The evil within 2 management.

Valentini Stefano

You will face Valentini Stefano in the first half of The Evil Within 2. This will happen earlier than you might expect. This is a strong, difficult and annoying opponent, especially if you are used to going through the game in stealth.

How Stefano Fights Against You

Stefano has several different abilities and attacks:

  • Teleportation, due to which accurate and aimed shooting at the enemy is significantly complicated.
  • A flying knife attack that is fairly easy to dodge.
  • A knife attack with a slashing blow at close range, which is much more difficult to dodge.
  • A dash attack followed by several hits.
  • Explosive boxes that spawn on the battlefield (cause a slowdown).
  • In the background in the sky you can see a huge eye - a camera lens. If he finds you, he will immediately hit with his long branches (breaking down the walls).

As such, he has several advantages, and that's why we recommend not joining his game - it's better to lure Stefano closer to Castellanos, and not vice versa.

How to beat Stefano

Our strategy is related to the use of two types of weapons - the Sentinel crossbow and a shotgun. Instead of the latter, you can use any other, but our choice was made in favor of a shotgun for the reason that it gives out powerful damage at close ranges, and this is how you will have to attack a distraught photographer.

In addition, the strategy also focuses on principled defense. Let Stefano be the aggressor and get close to you. You can predict most of his actions and adapt to the movements of the enemy, which will allow you to set traps for him that he can no longer avoid.

  1. When the battle begins, then turn around and turn to the back wall. Stop somewhere between the two wall sections that form a corridor and shelter from Stefano and his lens.
  2. Use the Sentinel Crossbow to fire bolts that trap (mostly explosive and shock / electric) between the walls and the back wall.
  3. Wait until Stefano gets close to you.
  4. When he gets trapped, then attack him with your second weapon (for example, a shotgun).
  5. Walk to the other wall and repeat the process.

These five steps will greatly simplify your task. Of course, the fight is still tough, but repeating this sequence is a surefire way to destroy the photographer Stefano.

There are a few more things to keep in mind:

  • Do not run out into open areas of the arena, unless there is some urgent need to do so. These wall pieces located on the battlefield are very important. If the lens spots you, it will immediately attack and smash the wall. If you lose one wall, you can adapt to what is already on the battlefield. If you lose two walls, the battle will become much more difficult.
  • Don't attack Stefano from a distance. Most likely, he will have time to teleport before you shoot, and this will lead to a waste of precious ammunition. Make him come to you.
  • Use parts of the walls for cover from Stefano and the lens.
  • Look outside the walls to see where Stefano is.
  • When Stefano teleports, then approach him - in this case, he will continue to teleport, but will no longer throw a knife at you.
  • Shoot at the floor with an electric bolt and position yourself so that it is between you and Stefano. When the enemy begins to approach Castellanos, he will be trapped.
  • You can also shoot explosive bolts so that when Stefano approaches, although he is not temporarily stunned, he takes huge damage from the explosion of both arrows. Two explosive arrows - double damage, three - triple.
  • You need to shoot Stefano at the moment when he falls into the shock trap.

Guardians and Laura

Towards the end of the fourteenth chapter of The Evil Within 2, you will face a whole chain of bosses. The first one is easy to kill, the two second waves are safe-headed keepers, and then Laura will be a little more difficult. You've defeated them all in the original game, but this time things will be a little different.

Fighting the Guardians

The key to defeating the keepers is to avoid getting close to them. Keep your distance, set up crossbow bolt traps and shoot from afar. They are big, strong, but not fast and not smart enough opponents. This should be your advantage!

As soon as the battle begins, turn around and run away. If you have little ammunition, then inspect the location, because some of them are scattered on it. The Guardians will begin to chase you, but you move faster than they, so with each next step you buy yourself time to attack.

Equip a crossbow and any bolts that stun or freeze your opponent. I personally like shock bolts. Shoot the wall with your crossbow, creating a trap for the keeper. Move away from it and wait for the enemy to get here.

When the keeper passes through the trap, he will be temporarily stunned and immobilized (for a few seconds). Shoot at its huge silhouette, aiming at the torso, but not at the head. It doesn't take many successful shots for the Guardian to be defeated.

If you don't have crossbow bolts that freeze the enemy in place, then the strategy above will still be relevant. But she's a little more dangerous - run away from the enemy to create some safe distance between you and the guardian, turn around, aim and fire a few shots.

Fight with Laura

There are two ways to destroy Laura - one easy and the other more difficult. We'll discuss both strategies, but if you have a flamethrower, jump over to the Easy Way section right away.

In any case, you have to destroy Laura, whose weakness is fire. In addition, Laura only has two different attacks in her arsenal, but they are very powerful. If she attacks you with her claws, she will take away a huge supply of HP. If she succeeds in grabbing Castellanos, the game will end. As with the Guardians (and other powerful opponents), the key to survival is maintaining a safe distance and planning attacks.

More time consuming way

The key to destroying Laura is associated with the location in which you find yourself, and this is how you will need to fight this boss in the event that you do not have a flamethrower in your arsenal (you did not have time to repair it) or there is no ammunition for it.

There are two valves around you and Laura in the arena. You will need to interact with the valve and press the E key several times. Repeat this process twice, because you will need to turn both valves to open the pipes with flame. This is dangerous. You will be vulnerable to devastating boss attacks. It is best to run away from Laura and start turning the valve if you are sure that she is not near you.

After turning both valves, go to the switch that resembles a yellow lantern). When Laura is in the place where the pipes under the ceiling are directed, then press the switch and damage her.

Note... You can defeat Laura with firearms, but you will need a lot of ammunition.

Easy way

If you have a flamethrower and bolts that stun the enemy, then the fight with Laura will turn into an easy test. Equip the Guardian and fire a Shock Bolt or Freeze Bolt. I even find it difficult to say which one to give the advantage to. Here's what to do next:

  • Shoot Laura with a crossbow to freeze her in place.
  • Shoot her with a flamethrower until she screams.
  • Run away to create a safe distance and reload your crossbow.
  • Repeat steps 1 and 2.
  • It really is as simple as it sounds.


The final boss of The Evil Within 2, The Mother, will present you with a grueling battle in which Castellanos and Mira clash face to face - or at least a genetically altered and mutated version of the protagonist's wife. Now we will tell you how to beat Mira in the game. The fight will begin at the end of Chapter Sixteen.

Mira has several stages, but your goal in each of them is almost identical - you need to shoot at the glowing area on Mira's torso.

  1. At the beginning of the battle, shoot Mira in the stomach.
  2. In the next step, aim for the shoulders (there will be two glowing dots).
  3. Next, shoot at the place where the shoulder of the world used to be.
  4. At the final stage, you need to attack the monster's mouth.

Since Mira is the size of a multi-story building, here you will need a ranged weapon. Basically, you can use absolutely everything except the shotgun. Explosive bolts for the Guardian do an excellent job. Most likely, this happens for the reason that in the case of explosive bolts, you do not need to conduct aimed shooting - it is enough to hit a huge body somewhere near the luminous point, due to which the explosion will touch the vulnerable spot you need.

There is another part of the battle that will take place between the second and third phases. Mira will let big spiders in your direction, which you will have to shoot. But from this you can get just the greatest benefit - ammunition and other useful items fall out of each spider.

Otherwise, during the fight with the boss, you need to shoot at him and avoid his attacks. The latter is not so difficult to implement! Just move left or right while facing the monster.

3 years after the release of the first The Evil Within, its direct sequel was finally released, which turned out to be in almost everything better than the original. For example, now players will be able to wander not only along narrow corridors, but also across huge city locations. True, all this made the game even more difficult, therefore, from time to time, you will probably wonder where to go and what to do. It is for this reason that we decided to write a detailed walkthrough of The Evil Within 2, posted on this page.

Chapter One - Into the Fire

There will be no cut-scenes at the beginning, that is, we will immediately be thrown into the thick of things. We will find ourselves in front of a small house engulfed in flames. We run to the mansion and try to open the door by pressing the key of interaction with objects. We turn right and examine the sliding glass door - the main character will break it right there.

Once inside the house, we go to the kitchen, and then turn left. We open the door on the left side and go up to the next floor along the stairs. We look into the children's room (children's drawings hang on its door) and watch a lengthy cut-scene - apparently, this is an introductory video.

Immersed in STEM, we go forward to the different objects that will appear in front of us. As a result, we get to the table and pick up the walkie-talkie. We contact Kidman and find the office, which is the main safe area where we can talk with our partner. We listen to the conversation, and then we begin the passage of the second chapter.

Chapter Two - Something Went Wrong

We approach the board with information hanging on the right side and examine it. We read information about all the missing members of the Mobius group. These are the following characters:

  • William Baker is the leader of the group.
  • Miles Harrisone - Combat Specialist.
  • Liame O'Neill is a technical specialist.
  • Juliane Sykes is one of the STEM programmers.
  • Yukiko Hoffmane is a psychologist.

Then we study several photos on the board, and then we leave the room. We notice a black cat on the table. We approach it and raise a slide not far from it. We will be able to inspect such images, and then discuss them with Kidman. We use the projector located next to the cat to look at the slide.

We get up from the chair and find a jar of green gel - a woolen ball will show it. We go to the end of the room and click on the terminal located on the right side of the mirror. These devices are for creating saves. Then we use the mirror and leave this location.

We look at the new cut-scene, and then we go through the door, go up the steps and come to the picture, which shows the door. We turn around and see the previously seen door in front of us. We open it and we pass into the corridor. We turn on the flashlight, enter the left door and see Baker, who was shot right in the head. It is a memory that we can constantly play back and forth. Do not forget to study the camera later.

We head to the left room, where we were engaged in the development of the photo. On the table we find a picture of William Baker (one of the documents). In the next room we find racks - we examine the floor near them and come to the conclusion that one of the racks was constantly being moved. Click on the rack, open a secret passage and head into the corridor. Having reached its end, we answer the call (the phone is in a well-hidden niche) and listen to ominous laughter. Are the veins shaking already? We still have ...

We go up to the next floor and try to open the door, which has glass inserts - we will notice a girl who cannot be helped in any way. We squat and make our way under the grate on the left side. We find an unusual letter (one of the documents) on the table, located near the right wall.

We go to the floor above and we pass through the room in which the red curtains are hung. We press on the door and see how a mysterious killer deals with an unknown man. This event is also a memory, and therefore repeats itself all the time.

We hide behind the sofa and move to the left. We approach the corner and go around the maniac. When the killer leaves through the entrance where we came from, we examine the victim, and then we get out of the room. We will again find ourselves near the previous ladder, but the location itself will look much scarier. We are heading into the right corridor and we notice someone's legs looking out of the opening. Suddenly, someone will drag the corpse inside. We open the locked door, jump over the table and the picture, and then we find a photo of another victim (one of the documents), lying on the table in the left corner.

We rise to the next level we pass through the door, behind which you could see the girl. We leave on the balcony and go forward until we notice a large installation with bodies. Examine it and click on the Rebirth board. We enter the left elevator and go down to the lower floor.

We pass through the hole on the left side, bending down in advance. We approach the symbol on the wall, turn around and go to the fotik standing on the trine. Then we look back again and see the door. We open it and we face a man holding a camera. We come to our senses, and then we come to the mirror, on which the photo is fixed. We put it in inventory, and then we meet with the monster.

We go around the boxes, and then we run away from the monster along the corridor. We close the door, and then we try to find a way out of the room, which is located in the far left corner (if you stand back to the door). We find a ladder near the wall. Click on it and climb inside the pipe.

We go along the ventilation duct until we see a hole. We jump down and again run away from the monster. In the end, he will catch us - quickly click on the "E" key and escape from the monster to a safe house. Health will be restored, but only up to a certain point on the scale.

We unlock the door, go to the table and find the syringe. We use it, and then we go to the next room and find a diary on the table (one of the documents). Then we get out of the house and watch as the main character finds a pistol and examines the photograph of the Castellanos family (one of the documents).

We go along the road, examine the dead body in the car, and then go to the house for the girl. We finish it off with a pistol, we pass into the kitchen with a corpse and find a first-aid kit with a syringe near the right wall. We rise to the 2nd floor and find a jar of gunpowder. We can use this item in the future to create cartridges.

We leave the building and turn left. We destroy several boxes and find useful things in them. We continue to walk along the path until we notice how STEAM members are trying to escape from the monsters. One of them will manage to hide in the house. We squat down and hide behind the car.

We are waiting for the monster to get away, and then we go to the left through the bushes, picking up the grass from the ground. We sneak up to the enemy and unnoticed attack him in the back. We do the same with a monster that knocks on the door. Each monster will leak green gel after death - don't forget to pick it up.

We pass into the house, turn left, go downstairs and find another shelter. We watch a cut-scene in which we will be able to talk with Liam O'Neal.

Chapter Three - Resonance

We talk with Liam and get from him a side mission called "Unusual Signal", which we can complete a little later. In addition, Liam will indicate on our map the point at which the APC is located. Near him you will be able to find the "Guardian" crossbow.

We examine the shelter. With the help of a coffee machine, we will be able to fully replenish our life scale, and we will not have to pay for it. The supply boxes contain medicines and ammunition - they will fill up over time, so we advise you to visit them in the absence of ammunition for weapons.

With the help of the workbench, we will be able to craft various things, for example, cartridges and first-aid kits, and modify weapons. In the first case, you will need grass, gunpowder, and so on, and in the second - spare parts for weapons (several are in this shelter). We should have enough parts to upgrade the pistol.

We get out of the shelter and meet a nurse named Tatiana, who helped us in the original. We follow her straight into the mirror and find ourselves in the office of Castellanos. Then we sit in a wheelchair and find ourselves in the hospital. Here we will be able to acquire various improvements by spending the green gel.

Note: The system for modifying weapons and purchasing upgrades has been improved - now we cannot collect a bunch of green gel and purchase everything. The fact is that the best skills and upgrades are locked and can only be opened with high quality parts or red gel.

We get out and watch as the protagonist takes out his communicator. We turn it and wait for the hint to appear. Then we pinpoint the desired target. We hide the device in our pocket and cross the road. We enter the church and deal with the priest and his novices. We pass behind the altar, on which the dead body lies, and we find a statuette with a key, standing on the floor.

We go along the path located on the right side of the church and turn left. We go forward and after a few tens of meters we find on the road a dead body, next to which lies a pouch, which increases the number of carried cartridges for a pistol by 6 units.

Then we return to Liam's hideout and find a building opposite him with large doors, which is the tourist center of the city. There is another statue with a key on the bench next to it. We go inside the building and find a booklet on the right side (one of the documents). We try to open the door to the basement - it will be closed, but we still have to get there a little later.

We get out of the building, stand in front of it and look to the left. We find a ladder in the alley that leads to the roof of another house. We go up the stairs first, and then use the fire escape. Upstairs we kill the monster, and then we search a couple of the corpses of operatives - from one of them we can find a journal about the communicator (one of the documents). On the edge of the roof, by the way, is a faulty sniper rifle.

Side Mission: Unusual Signal

Now it is worth taking up the secondary task, but at the same time we will find several useful things. We follow the green marker, and then we pick up the communicator and approach the dark silhouettes. Standing nearby we use the device and get a fragment of memories.

Next, we will need to study a couple more places with resonance. However, to begin with, we turn our attention to the trailers standing nearby. We pass to the farthest of them and go inside. We pass through all the cars, dealing with all the enemies on our way. At the end we will find the body of the girl, near which there is another resonance site. We get closer and use our communicator to view another snippet of memories. There is also a red gel next to the corpse.

We leave the carriage and follow the resonant "spot". As a result, we find ourselves near the auto repair shop. Opposite the entrance to the auto center we see a house, on the porch of which there is a statue with a key.

Do not go straight to the auto repair shop. First we go around it on the left side and find a door in the mesh fence. We shoot at the castle and we pass into private property. We jump over the chain and approach the dead body lying near the car, which has an activated alarm. We examine the corpse, and then we kill the appeared monster. Then we take away a pistol with a laser sight from the ground.

We restore the supply of electricity with the help of the shield we noticed in the memory. Click on the 2nd and 4th toggle switches from left to right (we can do this in any order). After that, we will have to fight the white dead, which is much stronger than usual. By the way, it is impossible to kill him on the sly. Having dealt with the monster, we raise the car closest to us, squat down and open the hatch leading to the basement. Go ahead, turn left and find a dead body. We pick up a communicator and find a new memory.

Squat again and walk through the tunnel. We fall into the corridor, in which there are doors on both sides. On the left side it will be closed with a coded lock, but nearby you can find a body, after a search of which we find a special map. No, it will not automatically open the door, but it will help us find the right combination. We look at the closed door and remember the inscription on it: B-34.

Then click on the access panel - a card with a sign and numbers will appear to the right of it. Find the required table by letter, and then select the chain of numbers next to the desired numbers. As a result, we got the code 7696. We enter it and go to the arsenal. Here we will find an explosive bolt for a crossbow, found by us next to the APC.

We pass into the room opposite and take away all the useful things. Then we deal with opponents and lift the load on the loader. We move the cart and open the passage leading out. In one of the rooms, we can find the best parts for weapons, with which you can unlock some upgrades.

We get out into the street and opposite the auto repair shop we find the garage - it is located on the right side of the house, on the porch of which the statuette lay. We enter the building and collect all the useful items. Then we leave and go around it to catch a new signal. We take the device and see that it leads us to a house nearby. We pass into it, go to the back room and take another diary from the table (one of the documents). Suddenly the picture will change and the room temperature will drop. We go back and see the ghost of a certain girl.

We run away from the ghost and look around. Here we find a door with a combination lock - you need an access card. We find another door nearby and go inside. Then we turn into the door on the right side. We make our way into another room, using the hole in the wall and take out the key card from the bedside table on which there is a photo. We go back, we run to the door with a combination lock and open with a key card. Then we find ourselves in the original world and find a slide on the table.

We go out into the street and notice a large two-story mansion standing across the road, but we do not need it, but a house located to the left of it. Approaching him, we take out the communicator and detect the signal. We enter the building, and then we pass through the white door and get into the garage. We raise a request for examination (one of the documents) on the left side of the car.

We will find ourselves in a new nightmare, where we have to visit several rooms. We go into the bedroom and pick up the report (one of the documents), which was viewed by the ghost of the doctor. We continue to explore the "dream" until we get to the hospital "Mayak". We take the slide that lies on the wheelchair, and then we examine the body sitting on the chair. We return to the original world and pick up the harpoon bolt from the corpse.

Easter egg: On the right side of the mansion, which we mentioned earlier, there is another house. A ghoul with a Molotov cocktail is wandering on its roof. We rise to the barn, located next to each other, and along the boards we pass to the roof of this house. There we find a mysterious weapon that is a reference to Quake.

If we talk about a two-story manor, then on one of its sides we find a yellow staircase. We go upstairs along it and we pass along the balcony. We touch the cord that activates the slowdown and kill the monster. On the balcony we find a dead body and a box, in which we find a pouch for a shotgun, which increases the number of cartridges we carry for this weapon.

We go outside and run towards the second signal, which we managed to fix after finding the first one during the passage of the secondary task. We enter the building, we pass into the extreme room, we kill all opponents and with the help of the device we catch another fragment of memories. We go through the door, behind the boxes we find a hatch leading to the basement. There is a PC - click on it and get into the "Network" arsenal.

Here we move around the premises and deal with the opponents until we reach a dead end with two doors - on the left side we can open it with an electric bolt fired into the shield. Since we don't have the bolt yet, and there is no point in opening this door either, because it only gives us the opportunity to cut the path leading back, then we immediately open the door on the right. To do this, we combine the waves in such a way that they are connected to each other in frequency and amplitude. Inside we find a new weapon - a shotgun. We take all the other useful things and return to the city.

After activating both resonance points, a third will appear, pointing to the tourist center. When going to this building, we return to the shelter and update our skills and weapons. Then we go to the center and go to the extreme door - it will automatically open. We go down and launch the device to activate a new piece. We look through it, and then we select a new magazine from the table (one of the documents).

As soon as we take this magazine, pointers will immediately appear on the map, showing exactly where all the bodies of the Mobius operatives lie. They will have a few useful things. We try to get out, but we are photographed by a strange stranger. We pass forward, deal with all the enemies and get out.

We go to O'Neill in the shelter and tell him about everything that we saw to receive a reward and complete an additional task. Then we go from the corner in which the armored personnel carrier is located, up on the map and we pass next to the company engaged in the transportation of goods.

Easter eggs: We pass to the private territory where the transport organization is located. We deal with all the monsters, examine several trucks and find a mysterious mechanism inside the red car, referring to Wolfenstein: The New Order.

We continue to walk north and come across a new intersection. A little ahead on the right side, we can find another shelter, but for now we are interested in a building that stands even further. It will not be possible to go through it, but there is a garage in the back, in which we can find spare parts for a sniper rifle, with which we can repair the weapons we found earlier using a workbench.

Then we approach the doors of the new shelter, shoot from the crossbow into the shield, using the electric bolt, and thereby raise the gate of the building. We kill the monster lurking inside, and we activate the communicator to view a new memory.

We pass into the shelter through the left door and find report 00122 (one of the documents) on the table near the box with supplies. Inside the box we find a smoke bolt, which is a new ammunition for a crossbow.

We continue to follow the sign that will lead us to the Pit Stop diner. By the way, next to this building on a bench is a statue with a key for a locker.

We are fighting with several enemies, among which there will be one newcomer - he screams from time to time, thereby summoning to help other monsters. We deal with the screamer at a distance using a sniper rifle.

Next to the diner, we activate the communicator and decipher the signal by going to the ghost of Lily. We go inside, go to the far door and try to unlock it - nothing will come of it. We find a hole nearby, but first move the bedside table. We go inside, look around and take the Lily doll from the floor.

We get out into the street, go around the building and find the window leading from the back room. We examine the trash can and find traces of the girl. As a result, we get a new pointer on the map. We go after him and stumble upon new opponents. We deal with them and reach the marker. We turn on the devices and continue to follow in the footsteps of the daughter. Sometimes we will have to click on objects lying on the ground. We repeat the same procedure next to the transport organization.

The protagonist will think that his daughter has gone to the warehouses. We go to them and examine the door - it is necessary to supply electricity. Pay attention to the wire leading straight to the switchboard. We go around the boxes, break the chain and destroy all the monsters. Next, click on the switch to restore the electricity supply. We open the warehouse by clicking on the switch next to the gate. We pass into the room and examine the plank that blocks our path.

Click on it and Sebastian will break the board. We go to the wall on the left side and knock down the target to use the door. We rise to the next floor and we pass into the last room for collecting useful things. We return to the first level and go next to the left wall. We squat down and make our way under the shelves. We deal with the monster and climb the ladder.

We enter the room on the left side, where the workbench is located. On the shelves we find report 00654 (one of the documents). We go into the room nearby and take the Mira doll in our hands. We watch the cut-scene, leave the room and destroy all enemies. We return to O'Neill and talk to him. He will give us a gas mask.

Now we head to the northern shelter, where there is a computer with which you can get into the "Network" and go through the tunnel that leads to the city hall.

Chapter Four - Behind the Scenes

After receiving the gas mask from O'Neill, we study a new goal - we need to reach the shelter in the north, where we visited earlier and use the computer to enter the "Network". This computer system is protected by code, but Liam will tell us. We talk a little more with the technical specialist, and then we learn that Tyr has appeared in the hospital.

To visit the shooting gallery, we interact with the mirror and find ourselves in Sebastian's office. Next, pay attention to the white door. We pass into the new room and shoot at the shooting range. Then we will be able to participate in two challenges: in the first of them we can just shoot at targets and gain points without time limits (there is no reward), and in the second (chain shooting) we will be able to get a good prize. In the latter, you need to open fire on various targets that are located close to each other, and the hourglass, which increases the time. We do not shoot at squares with crosses, otherwise we will reduce the number of points gained and reduce the time given to us for shooting. The reward directly depends on the points received. However, you won't get the same prize twice. Therefore, if we score 100 thousand points the first time, then we can no longer take part in it.

After shooting at the shooting range, we follow the sign to the shelter in the north. We enter it and talk with Kidman. Near the entrance to the building we find report 00122 (one of the documents). Next, we use the PC and move to the "Network" control room. We get out of it and move along the corridor forward. We hit the vending machine on the left side twice to get the gel. We pass into the room on the right and interact with the computer. As a result, we get a new message (one of the documents).

We get out onto the balcony and go downstairs, as all the doors will be closed. On the contrary, we find a ladder. We rise along it, open the door and find the dead body of the operative "Mobius". There is a crossbow pouch next to it. We leave, go down again and go to the door with the display. We take out the communicator, set up a wave and watch how the blocking system is cut down. As a result, various monsters will tumble down from the previously locked doors. We kill them all and examine new rooms.

Then we go through the door with the screen. We reach the tunnels and lower the handle to drain the water. Then we use the ladder and go downstairs. We go to the opposite side and rise a little higher. We can press another switch to lower the bridge. Then we go through the double doors. Before that, the main character will put on a gas mask and the camera will switch to a first-person view.

There will not be very many opponents here, but we can only fight with a knife or an ax, so it is worth acting carefully. We get to the white door, closed with an electronic lock. We move after the wires, we reach the first fork and turn left into a gloomy tunnel. We activate the lantern and find the statue with the key, which stands on the barrel.

We break the figurine, and then we continue to follow the wire into the extreme room. Here we will find a shield and 4 toggle switches. Each of them can add a specific number of lamps. It is necessary to turn them on in such a way that the total number of bulbs does not exceed 10 pieces. We activate the 1st, 2nd and 4th toggle switches. We return back to the closed door, open it and climb the stairs. The camera will return to its usual location again.

We rise even higher, examine the PC, which is on the table on the left side, and find a new letter (one of the documents). We leave and run along the corridor. Climb the steps to the right to find supplies. We pass through the white door, approach the dead body and use the communicator to view the memory. We return to the door of this room and to the right of it we find a ventilation hole. We move along it forward until we find ourselves on the other side of the cliff. We enter a new room and again interact with the computer to exit the "Network". As a result, we find ourselves in the part of the city where the City Hall is located.

We use the coffee machine to replenish health, the save terminal to save and the mirror to visit Sebastian's office. By the way, there is a red gel behind the mirror. We go up to the upper floor, take out the device and mark the resonance point. As a result, a green pointer of a neighboring building will appear on the map. We get out into the street and head towards the city hall, where we find a mysterious stranger. After that the next chapter starts.

Chapter Five - Waiting

We pass to the gazebo, marked with a green pointer and take out the device to view a new memory. We get to the passage leading to the city hall and fenced with a thorn. We examine the dead body, to the head of which a photo of Sebastian is fixed (one of the documents). We go forward and find ourselves in the yard. Suddenly, a Guardian with a huge circular saw rises from the dead bodies.

We will need to deal with this enemy. At the level there are 3 places with a wire, when touched, the slow action mode is activated. We lure the enemy into these points, and then we shoot at the boss while he is in a hindered state. We can also make him constantly swing and hit - at this moment we run away and discharge the entire clip into him. It is best to attack this enemy with a shotgun or a crossbow with explosive bolts. After defeating the boss, we collect green gel and other useful things. Now we can enter the city hall.

We approach a soldier with serious wounds and learn from him about the emitter. He will also give us Harrison's communicator. We pass through the door in front. First, we check the locations on the right and left, having collected all the valuable items there, and then we go forward, where there is a spacious hall with an even slower event. We head to the door on the left side, go inside, turn left and find a ladder at the end of the corridor. We go upstairs along it and we pass behind the curtain. We look around and see a picture on the wall, which is a hint. We find roses under the picture in a vase - we select them.

We look to the right side and find a mannequin with a necklace on the bedside table. We take the jewelry and hang it on a mannequin wearing a blue dress. Then we turn it towards the camera. Then we put the roses in a vase, standing not far from the mannequin. Next, we interact with the camera and take a picture. If everything was done correctly, then the picture behind the mannequin will become a real corridor.

When examining the corridor, pay attention to the table on the left side. On it you can see a useful article (one of the documents). Next, we examine the paintings that hang on the walls, turn around and see that another one has appeared on them. We look at the drawing, where Lily is depicted, we run to the end of the corridor, turn back again and notice an open door on the side. We pass into it, approach the new image and listen to the maniac.

Then we turn around and notice an open door. On the table in the back room we find a new photo (one of the documents). We try to reach the photographer, and after that we go down the ladder and come to the chair on which the mannequin's head is lying. Then we find ourselves in a room with a large number of people. We approach the door and from the table standing on the left side of it, we select a note (one of the documents).

We pass into the room where the emitter is located, turn it on and watch the cut-scene in which we meet Stefano. Then a terrible monster named Obscura will appear. Deal with him will not work, but we can stun him for a while. Sometimes the monster will take pictures of the emitter, which will lead to its being knocked out. You must try not to die while the countdown is going on. If the monster stopped the passage of time, then we will need to hunt him down and shoot him a couple of times until the countdown starts again. When the timer expires, the monster will immediately disappear.

We leave the room and head to the hole in front. Once on the balcony of the upper level, we turn into the left door and find ourselves in a new room. On the table we find report 00213 (one of the documents). We go down to the hall, in which there was a delayed event, and we find a new passage. We go there and see a bedside table on which there is a statue with a key. We turn right, go through a couple of rooms and reach a room with bookcases. We find report 00977 (one of the documents) on the table, get out into the street, talk to our partners and wait for the beginning of a new chapter.

Chapter Six - On the Hunt

We leave the neighborhood of the city hall, turn left and find the dead body of the operative "Mobius". We take away the syringe pouch from the corpse. Again we go to the computer system and move to the "Network". We get out of the room and see how the gate opened. We pass forward, open the doors on the left side (for one of them, you will need to connect the frequency and amplitude). Behind the extreme door to the left lies another dead body, after a search of which we can find a pouch for a pistol.

We go along the corridor, deal with opponents and go downstairs. We will find ourselves in new corridors in which strange eggs lie. We make our way to the room with screens and wait until the main character looks at a new memory. Then we lift a new slide from the table.

We continue to go forward, do not catch the eye of the monster, running away from him along the corridors. Then we shoot him with a cannon. If we go back, we will see that the monster has gone somewhere. Having appeared in front of the door, which has a red symbol (denoting a refuge), we are in no hurry to enter it. First, we open the door, locked with a combination lock (you need to combine the amplitude and frequency). Inside we will find report 00532 (one of the documents). Then we go into the room from the PC and watch a new cut-scene.

After talking with Hoffman, we interact with a computer system located nearby to save an email message (one of the documents). With the help of the computer we get to the location with the theater.

We leave the office and immediately use the communicator to detect a fragment of memories. We go out into the street, turn left and try to open the warehouse, but this will require a key. We go to the gas station and examine the burnt corpses. Here we use the device again and view a new memory. Then another monster will appear, consisting of several corpses, but this time it will not be possible to slow it down. In addition, to kill a monster, you will need a lot more cartridges.

After killing the monster, we head to the diner, and then a little further, approaching the train. As a result, we find in an extremely room a dead body sitting on a chair. We use the device and view a new memory. Then we try to leave the cafe, but suddenly a song from the jukebox starts playing. We approach it and are attacked by a ghost coming out of the mirror. We run away through any door and find ourselves in the same place.

The fact is that we will need to choose the right doors, and for this we need to take a closer look at the mirror. We find out which door glows in the reflection and go through it, but do not forget that the world in the mirror is reversed. In the second room we do the same, but now we also have to avoid meeting with the witch. In the end we will be able to get back to the cafe. In addition, in the hand of the corpse on the chair, we will find a new slide that can be viewed in Sebastian's office.

We leave the diner, turn around the corner and find a corpse on the porch. We search it and find a pouch for a sniper rifle. We pass across the road, walk across the face and see the devil's bar. We enter it and select a diary from the extreme right table (one of the documents). You need to be to the left of the diner in order to find a location surrounded by a fence, from where you can hear cries for help. We pass into this territory, having unlocked the gates, and we approach a soldier sitting in an overturned car. This will start a side quest.

Side mission: "Out there"

We deal with all the walking dead, and then we speak with the agent. He will offer to go with him to the shelter. First, we collect all the useful things, and then we agree to accompany the peasant. Once in a safe place, we speak with Sykes and get the first quest from him.

Before taking up its implementation, we go out into the street, head to the right and pass through the gate leading to the location where we found Sykes earlier. We go along the street, keeping to the right side, and we turn around the corner. In the alley we find blue boxes, behind which a witch walks. We kill her, jump over the containers and find the body of the operative "Mobius". We search it and select a pouch for a shotgun.

Then we go to the pointer located at the bottom of the map. We need the street where the garbage truck is located. We deal with opponents, turn into the right lane and take out the device next to the girl's body. As a result, we see another fragment of memories. We search the corpse and take the key from the warehouse located at the beginning of the location.

We go to the warehouse and fight with the monster, which consists of several bodies. We kill him and go to the warehouse. We take everything there that is not bolted to the floor. By the way, the briefcase contains a long-barreled shotgun. The terrible woman will appear again. First, we try to unlock the door, and then we hide from the enemy in the corner. When the monster approaches us, we will return to STEM.

Side mission: "Connected again"

Here we have to again get into the "Network" and go to the pointer. We enter the room and interact with the PC to turn on the server. We find the box on the side of it. It will be open, and therefore we can use it and other similar boxes for storing ammunition. Again we go to Sykes and tell him that we have completed the mission. We open the container located in the shelter to get new supplies and a pistol with a silencer.

Then we head to the place where the passage to the theater is located, but the road will be closed by a couple of apartments. During the previous study of the location, we have already seen these images - one of them was in the devil's bar, and the second - in the hotel "Abode". As a result, new pointers will appear, and the communicator will point to resonance points. The next chapter starts.

Chapter 7 - The Thirst for Art

First of all, we head to the devil's bar. We go to the extreme room and click on the picture hanging in the corridor. As a result, we will find ourselves in a different reality. The door will be locked with a key, so you will have to find it. We turn around and run to the end of the corridor, listening to the creator's monologue along the way. We take the key from our hands and go back, bypassing obstacles and dealing with enemies.

We approach the grate and open it with a key. Stretch marks will appear. We squat down and go to the right side, without touching the stretch marks. Then we see the passage to the mannequin and go through it. Approaching him, we interact with him and thereby destroy.

Then we go to the hotel "Abode" and go up to the second floor. Then we click on the picture. Here we again have to unlock the grate, for which we need a key. We go to the left room and avoid meeting with the Obscura. We find the keys and neutralize the monster, being in the distant corridor.

Then we quickly run to the grate and raise it. By the way, we advise you to shoot the monster with electric bolts, which can delay the monster for a long time. We open the door and go through several stretch marks. Next, we sneak up on the dummy and destroy it. Now the road to the theater is clear. We return to it and go inside.

Chapter Eight - Premiere

We enter the theater and head to the upper level. We do not go directly to the hall in which there are chairs, but first we find the work of Stefano, located above. We use the communicator and find a new piece of memories. We watch a long cut-scene, and then we begin to chase the villain.

Suddenly, the location will begin to fall apart and we will need to run forward without catching a huge eye. As soon as the monster goes over to the right side, we go after him and hide behind the shelters. Then we wait until the eye moves back, and continue to move on. We repeat this several times, and then we leave the location. We go down the ladder and go along the corridor. Then we open the door and watch another cut-scene. After her, the fight with Stefano starts.

How do you kill Stefano?

Finally, we were given the opportunity to deal with one of the main villains of the game. The fight will be pretty simple. You just need to remember all the main blows of the boss and use electric bolts to temporarily stun him. In the absence of such ammunition, we use a pistol and a shotgun. At the location, by the way, we can find a lot of ammunition.

During the first stage of the battle, the enemy will move around the arena in small jumps, that is, teleport from one place to another. After 4 movements, it will stop. We don't even have to try to get into it during teleportation. When he stops, we don't waste a lot of ammo on him: a couple of shots from a pistol or one shot from a shotgun will be enough. We add that after the end of the jumps, he will run at us and try to stab us, so first we dodge, and only then we shoot. From time to time he will throw knives at the hero, but it is easy to dodge them.

The boss will also try to slow us down with his camera. If we see that he takes out his camera, then we immediately run away from his area of \u200b\u200bvision and do not approach him until we hear the shutter extinguishing. Then we turn around and again shoot at the enemy. Having made several accurate shots, we are waiting for the beginning of the second phase of the battle.

Stefano will begin to move even faster and more, and his races will be chaotic. A large eye will appear behind it, similar to a camera lens. We select one of the sides of the room and stay in it. We stayed on the right side (when facing the eye), as this part is easy to dodge the giant tentacles. However, the tactics of the battle will hardly change. We wait until the boss stops, and then we shoot at him. Sometimes he will yell and try to catch up with us, running in a straight line. At these moments we do not run away from him, but on the contrary we try to shoot him down, shooting without interruption. True, if he manages to catch our hero, then he will inflict huge damage on him. Although at the last moment you can always make a leap to the side.

Sometimes the enemy will try to film us with a camera to slow down. In addition, orange cubes will begin to appear in the arena. If you touch them, an explosion will happen. That's basically all. In the end, we will defeat this dangerous enemy.

We watch a cut-scene in which Mira and Lily will participate, and then we watch the appearance of a giant monster.

Chapter 9 - New Evil

We head to the altar for rituals and move to another location. We pass through the door and go down the steps, eventually finding ourselves in a room with several chairs designed for torture. We collect useful things and continue our journey. We go down again and turn right to find a small hole leading to a secret room with various objects. We take them all and move on.

We head to the basement, which has a closed grate and a mechanism for opening it, which has no lever. There will be many locked cells in the basement. We examine all the cameras and kill the enemies (one shot to the head will be enough). The fact is that when we find the desired handle and disconnect it, the cells will open. All the lying monsters with whole stumps only pretend to be dead, so we shoot them in the head. By the way, in one of the chambers on the left there is a statuette with a key. We select it after opening the doors.

We move to the cameras located in the right wing, and next to the last cell we find the lever and remove it from some equipment. As a result, all the cameras will open up, but since we have already killed all the monsters, we just have to collect loot from them. Then we go to the mechanism and find on the right side of it a grate, which leads to another room. In it we find an interesting page (one of the documents) and a pouch for the "Guardian" crossbow.

Next, we raise the grate by placing the lever in the mechanism. There will be several cells in this corridor. Pay attention to the second from the right. We enter there and deal with the operative "Mobius" (if he is alive). On the left side of it we find a hole. We squat down and crawl along it to reach another cell and use the device to search for a new memory.

We do the same with the cell on the left. It will turn out to be open - we go inside, break the boxes and find the hole that leads to another chamber with a dead body and ammunition for a pistol. The corpse next to the door turns out to be a living corpse, so first we kill him with a shot at the firebrand.

We watch several nightmares and strange visions, and then we find ourselves in a room filled with burning dead. We kill them all, and then we approach the wall with the symbol, engulfed in flame. A passage will appear here and we can use the mirror to move to Sebastian's office and acquire new skills or open additional lockers. Then we head to the spacious hall and reach the closed lattice.

We go upstairs one of their yellow ladders and find 4 valves. First, turn the extreme valve on the left side to adjust the plate closest to the grate. This is easy to do - just turn the plate towards the gate with its narrow part. It's better to adjust the second lever on the left first, though. We need to align the left plate with the two outermost exits.

Then we begin to rotate the center so that the wide channel begins to coincide with the upper one. Next, turn the left handle again to turn the far plate. As a result, the narrow part will be turned directly onto the grate. At the end, we turn the extreme valve on the right so that the channels on the right side coincide with each other.

Chapter Ten - Originally Hidden

We meet Torres, but first we destroy all the monsters. First, they will attack us from the front, and then - from behind. In the end, they will completely trample from all over, besides, we will have to deal with a few creeping freaks. After killing the mutants, we follow Esmeralda into another room. Then we talk with her on various topics.

Next, we will need to follow our newly-minted partner and help in all her endeavors. In a couple of minutes we will meet an enemy with a flamethrower. He will quickly get away, but at the same time he will leave behind many fire monsters. We deal with them with the help of a sniper rifle (one accurate shot will be enough to kill one enemy). then we approach the tree with a red flag on it and go down. We speak with Kidman and Torres, and after we wait for the beginning of the next chapter.

Chapter Eleven - Reunion

In the shelter we find a diary (one of the documents), which will lie on the table. In it, we will be able to find out why Esmeralda decided to join the operation and save Lily. A cryobolt can be found inside the box in the room. We talk with Kidman and learn that a gift has been left for us in Sebastian's office. We find the mirror and move to the office. Then we go to the room where the information board is located. We find a new slide under it.

We use the computer to return to the "Network". We search the room and take away the capacitor necessary for crafting shells used by the flamethrower. We leave and find the gate ahead. We click on the electrical panel on the side and activate all the toggle switches, since only in this case we can get exactly 10 glowing bulbs.

We find out that Father Theodore has already been here. We turn to the left, where the burnt body lies. Near the door we see a red bedside table on which candles are burning - we examine it and find a slide.

We enter the room on the right side and find there the dead body of the operative "Mobius". Move aside the cart and get access to the ammunition box. We pass into the Hoffman shelter, but the girl will not be here. But we will find a memory in which we learn that Hoffman went to the far part of the laboratory in a closed area. First, we examine a PC nearby to get a new file (one of the documents). Then we go to the closed area and find the dead body of the operative "Mobius" behind the corridor. We examine the corpse and find a pouch for a shotgun.

We go down the elevator. Ahead we find several turnstiles and two bodies belonging to the guards. On the left side through the window you will see a PC and a room with a mirror. We go to the window and start working with the computer to get another file (one of the documents). We pass through the laboratory premises and head forward until we see a new memory. We find out that we need a cerebral chip to open the door.

We stand facing the door for which a chip is needed. We turn left and go through the screens. In the new room we find a new report (one of the documents). We examine the hall and find a door with an electrical panel next to it. We shoot it from the crossbow, using the electric bolt to open the door. However, we do not go through it, but turn left and find a ladder that leads up. Again, we are in no hurry to use it, but instead we find a small door on the left, leading straight to the morgue. We go inside and head to the extreme room on the left. On the gurney we find another report (one of the documents).

It will get very cold again. We are trying to go back, but a mysterious ghost will attack us again. We avoid it by hiding behind couches and posts. First, we try to go through the right side, but the girl will drop a huge post, blocking our road. We go left and go down the steps. But the nightmare will not end there, as we have to constantly change our direction in order to get out of the trap and not become a new victim of the ghost. However, here you can cheat a little and just run forward. The fact is that after the witch kills us, we will resurrect in the place where the woman moved things for the last time, that is, we will be closer to the exit.

We continue to run forward along the corridor and get to the hall with a wheelchair. Then we turn to the right and on the table we find a report (one of the documents). Next, we move to the left side of the room and find a letter on the gurney (one of the documents). As a result, Sebastian manages to kill a part of himself that remained in STEM after visiting Mayak. We will automatically get a new-old revolver. Do not forget to find a slide on the table near the PC.

Then we go back and go up the stairs. We kill all opponents, we pass into the laboratory at number 3. We are sent to the far room and we find a stranger on the operating table. We go to the computer and click on it to get a file (one of the documents). Then we go to the laboratory at number 2, located on the same floor. We use the device to view a fragment of memories. We search the corpse of the operative "Mobius" and find a syringe pouch.

We leave for the 3rd laboratory, located on the second level and go into the room where the corpse lies on the table. We examine the plates and find digital combinations on them. We try to enter all of them on the panel near the corpse's feet. One of the codes will work and the chip we need will be pulled out of the worker's head. We take it and go downstairs. Then we go through the required door. By the way, in our case, the combination looked like this: 0128. It is possible that it will work for you too.

We get to the 4th laboratory and meet Yukiko and Liam. The last one has to be dealt with - we just shoot at his head from a sniper rifle 5-6 times. Do not forget to press the levers that activate the fire extinguishing system from time to time. Having dealt with the enemy, we speak with Yukiko and select a faulty flamethrower.

We enter the new laboratory and take out the communicator to view the new memory. We look around and we pass along the corridor in front of the room with the equipment, which our past enemy asked to destroy. Torres will arrive in a few seconds. However, we are not in a hurry to complete the task. We go around the generator and find a statuette with a key. Then we talk to the girl and order her to destroy the system.

Chapter Twelve - Bottomless Abyss

We find ourselves in an unfamiliar area where we were dragged by Theodore. We head towards the light, turn right and come to the second source. We find near him a pouch for a pistol. Then we move forward, dealing with all enemies. First of all, we deal with all the opponents, and then we turn the handle near the gate. The new location will be replete with monsters of different tailoring - we will need to reach the ladder that leads down. We go there and watch the cut-scene.

Important: A statue on fire will appear on the screen at some point. We approach it and take a page with interesting information from the altar (one of the documents).

Once in the main character's house, we leave the bedroom and go to the room for the children. We select the slide located on the shelf on the left side. In the room near the ladder that leads to the first floor, we find a mysterious symbol, which is another Easter egg - now in The Elder Scrolls Online.

We go down to the first floor, go to the kitchen and pick up a letter written by Mira from the table.

Chapter Thirteen - Stronghold

We speak with Yukiko, and then we select the assault rifle, which lies near the corpse of Torres. By the way, we will find out why Esmeralda wanted to save Lily. We go to the PC, standing next to, and speak with Sykes, who will give us one more additional task.

Side Mission: "The Last Step"

We get out into the street and notice the enemy wielding a flamethrower. We will definitely kill him, because after his death we will be able to find the missing part for our own faulty flamethrower. Then we go towards the theater, but before reaching it we turn left. We go down to the rift, and then we go up to the parking lot on the left side. We use the device to find the resonance point. We go to the body of the operative "Mobius". We search his corpse and take away the pouch for a sniper rifle. By the way, not far from here is Sykes' hideout.

We go to a safe place, talk to the technician. He will show us a computer. Click on it and move to the sublevel. Here we deal with all the enemies in the corridor, and then we go through the duct and find ourselves in the next room. We kill other enemies and we reach the switchboard. Then we lower the 1st, 2nd and 4th toggle switches. We head to the door leading to the laboratory. Inside it we contact Sykes. We watch the cut-scene with the disappearance of the engineer, and then we head into the room with the capsule and lift the slide from the stand. On the left on the floor there will be a suitcase in which we can find a double-barreled shotgun.

Note: If you have carefully read our walkthrough of The Evil Within 2, then you currently have exactly 10 slides. It remains to find the last one. Go to Sebastian's office and study all the slides, remembering to discuss them with Kidman. Then follow the cat and take the last slide.

We add that in Union we can meet several monsters with flamethrowers - we deal with the second of them and create a flamethrower for ourselves, using the crafting system in our inventory. In the laboratory, we should also study the document on the emergency exit from STEAM. Therefore, it is not yet clear whether Sykes was able to get out.

After completing this secondary mission, we go to Sykes' hideout and find on the table a letter from him (one of the documents).

We leave into the city and go to the alley with the garbage truck located to the right of the Devil's bar. There will be a dead body of an operative, after a search of which we can find a pouch for an assault rifle. The second pouch for this weapon lies near the corpse, located behind the Abode Hotel. Do not forget to also visit the Devil's bar, where there is a new statuette with a key (we study the corridor with a painting by Stefano). We enter the hotel, then we talk with Hoffman. After talking with her, we take a good look around - there will be a diary (one of the documents) on the table facing the fireplace.

We go to the reception desk and find a mysterious mug, which depicts the logo of the company that was present in Prey (2017).

Chapter Fourteen - The Burning Altar

We continue to go forward, picking up various supplies. We go up the steps and find on the altar the scripture of Theodore I (one of the documents). We open the door in front and find ourselves at a fork. First of all, we go to the right side and find a room with a mirror. Here we select the assault rifle pouch, lying on the table. Then we go to the left and find ourselves in a hall with suspended cells engulfed in flames. There will be fiery enemies that you can easily shoot.

Then we see a couple of passages that lead to the same place. First, we go into the passage, in which pipes with a light are visible. We approach the grid and go down the steps. We kill enemies behind bars and only then pull the handle. After a while, the grill will open. We search the room and return, as another grate should also rise.

We go into the second opening, follow the corridor to the right side and in the room next to the wall we find another lever (it will not be easy to find it). We pull for it and see how the necessary gates open. We pass through them and climb the steps. We turn the valve and thus turn off the fire. Then we go a little forward. We enter the room on the left side and take the second scripture (one of the documents).

We continue to go upstairs and shoot at the small handle to turn off the fire pipes. This mechanic was used in the original. We go along the wall to the right and find the door. As we approach it, opponents will attack us. We kill them, go inside and find a pouch for a shotgun.

Then we make our way through the fiery obstacles, deal with all the monsters and take the elevator to Theodore. Once upstairs, we turn on the communicator and use the stairs in the room to get into the pool of blood. Here we are looking for a new memory.

We start watching the cut-scene, after which we will have to fight with all the monsters from the first part.

First of all, we deal with the psycho wielding a chainsaw, then we watch the video, and then we approach him and cut the poor fellow in half. Then three times we kill the butcher wearing the safe instead of his head. A cut-scene will start, in which it will be shown how another creature is selected from the safe. We can either shoot her or try to lure her into the flames. At the end we watch the video.

Chapter Fifteen - The End of This World

We leave through the door and see what happened to the world. Here we have to chase Mira, shooting ordinary opponents and killing one thug (we shoot at the red spots).

Walking along the snowy location, we stop next to the pillar and use the communicator to listen to a new fragment of memories. We turn right and find another piece next to another pillar. We continue to walk to the right and we reach a high building, where we can view the third memory. We rise in the direction of the structure, look at a new piece and go upstairs. Then we watch a cut-scene.

Here begins the battle with Mira, who will become a huge monster. Fighting her is relatively easy. First, shoot her in the stomach, where you can see a glowing spot. When it explodes, we destroy one of the monster's hands. With this limb, the boss will grab the main character, but it is enough to shoot her several times with a pistol. Next, we tear off the second handle, and at the end we make several shots at the empty firebrand of the enemy. We will be able to replenish ammunition by destroying frozen enemies and destroying spiders.

Chapter Sixteen - Exit

It's even easier here. We will need to go to the house, go to the upper floor and go to Lily's room. At the same time, you will need to take control of Kidman and deal with several Mobius operatives. Then we watch a long cut-scene. Congratulations, you've completed the game!

Chapter 12. Endless abyss.
Chapter 13. Stronghold.
Chapter 14. Burning altar.
Chapter 15. End of this world.
Chapter 16. Purgatory.
Chapter 17. Exit.

general information

Developer: Tango Gameworks. Publisher: Bethesda Softworks.

The time for a complete 100% completion of the game is 30 hours.

Where is it cheaper to buy the game
The Evil Within 2. PC Price

Score Price Link 1485 RUB 1495 RUB RUB 1499 1559 RUB 1699 RUB
Steam 1999 RUB

System requirements
The Evil Within

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Core i5-2400
AMD FX-8320
Intel Core i7-4770
AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
Video card Nvidia GTX 660 2GB
AMD HD 7970 3GB
DirectX 11
Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB
AMD RX 480 8GB
DirectX 11
40 GB 40 GB
Operating system Windows 64-bit: 7/8/10 Windows 64-bit: 7/8/10

Chapter 1. Into the fire

We play as a young detective Sebastian. Ahead, our house caught fire, we urgently need to save our daughter Lily from it. The front door is locked, we go through the window on the right. Inside we go up to the second floor, in the children's room we find our daughter. All this turns out to be a nightmare, we did not have time to save our daughter.

We come to our senses in the bar. Three years after the events at the Mayak hospital, Agent Kidman comes to us. During this time, Sebastian managed to get on the trail of the Mobius organization, which started all these experiments on the fusion of consciousness with the STEM machine. Kidman reveals that our daughter is alive and is being used as the central intelligence in the new STEM system. This system worked great, but began to malfunction a week ago, and now the organization invites us to fix the consequences of the problem in order to save our daughter. For the second time, we plunge into the virtual world, woven from hundreds of human minds and memories.

After running in the dark, we are transferred to our office in the police station. Kidman contacts us inside. We examine the drawing and photographs of the missing Mobius agents, whom we need to find.

Chapter 2. Something went wrong

Police station

We leave the office. The Kidman cat is sitting on the table, next to it is a slide (1/11). Nearby we can see the collected photo on a film projector.

To save, we use a communication device in a suitcase - a police terminal. To move between memories, we still use a mirror.


We find ourselves in our house, with our daughter and wife. But soon we move to the museum. We approach the picture of the door on the far wall, after that this door will appear behind, we enter there.

We go into room 102, inside we find agent William Baker. His body froze at the moment of the murder in front of the camera.

Ahead is a room for developing a photo with a red light, in it on the table is a photo of the victim - a document (1/40).

In the far right room we move aside the rack, behind it is the corridor.

House with stairs

There is a telephone on the right in the wall, we answer the call, someone laughs back.

On the 2nd floor we crawl under the grate, on the table there is a document (2/40).

We rise to the 3rd floor, there is a room with red curtains. In the next room we see how a maniac photographer kills a man with a knife, and photographs this moment. The body also freezes in a dying state. We are hiding from the maniac behind the sofas on the left side. He will soon leave the room.

Distorted house with stairs

Through the corridor with the paintings we return to the house with the stairs, but now it has changed.

On the 1st floor in the corridor on the right we see how the body is being dragged away. We enter this door, climb the blockage, on the table we will find a photo of another victim - a document (3/40).

On the 2nd floor we pass into the hall with the sculpture of a multi-armed girl. We go down the elevator, climb through the grate. We fall into a room with suspended corpses. There is a painted eye on one wall, and a camera on the other wall. We approach the camera, and a door will appear in place of the eye. We enter it, and we will be photographed.

Near the next glass we examine the photo, a monster will burst into us - a many-headed girl with a saw. We run from her around the boxes, and then along the corridor. At the end, we jump over the fence (press "forward" + "E"). In the next room we climb into the ventilation pipe.

We crawl to the next room, but even here a monster will chase us, and the photographer will throw a knife. Having fallen into the hands of a monster, we fight and run away from her. As a result, we have a knife.

Abandoned house

We find ourselves in a house on the edge of the city. We examine all the rooms, in the center on the table we find 1 syringe. When leaving the house we will find a pistol. (At this moment, we receive a pre-order bonus - additional initial items).

In the new place we enter the locked left room, there is a document (4/40).

When leaving the house, Sebastian will look at the photo - document (5/40).

2nd house

On the street we run to the next house. On the way we can find 1 grass, to the right of the house. There's a corpse in the car. We will see a woman rushing into the house. Inside, she will turn into an obsessed monster, kill her, we get 200 gel. There are 4 gunpowders on the second floor. We go outside, to the right of the house there is 1 grass.

There are many enemies ahead, so we are acting secretly. We can kill one enemy who came running from behind. Further we make our way along the left side, we hide behind the cars. There are 2 herbs in the bushes. We can find few resources in machines. We get to the monster eating the corpse, kill it, we get 500 gel. We also secretly kill the enemy who is breaking into the house. We enter the building, barricade the door behind us.

Chapter 3. Resonance

O "Nile's hideout

Inside the bathroom there are 2 syringes in a wall cabinet. We go down to the basement, there we communicate with the agent O "Neil. He is a technician, and does not know how to fight, but promises to help with communication.

In a dialogue with the agent, we communicate on all topics in order to get additional. task "Unusual signal".

We collect resources inside the premises. There is also a save terminal, a workbench for crafting items, a coffee machine for restoring health.

In the corridor we see the ghost of a nurse and a mirror. We get to the police station, there is a small area with our memories of "Mayak". We sit down in a chair, nurse Tatyana will come to us, and we can carry out improvements for the collected green gel.

Southern part of the city

We go out into the street. The city is gradually collapsing, the road on which we came is no longer there. Before us is a section of the open world, you can go anywhere. The enemies are dangerous here, and the ammunition is minimal. it is recommended to collect various garbage, constantly return and create cartridges for yourself on the workbench.

On the right, on the far street, a lone enemy is walking, we are waiting for him to bring the body to a pile, we attack him from behind. There are several items on the boxes around. Bottles can be thrown in the face of enemies and then finished off with a knife.


Inside, 3 enemies are waiting for us at once, if there are no cartridges, we immediately run back, and already on the street we eliminate the enemies one by one. In the church building there is 1 syringe on the altar, next to 1 grass.

Tourist centre

There are no enemies in this building, only 1 grass, 4 gunpowder. There is one stationary enemy behind the building. In the tourist center on the table is a document (6/40).

The three-story building on the street is closed, but you can climb onto its roof. We find there faulty sniper rifle and document (7/40).

Crossroads with a jeep

There are 3 enemies at the crossroads, only one mobile. We can pass unnoticed along the left wall. If we kill the enemies, we will find 3 rounds at the body of the killed agent.

A military jeep stands behind the crossroads, behind it we find a new weapon - the "Guardian" crossbow, 2 harpoons, 2 electric bolts. Immediately shoot an electric bolt into a puddle behind the fence, and lure all enemies here. Electricity will not kill enemies, but only stun, you need to run up and dop all those who come across. There are 3 rounds at the back of the dead end.

Crimson Supermarket

On the right, you can climb onto the roof of the supermarket, there is 1 motionless enemy, near him we take cartridges.

Near the supermarket on the left side we will see two shadows, in this place we use a radio station, we will hear the military negotiations - scraps of memory (1/24).

Eastern part of the city
The Evil Within 2. Walkthrough

Seeder Avenue, 322

We pass along the eastern street, where almost all the houses are closed, but you can enter a couple of them. (These houses can be found by the yellow audio signals in the upper left of the screen. Seeing this, use the communicator with the "G" key, track the signal, and get a new mark on the map).

Inside we see the negotiations of the military, they say that here is the entrance to the arsenal - scraps of memory (2/24).

In the bathroom in the cabinet we will find 1 syringe. We find a basement in the building, go down, use the computer, then another one. We move to another part of the virtual world. There are several monsters along the way, but there are more cartridges here.

To break open a door, you need to adjust one sound wave to another on an oscilloscope. Nearby, you can shoot an electric bolt at the shield to shorten the way back. In a dead-end room in a silver case we find a new weapon - a shotgun. Taking everything, we return to the main reality.

Further on the eastern street there is a large two-story building, you cannot enter inside, but at the end of its balcony there is 1 syringe and pouch (shotguns)... On the way there will be a trap of a maniac photographer - a zombie will attack us with time dilation. On the site in front of this house, we will find by the corpse pouch (pistols).

Seeder Avenue, 336

On the radio we hear the screams of a woman, we go to the address. Inside we find the document (8/40).

Suddenly, it gets cold, women appear in the house. We get to the hospital with two rooms. Having made our way past the spirit, we take the key card near the couch, unlock the door in the corridor. Having got rid of the spirit, on the table we will find the slide (2/11). (The slides can be viewed at the police station and talk to Kidman about it. So for each slide we will receive 700 gel).

Seeder Avenue 344

We can only enter the garage. There are only a few resources inside. When we enter, the door will slam, and one enemy will attack us.

Seeder Avenue 345

We enter an ordinary house, in the back room we find a couch, and on it a request for our examination is a document (9/40).

After that, the house is blocked, it is impossible to leave, we are being pulled further into our own memories. We turn on the TV, watch our appointment with a psychologist. In the bedroom on the bed we find the document (10/40).

We examine the faucet in the kitchen, the back room, the bathroom. We fall into the corridor of the Mayak hospital, at the end there is a slide (3/11) on the table.

After that we return to the usual house. Near the TV we can take 1 red gel and 1 harpoon.

Western part of the city
The Evil Within 2. Walkthrough


There are 2 trains on the tracks in the western part of the city. In the rotated carriage there is pouch (pistols).

3rd, 4th car of the left train. There is one enemy inside, but if we enter, three more will appear, so we don't go without ammunition.

5th car of the left train. In the northernmost carriage at a dead end we take 1 red gel, we see the girl's shadow, use the communicator - scraps of memory (3/24).

2nd, 3rd carriage of the right train. Several enemies.

Treadwell Transportation

There is a large fenced area with cars near the supermarket. There are 4 enemies walking there. We can throw the bottle to the white van, and when the enemies approach, blow up a red barrel nearby. Resources can be found in trucks.

In the northern part of the fence we find a lever, press it, this will open access to the inside of the building, there are several resources. The second part of the building is locked.

Union, auto repair shop

There is a car repair shop in the northwestern part of the city. This is where the biggest unknown signal comes from. Near the workshop there is a parking lot behind a fence, we can climb over there over the boxes. Inside we examine the corpse in the center, we take from it laser sight pistol... After that we kill the jumped out enemy.

The entrance to the workshop is only from one side. Inside the building we listen to the military man's conversation, he closed the way to the basement - scraps of Memory (4/24).

Nearby we examine the electrical panel, in it you need to solve a simple puzzle: find two correct switches by the amount of energy. Solution: 2 and 4 switch.

After that we will be able to turn on the car lifter, open the hatch under it. below we listen to another conversation - scraps of memory (5/24).

We crawl under the adjacent building. Here we find the code door, next to the corpse of the agent, we find the Union security card. The map has a table of values. We look at the number of the locked door B-34, according to the table it corresponds to the code 9676 (perhaps this is a random code), and enter it. Behind the door there are 6 rounds, 1 first aid kit, 20 parts, 1 special part.

Nearby we find "Request for cleaning" - document (11/40).

Mitchell & Sons

We get out to the surface. Through the found underground tunnel, we got to the adjacent warehouse. There are several resources inside. We can unblock the usual exit to the street.

Unusual signal
The Evil Within 2. Walkthrough

Having found a warehouse under the auto repair shop, we return to the tourist center, where the door to the basement opened. Inside we will see that the soldier was caught and killed by a maniac photographer - scraps of memory (6/24).

On the table we find turner's communicator, from this, 3 more important points in the northern part of the city will appear on the map.

In the same room on the table is a document (12/40).

Bonus Mission: Unusual Signal

Having collected all 6 scraps of military memories, we thereby complete an additional task. We return to O "Neil and tell about it. As a reward we will receive 150 pieces to improve weapons.

Northern part of the city
The Evil Within 2. Walkthrough


In the last place, we go along the northern street, from west to east. The first house is locked, but there is a garage in its backyard, and inside - parts for sniper rifle... If earlier a rifle was found on the roof of a 3-storey building, now we will get a full-fledged weapon.

Northern hideout

The second house is also locked on all sides, but there is a shield and an electric bolt near the garage doors. We shoot electricity at the shield, and it will open the doors. Inside we see how a military man took refuge here, but he was killed by the ghost of a girl - scraps of memory (7/24).

In the building of the northern shelter on the table we find the document (13/40).

Pit stop

We approach the road diner, in front of it we will see the spirit of Lily. Following her footsteps, we go inside. The door to the service area is locked, but there is a trap door on the left in the wall. In the room we find her doll. Then we look outside the dump behind the building, we get a new signal.

Search for daughter

We go to the building in the center of the north street. We find traces of the daughter.

We go to the building in the center of the western street. Another part of the tracks.

The tracks lead to the Treadwell Transportation warehouse. Inside the fence we find a wooden partition, now we can remove it. An inclined staircase leads to a dead end. We go between the boxes, kill the monster, go up the vertical stairs.

At the top in the first side door we will find the document (14/40).

In the second side door we find the second daughter's doll. We look at her memory, she was caught by a maniac-photographer. On the way back we try to catch the spirit of the maniac, but nothing happens. Outside, we will be attacked by new monsters such as dogs.

Back to O "Neil, he spotted Lily's signal at the mayor's office, but this is on another wreck of the city. To move there, you need to go through the second layer of the world -" backstage ". We also get from him mask.

4. Behind the scenes

Oh "Neal gave us the password from the computer in the northern hideout, let's go there.

If we go along the east street, along the way we will see how monsters are chasing a woman. We kill enemies, we enter the house, we can talk with the saved one.

"Network": management department

Using the computer, we find ourselves in the underground tunnels. We read the document (15/40) near the layout of the entire city.

Ahead is a door with an oscillogram, we adjust one wave to another. After that, all the doors around will gradually open. Better to hide in one of the doors, because more and more monsters will come out to the center. In the northern dead-end room we find pouch (crossbow)... To the south on the second floor there is another pouch (crossbow)... Then we go to the south door.

"Network": transition tunnels - central

We push the lever, we go down into the drained channel. Ammo can be found at the dead end on the left. We take away in another place.

Gas leak ahead, gas mask in first person view. On the way, you need to quietly kill an ordinary enemy, you cannot shoot. In the corridor we will find a non-working electronic door, we go along the wires.

A large monster is wandering in the corridor, it is impossible to kill him unnoticed from behind at once, so we pass unnoticed from him. In the back room we set up the electrical panel: turn on 1, 2, 4 switches. We come back.

Right behind the electronic door is the document (16/40).

We reach the cliff, see the shadow of a military man, scan, get scraps of memory (8/24).

To get over the cliff, we crawl into the second ventilation hatch. We use the computer in the last room.


We find ourselves in a new shelter. We use a mirror, a shooting gallery appeared in the hospital compartment: 4 shooting competitions, 1 casual style competition - picking up colored targets.

... 16. Purgatory. 17. Exit.
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The Evil Within was a really tough game to go without saying. She treated all players with the same brutality, be they new to the genre or veterans. The second part of this franchise, The Evil Within 2, differs in many ways from its older brother, and in a good sense of the word, but it is still incredibly difficult. In this guide to The Evil Within 2, we'll share with you a few tips and tricks to help you get started in this challenging game.

Always be on your guard!

Yes, quite odd advice given that The Evil Within 2 is already a survival horror. Players should already be aware of this, right? The thing is that the game will constantly adjust all kinds of surprises for you. Ambushes from opponents, various traps, unexpected scene transitions, unfair conditions for survival, and the like - all this is present in The Evil Within 2.

Try to calculate in your head absolutely any possibility, since the setting of this game just suggests it. Do you see some kind of loot in the distance and already rush towards it at full steam? It is better for you to stop and how you should explore the surroundings of the loot: are there any enemies, traps or dangers nearby? Sometimes, loot can be in a prominent place just for you to try to pick it up.

Also, constantly analyze the situation around you as you move around the world. The Evil Within 2 has acquired an open world with dynamic opponents that will appear from time to time in different parts of the world. You should not run headlong along the supposedly quiet streets, otherwise you can quickly begin to regret it. In general, you need to be extremely careful in the STEM world, as you never know how the conditions of the game might change.

Say "No!" To the matches

If you are a veteran of the first part of this unusual franchise, then you remember how opponents always needed to be set on fire with matches. Yes, it was a rather fascinating mechanic, but after a while after getting to know it, it becomes clear that it is incredibly boring and, in general, even frustrates the game by the end.

In The Evil Within 2, everything has changed and the mechanics with matches are no longer there. That's right! There is no longer a need to constantly try to set fire to the enemy during a battle, since if you deal enough damage to him, you will die. It is enough to shoot the monster and it will sink into oblivion. Yes, on the one hand, it makes the game easier, but on the other hand, it removes the unnecessary micromanagement that pestered everyone.

However, do not think that there is no need to finish off opponents. Some of the enemies can simply lose their balance and fall to the ground. However, dead enemies can still be distinguished outwardly from those that are simply stunned. Always check if someone was killed or not, otherwise you will bitterly regret it in a few seconds.

You can shoot not only in the head

Again, back to the first part of this franchise. Players in The Evil Within know that shooting at any other part of the body besides the head was completely useless. Enemies acted as sponges and they could inflict significant damage only by shooting in the head or at what was left of it. However, even having shot in the head about two or three times - the murder was not guaranteed.

Things have changed in The Evil Within 2, as shooting body parts makes perfect sense. Opponents can be killed by shooting them in the torso a couple of three times. Therefore, if you understand that you cannot fight off enemies by means of headshots, then you can safely shoot at their torso and limbs. However, there will also be opponents in the game who have certain weak points, so you will have to aim well there.

Enemies have become much more mobile

In The Evil Within 2, your opponents have become much more mobile this time. In the first part, all kinds of zombies could lazily dodge your shots, but in the second part, they became fast and incredibly agile. Yes, so much so that it is very difficult to hit them up close, especially from semi-automatic weapons. Always try to keep at least some minimal distance between yourself and enemies.

Most opponents in The Evil Within 2 will attack you primarily in close combat, in which they will definitely overpower the former detective Castellanos (unless they are few in number). Fortunately, the game has a huge amount of means with which you can increase the distance between you and your opponents, for example, the most ordinary shotgun or special bolts for the Agony crossbow.

Open world exploration

Compared to the first part, which was almost always linear, The Evil Within 2, to the surprise of many players, has acquired a very real open world. The game has become much richer: now you have the opportunity to complete additional missions, a map has appeared, a huge amount of loot is scattered around the world, dynamically appearing opponents and much more.

To get the most out of The Evil Within 2, we recommend that you not focus on the main missions, as optional content will expand the game for you much more. Search every corner, find loot, secrets and just unusual places. You will be diligent enough and you will get more points, parts for improving weapons, weapons themselves, etc. The Evil Within 2 gives you complete freedom of action in the unreal town of Union.

Difficulty of the original The Evil Within

At the time of the release of the original The Evil Within, players were divided into two camps: players who approve of the difficulty of the game, and players who scolded the game and the developers for constantly having to watch the loading screen. The Evil Within 2 has become lighter than its older brother due to the total reworking of the gameplay, which, of course, only benefited. The endless feeling of disappointment at the death of the protagonist is now much weaker than in the previous part.

However, some players still liked the high difficulty of the original game. What should they do in this case? The developers were not taken aback and everything was foreseen: when choosing the difficulty, you can choose the difficulty "Nightmare", which will allow you to feel the very agony of The Evil Within again. If you are one of those hardcore players who are used to conquering the "mountain peaks", then feel free to choose the "Nightmare" difficulty.

If you decide to go through The Evil Within 2 on the Nightmare, then get ready for a pretty strong test. What is changing? Well, if on the previous difficulties you could survive without the selection of all the resources, then on the nightmarish difficulty such a luxury is impermissible. Resources will constantly be scarce and there will be a constant lack of them for crafting. The same applies to ammunition, which will be very limited. Well, of course, the balance of damage and health will be changed.

However, if you want the ultimate difficulty, which really makes you sweat, then you need to play The Evil Within 2 once to unlock the "Classic" difficulty. So, deciding to play the second part of this survival horror on Classic difficulty, you need to know a few things about it.

First, your game will stop automatically saving gameplay. Secondly, you will be able to manually save the game, but only a limited number of times. Thirdly, your ability to upgrade Sebastian and to improve weapons will be taken away from you. So if you want a real challenge, you can find it in Classic difficulty for The Evil Within 2.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

You will find yourself near a house on fire - you need to find out what's what. First of all, try to enter the house - the door will be closed, after which the main character Sebastian Castellanos will choose the right path. Next, activate the glass door to start the animation - Sebastian will break the door himself using a chair.

Inside, step to the stairs until the beam blocks your path. Visit the kitchen and use the door on the left, which will take you to the stairs in a roundabout way. Climb upstairs and enter Lily's room.

After the cutscene, in which the protagonist again plunges into STEM, run to the house. Soon you will be blinded by the light of the lighthouse - when the stun wears off, run into the light. On the site of the former tower, you will find a table with a communicator, where a kind of base of the main character is also located.

From here, you will conduct observations and check with documents throughout the passage. First get in touch with Kidman, and then read the information about the operatives from Mobius.

Chapter 2

Examine the documents of the Mobius soldiers who were sent to Union, and then leave the room. Examine the cat that sits near the projector, and then pick up the documents near. Go down the corridor to another part of the building and find a mirror there.

When you find yourself near the mirror, it will break, after which the video will start. As a result, you will find yourself in a room with double doors - go through one to find a dark room. Then go along the corridor to the door at the end - use the door nearby to go to the next corridor.

After reaching the hall, find the dead Baker. Watch the murder scene using rewind and time dilation for clues.

In the next room, pick up document number 1 (there are 40 of them), which contains a snapshot of Baker. Next, look into the right side of the room, where the cabinets are located, one of which will have to be removed.

Take advantage of the opened passage to get to the new part of the building. Here the phone will ring - if you answer, you will hear laughter.

On the upper floor, turn left, where there is a slightly open gate. Near them you can examine the table on the right, which contains document # 2.

On the next floor, you will run into a half-open iron fence, under which you can squeeze - if you do this, you will be able to pick up the second document .

After that, go back and go to the third floor. Find a room with a double door, behind which you will see a new murder scene.

Now, moving stealthily, bypass the enemy. Leave the room through the door that the deceased lady used. You will go through the room with pictures and then reach the escape ladder.

Before getting up, it makes sense to visit room "103", which contains a new document. After that, go to the fourth floor, and then go out into the corridor to notice the enemy.

He will constantly move away from you - follow him until you stumble upon a silhouette that turns out to be a monster. Leave the room using the elevator on the left.

After the elevator, run to the fence with a hole. Behind it you will find a room with the bodies of the dead - go further until you find a drawing in the form of a red eye on the wall. Now you need to turn around as the perspective has changed. Approach the camera on a tripod and then point it at the symbol to watch the murder scene.

After that, being near your eye, turn around again to see the mirror - take the photo from it. Next, a ghost will appear in front of you - the hero himself will turn to him, and then look again in the mirror, where he will find a monster with a saw.

Run from the enemy using the opened path inside the mirror. Pass the gate, the corridor, and then use the stairs that will lead you into the mine.

Crawl until you find a monster. Soon the monster will freeze - keep going by making left and then right turns, which will eventually lead you to a new room. From here, run towards the beam of light at the end, but do not stop, as the monster will reappear. When you get to the end, a cutscene will begin.

Once in the new premises, explore the living rooms of the house - in one of the bedrooms there is a document. After examining the camera, you will move to the house, where you will receive the first self-defense weapon - a knife.

Go to the kitchen and find some medicines with which you can regenerate HP.

After that, visit the room on the left side of the house and take the document. Ultimately, the next video will start, after which you will acquire a pistol.

Outside, head left along the road where the scene will begin. Run after the woman who will turn into a monster at the end of the path. Having dealt with the monster, return to the road and continue driving. On the way, you will again stumble upon a scene in which a certain Liam will hide in a bunker.

A new video will begin at the bottom, in which the main character will meet Liam. At the end of the cutscene, your communicator will be improved - now it can find resonances.

Chapter 3

During this chapter, you will explore the Union area, where additional tasks are located. Chat with Liam if you want to take on a side quest called The Unusual Signal. If you are low on HP, do not waste first aid kits in the shelter, but just drink coffee.

Outside the bunker, you will find a nurse using a mirror. Follow her to find yourself in the protagonist's office. On a secondary task, get to the points marked on the map and reconfigure the communicator. You can also go in search of documents, of which there are as many as eight in this area.

After passing through the mirror, step into the corridor, at the end of which the nurse will appear again. She will head to the chair, but then disappear. Sit in a chair - this way you will teleport to nurse Tatiana. The girl will tell you about the opportunity to improve the characteristics and acquire new abilities. After that, leave the nurse's office and return to Liam.

Before you go in search of Lily, find the APC, near which the crossbow is located. You will find this location to the left of the hideout at the end of the street where the intersection begins. Together with the new weapon, continue your journey, adhering to the signal on the communicator.

First, you will reach the eatery, where only Lily's ghost will be found. Follow him using the device until you reach the pantry. Move the refrigerator to get inside. Pick up the toy to start the cutscene. It turns out that Lily used the window here.

Go outside and look for a trash can, near which the communicator will pick up a new signal. Here, monsters will attack you - attack on the heads of the bodies that are attached to them, so as not to waste a lot of cartridges.

The next point will be found not far from the house. Follow Lily's silhouette while studying the tracks. Eventually you will reach a pool of blood.

The third point is located near the new house, next to which there is a pickup. Find Lily, whose silhouette is hiding in the thicket. Follow the tracks to the car to find Lily running into the building.

Go to the designated building. Move carefully on the spot, as there are many enemies around. Go past the fence, smash the castle, and then finish off a couple of monsters. Here, activate the power to open the way inside the building.

Before visiting the warehouse, examine the car on the road, in which you can find Easter eggs from the game Wolfenstein.

In the warehouse, move forward (the road is linear here), simultaneously killing opponents. Behind the door you will find a workbench that allows you to craft ammunition, as well as a new document.

On the top floor, go to the room where Lily's next toy is located. Interact with the doll to start a cutscene. After the video, leave the warehouse. On the way, you will stumble upon the killer from the previous chapter. Another cut-scene will start soon.

After the cutscene, kill the enemies, which you won't be able to escape from this time. A crossbow or a sawed-off shotgun will simplify your task, but do not forget to run back to the side, as for now the hero is too weak and may die from a couple of blows. After the battle, visit Union and call Liam. Finally, you will only have to get to the bunker, after which the task will be completed.

Chapter 4

From Liam, you will learn how to get to the new part of Union: the fenced island where the city hall is located. Use the network at STEM, which is located in the bunker in the northern part of the location.

In the bunker, talk to Kidman and take the document. Use your PC to move to a room with a Union layout. Find the computer near the wall here - use it to get valuable information.

Continue on until you reach the elevator. To your left is a locked door that can be opened with an electric bolt (you need to shoot at the panel). Do this if you want a shortcut back.

Behind a large door near the elevator, you will find a monster eating over a corpse. Sneak up to him and kill him, then go down to another floor. On the way, you will stumble upon a body - this is another enemy who will suddenly rush at you (so you should shoot him from afar in advance). Next, unlock the panel that closes the door on the left (you must connect the green line with the red one).

Behind the door, you will find that you have overloaded the system, causing the entire security system of the building to fail. Monsters will immediately rush at you, so get ready to fight (you won't be able to escape this time).

At the end of the level you will find a ladder, to the left of it - the corpse of an operative with ammunition. Next, apply the previously obtained gas mask, as the area around will be infected. Here the gameplay will change a little: the view will switch to the first person.

Kill enemies and move forward. At the bottom level, unlock the door by restoring power. After the corridor around the corner, you will stumble upon a new monster - you need to kill him immediately, otherwise he will get close to you and instantly kill you.

After the battle, solve the puzzle with switches 1, 2 and 4 down. Go back. As you leave the contaminated area, you will stumble upon a new PC to explore.

Go to the end of the room where the next point with the signal is located. After setting, go back and unlock the ventilation. Follow the pipe to leave the location and go to the city hall.

Chapter 5

To defeat this boss, you need to skillfully maneuver between objects around. In addition, the entire territory is full of traps and traps that temporarily immobilize the enemy, opening the necessary "window" for you.

While the boss is frozen, stuff him with bullets and then run away. Also near the car you can find a puddle of gasoline, which will immediately ignite if you shoot at it.

After the victory, go to the mayor's office, in which the next Mobius fighter will be found. Harrison will tell you that the field emitter has been turned off, so it needs to be restored.

At the end of the conversation, look into the letter room and study the document. Next, go through the room with the body of the operative suspended in the air and continue walking until you reach the stairs up. On the top floor, you will find a mannequin that needs to be turned to face the camera. Next to it you will also find a necklace - take it and put it on the mannequin.

Finally, on the left side, find a vase with flowers - move them to the container closest to the mannequin. Only now the resulting scene can be filmed, thereby opening the way to the next part of the location.

After that, go through the corridor, simultaneously grabbing documents on the table. At the end of the path, you will find many photos that need to be studied under Stefano's comments. Ultimately, the correct set of shots will lead you to the door.

Behind the door, the off-screen speech of the criminal will start - listen and keep walking. After the next door, pick up a photo of a dead soldier, and then return to the transformed corridor. A killer will appear to your right, trying to take a picture of the hero - go to him to scare him away.

After the scene, turn around and look at the corridor, which changes again. Go to the light source, at the end of which there will be a ladder. Pick up the picture behind the door.

After examining the room, go further. Interact with the table near the door to make the room change again. You will find many opponents who, however, will not attack you. Continue on your way until you reach a room with a dummy. Finally, at the end you will find a room with the desired emitter - activate it using the communicator. This will be followed by a battle with a boss named Obscura.

Killing the Obscura is not so easy, unlike the previous enemy. This boss uses a camera, like Stefano, which allows her to stun you.

You will have to live for 90 seconds, during which the Obscura will stop time several times. In this case, you will need to constantly return to the panel and restart the system.

When the Obscura stops time, attack it to immobilize it. Finally, when half of the indicated time has passed, the boss will begin to crawl along the walls, as well as secretly pounce on you.

After the battle, a video will begin, at the end of which the protagonist will contact Liam.

Chapter 6

The first thing you need to do is return to Liam using the Net. Take exit D5 and go through the new unlocked door. In the new room, you will hear Lily. To the left of this is another door, to unlock which you will have to solve a puzzle (connect the lines). Take the cartridges and return.

In the corridor, kill opponents, and then go down to the lower level. The new corridor will be covered with a white substance - keep going until you reach the locked doors. Open the doors and then run away from the huge monster. Ultimately you will reach the escape door, but you will be caught by the monster. The hero will fight back at the last moment and break free.

After the battle with the white creature, go to the door covered with the substance of the same color. Unlock the door and take the document.

After the cutscene, examine the PC, and then return to Union. In the bunker, look for a point for communication, and then move to the Bolshoi Theater, where you will find Stefano.

Chapter 7

Go to the signal point. On the spot, you will find a living fighter defending against monsters in the parking lot. Help him and kill all opponents.

When you help the operative, he will tell you a little about himself and show you the way to his own bunker. Visit his hideout to complete the mission and heal. Here, Sykes will hand you a side quest related to finding signal points.

At the exit from the shelter, continue to follow the signal. Ultimately, you will reach the Devil's eatery, but on the way, get ready for the fact that you will be attacked by a familiar enemy - a monster with a saw.

Use the surrounding objects to defeat him, hiding behind cars and exploding gas cylinders.

Inside the eatery, pick up documents at the counter. Go to the room at the end where the picture is located - click on it to start the animation. Once on the other side of the painting, walk down the hallway in the opposite direction to find the key that you will find in the severed hand. Next, you have to return to the locked door in the same way, fighting the enemies that have appeared.

Behind the door you will see a room with taut wires. Step forward avoiding traps or touching wires. Finally, in the center of the room, you will find a curved space that you can interact with. Click on the distortion to destroy it.

After destroying Stefano's brainchild, you will find yourself in the Devil's diner. From here, go to the second spring, which will lead you to the Abode Hotel. Climb to the top floor of the hotel and interact with the painting to move to another location.

Here you will again have to find the key, bypassing the Obscura patrolling area. Having found the object, go back and find a new thing, which is surrounded by wires.

The monster can detect you, and if this happens, then simply use the charged projectile to immobilize her. Destroy Stefano's second creation behind the wire to get to the theater.

Chapter 8

In the new location, go upstairs to the hall where Stefano is waiting for you. After the scene, you will have to hide behind the fences, as the hunt will begin on you. Do not get caught by a huge beam of light, moving in dashes from point to point.

Find a mirror in the next room to restore ammunition. After that, you will no longer be able to return for ammo until you defeat Stefano.

In a boss fight, use a lethal weapon that deals good damage up close (for example, a shotgun). Shoot Stefano when he teleports to you. On a successful hit, the boss will be stunned, and you will get the necessary time to retreat.

During the battle, try to use walls and fences, and also try to go to the rear of the boss, since attacks from behind do more damage. In the middle of the battle, Stefano will summon a giant monster that you have encountered before. This enemy will attack the hero the second he is in sight.

Also, periodically the boss will use a flash, the activation of which is accompanied by a characteristic sound. To avoid it, immediately run to another cover. Otherwise, you risk falling into a trap, becoming vulnerable to Stefano's deadly attacks.

Finally, the boss will also cause rifts throughout the battle arena. You can use them to your advantage by luring Stefano inside. It is worth attacking the boss only after he runs at you, otherwise all the ammunition will go nowhere.

Chapter 9

You will wake up in your own office, finding a certain altar instead of a mirror. Find yourself in the catacombs, and then collect all the items that appear in the room. Use the door and go further.

An unknown voice will call you outside the door. At the turn, take a right, and then go into the hall, which can be studied for ammunition. After that, at the end of the room, go into the corridor, and from there - into the mausoleum, where there are even more items.

Around the corner of the next room, find a door that will lead you to a panel with a lever. Activate the mechanism to summon monsters and start a battle. By the way, after the call, you may well hide, and then secretly bypass all opponents.

Return to the crypt and go to the right passage, where there is an altar and another infected - kill him to get an upgrade for the crossbow.

On the way through the hall, bypassing the cells with the infected, pay attention to the altars, on one of which there is a document. Taking the information, go to the gate on the right, which is near the coffin. From there, turn left to exit into a new corridor, which will eventually lead you to panels with a mechanism.

Replace the handle and then activate the mechanism.

Once in a new part of the location, study the cells, each of which can be unlocked. Also examine all the boxes in the area if you are short of ammo. Also, behind one of the boxes, a passage will be found that will lead you to the body of a fighter. After exploring the location, deal with the next fighter on your way, which turns out to be infected, and then leave the territory.

After passing the hall, you will find yourself in a room with a bed, on which another infected fighter lies - finish him off, and then use the side passage in the wall. At the end, explore the memory fragment, then return to the beginning.

There is another room at the end of the corridor where you will find a staircase. On the way, the stairs will collapse, because of which you will no longer be able to go back - continue moving.

A video will begin in which the hero sees his own house. Go to the house, near which another cut-scene will start. Kill opponents using a sniper rifle or other ranged weapons.

There will be three monsters in total, and burning, so you will have to keep at a decent distance; moreover, the trinity has a lot of health.

After the battle, look for a symbol on the wall of the room, which will unlock a further path for you. After that, use the mirror to get back to the study. Having restored your health, continue your way around the house.

In the next room you will find a pressure plate, on the upper floor there are special mechanisms in the form of steering wheels that can be turned, thereby changing the location of the plates. It is necessary to arrange them in such a way that the symbol becomes even. When the deed is done, go through the opened door.

Chapter 10

After the cutscene, the protagonist will find himself at home again. This time, the infected attacked his abode, so you have to defend yourself. Kill your opponents quickly until they get to the girl. Here you can also shoot a container with liquid, which will ignite when hit on it.

Follow the girl after the battle. A video will begin in which you will learn that the stranger's name is Torres. Explore the outskirts of the house, then head for Torres. Together with the girl you will reach a cave that ends in a dead end.

We'll have to climb up, working together. Next, an enemy with a flamethrower will attack you, as well as several burning infected - you must bypass them and get to the bunker.

Chapter 11

Find the documents in the Torres bunker, then activate the "Network". Inside, use the new door, which opens with a special panel - you must lower all the levers, and then the door will unlock.

Behind the door, go to the left, where there is an altar with documents. Continue down the hallway until you reach a bunker. You won't find Hoffman inside, but you will find a signal source that will reproduce her recent actions. It turns out that the girl went with Liam to the closed part of the "Network".

After examining the information on the PC, go down the corridor to the elevator. From here on the left, inspect the body with the Shotgun upgrade, and then head upstairs. In the laboratory, go through the lighted corridor, and then find another signal source that will show you what Hoffman was doing here.

In another room, unlock the panel and open the door to then crawl under it. Eventually you will reach a railway track, at the end of which you will find an office.

Before leaving, investigate the office where the PC with valuable information is located. Further, when you leave the room, the spirit of Anima will appear nearby. Here it is necessary to play covertly, since the Anima kills with one blow, barely noticing the hero. Step behind the fences all the way to the stairs, and then move the cart away from the wall to open up a new path. After that, the Anima will change the state of the room, which will open up another path for you.

In the center of the room, go past the Anima, keeping to cover. On the left, go through the gap between the columns and continue until you are stopped by a corpse rack.

After passing the counter, you will find that the enemy has changed the state of the location again. This time, the final path will appear in front of you, along which you can run in the open, since the Anima simply will not have time to get to you.

In the "Network" examine the next PC, and then back along the corridor. In the room on the right, examine the surroundings, then look into the hall, where there is another document (on the body of the corpse). Next, return to the gate, and then use the steps to reach the laboratory.

Inside, examine the source of the signal, and then head to the next lab. Here, finally, you will find the corpse of an operative, as well as a PC on which you must enter the password 0128.

Once you get the chip, find another PC where you can upload the file. After that, the lighting in the room will disappear, and infected people will appear around. Secretly or head-on, deal with the enemies using traps, and then go to the fourth laboratory, in front of which the video will begin. Behind the door you will see that a flamethrower is waiting for you.

Use cover when fighting this boss. You need to wait for his attacks behind the pillars, and then, when he starts to recharge, attack. Also in the room there are levers that turn on the fire system to extinguish the fire.

At a certain point in the battle, the enemy will remove the mask, revealing his true face. The battle will get more difficult at this stage, so get ready. After the battle, pick up the boss's weapon, and then visit the coveted laboratory, where the fragment of memories is located. In the last room you will find an emitter. Here, the hero will call Torres, ordering her to eliminate the device.

Chapter 12

The new chapter begins with the hero finding himself surrounded by ruins. His own house is destroyed, and Lily's voice is heard all around. Use the communicator to follow the call until you reach the three infected. Kill them from a distance, as they will explode upon death.

After the battle, follow Lily's call while dealing with your opponents. By the fire, examine the table with the document. Continue to follow the signal that will lead you to your daughter's room. Examine the toy to play a cutscene.

After the vision, you will find yourself in a new location, finding Lily's grave in front of you. Approach the tombstone, killing one of the infected on the way. After that, continue killing enemies and move on to the stairs that will lead you to Lily.

Chapter 13

In the course of the video, the hero will turn off, but will soon wake up. Torres arrived in time and rescued him, as the infected were already on the way. Examine the corpse with a new weapon on it.

Before continuing the story, you can complete the secondary quest "The Last Step", which is taken in Sykes' bunker. There you will have to use the "Network" and kill all opponents.

Be careful on the way, as you will encounter all the bosses you have fought before (not counting Stefano).

Bypass the flamethrowers too, unless you need extra ammo. At the hotel, the hero will contact his partner, asking her to deliver the emitter.

Before starting the mission, study the Hoffman document that lies near the fireplace. Next, a task will begin in which a partner will protect you from fire under the shield of the emitter. Here you will have to fight off the infected who will pass through the fire.

If you don't want to waste extra ammo, kill opponents with a pistol, as your partner will provide you with an infinite number of them. Towards the end, the field will begin to shrink, so you will have to pull out the shotgun. Ultimately, you will finally reach Fort Theodora.

Chapter 14

At the fort, you must reach the top floor by finding the pursuing Lily Theodore. In the first room, you will not meet any dangers, but you will find many useful items. Also here is a document with information about Theodore.

In the next room there is a fork: a turn to the right will lead you to a storage with cartridges, a mirror and other things (it makes sense to take a break, since a difficult battle awaits you soon), a turn to the left will take you to the second floor.

Upstairs, you'll find burning enemies that can be dealt with individually.

Pass the room and get to the right room where the mechanism is. After opening the gate, get ready for a battle with three burning opponents. After that, go up to the next floor. In the corridor, the path will be blocked by a wall of fire - shoot the lever on the pipe from above to turn off the gas.

In the new room, pick up another document of Theodore. Use a mirror if necessary and then move on. Overcome another wall of fire, and then deal with the infected by luring them to the nitrogen cylinders. Go forward, clearing the territory and collecting resources.

Soon you will reach the gate opening mechanism. After activation, a monster will attack you - kill it, and then deal with two more opponents. Only then is the gate finally unlocked.

After the cutscene, the hero will move to the "Lighthouse". Here again the madman with the saw will start running after you, so get ready. Ultimately, you will have to face the enemy face to face and perform a QTE (event with pressing buttons at a certain point), after which the psycho will be defeated.

Next, you will face a battle with the Guardian from the first The Evil Within. The essence of the battle is simple: you need to run away from the boss, attacking him from afar. At some point, new Guardians will appear, who will also have to be killed. Finally, the third enemy will be a spider from the original, for the destruction of which it is necessary to set fire to the entire room using the valves. Run away from the spider, as it will kill you on the first hit.

After activating the valves, run to the center of the room, and then trigger the mechanism to kill the boss.

Now that the trio from the first part has been killed, you will see a cutscene in which the main character finally meets Theodore. At the end of the cutscene, exit the fort.

Chapter 15

Outside, you will find that the entire Union is destroyed. Mira destroyed all the settlements, trying to save Lily from the hero himself and not letting her out of STEM. Get to the point to talk to Mira.

After the video, use a mirror if necessary. Continue along Union until you reach Mira. She will start running away again, and the infected will attack you. After the battle, go past the barrier to reach the road. Suddenly the path will collapse, and you will be transported to another part of the location. Destroy opponents and go through a new barrier.

Chapter 16

Union is finally destroyed, but the hero managed to survive the cataclysm. Go to the house on the horizon until you find the source of the signal. A memory of the conversation between Mira, Kidman and Theodore will start here. Keep going exploring other sources.

After that, visit the ruins of a building to the side, where another memory will be triggered. You can also restore the ammunition right there (take the opportunity, as the final battle will begin after that). Next, get to the fourth source near the tree. Finally, enter the house where Mira is waiting for you.

After the conversation, Mira will turn into a giant monster. In battle, you need to attack a bright dot on the boss's stomach.

If you run out of ammo, kill the infected, from which you can get additional ammo.

When the point explodes, spiders will crawl out of the World - kill them too. Next, it will be necessary to attack new points on the shoulders of the boss. Ultimately, one of Mira's hand will fall off, after which she will grab you - attack the vulnerable point to defeat the enemy.

Further, Mira's tail will grow - dodge attacks and continue to attack at a new point that will appear on the boss's back. When the boss loses his second hand, shoot him in the mouth. Only after this will Mira finally perish.

Chapter 17

The last episode will begin when you enter the house. Next, the episode for Kidman will begin, controlling which you will have to kill the Mobius fighters. After that, you will return to Sebastian. Go to Lily's room to complete the fragment.

Then the next episode with Kidman will follow, controlling which you will have to reach the premises with "STEM". Finally, you just have to get to the light source, after which the game The Evil Within 2 will end.

Video: The Evil Within 2 Walkthrough - Part 1

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