Individual consultations with parents on drawing. Consultations for parents: "Develop the work of children

Consultation for parents

"Draw all year round!"

"The origins of the abilities and talent of children are on the tips of the fingers. From fingers, figuratively speaking, the finest threads are going - the streams that feed the source of creative thoughts. In other words, the more skill in a children's hand, the smarter child "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Drawing is one of the favorite practices of preschoolers. Children's drawing includes great opportunities for the development of a child. A simple rule - there are no urgent children, there are unscrewd children. And help reveal these talents should we, adults! Starting to teach the baby drawing, the parents will not learn more important rules.

1. Draw a better day, as it is undesirable to draw with evening lighting. Duration no more than 20-30 minutes.

2. In order for children not tired, do not have time to miss and tire, do not tighten the time of classes, but never break it up, give the child the opportunity to finish the started.

3. Be sure to take care of the convenience of the workplace. Highlight the child a separate table, shook it with a glue, put on the kid apron.

4. The child must have maximum freedom for the manifestation of creativity: the child should not be a shortage of color pencils, markers, paper and other visual means.

5. For drawing it is better to give individual sheets of paper. It is desirable that it is not a glossy, and porous, slightly rough.

6. In order not to happen during drawing, do not scold the child. And in general, it is better not to start drawing in a bad mood, so you can beat off the child's desire to create.

7. If the child accidentally bloomed the paint on paper, arrange the competition: who will be able to see the fantastic animals in a formless blossom or who will be able to come up with the most interesting fairy tale, history about this.

8. In no case do not interfere with children's creativity too often and do not expect immediate results. Render the child with all sorts of support, praise it for diligence, do not disregard any of his work.

9. Parents in no way should criticize children's drawings, as children love to do what they turn out. And if the child will constantly listen to the teachings, he will soon be disappointed in his abilities and will throw drawing at all.

10. Teach children to draw carefully and clean the work after the work is over.

11. Treat carefully to children's creativity. Try to make sure that children's drawings do not go to the basket, and were the subject of the pride of the child, gathered and kept, gave themselves and showed close and friends.

Creative success to your baby and you!

The introduction of children into the world of art is one of the components of our pedagogical activity. Classes with children stimulate children's creativity, develop fantasy, imagination, observation.

One of the important tasks in the field of popular education is the aesthetic education of the younger generation. In our country, all conditions are created for the manifestation of the creative abilities of each child. Already with early age The child should develop a sense of excellent, high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate the works of art, the beauty and wealth of their native nature. This contributes to the formation of a spiritually rich, harmoniously developed personality.

Today we gradually return to the eternal truth: thanks to the perception of beautiful in nature and art, a person opens a beautiful in himself. That is why it is so important to teach the child to admire the beauty of the early spring in the morning, a landscape, a portrait created by great artists embroidered craftswear towels. Made with your own hands, a cradle ... It is necessary that the child from the small years will find a source of spiritual joy from the smallest years, learned to work not only in order to extract the bread pressing, but also in order for the beauty next to him.

An important means of aesthetic education is the visual activity (drawing, modeling, applique). It allows children to express in drawings, modeling, appliqués their idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around the world, understanding it and attitude towards it. Children expands the horizons, the experience accumulates, causing a feeling of joy, satisfaction.

For a clear leadership, ensuring the successful development of children's creativity, teachers, first of all, should have ideas about the types of children's visual creativity, for which its form of artistic expression is characterized (allocated by the city of Reed): a thinking, sensual, sensitive, intuitive.

The task of the teacher is to lead the school creativity systematically, to lead a child to a more complete realistic image. At the same time, in the absence of a systematic educational work There is a phenomenon of a decline in the interest and quality of children's creativity.

The visual activity is perhaps the only region of creativity, where in the process of learning the complete freedom is not only permissible, but also necessary. An adult is important the result of activity, and for the child is paramount importance (in drawing too) has a process.

Unlike kids, senior preschoolers are already able to carefully consider and comprehend the vital phenomena, objects, states, can focus on and depict something interesting. Our task with you is to take care and develop this ability, keep the love of children to drawing.

An amazing phenomenon of art - drawing in childhood.

Each child in a certain period of life, with an excess draws grandiose compositions.

Drawing - big and serious job for a child. Even the doodle contains quite specific information and meaning for a small artist. Adults are surprised that a long time, the child always indicates that and where exactly is depicted on a sheet covered, it would seem random interweaving of lines and rags. As for funny malfunctions in the drawings. The drawings of these strictly reflect the stages of the development of the visual - spatio-motor experience of the child, to which it relies during the drawing process. The aesthetic significance of its own visual activity is manifested early: children like their drawings more than the sample from which they painted.

In the first years of the child's life, the development of vision and motility is especially important. Drawing is involved in the formation of visual images, helps to master the forms.

Through visual arts and drawing, we develop a sense of excellent, learn to "notice correctness and harmony in subjects, form the ability to enjoy the works of art and the beauty of nature.

Especially important is the connection of drawing with thinking and speech. Children, draw no object, but generalized knowledge about it, denoting individual traits only with symbolic signs. Drawing, thus, acts as a peculiar analogue of speech. L. S. Vygotsky even called child drawing Graphic speech. Particularly emphasize the meaning of the visual activity for aesthetic education.

Preschool childhood is a particularly responsible and extremely important period in education, as it is the age of the initial formation of the child's personality.

By the end of stay in kindergarten, children reaches a certain level of artistic development: emotionally perceive the content of the work, remember and recognize familiar paintings, illustrations, folk toys; Indicative means notice (rhythm, color, shape, composition, etc.). Using these funds, create an image in the figure, modeling, appliqués; Assess what happened. The expressiveness of the shape, lines, silhouette, color combination, the symmetry of the decorative pattern, ornamental appliqué is noted. Children have creative abilities necessary for them to follow fine art at school.

"Through beautiful to Human - Such is the pattern of education"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

What a person is, such and his activity, such and the world, which he creates around him. The key role of kindergarten is the creation of conditions for the formation of a harmonious, spiritually rich, intellectual-developed personality. It all depends on the first pre-school experience, which the child will receive in the walls of the preschool institution, from adults who will teach the baby to love and perceive the world around, understand the laws of society, the beauty of human relations. The acquisition of children to art is exactly the "key", which reveals creative potential in children, gives a real opportunity to adapt to them in a social environment.

Undoubtedly, hundreds of unexpected talents and abilities can bloom in any person, if he just provide for this opportunity!

Tatyana Nikolaev
Consultation for parents "Draw together with children"

Consultation for parents: "Draw together with children: non-traditional drawing techniques."

One of the most favorite activities in preschool age is drawing. It is drawing that allows the child to express his feelings, thoughts, mood, dreams and even the secret fears, all that he does not always tell about words. Drawing enriches the inner world of the child, develops visual-motor coordination, tactile sensations, fantasy, imagination, speech skills, thinking. But only tastes are not always interesting and fun to draw tiles and pencils. You can draw everything that is at hand and all that fantasy allows and imagination ...

Drawing with palms. We need a surface where you can show creativity (sheet of paper, wallpaper, a piece of fabric size does not matter, gouache paint, pieces of foam rubber or tassel. Pads cover paint and put prints on the surface. Magic butterflies are obtained, fish-birds, fish, fish , octopies, wonderful trees and much more.

Drawing with fingers. The fingers are dipped into the paint and draw everything that the soul of a young artist will wish. As one of the options, you can use cotton wands.

Drawing by a semi-russian tassel "Tychka". You can take a brush to work with glue. The brush is dipped into the paint and holding it vertically, they apply a stag on the surface of the pattern. This drawing technique allows you to more expressly convey the beauty of fluffy dandelions, shaggy animals, thick crown of trees, etc.

Drawing stamps. In the store you can purchase various stamps. But it is much more interesting to make stamps with a child. For this, various fruits and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, celery, apples, pears, etc.) are suitable for this. Cut in half, cut the desired shape of the stamp, to dip in the paint and decorate with the patterns of any surface. In this way, colorful greeting cards can be issued, paint gift wipes, tablecloth or walls in the nursery, paint colorful t-shirts and topics, decorate a piece of fabric, and then sew out the outfit for your favorite dolls. Fantasize, do not be lazy! Paints are desirable to use acrylic so the masterpieces are more durable.

Drawing with crumpled paper. A piece of paper is crushed into a lump, then macate into the paint and apply a drawing.

Drawing with tubes (klyaxography). On the surface of the paper, blots from the paint splash and, while the paint did not approve, with the help of cocktail tubes, blow paint from the blots in different areas. Finding unusual and funny drawings.

Drawing plasticine. A marker to the surface (cardboard attached scotch, glass, transparent plastic cover from the container, etc.) is applied the contour of the pattern. The plasticine pieces are smeared so that the contours of the drawing are not "blurred." Plasticine can be smeared, roll with small balls, twist with sausages and curls. Works are obtained colorful and expressive.

Drawing on tissue "nodules". On a piece of fabric tie nodes with threads. Small peculiar "shishchers" are formed, then these "shishchers" are painted with acrylic paints. When the tissue snacks, the string on the nodules is cut and the fabric is spread. Flowers and various paradise birds are obtained.

This is not the entire list of nonradicine drawing techniques. You can paint with soap bubbles, sand, cereal, dried leaflets and flowers, with the help of stencils, threads and ropes. The drawing methods are many and limited they can only with your fantasy. The most important thing is to introduce children with their diversity. Interest them, teach to see the beauty of the world around them, raise lovers in them beautiful, artistical and aesthetic taste.

It is no secret that the foundations of personality formation are laid in infancy, during careless childhood. For the harmonious development of a child with him you have to play, sing, dance, play sports, walk and, of course, draw, sculpt and cut. All this needs to be done with the children, and then you, dear moms and dads, will become for their favorite children with the most close and best friends.

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Many parents, looking at the arts of the child, often flourishing on the walls and other surfaces in children's rooms are perturbed to the depths of the soul. But drawing is truly great importance in the development of the child's personality. Therefore, before what to make a baby, try to direct his art to the right direction.
It has long found my scientific confirmation that the child's personality is formed in the very first years of life. It is in the first three years that you can reveal the enormous potential of the creative abilities of the child, his imagination, fantasy, which will serve as a basis for forming
his as a person. However, this process does not happen by itself.
The creative abilities of the child are formed under certain conditions created by its surrounding adults. They are caused by not only education in the family, but also by special occupations organized in various specialized preschool institutions. It is important to remember that the creative abilities of the child are formed under the influence of various types of arts and primarily drawing.
Drawing is of great importance for the development of the child.
First, the kid's thinking is developing.
Secondly, memory is developing, attention, the small motility of the child is improved. The kid learns to think, analyze, compare and imagine. Formation vocabulary The child occurs in the process of expanding its horizons. And the diversity of existing shades of colors, the variety of objects of the surrounding world contribute to the enrichment of the knowledge of the child, and accordingly, the vocabulary stock. In the process of visual activities, the physical and mental activity of the kid are combined. To create a picture you need to invest.
effort, trying to master certain skills. Initially, an interest in the child arises, only a little bit appears for creativity - thirst to acquire the result, create a certain drawing.
Fantasy and imagination is the most important side of the life of the kid. And creative fantasy develops especially saturated between 5 to 15 years. In conjunction with a decrease in the ability to invent, the child's personality is shifted, decreases and goes out the potential of creative thinking, as well as interest in art, to creative activity. For
in order to improve the child's creative fantasy, a special strategy of formation of artistic activity is necessary.
Third, the visual art is the first art that
appeared on Earth 3 thousand years ago, evidence
fashionable drawings "Petroglyphs". A man at all times wanted to express himself, shares his impressions, such is the nature of man. And for a small child who can not speak and express himself verbally - the drawing is the most affordable form of expression.
Drawing not only contributes to the development of the most important mental functions - view, motor coordination, speech and thinking, but also binds them among themselves, helps the child streamlined the rapidly absorbed knowledge, forms and records the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world.
Finally drawing is the most important information and communicative channel.
Fourth, according to scientists, drawing has a special biological meaning. At the beginning of life, visual development and movement is especially important. After all, childhood can be viewed as a period of formation of physiological and mental functions. Then, drawing is one of the ways.
implementation of the program of improving the body.
Starting from 2 years to adolescence, the children of all countries and continents in their drawings necessarily pass the "Karakuli" stages, "circles" and "chasing". The identical activity of the child at first is mastered by the line, then it closes, forming the circumference of the wrong shape. The circle is "replicated", closed in themselves the circumference of the smaller diameter. Then the circles come into interaction with each other, forming various compositions.
Most specialists and psychologists, and teachers - converge: awareness of the surrounding occurs in a child faster than the accumulation of words and associations. Therefore, painting the child is also necessary, as well as talk. After all, it is no coincidence of L.S. Vygotsky called
drawing a "graphic speech".
Fifth, in the drawing of a child, we can diagnose its mental and physical condition. Modern method of psychodiagnostiki
figure is based on the works of the famous Russian scientist I. Sechenov, who studied psychomotor connections in the body. He believed that any representation arising in the psyche, any association associated with this representation ends with the movement. So, the muscles of the arms through the movement "capture" on a sheet of paper attitude drawing to himself and to the world, his mental and physical condition. Depicting any person, a child, subconsciously depicts himself. Analyzing the image, we can state the child's personality on the layout relative to the center of the sheet, its self-esteem. Drawing by analyzing
separate parts of the face and body can be determined by the intellectual sphere of the child, which drives the actions of the child - the mind (with a big head) or emotions (with small). Determine the aesthetic tendency of the child.
The color characteristics of the picture may indicate health or not the health of the child, will indicate on its inclination, etc.
- Sixth, modern school uses integrated methods in learning. Almost all subjects elementary school Requires visual skills. And if the child does not own elementary drawing skills, it does not remember badly.

GDDOU "Kindergarten № 91 combined species"

Consulting Center

Performed educators

higher category

Korshova E.V.


Consultation for parents "Drawing with unconventional ways"

Performed the educator of the highest category Korshunova E.V.

The development of the creative potential of the individual should be carried out from early childhood, when a child under the guidance of adults begins to master various species Activities, including artistic.

Great opportunities in the development of creativity concludes visual activities and, above all, drawing.

Drawing is an important means of aesthetic education: it allows children to express their idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment, develops fantasy, imagination, makes it possible to consolidate knowledge about color, form. In the process of drawing, the child is performed by observation, aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions, artistic taste, creative abilities, the ability to create a beautiful means available to the means available tools. Classes drawing develop the ability to see beautiful in the surrounding life in the works of art. Own artistic activities helps children gradually approach understanding the works of painting, graphics, sculptures, decorative and applied arts.

The image in the figures is created using a variety of materials. Artists in their work use various materials: a variety of small paints, coal, sangu, pastel and much more. And in children's creativity it is also necessary to include different paints (gouache, watercolor, mascara, chalk, teach children to use these visual materials in the ratio with their means of expressiveness.

Work experience shows: drawing by unusual materials and original techniques allows children to feel not forgotten positive emotions. Emotions, as you know, is the process, and the result of practical activity, primarily artistic creativity. By emotions, it is possible to judge that at the moment I am glad, interests, it turns into a despondency, carefully the child, which characterizes its essence, character, personality.

Preschoolers for their nature are able to sympathize with the literary hero, play in difficult role playing Emotional various states, but to understand that there is beauty, and learn to express yourself in the visual activity - a gift that you can only dream about, but this can be learned.

We are adults, you need to develop a sense of beauty in the child. It is from us that the rich or poor - will be his spiritual life. It should be remembered: if the perception of the wonderful will not be supported by the participation of the child in the creation of beauty, then, according to the child, "infantile enthusiasm" is formed.

To instill love for visual arts, cause interest in drawing since the younger preschool age, It is necessary to use non-traditional image methods. Such unconventional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known objects as artistic materials, surprises its unpredictability.

Unusual ways Drawing so fascinating children, which, figuratively speaking, the present flame of creativity flames in the group, which is completed by the exhibition of children's drawings.

What non-traditional drawing methods can be used at home? Cleaxography, drawing salt, drawing with fingers. Soap bubbles, splashing, etc. Do you not interest you to find out what happens if you draw with a cloth or crumpled paper?

You can draw as you like and anything! Lokia on the floor, under the table, on the table. On a piece of wood, on the newspaper. A variety of materials puts new tasks and makes something invent something all the time. And from the Karakul and Mazni eventually a recognizable object is evaporated. Unmocant joy of satisfaction from the fact that I did it - all this is my! "

Having learned to express your feelings on paper, the child begins to better understand the feelings of others, learns to overcome timidity, fear of drawing, before anything happens. He is sure that it will turn out, and it will turn out beautifully.

Mastering various materials, ways to work with them, an understanding of their expressiveness allows children to more effectively use them when reflected in the drawings of their impressions from the surrounding life.

A variety of visual materials makes the visual activity more attractive, interesting, and as they master different materials Children has its own manner of the image.

One of the favorite children of non-traditional drawing methods is drawing salt. It possesses not only interesting decorative possibilities, but also very convenient in circulation.

They love to draw and ... soap bubbles. You can draw in the way of blowing.

But you can draw a toothbrush, and cotton, and finger, palm, swab, mint paper, driving paint (drop) on a sheet of paper, printing with different objects, create compositions with a candle, lipstick, feet ...

Dare, fantasize! And the joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children.

Drawing art has a variety of techniques and they must be used in working with children. Using different materials Enrich children with knowledge of ways to work with them, their pictorial opportunities, make pictures of children more interesting, will increase the aesthetic side of the picture.

Why and why do our children paint? Yes, because the visual activity is hardly the most interesting type of preschoolers. It allows the child to reflect their impressions of the world around the world, express their attitude towards them. At the same time, the visual activity is invaluable for the comprehensive aesthetic, moral, labor and mental development of children.

But, teaching a child drawing, should not overdo it. Do not constantly force a child to draw. It is necessary to create a positive motivation to drawing, the desire to be a creator.

Summarizing your experience with children in this direction, I can confidently say that the most interesting forms of visual activity for children are non-traditional drawing techniques. Such non-standard approaches to the organization of visual activity surprise and admire children, thereby causing the desire to engage in such an interesting business.

Dear Parents! I suggest you to get acquainted with the unusual drawing techniques. Your child will get a lot of pleasure and will expand its capabilities if you offer it new, unusual materials and techniques for visual creativity.

Cheerful splashes

Try at first yourself, and then show the child what to do. You pick up a full paint brush, keep it above the paper, and hit the brush with the other hand. So you can get an interesting background for the future drawing. And it is possible to put templates on paper, cuttings cut from cardboard on paper. For example, silhouettes of stars, crescent, colors, leaves, animals. The resulting "white spots" can be left blank or painted.

Prints of leaves

For a walk, collect the leaves of a wide variety of forms along with the child. At home, inject paint in paper cups so that they are sufficient density. Cove the surface of the paint sheet and press it with a painted side to paper. From above, put another sheet of paper and arrange with hand or rolling. Remove the top paper and see what happened. Maybe you will have to first stretch a little, and then the child will be able to make a whole composition of the leaf prints.


Very interesting effects are obtained if you create an image using your own fingerprints or palms. Of course, the paint needs to be easily flushing, for example, gouache. With watercolor patterns from prints, it turns out not as contrasting and expressive. You can start with simple images - flower, grape brush. And the necessary details can then be drawn with a pencil.


Together with the child, in turn, draw the straight lines and curves on the paper sheet, crossing each other. Then you can paint the plots bounded by these lines, pencils or markers of different colors, fill them with strokes, specks, cells.

Potato stamps

Cut in half the raw potatoes and on the spot. Cut. Cut the simple relief - flower, heart, fish, asterisk. Soak paint stamp pad and show the child how to make prints. If there is no special pad, you can take a piece of sponge or apply paint directly to the cutting surface. If you prepare several different stamps, the baby will be able to create even scene pictures with them or make a beautiful wrapping paper for a gift. This lesson is a good pretext to introduce a child with various geometric shapes: a circle, square, etc.

Drawing sponge

You will need a few sponges - for each color separate. First, try yourself: dip the sponge into the paint, squeeze a slightly to remove the surplus. Now you can work on a sheet with light touches. Light the new technique yourself - teach the baby.


By this, of course, they themselves were engaged in childhood. It remains only to show your baby, as is done. The sheet of paper is folded in half, on one side of the sheet we draw paints or simply applied stains, blots, then cover the drawing of the second half, slightly carry out the hand on top. You can use several colors, you can add a bit of sequin. Reveal - what happened: butterfly, a marvelous flower. Beautiful occupation for the development of imagination.

Painting reliefs

We take a sheet of paper, put the coin under it, paint the soft pencil or wax chalk on top. The relief is manifested on paper. You can find any other solid surfaces with an interesting texture: the leaves with thick streaks, the bark of trees embroidered with the cross tablecloth, a metal icon. - Just look around. It will not only hobble the child, but will help develop its thin hand skills.

The use of non-traditional methods can instill children desire to draw, make a child an interesting and cognitive occupation.

Do not expect from the baby masterpieces: the goal of any visual activity is to enjoy. Do not get fond of criticism, even fair, otherwise you risk distracted by the baby from this classes. But try and not capture, otherwise it will stop perceiving praise seriously.

"Develop the creativity of children"

Educator Makomova M.A.

The development of the creative potential of the individual should be carried out from early childhood, when a child under the guidance of adults begins to master various activities, including artistic. Great opportunities in the development of creativity concludes visual activities and, above all, drawing. Drawing is an important means of aesthetic education: it allows children to express their idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment, develops fantasy, imagination, makes it possible to consolidate knowledge about color, form. In the process of drawing, the child is performed by observation, aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions, artistic taste, creative abilities, the ability to create a beautiful means available to the means available tools. Classes drawing develop the ability to see beautiful in the surrounding life in the works of art. Own artistic activities helps children gradually approach understanding the works of painting, graphics, sculptures, decorative and applied arts.

The image in the figures is created using a variety of materials. Artists in their work use various materials: a variety of small paints, coal, sangu, pastel and much more. And in children's creativity it is also necessary to include different colors (gouache, watercolor), mascara, crayons, teach children to use these visual materials in the ratio with their means of expressiveness. Work experience shows: drawing by unusual materials and original techniques allows children to feel not forgotten positive emotions. Emotions, as you know, is the process, and the result of practical activity, primarily artistic creativity. By emotions, it is possible to judge that at the moment I am glad, interests, it turns into a despondency, carefully the child, which characterizes its essence, character, personality.

Preschoolers for their nature are able to sympathize with the literary hero, playing emotional various states in a complex role-playing game, but to understand that there is beauty, and learn how to express yourself in the visual activity - a gift that you can only dream about, but this can be taught. We are adults, you need to develop a sense of beauty in the child. It is from us that the rich or poor - will be his spiritual life. It should be remembered: if the perception of the wonderful will not be supported by the participation of the child in the creation of beauty, then, according to the child, "infantile enthusiasm" is formed. To instill love for visual arts, cause interest in drawing preschool age, it is necessary to use unconventional image methods. Such unconventional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known objects as artistic materials, surprises its unpredictability.

Unusual methods of drawing so fond of children, which, figuratively speaking, the present flame of creativity flames in the group, which is completed by the exhibition of children's drawings.

What non-traditional drawing methods can be used at home ? Cleaxography, drawing salt, drawing with fingers, soap bubbles, splashing etc.

Do you not interest you to find out what happens if you draw with a rag or crumpled paper? You can draw as you like and anything! Lokia on the floor, under the table, on the table. On the leaflet of the tree, on the newspaper. There is new tasks on the newspaper. And makes you think about something all the time. And from the Karakul and Mazni eventually a recognizable object is evaporated. Nothing the unmandant joy of satisfaction from the fact that "I did it - all this is my!".

Having learned to express your feelings on paper, the child begins to better understand the feelings of others, learns to overcome timidity, fear of drawing, before anything happens. He is sure that it will turn out, and it will turn out beautifully. Mastering various materials, ways to work with them, an understanding of their expressiveness allows children to more effectively use them when reflected in the drawings of their impressions from the surrounding life.

The variety of visual materials makes the visual activity more attractive, interesting, and as many materials are mastered by various materials in children, its manner is formed. One of the favorite children of non-traditional drawing methods is drawing salt. It possesses not only interesting decorative possibilities, but also very convenient in circulation. They love to draw and ... soap bubbles. You can draw in the way of blowing. But you can also draw a toothbrush, and cotton, and finger, palm, swab, mint paper, driving a paint (drop) tube on a sheet of paper, print with different objects, create compositions with a candle, lipstick, feet. Hold, fantasize! And the joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children.

Drawing art has a variety of techniques and they must be used in working with children. The use of various materials enriches children with knowledge of ways to work with them, their pictorial opportunities, will make pictures of children more interesting, increase the aesthetic side of the picture.

2. "The use of non-traditional drawing techniques

in the development of the creativity of children "

Undoubtedly, pictorial activities of children of preschool age consider the most interesting. Just having painted yourself with flomuses or staining watercolor, the child understands - there is happiness in life. How to teach a child to draw if you do not know how? Do not hurry to get upset. There are many techniques with which you can create original work, not even having any artistic skills. And you, and your child will receive from such classes not only pleasure.

Practice use

We are adults sometimes we do not share this happiness, and even indignant to the depths of the soul, looking at the arts of the kid on the walls in the apartment. But drawing is of great importance in the formation of the identity of the child.Therefore, before scolding the baby, try to direct his creativity in the right direction. From drawing, the kid receives only the benefit. Particularly important is the connection of drawing by the dedication of a child. At the same time, visual, motor, muscularly tangible analyzers are included in the work. In addition, drawing is developing memory, attention, petty motor skills, teaches a child to think and analyze, compose and compare, compose and imagine. For the mental development of children, the gradual expansion of knowledge stock has great importance. It affects formation of the vocabulary and connected speech in the child.Agree, a variety of forms of objects of the surrounding world, various quantities, varieties of colors of colors, spatial designations only contribute to the enrichment of the kid's dictionary.

In the process of visual activity, the mental and physical activity of the child is combined. To create a picture you need to make efforts, work out, weighing certain skills. At first, children are interested in the movement of a pencil or brush, to the trails left on paper, only gradually makes a motivation for creativity - the desire to get the result, create a specific image. Remember, each child is a separate world with its own behavior rules, their feelings. And the richer, the most diverse the vitality of the child, the brighter, an extraordinary imagination, the most likely that the intuitive thrust for art will be meaningful with time. " The origins of the abilities and dating children - on the tips of their fingers.From fingers, figuratively speaking, the finest threads are going - the streams that feed the source of creative thoughts. In other words, the more skill in a children's hand, the smarter the child, "said V.A.Sushellinsky.
Imagination and fantasy- This is the most important side of the child's life. And the imagination develops especially intensively between 5 to 15 years. Together with a decrease in the ability to fantasize children, the personality is imposed, the possibilities of creative thinking are reduced, it goes out of interest in art, creative activity. In order to develop creative imagination Children need a special organization of visual activities.

How to teach a child to draw?

If you have already thought that it is time to teach a child to draw Try to observe the following principles:

Never ask the baby to draw you something specific on request, you can only offer several options to choose from, but do not insist that the child must have drawn something from the proposed one; Let him better draw what he conceived himself. Never criticize worklittle child; Yes, he is still imperfect, he draws as it can, but draws with a soul; If you constantly criticize him, he may even give up this lesson. Never under any pretext do not give anything and do not improve in the works of the child, it is also offended by him, emphasizes his inferiority, the inability to draw well (often parents do it, to then demonstrate the work of the child to relatives and acquaintances as its achievements).

Never teach a child to draw any specific image, as it kills him fantasy, imposes stamps to certain images (your vision); Better to teach the child to techniques to work with materials, drawing different forms, and from these skills, he himself will benefit and will draw unusual, nor on whose not similar images of a particular subject or creature.

Encourage non-standard solutions of images or techniques; Let the kid understand that the main thing is to his fantasy.
Consider and discuss his previous work so that he does not forget that he is already able to draw that he has already happened very well; Try to post the child's work on the wall. Consider the works of other children so that he wanted to draw as well. Consider the reproductions of paintings by different artists, go to art galleries. How do you like to work with the materials you can teach your child?

Methods and techniques of non-traditional drawing.

Cleaxography. It is to teach children to make blots (black and multicolored). Then a 3-year-old child can look at them and see images, objects or individual details. "What is like yours or my blots?", "Who or what does she remind you?" - These questions are very useful, because Develop thinking and imagination. After that, without hosting a child, but showing, we recommend proceeding to the next stage - Circuit or Dorivovka Kleks. As a result, a whole plot can be obtained.

Drawing together on a long paper strip.By the way, the paper format is useful to change (i.e., not only the standard). In this case, the long strip will help draw together, without interfering with each other. You can draw insulated objects or plots, i.e. Work nearby. And even in this case, the child is warmer from the elbow mom or dad. And then it is advisable to go to collective drawing. Adults and the child negotiate who will draw that one plot turns out.

Drawing with a secret in three pairs of hands.When your child is 4 years old, we strongly advise you to resort to this method. It is as follows. A rectangular sheet of paper is taken, 3 pencils. Adults and child are distributed: who will draw the first one who is the second who is the third one. The first begins to draw, and then closes his drawing, reducing the sheet from above and leaving a little bit, some part, to continue (neck, for example). The second, without seeing nothing but the neck, continues, naturally, the body, leaving the visible only part of the legs. The third finishes. Then the entire sheet opens - and it is almost always funny: from the inconsistency of proportions, color hammes.

Drawing itselfor drawing from the nature of your favorite toys.
Drawing from nature develops observation, the skill is no longer done, but to depict according to the rules, i.e. Draw so that it looks like the original and proportions, and forms, and color. Offer at the beginning to draw yourself, looking into the mirror. And certainly, after looking at the mirror. And even better, show how you, adults, will draw yourself, by sure many times looking in the mirror. Next, let the child himself choose the subject, it can be a favorite doll, a teddy bear or a car. It is important to learn to observe a long time, comparing part of the subject.

"I draw mom" ...It would be nice to continue drawing from nature or memory drawing (family members, relatives and friends can become objects for such an image). As an auxiliary material there may be photographs or conversations about the characteristic features of the appearance of missing relatives. Pictures are taken and considered. A conversation is held: "What grandma Valya? What is her hair? Hairstyle? Favorite dress? Smile?" And the process of creation begins. After a while, you can offer to draw a memory of the girlfriends. When there are enough drawings with the image of relatives and friends, we advise you to organize a mini-exhibition "My relatives and friends", where the first portraits of the preschooler are estimated.