Horoscope for 21.09 g Taurus. Horoscope - Taurus

The day is difficult, but not hopeless. Easy successes are unlikely, but a lot can be achieved with the effort. You quickly learn, including from other people's mistakes, adopt someone else's experience; this is what allows us to move forward, to receive answers to important questions, to solve problems that have arisen recently.
People around you more often than usual turn to you for help. Try not to refuse, if it is in your power: everything that you are doing for others, ultimately benefits you. The afternoon is suitable for solving legal issues, paperwork.

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Love horoscope - Libra

Tomorrow you can see your loved one with different eyes and be surprised to discover his dignity, which you have not noticed before.


Today, stars can awaken an increased emotionality in you. However, until you are ready to share your experiences with your partner, and this is quite understandable. Nevertheless, if you can find a way to initiate him into what is happening in your soul, it will be much easier for you to put your feelings in order. Therefore, take courage and look your doubts and fears right in the face - and you will noticeably get closer to getting rid of them once and for all.
There is no point in dramatizing what is happening and fanning the tragedy out of nothing. Try to look at the problems and difficulties that periodically arise in your relationship with the person you are interested in from the standpoint of humor - this will help you find them a simple and clever solution.

Take your time to jump into bed with this man! You still do not know everything about him, and it is unlikely that you will be as passionate as you learn something very interesting about him. After all, you do not want to wake up in the morning and realize that you are sleeping in someone else's bed, smelling of the perfume of another woman?

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Family horoscope - Libra

You will do everything and more to maintain a healthy and pleasant atmosphere in your home. Alas, relatives will not at all appreciate the efforts that you make to achieve harmony in the house. But don't be discouraged. Neptune will not let them go to waste.

Business horoscope - Libra

Libra should concentrate as much as possible on solving some urgent issues. By the end of the day, the situation will be calmer.


Relations with colleagues will be difficult for you. You should not rely too much on anyone's support: there will be more problems than benefits from it. Be as independent and autonomous as possible. If you are now studying or undergoing retraining, the day will bring excellent results - but only on condition that you make an effort.

Health horoscope - Libra

Tomorrow it is better not to abuse fatty foods and overeat before bed. If you have hereditary diseases, be in shape. So that, if necessary, you can give a worthy rebuff to an ailment that has worsened at the wrong time. You will feel an improvement in your well-being in the afternoon. From this time on, the body's resistance to various infections will increase, forces will appear that Libra lacks so much.


The stars advise you to carefully monitor your diet. It is proper nutrition that is the basis of health. If you allow yourself too much in this area, it will not do without problems. You do not need to indulge in asceticism, but it is better to eat less, especially fatty and sweet. Moreover, tasty food does not have to be harmful!

Mobile horoscope - Libra

Beauty horoscope - Libra

Today all your thoughts will be devoted to the future. Do not hold back the flight of your imagination, even if the dreams visiting you will be illusory and unrealizable. Perhaps later you will be able to give them a much more workable look.

Today you have to distract yourself from important matters and pay attention to family problems. Try not to overwork yourself and take care of your health. In the afternoon, you will have a tense conversation with partners. Do not give up your position, show ingenuity in making decisions. Skin cleansing procedures will give good results.

You should relax and get distracted from negative thoughts. Today you will have a chance to change the opinion of others about yourself. Now is the time to demonstrate your worth to management and colleagues. In the afternoon, success in negotiations will depend on your persistence. Free time should be devoted to introspection and working on your shortcomings.

This day will be full of dynamic events and meetings. You should spend more time on your appearance. Remember, it's important to make a good first impression on your partners. Do not be shy, be freer in communication. In the afternoon, listen to your intuition.


The arrangement of the planets will contribute to the emergence of contradictions. A conversation with opponents can lead to a conflict situation. You shouldn't restrain yourself, say what you think. Your sincerity will be noticed by an important and influential person. This day will allow you to clearly define who is your friend and who is your enemy.

Today, your image should be soft and romantic, this will help smooth out conflicts. You should keep your intentions and plans secret. Competitors can overtake if you fail to take appropriate action. In the afternoon, do not trust the information received. Rely only on those people who helped you before.

Today you should be ahead of your competitors and rivals. A lucky combination of circumstances will help you get ahead. In the afternoon, use your old trusted connections to get the results you want. You need to draw conclusions based on the behavior of your colleagues. You can discuss new ideas with the management, you will receive a positive response.


This day is favorable for attending seminars and conferences. Mastering new information will benefit you. The time has come to change the tactics of the usual actions. Start using your charm to expand your circle of acquaintances. An important meeting awaits you with a person who will invest in your development.

Today you should arm yourself with patience and endurance. The information received will allow you to get ahead of your competitors and rivals. Act decisively and don't discuss your intentions with anyone. Your professional merits will be recognized by an influential person. Use the situation to make extra profit.

In the morning, your shortcomings can cause conflict with management. Do not enter into contradictions, show humility and calmness. Today, your secret ill-wisher will reveal his true intentions. In the afternoon, you should concentrate on making long-term plans. The advice of an experienced professional will help you solve your financial issue.

In the morning, be careful when signing important documents. You should seek advice from your manager. A new acquaintance will bring profitable business connections. Business trips in the afternoon will be successful. Your body needs a complex of vitamins, consult your doctor.

This day will be difficult and emotionally volatile. Your colleagues will try to create intrigue that could ruin your reputation. You should not pay attention to the claims from the management, the situation will be resolved by itself. Avoid long-distance travel in the afternoon. You need to find a way to cope with stressful situations.

This day is suitable for business trips and building relationships with new partners. Don't worry about minor flaws in your work. In the afternoon, you'll grab the attention of a powerful man. Use your feminine charm to get the business contacts you want. In the evening, you should make a pleasant romantic surprise for your chosen one.

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As the horoscope for September 2017 promises, Taurus will experience many new experiences and will receive many good opportunities. Be attentive and observant, do not miss your chance to improve your life. Now it is easy for you to make decisions, which favorably affects the final result of your activity. Maintain a positive attitude, prioritize, act according to a pre-made plan. But don't try to jump over your head.

The issue that takes up a lot of your attention will be family relationships. Difficulties with children will arise, they will need your help. Help your child adapt to the unfamiliar situation, but do not push. Some Taurus will have to choose between work and family. In fulfilling your moral duty to your family, do not forget about your needs.

In September, Taurus will reconsider their views on life, there will be changes in their worldview. The unexpected events of the month will change a lot for Taurus.


The Taurus horoscope for September 2017 recommends taking care of your digestive system. Exacerbation of existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is likely. Do not test your body for strength, stick to a sparing diet. Include vegetables and fruits, herbal teas in your diet.

An active lifestyle and moderate exercise will help keep your body toned and stay alert and energetic.


In September, Taurus sensibly and objectively assess their position and understand what they want to achieve in the future. Avoid disputes and conflicts with colleagues, be able to see positive traits in each person and find a common language with him. Choose your own key to each person separately in order to achieve authority and trust in the team.

Avoid being late, do not delay the execution of orders, so as not to spoil your reputation in the eyes of your superiors. You must always remain focused and responsible.

The month is suitable for establishing contacts with nonresident and foreign partners.

In early September, it is better not to hold important meetings and negotiations, to avoid signing documents. And after the eleventh, the stars are already turning green. The second half of the month will be associated with minor routine work, which nevertheless requires a high level of responsibility and attentiveness. The end of the month will bring some difficulties related to the inspection authorities.


The horoscope for Taurus for September 2017 does not promise the representatives of the sign of a stable financial situation. Monthly revenues will not fall, but expenses will rise. Most of the spending will be related to family and personal issues.

It is possible to improve the financial situation of Taurus only by looking for additional sources of profit. Operations related to real estate will be successful.


As the September 2017 love horoscope portends, Taurus will be preoccupied with family affairs. A lot of time and attention will need to be given to children. When communicating with your spouse, you should be careful in choosing your words. In general, relations are developing favorably, household members appreciate and support you.

Free Taurus should spend more time with companies. A certain person will appear in your environment with whom you will have an affair, which in the future can develop into a serious relationship.

The end of September can bring some discord in the relationship of lovers. Avoid criticizing your partner for little things, do not find fault. Arguments will not lead to anything good.

Taurus man

As the horoscope for September 2017 advises, Taurus - a man should be more tactful and wiser in dealing with family and close relatives, despite the fact that they will strain you with their overestimated expectations.

The stars predict a fateful meeting for free Taurus men. Other changes in the relationship are likely, it could be either an engagement or a divorce. Be philosophical about what is happening. Solve emerging problems together with your soul mate.

Avoid wasting money on frivolous purchases. You have much more important family expenses ahead of you. In September, the Taurus man will be able to profitably invest funds.

Taurus woman

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Taurus - a woman should carefully prepare for transactions and paperwork. You have to go headlong into work. Prove yourself a responsible and professional worker, show yourself on the good side in the eyes of your superiors. Don't make big purchases.

In the field of love relationships, pleasant changes are foreseen. Try to listen more to the opinions of older family members. Single women - Taurus are no longer worried about the disorder in their personal lives, for them now rest and self-realization are more important.

As the horoscope for September 2017 promises, the Gemini will be able to successfully complete the business they have begun thanks to their business acumen and analytical skills. Act in accordance with your interests, do not omit offers that are beneficial to you. Maintain an optimistic attitude, your energy attracts others. But avoid trying to dominate people and impose your opinion.

On the way to success, Gemini can be hindered by envy and criticism of people pretending to be well-wishers. Limit your interactions with people who undermine your faith in yourself and drain your energy. Competitors will also become active in September.

The horoscope for Gemini for September 2017 advises the representatives of the sign to free their living space from old and unnecessary things, from their energy, and make room for the new. Now is a favorable period for repairs. Find time for self-development in your schedule as well.


In September 2017, Gemini is in good health and high energy levels. They are not threatened with serious illness.

Fasting days on fruits, vegetables and juices will be useful. Do not burden the body with fried and heavy foods.

At the beginning of the month, exercise extra caution when traveling and driving.


In September, Gemini's career will be actively developing. Particular success will be achieved by representatives of the commercial professions associated with intermediary and advertising activities.

Gemini who are looking for work will find a suitable option for themselves with favorable conditions. Those representatives of the sign who are satisfied with their current place of work are waiting for an offer for an increase. You are universally respected and capable of achieving a lot this month.

In September, communication with partners from other cities will begin to actively develop. Renewal of old projects is likely. At the same time, the aggravation of the confrontation with competitors is likely.

The second half of the month will be more measured, associated with routine matters and putting things in order. Your activity is somewhat reduced, you can afford to rest.


As predicted by the financial horoscope for September 2017, Gemini will face an unstable monetary situation. For the most part, expenses will exceed income. The spending of the month will be related to work as well as family matters.

Real estate operations will bring additional profits. Many twins can count on help from close relatives.


As the September 2017 love horoscope predicts, Gemini may feel an irresistible desire to reclaim past relationships. Those who decide to take such a step will first experience joy, which will soon be replaced by former discontent.

In the relationship of long-standing couples, disagreements and quarrels will also arise. The stars strongly recommend resolving all conflicts and misunderstandings peacefully and calmly; scandals can have devastating consequences. Don't make promises that you are not ready to deliver. Family Gemini will have to spend a lot of time solving everyday issues. Control yourself when communicating with children, negotiate and do not break your irritation on them.

Free Gemini have a chance to meet their partner on a trip or at work.

Man - Gemini

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Gemini - a man must find a job to his liking. As far as finances are concerned, no problems are foreseen. Everything goes on as usual. Don't forget about sports and an active lifestyle.

In the area of \u200b\u200bpersonal relationships, not everything will be so calm and stable. Parting is likely. Family Gemini should pay more attention to their soul mate. Be generous in every sense, this applies to gifts, and gentle words, and of course actions. Don't make empty promises, this will undermine your credibility.

Gemini woman

As the horoscope for September 2017 advises, Gemini - a woman should be honest both with others and with herself. Your selfish goals may become known, which will not lead to good. Be attentive to your body and your health.

In September, Gemini women will be popular with men. Not all of your fans will be worthy. Fate has prepared a test for the representatives of the sign in a relationship. It is better to end the relationship with a dishonest and unworthy person immediately, not hoping that everything will change for the better.

In terms of career, September is a fruitful period. You can achieve a lot if you don't sit back. The stars also favor those who want to change jobs.

Quite calm but interesting day. Situations that would normally cause intense conflict can be easily resolved with a good joke or a mutually beneficial compromise. Use this moment to reach agreements with colleagues and loved ones, plan global projects and conduct responsible negotiations. In general, the day tends towards intellectual work, study and thoughtful analysis, so you are less likely to make a mistake or do something stupid. In business, do not rely on a quick result: others are able to delay for a long time with the solution of any issue, weighing all the pros and cons.

In the third decade of September 2017, Aries will once again enter the arena of life, full of strength and desire to realize their ideas and, without ceremony, will demonstrate this to others. Do not try to get ahead of everyone, even yourself. In personal relationships, you can be hurt by your intolerance, forgetfulness, exactingness and selfishness.

The ideal time to start a wellness and self-care course. Gymnastics, sauna, a session with a beautician, massage, acupuncture - all this will give a good effect. Try to walk more and sleep for at least 8 hours. It's time for overweight people to start shedding those extra pounds. Don't forget to consult with. a doctor. Friends' advice is unlikely to help.

Perhaps you will receive material compensation equivalent to the effort expended. Your sweet smile, as always, will be invaluable in promoting your business. You should think about tomorrow too. Part of the money can be deposited into the account.

Overwork will inevitably lead to a weakening of the immune system, stress. Try to plan your work day wisely and be sure to set aside time for relaxation.

It is not excluded that Lviv expects a stormy activity and no less stormy showdown. Many will be able to brilliantly eliminate the difficulties that have arisen. Don't gloss over the problem. Keeping calm, tell your opponents everything.

You can show some callousness and obvious addiction to some things or people, changing your preferences depending on what interests you at the moment. Perhaps you will be able to prove yourself constructively and successfully. Accept yourself for who you are.

Unfavorable day associated with unfulfilled expectations, vain hopes, dishonesty in partnerships, conflicts with relatives and children. Probably some deterioration in well-being. You can not cut your hair, eat heavy food, abuse alcohol. Avoid overeating - it will be more difficult to get rid of the gained pounds than usual.

Today it is quite real to support loved ones, obtain a loan, and profit from real estate transactions. Acquisition of a house, apartment, summer residence, moving to a new place of residence is favorable.

The first half of the day is favorable for showing initiative. Many Sagittarius will come out with proposals to their superiors. New jobs and partners may appear. Success is nothing more than being able to do well what you know how to do and to do well whatever you want without thinking about being famous.

It is possible that you will rejoice in luck, financial success, recognition of your merits. Rely solely on yourself and your knowledge to help you achieve significant success.

At the beginning of the day, there may be some disruptions in the usual rhythm of life, but they are temporary. The middle of the day can rightfully be called successful, the end - neutral. At the beginning of the day, it is important not to rush or rush others. The decision they make must be balanced and thoughtful, only in this case cooperation will become fruitful.

Today any creative projects will be crowned with success, therefore interaction with officials, executive authorities is favorable. Sharpened intuition will make financial and household chores successful. Do not retire, feel like a popular, successful person.