How to pass the exam of the disease according to the program. What to do if an incorrect task comes across? Where and in what time frame to find out the results

On May 26, 9 grades pass the first exam, and on May 29, 11 grades - the first exam. "" has collected questions that are most often asked by future exam participants and their parents, and made detailed instructions on how to pass this test without shock and violations.

What can you take for the exam, and what can you not take?

This is the most frequently asked question before the exam. And although the answer to it is described in great detail in all official documents, many problems arise every year due to elementary violations. The only thing that the exam participant must take with him is the passport... You can bring a black capillary pen to the exam, but this is not necessary - there are always spare ones at the drop-off points. In addition, if necessary, you can take medicines, food and special technical equipment for USE participants with disabilities, disabled children and disabled children - such as a braille device and a pencil lead, a magnifying glass, etc.

For some exams, you can take additional devices and materials that were approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science for each subject separately. This list includes:

  • mathematics - ruler;
  • physics - ruler and non-programmable calculator;
  • chemistry - non-programmable calculator;
  • geography - ruler, protractor, non-programmable calculator.

It is strictly forbidden to have with you and use at the exam means of communication, electronic computers, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information.

The Rosobrnadzor management appeals to parents with a request to convey to the children that in no case should they bring a mobile phone to the exam. The exam begins after the participant has passed the metal detector frame, and if the phone is found then, no matter whether in the classroom or in the hallway, in a bag or pocket, at the beginning or at the end of the test, the results will be canceled without the right to retake this year.

In addition, each CMM has a QR code - that is, if someone takes a photo of the control and measurement materials, it will immediately be possible to understand whose copy it is. This is not necessary.

All personal belongings of the exam participants must be left in a special storage place, which is located before the entrance to the exam point (PPE). In case of violation of these rules and refusal to comply with them, the GEC member has the right to remove the USE participant from the exam and draw up an appropriate act.

Can I get out?

During the exam, you can go to the toilet, but this right is advised not to abuse. If the child quickly wrote and checked everything thoroughly, he can submit the work earlier and leave the classroom. To do this, he must raise his hand, call an assistant and sign. According to Rosobrnadzor, early surrender does not imply any punishment, but it does not give any rewards either.

How do I fill out the forms?

Before the start of the exam, the organizers give instructions to the participants of the exam. They are required to answer questions related to the design of the forms, but must not answer questions on the content of the CMM. If the organizer refuses to answer questions about the procedure for issuing forms, this is a violation of the exam procedure, and the USE participant can declare this immediately, in the PPE, by filing an appeal to the commission member about the violation of the USE procedure.

Please note that in 2017, the information in the middle part of the USE registration form has changed, namely:

  • detailed information on working with forms;
  • added warning information about what is prohibited to do on the exam.

Answer form No. 1 has also undergone changes in terms of the order of its filling:

  • reduced the number of fields for replacing erroneous answers;
  • added the field "Number of filled fields" Replacement of erroneous answers "". This field is filled in by the organizer in the classroom after the exam participant completes the examination work. He must check the answer form No. 1 of the USE participant for the replacement of erroneous answers with tasks with a short answer. If the exam participant replaced erroneous answers during the execution of the work, the organizer must count the number of substitutions, write down the corresponding number in the required field and sign in a specially designated place.

If suddenly an error in the surname is found in the pass on the PPE, then it is necessary to correctly indicate the data in the registration form and contact the responsible organizer in the audience so that he fixes the identified inconsistencies in the "Statement of correction of the personal data of the SIA participants."

If I got sick, didn't come, change my mind?

The main round of delivery will take place from May 26 to June 30, but there is a reserve day for each subject, and an additional reserve day was introduced for all subjects last year. Thus, three days are allotted for the delivery of each discipline. They can be used if two elective exams fall on the same day. After all, the applicant can choose any number of optional tests in any combination: if they coincide in the schedule, it is possible to pass one exam on the main day, the other on the reserve one.

A participant who missed the exam due to illness submits a document confirming a valid reason for absence (for example, a certificate from the hospital) to the organization where he registered for the exam. After that, the state examination commission will appoint him another day for delivery, provided for by a single schedule.

The choice of subjects that the graduate would take as the Unified State Exam had to be decided before February 1. If the child chose a subject, but then decided not to take it, he may not come to the exam. This, however, must be reported to the Regional Information Center in advance.

But if on the contrary - the graduate decided to take some subject that was not indicated in the application submitted before February 1, then it can be added only for very good reasons. For example, if a university unexpectedly changed the list of subjects required for admission to a particular specialty, this is considered a violation - all higher educational institutions were required to post the lists on their websites before October 1, 2016.

But if suddenly this still happened or there is some other objective reason why the child needs to add some subject, then you need to write an application to the regional examination commission no later than two weeks before the date of delivery (this may be a reserve day) ...

In what case is retake possible?

Retaking is possible if the minimum has not been overcome in one of the compulsory subjects - Russian or mathematics. This Unified State Exam can be retaken if the applicant has received a positive option in the second compulsory subject.

Schoolchildren and parents had many questions about the possibility of retaking mathematics if a graduate passes both the basic and specialized levels. The rules are as follows: those who have received an unsatisfactory result in mathematics of the profile level and a satisfactory result in mathematics at the basic level (or vice versa, this also happens) are not allowed to retake mathematics of the basic or profile levels in additional terms, since they already have a satisfactory result in the academic subject "Mathematics ".

It is important to remember that if a participant was removed from the exam for violating the rules by the decision of a member of the GEC, who in this case must draw up an act, then he will not be allowed to re-pass the exam in the subject this year.

If I disagree with the points for the USE, what should I do?

You must file an appeal on disagreement with the points awarded to the educational organization that admitted you to the GIA, or directly to the conflict commission. An appeal on disagreement with the points awarded is filed within two working days from the date of the announcement of the USE results in the relevant academic subject.

Before deciding whether to file an appeal, carefully review your examination paper - all answer forms are saved in the student's personal account. It must be remembered that an appeal can both raise and lower the result. As for the oral part, which so far is only in the foreign language exam, the recording is also saved, but you can listen to it only in the conflict committee.

Could you please tell me how to act for parents if the child falls ill the day before or on the day of the exam? Can schoolchildren, if they fail the USE for a good reason, pass the exam in the second wave and where should they apply in this case? Thank. // Galina

If a graduate in the first wave for a good reason could not come to the exam and this is provided with a supporting document, he can apply for the exam on the reserve day of the first wave or in the second wave. If a graduate changes his mind about taking one of the voluntarily chosen subjects - not necessarily, but voluntarily chosen ones - he may simply not appear for this exam. This is his right.

Hello, Lyubov Nikolaevna! Tell us how the Rosobrnadzor hotline on the USE differs from the same hotline opened by the deputy Alina Kabaeva? How many USE hotlines are open in Russia? Are they open in all regions of the country? Are they free? // Nikita

Rosobrnadzor does not organize any hotline. But he supports the opening of hot lines that advise children on all sorts of issues, and presents his specialists to answer questions. We are already planning to work very closely with Alina Kabaeva's hotline. This is the experience of the last year, which gave its successful result. And this hot line of Alina Kabaeva with the participation of our specialists has already started working on April 7. There can be many hot lines - in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in schools, we welcome their appearance. We only really hope that qualified specialists will answer on these lines, this is the most important condition.

Why is it not known in advance the number of points that means successful passing of the exam? It seems more than strange - why will officials decide this and what will they proceed from? // Hope

What is the expected "bar" in the USE in terms of points this and next year? Will these figures differ or will they remain the same every year? // Kirill (Moscow)

Good question. The lower boundaries that confirm the passing of the exam are determined annually; they, of course, can be different. Since the lower limit is determined taking into account the educational level of each individual year, the definition of which includes consideration of various socio-educational factors. We guarantee continuity in the scales so that the applicant's rights under last year's certificate will be equated to the applicant's rights this year. That is, the valence of these boundaries is guaranteed. But valence does not mean complete identity. It is the general educational level, which is shown at the end of each exam, that influences what is included in the concept of the amount of necessary knowledge, skills and abilities required to confirm the certificate of general complete education. The general level of education is determined every year on the basis of many different factors. The commission formed under Rosobrnadzor consists of subject experts, representatives of the public and legislative bodies, and representatives of the education department. And we consider such a commission competent to determine this level from different sides. And the decision on the lower limit is made within 6-8 days after the end of each exam.

Will something else change in the USE draft or is it already working in its final form? // Georgy (Tver)

Lyubov Nikolaevna! For the last two years, the regulations on the USE and entrance examinations to universities have changed dramatically shortly before the USE itself (in February!). What is the reason for such instability in a very important issue for many? Do education officials intend to further irritate children, parents and teachers with their unexpected decisions? // Yulia

There is now no USE project. There is a law of the Russian Federation, which determined that the state final attestation from January 1, 2009 is carried out in the form of the USE. The project was eight years old, experimenting. The question of amending the legislation: not a single person can answer this question today. The right of legislative initiative belongs to a large number of subjects. Whether these changes will be adopted depends on the decision of the Russian parliament. From my point of view, education is the field of activity, the constant changes in which confirm the development in society. How soon these changes will be is a matter of expediency.

Hello, Lyubov Nikolaevna. Please tell me where you should register for the USE in the second wave? The registration deadline in all regulatory documents is indicated "until July 5, 2009". I want to enter Moscow University on an external form of study. She graduated from school and technical school a long time ago, more than 15 years ago. I live 1000 km from Moscow. Naturally, I would like to pass the exam in my city, and come to the admissions committee of a Moscow university with ready-made results so that I do not have to live in an expensive city for a long time. Yesterday I turned to our local education department with a question about registering for the exam. They told me that I was already late, and advised me to take the Unified State Exam as entrance exams to one of the local universities, and then pick up the documents from there and go with them wherever I want. Are not local education departments or ministries obligated to ensure equal conditions for education for all citizens guaranteed to us by the Constitution? // Vera

Dear Lyubov Nikolaevna! Suppose that a graduate received a "2" in Russian, and in June on an additional day (June 11) he was going to take chemistry. When, in this case, he retakes the compulsory subject and will he have the opportunity to pass the subject of his choice? If a graduate did not take an elective in the first wave, will he have the right to pass it in the second wave? If a graduate of previous years, without a valid reason, did not participate in the USE in May-June, will there be any obstacles for him to participate in the USE in July? // nadegda

If a student in grade 11 missed the entire first wave of the exam for a good reason, can he take part in the second wave? // Valentine

Graduates of grade 11, as a rule, by submitting an application before March 1, decided on which exams they will take. To obtain a certificate, they must pass two required exams. If one of the compulsory subjects does not pass the lower limit, the graduate has the right to retake one subject. If two are not handed over, then in a year. As for voluntary items. If the reason for failure is recognized as valid, then the graduate has the right to take the exam on the reserve day of the first wave or in the second wave. This year, only this year, we are considering the possibility of applying for a graduate of this year in the second wave and passing the subject that he did not pass in the first wave, for which he did not apply. If he has such a decision to enter another specialty. This is only due to the peculiarities of this year. This year, due to the fact that this is the first time, we have extended the possibility of submitting applications until April 7 and are considering the possibility of taking those items in the second wave that were not applied for in the first. Graduates are not to blame and we are expanding their opportunities.

I answer Vera's question. They are obliged to register you for the USE and send you to the examination center in the first or second wave. And where this item will be, is decided by the educational management body to which you belong.

Dear Lyubov Nikolaevna. According to rumors, for foreign citizens of the CIS countries with which intergovernmental agreements in the field of education have been concluded, an alternative will be given: either to take the exam in July, or to participate in the entrance examinations conducted by the university. Will applicants from foreign countries have the opportunity to submit, for example, USE certificates in two subjects, and in the remaining third subject to participate in the entrance test conducted by the university? // Vladimir

Dear Lyubov Nikolaevna, when will the procedure and rules for admission to Russian universities be published? Please tell us about the main provisions of these rules. // Vladimir

Please tell me in what form will foreign citizens take entrance exams to Russian universities? I am specifically interested in applicants from Belarus. // Anfisa

I am a citizen of Ukraine and I want to enter the Moscow Institute. Will I need to take the exam? // Peter (Kiev)

Foreign citizens can choose the form in which they will take entrance examinations. They can take the form of the Unified State Exam or in the form in which universities are established (in the traditional one). The rules for admitting foreign citizens are currently being registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Their release is expected in the near future.

My son entered the university on a budget. Only 7 budget places were recruited for this specialty, one more person entered for a fee. There are only 8 people in the group (and stream). Now they are told that groups of this size cannot exist and they can be disbanded (redistributed to other specialties). But the son does not want to go to another specialty, he deliberately chose this one, and then he will have to retake some subjects. Can a university disband a group (specialty)? What documents is it regulated by? The specialty is new; it has existed at the university for only the first year. State university. Thank. // Petrova Elena

I don't have enough information to understand why the university decides to disband this group. There can be many factors on the basis of which the university makes such a decision. We are ready to assign this specific question, to understand the situation and give a specific answer, whether the university has the right to carry out this operation.

Lyubov Nikolaevna, as far as I understand, Rosobrnadzor is responsible for certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers. At present, in our country there are a number of scientific workers who have not only a candidate of science degree in the same specialty, but also a PhD degree obtained abroad. Is it planned to develop a procedure for legalizing a PhD degree in our country, in addition to the current re-protection in the dissertation council. What to do in a situation when, for example, a person is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and at the same time has a PhD in physics? // Igor (Moscow)

Recognition in Russia of a PhD (academic degree - Doctor of Philosophy) obtained abroad, for example in Germany, is now a long and bureaucratic process, or at least it was a couple of years ago. Facilitating the recognition of the degree of specialists who have proven themselves abroad would be a real, albeit small, step in recovering the brains that have "leaked" abroad. Are there any planned changes in this direction? // Nikolai

The issue of establishing equivalences of different documents and different assessment procedures is a rather broad issue. There can be no direct translation of the result of one procedure into another. Retaking, re-confirmation or any other form that establishes the equivalence of these procedures must necessarily take place, whether it concerns a PhD or any other assessment certificate.

This year my daughter is finishing college and is going to go to university. Should she take the exam? If so, where and when? How is it arranged? // Igor S.

If your daughter enters the university for a specialized specialty, then she has the right to take entrance tests in the traditional form. You need to apply to the university about this and familiarize yourself with the schedule of traditional tests for those who have the right to do so. But if she wants to pass these tests in the form of the Unified State Exam, she also has such a right.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna, hello. I live in Moscow, I am going to enter to study in the form of external studies, but in accordance with the law No. 365 of November 28, 2008 and No. 58 of February 24, 2009, I have to take the unified USE exam. I will study in the evening or part-time form and finished school a long time ago, I work. How should I proceed in this situation? Thank you in advance for your response. // Victor

Hello, Lyubov Nikolaevna! I have a question about admission. I want to go to college for external studies. But the admissions office told me that I had to take the exam, since there is such a law No. 365 of November 28, 2008 and No. 58 of February 24, 2009, and that the USE does not need to be taken if I study in evening and correspondence forms ... I graduated from school a long time ago, I work, I have no time to study every day, the employer does not let go at the session, and in the external school you can study according to your schedule and take exams when you are ready. Why does the institute send me to the Unified State Exam if I finished school before 2009? // Karnova Elena

Do I need to take the Unified State Exam to enter a university for accelerated training on the basis of a secondary vocational? // Helena

For everyone who graduated from school before January 1, 2009, if he enters the correspondence or evening form, the exam is conducted in the traditional form.
What is an accelerated form of education based on secondary education, I do not understand. He enters the specialty. And then the rules may provide him with any form of education in this specialty. He does not enroll in external studies. Therefore, on the basis of secondary education, admission to universities on the basis of the Unified State Exam.

Dear Mrs. Glebova! Explain, please, do universities determine the third exam or do they give the applicant the right to choose? Because on sites, including LITMO, for example, for one of the faculties the list is as follows: Russian, mathematics (profile), physics or computer science (one test out of two). // olga

I will explain the order of the Ministry of Education on the procedure for admission to universities, where it is written in black and white: the university determines the third exam. All cases when such a right is granted to an applicant are illegal, and the results of enrollment can be challenged if such a rule exists in admission. Therefore, look carefully how the admission rules correspond to everything that we are talking about.

Lyubov Nikolaevna, please explain why the mark on the additional USE does not affect the overall mark, but the mark in mathematics or the Russian language affects the issuance of the certificate? Isn't it too tough ?! // Natalia

Good day! I would like to know whether the result of the Unified State Exam in the elective subject affects the final grade presented at the school (the answer was ambiguous in an interview with the heads of the DO Moscow) Will the provision on three university entrance exams be preserved for the 2009-2010 academic year, and when is the final decision planned for the 2009-2010 year? // Sergey

Explain, please, the inconsistency of some provisions on the issuance of certificates. The Regulations on Grading Certificates say that the grade in the certificate does not depend on the USE results, that the average grade in the subject for the last three years is set in the certificate, i.e. for grades 9-11. At the same time, if a graduate has not passed the USE, a certificate is not issued to him. But the exam is conducted in two compulsory subjects, and a person studied more than 19 subjects, studying for 11 years at school! Let the university not accept with deuces for the exam, but what does the certificate have to do with it? Don't you think there will be a social explosion after some of the children are left without documents? This is while theoretically they perceive information about the possibility of being left without a certificate. And what will happen in practice? // Alexandra

Good day! The child studied at 4 and 5 all the years, tried. If he passes the exam for a three, and the control one for 4 or 5, what mark will go to the certificate? // Svetlana

Because this is the form of state final certification in the Russian Federation.

The USE results are not calculated on a 5-point system. The certificate contains the results of the current academic performance in a 5-point system. If the lower limit of the 100-point USE in mathematics and Russian is passed, then the same mark remains in the certificate. No USE results are translated into a 5-point system.

It is not clear to introduce the USE in grade 9 if it serves to enter universities. If earlier a student who did not study well, went to get a working specialty in a technical school or vocational school, then where will the student go after the 9th grade if he does not pass the exam? Stay at school? Until when? The same is with graduates. Now, they say, the 12th grade will be introduced for this, but feeding the parents of 18-year-old "children" is some strange policy, clearly contrary to the interests of the state. // Lenok

There is no USE in grade 9. There is a state final attestation based on the results of 9 classes, carried out in a new form. Subjects of the Russian Federation can choose the form of testing to assess the level of assimilation of knowledge based on the results of the 9th grade. Testing and the exam are not synonymous, not the same thing. Testing is a way of assessing, along with other types. And the Unified State Exam in our country is held only following the results of grade 11. And therefore it is both a form of state certification and a form of an entrance exam. And this is not translated into 9th grade.

On the basis of what regulation or other normative act will the graduates be awarded with silver and gold medals in connection with passing the exam? // Marina Nikolaevna

In fact, no one canceled the Regulation on awarding gold and silver medals. It's just that the privilege that was provided for by this provision, namely the passing of entrance examinations in the amount of one, has lost its objectivity. Because there are no entrance examinations as such, which pass after the school final certification. There is no benefit subject. These changes are recorded in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science on the awarding procedure, which is being prepared for release.

Questions for you as a schoolteacher diploma holder. How many years have you worked as a teacher of the Russian language at school? Do you really think that the Unified State Exam is the main problem of Russian education? // curious

Well, firstly, I believe that the USE is the widest window of opportunity in our education. And not only do I not call it a problem, but I think that we have so little revealed its capabilities that we still have to work and work in this direction. I managed to work in the education system at a school for three years. Although my elective work as a Komsomol has always been associated with students and student youth.

How do you feel about the project of Deputy Yarovaya on oral exams in history and literature in grade 10? Don't you think that this will only be an additional burden on graduates? // Alexandra

We have a state final certification, which is fixed in the law. All other types of exams, attestations, monitoring and other forms of control and diagnostics of knowledge are taken by the decision of the school. At the moment, there is no such legislative state norm in an oral or any other exam in history in grade 10. But if the school makes such a decision, it is its right. True, I would like to nevertheless think whether we are loading the student with different types of control and other examination papers. Including rehearsal, trial, current, intermediate. I have a feeling that soon the child will have no time to study, he will rehearse everything.

Hello, Lyubov Nikolaevna! I have a question about school Olympiads. Should all universities in Russia recognize the diplomas of winners and prize-winners from the list of 120 Olympiads as passing the Unified State Exam for 100 points? // Pavel

Dear Lyubov Nikolaevna! The Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 286 dated October 22, 2007, states that the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are admitted to universities without entrance exams. Explain, please, does this mean that, having become a prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad, in order to enter a university in the direction of training corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad, it is enough to pass only two compulsory USE? // Inna

Dear Mrs. Glebova! Is it legal that universities will count the results of Internet Olympiads for 100 USE points? Where are the guarantees that "little sons" who have not participated anywhere will not appear among the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads? // olga

There are different stages of one Olympiad. At some of the stages, there is an Internet format. But this is not an Internet Olympiad. It is legal to hold Russian Olympiads and subject Olympiads. They have different stages of implementation, but each of them ends with a face-to-face stage. Therefore, the "little sons" will not be able to slip through.
There is a specialty. The graduate must decide before March 1 what exams he needs. He does not know until March 1 whether he is the winner of the Olympiad or not. He showed up for all the subjects that he needs in this specialty. If he became the winner of the Olympiad, then he does not need to take this exam, which he chose voluntarily. But in order to obtain a certificate, he must pass mathematics and Russian.

When will the segment of materials - USE tasks in mathematics - become open (as promised by the USE organizers)? Preparation from the perspective of the demo version does not guarantee complete success and leads to shortcomings in the entire list of tasks. The teacher "does not see" the entire field of the material necessary for the exam and spends the study time on the analysis with the students of tasks that do not constitute the material of the exam. // Sophia

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science voiced a declaration on the openness in the future of all tasks of the Unified State Exam. As a mathematics teacher, I consider this to be permissible only for the first level exam (for school graduates who do not apply for admission to the relevant university). An absolutely normal idea is to master a certain minimum and confirm its mastery on the exam. But for those who enter technical universities (and especially physics and mathematics), this is absolutely unacceptable! More precisely, a number of tasks from the first part may be open. But there must be at least a third of tasks that are absolutely unknown in advance (it is even better for them to even do without a demo version!). It is when solving previously unknown problems (throughout the course of school mathematics!) That students will demonstrate their real level. The solution, even at an excellent level of tasks from an open bank, indicates good training and diligence, but cannot be a test for selection for physics and mathematics. What do you think about that? Thank. // Alexander

This year, a group of developers under the leadership of Academician Semenov is developing control and measuring materials in mathematics, which are based on an open bank of tasks. Testing of these control and measuring materials (CMM) on 10th grade graduates of a number of subjects of the Russian Federation will be carried out this year. An open job bank will be published for them. Experts, representatives of the academic community, and the teaching staff will decide how effective the CMM, which is based on a bank of open assignments, will be. And by October 2009, a decision will be made whether this math test material will become mandatory in 2011. Then the bank of open tasks for the Unified State Exam in Mathematics of 2011 will be published.
I am not a mathematician, but I very strongly invite the author of this question to the discussion that will be held about CMMs starting from August on the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements.

Good day! I work as a diagnostic and testing engineer. It is known that if you test only the finished product, without intermediate checks, then the percentage of defects (for the exam - two) will be significant. And in the case of a complex product, it is quite difficult and already useless to find out at what stage and which performer is to blame for this. My daughter is in 6th grade. I do not see her opportunity to pass the USE for a positive assessment after she is taught at school: topics in mathematics and Russian are skipped, homework is not checked or not asked at all, sick teachers are not replaced, dictations and tests are carried out 1--2 times in a quarter, teachers do not put current marks in the diary. Please tell me what measures are planned to check the current learning outcomes of children in secondary school by Rosobrnadzor? // Vereshchagina Elena Vasilievna

Rosobrnadzor is a federal executive body that provides part of the state final attestation. Ongoing certification and ongoing control is provided by the school, which in our country belongs to the municipal level of government. We cannot plan anything for the municipal level of government.

Dear Lyubov Nikolaevna! What advice would you give to universities that intend to enter the state accreditation procedure in the near future? What points do they need to pay special attention to? And the second question: what measures does Rosobrnadzor plan to take to prevent such violations as the issuance of state documents to graduates of a non-accredited specialty? // journal "Accreditation in Education"

On the second part, the measure is absolutely clear. Sending information about the revealed facts of violations to the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation. And let them figure it out.
On the first part of the question. I advise you to refer to the accreditation procedure and see how the university complies with the indicators that are defined there.

There were reports in the media that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation sent recommendations to universities for transferring students to vacant public places. Where can you find these guidelines? Thank you in advance. // Tamara Pavlovna

Colleagues, I prefer to answer those questions that are within the competence of Rosobrnadzor. And this issue is within the competence of the Ministry of Education.

In the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, a very strange condition for admission was established at the Faculty of International Economic Relations: in addition to the results of the Unified State Examination, a mandatory career guidance interview is held, which is not an entrance test. As part of the interview, applicants are also tested in a foreign language. No interview score is given. Do they have the right to conduct this interview and why then is it necessary if, as it is written, no grade is given for it? // Valentine

The specialty "World Economy" at the Financial Academy is a specialty that, by order of the government, is entitled to an additional test. 24 universities in our country in a number of specialties received this right in accordance with the law. An additional test in any specialty is carried out in a specialized subject. The results are calculated on a 100-point scale, regardless of the form in which it is conducted - interview, oral, written exam or testing. These points are added to the USE results for the competition in this specialty. No other forms can be additionally installed by the Financial Academy. On this issue, we sent a request to the Financial Academy.

Tell us about admission to creative specialties. // Gazeta.Ru

Creative majors do have their own specifics when running an introductory campaign. In 2009, they have the right to conduct tests in at least two subjects in the form of the Unified State Exam - Russian and specialized. Further, they have the right to establish additional tests of a professional orientation, and this is established by each university independently - the number and time of the test. For creative specialties, the right to finish accepting documents has been established by July 5. In order for all additional tests to be completed before July 25, when the entire acceptance of documents ends.

What, in your opinion, is the reason for tense and conflict situations when children are admitted to first grade? What ways do you see for their solution? Will there be uniform rules for admission to school, following the example of the USE, will be regulated at the state level? // Helena

Probably every conflict or tense situation has its reasons and origins, and each of them must be dealt with separately, if such exists. We have uniform admission rules. It is impossible to use a tool for assessing knowledge that has not yet been given to a child. Therefore, there can be no USE before the first class. But there are tools for diagnosing abilities, directions of personality development. And the school uses these tools.

Hello! Interested in the question of the duration of the exam in mathematics and the Russian language. Thank you in advance. // Helena

Hello, Lyubov Nikolaevna. Recently, an order appeared on the Internet, signed by you, stating that the USE in Russian will now take 6 hours, instead of 3, as previously stated, and the USE in mathematics - 5 hours, instead of 4. Is this true? If so, how can you argue this fact? What caused such an unreasonable increase in hours? In mathematics, we still agree that 5 hours is normal, but in Russian it is too much. I would like to see an increase of one hour (instead of three - four hours) in the USE, for example, in such a subject as chemistry. // Alyona

This order, which regulates the norm of final exams, which are not in the form of the USE, for categories that have the right to do so. The categories that are eligible for this are listed and known, and norms must also be established for them. This order establishes these norms. They cannot be compared with the norms for the USE; these are two different forms. The duration of examinations in the form of the Unified State Exam was approved by the order of Rosobrnadzor in January this year.

Dear Lyubov Nikolaevna, tell me, please, on the basis of what KIMs are compiled? After all, as far as is known, the state educational standard has not yet been adopted. Each school has its own programs and textbooks. Thank. // Elena Anatolyevna

CMMs are built on the same basis as the foundation for teaching children. In 1998 and 2004, there were orders from the Ministry of Education and Science that set the minimum content for each subject. Based on this, curricula are built and textbooks are published. CMMs are built in accordance with specifications that reflect the structure of the educational program and contain a mandatory educational minimum. There is no contradiction.

Lyubov Nikolaevna, when will the list of universities be cleaned up? Indeed, many of them, if they teach, then at the level of vocational schools (which they were in the past). I recently saw reports that a mass certification of universities was carried out, and half of them turned out to be untenable. When will the received statistics turn into actions? // Victor

Indeed, recently Rosobrnadzor has begun to closely monitor the already existing accreditation requirements and is now developing new licensing indicators to determine how the university is able to provide conditions for educational activities and provide quality education. Analysis shows that the author of the question, of course, in his sense of rights. Already in the first approximation of the first procedure, a number of universities that cannot provide the conditions for educational activities do not pass. They either make their own decision about their own closure, or we exercise our right to suspend and revoke the license. We make such decisions, of course, taking into account the extent to which the fate of students of this university is being decided in terms of the possibility of continuing their education. But the state cannot afford to continue teaching students in universities where they cannot provide them with a quality education.

When will the compulsory undergraduate and graduate programs begin to operate in Russia? And will there be any universities that will have the right to teach students in their specialty. // Gazeta.Ru

The law on the two-tier education system in the Russian Federation comes into force on September 1, 2009. Accordingly, in accordance with the new rules, students will be admitted to the undergraduate and graduate specialties from the next academic year. A list of areas in which training in the specialty will be preserved is being prepared. This decision will be made by the Russian government.

Lyubov Nikolaevna, thank you very much for your answers. // Gazeta.Ru

I would so much like to appeal on the eve of the entrance campaign: applicants, be careful! Study carefully where you are going, what rights you have, and what responsibilities arise. Knowing these rules is your guarantee of a quality education. Indeed, in a crisis, you do not just need a diploma, you need knowledge.

Parent questions

1. What should be done if the child does not feel well on the morning of the exam? Do I have to go to the exam? When can the exam be taken if the child is sick?

In accordance with the Procedure for Conducting the Unified State Exam, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 000 of October 11, 2011, by the decision of the State Electoral Commission, the following USE participants are admitted to the USE in the current year in the corresponding general education subject: graduates of the current year who did not pass the USE on respectful reasons (illness or other circumstances, documented) or who did not complete the examination work for valid reasons (illness or other circumstances, documented). If you feel unwell on the day of the exam, you must seek medical help and get a certificate confirming the fact of the disease.

2. Can the child refuse the exam that he indicated in the application? What consequences could this have for him?

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 000 "On the approval of the regulations on the forms and procedure for conducting state (final) certification of students who have mastered the main general educational programs of secondary (complete) general education" state (final) certification in the Russian language and math is a must.

Elective subjects are determined by the USE participant independently on a voluntary basis. In case of failure to appear for the Unified State Exam in elective subjects, the information is not entered into the federal database.

3. If a child was sick on the main dates of the USE, can he take exams in July-August?

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.2001. No. 26 "On approval of the timing and unified schedule of the unified state exam, its duration for each general education subject, the list of additional devices and materials, the use of which is allowed in the unified state exam in certain general education subjects, in 2013" for current year graduates who have the right for re-admission to the exam in the current year, the following deadlines have been set; June 15 - computer science and ICT, biology, history, physics, foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish); June 17 - social studies, geography, literature, chemistry; June 18 - Russian; June 19 - mathematics; July 8 - Russian language, chemistry, history, computer science and ICT; July 10 - mathematics, geography, foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish); July 12 - social studies, literature , biology, physics; July 15 - in all general education subjects.

4. The exam is quite lengthy. Can I give my child chocolate, sandwiches, water?

The drinking regime is observed at each point of the exam.

The duration of the exam provides for the implementation of sanitary standards. Catering is provided only for children with disabilities.

5. Is it possible to invite a subject specialist (teacher, tutor) to the appeal committee together with a graduate?

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.01, No. 000 "On approval of the procedure for conducting the unified state examination" pwhen considering an appeal, a USE participant and (or) his parents (legal representatives), as well as public observers, may be present.

6. If the marks on the basis of the USE are higher or lower than the final ones, what mark is put in the certificate? How are annual marks set?

The results of the state (final) attestation affect the receipt of a certificate of secondary (complete) general education, but not on the marks that are set in the certificate. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.01, No. 000 "On the approval of the regulations on the forms and procedure for the state (final) certification of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education" satisfactory results of the state (final) certification in Russian language and mathematics are the basis for issuing to graduates a state-recognized document on the level of education - a certificate of secondary (complete) general education. In the certificate of a graduate who has received satisfactory results at the state (final) attestation, final marks are given: for each general education subject of the invariant part of the basic curriculum; for each general education subject of the variable part of the curriculum of an educational institution studied by a graduate, if at least 64 hours in two academic years were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the educational institution. The final marks are determined as the arithmetic average of the graduate's annual marks for the X, XI (XII) grades and are set in the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

7. What are the gold and silver medals awarded for? Does the USE score affect medals?

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
of February 25, 2010 No. 000 "On the Approval of the Regulations on Medals" For Special Achievements in Learning ", the gold medal" For Special Achievements in Learning "is awarded to graduates who have passed the state (final) attestation who have semi-annual, annual and final marks" excellent "in all general educational subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary (complete) general education Silver medal "For special success in learning" is awarded to graduates who have passed the state (final) attestation who have six-month, annual marks "excellent" and no more than two marks "good" on general educational subjects of the curriculum, studied at the level of secondary (complete) general education.

To obtain a certificate, a graduate must pass two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, and score not less than the minimum points on them. The results of the state (final) attestation affect the receipt of the certificate, but not the grades that are set in the certificate. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.01, No. 000 "On the approval of the regulations on the forms and procedure for the state (final) certification of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education" satisfactory results of the state (final) certification in Russian language and mathematics are the basis for issuing to graduates a state-recognized document on the level of education - a certificate of secondary (complete) general education.

8. If a graduate passes the state final exam, how does this affect university admission?

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 000 dated 01.01.2001 "On Approval of the Procedure for Admitting Citizens to Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Education", if the graduate passed the state final exam in Russian language and mathematics (having realized the right to choose the form of certification provided by law) and received a certificate, then he passes the entrance examinations to the university in the indicated subjects in the form established by the university independently.

9. Are there special conditions for passing the exam for children with health problems?

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.2001. No. 000 "On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting the Unified State Exam" for USE participants with disabilities The PPE must be equipped taking into account their individual characteristics.

The material and technical conditions of the exam should ensure the possibility of unimpeded access for USE participants with disabilities to the classroom, toilet and other premises, as well as their stay in the specified premises (the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators, in the absence of elevators, the audience should be located on the ground floor; availability of special chairs and other devices).

During the exam, there are assistants who provide the USE participants with disabilities with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics, helping the USE participants with disabilities to take a workplace, move around, and read the assignment. Participants of the USE with disabilities, taking into account their individual characteristics, can use the technical means they need in the process of passing the exam.

For deaf and hard of hearing participants of the exam, auditoriums for the exam must be equipped with sound-amplifying equipment for both collective and individual use.

For blind USE participants, the EGE should provide a sufficient number of special accessories for filling out the answers in bold-dot Braille in a specially provided notebook.

For visually impaired USE participants, the PPE should provide for the possibility of enlarging (copying in an enlarged size) the USE forms; in the classrooms for the examinations, there should be magnifying devices and individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux.
During the exam for USE participants with disabilities, meals and breaks can be organized in the classrooms for the necessary medical and preventive procedures.
Meals and breaks for carrying out the necessary medical and preventive procedures in the classrooms during the exam can also be organized for USE participants who studied at home for health reasons, in health educational institutions of a sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment, who were in medical and preventive institutions more than four months preceding the USE.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.2001. No. 000 "On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting the Unified State Exam" upon expiration of the registration period for the Unified State Exam, changing the general education exams specified in the application is possible only if the Unified State Exam participant has valid reasons (illness or other documented circumstances).

In this case, the USE participant submits an application to the State Electoral Commission with an indication of the changed list of general education subjects for which he plans to take the USE, and the reasons for changing the previously announced list. This application is submitted no later than one month before the start of the relevant exams.

11. Public observers are present at the exam. Can they interfere with the exam?

A public observer has no right to interfere with the course of the state (final) certification.

The activities of public observers are regulated by the Regulation on the system of public observation at
conducting state (final) certification of students,
mastered educational programs of basic general education
or secondary (complete) general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of August 29, 2011 No. 000.

The public observer has the right to: receive the necessary information and clarifications from the accrediting body on the procedure for conducting state (final) certification; be present at the place (at the point) of the exam, including being in the classrooms in which the exam is held; be present at the consideration of appeals; oversee the conduct of state (final) certification and (or) consideration of appeals in a specially organized place (table, chair, pen, paper); immediately inform the authorized representative of the state examination commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the examination commission about violations of the established procedure for conducting state (final) attestation at the place (in point) of organizing and conducting an exam and (or) considering an appeal; inform, send to the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education, transferred for implementation to the bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and (or) the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in charge of managing violations of the established procedure for conducting state (final) certification and (or) consideration of appeals, as well as comments, suggestions for improving the conduct of state (final) certification and (or) consideration of appeals, revealed by him; receive information from the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in charge of education, or the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education, transferred for implementation to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Rosobrnadzor on the measures taken on the facts revealed by it violation of the procedure for conducting state (final) certification and (or) consideration of appeals.

A public observer is not entitled to: disrupt the course of state (final) certification, consideration of appeals; assist or distract students when they perform examination papers (when considering an appeal); in the places where the state (final) certification is carried out, use means of communication and electronic computers (including calculators).

A public observer is obliged: when carrying out public observation, to have an identity document and a public observer certificate; comply with the established procedure for the state (final) certification.

In case of non-observance of these obligations, the accrediting body makes a decision to revoke the citizen's accreditation and withdraw the public observer's certificate.

12. Can a student who won the Olympiad not take the USE?

State (final) certification in Russian language and mathematics is mandatory for all graduates.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 000 "On Approval of the Procedure for Admitting Citizens to Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Education," for training under bachelor's programs and specialist training programs in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad for schoolchildren, in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Science.


Members of the national teams of Russia who participated in international Olympiads in general subjects of schoolchildren, when entering universities / colleges for specialties corresponding to the profile of the subject of the international Olympiad, are admitted without entrance examinations.


Winners and awardees final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are admitted without entrance examinations to state educational institutions of secondary vocational education and to state and municipal educational institutions of higher vocational education for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad

The certificate in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad is marked "excellent".

Winners and prize-winners receive a state diploma, which indicates the name of the Olympiad in the subject. It must be presented to the university when submitting documents to confirm your benefits.

When entering a university / secondary school for a specialty not in the profile of the Olympiad, the result of the Olympiad is counted as 100 points in the subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

The results of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are indefinite.


According to the decision of the university / college, winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads upon admission have the right to receive one of the following benefits:

be enrolled without entrance tests for specialties corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad;

be equated to persons who have scored 100 points in the Unified State Exam in a subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad;

be equated to persons who have successfully passed additional entrance tests of the profile (upon admission to universities), creative and (or) professional orientation in a subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad, in the manner determined by the admissions committee.

Benefits are valid for 1 year from the date of approval of the lists of winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads.

13. Is a student who was removed for a mobile phone eligible to retake the exam? Will he receive a certificate if he was removed from the Russian language or mathematics exam?

In accordance with the Procedure for conducting a unified state exam, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 000 dated 01.01.01, the USE participant cannot carry and use mobile phones, other communication means and electronic computers, except for cases established by regulatory legal acts Russian Federation. When establishing the fact of the presence and (or) use of communication facilities and electronic computers by the indicated persons during the USE or other violation of the established procedure for the USE, the authorized representatives of the SEC remove the indicated persons from the EGE and draw up an act of removal from the exam. The act of removal from the exam on the same day is sent to the State Electoral Commission to verify the fact of removal from the exam and to the RCOI for accounting when processing the USE forms.

The decision on re-admission to the exam in the current year is made by the SEC.

14. Is it possible to pass the GIA-9 ahead of schedule if the child leaves for the competition?

In accordance with the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow No. 000 dated 01.01.01, written examinations in the early period are held in the following terms: April 22 - in Russian, April 25 - in mathematics.

15. If my child gets a bad mark in the 9th grade at the GIA-9, will he be able to retake the exam in the same form?

In accordance with the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow No. 000 dated 01.01.01 "On approval of the timing of the state (final) certification of students who have mastered the educational programs of basic general education", the repeated state (final) certification is carried out in the following terms: June 21 - in the Russian language , June 28 - in mathematics. The passing of exams in the new form is not foreseen within these terms.

16. Is the draft of the work accepted for consideration on appeal?

The USE participant who has filed an appeal is given the opportunity to make sure that his examination work has been checked and evaluated in accordance with the established requirements. The USE participant must confirm that he has been presented with images of the examination work performed by him. Based on the results of the consideration of the appeal on disagreement with the points set, the conflict committee makes a decision to reject the appeal and keep the points set, or to satisfy the appeal and set other points. In the event of errors in the processing and (or) verification of the exam paper of the USE participant, the conflict commission transmits the relevant information to the RCOI for transfer to the authorized organization in order to recalculate the USE results. The authorized organization submits the revised USE results to the RSCI, which submits them for further approval by the SEC. The draft of the work by the conflict commission is not considered.

17. If the child did not have enough forms during the exam, what should be done?

Before the start of the exam, the organizers instruct the USE participants, including informing the USE participants about the procedure for holding the exam, including the rules for filling out the USE participants' forms. If the USE participant has completely filled out the answer form No. 2, the organizer must issue an additional answer form No. 2 at the request of the USE participant.

18. If the child makes a mistake on the answer sheet, will a new form be issued?

New forms are not issued. When canceling incorrect answers in part "A" in the section "Replacing erroneous answers to tasks of type A", you must mark the correct answer; in part "B" "Replacing erroneous answers with tasks of type B", you must put the correct answer.

19. Are there samples of filling out the USE forms?

Samples of filling out the forms are presented in each individual set of materials for the USE participant.

20. What are the child's rights to the Unified State Exam, for example, can a window be opened? What if the noise is in the audience?

During the exam, USE participants must comply with the established procedure for the USE and follow the instructions of the organizers. During the exam, the USE participants are not entitled to communicate with each other, freely move around the classroom and PPE. For all questions, you should contact only the organizer in the audience.

21. Where can I get acquainted with new assignments, for example, in history, to prepare for the exam?

Demonstration options for control measuring materials of 2013 for state (final) certification in the form of the Unified State Exam and GIA-9 are posted on the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements:www. fipi. ru.

22. If a 9th grade graduate does not pass exams in the Russian language, mathematics, additional subjects. What will happen in this case?

In accordance with the Regulations on the state (final) certification, graduates of the 9th grade, who received no more than two unsatisfactory marks on the state (final) certification, are allowed to re-state (final) certification in these subjects. Re-state (final) certification is carried out in a timely manner. Repeated state (final) certification of 9th grade graduates is carried out in the traditional form.

23. Can children of foreigners take part in the Unified State Exam with their passports?

The passport of a foreign citizen participating in the Unified State Exam must be translated into Russian and notarized.

24. If you lost your passport before the exam? What should be done?

If, for objective reasons, a USE participant - a graduate of the current year - does not have an identity document, the admission of such a USE participant to the PPE can be made after a written confirmation of his identity by a representative of the educational institution in which he was admitted to the state (final) certification.

25. What is the time frame for checking examination papers?

The processing of the USE forms is carried out by the regional information processing center (hereinafter - the RTSOI) using special hardware and software. Verification of answers to tasks of examination papers with a detailed answer is carried out by subject commissions. The answers of the USE participants to the tasks of the examination work with a detailed answer are checked by two members of the subject commission. Based on the results of the check, the experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks of the examination paper with a detailed answer. The results of each assessment are entered into the protocol for checking the detailed answers of the USE participants by subject commissions. In the event of a discrepancy in the points given by two experts, a check by a third expert is assigned. The third expert checks and assigns points only for those answers to tasks in which a discrepancy in the points of the two experts was found. The third expert's scores are final. The centralized check includes: verification of the answers of the USE participants to the tasks of the examination work with a choice of answer and with a short answer with the correct answers to these tasks; Determination of the primary USE scores (the sum of points for correctly completed exam tasks) for each USE participant based on the results of the reconciliation of the USE participants' answers to the exam papers with a choice of answers and with a short answer with correct answers and the results of checking the responses of the USE participants to the exam papers with a detailed answer; transfer of primary USE scores to a hundred-point grading system. The approval of the USE results is carried out within one working day from the date of receipt of the results of the centralized examination of the exam papers of the USE participants. After approval, the USE results are transferred to educational institutions, as well as local governments and founders to familiarize USE participants with the USE results they received. Acquaintance of the USE participants with the USE results obtained by them in a general education subject is carried out no later than three working days from the date of their approval by the SEC.

26. How long are the USE results valid?

Persons who have passed the unified state exam are issued a certificate of the results of the unified state exam. This certificate expires on December 31 of the year following the year it was received. Persons who completed military service by conscription and were dismissed from military service, within a year after leaving military service when entering state educational institutions of secondary vocational education and state and municipal educational institutions of higher vocational education, are granted the right to use the results of the unified state exam passed by them in within a year before conscription.

27. How does it affect admission to a university if the child took the GVE?

If a child with disabilities has no USE results, the university determines the form of entrance exams on its own.

28. Are Grade 9 exam scores considered for college entrance?

When admitting to college, the results of the state (final) certification of 9th grade graduates in a new form can be taken into account.

Yesterday, more than 425,000 graduates took the USE in basic mathematics. Of these, 414 thousand are graduates of this year. For the first time, the exam is divided into two levels - basic and profile. The "base" gives the right to get a certificate, but does not allow entering universities where there is an entrance exam in mathematics. This can only be done with a profile exam. Many students have chosen both levels at once - this is allowed.

To obtain a certificate, it is enough to do 7 tasks out of 20. The two on the basic exam can be retaken this year on a reserve day, - explained the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov. Let us explain: if a student has received a "two" in mathematics of the profile level, he will be allowed to retake the subject only at the basic level. And the profile can be returned only next year.

Based on the experience of the early wave that took place in April, the experts concluded: graduates are doing well with basic tasks in mathematics. "There are three most common mistakes," Ivan Yashchenko, head of the federal commission for developing USE tests in mathematics, told RG. "Not everyone understands the condition of the problem, they make arithmetic errors with negative numbers, and cannot check themselves after completing the task." Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Bashkortostan, Yakutia and other regions showed good results.

The mathematics exam is one of the most difficult exam for schoolchildren. Knowledge on this subject has been dramatically falling in schools in recent years. And after Rosobrnadzor sharply strengthened security measures at the Unified State Examination, the number of hundred-point scorers in mathematics fell significantly. In 2013, there were 536 of them, and in 2014 only 64. The average score decreased by ten points.

The profile exam in mathematics will be held on June 4. The early wave showed that not all those who signed up come to it. Perhaps the tests seemed difficult to some, while others changed their minds to enroll in universities, where they need to bring the exam in mathematics.


Evgeny Yamburg, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, director of Moscow school N 109:

The clinics periodically host 6 million children from 0 to 18 years old. But there are no exact statistics: health authorities record patients, and education authorities need training. As a result, long-term ill schoolchildren find themselves in the interdepartmental failure.

In recent years, I have to solve the problems of these children, since my school includes two divisions: one based on the Federal Research Center D. Rogachev, where children with complex oncological diseases lie, and another at the RCCH, where children from different regions of the country are treated for a long time. Among the latter, those who have been waiting for a kidney transplant for years, are treated after serious burns, etc. All of them are guaranteed the constitutional right to receive a full education. But the practical implementation of this right comes up against legal, financial and organizational restrictions. Last year, on the basis of our two clinics, in agreement with Rosobrnadzor for high school students, of which there were many, final exams were organized in grades 9 and 11. This year, 80 (!) Clinics applied for the final certification.

For long-term ill children, the final assessment is an increased motivation for learning. Often, such children want to continue their studies even on a dropper. And doctors consider training to be one of the most effective means of rehabilitation of a sick child. You cannot endlessly concentrate on the disease and live only according to the medical protocol: from procedure to procedure. Although, of course, in the specific conditions of the hospital, this protocol must be taken into account, dosing training loads and training schedules.

High school students are most worried. They do not want to lag behind their healthy peers. The diligence and dedication of the guys is unprecedented. Deep down, they believe that as soon as the state spends energy and money on their education, they will definitely live. And it is so important to have a purpose in life. So judge: do we torture sick children by organizing final exams in clinics?

To fully understand, and most importantly, to feel the importance of a full-fledged living as a big and small person, anyone, even the final stage of life, can only be those who have experienced a similar tragedy. For a long time, I did not admit one of my deputies, with whom we have been working together for more than thirty years, into the division of the school operating on the basis of the children's oncological center. In the late 70s, his first child died of leukemia. Since then, therapies have improved tremendously. Today, such a diagnosis no longer sounds like a sentence. The living conditions of such children in hospital wards are changing. When I first got into this division of the school, with difficulty restraining emotions, my deputy recalled how his son and his roommates played with IV hoses, discussing among themselves which of them would die first.

Today the country is forced to carry out a widespread cost optimization. Maybe we should limit ourselves exclusively to remote forms of education for such children, giving them the opportunity to receive knowledge in remote access? Cheap and modern, if, of course, the clinic has high-speed Internet, and parents are able to buy a tablet for their children. We use distance learning for children who cannot participate in group lessons and connect to the lesson directly from the boxes. But a computer does not replace a sick child with direct contact with a teacher.

This topic is immeasurably broader than the problem of teaching long-term ill children. It affects general attitudes towards inclusive education. How does a physician differ from a teacher? The doctor does not choose his lung patients, avoiding difficult cases. His professional skill is assessed primarily on the basis of how he copes with severe pathologies. Professional psychological attitudes of the teacher are different. He prefers to deal with smart, capable "patients." They warm the teacher's soul, testifying to the high quality of his work. It is for these highest achievements (USE hundred-point scorers, Olympiad winners) that the ratings of schools are built, qualification categories are assigned, and bonuses are paid.

Not only is this unfair, since raising to the "top three" an incapacitated student who has serious developmental problems and limitations in health is no less difficult and certainly worthy of reward than teaching a motivated talented child. It is noteworthy that at any conference where the results of schools' activities are summed up, first of all, the USE indicators are compared with the results of schoolchildren's participation in federal Olympiads.

The pursuit of predominantly higher learning achievements imposed on schools with an independent external assessment of the quality of their work entails not only severe social consequences. It is still dangerous for the health of children. At the end of the academic year in the fourth grade, a control slice of knowledge is carried out. Everything is grown-up: an independent observer, a secret package that is opened at a certain time, children's works that must be collected, sealed in an envelope, sealed and submitted for an independent examination. In a word, a mini-exam. Despite the preliminary work of teachers and a psychologist aimed at creating a supportive atmosphere and relieving stress from children, they are nervous, which is natural.

In the midst of a test, one boy becomes ill: he has a severe form of diabetes, he goes to school with a pump connected. The nurse is nearby, she immediately gives the necessary injection and calls the student's mother. Sweeping away the guards and the administrator on duty on the way, the mother bursts into the classroom with tears. After a while, the boy comes to his senses, they calm him down, and he successfully completes the work.

This raises a number of questions. Who needs it? Why should the final forms of certification be launched even in primary school? To assess the quality of the work of teachers and schools, as well as for moral and psychological preparation for the exam. But isn't the price of such quality too expensive? Sick children do not always lie and study in clinics - they massively attend ordinary schools. It may reasonably be argued that such a child should not have been admitted to the control slice of knowledge. But he himself stubbornly wants to be like everyone else! The prohibition of participation in the control test for him is no less stressful. It is also good that at the right time and in the right place a health worker was there. It might not have happened, since schools were outsourced in medical services, and doctors were removed from the school staff.

Social studies show that the overwhelming majority of teachers tend to teach in lyceums and gymnasiums, seeing potential opportunities for their career growth in working with a select contingent of students. With such initial settings, what kind of inclusion can we talk about? No new professional standards will help here, allowing you to work with a complex heterogeneous composition of children. Standards will not save, for their mastering requires, first of all, a strong humanistic position of the teacher. Exhortations and sermons in such conditions are ineffective. It is necessary to immediately change the criteria for evaluating the teaching activities of both teachers and schools.

Contrary to the diagnosis

15-year-old Seryozha Alenichev can hardly get out of bed: he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the right femur last year. A huge tragedy for the family. But the guy did not give up and stubbornly continued to study. She dreams of becoming a doctor.

Long-term treatment would have meant missing an entire school year. But it turned out that there is a school at the Dima Rogachev Center for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, in which children not only study, but also take final exams, says mother Larisa Alenicheva. - Mathematics, Russian, literature, physics, chemistry ... The only difference is that the lessons are held in the ward. It happens that because of the medications he is taking, it hurts to speak and he cannot answer in the lesson. But the boy listens, silently solves problems, writes everything down.

Final exams for seriously ill children and disabled people are voluntary. But Seryozha firmly decided: he would finish high school and hand over GIA-9 no matter what. Even the recently transferred operation did not stop. On the appointed day, the hospital wards turned into auditoriums: they were assigned serial numbers and hung signs: "Hush! The exam is in progress." Before handing out the sealed envelopes with assignments, the organizers gave instructions on how to fill out the forms, how long it takes for the exam, etc.

There was one speaker in each classroom. Next to him is the organizer, making sure that all the rules are followed: no cheat sheets, no cell phones. If the child needed medical attention, a doctor could enter the ward. And outside the door all 4 hours of the exam, an observer was on duty.

No concessions: everything is strictly according to the rules, - says Larisa Alenicheva. - Before the exam, Serezha's temperature rose - 38.4. I discouraged him, but he decided to pass mathematics anyway. He handed over, sitting on the bed: he had a thick folder for forms and problems. An hour later I asked to measure the temperature: I jumped out. The exam was stopped, and when the temperature was lowered, it continued. Seryozha decided everything is good, quickly.

On the one hand, exams for sick children are stressful. On the other hand, this is a good goal and a way not to dwell on the disease.

Recall that the GIA-2015 is held in the ninth grade in two forms - the Basic State Exam (OGE) and the State Final Exam (GVE). The first one is for most schoolchildren and resembles the USE in the form. And children with disabilities can take the GVE, which can consist of oral and written assignments using texts, topics and tickets. In Russian hospitals, there are six examination points for sick children. Two in Moscow, one each in the Novosibirsk region, the Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol, and the Kaliningrad region.

Is there any form of exams other than the Unified State Exam?

In accordance with the current legislation in the field of education, a graduate of the 11 (12) -th grade in order to obtain a certificate of education (certificate of secondary (complete) general education) must pass state (final) certification in the form of a unified state examination in two compulsory subjects - the Russian language and math. In addition, there is another form of passing the state (final) certification - the state final exam (GVE). Only some categories of graduates are eligible to pass exams in the form of GVE: graduates of educational institutions of the penal system and graduates with disabilities. For these categories of graduates, a combination of different forms of state (final) certification is allowed (i.e., a graduate can pass, for example, Russian, chemistry and biology in the form of the Unified State Exam (for admission to a medical university), and mathematics - in the form of the GVE (i.e. This exam is not required for the graduate to enter the university)).

How is the USE different from traditional exams?

The unified state exam is conducted according to a uniform schedule for the whole country and uniform rules. The unity of the exam also lies in the fact that it is simultaneously a graduation from school and an entrance to vocational education institutions. In addition, the Unified State Exam uses special forms for filling out answers to tasks and standardized examination tasks, which are called control measuring materials (CMM).

Where can I get acquainted with the examination materials for which the Unified State Exam is conducted?

CMMs are developed by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). On the FIPI website (, the official information portal of the Unified State Examination (, demo versions of CMM are presented, starting from 2004. Demo versions of CMM are not used in exams, but they have a similar structure, number of tasks, level of difficulty. Familiarization with the demos helps graduates prepare for the exam. Preparation for the Unified State Exam must be carried out using teaching aids developed with the participation of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). A complete list of such benefits can be found on the FIPI website.

Are the CMMs used in the main terms different from the CMMs used on the USE in additional terms in July?

All CMMs are manufactured in such a way as to provide multivariate sets of individual examination tasks. At the same time, KIMs are formed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education. The content of KIMs is regulated by three documents: the codifier of the elements of the content of KIMs, the specification of the exam and the demo version of the exam. Thus, the approximate structure, form and content of CMMs are predefined and cannot be arbitrarily changed. The tasks of the KIM of the unified state examination in terms of content and types of activity are the same at all times.

What questions should be answered, what tasks (tasks) should be solved when completing the exam? And how many tasks are there in the test for each category A, B, C?

Since the Unified State Exam is not only a graduation from school, but also an entrance exam to a university, its goal is to select among the graduates who are most prepared to continue their studies at the university. In this regard, the structure and content of the examination work has been determined. In it, in addition to the tasks of the basic level, there are tasks of an increased and high level of complexity. Tasks of increased and high level of complexity allow us to single out the most prepared from the number of examiners. The exam for each subject includes tasks of three types: "A" - tasks with a choice of answers from the proposed options; "B" - tasks with a short answer; "C" - tasks with a detailed answer. As for the number of assignments, in different subjects CMMs contain a different number of assignments of type "A", "B" and "C". The total number of tasks in the examination options in different subjects is not the same and is determined by the specifics of the subject.

How long does the exam last?

The duration of examinations in individual subjects is established annually by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In 2013, the duration of the USE in mathematics, physics, literature, computer science will be 3 hours 55 minutes; Russian language, history, social studies - 3 hours 30 minutes; in biology, geography, chemistry, foreign languages \u200b\u200b- 3 hours. You need to know that the duration of the exams does not include the time allotted for preparatory activities (instructing the USE participants, opening special delivery packages with exam materials, filling in the registration fields of the USE forms). The exam in all subjects begins at 10:00 local time in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

What to do if the child has lost his passport on the eve of the exam?

Don't worry and come to the exam. At the exam point, the identity of the graduate will be identified, i.e. the head of the station, together with the school teacher accompanying the child, will draw up the necessary protocol confirming the identity of the student, and the graduate will be allowed into the classroom. In parallel, it will be necessary to submit documents for the restoration of the passport.

What to do if a child has errors in filling out the last name, first name, patronymic or passport data in the pass for the exam?

If the graduate discovered this before the exam, then to correct the data, you must contact the school. If immediately before the exam (already in the paragraph), then you must correctly indicate the data in the registration form and ask the organizers to make changes to the database. If errors are found in the protocol with the USE results, you need to inform the school administration about the need to change the database before the USE certificate is printed.

How many times can a child go out of the classroom to the toilet, given that passing the exam is a stressful situation for him?

The documents governing the USE do not specify the number of exits to the sanitary room. Thus, as needed.

The child is on the exam for half a day. Can I take water and food with me to the exam?

It is not prohibited to take food and water for the exam. But breaks for eating on the exam are provided only for children with disabilities. Therefore, the rest of the categories of graduates should be limited to water and, for example, chocolate.

Tell me what a graduate can take with him to exams?

The USE participant must come to the exam point with a passport, a pass and a gel (capillary) pen with bright black ink. You need to know that on the exam in mathematics it is allowed to use a ruler, in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator, in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator, in geography - a ruler, a protractor and a non-programmable calculator.

What is prohibited for graduates on the exam?

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Procedure for holding the Unified State Exam, USE participants are prohibited from having and using communications and electronic computers. In addition, during the exam, graduates are not entitled to communicate with each other, freely move around the classroom and PPE, use reference materials and additional devices and materials, except for those permitted at individual exams. If it is established that graduates have and (or) use communication equipment and electronic computers during the USE or otherwise violate the established procedure for the USE, they will be removed from the exams, and their results will be canceled by the decision of the state examination commission without granting the right to retake exams in the current academic year. In addition, for USE participants who violated the procedure for conducting state (final) certification or posted KIMs on the Internet, administrative liability was established under Art. 13.14 and Art. 19.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Who has the right to control the USE?

All persons appointed by the order of the Department of Education and Science of the Lipetsk Region organizing the Unified State Exam at the exam point, namely the authorized representative of the state examination commission, the head of the station, organizers in the classrooms and on the floors must ensure compliance with the Unified State Exam Procedure. In addition, it is envisaged that public observers and persons entitled to draw up protocols on administrative violations and to bring graduates who have violated the procedure for holding the Unified State Exam to administrative responsibility are provided for at the examination points.

Can I, a parent of a graduate, see how the Unified State Exam is conducted?

In accordance with the Regulation on the system of public observation, parents of graduates can be given the status of a public observer if they are not employees of the education system. Parents wishing to act as public observers at the Unified State Exam, no later than two weeks before the date of the exam, must apply to the Department of Education and Science of the Lipetsk Region with a written application. However, the parents of a graduate may carry out public observation at a different examination point than their child or close relative is taking the exam.

What to do if a child becomes ill during the exam? After all, feeling unwell can affect the results of the exam.

In this case, the graduate must go to the medical care office, which is equipped in each PPE. The health worker will record the fact of treatment, if necessary, will call an ambulance. In the audience, the organizer will make the appropriate notes on the letterheads of the USE participant that he has not completed the examination work. The graduate will be registered in the base of the USE participants in other terms (reserve or additional days), provided for by a single schedule.

What if my child gets sick on the eve of the exam or on the day of the exam?

A graduate who missed the exam due to illness, upon recovery, submits a medical certificate to the school. And the school must promptly transfer information to the Department of Education so that the graduate is registered in the base of the USE participants to pass the exam at other times provided for by a single schedule. If a student has health problems during the state (final) certification and he does not recover before its completion, then he can pass the certification only next year.

I would like to know if a graduate is obliged to take the Unified State Exam by choice?

Not necessary. To get a certificate of secondary (complete) general education, it is necessary and sufficient to pass two compulsory exams - Russian language and mathematics. But if a graduate plans to enter a university, then he must pass the Unified State Exam in elective subjects, which will allow him to enter institutions of secondary and higher professional education (in the form of the Unified State Exam, one can pass exams in 12 elective subjects: physics, computer science and ICT, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history, literature, foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German and Spanish)).

How to decide which exams to take in elective subjects?

By March 1, graduates must submit applications for participation in the Unified State Examination with an indication of the list of subjects for which they plan to take exams. In accordance with the Procedure for Conducting the Unified State Exam after March 1, the change in the general education exams specified in the application is possible only if the Unified State Exam participant has valid reasons (illness or other documented circumstances). Every year (until February 1), universities and colleges on official websites and information stands post admission rules and indicate a list of entrance examinations that must be passed for a certain specialty (direction of training). When entering a university, it is necessary to have the results of at least three exams from the List of entrance examinations approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. This document indicates all areas of training (specialties) in which you can get a higher professional education, and the subjects that must be passed in order to enter a particular direction of training (specialty). For any area of \u200b\u200btraining, you must pass the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and a specialized subject. So, future specialists in the field of international relations need to submit to the admissions committee of the university the results of the USE in the Russian language, history and foreign language or social studies (at the choice of a particular university), and future pediatricians - the results of exams in the Russian language, biology and chemistry or physics ( also at the choice of a specific university). For admission to some universities, it is necessary to pass four USEs, and in some to pass additional entrance tests. Do not forget about such an opportunity to enter universities as participation in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and in "university" Olympiads. Upon admission to institutions of secondary vocational education (technical schools, colleges), the results of two USEs are required, one of which is Russian, the second is in accordance with the List of entrance examinations of a specific secondary school.

What is the tendency in the city to choose subjects for passing the exam?

In answering this question, we will not voice the actual choice of exams by graduates. Here is a small analysis of the current situation. If the list of entrance examinations more often includes mathematics, physics and computer science, less often - geography, biology, chemistry, social science, then the number of 2013 graduates focused on technical specialties is much lower than the application for them of universities, and the frequency of choice by graduates, for example, social studies is much higher, and therefore, incompatible with the needs of universities and the labor market.

What if the dates of the exam for the subjects to be taken are the same?

In this case, the USE schedule provides for reserve days. If you hand over a large number of optional subjects (more than 8) and do not meet the main deadlines (taking into account reserve days), then you may be allowed to hand over the remaining subjects at an additional time (in July). But is it worth it to be so "scattered" ?! We analyzed the results of the USE of graduates of previous years, during the analysis it was revealed: if the graduate had precisely and in advance decided on the choice of profession, he purposefully prepared for the exams that he would have to pass to enter the chosen university (i.e., by the 3rd or 4th) em), then its results are higher than the results of graduates who are preparing for the Unified State Exam in 5 or more subjects.

Is it possible not to come to the Unified State Exam, for which you signed up, but it was not needed upon admission?

In this case, the graduate has the right not to come to the Unified State Exam in elective subjects.

How many universities can you apply for?

A graduate has the right to apply and participate in competitions at the same time in five universities in three areas of training (specialties). At the same time, the applicant has the right to submit such an application simultaneously for various forms of education, as well as simultaneously for budgetary and non-budgetary places.

Explain who and how checks the answers to the exam tasks?

Answers to tasks of types "A" and "B" are checked using special computer programs at the Federal Testing Center (Moscow). Verification of answers to type "C" assignments is carried out by subject commissions, which include the best school teachers and university professors in the region. Subject commissions accept for consideration impersonal copies of USE forms with answers to type "C" assignments. The answers of USE participants to tasks with a detailed answer are checked by two experts. Based on the results of the check, experts independently assign points for each answer. In the event of a discrepancy in the points given by two experts, a check by a third expert is assigned. Immediately after the processing and verification of the exam papers of the USE participants, the results of the processing of the forms, as well as the results of checking the answers to the type "C" assignments, are sent to Moscow to the Federal Testing Center, which conducts a centralized check of the exam papers of all USE participants. In order to increase the objectivity of the examination of examination papers, an interregional cross-examination may be carried out.

How and to whom is the appeal made?

Participants of the Unified State Exam are given the right to file an appeal of two types: on violation of the established procedure for holding the Unified State Exam and on disagreement with the points awarded. Appeals are not accepted on the content and structure of the KIM, as well as on issues related to the violation by the USE participant of the established requirements for the implementation of the examination work. An appeal about a violation of the USE procedure is submitted to an authorized representative of the SEC on the day of the exam at the USE office; an appeal of disagreement with the points awarded - to the school director, who transfers it to the conflict commission. This must be done within 2 working days from the date of the official announcement of the USE results. Please note that based on the results of the appeal consideration, the number of points awarded can be changed both upward and downward.

Who is the child's legal representative on the appeal? Is the child's legal representative a person who has a notarized power of attorney from the parents, for example, a teacher or tutor?

Civil legislation defines the categories of persons who can represent a minor or an incapacitated citizen: parents, guardians, adoptive parents, trustees, as well as persons who patronize an adult capable person who, due to health reasons, cannot exercise his rights. Others cannot represent the child in the appeal.

If the child does not have time to rewrite the answer from the draft. Will it be considered when evaluating work?

Drafts are not part of the examination kit and are not considered when assessing the graduate's work. The graduate must be able to work in the set time. In each classroom there are hours by which you can control the time remaining until the end of the exam. In addition, the organizers in the audience, 30 minutes before the end of the exam, inform the graduates that half an hour is left before the end of the exam.

What are the primary and test scores of the USE?

The primary score is the preliminary USE score, which is obtained by directly summing the number of correct answers. Each completed task of the exam is evaluated by a certain number of points. Test scores differ from primary scores. Primary USE scores are converted into test scores using the scaling technique. Thus, the test scores are the final points based on the USE results, which are set on a 100-point scale as a result of a scaling procedure that takes into account all statistical materials obtained as part of the USE of a given year. A minimum score is set annually for each subject

What if the child did not score the minimum score when passing the required exam?

If a graduate on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language or in mathematics does not overcome the minimum score threshold, then he will be given a chance to retake the exam on one of the reserve days. If a graduate receives an unsatisfactory result again, he will be issued a certificate of study at an educational institution. If the student received an unsatisfactory result in two compulsory exams, then he will not have the right to re-pass the state (final) certification this year and he will also receive a certificate of schooling in the established form. He will not be accepted to either a higher educational institution or an institution of secondary vocational education with a certificate. A year after leaving school, the graduate will be able to try again to pass the exam and receive a certificate of secondary (complete) general education. But on the basis of basic general education (i.e. 9-year education), he can study at a vocational school or technical school (college).

Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam in elective subjects if a result is obtained that does not suit the student?

Retaking the Unified State Exam in elective subjects is not provided for this year.

Do the USE results affect the receipt of the certificate?

The successful completion of the USE in two compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) determines the receipt of a certificate: the graduate must have USE results in Russian and mathematics not lower than the number of points established by Rosobrnadzor. In 2013, the order of Rosobrnadzor established the minimum number of points in the Russian language - 36 points, in mathematics - 24 points.

Do the points obtained on the exam affect the grades in the certificate?

The number of points received by a graduate on the Unified State Exam does not affect the marks that will be displayed in the document on education (just as they do not affect the receipt of a gold or silver medal "For excellent academic success"). In the certificate of secondary (complete) general education, final marks are set on a five-point system. They are determined as the arithmetic average of the graduate's annual marks for grades 10 and 11 (12) and are set in the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Where do you get a certificate of the results of the exam? Who can get a certificate instead of a graduate?

A certificate of the USE results is issued at an educational institution to the USE participant personally or to parents (legal representatives) on the basis of documents proving their identity, or to a person authorized by the USE participant, on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up in the prescribed manner.

Tell me, is the certificate of the USE results unlimited?

Not. The certificate expires on December 31 of the year following the year it was received. For persons who have completed military service by conscription and who have been dismissed from military service, it is allowed to use the results of the Unified State Exam, passed by them during the year prior to being called up for military service, for admission to institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, within a year after dismissal from military service.

Last year, the admission of documents to the university began, and the certificate of the results of the exam has not yet been issued to graduates. Can this situation happen again this year?

This situation may repeat itself, but you should not worry if you do not have a certificate of the USE results in your hands when applying to the university. When submitting documents, the applicant in the application indicates information about the results of the USE, and the admissions committee of the university is obliged to check the results of the USE through the unified Federal Information System.

How to apply to the university?

The procedure for submitting documents can be found directly at the educational institution itself. Acceptance of documents for the first year begins no later than June 20 and ends on July 25.

Tell me, do the benefits for admission to universities give victories in the Olympiads?

It depends on the level of the Olympiad. Victories in city or regional Olympiads do not give preferential treatment for university admission. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are admitted without entrance tests to state educational institutions of secondary vocational education and to state and municipal educational institutions of higher vocational education for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. At the same time, the mark "excellent" is given to the certificate in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. Winners and prize-winners receive a state diploma, which indicates the name of the Olympiad in the subject. It must be presented to the university when submitting documents to confirm your benefits. When entering a university / secondary school for a specialty not in the profile of the Olympiad, the result of the Olympiad is counted as 100 points in the subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. It is important that out of competition, using the privilege of the winner or awardee of any Olympiad, you can enter only one university or college for one direction of training (specialty) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. In other higher educational institutions, winners and awardees of various Olympiads will be able to participate in the competition on a general basis. The results of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are indefinite.
The results of the winners and prize-winners of other Olympiads for schoolchildren (including "high school") are taken into account only when entering a university / secondary school. At school, state (final) certification for winners and awardees of other Olympiads is held on a general basis. According to the decision of the university / college, winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads upon admission have the right to receive one of the following benefits:
o be enrolled without entrance examinations in specialties corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad
o be equated with persons who have scored 100 points on the exam in a subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad
o be equated with persons who have successfully passed additional entrance examinations of the profile (upon admission to universities), creative and (or) professional orientation in a subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad, in the manner determined by the selection committee.
These benefits are valid for 1 year from the date of approval of the lists of winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads.

Will there be a city trial USE?

Answering the question about the rehearsal of the Unified State Exam, we note: in the city of Lipetsk, rehearsal tests are traditionally conducted independently by educational institutions in compulsory subjects (i.e. Russian language and mathematics). Citywide rehearsal testing will take place in mid-March in alumni elective subjects. A citywide rehearsal testing is organized in order to develop the technology for conducting this form of exam, and not to identify the level of training of graduates. However, educational institutions should summarize the qualitative results of the participation of graduates in urban rehearsal testing and bring them to the attention of graduates and parents.