Man as a spiritual being 10. Man as a spiritual being

The spiritual world of man. The concept of the spiritual life of people embraces all the wealth of feelings and achievements of reason, unites the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values \u200b\u200bby humanity and the creative consciousness of new ones. The concept of the spiritual life of people embraces all the wealth of feelings and achievements of reason, unites the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values \u200b\u200bby humanity and the creative consciousness of new ones. For a person who has a highly developed spiritual life, spirituality means striving for the height of ideals and thoughts that determine the direction of all activity. For a spiritual person, the motive and meaning of life is not personal needs and relationships, but the highest human values. For a person who has a highly developed spiritual life, spirituality means striving for the height of ideals and thoughts that determine the direction of all activity. For a spiritual person, the motive and meaning of life is not personal needs and relationships, but the highest human values.

The assimilation of certain values \u200b\u200bcreates value orientations - the conscious desire of a person to build his life and transform reality in accordance with them. The assimilation of certain values \u200b\u200bcreates value orientations - the conscious desire of a person to build his life and transform reality in accordance with them. A person whose spiritual life is poorly developed, is spiritless, unable to see and feel all the diversity and beauty of the world around him. A person whose spiritual life is poorly developed, is spiritless, unable to see and feel all the diversity and beauty of the world around him.

Spiritual guidelines of the individual: morality, values, ideals. Morality is a system of norms, rules governing communication and behavior of people, ensuring the unity of public and personal interests. Morality is a system of norms, rules governing communication and behavior of people, ensuring the unity of public and personal interests. The "golden rule" of morality: "Act towards others as you would like others to act towards you." The "golden rule" of morality: "Act towards others as you would like others to act towards you." A categorical imperative is an unconditional compulsory requirement that does not allow objections, binding on all people, regardless of origin, position, circumstances. A categorical imperative is an unconditional compulsory requirement that does not allow objections, binding on all people, regardless of origin, position, circumstances. The philosopher I. Kant formulated the categorical imperative of morality: "Always act in such a maxim, the universality of which as a law you can at the same time desire." The philosopher I. Kant formulated the categorical imperative of morality: "Always act in such a maxim, the universality of which as a law you can at the same time desire."

Morality includes ideals, values, categories (the most general, fundamental concepts). The ideal is perfection, the highest goal of human striving, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe highest moral requirements, the most sublime in man. The ideal is perfection, the highest goal of human striving, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe highest moral requirements, the most sublime in man. Values \u200b\u200bare what is most precious, sacred both for one person and for all mankind. Values \u200b\u200bare what is most precious, sacred both for one person and for all mankind. Anti-values \u200b\u200bor negative values \u200b\u200b- a negative attitude of people towards certain phenomena Anti-values \u200b\u200bor negative values \u200b\u200b- a negative attitude of people towards certain phenomena

Values \u200b\u200bcan be legal, political, religious, artistic, professional, moral. Values \u200b\u200bcan be legal, political, religious, artistic, professional, moral. The most important moral values \u200b\u200bconstitute the system of human value and moral orientation, inextricably linked with the categories of morality. Moral categories are of a pair-relative nature, for example, good and evil. The most important moral values \u200b\u200bconstitute the system of human value and moral orientation, inextricably linked with the categories of morality. Moral categories are of a pair-relative nature, for example, good and evil.

Conscience is one of the most important moral categories. Conscience is one of the most important moral categories. Conscience is the ability of a person to learn ethical values \u200b\u200band be guided by them in all life situations, to independently formulate their moral obligations, exercise moral self-control, and be aware of their duty to other people. Conscience is the ability of a person to learn ethical values \u200b\u200band be guided by them in all life situations, to independently formulate their moral obligations, exercise moral self-control, and be aware of their duty to other people.

Patriotism is one of the most important values. Patriotism is one of the most important values. Patriotism is a person's attitude to his Fatherland, devotion and love to the Motherland, his people. Patriotic feelings and ideas only morally elevate a person when they are associated with respect for people of different nationalities. Patriotism is a person's attitude to his Fatherland, devotion and love to the Motherland, his people. Patriotic feelings and ideas only morally elevate a person when they are associated with respect for people of different nationalities. The qualities of citizenship are the social, psychological and moral qualities of an individual, combining both a feeling of love for the Motherland, and responsibility for the normal development of its social and political institutions, and the awareness of oneself as a full-fledged citizen with a set of rights and obligations. The qualities of citizenship are the social, psychological and moral qualities of an individual, combining both a feeling of love for the Motherland, and responsibility for the normal development of its social and political institutions, and the awareness of oneself as a full-fledged citizen with a set of rights and obligations.

Moral principles are not inherent in a person from birth, but are formed in the family by the example that is in front of his eyes; in the process of communicating with other people, during the period of education and upbringing at school, with the perception of such cultural monuments that allow both to join the already achieved moral consciousness, and to form their own moral values \u200b\u200bon the basis of self-education. Moral principles are not inherent in a person from birth, but are formed in the family by the example that is in front of his eyes; in the process of communicating with other people, during the period of education and upbringing at school, with the perception of such cultural monuments that allow both to join the already achieved moral consciousness, and to form their own moral values \u200b\u200bon the basis of self-education. Self-education in the sphere of morality is, first of all, self-control, the presentation of high demands on oneself in all types of one's activities. Self-education in the sphere of morality is, first of all, self-control, the presentation of high demands on oneself in all types of one's activities.

Worldview and its role in human life. Worldview is a holistic view of nature, society, man, which is expressed in the system of values \u200b\u200band ideals of the individual, social group, society. Worldview is a holistic view of nature, society, man, which is expressed in the system of values \u200b\u200band ideals of the individual, social group, society. A person's worldview is of a historical nature: each historical epoch has its own level of knowledge, its own problems, its own approaches to solving them, its own spiritual values. A person's worldview is of a historical nature: each historical epoch has its own level of knowledge, its own problems, its own approaches to solving them, its own spiritual values.

Classification of types of worldview. Ordinary worldview. Ordinary worldview. An ordinary worldview arises in a person's life in the process of his personal practical activity, therefore it is sometimes called an everyday worldview. Such a worldview is formed spontaneously. The ordinary worldview is based on the direct life experience of a person. An ordinary worldview arises in a person's life in the process of his personal practical activity, therefore it is sometimes called an everyday worldview. Such a worldview is formed spontaneously. The ordinary worldview is based on the direct life experience of a person.

Religious worldview. Religious worldview is a worldview based on religious teachings contained in such monuments of world spiritual culture as the Bible, the Koran, the sacred books of Buddhists, the Talmud, and a number of others. Religious worldview is a worldview based on religious teachings contained in such monuments of world spiritual culture as the Bible, the Koran, the sacred books of Buddhists, the Talmud, and a number of others. Religion contains a certain picture of the world, the doctrine of the destiny of man, commandments aimed at fostering a certain way of life in him, at saving his soul. Religion contains a certain picture of the world, the doctrine of the destiny of man, commandments aimed at bringing up a certain way of life in him, at the salvation of his soul.

Scientific worldview Scientific worldview is the legitimate heir of that direction of world philosophical thought, which in its development was constantly based on the achievements of science. It includes the scientific picture of the world, the generalized results of the achievements of human knowledge, the principles of human relationship with the natural and artificial environment. The scientific worldview is the legitimate heir of that direction of world philosophical thought, which in its development was constantly based on the achievements of science. It includes the scientific picture of the world, the generalized results of the achievements of human knowledge, the principles of human relationship with the natural and artificial environment.

1. The worldview gives a person guidelines and goals for all his practical and theoretical activities. 1. The worldview gives a person guidelines and goals for all his practical and theoretical activities. 2. The worldview through its philosophy "core" allows people to understand how best to achieve the intended guidelines and goals, equips them with methods of cognition and activity. 2. The worldview through its philosophy "core" allows people to understand how best to achieve the intended guidelines and goals, equips them with methods of cognition and activity. 3. Based on the value orientations contained in the worldview, a person gets the opportunity to determine the true values \u200b\u200bof life and culture, to distinguish what is really important for a person's activity in achieving his goals from what has no real meaning. 3. Based on the value orientations contained in the worldview, a person gets the opportunity to determine the true values \u200b\u200bof life and culture, to distinguish what is really important for a person's activity in achieving his goals from what has no real meaning.

It is in the worldview that a person's understanding of the world and the trends of its development, human capabilities and the meaning of activity, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, is contained. It is in the worldview that a person's understanding of the world and the trends of its development, human capabilities and the meaning of activity, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, is contained.

  • How is a spiritual person different from a non-spiritual person?
  • Does the ship have a helmsman named "personality"?
  • Are there people who have no worldview?

A person, growing up, increasingly thinks about the path of life, seeks to relate to himself consciously, to develop himself, to educate himself. One of the philosophers called this process “human self-construction”. The object of such construction is the spiritual world of a person.

What is the human spiritual world? Let's start with the word "peace". It is ambiguous. In this case, it means the inner, spiritual life of a person, which includes knowledge, faith, feelings, aspirations of people.

In scientific use, the concept of the spiritual life of people encompasses all the wealth of feelings and achievements of reason, unites the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values \u200b\u200bby humanity and the creative creation of new ones.

A person who has a highly developed spiritual life, as a rule, has an important personal quality: his spirituality means striving for the height of ideals and thoughts that determine the direction of all activities, therefore, some researchers characterize spirituality as a morally oriented will and mind of a person. Spiritual characterizes not only consciousness, but also practice.

On the contrary, a person whose spiritual life is poorly developed, is spiritless, unable to see and feel all the diversity and beauty of the world around him.

So, spirituality, according to modern philosophical views, is the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality. At this level, not personal needs and relationships, but higher human values \u200b\u200bbecome the motive and meaning of a person's life. The assimilation of certain values, such as truth, goodness, beauty, creates value orientations, that is, a person's conscious desire to build his life and transform reality in accordance with them.

There are no two people with exactly the same destiny, the same spiritual world. Each person is individual and unique. But does this mean that each person is "on his own" and nothing unites him with others? Of course no. People are united by many things: homeland, language, position in society, age. But often what unites, at the same time, separates: people differ in the language they speak, in age, and in their social status. The spiritual world is also very diverse: different people have different spiritual interests, life positions, value orientations, level of knowledge. The study of the monuments of the spiritual culture of mankind, as well as the study of the spiritual world of our contemporaries, shows that the most important elements of human spirituality are values, morality, and worldview.

Topic Man as a Spiritual Being

Purpose: the formation of students' moral guidelines, a humanistic worldview, citizenship and general culture.


    developing an understanding of the concept of "spirituality";

    formation of communicative, informational, sociocultural competence, own position;

    education of moral and spiritual values.

Intended outcome (acquired skills):


    the ability to use concepts: morality, morality, conscience, patriotism, citizenship, the ideal in arguing one's own opinion;

    the ability to analyze situations;


    the ability to draw up a synopsis, work with diagrams.

    ability to use information resources;


    apply problem analysis schemes;

    independently draw conclusions.

Form of conducting: Lesson-research

Lesson equipment

    Textbook "Social Science Grade 10" edited by LN Bogolyubov, Publishing House Prosveshchenie, 2007.

    Multimedia projector.

Lesson plan

    What does the concept of "spiritual life of people" include?

    Spiritual guidelines of the individual: morality, values, ideals

    Worldview and its role in human life

During the classes

I question Teacher's story with elements of conversation.

Have you thought about your life path, the meaning of your life? Did you strive to relate to yourself consciously, to develop yourself, to educate yourself. Surely each of you asked yourself similar questions that relate to a very important area of \u200b\u200bour life - the spiritual world of man.

What isspiritual world man? Let's start with the word "peace". It is ambiguous. In this case, it means the inner, spiritual life of a person, which includes knowledge, faith, feelings, aspirations of people.

In scientific use, the conceptspiritual life of people embraces all the wealth of feelings and achievements of reason, unites the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values \u200b\u200bby humanity and the creative creation of new ones.

There are a thousand ways to be a very bad person without breaking a single law.

Do not think that a person who acts in accordance with his convictions is already a decent person. It is necessary to check whether his beliefs are decent.

One of the most common and most disastrous temptations is the temptation to say, "Everyone does it."

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The task: choose one of the statements that are closest to your beliefs each.

Write a short essay in your notebooks using the outline you already know

Slide 5

1. Carefully study the statement, understand its content

2. Formulate the problem

4. Argument your position (2-3 arguments)

5. Draw conclusions

After completing the assignment, voice 2-3 works of students

In addition to direct norms of behavior, morality also includes ideals, values, categories (the most general, fundamental concepts).

The task: on this slide you see a table in which only the left side is filled. Using the material in the paragraph on pages 37-39, find the definitions for these terms

Slide 6

unconditional compulsory demand (command), which does not allow objections, binding for all people, regardless of their origin, position, circumstances.


perfection, the highest goal of human striving, the idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe highest moral requirements, about the most sublime in a person


what is most dear is sacred both for one person and for all mankind. Values \u200b\u200breflect a person's attitude to reality (to certain facts, events, phenomena), to other people, to himself.

Moral categories

The most important moral values \u200b\u200bthat make up the system of human value-moral orientation, inextricably linked with the categories of morality, are pair-relative(bipolar) character, such as good and evil.


the ability of an individual to learn ethical values \u200b\u200band be guided by them in all life situations, independently formulate their moral obligations, exercise moral self-control, and be aware of their duty to other people.


value attitude of a person to his Fatherland, devotion and love to the Motherland, his people


socio-psychological and moral qualities of a person combining a feeling of love for the Motherland and responsibility for the normal development of its social and political institutions, and the awareness of oneself as a full-fledged citizen with a set of rights and obligations

Definitions on the right side of the table appear after students have spoken them

Teacher's story Are moral principles formed in a person spontaneously or do they need to be formed consciously?

In the history of philosophical and ethical thought, there was a point of view according to which moral qualities are inherent in a person from the moment of birth. Thus, the French enlighteners believed that man is by nature good. Some representatives of Eastern philosophy believed that man, on the contrary, is by nature evil and is the bearer of evil. However, the study of the process of the formation of moral consciousness showed that there are no grounds for such categorical statements.

Moral principles are not inherent in a person from birth, but are formed in the family by the example that is in front of his eyes; in the process of communicating with other people, during the period of education and upbringing at school, with the perception of such monuments of world culture that allow both to join the already achieved level of moral consciousness, and to form their own moral values \u200b\u200bon the basis of self-education. Self-education of the individual is not the last place.

The ability to feel, understand, do good, recognize evil, be persistent and irreconcilable to it are special moral qualities of a person that a person cannot receive ready from others, but must develop independently.

Self-education in the field of morality - This is, first of all, self-control, the presentation of high demands on oneself in all types of one's activities.

Output Moral self-education means the unity of consciousness and behavior, the steady realization of moralsmilitary norms in life and work. Only in experience beforegood deeds and resistance to evil, you can consciously carry out moral self-improvement.

III question.

Teacher's story An important part of a person's spiritual world is his worldview

Slide 7

In the simplest, most common understanding, a worldview is a set of human views on the world that surrounds him.

A worldview differs from other elements of a person's spiritual world in that, firstly, it represents a person's view not on any particular side of the world, but on the world as a whole. Secondly, the worldview reflects a person's attitude to the world around him: is he afraid, is a person afraid of this world, or does he live in harmony, in harmony with it? Is the person satisfied with the world around him or seeks to change it?

Thus, a worldview is a holistic view of nature, society, a person, which finds expression in the system of values \u200b\u200band ideals of an individual, social group, society.

What determines this or that worldview?

Slide 7.

First of all, we note that a person's worldview is of a historical nature: each historical epoch has its own level of knowledge, its own problems, its own approaches to solving them, its own spiritual values.

Classification of types of worldview may be different.Slide 8

But the most common is the following classification of types of worldview.

Ordinary worldview arises in a person's life in the process of his personal practical activity, therefore it is sometimes calledeveryday worldview.

The views of a person in this case are not justified by religious arguments or scientific data. Such a worldview is formed spontaneously, the mundane, everyday basis prevails.

Slide 8

An ordinary worldview is very widespread, since the efforts of educational institutions and church pastors often touch only the very “surface” of the sphere of a person's spiritual life.

Religious worldview - a worldview based on religious teachings contained in such monuments of world spiritual culture as the Bible, the Koran, the sacred books of Buddhists, the Talmud, and a number of others.

Scientific worldview is the legitimate heir of that direction of world philosophical thought, which in its development was constantly based on the achievements of science. It includes the scientific picture of the world, the generalized results of the achievements of human knowledge, the principles of human relationship with the natural and artificial environment.

What role does the worldview play in the activities of people?Slide 9

    First, it gives a person guidelines and goals for all his practical and theoretical activities.

    Secondly, it is the worldview that allows people to understand how best to achieve the outlined benchmarks and goals, equips them with methods of cognition and activity.

    Thirdly, a person gets the opportunity to determine the true values \u200b\u200bof life and culture, to distinguish what is really important for a person's activity in achieving his goals from what has no real meaning, is false or illusory.

Each worldview has its merits and demerits.Slide 10

In the form of a conversation, the teacher leads the students to the correct answers. They appear on the slide as they sound

Types of worldview



Ordinary worldview

relies on direct human experience

makes little use of the experience of other people, the experience of science and culture, the experience of religious consciousness as an element of world culture

Religious worldview

close connection with the world cultural heritage, focus on solving problems related to the spiritual needs of a person, the desire to give a person faith in the possibility of achieving their goals.

sometimes manifested intransigence towards other life positions, insufficient attention to the achievements of science, and sometimes even their ignorance.

Scientific worldview

strong scientific validity, the reality of the goals and ideals contained in it, organic connection with the production and social activities of people

man has not yet taken his rightful place in the scientific worldview

Output. Our time allows a person to make worldview self-determination. But it should be remembered that an ordinary worldview leaves a person at the level of everyday worries and does not give him sufficient grounds for orientation in a complex and rapidly changing modern world. Everyone chooses what, in his opinion, helps him to live.

Consolidation of the studied material.

Now let's see how the material on this topic can be presented in the materials of the Unified State Exam in Social StudiesSlides 11-18. Students give answers explaining them

1. A popular composer is working on a new song dedicated to protecting the world. What kind of activity is illustrated by this example?

1) spiritual

2) economic

3) political

4) social

2. Man is a unity of three components: biological, mental and social. The social characteristics of a person include

1) age features

2) racial differences

3) manifestations of heredity and variability

4) spiritual ideals and values

3. Insert the missing word in the scheme

Secondary (acquired needs)



4. From the examples given, select those that relate to the spiritual activity of a person

    material and production activities

    cognitive activity

    social transformative activity

    predictive activity

    value-oriented activity

5. Spiritual values \u200b\u200binclude:

1) microscope

2) computer

3) scientific discovery

4) television

6. The worldview is formed under the influence of:

A. Personal experience.

B. Cultural environment.

B. Education and training.

D. Psychological personality traits.

1) A and D are true

2) it is true А В Г

3) C and D are true

4) true A B C D

7. The ability of a person to moral self-control is called:

1) conscience

2) persuasion

3) talent

4) etiquette

8. The foundation of the spiritual life of society is:

1) cognition

2) art

3) science

4) culture

Conclusions on the topic. There are many very different opinions about morality and ethics - about the fact that the end justifies the means, and that the winners are not judged. Probably, those who think so have the right to do so.

But I want to end our lesson with another statement - the words of L.N. Tolstoy

Everything can be forgiven, but not the perversion of those higher truths,

which humanity has so hard reached.

Homework 1.Paragraph 4 of the textbook, task 1-4.

2. On the Internet, find a definition of the concept of "humanistic worldview"

In a person, two principles are incessantly fighting, of which one attracts him to the active activity of the spirit. to spiritual work in the name of the ideal ... while the other seeks to paralyze this activity, to drown out the higher needs of the spirit, to make existence carnal, meager and base. This second principle is true philistinism; The philistine sits in every person, always ready to lay his mortifying hand on him, as soon as his spiritual energy weakens. In a fight with yourself. including the struggle with the outside world, and moral life consists, which therefore has as its condition this fundamental dualism of our existence, the struggle of two souls who live in one body not only in Faust, but also in every person ...

Questions and tasks to the document

1. What, according to the philosopher, is the moral life of man?
2. What is the difference between the concepts of "soul" and "spirit" in Bulgakov?
3. In what sense does the author use the words "spirit", "spiritual"? Argument your answer using text.
4. What ideas expressed in the paragraph are consonant with the ideas of the philosopher?
5. What conclusions can be drawn from this text?


1. What are spiritual and mental landmarks of a person, what is their role in activity?

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Lyceum No. 2"


student of class M-10-2

Egorova Maria Sergeevna

Cheboksary, 2016

Man as a Spiritual Being

Remembering the words of the famous writer-publicist V.A. outline their directions of development and self-education. This process in philosophy is called "human self-construction". The object of such construction is the human spiritual world.

The human world is multifaceted and determines his inner, spiritual life, which includes consciousness, faith, feelings, aspirations, dreams. In the scientific understanding, the spiritual life of people embraces all the richness of feelings and achievements of reason, unites the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values \u200b\u200bby humanity and the creative creation of new ones. In general, spirituality is the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality. At this level, the meaning of a person's life is not personal needs and relationships, but the highest human values: goodness, truth, beauty….

A person living in society cannot but obey certain rules, the most important of which are norms and morals. Morality is a system of rules and regulations governing communication and behavior of people. The moral attitudes of the individual have been studied by many great philosophers. For example, the German thinker I. Kant. This is how he formulated the categorical imperative of morality: do not do to another what you do not wish for yourself, i.e. he asserts personal responsibility for the acts committed.

Also, the spiritual world of a person includes values \u200b\u200band ideals. The ideal is perfection, the highest goal of human striving, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe highest moral requirements. Values \u200b\u200bare what is most dear and sacred to a person. On the basis of these values, human relations are built, priorities are determined and goals of activity appear. I believe that patriotism is one of the most important values. This concept denotes a person's relationship to his state and people and love to his Fatherland.

In the history of philosophical and ethical thought, there was a point of view according to which moral qualities are inherent in a person from the moment of his birth. So some French philosophers believed that man is by nature kind and sincere. And representatives of Eastern philosophy believed, on the contrary, that man by nature is the bearer of evil. However, over time, philosophers nevertheless came to a consensus that moral principles are not embedded in a person from birth, but are formed in the family, using the example that is in front of their eyes, in the process of communicating with other people, in the process of education and learning, and form their own moral values \u200b\u200bon the basis of self-education. Self-education is self-control, high demands on oneself and in all activities.