How to beat Overwatch Mutiny on Legendary difficulty. Legendary Rebellion: Cargo Defense

The Overwatch Rebellion patch has added a completely new co-op to the game. The updated version of the King's Row map has two different versions of this arcade challenge that you can solve - one where you are limited to using Tracer, Angel, Reinhardt and Torbjorn, and another where you can mix the heroes as you wish.

While the normal difficulty level shouldn't give you too much trouble - and we'd definitely recommend picking it for your first time - the additional difficulty settings can turn this into an extremely frantic series of gunfights. Legendary is the hardest option, and will give even the most capable players a challenge.

This advanced guide is designed to help you end your rebellion in this most challenging situation, but the recommendations, of course, boil down to the hard tasks. Generally speaking, you should be worried about higher health and stronger damage, not different waves of the enemy.

It is based on a video put together by the talented team on the YouTube channel Your Overwatch, and we recommend that you watch the video we have embedded as it will make the experience so much easier. It's worth subscribing to them as well, as they produce a constant stream of top-notch Overwatch content.

Legendary Rebellion: Crew Composition

First of all, this is the command configuration. In the video we highlight, it's important to note that the team is switching Tracer to Bastion. She's super soft, and he's a constant source of constant damage, which makes it a very smart change. Angel should give the damage boost to Bastion whenever possible, but, you know, don't let people die ...

Legendary Rebellion: Hacking Defense Systems

At the first point, Bastion can park with a view of both doors and shoot at approaching enemies. The same goes for the second point, where you can park at the top of the terminal, face the opponents and just kill the attackers while the team helps as much as possible. Just keep an eye on the activity around you and be prepared to change your goals accordingly.

At the third and final point, just stand on the terminal and kill the attackers as you approach. Torbjorn can place his tower along one side to catch flanking attackers, while Reinhardt can use Flame Strike to clear smaller waves - just remember to protect those who need it as soon as possible if you are tanking ...

Legendary Rebellion: Cargo Defense

When positioning for the cargo defense stage, Bastion is at the top and slightly off to the side of the cargo, the most useful option is to make sure you have a clear perspective for the respawn work. Torbjorn can place his tower near the phone box, so it focuses well on Bastion when he spawns in this corner opposite.

Always focus on spherical detonators as they will deal massive damage to the payload if they hit. When the first Bastion appears directly in front of the cargo, everyone should pile on and deal damage as soon as possible. When the second Bastion arrives, you may need to use an ultimate or two to control the carnage. Otherwise, just keep prioritizing the bastions whenever they spawn and focus detonators if necessary.

Legendary Rebellion: Cargo Shift

At this stage, it is vital that you constantly check the full 180 degrees for unexpected attacks. Stick to the load and make sure that it does not receive any harm for an extended period of time. Your priority targets here will be Bastions in Tanks. Note that one appears from the subway as you pass the last corner and approach the checkpoint - it's hard to focus when it appears.

Legendary Rebellion: Final Stage Survival

Get Reinhardt to block the entrance and then kill the first Orisa as soon as possible. When she dies, move to the right wall and deal with the Bastion as quickly as possible. Getting to grips with these two things quickly will make the rest of this section a lot easier.

Look quickly at the corner on the finish line and you will see another Orisa unit. Try to move her away from the right position on the wall, and Reinhardt will protect the gap that you are viewing. As soon as it falls, go along the wall opposite, and take out another Bastion, which is located opposite you.

Then go to the left side and get ready to fight the last pair of Orisa units. Crawl along this edge looking out to deal with any enemy units that you can safely kill from a relative safety position.

Let's take a trip back in time and relive the events of the glorious past once again! The Rebellion in-game event will run in Overwatch until May 1, 2017. Take part in the first Tracer mission in a new co-op brawl and experience the Overwatch legacy by claiming themed items from special containers! Skins, the best moments of the match, emotions and graffiti ... - there will be more than a hundred of them! Hurry up to get them before they (again) become history!

History of the King's Row mutiny

Step back seven years and, as part of a group of Overwatch agents, crush the Omnik rebellion on the streets of King's Row, launched by the extremist organization Zero Sector. Team up with friends and together with Tracer, Torbjorn, Reinhardt and Angel, free the city from the robots terrorizing it. There will be no reinforcements. Defeat is unacceptable. The future depends on you!

Developers' news on the Mutiny event

Immerse yourself in the events of Overwatch's glorious past! Jeff Kaplan talks about the new Overwatch in-game event, Mutiny, where you can take part in a turning point in the history of the organization even before it was disbanded.

On Legendary difficulty. Event history, enemy classification, general recommendations and detailed tactics of playing for Tracer, Torbjorn, Reinhardt and Angel.


We go seven years in the past when a group of omnic terrorists "Zero Sector" rebelled and took hostages in one of the districts of London - King's Row. An Overwatch squad consisting of Tracer, Torbjorn, Reinhardt and Angel must suppress the rebellion and free the hostages. To solve this problem, they will need to hack into three terminals that control anti-aircraft guns, escort the cargo to the gate of the plant and clean it of all aggressive robots located there.


  • Stormtroopers - common humanoid omniks. They have a weak ranged attack and are dangerous only in large clusters if the team concentrates their efforts on higher priority targets. The weak point is the head. Die with one burst of Tracer pulse pistols.
  • Lancets - miniature dog-like omniks, the main purpose of which is to destroy the load. Easily destroyed with Torbjorn's alternative nailfire and Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer.
  • Liquidators - dangerous omniks with strong ranged attack and Energy barriers. Have a vulnerable power core on their back when using the barrier and their head when the barrier is destroyed. The easiest way to destroy the Tracer is from the back or with the Reinhardt Dash.
  • Detonators - large spherical bombs, explode a couple of seconds after contact with the load. The easiest way is to shield the exploding Detonator from the cargo with the Reinhardt Energy Barrier, or to take it away during preparation for the explosion with the Dash.
  • Bastions in turret mode - extremely dangerous omniks with a strong ranged attack. They have a vulnerable power core on their backs. The easiest way to destroy the Tracer is from the back or with the Reinhardt Dash. If possible, they should use Reinhardt Earthquake or Tracer Pulse Bomb.
  • Bastions in tank mode - even more dangerous omnics with a strong attack. If possible, they should use Reinhardt Earthquake or Tracer Pulse Bomb.
  • OR-14 - slow-moving omnics, they know how to set up force barriers on the ground and use a graviton charge that pulls and slows down players. The weak point is the head.

Using the Jump, the Tracer can move behind the backs of the Eliminators and quickly destroy their Energy Barriers by bursting into a vulnerable force core. In addition, the Energy Barrier is destroyed after being hit by Reinhardt's Dash.
Sometimes it’s worth waiting before starting the next phase while Torbjorn is stocking up on spare parts to create armor sets for the team.
Omniks can be shot while they get out of their descent pods and are brought into combat mode. Even an Angel can shoot them with his blaster.
During manual resurrection, it is better to cover yourself with Reinhardt's Energy Barrier. Torbjorn using Overheat can resurrect without risking being quickly killed.

Passage tactics

Phase 1 (Hack # 1)

This is obviously the easiest phase, even on Legendary difficulty.

  • Tracer: It can usually be located on the stairs or near the main entrance behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier.
  • Torbjorn: Places his turret near the terminal. From there, he can kill the omniks who entered the garage from the stairs, and from the main entrance, if one of them passes by Reinhardt and Tracer.
  • Reinhardt: Covers the main entrance, protecting the team with an Energy Barrier or destroying clusters of omniks.
  • Angel: Provides support to the team from the main entrance and Torbjorn's position.

Phase 2 (Hack # 2)

This phase is a little more difficult than the first, but with coordinated team actions, it is quite easy to go through. If necessary, hide in a building near the terminal when Reinhardt Energy Barrier is recharging.

  • Tracer: It is located closer to the entrance to the cathedral and destroys the attack aircraft and liquidators with shields that appear from the back. If necessary, returning to the terminal to heal or destroy the omniks that appeared there.
  • Torbjorn: Places his turret near the terminal. Provides sets of armor for Angel and Tracer. Keeps track of omniks coming from the opposite side of the cathedral.
  • Reinhardt: Protects Angel and Torbjorn with Energy Barrier near the terminal. Can use Earthquake on the liquidator that appears.
  • Angel: Provides support to allies while near the terminal.

Phase 3 (Hack # 3)

Start breaking into terminal # 3 only when all the omnics of the previous phase have already been destroyed. The group of omniks in front of the cathedral is quickly destroyed by Tracer's Pulse Bomb.

  • Tracer: It is located on the stairs and helps to destroy the omniks at the main entrance to the cathedral. Priority Target - Assassins, which can use Pulse Bomb when ready.
  • Torbjorn: Protects the main entrance to the cathedral by placing a turret near it at the top of the left balcony. Provides sets of armor for Angel and Tracer. If desired, he can install a turret near one of the protective structures near the terminal. Uses Overheating when multiple Liquidators appear in range.
  • Reinhardt: Protects Angel and Torbjorn with Energy Barrier near the terminal or keeps the main entrance to the cathedral on the left side. If possible, use the Dash on the Liquidators and the Fire Strike on the clusters of omniks at the main entrance.
  • Angel: It is located in the terminal area and increases the damage done to Reinhardt or Tracer. If necessary, he uses Resurrection, since by the next phase it will have time to recover.

Phase 4 (Escort # 1)

One of the most difficult phases in the mode. It is necessary to defend the cargo from the omnic attack until it is ready for dispatch. The main danger in the fourth phase is Bastions in turret mode. The team must concentrate all efforts on their early destruction, using the Dash and Reinhardt Earthquake or the Tracer Pulse Bomb. In the interval between the appearance of the Bastions, the ultimate abilities must have time to recover.
Detonators appear when there is still 2:50 , 2:30 and 0:20 ... Bastions appear when there is still 1:50 , 1:30 and 0:20 ... At the end of the phase, the strength of the load should be approximately 50-75%, this should be enough for phase 4.

  • Tracer: Moves and clears from the omniks the right arched passage and the left passage near the phase 2 anti-aircraft gun (the future pedestal and monument to Tekhart Mondatta). The Pulse Bomb must always be ready to destroy the Bastions. The priority targets are Stormtroopers and Liquidators, the Lancets are Torbjorn's care and are destroyed only if there are no other targets. If possible, you must remain in line of sight of the Angel.
  • Torbjorn: Places its turret on a platform with a load, near a car, or on a balcony on the left side (from the side of a phase 2 anti-aircraft gun). If the turret is placed on the balcony, it will be necessary to use Overheat to repair it. Destroy the Lancets near the cargo with the alternative fire of the Nailgunner, and the Stormtroopers and Liquidators with the main one. When Bastion appears, concentrate fire on it.
  • Reinhardt: Mainly protects Torbjorn and his turret near the cargo. When the Bastion appears, it uses the Dash and the Earthquake, and the exploding Detonator is fenced off from the cargo by the Energy Barrier or taken away with the Dash.
  • Angel: Located behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier near the cargo or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway opposite the cargo. Increases the damage dealt to Tracer whenever possible. Use Resurrection wisely, for example, if Tracer died at a distance from the team or several people were killed at once, but it is better to return one Torbjorn to the battle in manual mode under the guise of Reinhardt.

Phase 4 (Escort # 2)

Quite a difficult phase. The main danger will be Bastions in tank mode. In this phase, it is preferable to keep everyone together, hiding behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier.

  • Tracer: If possible, it is necessary to hold on to the Reinhardt Energy Barrier, since without a set of Torbjorn's armor, Bastion in tank mode can kill with one hit.
  • Torbjorn: Places its turret on a movable platform with a load. In this phase, more attention should be paid to the destruction of omniks with your own hands, being distracted by the repair of the turret only during short breaks.
  • Reinhardt: Protects allies with an Energy Barrier. In this phase, the barrier is especially critical, since Bastions in tank mode can kill the entire team in a matter of seconds. In addition, during this phase it will be necessary to fence off the cargo with an Energy Barrier or take away several Detonators with the help of a Dash.
  • Angel: Supports allies by healing them and increasing Tracer's damage. Use Resurrection if several people fall at once.

Phase 5 (Final Battle)

The hardest phase in the mode. In this phase, you need to destroy 4 OR-14 omnics in 4 minutes.
A special trick for completing this phase is that the first OR-14 omnica needs to be moved with the help of Reinhardt's Dash outside the factory territory through the destroyed gate. When OR-14 is behind, you can start clearing the premises from the Bastions in turret mode. The first Bastion in turret mode in the right aisle is destroyed very quickly by joint efforts. Then the team moves to the second Bastion in the left aisle, which can be dealt with by Tracer alone, jumping out from around the corner and unloading his pulse pistols into it. Then the distant Bastion is destroyed by joint efforts. After that, you can begin to destroy the OR-14. In addition, Bastions will periodically appear in tank mode. You need to switch to them, hide behind Reinhardt's Energy Barrier, use Earthquake and other ultimates.

  • Tracer: Destroys the Omniks and tries to survive the attacks of the Bastions in tank mode behind the Reinhardt Energy Barrier. It is better to use a pulse bomb on Bastions in tank mode, since OR-14s do not pose a particular danger, and Bastions in turret mode without cover are destroyed quite quickly. In addition, it is advisable to have the Torbjorn set of armor, as it reduces the effectiveness of the regular attacks of Bastions in turret mode.
  • Torbjorn: Basically turns into an attacking character. There will be practically no time to build a turret and upgrade it to the second level. You may have to use Overheating even without a turret to destroy Bastions or revive allies under fire.
  • Reinhardt: Protects allies with an Energy Barrier. Dash is best used only on Bastions and OR-14.
  • Angel: Provides support to allies, healing them and increasing the damage of Tracer, especially when she destroys Bastions.
  • Today we're rewinding time and giving players the opportunity to discover the backstory of their favorite Overwatch heroes. Gather your friends and travel seven years in the past to take part in the first Tracer mission in a new PvE brawl. You can also collect over 100 declassified items from new containers, including skins, best of the match, emotes, graffiti and badges!

General changes


  • The collection now displays character backstories and information about some skins associated with the game's universe.
  • The reporting system has been redesigned to include new categories of violations, as well as examples of misbehavior to help players better describe their reasons for using the system.

    Introduced subtitles for in-game lines of heroes played during the "Mutiny" event. Subtitles can be turned on in the "Sound" section of the settings menu.

Competitive matches

  • For maps in "Capture points" and mixed modes ("Capture points" / "Tracking") added a new counter, which takes into account the progress of the capture. This will avoid draws.

  • Custom Game Mode match settings can now be saved using the function provided on the Game Info screen. You can access the info screen by right-clicking on either the map image in the Create Game menu or the game name in the Match Browser. Also the save button can be found in the options menu.
  • Now, when creating your game, you can change the capacity of the hero's weapon store.

Hero Changes


  • Sound Amplifier damage increased by 25%.
  • Sonic Amplifier projectile speed increased from 40 to 50.
  • When using alternate fire, the vertical position of the target relative to Lucio is now taken into account.
  • Crossfade range reduced from 30 to 10 meters.
  • The amount refilled per second. health "Healing melody" increased by 30% (including when using the ability "Full volume!").
  • Lucio's self-healing effectiveness reduced by 25%.
  • While riding on walls, Lucio's movement speed is increased by 20%.
  • Jumping off the wall gives Lucio a temporary movement speed boost.


  • Orisa's head hitbox size reduced by 15%.

Bug fixes

Are common

  • Fixed an issue that prevented hero lines from playing on maps in Object Control mode.

Competitive matches

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the top 500 player icons from displaying until a Competitive match was over.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from earning achievements during competitive matches between seasons.
  • Fixed an issue whereby the best moment in a match was often determined solely on the basis of the last round.

Custom Game and Match Browser

  • Fixed an issue that caused blocked spots for players to appear (for example, in 6v1 matches).
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the pause function from working after the player who created the match left.
  • Fixed an issue where command names could be too long.
  • Removed unnecessary game customization options (like cooldowns for abilities that do not require cooldowns).


  • Ana no longer cocks her gun after throwing a grenade.
  • Its golden weapon now shines less brightly when using the BlizzCon Bastion skin.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Mei's pinky finger to become unnatural in certain positions when using the Chang'e and Luna Appearances.


  • Fixed an issue whereby enemy outlines could be seen through a pile of debris at the castle gate on Eichenwald.
  • Fixed an issue whereby players could become stuck in the destroyed castle gate on Eichenwald.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Sombra to get into locations inaccessible to heroes on King's Row.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to enter locations inaccessible to heroes on the Lijiang Tower map in Capture the Flag mode.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Symmetra to place turrets at inaccessible locations on the Oasis map.