
Nina brave girl spanish
May 15 Zoya cheerful greek
16th of May Yulia curly greek
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
May 17 Pelageya sea greek
May 18 Arina world greek
Irina prepossessing; peaceful greek
May 20 Caroline queen german
May, 23rd Taisiya wise greek
26 of May Arina world greek
Irina prepossessing; peaceful greek
Glyceria sweet greek
May 29 Alina noble ancient germanic
May 30 Evdokia favor greek
Efrosinya joy greek
May 31 Faina shining greek
Christina follower of Christ greek
Matryona noble woman russian
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Alexandra protector of people greek
Olesya protector ukrainian
Claudia stubborn latin
Yulia curly greek
Camilla noble latin

The girl's hard temper is softened by a soft name

Calendar names - June: meaning, origin

In June, timid girls are born. The June calendar contains the names of the heavenly patrons for babies, who will have a positive impact on the fate of the baby.
"June" girls are extremely careful.

"June" girls are naive and sensitive

May be naive. Girls born in June have a trembling and vulnerable soul. Any setbacks and problems are difficult to bear.

Such girls, even as they grow up, need parental protection and moral support. However, June girls are not weak-willed: in difficult life situations, they show courage and determination.

Calendar names for girls born in June

2 June Matryona noble woman russian
June 3 Helena beautiful; light; chosen greek
Alyona beloved gallic
June 5th Efrosinya joy greek
June 6 Ulyana owned by Julia latin
June 7 Helena beautiful; light; chosen greek
June 8 Alyona beloved gallic
Helena beautiful; light; chosen greek
the 9th of June Theodora gifted by God italian
June 10th Helena beautiful; light; chosen greek
Diana divine latin
Diana divine latin
June 14 Vera true latin
Alina noble ancient germanic
June 15 Yulia curly greek
Alice noble ancient germanic
June 16 Alina noble ancient germanic
Paul baby latin
June 20 Valeria born healthy latin
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
June, 22 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Martha noble woman aramaic
June 23rd Antonina engaging in battle latin
June 25 Anna grace jewish
June 26 Antonina engaging in battle latin
Pelageya sea greek
Alexandra protector of people greek
Anna grace jewish
June 29 Angelica angelic latin
30 June Pelageya sea greek

Calendar names - July: meaning, origin

In July, sensitive individuals are born. When choosing a name for a girl born in June according to the calendar, try to take into account all the character flaws that will surely make themselves felt over time.

July girl is overly sensitive

The "correct" name for a July girl should not sound soft and tender: those born in July are already characterized by sensitivity and heightened impressionability.

July girls know how to win over those around them with their kind attitude. The name should not further weaken the will of such a vulnerable and creative nature. It is better to choose a name with a “hard” sound that has a positive meaning. So the girl will develop a persistent character, gain confidence in her abilities.

Calendar names for girls born in July

July 2 Alina noble ancient germanic
3 July Rimma roman latin
Inna stormy water flow greek
4th of July Bella beauty latin
5'th of July Yulia curly greek
Zinaida belonging to Zeus greek
6 july Agrippina woeful latin
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
7 july Olga saint; great; perfect latin
July 10 Yana blooming greek
Anna grace jewish
the 14 th of July Angelina angel greek
July 15 Angelica angelic latin
July 17th Martha noble woman aramaic
Feodosia God given greek
Anastasia resurrection greek
Olesya protector ukrainian
Tatyana organizer greek
Alexandra protector of people greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
July 18 Anna grace jewish
Barbara foreigner greek
Camilla noble latin
Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
July 19 Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Martha noble woman aramaic
Marina loving the ocean; sea latin
Yulia curly greek
July 20 Evdokia favor greek
Efrosinya joy greek
July 24 Helena beautiful; light; chosen greek
Olga saint; great; perfect latin
Alyona beloved gallic
July 25 Veronica clean image latin
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
July 29 Valentine strong latin
Matryona noble woman russian
Yulia curly greek
July 30 Marina loving the ocean; sea latin
Margarita pearl latin

Calendar names - August: meaning, origin

A girl born in August needs to choose a cash name, because the last summer month gives the world people striving for freedom and leadership

Born in August are leaders by nature

August girls are intelligent and perceptive, they have many friends at school. It is important for them to be in the spotlight and be illuminated by the rays of glory. Girls have a pronounced dependence on public opinion. In the future, such individuals achieve success on their own. A charismatic girl with a name that can support her high self-esteem

Calendar names for girls born in August

August 2 Karina flawless greek
August 3rd Anna grace jewish
4 August Alina noble ancient germanic
Maria136 bitter, stubborn biblical
6 August Christina follower of Christ greek
August 7 Anna grace jewish
Iraida hero's daughter greek
August 9 Anfisa blooming greek
10th of August Arina world greek
Anastasia resurrection greek
Helena beautiful; light; chosen greek
Anna grace jewish
11th August Feodosia God given greek
13 august Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
Anna grace jewish
Yulia curly greek
14 august Sofia wisdom greek
17 August Arina world greek
Evdokia favor greek
August 18 Daria gift of god jewish
Evdokia favor greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
August 22 Arina world greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Margarita pearl latin
24 August Susanna lily jewish
August, 26th Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer ukrainian
Arina world greek
August 27 Eve a life jewish
Feodosia God given greek
Evdokia favor greek
August 28 Sofia wisdom greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
August 29 Anna grace jewish
August 30 Yulia curly greek
Ulyana owned by Julia latin

Calendar names - September: meaning, origin

Girls born in September are characterized by such qualities as dedication and hard work. "September" girls prefer not to enter into conflict situations. And if it is not possible to avoid a quarrel, then they are able to flare up just "from scratch"

“September” girl should not be called a catchy name. This will only increase qualities such as imbalance and irritability.

Calendar names for girls born in September

September 3 Martha noble woman aramaic
6 September Kira madam greek
8 September Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Natalia dear; born on christmas latin
9th of September Anfisa blooming greek
10 September Anna grace jewish
12-th of September Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
Victoria winner latin
14 september Martha noble woman aramaic
Tatyana organizer greek
Natalia dear; born on christmas latin
September 15th Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer ukrainian
Karina flawless greek
Ksenia guest greek
16 of September Vasilisa princess greek
September 17 Helena beautiful; light; chosen greek
September 18 Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
Iraida hero's daughter greek
September 20 Agatha kind greek
September 21st Sofia wisdom greek
September 22nd Anna grace jewish
23 September Tatyana organizer greek
September 24 Theodora gifted by God italian
September 28 Evdokia favor greek
Ludmila dear to people slavic
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
September 29 Ludmila dear to people slavic
Alina noble ancient germanic
September 30th Sofia wisdom greek
Alexandra protector of people greek
Hope hope; beginning of life russian
Vera TRUE latin
Irina prepossessing; peaceful greek

Calendar names - October: meaning, origin

The "October" girls are little realists who do not tend to take everything for granted. They are ready to be convinced of everything in practice. Possessing a clear mind and calm disposition, the September girls easily cope with the school curriculum. They are pragmatists who learn from their mistakes.

The girl will grow up wise and persistent if in her character the masculine qualities are balanced by a soft and feminine name

Calendar names for girls born in October

1 october Arina world greek
Irina prepossessing; peaceful greek
Sofia wisdom greek
2 October Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
6 october Ksenia guest greek
Iraida hero's daughter greek
October 8 Efrosinya joy greek
10 october Zinaida belonging to Zeus greek
October 11 Tatyana organizer greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Anna grace jewish
13 october Alexandra protector of people greek
Pauline released greek
Olesya protector ukrainian
15 october Anna grace jewish
17 October Karina flawless greek
Veronica clean image latin
The 20th of October Pelageya sea greek
October 21 Angelica angelic latin
Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
Hope hope; beginning of life russian
Taisiya wise greek
Tatyana organizer greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Pelageya sea greek
22 of October Afanasy immortal greek
October 24 Zinaida belonging to Zeus greek
Victoria winner latin
the 25th of October Miroslava famous all over the world slavic
29th of October Violet violet italian
October 31 Marina loving the ocean; sea latin
Elizabeth Honoring God jewish

Calendar names - November: meaning, origin

The girls of November have a complex character. In gloomy and harsh November weather, girls are born, who are distinguished by a cool temper.

They are determined and determined. Become selfish with age. Success in life is easy. They know how to extract practical benefits in all matters.

The name should not be too "harsh", as this will negatively affect the formation of the girl's personality: all her negative traits will come to the surface. Soften the character of a soft name

Calendar names for girls born in November

the 3rd of November Pelageya sea greek
November 4th Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
Glyceria sweet greek
Anna grace jewish
Feodosia God given greek
November 5 Euphrosinia joy greek
7 November Matryona noble woman russian
Karina flawless greek
Anastasia resurrection greek
November 9 Capitolina capitoline latin
11th of November Agafia chaste greek
Anna grace jewish
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Anastasia resurrection greek
12 november Anastasia resurrection greek
Helena beautiful; light; chosen greek
Alyona beloved gallic
14 november Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Yulia curly greek
Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
November 16 Evdokia favor greek
17 november Victoria winner latin
November 19 Alexandra protector of people greek
Nina brave girl spanish
Claudia stubborn latin
Matryona noble woman russian
Olesya protector ukrainian
20 November Elizabeth Honoring God jewish
November 22 Matryona noble woman russian
Feoktista created by god greek
23 november Anna grace jewish
Olga saint; great; perfect latin
Feoktista created by god greek
November 25 Karina flawless greek
November 27 Theodora gifted by God italian
Anna grace jewish

Names according to the calendar - December: meaning, origin

The name for the "December" girl should emphasize her dignity. December girls are often explosive. They are capable of a sudden outburst of aggression, but also instantly their anger subsides. They cannot be angry for a long time, because they are naturally kind and not vindictive. They are straightforward and honest.

The name for the "December" girl should not be "airy". It should emphasize the inner dignity of its bearer. A "hard" name will add firmness to the character, reduce the already small share of the femininity of its owner

Calendar names for girls born in December

December 3 Anna grace jewish
Tatyana organizer greek
December 6 Alice noble ancient germanic
7 december Catherine clean; great; domineering greek
August divine latin
December 15th Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Margarita pearl latin
Matryona noble woman russian
Tamara regal jewish
Vera TRUE latin
Antonina engaging in battle latin
December 17 Catherine clean; great; domineering greek
Barbara foreigner greek
Anastasia resurrection greek
Yulia curly greek
Ulyana owned by Julia latin
Kira madam greek
21 December Anfisa blooming greek
December 22 Efrosinya joy greek
Anna grace jewish
December 23rd Olesya protector ukrainian
Victoria winner latin
Alexandra protector of people greek
Angelina angel greek
Tatyana organizer greek
Evdokia favor greek
Anna grace jewish
December 28th Yana blooming greek
December 29th Marina loving the ocean; sea latin
Sofia wisdom greek
December, 31st Karina flawless greek
Zoya cheerful greek
Vera TRUE latin

Video: Orthodox Calendar - Saints

October born people draw a clear line between business and friendship. They are very pragmatic, circumspect and practical. They are good at running a business: even if they start it from scratch, they quickly “beat off” all costs. October women make good leaders.

Girls, more often than not, easily converge with people. For the sake of their real friends, they are ready for crazy deeds. But with relatives, they do not always improve relations. The point is most likely that such girls try to look at the world objectively, looking at people and various situations from different positions, respectively, they perceive even the closest relatives as ordinary people with their own shortcomings and merits. The integrity of girls born in October does not allow them to turn a blind eye to some of the actions and decisions of relatives and friends, which often leads to unpleasant and stormy showdowns in the family.

All decisions of the October girls are always considered and weighed, they are not inclined to hasty conclusions. Sometimes it can even bother them, because such an approach dulls emotions. As a result, in situations where the mind is not the best advisor, those born in October do not know how to do the right thing.

How do I choose a name?

Most often, October women become the heads of their families, preferring to control all areas of their lives. At the same time, they constantly motivate their spouses to develop and change, but they are not given actual power in the relationship. If something goes wrong in the family, October women are ready to endlessly work on relationships, make unimaginable efforts to “fix” everything. However, they will never forgive betrayal, betrayal or cowardice.

Women born in the middle of autumn make good, albeit strict, mothers. They are diligently engaged in the development of their children, looking for good kindergartens and schools, enrolling children in various circles. October women try to provide their children with everything they need and are ready to put in a lot of effort for this.

The best names for girls born in October are Sophia, Irina, Anna, Taisia, Veronica, Zdata, Ariadna, Pelageya and Marianna. All of these names have a very soft, feminine energy that can soften and smooth out the sharp edges of the character of October girls.

We know that "as you name the ship, so it will float." More than one parent "broke spears", trying to come up with a name for their child even before birth. After all, this is not such a simple matter as it might seem. When giving a name to boys, you need to think about how it will sound in the patronymic of his descendants. For girls, the name should reflect their beauty and femininity. In this difficult question, mothers and fathers often adopt horoscopes, numerology, and saints. And they, in turn, are tied to the date of birth. Let's see what the names of girls born in October can be, by "horoscopic affiliation".

"What's in a name?"

Often, parents give in to fashion trends and trends, being tempted by the next. At the same time, they do not even go deep into the topic to find out what it means. After all, any name is not an arbitrary set of letters, but an “encrypted” meaning in it. For example, Victoria means “victory”, “winner”; name Lyudmila - dear to people, Elena - bright, chosen, etc.

Therefore, before naming the baby, you need to ask about the meaning of the chosen name. Especially if this is a future woman, because for the fairer sex the name is a visiting card that constitutes an image.

Girls names

People born in October are considered successful, adventurous and witty individuals. This month, such signs of the zodiac as Libra dominate from October 1 to 23, Scorpio - from October 24 to 31. What are the names of girls born in October? It is believed that there are names that are most favorable for a particular horoscope sign. If the baby is called one of them, then his life will develop harmoniously, successfully, will pass without any particular shocks.

"Horoscopic" names of girls born in October. Scorpio

If the girl is Scorpio, then the following names are suitable for her: Anastasia, Ada, Varvara, Bronislava, Stella, Mirra, Maria, Marianna, Frida, Emma, \u200b\u200bDora. These are the best. There are more than 180 of them.

The "horoscopic" name of a girl born in October. Libra

If the baby was born in the period from October 1 to October 23, then she can be named one of the following names: Angela, Bella, Beata, Vilena, Vera, Dominika, Daria, Eugene, Yesenia, Elena, Klavdia, Klena, Karolina, Kupava, Kapitolina, Christina, Lyudmila, Lubomira, Milena, Sophia, Svetlana, Emilia, Ella, Elmira, Elvira, Julia.

In general, the name of a girl born in October should not be short or long. It is also necessary to avoid "exotic" and, conversely, too "simple" and ordinary names. After all, the Libra representatives are wayward, capricious and not available to ordinary men. They adore a luxurious life, expensive things, and the main goal of their life is a successful marriage, enduring passion and love. Libra women have a sexy appearance, surprisingly feminine physique and "killing" magnetism. That is why they acquire a crowd of fans at an early age. However, not each of them is given to be elected: she will never be with someone who does not provide her with a luxurious and comfortable life. That's all about the "horoscopic" names of girls. They were born in October or in November - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to give your child the best name, which he would not be ashamed of later, but would wear it with dignity.

Let the cold weather, rain, wind and endless leaf fall outside the window. But not everyone finds such a month as October sad and boring. Someone is impatiently awaiting its onset, as soon a miracle should happen - the birth of a daughter. In connection with this event, a logical question arises - how to name a girl born in October?

Let's turn to the opinion of experts on this matter. The most popular is the advice about harmonious. It is also desirable that the name corresponds to the nationality of the child and is sufficiently modern. Of course, any of the existing names is beautiful in its own way, but by calling your daughter, for example, Desdemona, you risk creating many unnecessary problems in her life.

So, let's find out, born in October? Various criteria can be used. For example, focusing on the sign of the zodiac, or church calendar, or maybe you like the names of your ancestors. Any name you choose will certainly have an impact on the fate of the little princess, but the tenderness of her parents will also have an even greater importance in her life.

Once upon a time, during the revolution, many girls born in October received such a name as Oktyabrina. At that time, it was a fairly popular option. And the question of how to name a girl born in October was completely irrelevant. Agree that today the sound of this name is not entirely appropriate and makes people around smile.

Astrological characteristics of those born in October

Most of the month of October belongs to the zodiac sign Libra. Astrologers note that people born this month are distinguished by enviable pragmatism. They are suitable for such areas of activity as finance and business, as well as jurisprudence and everything related to management. Moreover, in these areas they are able to achieve significant heights. But do not think that children born in October will grow into zealous careerists. Family is also very important to them. Performing feats at work, they gladly return to a cozy family nest. And without a reliable rear, they are unlikely to be able to achieve significant results. What else is typical for people whose birthday is in October? This is a strong character and an unconditional desire to subjugate everyone around. It is in connection with these qualities that Libra often has problems on the love front. They do not know how to forgive and give in. So, when choosing a name for your October daughter, try to focus on the opposite zodiacal qualities.

Perhaps in this way you will be able to achieve harmony and balance in the character of your baby.

May be as follows - Margarita, Ksenia, Anna, Irina, Ekaterina, Christina, Tatiana, Maria, Vera, Svetlana and Lyudmila.

But if you do not like any of the above, you can opt for the one that you like. In such a matter, it is impossible to make a mistake, since loving parents make decisions with the heart and with the help of some inexplicable intuition. What should you call a girl born in October? Only you yourself can answer this question. Weigh all the information received and make a decision more boldly.

In conclusion, I just want to wish your little ones health and great happiness!