City boundary. Big Law Dictionary

1. General Provisions.

2. Establishment of the city and settlement boundaries.

1. General Provisions.

Establishing and changing the features of a settlement (city, workers' settlement, rural settlement) are part of land management activities and at the same time have their own specifics.

All lands within the boundaries of the settlement are municipal property and are under the jurisdiction of the local administration or municipal authorities. Until 1991, the lands of rural settlements were part of the land use on the territory of which they were located. As a result of the land reform, changes were made to the category of "settlement lands", that is, now this category includes the lands of all settlements - cities, workers' settlements and rural settlements, and as of January 1, 1997 in this category there were about 40 million hectares of land.

A feature of a settlement is understood as the outer border of its territory, which separates it from other categories of land. On the territory of the settlement, as a rule, there is a large number of land holdings and land use, therefore their feature is not the border of one land use and does not have the corresponding legal and economic significance. Consequently, each territory of a settlement forms an independent administrative-territorial unit, and the border of a settlement is the border of such a formation, that is, the content is the same as the border of an administrative region. Lands within this border are part of municipal ownership and are administered and managed by local governments.

2. Establishment of city and village boundaries.

The urban and settlement boundaries are established on the basis of the master plan of the city or village, in which the purpose of the land, the internal structure of urban and rural areas, their planning, development and improvement for the future are determined.

Land surveying work to establish a city or settlement line is carried out by order of the local authorities of a city or village with an administrative-territorial status.

As the city or village develops, their features are subject to change. The line of a city or village is changed in the case of the inclusion of new lands in the territory, necessary for their expansion. In some cases, land use is included in the territory of urban settlements only partially and can be located on both sides of their line, and sometimes completely. At the same time, the inclusion of land plots within the boundaries of a city or village in some cases does not entail the termination of ownership, use and lease rights to these plots.

The project for the establishment or change of the city or village boundaries is carried out in the following sequence:

2. carrying out preparatory work;

3. drawing up a project;

4. consideration and approval of the project;

5. transferring project proposals to the area;

6. production and delivery of documents to the customer.

The design assignment includes:

Name of the project;

Basis for design;

Customer and project developer;

Terms of development of the project or its parts;

Information about the existing line or border of a city or village;

Data on the state and use of the city's land fund

or village;

Information about the territorial development of the city or village according to the approved general plan;

The customer's proposals for the establishment or change of the city or village boundaries;

A list of areas designated for survey work;

List of environmental protection measures and requirements for environmental protection;

Composition of materials required for transfer to the customer.

Attached to the assignment:

The plan of the territory of the city or village and adjacent lands;

Other supporting drawings.

When drawing up a project, special attention must be paid to justification:

1. Possibilities of including in the city boundaries of settlements, separate industrial enterprises, which are located near the city border.

2. Feasibility of excluding agricultural land from urban land.

3. Necessity and feasibility of expanding urban and rural areas at the expense of agricultural land.

4. The size of the urban area, the rationality and expediency of its use.

The project plan reflects:

Existing city line;

Modern land use within the city;

Modern use of adjacent land;

Project proposals for an approved master plan or other urban planning documentation;

Projected city line;

Description with the city, village of adjacent lands;

Explication of the land of the city, village.

The explanatory note contains:

Statement on the current state of the city, village boundaries, land use, land distribution by category, land users;

Statement of design solutions for urban planning documentation;

Substantiation of project proposals for the establishment or change of the city, settlement boundaries;

Explication of lands included and excluded from the city boundaries;

Consolidated balance of land of the city, village;

Description of the design city, settlement line.

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What does "city line" mean

Dictionary of financial terms


the outer boundary of the city, which defines its territory and separates urban land from other categories of land;

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

city \u200b\u200bline

city \u200b\u200bborder as an administrative-territorial unit.

Big Law Dictionary

city \u200b\u200bline

city \u200b\u200bborder as an administrative-territorial unit.

City line

the outer border of the city, which defines its territory and separates the urban land from the land of other categories. G. h. Is also the border of the city as an administrative-territorial unit. In the USSR, the establishment, as well as the change in the legal number, are made by the Presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of the union republics, and the procedure for establishing and changing the general number is regulated by republican legislation. For example, in the RSFSR, these issues are regulated by the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated February 11, 1929 "On the determination of the urban or settlement boundaries of newly formed cities, workers, dacha and resort villages" and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated September 12, 1957 "On the procedure for assigning settlements to the category of cities, workers and resort villages. " Establishment and change of G. h. Is carried out in the order of land management.

1. The line of urban, rural settlements represents the outer boundaries of the land of urban, rural settlements, separating these lands from lands of other categories.

2. Establishment of the lines of settlements is carried out on the basis of approved urban planning and land management documentation.

The settlement outline project refers to urban planning documentation.

The line of settlements should be established along the boundaries of land plots provided to citizens and legal entities.

3. The approval and change of the features of urban and rural settlements shall be carried out by the bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, except for the cases provided for by paragraphs 4 and 5 of this article.

4. The line of cities of federal significance Moscow and St. Petersburg is approved and amended by federal law upon the coordinated submission of the legislative (representative) bodies of the city of Moscow and legislative (representative) bodies of the Moscow region, legislative (representative) bodies of the city of St. Petersburg and legislative (representative) bodies Leningrad region.

5. The approval and change of the features of urban settlements that are part of closed administrative-territorial entities shall be carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. The inclusion of land plots in the settlement line does not entail the termination of the rights of land owners, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots.

Commentary on Article 84

1. The line of urban, rural settlements is the outer boundaries of the land of urban, rural settlements, separating these lands from lands of other categories (Art. 84 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation). Establishment of the lines of settlements is carried out on the basis of approved urban planning and land management documentation. In detail, the procedure for developing a draft outline of an urban and rural settlement is established by Art. 36 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Projects are developed on the basis of master plans of urban and rural settlements or territorial integrated schemes of urban planning for the development of the territory of districts (counties), rural districts (volosts, village councils).

Projects of the features of urban and rural settlements are a separate type of urban planning documentation (Art. 28 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation). But the projects of the features of small towns and settlements, the features of rural settlements can be developed as part of the master plans of these settlements.

The line of settlements should be established along the boundaries of land plots provided to citizens and legal entities. This is necessary so that one and the same site does not fall under the legal regime of two different categories of land.

2. The development of drafts of a feature of an urban or rural settlement shall be within the competence of local self-government bodies of the relevant settlement or other municipal formation, with the exception of projects of a feature of cities of federal significance. In Art. 84 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, as in paragraph 3 of Art. 36 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, it is provided that the approval and change of the features of urban, rural settlements is carried out by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The exception is the approval and change of the features of the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are carried out through the adoption of a federal law upon the agreed submission of the legislative (representative) bodies of the city of Moscow and the legislative (representative) bodies of the Moscow region, legislative (representative) bodies of the city of St. Petersburg and legislative (representative) bodies of the Leningrad region. The latter provision contradicts the norms of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, which referred such a statement to the competence of the Government of the Russian Federation. The approval of drafts of the features of urban and rural settlements is not allowed without taking into account the opinion of the population, whose interests are affected by changing the features of these settlements.

3. The Land Code of the Russian Federation has retained the traditional norm of land legislation that the inclusion of land plots within the boundaries of settlements does not entail the termination of the rights of land owners, land users, landowners and land tenants. This provision aims to ensure the stability of land rights.

the outer border of the lands of a city, village, rural settlement, which separates these lands from other categories of lands. In accordance with the Federal Law "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", the establishment and change of the boundaries of municipalities (ie, all settlements) is included in the competence of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to self-government.

Excellent definition

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the outer boundary of a city land, which defines the location and total size of the territory of each city. In Soviet legislation, the concept of land use is used to define urban lands and their delimitation from the rural areas adjacent to the urban area (see Art. 145 of the Land Code of the RSFSR). Art. 57 of the General Principles of Land Use and Land Management indicates that urban lands are lands that are inside G. h., With the exception of special-purpose lands (see).

Determination of G. h. Is carried out in the general order of land management production both at the request of the city Council and the surrounding population. The exact establishment of G. h. Is of great economic and legal importance. As cities grow and expand, it becomes necessary to expand the urban area. Its expansion is carried out by changing the existing G. h. And establishing a new one. The initiative to initiate the question of expanding G.h. belongs to both local and central authorities.

The procedure for changing the existing G. ch. In cases of the need to expand the territory of the city, as well as the establishment of G. ch. In newly formed cities is regulated by the legislation of the individual union republics. According to the current legislation, the establishment of the legal number of newly formed cities, workers, summer cottages, resort villages and the change of the number of existing cities (workers, summer cottages and resort settlements) is carried out by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union republic. The lands located inside the h. Are a special legal category, the regime of which is regulated not by general land legislation, but by special legislative acts. In the RSFSR, such a legislative act is the Regulation on land regulations in cities (SU RSFSR 1925, No. 27, art. 188). The legal regime of lands outside the state h. Is determined depending on which legal category they belong to and to whom the right of use is assigned to them.

In order to prevent improper development of land that may eventually enter into the city of h., The city councils are given the right, regardless of the establishment of a new h., To prepare plans and rules for the development of land located behind the city h. From the date of approval of these plans and rules and their announcement in the press is prohibited arbitrary building of land outside the city, h.

Urban planning projects may provide for the expansion of urban planning in the future by the subsequent inclusion of suburban lands outlined according to the general plan for urban development. So, for example, the expansion of the boundaries of the city of Moscow: provided for by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee. the party dated June 10, 1935 on the general plan for the reconstruction of Moscow (SZ 1935, No. 35, art. 306). The city of Moscow is assigned all the territories outlined according to the general plan for urban development, as reserve lands of the city, to be included in the city limits as they are developed by the development.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

the outer border of the city, which defines its territory and separates the urban land from the land of other categories. G. h. Is also the border of the city as an administrative-territorial unit. In the USSR, the establishment, as well as the change in the legal number, are made by the Presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of the union republics, and the procedure for establishing and changing the general number is regulated by republican legislation. For example, in the RSFSR, these issues are regulated by the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated February 11, 1929 "On the determination of the urban or settlement boundaries of newly formed cities, workers, dacha and resort villages" and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated September 12, 1957 "On the procedure for assigning settlements to the category of cities, workers and resort villages. " Establishment and change of G. h. Is carried out in the order of land management.

N.I. Krasnov.

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