Calorie basil, fresh. Chemical composition and nutritional value

Basil fragrant It is used mainly as a gastric agent with a loss of appetite, meteorism and constipation. The benefits of basil in its composition, rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements with low calorie content.

Latin name: Ocimum Basilicum.

English name. Basil, Sweet Basil.

Family: GuboColic - Lamiaceae (LabiiaTae).

Used parts: grass.

Pharmacy name: Basilica Grass - Basilici.
Herba (Earlier: Herba Basilici), Basilic Essential Oil - Basilici Aetheroleum (Earlier: Oleum Basilici).

Botanical description. Basil is fragrant - annual plant, forming a branching bush about 50 cm in height. Egg-shaped leaves, all-string or slightly gear, long-coal. In the sinuses of the leaves there are false umbrellas of white, pink or purple flowers.

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The birthplace of the Basilica is India, but he quickly spread from there, although the north of the Alps look for him in a wild-minded state is useless. Here it is found only in the gardens or on plantations. It is sown in mid-May. The distance to the row between the plants should be 20-30 cm.

Since the basil germinates in the light, the seeds are only slightly covered with the earth. Shoots appear (with warm weather) already on the 10-14th day. It is necessary to ensure that the basil does not bother with weeds (loosening and regular watering are mean by themselves). Since the basil is fragrant unstable to cold, water for watering should be room temperature, estimated.

If this excellent spicy plant is grown in the room or on the balcony, we need sand-clay soil with a very small amount of mineral fertilizer (no more thimble on the flower pot). Protected from wind on the balcony or on the windowsill plants feel great. For therapeutic purposes, flowering plants are collected, and fresh leaves are suitable in the kitchen throughout the season of vegetation.

Structure: medical properties First of all, essential oil and tanning substances, as well as flavonoids.

Fresh Basil Food Value Table

Table 1 . The composition of 100 grams of fresh basil includes:

Water - 92.06 gr
Calorie - 23 kcal
Proteins (proteins) - 3.15 gr
Fat - 0.64 gr
Carbohydrates - 2.65 gr
Sugar - 0.30 gr
Sucrosis - 0.00 gr
Glucose (dextrose) - 0.02 gr
Maltosis - 0.00 gr
Fructose - 0.02 gr
- 1.6 gr
Ash - 1.49 gr
- 5275 UI
Betaine - 0.4 mg
- 0.034 mg
- 0.076 mg
- 0.902 mg
- 11.4 mg
- 0.209 mg
- 0.155 mg
- 68 μg
- 0.00 μg
- 18.0 mg
- 0.80 mg
Carotene, Alpha - 0 μg
Carotine, beta - 3142 μg
Kryptoksanthin, beta - 46 μg
Licopean - 0 μg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin - 5650 μg
Tocopherol (beta) - 0.00 mg
Tocopherol (gamma) - 0.16 mg
Tocopherol (Delta) - 0.00 mg
- 414.8 μg
- 3.17 mg
- 295 mg
- 177 mg
- 64 mg
- 1.148 mg
- 0.385 mg
- 4 mg
- 0.3 μg
- 56 mg
- 0.81 mg
Amino acids
Alanine - 0.132 gr
Arginine - 0.117 gr
Asparagic acid - 0.301 gr
Valin - 0.127 gr
GISTIDIN - 0.051 gr
Glycine - 0.122 gr
Glutamine Acid - 0.277 gr
Isolecin - 0.104 gr
Leucin - 0.191 gr
Lizin - 0.110 gr
Methionine - 0.036 gr
Proline - 0.104 gr
Serin - 0.099 gr
Tyrosine - 0.077 gr
Treonine - 0.104 gr
Tryptophan - 0.039 gr
Phenylalanine - 0.130 gr
Cystin - 0.028 gr

Dried Basil Food Table

Photo of dried basilica (spices).

Table 2 . The 100 gram of dried basil (spices) includes:

Water - 10.35 gr
Calorie - 233 kcal
Proteins (proteins) - 22.98 gr
Fat - 4.07 gr
Carbohydrates - 47.75 gr
Sugar - 1.71 gr
Sucrosis - 0.02 gr
Glucose (dextrose) - 0.75 gr
Maltosis - 0.00 gr
Fructose - 0.75 gr
- 37.7 G.
Ash - 14.85 gr
- 744 UI
Betaine - 16.1 mg
- 0.080 mg
- 1.200 mg.
- 4.900 mg
- 54.9 mg
- 0.838 mg
- 1.340 mg
- 310 μg
- 0.00 μg
- 0.8 mg
- 10.70 mg
Karotin, Alpha - 113 μg
Carotene, beta - 378 μg
Kryptoksanthin, beta - 24 μg
Licopean - 393 μg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin - 1150 μg
Tocopherol (beta) - 0.00 mg
Tocopherol (gamma) - 0.77 mg
Tocopherol (Delta) - 0.00 mg
- 1714.5 μg
Minerals (macro and trace elements)
- 89.80 mg
- 2630 mg
- 2240 mg
- 711 mg
- 9.800 mg
- 2.100 mg
- 76 mg
- 3.0 μg
- 274 mg
- 7.10 mg
Amino acids
Alanine - 1.180 gr
Arginine - 1.230 gr
Asparagic acid - 3.020 gr
Valin - 1.450 gr
GISTIDIN - 0.450 gr
Glycine - 1.250 gr
Glutamine Acid - 2.570 gr
Isolecin - 1.060 gr
Leucine - 1.850 gr
Lizin - 1.150 gr
Metionine - 0.320 gr
Proline - 2.700 gr
Serine - 0.530 gr
Tyrosine - 0.750 gr
Thronin - 0.760 gr
Tryptophan - 0.260 gr
Phenylalanine - 1.250 gr
Cystin - 0.190 gr

Medical properties and application. Infusion (tea) from basilica is usually prescribed when the abdomen and stomach disorder. This action recognizes the German Health Service of Germany. The absence of appetite, nervous disorders and insomnia is also indicated to use.

  • The recipe of molding tea from the basil of fragrant: 1-2 teaspoons with horseback riding Basilica pour 1/4 liters of boiling water, let it stand for 10-15 minutes, strain and drink a cup if necessary. Course of treatment for diseases of the stomach and intestines (especially in chronic meteorism): within 8 days drink daily twice a cup, then take a break for 14 days and drink 8 days again.
  • Decoction . The decoction helps with skin diseases, cold and as a means for washing the eyes. We take 15 grams of seeds or an overhead part of the basil and pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes in a water bath, cool for 10 minutes and filter through the gauze. Such a decoction must be taken every day three times of 70 ml before meals. If this decoction you want to apply for washing your eyes, then you need to dilute it with water in a one to one ratio (for example, 10 grams of water take 10 grams of water).
  • Infusion Basilica . Infusion is used as an expectorant and soothing agent. For its preparation you need to take 20 grams of flowers or leaves (you can also pour with one glass of boiled water, then put on water bath 15 minutes, then remove from the bath and leave for cold for 45 minutes. Do not forget to strain ready-made infusion. Such a means take 70 ml daily. Drink infusion within 30 minutes before meals.
  • Fresh basilica juice . From the leaves and flowers of the Basilica, you can make fresh juice for the normalization of digestion. It takes it 3 times a day before eating 20 ml. And to strengthen the teeth, such juice must be kept in the oral cavity for 2 minutes - and so a few sips in a row.

Photo of a purple basilica.

Eating as seasonings. Often medicinal plantsImproving digestion is used as a chain that give food a pleasant smell and taste. It applies to the Basilica to the full. Already with antiquity basil siny was valued as a soup greens in fresh form And as an improvement digestion spice for fatty dishes.

In the dietary kitchen, the basil helps to reduce salt consumption. It is especially good in combination with rosemary and sage for dishes from boiled or fried fish. Delicacy is considered all fresh green salads, seasoned with basil, soft cheeses and vegetable soupsShortly before the fillet on the table sprinkled finely sliced \u200b\u200bbazilic leaves. With this spice, it is worth experimenting.

Application in folk medicine. Basil scented is used mainly as a gastric agent with a loss of appetite, meteorism and constipation. Less often applied for diseases bladderMore often - as a rinsing with throat and in compresses with suppurations and poorly healing wounds.

Side effects. Basil is annoying the mucous membranes of all organs, it is for this reason that it cannot be applied in large quantities.

Contraindications. Basil is impossible to take pregnant women and people with a disturbed blood coagulation rate, with veins thrombosis.

Basil, freshit is rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin A - 29.3%, Bat caromethin - 62.8%, vitamin B9 - 17%, vitamin C - 20%, vitamin K - 345.7%, potassium - 11.8 %, calcium - 17.7%, magnesium - 16%, iron - 17.6%, manganese - 57.4%, cops - 38.5%

What is useful basil, fresh

  • Vitamin A Responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin health and eyes, maintaining immunity.
  • In carotine It is a provitamin A and has antioxidant properties. 6 μg beta-carotene is equivalent to 1 μg vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B9. As a coenzyme is involved in the metabolism of nucleic and amino acids. Folate deficiency leads to a violation of the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein, the consequence of the inhibition of growth and cell division, especially in rapidly proliferating tissues: bone marrow, intestinal epithelium, etc. Insufficient consumption of folate during pregnancy is one of the reasons, hypotrophy, congenital deformities and violations of the child's development. A pronounced link is shown between the level of folate, homocysteine \u200b\u200band the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Vitamin C Participates in oxidation and restorative reactions, the functioning of the immune system, contributes to the absorption of iron. The deficiency leads to the looseness and bleeding of the gums, nasal bleeding due to increased permeability and the incidence of blood capillaries.
  • Vitamin K. Adjusts blood intake. The lack of vitamin K leads to an increase in blood coagulation time, reduced prolromine in the blood.
  • Potassium It is the main intracellular ion that participates in the regulation of aquatic, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve pulses, pressure regulation.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, protrudes the regulator nervous system, Participates in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to the demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Magnesium Participates in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect for membranes, it is necessary to maintain calcium homeostasis, potassium and sodium. The lack of magnesium leads to hypomagniasia, raising the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Iron It is part of various proteins, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the flow of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobine-deficient atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
  • Manganese Participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of the enzymes comprising in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; We are needed for cholesterol and nucleotide synthesis. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by a slowdown in growth, disorders in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, impaired carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper It is part of the enzymes with the redox activity and the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the process of ensuring the tissues of the human body with oxygen. The deficit is manifested by impaired formation of cardio-vascular system and a skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
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Knowledge of the chemical composition allows you to adhere to the rules of balanced nutrition. Every day, a person should consume a certain rate of any nutrient for maintaining the operation of the internal organs.

Vitamins and mineral compounds warn the development of violations in the functional activity of the body systems, take part in metabolic processes. With their excess or deficit, the authorities cease to work correctly, which increases the risk of developing diseases, immunity is weakened.

The basilica also includes nutrients that need to be considered when developing a daily diet. Despite low calorie, the product satures with vegetable proteins, sugars, vitamins and microelements. It also includes mercury, so if you do not familiarize yourself with the composition of the Basilica and use it in large quantities, food intocication may occur.

Structure of plants

How many calories in 100 g?

Caloriciness per 100 grams of fresh product is 23 kcal. Basilica nutritional value is based on:

  • 3.2 g of proteins;
  • 0.65 g of fats;
  • 2.7 g of carbohydrates.

At the same time, the spices contain 92 g of water and 1.6 g of dietary fibers.

What vitamins are contained in spices?

The basilica includes the following vitamin compounds:

  • vitamin A and the predecessor of retinol - beta carotene;
  • vitamin Group B: thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic, folic and pantothenic acid, choline;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin K;
  • alpha Tokoporol.


Basil is characterized by low glycemic indexwhich is 5 units. Therefore, when drinking spices, the plasma glucose concentration is practically not increasing, which allows the use of basil to improve taste of dishes for patients diabetes 1 and 2 types.

Micro and macroelements

Basil contains many mineral substances.

Macroelements in its composition:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus.

Of the trace elements, the product includes zinc, selenium and manganese.

Is there a difference between violet and green varieties?

The number of minerals and vitamins in the composition different species Basilica is about the same. At the same time, the purple variety is characterized by a large content of organic acids, including vitamins C and PP, as well as essential oils. The difference between the products is manifested in their qualities:

  1. Taste. The green basil is characterized by a soft spicy taste, allowing it to add it both in hot dishes and in desserts. Due to the higher concentration of essential oils and organic acids, purple variety is distinguished by a saturated acutely sour taste.
  2. Aroma. Essential oils in the purple basilica give him a sharp smell. Their content in a green grade is smaller, so the latter has a weakly pronounced spicy aroma. Its composition is characterized by low content of the following substances: Melehavinola, camphor, eugenol, linalol.
  3. Color. Unlike the Green Basilica, the purple spices variety contains less chlorophyll. It includes a large number of anthocian pigments that give it the appropriate color.

Based on the chemical data

Benefit and harm

Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, basil brings the following benefit to human health:

  • organic acids suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • essential oils stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes, increase appetite, preparing the body for receiving heavy food;
  • reduces gas formation in the intestines;
  • accelerates intracellular metabolism;
  • removes spasms smooth and skeletal muscles;
  • improves nutrient suction in the small intestine;
  • accelerates the restoration of soft tissues, relieves swelling;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • improves memory and thinking due to the positive impact on the work of the nervous system;
  • cleans the digestive tract from slag masses and toxic compounds;
  • promotes weight loss due to the splitting of subcutaneous and visceral fat.

Basil is a natural aphrodisiac, so it improves the potency in men and increases libido in women.

At the same time, with improper use, the spice may harm the body. The abuse of the product increases the concentration of essential oils falling into the blood. They provide negative influence To work the heart, the state of vascular walls worsen and can lead to health problems with diabetes.

If there is a basil more than 50-70 g per day, it is possible to develop food poisoning. At the same time, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract occurs. Such a negative effect is due to the high content of mercury as part of the plant.

therefore daily rate Spices is 30 g per day, maximum 70 g for an adult without chronic diseases. Due to mercury, it is not recommended to use basil daily so that the harmful chemical element does not accumulate in the blood.


The use of basil is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to the product and high risk Development of allergies. The product includes many active compoundsThe human immune system can perceive as a threat to health. Such substances include essential oils, organic acids, camphor, laanalol and meelhavinol. As a result, skin rash may occur, accompanied by a strong itching and redness, swelling of the face, intestines, language and pharynx.
  2. Pregnancy. During this period, women have an unstable hormonal background. Basil increases the excitability of the nervous system, which is why a person can become irritable and aggressive. In such a state, the woman is easily subjected to stress. In addition, the spice increases the tone of the uterus, so it cannot be taken in the threat of miscarriage and premature birth.
  3. Nursing women. Essential oils and other potential allergens penetrate through the glands in Mother's milk and can get into the child's body. Children's immune system has not yet been formed finally, therefore, allergic appears in the body of unfamiliar nutrients.
  4. People with cardiovascular diseases: thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, ischemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension. A large number of essential oils negatively affects the operation of the circulatory system.


Because of the high content of organic acids, the basil is not recommended to eat with poor blood clotting. It increases the risk of internal bleeding.

Basil must be used in limited quantities - up to 30 g per day for an adult, weighing about 70 kg. This will avoid poisoning and get the maximum benefit from the use of the product. If correct is a spice, you can improve the process of digestion, speed up metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

Chemical composition Plants are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, tanning substances and minerals. Thanks to nutrients, the hormonal background is stabilized, the work of the nervous system is improved, soft tissues are restored faster from damage.

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Basil - in cooking fresh or dried leaves of several varieties of the plant of the same name. It is a popular vegetable culture in many countries of the world located in the regions with a tropical, subtropical and warm temperate climate. Used in the preparation of various dishes as seasonings or spices.


Of about 70 well-known science of varieties of basil with vegetable crops are just a few. In Europe, three types of basilica are popular - sweet (with big green leaves), Greek (more acute spicy taste, small leaves) and purple (less acute spicy taste). In turn, the Asian varieties of this sheet greenery are mostly represented by lemon (citrus flavor and aroma), Thai (intensive acute spicy taste and aroma) and sacred basil (taste of cloves).


In 100 grams of the leaf of the Basilica contains about 23 kcal.


The chemical composition of the Basil leaf is characterized by an increased content of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, vitamins (A, B3, B9, C, K), mineral (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, sodium) and phytopian substances (beta carotene, Cryptoksanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin).

How to cook and serve

As noted earlier, fresh and dried basil leaves used exclusively as modifier of taste and aroma are used in cooking. This sheet greens is one of the most popular ingredients in national kitchens of the countries of the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia. Most of the recipes using the Basilica involves cooking with cooking or extinguishing, as well as adding its leaves at the final stage of their preparation. This recommendation is related to the fact that long-term heat treatment negatively affects the content of essential oil basilica, which give the dish original taste and flavor. This restriction does not affect the popularity of this sheet greenery in cooking. A list of dishes in which the leaves of this plant are applied, extremely wide, ranging from vegetable stew and soups ending with sauces and fruit salads. The "versatility" of the Basilica is explained by the excellent combination of this sheet greenery with most foods.

In addition to the leaves in culinary purposes, the basil seeds are used. Some Asian countries are preparing soft drinks.

What combines

Basil is perfectly combined with any vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs.

How to choose

The main factors for choosing the basil is deep green, the absence on their surface of dark or yellowish spots, as well as the characteristic aroma of licorice or anise.


Fresh basil leaves should be stored in the refrigerator. In dried form, they must be placed in hermetically closing glass container, which should be in a dark cool place away from moisture and heat sources. In compliance with these conditions, the storage time of the dried basil is up to 6 months.

Beneficial features

In addition to the excellent gastronomic qualities, the Basil leaves are distinguished by a mass of beneficial properties. This is due to a chemical composition containing a large number of vital human biologically active substances. In particular, numerous basil essential oils have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. In addition, the regular use of this sheet greenery significantly slows the processes of aging, reduces the risk of age-related macular eye disease, improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, stimulates the process of forming bone tissues, normalizes the cardiac rhythm and arterial pressure, increases the level of hemoglobin.

Useful spice is known from ancient times. The ancient Greeks called the basil of "royal grass", while considering it the gift of the devil.

To lose the gods and ensure the harvest of spicy greenery, the Greek seats were obliged to shout curses and swear wildly. In Italy, on the contrary, the fragrant grass has become a symbol of beauty, love. Mexicans put a branch of the greenery under the pillow of her husband so that he does not look at other women. Basil is of different colors, from light green to brown. Coloring depends on the variety of plants.

Calorie Basilica

Calorie basilica 27 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful properties of Basilica

As part there are also food fibers, water, unsaturated fatty acids. The "tsarist grass" accelerates metabolism, suits people with overweight, perfectly complements various diets.

Unique aroma spice is obliged to high essential oils. In fresh leaves there may be up to 1.5%. Having a complex chemical composition, oils provide greens with a unique composition and useful properties. Basil is natural antibiotic. His tubyl and cleansing properties were actively used by ancienthearters. Claimed by leaves of this plant products are not spoiled.

Paintal properties allow you to use fragrant grass with almost all diseases. Fitonicides are removed toxic substances from the body. The large content of the vitamins of the group B ensures the correct operation of the nervous system. Minerals help all organism systems. The fiber contributes to the best digestion of food, uninterrupted intestinal work. Diuretic properties make the kidney work more productive.

The use of plants is shown to people with elevated cholesterol, headaches, gastritis. The spices have another important beneficial property. Little leaf cleans the unpleasant smell of mouth.

Along with the useful properties, there are restrictions on use. Plant is not recommended:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • people who have suffered a heart attack;
  • with thrombophlebitis, poor blood clotting.

How to choose basil

Fresh greenery leaves and stems should be elastic. Determine the aroma can be lost a sheet in the hands. At varieties of purple color, the aroma is brighter, saturated.

What to cook with basil

Cookins use fresh and dry greens. The most famous recipe that does not work out without fragrant leaves - Italian pesto sauce. Preparation of the Pizza "Margarita" also requires the addition of fragrant seasoning. The leaves are put in salads, soups, desserts, cocktails. They serve as an excellent addition to various types meat.

When preserving, the basil will become a wonderful flavoring for marinade. It is added to the sauer cabbage, pickled eggplants, Bulgarian pepper. Leaves reinforce the taste of another greenery: mint, coriander, etragon, parsley. Save the fragrance, taste of "royal grass" will help the salting.

Basil rightly deserves the "royal" name. Spicy fragrant greens will become an excellent addition to a variety of dishes.