Which foods are better not to eat on an empty stomach, and which are better to eat on an empty stomach. What foods can not be eaten on an empty stomach? What foods should not be eaten for breakfast

Favorite business - to sleep longer in the morning - does not leave time for a healthy breakfast for a person. Doctors warn that not all foods can be eaten in the morning. Most often, breakfast "on the run" is the source of a breakdown, as well as many gastrointestinal diseases.

It is worth thinking about the fact that a full meal in the morning may well provide the body with the necessary nutrients, calories and energy for the whole working day (calorizer). Moreover, sociologists have proven that more than 90% of people who have breakfast with a cup of coffee suffer from gastritis. People who do not eat breakfast at all are the most responsible for various accidents on the roads.

Remember a simple rule: to be cheerful, cheerful and able-bodied all day long, you need to prepare yourself light and at the same time nutritious breakfasts. And if there is no appetite in the morning, then this does not mean that the body does not need such nutrients as. It is these two components of our breakfast that are responsible for additional energy and a feeling of fullness. So, what foods should a nutritious breakfast consist of? Doctors recommend that this list contains products such as:

  • dairy and sour milk (, or);
  • egg dishes (or);
  • various cereals;
  • or, toast.

There is a misconception that cereals contain a lot of calories. In this case, it is necessary to remember that, which is enough for the whole day. If you are planning an active morning - strength training or moving work, eat calmly and do not be afraid to add extra pounds. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. In our case, these are instant porridges. Here they can easily spoil your figure due to the content of a large amount of sugars. If your morning is sedentary, then have breakfast with cottage cheese or scrambled eggs with toast.

From this positive note, you need to move on to the list of products, the intake of which in the morning has a very strong effect on our health. So, this list will seem painfully familiar and favorite foods to many. After all, many people eat breakfast with them.

Breakfast is not allowed:

  • fatty, spicy and salty dishes (the digestive organs suffer from the intake of such food) - smoked meats, pork, chicken wings, fried meat, salted fish, homemade pickles and dishes with spicy seasonings are absolutely not suitable for a morning meal;
  • candy and flour products () - that you can eat any harmfulness for breakfast - a common misconception that can cost you your health;
  • (wakes up appetite, and we eat more than we need);
  • (causes irritation of the stomach and can lead to ulcers) - coffee should not be drunk on an empty stomach, especially if you have problems with the digestive system.

From the very childhood, our parents constantly repeated that if you want to grow up big and healthy, you need to eat well. So why, as adults, we forget about proper and rational nutrition (calorizator)? Remember that health cannot be bought with money and restored too. Good nutrition is the key to good health. And an important part of it is the right breakfast. You shouldn't forget about it.

It would seem that if you are hungry, then you can eat absolutely everything on an empty stomach, because when an empty stomach more and more insistently requires at least some food, you don’t want to think about the effect of certain foods on the body.

In fact, a cup of strong coffee, freshly squeezed orange juice and a croissant is not as healthy a breakfast as it has proved to be. In this review, we will tell you which foods on an empty stomach will do more harm than good, and which, on the contrary, you can safely eat even on an empty stomach.

Foods You Shouldn't Eat on an Empty Stomach


Eating a cake just like having a chocolate croissant for breakfast sounds quite tempting, while for the body this is a direct path to diabetes.

The fact is that our pancreas can hardly process the huge dose of insulin that comes with various sweets and causes a sharp jump in blood sugar. Try to completely abandon all kinds of desserts, get rid of and choose for breakfast


Absolutely harmless in themselves, bananas, eaten on an empty stomach, are more likely to do you more harm than good.

A large amount of magnesium and potassium contained in this fruit can unbalance the magnesium-potassium balance in the body and, as a result, harm the cardiovascular system. If you eat a banana after the main meal, its beneficial properties and all vitamins will be absorbed much better.


Many of us simply cannot imagine a good day starting without a cup of strong, freshly brewed coffee. It was around this popular drink that the most myths about its imaginary harm or absolute benefit were formed. Despite the fact that there are still some contraindications regarding the invigorating drink.

If you drink coffee on an empty stomach, you contribute to the excessive production of gastric juice, which leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and mild discomfort at best, and at worst - to gastritis or even an ulcer.

Cold sodas

All the cold drinks that you start your day with or just choose for a snack directly affect the complex metabolic process in the body, which already needs constant support.

We advise you to drink a glass of non-carbonated water at room temperature before breakfast: this is how you start the digestion process, help speed up your metabolism, prevent dehydration and make your skin feel good (the simplest water cleans the body of toxins and toxins, restoring radiance and healthy glow to the skin).

Products containing yeast

Baked goods and any products containing yeast are not the best choice if you are thoroughly hungry.

It is yeast products that are the main culprits that after eating we suffer from increased gas formation, and also experience a feeling of heaviness and discomfort. If you can’t refuse hot pastries for breakfast, try making it without yeast: for example, you can even indulge yourself.

Spicy food

Food that is too spicy or rich in various seasonings, eaten on an empty stomach, can easily cause heartburn and stomach pain, as well as contribute to various disorders in the digestive system.

The same applies, for example, to onions or garlic: the latter is a rich source of allicin, a substance that irritates the gastric mucosa.

green vegetables

Green raw vegetables are saturated with amino acids and other substances that are quite aggressive to the gastric mucosa. If you regularly eat breakfast or snack exclusively on vegetables, one day the body may begin to signal diseases such as gastritis or an ulcer.

Choose fresh vegetables as a side dish with a main meal like eggs or lean poultry, or steam them.


You may not want to start your day with a breakfast that contains nothing but tomatoes, but if you like to snack on a few cherry tomatoes, remember that tomatoes are high in acid, which increases the secretion of stomach acid, causing heartburn and discomfort.

By the way, persimmon, potatoes and citrus fruits act on our body in approximately the same way: they either should not be eaten on an empty stomach at all, or they must be “diluted” with other products.

Foods that are even healthier when eaten on an empty stomach


This is a charge of vivacity, vitamins and microelements that the body will need all day.

Choose oatmeal or rice porridge for breakfast: they help lower cholesterol levels and, thanks to their high fiber content, have a beneficial effect on digestion and increase efficiency, strengthening the cardiovascular system and immunity.

Do not forget about the existence of semolina, corn, wheat and buckwheat porridge - just like oatmeal, they literally envelop our stomach, protecting its mucosa, and contribute to the normal functioning of metabolism.


Chicken eggs are one of the healthiest foods to include in your diet. A large amount of vitamins and minerals and a long feeling of satiety -

Walnuts and cashews are advised to eat for people engaged in heavy physical or mental labor; almonds, pistachios and pine nuts will help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and low immunity, and hazelnuts and peanuts will become indispensable helpers with stress and low performance.


Lovers of juicy watermelons will be especially pleased to snack on soft slices of this sweet berry. Despite the fact that it is 90% water, which is a definite plus for breakfast, watermelon also contains a lot of vitamins (for example, vitamins A and C, antioxidants), as well as trace elements (potassium, calcium and magnesium).

Watermelons are considered one of the best detox foods: sweet taste, low calorie content, removal of excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body, high fiber content and a quick feeling of satiety - it seems there is simply no better way to start your day.

In this article, we provide a list of foods that, if consumed on an empty stomach in the morning or before bedtime, are harmful to your health.

What foods can not be eaten on an empty stomach

  • A sausage sandwich
    It is one of the worst options because it provides the body with a lot of fat and calories. There is practically nothing useful in a sandwich. If you are used to sandwiches and do not want to give them up, then you need to make a sandwich healthy and nutritious by replacing a long loaf with whole grain bread, and sausage with cheese, and other low-calorie fillings.
  • Meat products - sausages, frankfurters, smoked meats, bacon, pate
    This year, the World Health Organization compared the health risks of eating processed meat with those of smoking cigarettes. Experts noted that processed meat significantly increases the risk of bowel cancer and recommended limiting the consumption of such products to 50 grams per day. If you do not want to earn psoriasis or eczema, then it is better to choose something more healthy for breakfast than sausages or sausage.
  • oranges
    Taking on an empty stomach can cause allergies and gastritis. If you prefer to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, have breakfast with oatmeal.
  • Bananas
    Eating bananas on an empty stomach increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Bananas are high in magnesium, and when taken on an empty stomach, it can disrupt the body's calcium-magnesium balance.
  • Raw vegetables
    Vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, paprika can irritate the stomach lining due to their acid content. It can also lead to ulcers and gastritis.
  • Cold drinks
    Complicate the start of digestion in the morning, it is better to drink slightly warm.
  • Sweets
    After waking up, the pancreas is not able to produce the right amount of insulin to break down sugar. This causes an increase in blood sugar. And also, sugar is an acid-forming product that can disrupt the acid-base balance.
  • Coffee
    Those who like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach should think about replacing their morning “ritual”. Coffee on an empty stomach irritates the lining of the stomach, thereby contributing to the production of excess gastric juice, which leads to gastritis.
  • Garlic, canned food and smoked meats
    It is also worth mentioning the dangers of eating garlic on an empty stomach, it causes gastrospasm. As well as all kinds of canned and smoked meats, which should not be consumed at all, and not just for breakfast.

TOP 10 breakfast foods

  • Water
    During the night, a person with breathing, sweating and going to the toilet loses up to 1 liter of water. The body needs to replenish its water reserves, which are vital for metabolism. Therefore, do not start the morning without one or two glasses of water. Within 15 minutes you will feel a charge of vivacity and appetite, so the body signals that it has received what it needs and is ready for breakfast.
  • Eggs
    Source of protein, as well as vitamin A, iron. Thanks to the protein, eggs make you feel fuller and allow you to consume fewer calories throughout the day. At the same time, eggs are an inexpensive product that can be easily prepared.
  • Kashi
    The main source of carbohydrates, contain a significant amount of trace elements, useful organic acids. Porridges are easily digested, relieve hunger for a long time. The complex carbohydrates contained in cereals, when fed separately, provide the necessary amount of energy and at the same time do not have a bad effect on the figure at all (even vice versa).
  • Whole grain bread (rye)
    Rye bread, like cereals, contains a large amount of carbohydrates, it also helps to stay full longer. Unlike a long loaf, rye bread contains a lot of vitamins and microelements.
  • Cheese. Contains protein and calcium. It goes well with sour fruits, tomatoes, vegetables. Many breakfast options include cheese.
  • Yogurt, kefir
    Contains protein and calcium. Helps normalize digestion, improves immunity, resistance to stress.
  • Chicken meat
    Protein source. It practically does not contain fats and carbohydrates. Eating boiled chicken meat will make breakfast hearty and safe for the figure.
  • Honey
    Everyone knows about the benefits of honey for the body. Honey is often found in breakfast recipes in combination with cottage cheese, muesli, cereals, toast, pancakes. The fructose contained in honey provides carbohydrates (energy), antiseptics help fight viruses and bacteria.

Water for breakfast

Before breakfast on an empty stomach, it is useful to drink pure water or herbal tea. Drinking water before meals should be a mandatory healthy habit. This applies not only to breakfast, but to all meals. Start your daily fluid intake in the morning: drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. Try to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. Drink a glass of water before meals, and try not to drink during and after meals, as this contributes to the deposition of fat.

What not to eat at night

To begin with, a few words about why it is not recommended to eat at night. At night, during sleep, the digestion process slows down, so food that enters the stomach shortly before sleep remains there almost undigested until the morning, it simply rots there. In the morning, the stomach must digest it all, but it is not easy for him to do this after waking up.

As a result, toxins are formed that are absorbed into the blood. This results in lethargy, weakened immunity, excess weight.

What foods are especially harmful at night

  • Snacks
    Chips, popcorn, crackers, cereals are high in chemicals and high in calories. And as we already know, a large number of calories at night is contraindicated.
  • Meat, fish and other protein foods
    Protein products of animal origin saturate very quickly even at small doses. Although such food at night will not affect your excess weight, it will be digested for a long time, even in waking mode this process takes about 4 hours. Therefore, if you go to bed without having time to digest it, it will lie like a dead weight in your stomach and decompose.
  • Bakery and flour products
    These products are quickly digested and do not linger in the stomach. But they cause a sharp jump in blood sugar and the release of insulin into the blood. And since at this moment your activity is at a minimum level, all the calories eaten will be deposited in fat.
  • Chocolate
    Eating chocolate at night has the same effect as flour products, the excess is deposited on your problem areas.
  • Nuts and dried fruits
    They are certainly very helpful. But at the same time, nuts are very high in calories, and dried fruits contain fructose, essentially the same sugar. Will you be able to stop in time when you start eating them?
  • Coffee
    We believe many people understand the inadmissibility of drinking coffee before bedtime. Even small amounts of caffeine cause sleep disturbance. Avoid drinking coffee a few hours before bed.
  • Alcohol
    It might help some people sleep. But only the quality of sleep will be low. Frequent awakenings, headache, nightmares.

How to be?

What to do now, you ask, if you can’t eat, but really want to? There is no need to go from one extreme to another. After all, long pauses of fasting give a signal to the body to store reserves, besides, sleeping on an empty stomach is fraught with insomnia.

You will save a light dinner three hours before bedtime. Vegetable salads with low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of milk, a piece of cracker or cheese.

But what if you want to eat something shortly before bedtime? There is a way out, choose foods with a negative calorie content:

  • Apples
    They contain fibers that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lower cholesterol levels, and promote weight loss. But if there are problems with the stomach, they can cause gas formation.
  • Citrus
    No more than one orange, tangerine are recommended. They contain a lot of vitamin C and fiber, which are responsible for good digestion. It is also contraindicated in diseases of the stomach.
  • Celery
    Low-calorie product, contains a lot of fiber. It can be used as a salad with carrots or as a fresh juice. But celery is contraindicated during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, varicose veins and stomach diseases.
  • Flounder
    It is quickly and easily absorbed due to the content of proteins with a well-balanced amino acid composition. Few calories, lots of vitamins and other useful elements.
  • Kefir
    Easily digestible product has a beneficial effect on the intestines. It contains a lot of calcium, this trace element is well absorbed in the dark, at night during sleep. Kefir has a calming effect, you can drink it as an easy prevention of insomnia. Do not abuse with increased acidity of the stomach.
  • Beet
    Low calorie product. It is recommended to take as a salad with vegetable oil. It burns fat and does not allow the fat cell to grow into blood vessels, which means not letting it live. It also regulates intestinal motility, normalizes intestinal flora, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Contraindications - kidney disease, acute inflammatory processes in the stomach.
  • Banana
    You can no more than one before bedtime, it will help you fall asleep. Thanks to the amino acid tryptophan contained in bananas, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Contraindicated in high blood sugar. Unripe bananas cause gas.

Also in small quantities, you can chicken breast, bread, oatmeal on the water, one baked potato, a handful of dried fruits. Warm milk with honey will give you a good sleep, and a cup of green tea with milk will satisfy your hunger.

Breakfast is perhaps one of the most important meals. It provides us with the necessary nutrients, charging us with strength and positive for the whole day. For a child who has a high mental load at school or intense physical activity in the sports section, the morning meal is simply irreplaceable.

But it is important to feed your son or daughter with a healthy breakfast, because some foods are highly undesirable to eat on an empty stomach, because this is fraught with gastritis, high blood sugar, fatigue and absent-mindedness.

Dry breakfasts

All kinds of sugar-coated cereals and chocolate balls are so loved by children! Adults also prefer to feed their offspring with breakfast cereals, adding milk or yogurt to cereals - quickly and tasty. But is it useful? Nutritionists and pediatricians say with confidence: “No!”

American scientists believe that there are practically no useful substances in ready-made breakfast cereals, but sugar is in excess. Experts tested more than 80 brands of popular cereals and came to the conclusion that the sugar content in a serving of honey flakes is 56% of the total weight of the product in a pack.

Sweets on an empty stomach are harmful, as they lead to sharp jumps in blood sugar. When sugar drops, we feel hungry. That is, it is almost impossible to get enough of cereal, after an hour and a half your child will want to eat again.

Cereals are a great alternative to dry breakfasts. If the child is not a connoisseur of this dish, treat him to homemade granola. You will need nuts, seeds, dried fruits, honey. All this must be mixed and baked in the oven.

Raw vegetables and fruits

There is no doubt about the benefits of these irreplaceable sources of vitamins. But in the early morning, eating vegetables and fruits is quite controversial. The fact is that the coarse fiber contained in many fruits irritates the gastric mucosa. Hence - pain, heaviness and bloating.

Refusing an apple or a peach for breakfast is not worth it; it would be best to add pieces of fruit to porridge or give them to your child after the main meal. An important rule: a pear, citrus fruits and a banana should not be given to a child who has not yet had a crumb in his mouth. There is a lot of fiber in the pear, so it is better to eat it an hour or two after breakfast.

Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, and limes contain acid that irritates an empty stomach. All this can lead to gastritis and diathesis in the future.

But what about bananas? They're perfect for breakfast, you say. Not really. According to recent studies, magnesium, contained in large quantities in bananas, disrupts the calcium-magnesium balance in the human body and causes diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A salad of fresh vegetables for breakfast is not recommended, as in the morning it is too heavy for the stomach. Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage irritate the mucous membrane and cause bloating.

10 effective ways to instill in children a love of healthy food


Yogurt and other types of fermented milk products are best left for the evening, as they will not bring the desired benefits in the morning. The fact is that, for example, yogurt contains live bacteria that normalize the intestinal microflora and help the digestion of food entering the body.

If you eat yogurt on an empty stomach, then these bacteria will quickly enter the aggressive acidic environment of the stomach and die before they reach the intestines.

Same story with kefir. Therefore, it is best to eat yogurt and drink kefir (yogurt, fermented baked milk) a couple of hours before bedtime. And, of course, give preference to natural products without thickeners, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

curd products

Various sweet curd masses and curd cheeses fall under this description. The content of useful cottage cheese in them is insignificant. Basically there are palm oil, flavor enhancers and sugar.

Curd cheese can be given to a child as a dessert after the main meal, but there is no need to hope that this product will replace a full breakfast.


This drink is not suitable for every child. It is better for children under 10-12 years old to refrain from drinking coffee, since the caffeine in its composition does not have the best effect on the fragile nervous system. The child becomes irritable, hyperexcitable and aggressive. Coffee can also provoke stomach and headaches, disrupt the functioning of the heart and kidneys. Coffee on an empty stomach is contraindicated not only for children, but also for adults.

There is less harm from tea, but it also contains caffeine, which means that you should not get carried away with a fragrant drink. For breakfast, a child can brew herbal or fruit tea, adding honey and cinnamon to it.

Fresh bakery

Hot buns and bread on an empty stomach harm digestion. Fresh pastries lead to increased gas formation, bloating and heaviness in the stomach. Do not forbid your child to enjoy pastries, just treat him to a fresh bun for an afternoon snack.


Favorite quick breakfast for adults and children. With cheese, sausage, butter - it seems that sandwiches can be made from anything. But it's not the best breakfast option.

Canadian scientists have found that the high calorie content of ham and cheese sandwiches makes it difficult for the circulatory system to work. Over the years, this leads to a buildup of fat on the walls of the arteries. Thus, scientists came to the conclusion that lovers of sandwiches are at risk of getting atherosclerosis.

All of you probably know that the use of certain products can bring both benefit and harm, depending on what time to eat them. But it turns out that it is also important whether you use them on an empty or full stomach. Our body is a complex thing and, for example, a breakfast consisting of pastries, a cup of coffee and a banana can do more harm than good. In order for your stomach to say “thank you”, we have compiled for you a list of foods that should not be thrown into an empty stomach and those that you can snack on, even if you didn’t even have crumbs in your mouth before.

Foods You Shouldn't Eat on an Empty Stomach

Eating a cake just like having a chocolate croissant for breakfast sounds quite tempting, while for the body this is a direct path to diabetes.

The fact is that our pancreas can hardly process the huge dose of insulin that comes with various sweets and causes a sharp jump in blood sugar. Try to completely abandon all kinds of desserts, get rid of sugar addiction and choose something more healthy for breakfast, but no less tasty and satisfying.

Absolutely harmless in themselves, bananas, eaten on an empty stomach, are more likely to do you more harm than good.

A large amount of magnesium and potassium contained in this fruit can unbalance the magnesium-potassium balance in the body and, as a result, harm the cardiovascular system. If you eat a banana after the main meal, its beneficial properties and all vitamins will be absorbed much better.

Many of us simply cannot imagine a good day starting without a cup of strong, freshly brewed coffee. It was around this popular drink that the most myths about its imaginary harm or absolute benefit were formed. Despite the fact that the arguments "for" decisively outweigh the arguments "against", there are still some contraindications regarding the invigorating drink.

If you drink coffee on an empty stomach, you contribute to the excessive production of gastric juice, which leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and mild discomfort at best, and at worst - to gastritis or even an ulcer.

Cold sodas

All the cold drinks that you start your day with or just choose for a snack directly affect the complex metabolic process in the body, which already needs constant support.

We advise you to drink a glass of non-carbonated water at room temperature before breakfast: this is how you start the digestion process, help speed up your metabolism, prevent dehydration and make your skin feel good (the simplest water cleans the body of toxins and toxins, restoring radiance and healthy glow to the skin).

Baked goods and any products containing yeast are not the best choice if you are thoroughly hungry.

It is yeast products that are the main culprits that after eating we suffer from increased gas formation, and also experience a feeling of heaviness and discomfort. If you can't resist hot pastries for breakfast, try making them without yeast.

Food that is too spicy or rich in various seasonings, eaten on an empty stomach, can easily cause heartburn and stomach pain, as well as contribute to various disorders in the digestive system.

The same applies, for example, to onions or garlic: the latter is a rich source of allicin, a substance that irritates the gastric mucosa.

Green raw vegetables are saturated with amino acids and other substances that are quite aggressive to the gastric mucosa. If you regularly eat breakfast or snack exclusively on vegetables, one day the body may begin to signal diseases such as gastritis or an ulcer.

Choose fresh vegetables as a side dish with a main meal like eggs or lean poultry, or steam them.

You may not want to start your day with a breakfast that contains nothing but tomatoes, but if you like to snack on a few cherry tomatoes, remember that tomatoes are high in acid, which increases the secretion of stomach acid, causing heartburn and discomfort.

By the way, persimmon, potatoes and citrus fruits act on our body in approximately the same way: they either should not be eaten on an empty stomach at all, or they must be “diluted” with other products.

Foods that are even healthier when eaten on an empty stomach

Porridge is an ideal breakfast: it is a charge of vivacity, vitamins and microelements that the body will need all day.

Choose oatmeal or rice porridge for breakfast: they help lower cholesterol levels and, thanks to their high fiber content, have a beneficial effect on digestion and increase efficiency, strengthening the cardiovascular system and immunity.

Do not forget about the existence of semolina, corn, wheat and buckwheat porridge - just like oatmeal, they literally envelop our stomach, protecting its mucosa, and contribute to the normal functioning of metabolism.

Chicken eggs are one of the healthiest foods to include in your diet. A large amount of vitamins and minerals and a long feeling of satiety are just a few of the advantages that this low-calorie product boasts.

And for those who are puzzling over what else can be cooked from eggs, besides a simple scrambled egg or an omelette, we strongly recommend finding a new favorite breakfast recipe for yourself - there are so many of them.

Nuts are rich in healthy fats, and their high energy content makes them a great option for a quick, tasty, and healthy snack.

Eating a handful of nuts for breakfast will kickstart your metabolism, lower your cholesterol levels, and your skin, nails, and hair will thank you for a generous dose of B vitamins and healthy fats.

Walnuts and cashews are advised to eat for people engaged in heavy physical or mental labor; almonds, pistachios and pine nuts will help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and low immunity, and hazelnuts and peanuts will become indispensable helpers with stress and low performance.

Lovers of juicy watermelons will be especially pleased to snack on soft slices of this sweet berry. Despite the fact that it is 90% water, which is a definite plus for breakfast, watermelon also contains a lot of vitamins (for example, vitamins A and C, antioxidants), as well as trace elements (potassium, calcium and magnesium).

Watermelons are considered one of the best detox foods: sweet taste, low calorie content, removal of excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body, high fiber content and a quick feeling of satiety - it seems there is simply no better way to start your day.