How to stick wallpaper in the corner. Standard Corner Caution Method. How to stick the wallpaper in the inner corners

Planned or cosmetic repairs in the apartment is unlikely to cost without such a labor-intensive process as wallpaper design. However, today for decoration of walls is often used phlizelin wallpapers, having some benefits in front of their paper analogues.

For example, such wallpaper options are allowed to be subjected to wet cleaning, they remarkably hide the shortcomings of uneven walls and save their attractive design for a long time. In addition, phlizelin wallpaper is enough just to fix on the wall, because it is quite convenient in work. finishing materialwhich does not forms vertical, horizontal folds and bubbles. Traditional sophisticated outer and internal corners can be issued by phliselin material, without experiencing serious difficulties. For this, just need to take into account some nuances.

Internal angles

For finishing the corners of the room, do not attempt to use a solid piece of wallpaper in order to arrange both closed in the corner of the wall. In this case, the wallpaper will "behave" with almost a guarantee, and the formed folds will have to be cut, which will adversely affect appearance walls. However, even if it is possible to avoid, a curve angle (unfortunately, this standard practice for domestic builders) can affect the further design of the apartment with wallpaper. After all, phlizelin wallpapers are applied on the walls of the "joint in the joint", respectively, the skew allowed during the passage of the angle will force the entire remaining web blades.

Fliseline Room Corners Finish

The correct blowing of wallpapers in the corners with wallpaper from nonwoven cellulose material is as follows:

If everything was done without errors, the junction between the stripes of fliesline wallpaper will be difficult, it will need to be treated with a roller or rag.


Features of pasting with wallpapers of external corners indoors

External angles in the rooms are much less common internal, but come across. The technology of applying flieslinic wallpaper in this case is almost identical to the passage of internal angles.

At the first stage, we are engaged in geometric surveys:

  1. We measure the distance - from the edge of the last paste strip to the outer angle - and we prepare the next wallpaper band so that it is after fixing it on the wall "wrapped" with an angle of no more than 50 millimeters.
  2. We determine the point of the wrapped strip close to the corner, it is from her that we will start glue a new wallpaper band.

Accordingly, measures are carried out to apply vertical strip and removing wallpaper residues.

By the way, if an external angle is smooth, as evidenced by not only a visual inspection, but also checking with the help of a construction plumb, it is allowed to use one wallpaper band. However, it should be borne in mind that possible discrepancies should not exceed 5 millimeters.

Paper wallpaper

Wallpaper is still popular with finishing works inside the apartment. This is due to their very democratic price and the sticker way. It is worth noting that the paper wallpaper is not able to hide the serious defects of the surfaces of the walls and corners. The method of fixing paper wallpaper on the walls is not too different from similar technology with wallpaper from Flizelin.

The easiest option implies the sticker of this finishing material "Vakhlest". In other words, the wallpaper cloth is glued in the corner with a small intake (1-1.5 centimeters) on the adjacent wall, and the next strip passes directly in the corner itself. It distinguishes this method of efficiency, but here the visual effect leaves much to be desired.

Paper Wallpaper - Application Features

The second way to beat the wallpaper in the corners is suitable even for some "diluted" walls forming angle. The initial stage fully corresponds to the previous method, the only difference - the inlet on the adjacent surface is made somewhat larger. The next lane of wallpaper is also glued "Vangest", but its long-round side must be oriented along the vertical strip applied with a plumb. The canvas should lie down with overlapping in 2 centimeters, while having a common border with the adjacent wall. Then, both layers of finishing material are cut through with the vertical lines with a special knife, and after removing its residues, you can proceed to the further design of the apartment walls. Do not forget to handle the cutting line with a special roller.

As you can see, the method of sticking in the corners of paper wallpapers is very similar to the method of fixing phlizelin wallpaper.

Finishing of external corners with paper wallpaper

External angles are found in the form of window slopes, decorative partitions from plasterboard, etc. In any case, the geometry of such an angle is extremely important, because such an angle, unlike internal, is constantly in sight. Therefore, possible defects of an external angle should be eliminated in advance and only after that begin to sticker wallpaper.

Wallpaper sticking technology in corners

The technology of sticking wallpaper on the outer corner is very similar to the second method of fixing the wallpaper on the inner corner. However, the "nestling" on the adjacent wall should not exceed 5 centimeters, this is due to the fact that a large ink in the uneven wall surface will be difficult to align. Depending on the quality of the wall and wallpaper, the appearance of folds is possible, they are eliminated by special horizontal cuts on the canvas. The next lane of wallpaper is glued close to the corner, but its far edge should pass along a predetermined vertical strip. Next, using a painting spatula, a constructional level or metal line, we press the center of the intake and the wallpaper knife cut both web. After the remnants of wallpapers are removed, they need to be put down and handled the roller. The docking compound in this case will be shifted by several millimeters from the corner itself, but it should be so. Otherwise, there is a risk of tearing wallpaper as a result of a careless movement.

Small tricks when working with wallpaper

The key value when working with internal and external angles has a finishing material:

  • It is not necessary to apply glue in advance to the paper, it is very high that they are soaked through them through and break in your hands. However, this type of wallpaper does not require trimming when the angles are passed. Due to the fact that the wallpaper is very thin, the docking connections are enough to try dry with a dry cloth or roller.
  • Vinyl wallpaper, on the contrary, is better to treat glue in advance and give them to absorb it. Wallpaper from vinyl is quite tight material, and with in advance prepared The canvas will be easier to work.
  • It is not necessary to apply glue on the fliesline wallpaper, it is applied only on the wall.
  • The general rule for all types of wallpaper is what they must be glued in the premises where there are no drafts, air conditioners and heaters do not work.

Do not forget that the walls in front of the wallpaper sticker must be necessarily processed by primer. In addition, the glue must correspond to the type of such a finishing material as a wallpaper. Firms specializing in production different species Wallpaper, indicate the accompanying documents the most suitable adhesive mixtures for their products.

Required tools and materials

Tools and materials for pasting Wallpaper Apartments

In order for the design of the apartment with wallpaper, it is quickly and successfully, it is advisable to take care of the presence of the following tools and materials:

  • dry rag or sponge to eliminate glue excess;
  • construction hairdryer;
  • brush;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • stewbridge or scaffolding.


Wallpaper, despite all their shortcomings, as the type of finishing materials used for interior decoration Apartments are among the most popular, this is due not only to their price, but also by the fact that they can be pasted without the help of third-party specialists.

Each of us at least once in my life I tried to start repairs with pasting wallpaper. And it does not matter that later it turned out from this event, the process of how the canvas fall in the corners for someone left an indelible impression and nervous laughs, and someone suffered it standing.

It seems that everything is very simple - roll, glue, wall, mounting knife, plumb, roulette and desire to give the room a new and irresistible look. If there were still walls and corners in the room were smooth, then problems may not arise.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners - Photo

The only principle of the wamp of the walls with the trellis is reduced to the fact that the strips on the wall are strictly vertically. The most difficult step is the first strip, and start the salary from the angle of the room. If the wallpaper without geometric patterns that do not require alignment, the work process is significantly reduced, without providing big carobs to the amateur repairman. With combination, everything is somewhat more complicated, both in the cutting stripes and in their pasting.

In order for the pattern not to shift relative to each corner in horizontally, the ceiling and floor should use the easiest plumb, even a bolt tied to a solid thread,

he advises the interior designer, an employee of the Moscow Marina Design Studio.

Another nuance affects the complexity of the work - this is the material from which the wallpaper is made. With a paper web, no doubt work is very simple. Flizelin option is already somewhat complicated. But heavy vinyl multi-layer choplaresses require a different approach, since the technology of their pasting is somewhat different and quite specific.

If the paper stripes almost immediately after applying the adhesive must be glued to the wall, otherwise they will spread, the vinyl canvas should be thicken and let them swell, otherwise the wallpaper will just go away in the corners.

Whether you know the use of vet in the process of work, destructively affects vinyl wallpaper. Rubber roller use for their salary.

There are only two types of corners - external and internal. Work with each type has its own specifics. It is very important before gluing the canvas, thoroughly obscure the angles with glue, and only after that it is applied to it. When working with fliesline and woven wallpaper, it is enough to simply wake a good wall, without applying a solution on the web, and before the pasting is additionally lubricated the corners with glue.

Operation with inner corners

The main task of this procedure is considered to prevent the formation of wrinkles. When the angle is placed on the adjacent wall, up to 2 centimeters with the formation of the mustache. This is perhaps the only case of the mustache when working with the vinyl web. All other cloths of heavy and thick choler glue online.

Do you know that the stronger the curvature of the angle, the greater the allowance of the canvas should be started on the adjacent wall. In the formation of wrinkles in its direction makes an incision.

The next stage of work is the salable of the adjacent wall. In order for the exact same exactly, without forming a skew, the distance equal to the width of the canvas is minus 5 mm, and with the help of a plumb, the vertical line is carried out. The salary is produced relative to the linear mark, not an angle.

Before the accumulation process, the allowance is needed very tightly to the wall to avoid the effect of overlaying one strip of the chopler to another.

Work with external corners

At the outer corner, the allowance is left not more than 0.3 m. After the installation of the canvas on the adjacent part of the wall, the jewelry work is considered to be neatly removing one of the layers of thick vinyl wallpaper (with paper web, this operation is not carried out) with the laid part of the wallpaper with the leaving of the thin edge. This technique allows you to visually avoid the formation of "thick" corners.

Do you know that working with a roller in the outer corner can be performed only after trimming the canvas.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper in the corners

Fliselinic trellis do not need to apply glue to the opposite side of the canvas, it is enough to melt the wall with a solution. The angles, as previously mentioned, are processed again, the point is applied with the institution of the pair of centimeters on the adjacent wall.

There are only two options for saving the corners of the room with wide flageline trellis:

  1. If the wallpaper causes a drawing that requires alignment. In this case, let's say the thrust, the most hidden defects of the irregularities of the angles by fitting the pattern.
  2. When the wallpaper does not have a picture.

With the second embodiment, the angle is made to join. For this, both canvases are glued to the brand, after which, with the help of a sharp mounting knife, they jointly cut through. The junction of the canvas is once again disappeared, straightens and attached to the wall. So get the perfect angle, embarrassment.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper in the corners - Photo

Wide flieslinic wallpapers are considered a more winning option in relation to other types, since work on their pasting is reduced twice in a temporary relation.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper in the corners

The sticker of the solid cloth into the angle is irrational. This is a rather complicated work that may end with full fiasco, especially for Amtera, threatening with the formation of a large number of folds and non-stacking pattern on the subsequent cloth.

Therefore, the allowance of the canvas on the adjacent wall should be no more than three centimeters. Before glue vinyl wallpaper in the corners, you need to cook:

  • plumb;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • rubber roller;
  • mounting knife.

Glue is applied to the cut canvas, and the wallpaper is left for impregnation. At this time, the angle of the room is once again thoroughly lubricated with adhesive solution, after which the first point is applied.

Do you know that the mold fungus begins precisely from the bottom of the corner from the northern side of the room.

Therefore, before impregnating wallpaper with adhesive solution, part of it should be pulled in a separate container and add antifungal agent. These are usually a variety of drugs containing fungicides. In some cases, amateries are used by generator acetylene waste.

Repair of an apartment or at home, especially if it is done on its own, a very time-consuming process. Of course, you can hire a team of professional masters who quickly and with the knowledge of the case will be punished with wallpaper, but then the cost of repair work will increase significantly. Therefore, in order to save, many choose the repair option independently. But in order to correctly stick the coatings with their own hands, some nuances of this case should know. Most. complex question Newbies are considered: how to glue the wallpaper on the corners. It is in this place of the room for many people arise, and the wrong solution leads to an excessive waste of money due to spoiled material and a dyed mood. And if the angle is also uneven, then the blowing of wallpapers in such a place turns into a real test.

If the wall in the corner is uneven, you should not glue the whole coating strip, otherwise folds will appear on it, and it will not connect with another band. The ledge of the canvas should be left behind an angle of about 2 cm, then it will better fall on the wall. To stick a dense wallpaper, you must use a plumb. Clear the cloth with nasky on the adjacent wall follows the most vertically. So that the next cloth is legally correct and smoothly, the protrusion behind the angle of the previous one should not be more than 4 cm.

Wallpaper to stick in angular points should be especially careful, since in this place they are most often dug.

If there are sockets or switches next to the angle, you need to turn off the electricity and remove protective covers from them. Then the wallpaper is glued on top of the excavation and cut the round hole, a slightly smaller sizing dimensions. After that, they return them to the place.

To properly glue the wallpaper with your own hands near the doors, you need to approach them on both sides. The wallpaper canvas, which must frame the door, cut the vertical exactly, according to dimensions door Piece. Then they stick onto the wall in this form, the protrusion on the upper edge of the frame is neatly cut with a triangular line.

If indoors are often high humidity or it is in such a place where sun rays are rare and there are risks of mold or fungus, it is advisable before sticking wallpaper, treat the corners of fungicides. After all, it is known that it is in these places where the mold begins to arise.

Before sticking the coatings in the corners of the room, they should be pre-prepared:

  • If they look even, it is advisable to wipe them with a rigid rag to remove dust and firing the small flaws of putty.
  • If the angles have significant irregularities, they must be pre-aligned with plastic corners, which are fixed in the spatle layer. Such corners can be purchased at any construction store. After they are fixed, you should wait for the mixture. Then they align the surface with the help of plaster or putty and thoroughly ground.

Properly prepared angles play an important role to obtain beautifully decorated walls. When the manipulations on the alignment are completed, you can proceed to sticking wallpaper, and remember the two main rules: it is impossible to glue the canvas in the angle of jack; You can not hinder the angle with one sheet of material.

Where it is better to start shook wallpaper

The newcomer will seem unimportant, where to start glue wallpaper. But after all, that the room looks beautiful, shove on the walls wallpaper should be clearly vertically, without inclination and distortion. And in order to achieve this perfection, it is necessary to choose the strict vertical line as the basis, from which the coating will be installed. Such parts indoors are usually a bit: windows, door shoals. What exactly choose for the starting line is to solve you. The first sheet is strictly parallel to it, and after the installation of subsequent webs. The main thing is not to allow a skewer.

Also, the role of the starting line can take the angle of the room, but for this it should be perfectly smooth. Therefore, it should be carefully checking its parameters. But this option is rarely used, since most rooms cannot boast the presence of perfectly smooth corners.

Rules for sticking wallpaper in inner corners

In the usual room, it will have to get the corners with wallpaper four times, but sometimes the owner has a question that it is better to wake the first. So that this procedure does not cause difficulties and the glued material was not wrinkled and did not disagree, some recommendations should be taken into account.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to stick the wallpaper in the corner so that when installing them on one wall, it came to the second edge with an allen at 23 cm. With the help of a special sponge, the wallpaper in the corner can be tightly pressing and smoothed. If the angles are too uneven, do not immediately hurt them. It is better to align them first using a special putty.

Then glue a sheet of coating on the adjacent wall. In order to get parallel and exactly glued webs, you need to use a tape measure and a ruler. With their help, they define the location of the edges of the wallpaper distant from the angle so that they fall into the already glued cloth by 12 cm. The plumb is checking this line and outlined it on the wall. After the markup, you can safely glue the cloth on the wall. Be sure to press it with a sponge to provide excess air from under the coating and better fit. Now they take a ruler and a sharp knife and at the junction of two wallpaper sheets determine the line, which is located closer to the corner. With the help of a knife, two layers of wallpaper cut off on it, the strip of the upper layer will disappear independently. To remove excess the bottom sheet, you should slightly bend over. After, glue is applied to the bent edge in a small amount and the sheet is tightly pressed against the wall. Thanks to such manipulation, the joint between the wallpaper canvases will be perfect.

Rules for plating wallpapers on external corners

External angles are available in many premises, most often they are represented by slopes, and cause newcomers from the beginnings on sticking no less than internal. If the external angles have perfectly smooth outlines, then they will not make much difficulty with wallpaper: it is easy to wrap them with an angle, and that's it. But, like internal, external level corners are rarely found. Therefore, to properly glue the wallpaper with your own hands on such architectural elements, at least a minimum nestrest is necessary. One of the walls that makes an angle should be saved so that the canvas went by the angle by 23 cm. This edge should be carefully treated with glue and press so that it does not dug and lean perfectly smoothly. To do this, you can perform several cuts. Then, vertically cut off the edge, wounded behind the corner. As a result, only a thin edge should remain, which will be unclear if you stick the following canvas over it.

Before starting the sticking of the next web, with the help of a plumb and a line should be measured by the line on which the far from the angle will go through the edge of the wallpaper. This line is so that the distance from it to the edge of the previous sheet coincides with the width of wallpaper with a deduction of 5 mm. As a result, when gluing should turn out a small flystone.

If the coating is rather thick, for example, vinyl, then in the places of the allen it is better to use transparent wallpaper glue.

Knowing how to properly perform the salary of the wallpaper of the outer angles, you can easily finish the protrusions, niches, window openings and other similar parts of the room.

Features of gluing various types of wallpaper

Another important momentwhich is necessarily taken into account when sticking, this is from what material wallpaper is made. Individual characteristics require a special approach. For example, coatings made of paper canvases without auxiliary layers, the most tender and capricious. They require special accuracy and speed of action, since the paper is very quickly soaked with adhesive moisture. Because of this feature, they can be tangled or sprawling.

Vinyl wallpaper, on the contrary, it is better to give time for a good impregnation of the material. If they have a sophisticated drawing with a spraying, then press such a web can be pressed only with a special rubber roller. The use of a cloth or sponge in this case is unacceptable, they will damage the drawing. Special attention should be paid to the adhesion of such coatings with the walls in the corners. You can glue the vinyl web only on smooth walls and angles, otherwise in places of curvature they can turn off from the wall.

Flizelin wallpapers have a practical feature: they are unnecessary to miss glue, it is applied only on the walls of the room. As for the corners, this place should be missed more carefully. The coating does not give a shrinkage, with its help you can disguise small irregularities and flaws of the walls. If the flieslinic wallpaper is used under painting, then both stripes at the junction of two canvases should be cut off with a knife along the corner, and after the joint should be walking with sandpaper, and only then start staining.

The greater the thickness of the material, the smaller the nesting should be. And if you glue the glassy, \u200b\u200bthen they are inappropriate for them, they need to have an online access to each other.

What kind of wallpaper to stop your choice depends on the purpose of the placement and taste of the owner. It is known that in the kitchen or corridor it is better to glue washable coatings. Paper wallpapers are suitable for rooms in which a fairly low level of humidity. Vinyl and phlizelinic materials are very diverse and universal, so it will be suitable for almost any premises.

How to break the wallpaper with a pattern

It is easier, of course, stick covers without a picture. But how to glue on the corners with wallpapers, having patterns? Here, an important role is played again the smooth surface of the corners and walls. If you have some irregularities, it is not necessary to purchase coatings with a vertical pattern, especially with parallel with the bands, otherwise they will emphasize all the shortcomings of the surface. Inappropriate will also be a drawing with large colors or a complex intricate pattern. All these options require smooth walls.

Before starting the installation of the coating on the wall, do not rush to cut it into the same length of the canvas. First, you need to docile the elements of the pattern on different canvases, and only then perform trimming to the desired height. To preserve the integrity of the pattern in the corner, the next sheet from the angle should be adjusted and trimmed under the drawing of the glued web.

Following the unaccompired rules, you can fulfill our repair yourself, while saving the decent amount of money and not adjusting to the work of the construction team. Now the question is how to properly glue on the corners will not find you surprise and will not cause a lot of doubt.

July 11, 2017
Specialization: finishing facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

The most common new mistakes

First of all, let's look at how to glue wallpaper is not necessary. Most often, newcomers can see the following errors:

  • Poor quality prepared surface. The level of complexity of the stack of the joints of the planes depends on their quality. If in the apartment curves corners, then it will not be simple to fulfill the finish with a specialist.
    Of course, it does not always have the opportunity to make the joints of the walls perfect, strictly under 90 degrees, but should not be deviations from the vertical. Therefore, do not pray for the time and strength to prepare the surface - prcribpt walls or even shuffle;

Quickly and simply align the outer joints of the walls will help plaster corners. When installing, they align in level, after which they are glued with plaster or putty. The price of corners begins from 30 rubles 2 meters.

  • Cutting wallpaper.As a result of such a decision of the edge of the canvases can be diverged or vice versa - unevenly block each other, respectively, sticking looks inactively. Therefore, using technology, it is necessary to provide a small conversation to the adjacent plane.

The exceptions are paper canvases that can be cut vertically. The only thing in this case is to pre-at the wall of the walls you need to stick a thin strip of wallpaper in case if the joints disperse;

  • Big penetration.If the walls of the walls are smooth, then such an error is not terrible, but in curves of corners, the big will lead to the fact that the strip will deviate from the vertical. As a result, all subsequent canvases will be crooked;

  • The canvas are not completely glued. When climbing the web, many newbies do not pay it until it stops, as a result of which a small area located opposite the inner corner is hanging in the air. This leads to the fact that over time the coating begins to spare and even rush;
  • The glue is inflicted.If the wallpaper is pasted on a phlizelin basis, the glue is applied to the surface of the walls, and not the canvas. At the same time, the error is the operation of the roller, which does not always allow to fully observe hard-to-reach places.

Newcomers are often interested - from which angle to start glue the wallpaper? If all of them are smooth, then it does not matter where you start shook. Otherwise, begin to glue with an even angle to avoid the skewers on the walls.

Technology sticking

As you know, the corners are two types:

Each of their type requires its approach when pasting, so further separately consider the process of sticking wallpaper on the external and internal angles.


The sticker instruction looks like this:

Illustrations Description of action

Preparation of the surface.Newbies often carry out the grinding of the walls with their own hands only with the help of a roller, however, as in the case of glue, this tool is difficult to handle the corners. Therefore, after the grinding of the walls, it is necessary to "walk" for hard-to-reach brush places.

Applying glue. If the flieslinic wallpaper is glued, as mentioned above, the glue is applied onto the walls, not a canvas.

  • The canvas need to trim in the width so that the breakdown on the adjacent wall was about one and a half centimeters. In uneven angles, the turn can be increased to 5 cm;

If you stick a meter fliesline wallpaper, and you had to cut a wide piece of the strip, the adjacent walls can start from it, unless, of course, allows the pattern.

  • Then you should sell with a spatula with a web so that it lies tightly to the walls;
  • If folds appeared, the edge must be cut across across, i.e. towards the fold.

Stripes on the adjacent wall need to be allowed to stick with the edge. In this case, the web aligned on the markup (vertical line), and not the edge itself.

On this stick completed.


Now consider how to glorify this finishing material on the outer joints of the walls:

Illustrations Description of action

Preparation of the surface.As in the previous case, the surface must be projected and apply glue if the vinyl cannons on the flieslinic basis.
  • Place the band so that it goes to the adjacent wall of centimeters by 30;
  • If the edge has become wrinkled, cut it along so that the breakdown is not more than 5-10 mm.

If the wallpaper with a pattern, with such a small break, it is possible to prevent the edge trimming of the second web to dock the pattern.

Many people are interested in how to protect the wallpaper on outdoor corners? For these purposes there are special decorative cornerswhich are pasted on top of the finish.

Here, in fact, all the information on how to properly glue the wallpaper in the corners.


We got acquainted with all the most important nuances of stacking wallpapers on the corners. Before starting work, see more video in this article. If any of your question on this topic remained unanswered - write comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

July 11, 2017.

If you want to express your gratitude, add clarification or objection to ask the author - add a comment or tell me thanks!

If it was decided to make repairs, prepare for a complex process, which will certainly take a lot of time and effort. In the case of contacting the specialists, it will still be costly and financially. To save a little, it is better to partially perform work independently. For example, you can easily cope with such a simple task as wall finishing wallpaper. The only difficulty is the design of the corners of the room. It is this work that usually causes difficulties.

With the irregularities of the corners face both the owners of old apartments and new buildings. Very often there are shortcomings on the walls that interfere with apply rolled products quickly and beautiful. How to enroll in this difficult situation and how to shove wallpaper in the corners?

If you have an external corner protrusions, it is important to ensure that the wallpaper canvas fit tightly to the wall.

Experts are not recommended to glue an angle at once the entire band. If the junction of the walls is not ideal, it simply will gather in ugly folds. In addition, the wallpaper can not be completed in the corner. You should leave the protrusion in two or three centimeters (if necessary it can be trimmed with a knife). Only so you will achieve smooth salary. When used to finish the walls of the room dense wallpaper, do not forget to apply a plumb.

If a rosette or switches or switches are located, you need to remove the covers with them, having previously turned off the electricity. Then glue the canvas right on top of them and cut the circles somewhat smaller diameter than the casing itself. In completion, they can be put back.

Preliminary preparation

Note immediately, it is better to spend everything preparatory work Long before glue the wallpaper in the corners of the room. First removes everything old finish, eliminate unevenness. To align the joints of the walls can be used plastic cornersFixed with putty, but you can use the method offered in this video:

Globe technology

All angles can not be bold. Choose the one from which work will begin. For this, the band is harvested by the required length and, depending on the type of wall-mounted cloths, are screened with adhesive composition as one wall (in case of flieslinic wallpapers), as well as a bulk blade (when using vinyl wallpaper). If plastic corners were used, it is necessary to clean with glue thoroughly and them.

When processing the surface of the wall, it is better to capture the area somewhat wider than the wallpaper canvase (at least 5 cm).

Now you can begin to stick the first strip. If you started to go left to right, you need to apply the left side of the canvas to the corner. The wallpaper strip should be located perfectly at all over the entire length.

Internal angles

It is the internal angles that are found in the rooms most often. For their proper salary, you need to adhere to the following recommendations.

Wallpaper band must be glued in such a way as to capture not only the angle itself, but also 3-4 cm of the adjacent wall. After that, it is important to press well and smooth the wallpaper with a sponge or lounge fabric.

Next, with the help of a roulette or a ruler, measure on the adjacent wall from the top angle of the width of the wallpaper, throwing 3-4 cm. This is required in order to glue the brass band by the previous one. After that, from this point, with the help of a level or a plumb, you need to hold a line along the whole wall. The cloth glued along it will be strictly vertically.

Now you can proceed to the enhancement wall. As it was already indicated above, the cloth passes along the drawn line of the Vangest in the previous one. Subsequent actions are traditional: the strip is smoothed and pressed well, especially in the venue of the wall connection. Next, with the help of a painting knife, a level or ruler you need to cut through both layers of wallpaper in the corner and remove all trimming. It should be done with special accuracy. If the edge of the circumcised wallpaper is difficult to pose, you can carefully bend the second cloth and remove unnecessary. After that, it is necessary to lack the bent cloth with a glue, carefully press it and smooth it, extinguish all the air.

The use of this technology will allow you to make the wall of wallpapers in the angle of inconspicuous.

Outdoor angles

In almost every room you can find external angles, first of all it is slopes. For high-quality and easy pasta, you need to pre-align them with plaster. But it is not always possible to do this. In this case, without salary, the mustache is unlikely to achieve the desired result. Consider in more detail how to park uneven outer angles.

As in the previous case, at first it is necessary to glue the wallpaper strip in such a way as to capture 3-4 cm of the adjacent wall.

It is important that the wallpaper is tight and smoothly sealed to the wall and angular performance, therefore, if necessary, they can be cut into several places.

After careful smoothing of the canvas, with the help of a sharp knife or blade, you need to cut off all overcurrent walls around the edge, leaving a thin edge.

Outdoor corner

Next, you need to measure with a tape measure or a large ruler width and, retreating about 5 mm, with a level or a plumb to spend a vertical line from this point. It is according to it that needs to be glued down the next strip, then she will fall smoothly.

As a result of the sticking of the two bands, it will be a small backstage. It is he who will help hide all defects that may arise after circumcision of the first strip.

Nuances of gluing wallpaper wallpapers

If the selected wallpapers have a pattern, characterized by the ideal clarity (for example, any geometric shapes and shapes, horizontal or vertical bands), it is necessary to make it so that the blending of wallpaper in the corners does not distort it.

Make it very easy. It is worth only to remember the need for a small adhesion on the wall. It is necessary to glue the canvas so that the edge lay perfectly smoothly on the plumb. After that, carefully cut the second edge along the edge of the corners.

It is unlikely that it will be completely preventing the pattern shift, and there will be a little distortion. But you will know about this shortcoming only you. To reveal it, you will need to carefully study the lines of connection walls of the room. If you clearly follow the instructions on how to properly glue the wallpaper in the corners, the canvas will lie exactly vertically, and the slight distortion of the pattern will be simply imperceptible.

Some secrets

  1. If you use thick and heavy wallpapers, we are well armed with special durable glue. Ideally, it should be transparent.
  2. To keep the wallpaper well, the walls must be braced before sticking, not forgetting both angles.
  3. It must be remembered that when the corners should not be made to the wallpaper or the wall to rear. Wet stripes are much easier.

If you follow ordinary tips, you can get the wallpaper really perfect. At the same time, even uneven joints of the walls will look beautiful. We just need to be patient and fulfill all work as much as possible. In this case, an excellent result is guaranteed.