Conversation “Poisonous Plants. Summary of the conversation "Forest dangers" for children in the older group Conversation the danger of poisonous plants and mushrooms

Thematic conversation

"Prevention of poisoning by poisonous mushrooms"

Edible mushrooms in human nutrition have gustatory value and are used mainly as a seasoning for dishes.

Mushrooms , that grow in our area,are divided into edible, conditionally edible and poisonous.

TO edible mushrooms include: white mushroom, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, champignons, etc.

It is recommended to cook fresh mushrooms immediately after picking them, as they quickly deteriorate. You can store them for no more than 1 day. Salted and pickled mushrooms are stored for no more than a year. Only young, not wormy and immature mushrooms can be eaten.

To the group conditionally edible mushrooms include: morels, stitches, milk mushrooms, pigs, etc. In these mushrooms, especially in the skin of the caps, there are poisonous substances that pass into the water during boiling. After boiling these mushrooms in salted water for 15 minutes, remove the top skins from the caps, rinse in cold water and boil and fry again.

TO poisonous mushrooms include: pale grebe, false mushrooms, red and spotted fly agaric. The poisonous substances contained in the mushrooms of this group do not pass into the broth and are not destroyed even with prolonged heat treatment.

Eating poisonous mushrooms leads to single or group poisoning, which in most cases, especially in children, end in death.

The reason for the ingestion of mushrooms in food is, on the one hand, externalsimilarity with some edible mushrooms, and on the other hand, the frivolous attitude of the population to the collection and preparation of mushrooms.

Often children or individuals who do not know how edible mushrooms differ from poisonous ones are picking mushrooms.

The first signs of poisoning after eating mushrooms appear after 2-6 hours, in some cases even later. All mushroom poisonings cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract with the following symptoms: abdominal pain, sometimes colic, nausea, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and sometimes convulsions. The temperature usually rises.

In cases of mushroom poisoning, it is necessary to call a doctor or send the victim to a hospital. Before the arrival of the doctor, the patient should immediately flush the stomach and intestines. To this end, give the victim to drink 2-3 glasses of salted water, and then, mechanically irritating the root of the tongue and throat with your fingers, induce vomiting. Repeat this procedure several times, then put the patient to bed (on his stomach) and put a heating pad at his feet. It is recommended to drink cold sweet tea, coffee, milk or yogurt.

The patient should not eat until the doctor arrives. It must be remembered that the poisonous effect of mushrooms on the human body does not decrease with the use of alcoholic beverages, on the contrary, it promotes the absorption of toxic substances and enhances their effect.

To avoid mushroom poisoning, you must learn to distinguishedible mushrooms from poisonous ones, carefully learn the rules for collecting, storing andpreparation of dishes from them.

Remember that drying, salting, pickling, heat treatment does not destroy the poison in mushrooms. Therefore, poisoning can occur at any time when using harvested inedible mushrooms for the future.

Prevent mushroom poisoning !!!

Nina Shimbereva


Familiarizing children with mushrooms(how they look, what are their properties and how they differ, clarification of the conditions necessary for growth and development mushrooms, benefit and value mushrooms in human and animal life, vocabulary enrichment.


1. to form a respectful attitude towards nature;

2.continue to acquaint with the features of appearance mushrooms and the place of their growth;

3. to teach to be careful with unknown objects, to cultivate respect for nature; teach children to listen carefully and answer the teacher's questions, to encourage children to participate in conversation and to coherent statements;

5. teach children to correctly name objects, their qualities, color, name the size (large - small, teach to form nouns using suffixes;

6. to consolidate the concept of concepts « mushrooms» ;


Under a birch, under an aspen,

He's always so handsome.

Both the chanterelle and the morel,

The mushroom sticks outlike a piglet.

Hat, leg, we all know

Find the mushroom, we will not lose.

We can fry, salt,

To surprise mom with taste.

Conversation and viewing pictures from mushrooms and berries:



"What kind mushrooms you know

Volnushki, milk mushrooms, russula, boletus (white mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, milk mushrooms. boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms


"Where do they grow mushrooms

Children: in the forest


But have mushrooms there is not only a name like ours, they also have something very interesting!

We live in cities and houses, and we have an address. Ask your child what city he lives in and what is his address? Why do you need to know your address by heart?

If you received parcels or parcels, letters, then show them where the address is written. Why was the address written on them?

It turns out that both mushrooms have ... your address! At this address mushroom can always be found... But this one « mushroom address» not everyone knows, but only the most - the most attentive people to nature.

Now we will try to guess this address!

each mushroom"loves" his tree and his forest and lives only at his address.

For example, what can we find under a pine tree? Of course, butter or white mushrooms - boletus.

Borovik is the king among all mushrooms... Their leg is thick - like a potato. The hat is brown, the flesh is white, strong, tasty. White mushrooms - boletus - and dried, and boiled, and fried. The address of these mushrooms: "Pinery"... You can find them there.

And under the birch, on the lawns and on the mowed glades - boletus. Boletus mushrooms usually do not grow one by one. Next to one, the other always grows.

Under the aspen - boletus.

Honey mushrooms live and grow on stumps.

In pine and spruce forests, there are many boils with shiny caps.

Where do they live mushrooms chanterelles - friendly sisters who always grow up next to each other as families? In mixed forests.

Ryzhiks love coniferous forests - spruce and pine forests.

Interesting about "Address" mushrooms: by autumn mushrooms slightly change their "the address", that is, they are moving. True, they move very close to a warmer place. If earlier in the summer in July - early August they huddled against the trees and often grew from the cooler north side, now they can be found in an open meadow, path, near clearings. Where it is warm and sunny.

"What for mushrooms and berries in the forest» -they are useful and necessary for people, and animals, and birds, and plants that grow next to them in forest: Mushrooms - true friends of trees!

“What do we know about poisonous mushrooms and berries

there is edible mushrooms, but there are poisonous. Therefore, in the forest, children need to be sure to ask adults if it is possible to pick up what was found in the forest or in the park mushroom... If you don't know mushroom, it is better to leave it in the forest and not take it.

"What is forest safety?"

Do not go to the forest alone, only with adults;

Take your phone with you to communicate with relatives;

It is necessary to return from the forest before dark;

Don't go deep into the forest;

It is not necessary to enter the forest by transport, it damages the vegetation;

It is forbidden to light a fire without adults, because the fire is dangerous both for humans and for the inhabitants of the forest, it is very difficult to stop its spread;

Do not burn dried grass or leaves;

Do not throw garbage, you can not pollute nature, this is a home for animals and birds;

Do not break the glass, injure yourself and harm the inhabitants of the forest;

- you can't make noise in the forest: screaming, listening to loud music, this behavior causes anxiety among forest dwellers;

Do not offend wild animals, they are dangerous in an angry state, if there is a danger of attack, do not show fear and do not stand with your back, it is better to slowly stand and wait for the animal to leave;

Finger gymnastics " Mushrooms" "This finger"

this finger went to the forest, this finger mushroom found,

i began to clean this finger, I began to fry this finger,

this finger ate everything, that's why it got fat.

(Massage fingers alternately, starting with the little finger)

"By mushrooms»

One, two, three, four, five!

We will look for mushrooms.

First mushroom-boletus, Get into the basket!

Boletus stands

On a high leg.

We found a boletus

Directly under the birch.

And the oiler is hiding, That's how stubborn!

(Children alternately massage their fingers)

A walk through our forest on the territory of the children's hell

Game exercise.

« Mushroom pickers»

The teacher says: "Now one of you will be mushroom pickerand the rest mushrooms... Each mushroom will find a place in the forest, and mushrooms will look carefully and remember. After that mushroom picker and mushrooms are dancingwhen the music is over the mushroom picker will turn away, and mushrooms will take their place... Then the mushroom picker will check, did they sit right mushrooms.

Low mobility game

"And we walked through the forest"

And we walked through the forest

Under the bush fungi found

Boletus, mushrooms, boletus

Purpose: to teach children to be attentive to plants in nature, to understand that among them there may be poisonous; to consolidate the ability to distinguish mushrooms and berries by pictures and those signs that are given in riddles; teach to be careful, develop curiosity.

Game progress:

Old man - Lesovichok: Hello kids! I came to you to invite you to my wonderful forest for mushrooms and berries. Do you like picking mushrooms and berries? Now let's check if you know mushrooms.

Game "Say a word" (accompanied by display of pictures)

If they are found in the forest,

They will immediately remember the fox.

Reddish sisters

Called ... (chanterelles)

Strong, dense, very stately,

In a brown and smart hat.

This is the pride of all forests!

The real king of mushrooms! (Porcini)

Brothers are sitting on a stump.

Everybody is freckled like boys.

These friendly guys

Called ... (honey agarics)

Like their heads in oil

And they can take cover deftly.

Very nice guys -

Golden ... (Butterlets).

Guys, be careful in the forest with mushrooms, otherwise uninvited guests will climb into your basket. Guess which ones?

Look how good he is!

Red hat with polka dots

Lace collar -

He is no stranger to the forest! (Amanita)

In a pale hat with a thin leg,

You can't put it in a basket.

Dangerous mushroom, blende mushroom,

This is a pale ... (toadstool).

We will collect the edible mushrooms and leave the poisonous ones in the forest. But remember, guys: leave mushrooms that you do not know in the meadow, do not trample, do not shoot down. All the mushrooms in my forest are needed. Who eats mushrooms in the forest? That's right, then the squirrel will eat the fungus, then the hedgehog, and the moose are treated with fly agarics.

Game "Pick mushrooms in a basket"

Children collect mushrooms in two baskets: with a picture of "fly agaric" - poisonous, and in a basket with a picture of "white mushroom" - edible.

The old man is Lesovichok. Guys, tell me, is it possible to eat raw mushrooms? How can you cook mushrooms so you can eat them (children's answers). Mushroom picking is an exciting activity, but fraught with great risks. Many people are hospitalized every year due to mushroom poisoning, sometimes even deaths. Therefore, guys, let's once again remember the poisonous mushrooms well. (looking at the pictures).

Guys, but it also happens that mushrooms grow not only in the forest, but also in the garden, in the park, in the square, on the site of the kindergarten. Remember: mushrooms in the garden, even if they are edible, are dangerous because they contain many harmful substances. Therefore, if you meet mushrooms in the garden, trample it or show it to adults.

In my forest, not only mushrooms grow, but also berries. What wild berries do you know? Berries contain a lot of vitamins and other nutrients. Doctors are sure: the more a person eats berries, the less he gets sick. But be careful - there are also poisonous berries in the forest.

The game "The fourth odd"

Poisonous berries are named and shown.

If it happened that you suddenly ate an unfamiliar berry, tell the adults about it rather. In case of poisoning with mushrooms or berries, you must immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Now, sit down in the clearing and watch the play called "Caution, Poisonous!" (on flannelgraph)

Animals appear in the clearing.

Bunny: Where are you in a hurry, fox?

Fox: To the clearing where hare ears grow!

Bunny: Ka-ah-k? How can my ears grow in the forest?

Fox: So look, bunny ears!

Bunny: Ha ha ha! Are these ears? This is a real forest lily of the valley!

Fox cub: But it is also called bunny ears. Look, each plant has two long leaves, like your ears.

The old man-Lesovichok: Time passed, and at the end of summer the animals again ran to that very clearing. But instead of flowers, orange berries hung on the stems of the lily of the valley. The hare picked some berries.

Fox: Give it up! Lily of the valley berries are poisonous, they can be poisoned. Better to let them fall, new lilies of the valley will grow out of them.

Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, lily of the valley is listed in the Red Book, because this plant is disappearing. How can we protect the lily of the valley?

Children: Do not pick bouquets, admire them in the forest.

Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, you learned that even the most beautiful plants and berries in the forest can be poisonous. We must remember this. Listen to what the animals in the clearing were talking about.

Fox: Bunny, have you seen how interesting the raven's eye grows?

Crow: Ka-ar-r! Fox, do you think my eyes are growing? They have been the same for several years!

Fox: No, your eyes do not grow, Auntie Crow, and a plant is such a raven eye. Let's go and show you. (Fox shows the plant)

Crow: Kar! This plant really looks like my black eyes!

Bunny: The plant is beautiful, but very poisonous. Neither stems, nor leaves, nor berries can be eaten.

Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, do you remember which plants are edible and which are inedible? Now you can collect full baskets of mushrooms and berries.