Cyclicogram 2 ml group. Cyclogram Educational and Educational Works of the Second Junior Group (Smile)

Elena Vladimirovna Chirko
Cyclogram Educational and Educational Works Second junior Group (Smile)


head of MBDOU "Children's

garden "Sun"

L. V. Kosovo ___

Cyclogram of educational and educational work(II. junior group« Smile» )

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning 1. Conversation

2. Horovodnaya game

3. Speech situation

(speech breathing)

4. Individual work on sensory development

2. Labor orders

2. D / and (sensory development).

3. Speech situation (work on diction) 1. Conversation

2. Observations for houseplants, experiences, work.

3. Finger games.

4. Speech situation (Exercises for the development of voting force) 1. Conversation

2. Individual work(Small Motoric)

3. D / and (musical).

4. Speech situation (Articulating gymnastics) 1. D / and (sensory development)

2. Building games.

3. Work in the corner of nature(plants observations, experiments, work)

Walk 1. Observation of inanimate nature.

2. Movable games and running

3. Labor orders

4 individual work.

(remote material)

(animal world).

2. P / and jumping.

3. Labor orders.

4. Individual work.

5. Independent gaming activity (remote material)

1. Observation of phenomena of public life.

2. P / and (orientation in space).

3. Labor orders.

4. Individual work.

5. Independent gaming activity (remote material)

1. Target.

2. P / and (throwing)

3. Labor orders.

4. Individual work.

5. Independent gaming activity (remote material).

1. Water observation (vegetable world).

2. Folk games.

3. Labor (sanitary cleaning of plots).

4. Individual work.

5. Independent gaming activity (remote material).

Evening 1. Scene-role game.

2. Theatrical games

3. Observations on houseplants, experiments, work.

4. Individual speech Development Work.

5. Reading fiction. 1. Scene-role game.

2. Reading fiction.

3. Work In physical culture corner.

4. Individual work(Sensory education)

5. Building games 1. Plot-role-playing game.

2. Entertainment, leisure.

3. Games with toys on the development of shallow motility.

4. Independent artistic activities.

5. Reading fiction. 1. Plot-role-playing game

2. Theatrical games.

3. Consider illustrations, reproductions

4. Reading fiction. 1. Scene-role game.

2. Joint activities in the corner of the visual activity.

3. Building games

4. Reading fiction.

Publications on the topic:

Cyclogram of the organization of educational and educational work Day of the week Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account integration educational regions Organization of a developing environment for self.

Cyclogram of planning educational and educational work in the preparatory group Cyclogram of planning educational and educational work in preparatory group "Teremok" for 2015-2016 uch. Year Educator: Capital.

Cyclogram work with parents in the second youngest group Section Title Contents Specific Parent Participation Monitor 1. Monitoring family requests for parents on the topic: "All about mine.

Cyclicogram of the educator of the second junior group Cyklogram of the work of the teacher of 2 younger group Karpenko O. N. Monday. 7. -30 Reception of children, inspection, conversation with parents, work in the corner.

Cyclogram of educational and educational work (2016-2017) Monday Morning -Thimnaya gymnastics -Stitative conversation on moral theme-formation of cultural and hygienic skills -individual.

Cyclogram of educational and educational work (senior preschool age) Day of the Week Dir / Mom Educational - Educational Work, taking into account educational areas Monday, Morning Daily: Morning gymnastics.

Calendar plan of educational and educational work for the week in the second youngest group September 5-9 Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas.


for 1 week (4-8 September2017)

Second Junior Group Mini-Center "Zhuldyz"

Thread "Kindergarten"

Substitute "My kindergarten"

Educators : Vishevich. L.N.











Reception of children

Conversations with parents

Games (desktop, finger, etc.)


7.50 -8.20

Communication of the teacher with children: Conversations with children "How did you spend the day off?", Individual conversations about kindergarten with Gleb, David K., games for communication and creating a good mood in children. Creating a benevolent atmosphere. Conversations with the parents of Dima T., Sofia J. On the health of the child and the prevention of diseases.

Instruct Dima K. Put exact chairs

To instruct Ilana -Tefort fish in the aquarium.

Instruct Stepan to wipe dust on a bookshelf

To instruct Eldera to put a beautiful machine in a playing corner.

To instruct Sofia D. to launch all sowing pupars.

"Cockerel -Petchok"

Russian folk pita


Introduce the content of Russian folk songs (fun)

Educational games

"Who screams?"

Purpose: develop in children rumor, sound resistance skills. Teach distinguishing animals by their appearance and the sounds published.


« We find out what water "goal: Reveal the properties of water (transparent, odorless, fluid, substances dissolve in it)

Acquaintance with bookcored. Consider books, rules for use of the book.

Purpose: Formation of interest in children to the children's book through creative and cognitive activities.

D / and "Spread in order" (Karpukhina p.184) Development of logical thinking

Games in the game corner.

Morning gymnastics (5 min)


Complex exercise №2 "Merry rattles" with rattles


8.30 8.50

Gaming exercise "Wonderful bag"

CCN: To acquaint with personal hygiene objects and their use.

Games, preparation for organized and educational activities (OUD)

8.50 9.20

Games and game exercises of small mobility to prepare children to Oud

The game "Sparkness of Friendship" K.№2

Game "Circle. polite words"K.№4.

The game "Magic Mirror" K.№1

The game "Sparkness of Friendship" K.№2

Oud on schedule to



1 Socium Acquaintance with others.

Subject : "Toys of our group."

Introduce elementary rules behavior in society; Develop Feeling belonging to the team kindergartento the group, Educate friendly and friendly relationships 2. 2. The plant


MUZ. Rhythmic. Movement: " Feet flooded "M. Luzhverger

Hearing: "Autumn Song" A.Alexandrov

Singing: "Ladushki" inFrid

Dance: "Found" T.Willkore

Teach children rhythmically walk each other.

Listen to a new song of a quiet character.

Get acquainted with the new song.



Natural science .

Subject: " Journey to the country of kindness and friendship » .

To introduce children with the concept of "courtesy", "kindness", "friendship", show the need to eat in the speech of "polite" words; Develop cognitive interest, memory, attention, imagination, speech Educate Culture of communication, form respect and friendly attitude towards people..

2. Health

Physical education.

Free walking around the hall.

Out without objects.

Walking along the path in the forward direction.

Learn to perform different kinds walking and running in small groups in the direct direction for the teacher; To form the ability of children to walk along the path in the forward direction; Develop an equilibrium. Bring up friendly relationships.

1. Communication Kazakh language.

Menің Balabosham

Balabosha Tural Tasіnіctorіn Tolstyu. Delivery tours әңgimele. Zhaңa Sөzderdі үhyret. Sұrak-Zhauap Arқyli Sөzdik Koryn, Tіlіn Lamyut. Balaboszhadaғi Kyzmetkerler Men delivered by ұұrmetteuge Tәrbiele.

Meңger_letіn Sөzder: Balabosha, Top,

2. Creativity. Applique Subject: "Pyramid"

Shape the skills of images of objects from finished figures; Develop the skills lay out the shapes on a sheet of paper. Relieve accuracy.



"One, a lot"

Give the idea that items can be a lot and one and they can be of different quantities. - Wear visual attention, thinking. - Light interest in classes.2. Creativity Drawing Subject : « What wands are »

Teach children ability to have images throughout the leaf. Develop the ability to spend direct horizontal lines in a different direction, to bring up the desire to bring the work started to the end.

3 Health Physical education .

Free walking around the hall.

Running on one side to another.

Out without objects.

N / and. "Smooth circle", "Doplezi to Bunny"

Learning to perform various types of walking and running in small groups in the forward direction;

1. Communication Speech Development

Subject : "Cheerful tongue" to introduce children with a group room

Incusional children love for the kindergarten, respect for its traditions ,; develop a sense of belonging to a kindergarten team, to a group, to bring up friendliness, mutual understanding.

2 Health Physical Culture

Free walking around the hall.

Running on one side to another.

Out without objects.

Walking and running between two lines.

Jumping on two legs in place.

N / and. "Smooth circle", "Doplezi to Bunny"

Consolidate exercises in walking and running between two lines, while maintaining balance;

to form the ability of children to jump on two legs in place. Develop an equilibrium. Bring up friendly relationships.



Creating interest in a walk; individual conversations with children; selection gaming material For a walk; Motivation of children's activities for a walk.

Pleasure card number 1

Observation: Forautumn flowers on flowerbed

Work on the plot: cleaning of fallen leaves

Individual. Work: Improve Jumping with the advanced forward (group of girls)

Pleasure card №2.

Observation: Forthe manifold of autumn leaves.

Work on the plot: work on the environmental trail

Individual work: Make a running technique (Daniel, Sofia, Yasmin

Pleasure card number 3.

Observation "What the autumn gave us "

Work on the site: garbage cleaning on the garden

Individual work: fixing the skill of jumps on one leg (Alla, Kiril, Julia)

Pleasure card number 4.

Observationover the Sun. .

Work on the plot: collection of seeds

    Individual work: Improve jumping through a long rope (Eldiar, Gleb, Karim, Lisa)

Pleasure card number 5.

Observation:behind the sky and oblasts.

Work on the site: Collection medicinal plants

Individual work: Improve skills in a rapid run

Return from Walk


Sequential stripping of children, folding in lockers, washing hands.



Individual work on the education of cultural-hygienic skills

"Learning yourself and carefully wash your hands"



Creating a favorable setting for quiet sleep children

Hearing music

"Sounds of nature"

Reading fairy tales

"Three pigs"

Hearing music

" Classical music"

Reading fairy tales

"Swan geese"

Hearing music

" Classical music"

Gradual lifting, hardening procedures


Gymnastics wake-up Complex number 1

Walking on the orthopedic path with the aim of prevention of flatfoot.

Fastening the knowledge and performing cultural and hygienic skills.

Gaming exercise« Wonderful bag "

Afternoon person


Individual work on the education of food culture skills

Teach the bunny right to hold a spoon.Purpose:Teach children to keep a spoon right, in his right hand.

Games, independent activities

Individual work in accordance with the child's development card


Entertainment with soap bubbles

Purpose: creating a favorable emotional state in children.

Theatrical games

Fox and hare. (Finger theater)


Variable component :

"Rowan Branch"


Purpose: To introduce children with an unconventional drawing way - tyth.

To acquaint children with finger drawing technique

Board games

"Where whose house"

Purpose: learning to compare animals with their habitat correctly

Conversation "Fire and Fire Teller"

Purpose: P.familiarize children with rules fire safety, learn a cautious handle with fire


Educational games

Find differences."№11№

Fingering training

"Walkway" -Mozaica

Purpose:develop a fine motor skill and fingers.

Building games

"House for Cockerel"


Game activity

D / and "Name as more objects as possible"

Purpose: Activation of the dictionary, the development of attention.Scene-role

Games "Build House" №2


Building in a column one by one, cock up on site. Walking between two lines (width 15cm, length 3 meters)

Objective: Learn to close your place in the column.


"Guess the toy by description"

Purpose: Teach children on issues guess the toy by description

Sofia D.

Learning to keep a pencil correctly

Purpose: teach to properly hold a pencil in hand


Sofia J.

"Where is growing?"

Purpose: teach children to group vegetables and fruits, bring up the speed of the reaction to the word caregiver, exposure, discipline.


D / Game "Wonderful Pouch"

Objective: Teach to determine geometric shapes.

Care Children Home


Consultation: "Adaptation of children to D / Garden"

Information for Rhodes: Instructor for FI-Wi-Russian Culture. "Preparation of clothing for physical education" Culture "

Information for Rhodes: Teacher for Music and Iso"Iso-brazovatory art and the world»

Information for parents of a psychologist and speech therapist:

"How many years need to contact the speech therapist"

Individual conversations about the characteristics of the behavior, the nature of the child

Cyclicogram 2 kisі. Tobobyanda Balalardiң өMіrіn Tәrbiesіn ұymdastor.

Cyclicogram planning organization of life and education of children 2 Group s.

(on December 1st)

Balalardiң өmіrі men tәrbiesіn ұymdastor

Organization of life and raising children

Kүn tәrtіbіnің лгогісі на наңң қYSkash Masma.

Approximate routine of the day and its summary .






























"Sәleomethzder Me, Balalar!"

Tāterteңgіlіk Sheңber. Oyandar. Tāterteңgіlіk Zhantyғular. Hygienalyk procedures.

Top қarym-Katnasy:

Kyzyzuy ysқa Zhәna ұZққ Zhamstardsң Bіrlesken Zobasy.

"Hello children!"

Morning circle. Games.

Morning gymnastics.

Hygienic procedures.

Group communication:

A jointdesign of interesting short-term and long-term deeds.

Morning Circle "Snowflakes"

Gaming exercise "Horses."

D \\ and "find out and show" to develop imagination, memory. To be able to imitate wild animals, their sobs.

Finger game "Babes in a cage" Development of small muscles of hands

Morning circle

"Hedgehogs!" - Removal of emotional tension.

Gaming exercise "In the zoo" (wild animals)

Riddles: guessing mysteries about wild animals and their young

D \\ and Zoological Lotto, "Forest Residents" (Classification)

Finger gymnastics "Bunny"

Morning circle

"Hello, friends!" Overcoming difficulties in communication

Labor order: Feeding the turtle, hamster - care for animals of the live corner.

Viewing pictures, video about wild animals and their cubs

Finger game: "Ctlebang" - the development of speech.

Morning circle

"Awakening in the forest" withdrawal psycho-emotional tension. Pantomime.

Labor order: assistance in table service

Gaming exercise "Bear Kosolapiy"

D \\ and "third extra"

Morning circle

"Sunshine" creation in children of good mood

Gaming exercise "Good animal" Development of emotions. Overcoming motor automatism.

Fingering gymnastics "Orange" - Development of shallow motility fingers

Learning new counting

"Oynaimzda үyrenemіz".

(ұymdastrylғan Ohқu ІС-әremetіnіңң Kezeti)

"Learning, playing".

(Organized training activities on the grid)


1. Health. PE

2. Communist.Hood. Lite. "Christmas tree"

3. Recognition. Hello the first snow. "


1. Commun. The development of speech "planted grandfather repka"

2. Recognition. FAMP "Dolls came to visit"


1. Health. PE

2. Metics. Snowman.


1. Recognition. Constructor. "Long Train"

2. Creativity. Music.

2p \\ d in \\ h "Veselinka"


1. Health. Phys-RA 2. Method. Great "Nebrushka-doll"

Tabiғatpen Bіrgemіz

Seruenge Diaindy.

Seruen: Tabғatpen, Tanyastor, Oyandar, Eңbeek.

Seruennene қaita. Hygienalyk Zhenyzyuyaru procedure.

« On nature"

Preparation for a walk.

Walk: familiarization with nature, games, work. Return from a walk. Hygienic and hardifying procedures.


ABOUT Looking plot.

The game "Ways", "Whose traces?"

Moving games: "Bear's bear", "Wolf and hares", "Find a couple of yourself" - the ability to navigate in space, develop running.

D \\ and "Who lives?" Classification of domestic and wild animals.

Game exercise "Guess Animal"

Observation Behind the snow.

P \\ and "Fox and hares" - development of the reaction, running.


D \\ and "Who is superfluous?" Allocate the most characteristic signs of wild animals.

"Who will gather faster?" - raising the speed of reaction, intelligence, orientation

Di "Who screams?"

"Whose kids?" - correlate adult young and their young.

Observation for the power of the wind. Fix the season (winter months)

P \\ and "See Bor" the ratio of words with actions. "Get into the goal" - throwing snowball right and left hand.

D \\ and "What has changed?" - weather observation,

"Whose house?" Observation, consolidate knowledge of animals, habitat, wintering methods.

Observation Behind the weather

"Became" - to fix the ability to coordinate your movements, develop the reaction to the tutor signal

P \\ and "Hunter and hares" - throwing into target, actions on a signal, dexterity, eye meter.

P \\ and "Find and swallow" - orientation in the premium.

Observation Birds

P \\ and "Cat and Sparrows" Running in different areas, dexterity.

"Bunny whlen" - jumps on 2 legs with advance

D \\ and "who does what?" - Secure knowledge about professions.

"Mirror" - the development of speech and respiratory activity.

"Healthy sleep" .

"Tәttі ұyuk".

Reading: Fees "Bay, Bajushki. Bay ... "(Nar. Falkl)

Reading: "As a protein and hare did not know each other" (Yakutsk. SCH)

Exercise on the relaxation "Kiss Sunny"

Exercise on the Relaxation "Butterfly"

Reading "Good Host" V. Sayeva

"Oyanamam, Oyatamy".

Үyқdan Tұru. Oyan gymnasticisa.

Shinyzar procedure. Tүsen keiіngі spells.

"Wake up. Trying" Lifting.

Gymnastic Expositions. Putting procedures. Apart.


Air baths

Wake up gymnastics

Walking barefoot

Contrast air baths

Foot gymnastics.

Hand dialing with cold water


Washing hands, face and neck with cold water

Spend articulating gymnastics

"Alakai! Oyin! "

Zelіlі - Rөldіk Shyғarmashylқ Zhona Naz Didactikalyқ Oyndar. Seruenha Shyғuғa Daiyda. Seruine, қimyldar Oyandar. Seruennene қaita. Hygienelas Zhenyktyra Processorrara. Keshki speakers Balalardsң әz Erckimen Erckin әrektterі.

"Hooray!The game!".

Scene-role, creative and didactic games.

Preparation for a walk.

Walk, moving games.

Return from a walk.

Hygienic and hardifying procedures. Dinner.

Free independent activities of children.

Individual work S. Anel A, Anel P, Maxim,

D.I "What a flower did not become"

Scene-role game "Visiting Ezhe" - develop a sense of responsibility and respect for the elders. Keep the game situation.

"So it happens or not?" - Development of logical thinking.

P \\ and "Wolf and Foaby" - Development of attention, Lazagne.

"Cats -Mushka"

Individual work S. Samir, Alan, Mansur

D.I "Find out the animal"

Scene-role game " Store books "- continue to acquaint children with books of our corner.

Secure the concept of "Bookstore"

D \\ and "krashun" exercise in dialogic speech, ability to coordinate actions

"Domino" - consolidate knowledge of wild and domestic animals

"Tell a word"

P \\ and "Mousetrap" - attention, dexterity.

"Shepherd and herd" Attention, jumping. .

Individual work with Dannyl, Roman, Varvara

D.I "Vegetables and Fruits"

D \\ and "forms" - fixing geometric shapes, the development of thinking, logic.

"What happens round?" - development of observation and thinking.

P \\ and "Find your house"

P \\ game "Carousel" Development motor activity Children.

Individual work S. Masha, Islyam, Nurkhan.

D.I "Who is superfluous"

The plot role-playing game "On Jalua" - to develop interest in the world around the world, imagination.

D \\ and "Who needs to work?" - knowledge of labor instruments, coat vocabulary

"Observation" - attention, memory (visual)

Sports games: "Screw, catch," "Who is faster?", "Dogoni".

P \\ and "Sandy Fox" - Motor Activity.

Individual work S. Danijl, Stepan, A.Mir, Nurbek

D.I "What's in the bag"

Scene-role Zoo - fix the name of wild animals, their habitat in captivity, manifestation of care and care for animal workers of the zoo.

D \\ and "what object?" Classification of objects

"How much? ..." exercise in the account, auditory perception.

P \\ and "Tabun" - attention, rehabilitation in air.

Games remote material

"Saoo Bol, Balabosha!"

Ata - Analarmen, Balalarmen әңГіmeleles. Yerkin Oyandar.

"Good by Svidanya, d \\ Garden"

Communication with children, parents. Free games.

Conversation with parents. "Winter injuries"

The wall-printed game "Mosaic" - the development of the moves of the fingers of the fingers, fantasy, preferably.

Got "Doggy" - improve the skills of constructive activities from paper.

Suggest children to drawing a plate for drawing "Draw, what do you want?" - Development of imagination, be able to tell about the figure.

Labor: guidance of cleanliness and order in the game corner after gaming activity.

D \\ and "Forest inhabitants" - classification of animals.

Heading a new d \\ "Observation" game to develop visual memory in children, thinking.

Project "Puzzles" - Developer Motoric Hands, Logically Collect the picture

Conversation with parents "Prevention Ori"

View the cartoon on the DVD - to develop attention perfection.

D \\ "What I remember, tell me" - to develop the ability to retell the memory, a coherent speech.

View new books, reading - expanding the horizon.

D \\ and "lotto" - exercise in the correct use of generalizing words.

Gaming exercise

"Smile to friends" - creating a positive background.