The best games for the birthday few people. Funny birthday competitions: video.

A week later a friend's birthday. Today I called me to invite to the celebration and asked to help with the organization of the holiday, namely to prepare contests and games so that guests could not be bored.

Naturally, I agreed, well, how to refuse to the best friend? Moreover, the organization of fun is my horse!

So, I bring to your attention a small list of games and birthday competitions:

  1. Game "Crocodile"

    This is probably the most popular and at the same time easy to organize the game. There are many variations of the game in the crocodile, but the main essence is that it is necessary to guess the word mandated one of the guests (it is called "crocodile"). This word with gestures and facial expressions should portray one of the guests who fell first to show.

    Initially, the first riddling and showing participants are determined by the draw. The next thing is to show the one who first guessed the word of the word, but the one who last shown the one.

  2. Phanti.

    Number of players: not limited.

    Before the competition, you need to prepare the phantas (small leaves on which you need to write wishes). The desires should be original and merry, at the same time need to take into account the nature of your guests so that it does not work out that someone does not want to fulfill the phanta. Although it is possible to simply give such faces not to give)). Variations of desires for PHANTs can be very diverse, for example, to portray a kangaroo or an annoying fly, to fulfill bitbox or just to dance.

    Before the beginning of the celebration, Phanti is distributed to guests. In each phanta, the time is specified when it must be executed. An indication of the execution time makes the competition even more cheerful. Imagine, you drink another wine glass or a glass of brandy, and here, unexpectedly for everyone, your neighbor on the table left unexpectedly gets up and begins to dance Makaren. Pretty funny ... The main thing is that guests do not forget and from time to time glanced at the watch or leading the evenings imperceptibly reminded them of it.

  3. Quest "Find a gift"

    Number of players: one.

    Additionally need: handle, paper.

    This contest is intended for a birthday room. It will take 8-12 notes (if less is not as interesting if it is too long). All the notes are hiding in different places at home or guests, and the first one is awarded the birthday man. In each note you need to write, where the next one is, and not direct text, but in the form of rushes, mysteries, images, etc. Thus, the birthday man must find all the notes. In the latter it will be written where a gift is located.

  4. Mini Competition "Hare"

    Number of players: not limited.

    Additionally need: nothing.

    All guests participating in the competition leading from different animals. Participants are in a circle and put hands to each other on the shoulders. The presenter informs everyone that now he will be alternately called the types of animals, and as soon as one of the participants hear the name of the animal, which he was fed, he should immediately sit down. The task of the rest is to prevent him from doing this.

    The whole joke is that the animal for everyone was guessing the same thing, for example, hare.

    When the presenter says: "Hare" - all the sharply fit. Good mood guaranteed!

  5. Competition "Noev Ark"

    The number of players: something.

    Additionally need: handle, paper.

    Animal names are written in advance (each creature - by pair: two tiger, two kangaroo, two pandas, etc.), after which they are folded, put in the cap and mix.

    Each participant of the competition is proposed to pull out one of the prepared leaves, after which it is declared that it is necessary to find their pair without using speech and sounds, that is, with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

    The couple will win, which will be first reunited.

    So that the competition lasted longer than animals to make it better less recognizable, such as horse or panther.

  6. Association

    Number of players: anyone.

    Additionally need: nothing.

    Guests sit down in a circle, and someone's first whisper on their care neighbor with Lev says any word. He, in turn, also to the neighbor's ear should instantly say its association with this word, the third - fourth, etc. until the word returns to the first player. If you have "Orgy" from the harmless "light bulb" - we can assume that the game succeeded.

  7. Competition " Old fairytale on a new way "

    Number of players: anyone.

    Additionally need: paper, handle.

    Participants are offered several plots of old Russian fairy tales that need to rewrite on a new, modern way. In fantasy genre, detective, fighter, erotic, etc. Above the plot can work as one person and a group of people, depending on how much big company Gathered.

    The winner will determine the guests with the help of applause.

  8. Competition "Ryash"

    Number of players: anyone.

    Additionally need: handle, paper, collection of poems.

    One of the participants in the competition is invited to read quatrains, pre-written on a piece of paper either at random from the collection of poems. At the same time, he should only read two first lines. The task of the rest is to guess, or observing the rhyme to come up with the ending for a quatrain (two more lines).

    The obtained quatrains are compared with the original and participants who have a poet talent are detected.

  9. Competition "Portrait of the Birthday"

    Number of players: anyone.

    Additionally, you will need: two watman sheets, color pencils, markers or paint, eye bandage.

    Participants are divided into two teams, each is built opposite their sheet. The birthday room is planted on a chair so that it was all clearly visible. Participants of both teams are alternately tie their eyes and offer to approach the easel to draw some part of the portrait of the birthday girl. When both portraits are finished, the birthday officer evaluates similarity and takes congratulations.

  10. Competition "Where I"

    Number of players: 4 people.

    Additionally need: handle, paper.

    Participants become back to guests, and on their backs, prepared signs (sheets of paper) are fixed with inscriptions. The inscriptions should indicate some place, for example, "Nudist beach", "Sauna", "Toilet", "Boutinal", etc.

    The master alternately sets the participants a variety of compromising questions: "How often do you go there?", "What are you doing there?", "Who do you take with you there?", "Did you like it there?", "What did you see there?" etc.

    Participants are not knowing what is written on the signs that are attached on their backs, should answer asked questions.

If you have already decided on the question: "", then the above list of contests and games will help make it more cheerful and unforgettable.

This game is especially interesting when the guests are no longer quite sober. To carry out this game, you need to prepare a piece of Watman in advance, to which the vertical scale is applied to the felt-tip pen. On the scale, the degrees - 40, 30, 20, 10, 10 are indicated on the scale - 40, 30, 20, 10. The task of participants is to burn and stretching the hand to the "alcoholometer" between the legs, mark the degrees on the marker scale. The distance between degrees on the scale should be made not too close to the participants pull the hand as high as possible. After all, everyone wants to show that he sober up the rest.

Chairs - Birthday game

Number of players: any
Optional: No.

Chairs put in one row. Players sit on them and close their eyes. The presenter must remember where everyone sat or written on a piece of paper. He gives the players to the team: "Make 5 steps forward", "Turn 2 times", "Make 4 Steps left", etc. Then, on the command "in places!" Players must find their own stools with closed eyes. Who will be mistaken - coming out of the game.

Bring me ... - Birthday game

Number of players: by number of guests
Optional: No.

The game is very popular in the UK at parties. The lead divides all those present for two teams and causes one participant to himself from each team.

Their task is as follows: At the request of the lead, they must bring it the items that he will ask. The presenter conducts an account and defines the winner. Among the items that will call the presenter may be hours, shoes, any object from the table.

Cut Gift - Birthday game

Number of players: any
Optional: Rope, Threads, Candies, Clappers and all sorts of small toys, Scissors, Scarf / Shawl

Preparation: We stretch the rope at the level of participants' growth. On the rope hang on the threads above the candy, flappers and all sorts of small toys.

The current "victim" tie the eyes and give the scissors in the hands. "Sacrifice" spin around its axis and put face to the prizes. The task of "sacrifice" to carry out a gift or a snack. The rest are observed, they get sick and suggest.

Usually, this fun likely like both adults and children.

Phrase in a circle -Igra's birthday

Number of players: any
Optional: No.

Some simple phrase is chosen, for example: "Apples fell in the garden." Now, all players in turn utter this phrase. Each participant of the game should pronounce a phrase with a new intonation (questioning, exclamation, surprised, indifferent, etc.).

If the participant cannot come up with anything new, he drops out of the game, and so continues until several (3-4) winners remain.

Candle Dui - Apple Fur - Birthday game

Number of players: 2
Optional: 2 candles and 2 apples

At the leading two bag. One of them is filled with the notes that all guests wrote at the beginning of the party. In the notes it is indicated that they would like to give a birthday, if only they could. Each note with the signature. In the second bag, the tokens with the most different tasks depends on the organizer. The presenter brings the first pouch the birthday girl, he long moves the leaves and finally takes out one of them and reads. Tamada authoritatively says: "This thing will definitely appear with you during the year if the author of the note fulfill the task." And suggests the author to remove a fastener from the second bag, and then demonstrate how sincerely the wish was.

Apple Competition

Couples are invited to participate. Each two is given an apple on a string. One participant keeps this thread, and he must feed another apple, but it is impossible to touch the fruit with his hands. Moreover, the second participant can only disclose mouth. Who is the first shrinks all the apple, for the whole evening he gets the title "Main Rodent" and an apple as a gift.

Prompt for adults

Each of the guests in turn tells the poem, expressive, with intonation, in general in all efforts. After everyone told, the lead says that it was time to learn the winner. And the winner will be the person who has the biggest foot size. And interesting, and fun, and unexpectedly.


For each participant of the competition, 2 glasses and straws will be required. One glass of everyone is filled with top water. Task - Move the liquid from one container to another, using only the straw. One who comes to the second glass as possible as much water.

Couple that does not surrender

Guests are divided into couples: a man man. Participants of each pair become back to each other, their hands are binding. By teammate, all couples begin to squat, who will be the first to surrender - leaves, and so the game continues until the last participant, or rather, to the last pair. The strongest pair, which never gives it to anything, relies the prize.

Silent handshake

The center of attention is a birthday girl who has blindfolded. Guests take turns come up to the jubilee and congratulate him, silently shaking his hand, and he, in turn, should determine who is so sincere or not very much with his hand.

Go to the sea

Choose several people willing to "go to the sea." All participants provide their own set for the resort: inflatable circle, flippers and mask. According to the "Start" team, everyone is starting to inflate the circle. Who is inflated from the participants to the circle, puts on the flippers and a mask and take a pose of a happy resort personnel - he won.

Meet it - Elephant

All guests participating in the circle. Everyone in turn calls one animal - interesting and most unusual in their opinion. For example, an elephant is big, with a long trunk and good eyes. When all guests call their animal, the lead announces that it is time to present his neighbor and say a few words about him. Presentation goes clockwise. That is, the first guest, showing on the second, says, Meet, this is Yura (the animal does not call, but only describes it by those words that the elephant described), Yura is big, with a long trunk and good eyes and so on. It turns out very fun and interesting.

Guarding medicine

All participants prepared, you can choose the position of sitting or standing, but for everyone is the same! Before the participants of the stack of ordinary bohot. According to the team "Start", everyone is started to wear on the feet of the boot. Win the one who will be able to put on the feet of Bahil more than everything else on her feet.

Three wishes
Massack-claying offers those present to try to catch a goldfish. As you know, the Gold Fish can perform three desires. The one who pulls out the Magic Fish from the Master's Bag, makes desire.

Play two teams, the same in composition. To the leg of each participant of the game ties an inflated balloon. At the signal, everyone starts to destroy the balls of rivals. The team is defeated, which quickly "burst" all the balls of the enemy.

The knowledge of the alphabet is checked in this game. Players must come up with a greeting phrase for each letter of the alphabet on the topics related to the holidays. The most erudite defeats the participant who knows the most funny congratulations on all the letters.

Each player receives a role: grandfather, women, etc. And everything, in parallel with the role received, also play a kolobka. The presenter plays a fairy tale about Kolobka, and the player, having heard the name of his hero, circles around the chair. With the word "kolobok" to circle around the chairs begin to all.

Cheerful Kangaroo
A player is selected, he, in secret from everyone, is offered to portray Kangaroo - only gestures and movements. The spectators of the play, secretly from the artist, explain that in front of them will be a kangaroo, but they should pretend that they do not understand who they are shown.

Honored Gift
At the party in honor of the birthday party, a contest-quiz on the title of the most witty guest is. The main prize should be given to the author of the most bright and unexpected response. At the end of the game, mini-gifts can be given to all its participants.

Bananas are associated and attached approximately at the level of the players. Plastic letters hide in fruits. Competed two teams. Players must, without helping their own hands, eat banana and find the letter. From the found letters come up with an original name for your team.

The mouse fled, the tail waved ...
Competed two teams. The task is set in front of the players - to transfer chocolate eggs from the plate at the start in the empty plate on the finish. Do this without helping your hands, very difficult.

Funny profile
Guests are drawn by sheets of paper in the form of a target, fill them in accordance with the prompts of the lead. Then it turns out that they were offered a fun questionnaire, characterizing the priorities of a person in the family, work and love relationships.

Who is who
The game is carried out two leading. One tells the rules of the game to guests, the second - the selected participant who will have to be found among those present by the specified person. According to answers to your questions, he is unlikely to guess who of the guests came to him.

Is it?
The game is equally good for a big and small company. To the question: "Woman is ...?" All men take turns, five seconds, must answer in one word. Who does not have time or repeats already said earlier, dropping out of the game.

Game joke
The presenter sets questions to players. They face the wall, palm of their hands at the shoulder level pressed against the wall. If the answer to the called question is positive, the palms do "step" up the wall, if it is negative - down.

Long Wires - Bitter Tears
This competition is two teams in terms of speed. After receiving a suitcase with things, each participant of the team must wear quickly, and then remove the clothes and shoes, and transfer things to the next player.

The game is piercing the influxed balloon of the opponent with a button attached to the forehead. We must try to dodge the "horns" of opponents, without giving them to pierce their ball. And all this - without hands.

Merry Martyski
In this game, funny "Martyski" compete in the ability to build grimaces, accurately and quickly repeat the movement of the lead, which he shows reading the poem. Martyskam must be able to stop at the end of the game and stop, without breaking.

Players are issued on a piece of paper. Everyone draws someone's head, then bends paper so that the picture does not see. The next drawing torso and transmits the drawing on. After the end of work, all the drawings are put up to the public.

The lead chooses some word and writes it on a piece of paper. The task of players is to guess this word. When everyone expressed their assumptions, the presenter opens its mystery. Now the players need to witness their words-rational to the one who was guessing leading.

Tasty birthday
Delicious birthday preparing children with parents. From vegetables, fruits, sausages, cheese and bread can be prepared, smoking, many beautiful and funny dishes in the form of animals, mushrooms, boats.

The French antique game in which the ball attached to a thread to any container is thrown up and is caught by the same capacity. In this fun can participate any number of players. For one caught ball, each gets one point.

Domino principle
The game is carried out in the room, making sure that there are no valuable bearing items nearby. Participants are becoming in a row, follow the movements of the lead, trying to repeat them. At the end, the principle of dominoes is triggered and it turns out a "bunch-small".

Minotaurus Labyrinth
This game will be held on "Hurray", if it is new for this company. The room stretches the rope so that it turns out the labyrinth, which the player is offered to remember. Then he blindfolded should overcome the hardly familiar route.

Old fairy tale on a new way
Familiars from childhood Tales players must tell using a special terminology. The prize is awarded to the one who has become particularly funny and the most saturated specific terms.

Fabulous bureaucracy
A job as a job seeking to work, you need to be able to write autobiography. The participants of the game gives the task to write an autobiography on behalf of the famous fairytale hero. The task is always performed on the first person.

Merry starts or who has more winds in the head
For this gamble, you must have a cocktail tube, tennis balls and a table. Participants will have their own ball on the complex track, bypassing obstacles, with the highest possible speed.

Russian-Bulgarian cocktail
The principle of the game consists in the unequal meaning of some gestures in different countries. The presenter should explain the difference in the perception of gestures, and players - remember information and be very attentive.

Competition "Promptive prevailing"

It is necessary to prepare a few boxes of the same size in advance and to bandage them with gift ribbons. Also, I propose to put small souvenirs in them or something delicious, 2 copies: one will get a member of the competition, and the second is a birthday officer. It can be: chocolates or chocolate candies (bars), chewing gum, handles, notepads, etc.

The culprit of the celebration sits down on the chair, and those who wish to participate in the competition stand at the distance distant from the birthday room. Then players at random pull cards with tasks. The task of the players: to convey a gift to a certain way to the birthday man and do not drop it. The one who best can cope with the task receives a prize.


  • bring a gift on the head without holding his hands
  • bring a gift on the head, jumping on one leg and holding a gift with hand (hands)
  • bring a gift by putting it on his back
  • bring a gift by closing it with his knees
  • bring a gift by closing it by ankles
  • carry a gift by putting it on his shoulder (holding his head)

Other tasks - what will be enough for your imagination and, depending on the age of "gonzonos".

Game "Chamomile, or Merry Tasks"

And this is a task specifically for the birthday or anniversary to hang the culprit (culprit) of the celebration.


  • Say the birthday officer (birthday) 5 exquisite compliments.
  • Stand on the chair and scroll loud 3 times: "Vivat, Commander-in-Chief (Queen) of our holiday!"
  • Pronounce a toast to Caucasian "(" Chinese ").
  • Talk to the window or the window and scroll: "People! At (name) today is a birthday (anniversary)! "
  • To portray the astrologer and predict what the birthday room expects (birthday) until the next birth.
  • Make 3 renewens in honor of the birthday book (birthday girl).
  • Pictitate gestures as you love a birthday room (birthday).

Song in honor of the birthday girl, or an unusual choir

Very funny drinking game that will rave all guests.

For this entertainment, you need to prepare the cards in advance on which ways of execution of a song melody for the birthday room will be recorded. Song itself - at the discretion of the lead; Although it is easier, of course, take something from famous banal congratulations songs ("Let them run awkward ..." or "Happy Birthday to You!").

The game is played in two stages: first, the participants take turns pull out the cards with the task and execute their part of the song solo, and then all together get up and execute a song together, i.e. Sound orchestra sounds. And all this is dedicated, of course, the perpetrator of the celebration!