The subconscious mind can do anything. John Kehoe (2)

Elizaveta Volkova

Hello friends, I have long understood that you need to carefully read and listen to John Kehoe.

As I described in one of my videos on my youtube channel , I was at his performance in Moscow and it inspired me a lot.

In addition, after the first reading of his book The Subconscious Mind Can Do Everything, I fulfilled my

But how?

And so, all because I performed his best techniques, which today I am going to tell you about.

In general, the book "The subconscious mind can do anything" occupies one of the most honorable places in my library and, of course, is included in the list.

And you can listen to John Kehoe in the audio recordings of our group In contact with.

So the first technique:

Technique 1: Mental Representation or Visualization

Well, yes, you all know perfectly well what visualization is and you do not need to explain what it is.

But let's hear what John Kehoe has to say about this:

Secrets of Successful Rendering

  1. Decide what you want to achieve: pass an exam, get a promotion, meet someone, make a lot of money, win squash.
  2. Relax. Take a break from business for a few minutes and take a breath, resting body and soul.
  3. Visualize the desired reality for five to ten minutes.

Live in your thoughts as if it is already happening to you. Create a small indoor video. Imagine yourself doing what you most want.

These paintings are a real force that will work for us.

Endow yourself with whatever qualities you need. If your mental image requires talent, courage, determination and perseverance, be sure to include them.

Practice is key here.

And here's an important note that many people miss:

It should be noted that it is not enough to present something once or even twice.

The results will appear if only the image is imprinted in the mind over and over again for weeks and even months, until your goal is fulfilled.

Don't try to evaluate the results after one or two visualization attempts.

If you suddenly have doubts - and they will definitely arise, just ignore them.

Do not try to resist them and fight them, let them arise and disappear without hindrance in your consciousness. Continue to visualize and everything will fall into place.

Two Conditions for Successful Imaging

  1. Always present your goals as if all of this is happening to you right now. Make it a reality in your mind. Create detailed images. Enter the role and mentally play it.
  2. Imagine your goal at least once a day, without missing a day. Repetition is the mother of learning.

Participants are convinced of the last statement every time their desires shift from one place to another after the daily visualizations.

How to visualize correctly, I tell in this video

The next technique is

2 techniques: bookmark thoughts

Unlike visualization, when you bookmark, you primarily focus on the feeling of what is being presented.

This is where your imagination comes into play.

How do you imagine how you feel after you get what you want? What will you experience at the same time: excitement, inspiration, stormy joy or calmness, or maybe nervous tremors?

Whatever your reaction, mentally imagine your feelings, let them pass through you.

Live with the confidence that you have already achieved what you want.

Well, now let's move on to the third technique -

3 techniques: Approval

An affirmation is a simple statement that a person repeats aloud or silently, as the case may be.

You can do this anywhere: driving a car, in a doctor's office, in bed before bed.

Simply select a statement that expresses your desires at the moment and repeat it several times.

Suppose you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, and you would like to relax and not worry about anything. Then it's time to apply the method of approval.

Repeat slowly to yourself, “I am calm and relaxed. I am calm and relaxed. I am calm and relaxed. "

Don't try to force yourself to calm down and relax, just keep affirming this for a few minutes.

By affirming, you influence the thoughts that arise in your brain.

The human brain is able to hold only one thought at a time, so the essence of the statement is to “fill” the brain with thoughts that support your goal at the moment.

Words tell the mind what thoughts it should generate. If you tell yourself, “The meeting will be successful,” your brain will naturally generate thoughts associated with the thought of a successful meeting.

The brain, without any effort on your part, selects the hidden meaning and main content of your statement. Outwardly, everything seems too simple, but in reality this method can very effectively help you achieve your goal.

Formulate your desire in the form of an appropriate statement and use it regularly.

What to keep in mind when arguing:

  1. You don't have to believe what you say! This error can negate the whole effect of the statement. Don't think about it, just repeat the statement. If you believe what you say, well, great! If you don’t believe it, there’s nothing wrong with that. It does not matter. The brain itself will choose the content of your statement, and the thoughts necessary in this situation will arise in the mind. It doesn't take much effort.
  2. The affirmation must always be positive. Make it an affirmative, not a negative, sentence. For example, if you want a meeting to go well, you should not say, "I will not fail in the meeting." If you don't want to worry, you shouldn't say, "I won't worry." For some reason, your brain misses out on this “not,” and as a result, you find yourself setting yourself up to “crash in the meeting” or “worry.” The brain will focus on these self-destructive images, not what you thought.
  3. The statement should be short. It is akin to mantras: a short and simple statement that is not difficult to pronounce and repeat. I usually make up statements with no more than ten words. Sometimes even two words can have an amazing effect: "dizzying success" or "record sales".

4 techniques: awareness

If you listen to John Kehoe, he always says: nothing succeeds like success.

Many are more likely to see their own failures and shortcomings than to realize their achievements and successes ...

Having achieved something, we feel joy for several days or weeks, and then set new goals and guidelines for ourselves.

A sense of satisfaction from what has been achieved leaves us too quickly; soon we forget that we got what we wanted.

All attention is concentrated on new goals and desires, and the feeling of joy from past achievements disappears. Thus, a person wastes the most powerful energy of success.

A person can reuse the energy of success from their past accomplishments with amazing results.

We focus on what we want to achieve, completely forgetting about our previous achievements.

Learn to reward yourself for present and past victories, even the smallest ones. Recognition of success is especially effective when you are trying to achieve new goals.

Seek - I emphasize the word "seek" - moments that can be considered successful.

It is necessary to recognize not only the obvious, but everything in general. Don't feel stupid or unnecessary.

Your positive qualities are no less real than your negative ones, so be proud of them.

Feel the success, let your brain enjoy the success already achieved for a few minutes.

People love me.

I work a lot.

I enjoy life.

I am a loving spouse.

I am a caring parent.

I help my family and friends.

I have just compiled a list of my positive qualities.

Make the most complete and longest list possible: it should contain at least twenty items.

Get rid of false modesty, entrust everything to paper to visualize how much reason you have to be proud. This is precisely the purpose of this exercise - to make you realize that you have a right to be proud of yourself. These positive feelings evoke a sense of success that will serve as the foundation for your future success.

And the last and my favorite technique for fulfilling John Kehoe's wishes:

5 Technique: Concentration and Reflection

It takes no less time to fully understand a magnificent and beautiful thought than it does to generate it.

The ability to concentrate and focus your brain on a particular idea or thought is the key to the successful use of brain power.

Unfortunately, if you have never trained your brain, you will find that it is quite uncontrollable and constantly jumps from thought to thought.


Reflection is the only technique that I find most appropriate for developing concentration skills.

They will not only help you hone your mind, but they will also allow you to gain a deeper understanding of any problem being studied.

Reflection exercises are an integral part of our studies.

How to reflect?

Let's say you want to ponder the claim that thoughts have real power.

Using a watch for control (I recommend doing the reflection exercises for at least five and no more than ten minutes), begin to focus on the fact that "thoughts have real power."

Completely dissolve in this statement, deeply immersed in thoughts about it. Ask yourself questions like:

  • "What does it mean?",
  • "What is meant by this?"
  • "How can this affect me?"
  • "Can I benefit from this?"

Reflect on this for the allotted time, not letting your brain slip away from the desired thoughts.

If your thought is constantly wandering during reflection, and it will be necessary, gently but surely return it to the subject of reflection.

In the initial phase of the reflection exercises, your thought will evade the subject ten to twenty times over a five-minute period.

During the exercise, a completely abstract thought may occur to you. Memories from the past, thoughts about things that have not been done, as well as various desires, worries and fantasies will arise in the brain against will, trying to disperse your attention.

Don't let them distract you from the main task.

After realizing that your brain is busy with unnecessary thoughts, forget about them and continue thinking from the moment you stopped.

Your brain is not yet disciplined and used to this kind of work.

It is easier for him to think about anything and concentrate on what he likes best. Soon he will get bored, deciding that there is nothing more to think about; thoughts will become restless.

Do not pay attention to these feelings, but just return him to the main topic of reflection, constantly reminding him of the set time limit. This is truly great gymnastics for the mind. Now you can direct and control your brain, not you.

If you continue to do this exercise for several days and weeks, two things will happen.

At firstBy accustoming your brain to discipline and training it in this way, you will develop the ability to concentrate, become more active and creative.

Secondly, your, up to this point, limited, logical understanding of what you are thinking about, will become much deeper. You will find that as you meditate, you will sometimes have a feeling of joyful excitement and enlightenment, as if the truth has been revealed to you.

It is a good idea to always have a pencil and paper handy as you meditate to jot down new thoughts and ideas that come to your mind. You will find that you now perceive ideas on a sensory level, and this is much more effective than simple logical thinking.

How do I fulfill desires through reflection?

Do you have any idea how to fulfill desires with this technique?

That's how!

We listen to John Kehoe, and we hear that we need to reflect on our desired future!

I really love this way of working with thinking and I fulfilled many of my desires, just thinking about them ...

When you think about what you want, you focus your mental energy on it for a long time.

For example, a girl who wants to buy an apartment may think about what layout of the apartment would suit her as much as possible.

What furniture should you buy first when you check into a new home? How to arrange this furniture? Should I buy curtains or sew it myself?

All this needs to be thought out - thus visualizing and fulfilling your desire.

And turn to your brain, what is it doing while you eat in transport or do other routine things?

What are you thinking about and where are you directing your mental energy?

Think right, watch your thoughts, listen to John Kehoe and let your wishes come true as quickly as possible!

And if you are interested to know what other techniques I use to fulfill my desires, then come to the master class

Current page: 3 (total of the book has 9 pages) [available passage for reading: 7 pages]


100% +

Conditions for Successful Thought Bookmarking

Constantly root yourself in the feeling that you have what you want, regardless of the nature of what you want. This is yours. Live with it. Feel it. Rejoice and tremble. Consider it completely yours. Own it in your inner world.

What distinguishes the method of bookmarking thoughts from simple fantasies? What makes it an effective working tool?

1. Repetition

Fantasies come and go without leaving a trace. Bookmarking thoughts is an action that should repeat regularly! Five minutes a day is better than a full hour, but once.

Remember: occasional use of the method will not work!

2. Persistence

You shouldn't be stopped by the fact that the result is not instantaneous.

Remember: reality needs time to respond to your request, and therefore - be persistent and do not stop studying!

3. Real time mode

Fantasies are illusory, but when you practice bookmarking thoughts, you are not in the clouds, but believe that you already have what you are striving for!

So follow John Kehoe's advice:

"Set a program for yourself and stick to it."

Exercise 11. Up to the dream!

The exercise is performed in several stages.

First (preparatory) stage: drawing up a program.

1. Formulate a goal that you really want to achieve, but which at the moment looks unattainable.

2. Reformulate it to sound in the present tense.

3. Try to focus on the feelings that accompany the goal. Remember them.

4. Imagine that you are living, having achieved your goal, for example, taking a coveted position at work.

How will your daily emotions change?

How will you feel every morning when you wake up and remember your success?

Remember these feelings too.

Second (main) stage: regular repetitions.

5. Each morning, begin by recreating the feelings of success and joy you felt in completing the first step.

Do this step every morning !!!

Chapter 5. Ways to control the energy of materialization of the desired

Affirmation is perhaps the simplest thought technique I know of that can consciously affect the brain.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

What is an assertion?

Although many years have passed since the death of the legendary John Lennon, his songs are still relevant, and his views still influence public opinion.

John Kehoe in his book mentions Lennon's song "Brain Games", which contains the words:

We're playing brain games
Creating the future from today ...

It turns out that Lennon used visualization techniques and approval! He urged us to believe in ourselves:

“Who do you think you are? A star? Well, you're right. "

You already know about visualization, but what is an affirmation technique?

John Kehoe defines it like this:

An affirmation is a simple statement that a person repeats aloud or silently, as the case may be.

You have come across this method if you have ever prayed or chanted mantras, but as a method the affirmation technique became widely known thanks to Emile Coue.

Coue was engaged in the treatment of patients and the promotion of his method in many clinics in Europe and North America. He noticed that those patients who recover faster after waking up and before going to bed every day just two minutes repeat a simple statement:

"Every day I feel better and better."

This simple action had an amazing effect! Coue wrote several books on self-hypnosis and began to teach people. Coue's statement focused the patient's mind on getting better and better every day. The healing of thousands of people using the Coue method has been documented.

How it works?

This is a simple yet very effective method that you can use anytime, anywhere, in any circumstance!

For example, when you find yourself in the dentist's waiting room, feeling the growing tension, repeat "I am calm." Wherein not necessary try to relax and calm down, focus on the phrase you are repeating, and that's it!

How it works?

The human brain can only hold one thought at a time.

Words tell the mind what thoughts it should generate.

Thus, by formulating and repeating a statement, you influence the thoughts that arise in the brain, and which work for your goal!

Brain myself, without extra effort, will perceive the main message of your statement and will begin to generate thoughts related to the successful solution of the task.

To use the approval method, you must:

1. Compose a phrase in which your desire will be succinctly formulated.

2. Repeat the statement every day, several times: morning, afternoon, evening, before bedtime.

Exercise 12: Applying the Approval Method

1. Pick a time when no one will bother you.

2. Focus on the goal you want to achieve or the task that needs to be solved.

3. Formulate the phrase in which the desired is concentrated.

4. Reduce the phrase to a simple, easy-to-remember sentence.

For example: "I want to be the best sales manager this month" should be shortened to: "I am the most successful employee!"

5. Repeat this phrase daily, as often as possible!

Be sure to repeat the statement if you feel an increase in anxiety and anxiety!

Conditions for the successful application of the approval method

1. It doesn't matter if you believe or don't believe what you claim!

Don't worry about how effective this method is or how it works! The brain itself will perceive the main idea of \u200b\u200byour statement and will begin to form the corresponding thoughts.

It doesn't take much effort.

2. Only positive attitudes!

Formulate a statement only in the form of an affirmative sentence.

For example: "I will not fail in the exam" replace with: "I will pass the exam perfectly!"

or: "I will not worry" to: "I am completely calm", etc.

3. Brevity and rhythm!

The statement should be short and simple so that it can be:

easy to remember

easy to repeat.

It is optimal to make a statement no longer than 10 words.

4. Mindfulness!

Remember that in addition to the positive statements that you formulate and repeat consciously, there are statements that we often direct against ourselves, for example: “I will never do this,” “This is impossible,” “I always fail," and so on. If you find yourself using these phrases, try to get rid of them as soon as possible.

You can come up with statements of your own that will help you achieve your goal. Because they are so simple, you can say them anywhere: standing in line at a bank, waiting at the doctor's office, stuck in a traffic jam. You don't have to believe in them. While repeating the statement, you should not literally “believe” that you really have what you really don't have yet. All you have to do is repeat your statements!

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

Exercise 13: Improving the Effectiveness of the Approval Method Used

1. Use every opportunity to complete the exercise.

2. Do the exercise every day for a week.

3. The objective of the exercise: to notice negative statements that you unconsciously use ("I can't ...", "I can't ...", etc.) and replace them with positive ones.

4. Several times a day, recall those negative statements that crossed your mind, and consciously reformulate them into positive ones.

5. Repeat these positive statements as often as possible, especially if you feel anxious or unsure of yourself.

As a result of the exercise, you can quickly track the occurrence of negative statements and change them to positive ones.

Chapter 6. Learn to Observe the Materialization of Your Desires

Concentrating on what has not yet been achieved, we unconsciously reinforce the idea of \u200b\u200bour own failure in the brain. A person can reuse the energy of success from their past accomplishments with amazing results.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

Recognize your success!

How long do you remember your successes?

Very often, having achieved something, a person experiences joy literally for several days, after which he again sets himself new goals and does not connect them in any way with the success he has achieved! All forces rush to a new desire, the joy of past achievements fades.

But this is wrong!

John Kehoe says that in this case

man is wasting the most powerful energy of success.

Are you ready to concentrate on new heights after reading the previous chapters?

Stop for a minute!

Remember all your previous achievements!

Encourage yourself for your present and past victories, even minor ones!

Look for consciously moments that make you feel strong, lucky, and proud of yourself.

Rejoice even for small achievements, feel your success every day!

Admit all the skills and abilities that you have acquired recently.

Your positive qualities are no less real than your negative ones, so be proud of them. Feel the success, let your brain enjoy the success already achieved for a few minutes.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

On the ladder of success

Answer yourself - do you want to achieve something specific and say: “I have achieved everything, I don’t need anything else”, or do you want to be successful always, every day?

It doesn't matter if you want to become a millionaire or just live well and calmly, enjoying your favorite work and happiness in your family. Surely, you want success to accompany you always - both in small everyday affairs, and when you set ambitious goals for yourself.

Consciousness creates reality, and you create your consciousness!

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

Exercise 14. Create a list of achievements!

1. Allocate at least 10 minutes to do the exercise, prepare paper and a pen.

2. Think back to your biggest accomplishments from the previous year and write them down.

3. Think of your achievements in the last month, week, day and write them down.

You should get at least 20 points.

4. List items that can be grouped together under the heading “skills and abilities”.

5. You can add to the list EVERYTHING you see fit.

For example: “I drive a car well”, “I am pleasant to talk to”, “I am punctual”, etc.

6. Post the list in a prominent place and add to it as you see fit, ideally every day in the evening.

Recognize, acknowledge, and reaffirm your merits.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

You can use the technique of recognition to achieve specific goals. For example, if you are applying for a new job, list your professional accomplishments.

If you dream of meeting a good person, make a list of your qualities, etc.

The more you feel the energy coming from ... previous victories, the more you attract outside success to yourself. Therefore, make such lists. Feed your brain. Work vigorously. Live actively. Never belittle your merits. Never stop believing in yourself.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

Chapter 7. Follow the Law of Synchronicity

Finally, it is the subconscious that is the mechanism by which periodically repeating mental impulses - feelings and emotions - are accelerated and materialized in a physical equivalent.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

Two sides of one whole

Now you know that you can influence consciousness and get wonderful results.

But there is another opportunity to make your life the way you want. To do this, use the power that your subconscious has!

What is known about the subconscious?

The subconscious mind controls and manages all the vital functions of the human body, from blood circulation to breathing and digestion.

The subconscious mind captures everything that happened to a person.

The subconscious mind stores not only the memory of every event in our life, but also the thoughts and feelings associated with it.

The subconscious mind tells us the right decisions: through dreams, sensations and premonitions.

The subconscious mind equally readily reflects both failure and success, both poverty and prosperity: it does not assess the situation and does not enter into an argument!

The subconscious mind perceives what is presented to it, with a ready-made positive or negative attitude towards it.

But most importantly, according to John Kehoe, that:

you can deliberately fix in your subconscious a plan, thought or feeling that you would like to materialize, and soon you will definitely get a material equivalent of your plan.

You can use the subconscious for your own purposes, you just need to learn how to do it!

The subconscious mind is like fertile soil that accepts any seed thrown into it. Your thoughts and views are seeds that are constantly sown in this soil. From them grows what has been sown, like an ear of wheat develops from a grain of wheat. What goes around comes around, that's the law.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

Imagine that you are a gardener.

Can you leave your garden to chance, what will it be then? Unknown!

You can carefully select the seeds you want to germinate, and then your life will be exactly the way you want it to be.

The choice is yours!

If you want to change the external circumstances, first of all you need to change the inner world.

If your choice is to become the master of your life, then remember:

1. Subconsciousness and consciousness are inseparably linked: they are two parts of one whole!

2. How you use your consciousness (see previous chapters) influences what gets into your subconscious.

3. A person cannot think both negatively and positively at the same time. Always choose a positive attitude!

4. The way of thinking is akin to a habit, so get used to thinking positively!

Realize this and a crystal clear path to a better life will open before you. Train yourself to think about success, happiness, health, well-being and banish worry and fear from your thoughts. Keep your mind busy with the expectation of the best, while making sure that your usual thoughts are occupied with what you want to get out of life.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

The law of habit

What is a habit?

This is what you are doing almost unconsciously. This is what you do day in and day out.

It is important that getting into a habit is much easier than getting rid of it.

Use this rule to your advantage:

Get into the habit of thinking positively.

Get in the habit of doing the exercises in this book every day.

Make the methods described in the book a part of your life.

Here's what John Kehoe says:

Water takes the form of a vessel in which it is located, be it a glass, a vase or a river bed. In the same way, your subconscious mind will create depending on what images you put into it in your everyday reflections.

How to develop the right habit?

1. Make a decision!

You must decide for yourself what new good habit is for you.

2. Make a plan!

Decide when and how much time you will spend in class.

3. Take action!

Train day after day.

4. Reward yourself!

Have fun!

Think about your list of achievements, add to it every day, praise yourself every day!

Exercise 15. The power of habit

1. Decide what good habit you want to develop.

For example: doing a daily sports workout.

2. Outline a plan:

How much time will you spend on this every day?

What time will you study?

What encouragement and for what success will you make yourself?

What else needs to be foreseen? (place, form, music, etc.)

3. Start practicing without delay!

4. Keep a diary of successes, write down even minor achievements in it every day!

Fluctuating energy of success

The universe miraculously helps us, but we only accept a tiny fraction of its help.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

There is no doubt that our consciousness affects the subconscious: if you train yourself to think positively every day, imagining that you have already received what you want, how you will notice the changes!

The subconscious mind will help you: you will meet with exactly the people with whom you need, circumstances will develop in the way you need, help will come as if from nowhere.

The Himalayan researcher V. X. Murray says this about it:

“Providence does not remain indifferent when a person really entrusts himself to him. Things happen to a person that would never have happened if he had not. A stream of events falls upon him, calling for help from people, events and all kinds of material assistance, which he did not count on. "

But how does this happen? How does the subconscious mind translate our dreams and desires into reality?

This is due to The Law of Synchronicity!

a consequence of the functioning of natural laws that begin to act under the influence of your thoughts.

Remember the first chapters of this book:

Energy permeates the Universe, what we call "reality" is also an accumulation of energy particles.

What happens when a person puts some thought into the subconscious? You generate an energy oscillation, which causes resonant energy oscillations in the entire system, that is, in the entire universe!

If you plant thoughts of success, then the oscillations of the energy of success resonate in the Universe.

If you think about adversity, then the universe responds with fluctuations in the energy of losses.

As you remember, the subconscious mind does not argue and does not choose - it does not care whether to work with negative or positive thoughts.

In the same way, the universe will respond to any your thought, regardless of whether it will be positive and useful to you or not, so it is so important to select only positive thoughts.

Remember: your thoughts, which are constantly spinning in your head and repeatedly repeated, desires that dominate your soul, beliefs that have become your nature - all these affect your reality!

According to J. Kehoe:

Your usual way of thinking and your prevailing mental images create reality around you, shaping your unique destiny.

Remember this always, and you can change your world!

Exercise 16. The Universe Answers You

1. Do the exercise daily for at least a week.

2. Choose a time to perform when no one distracts you: it is best to do it in the evening before bed.

3. Prepare a notebook and pen, divide each sheet in half.

4. On the left side, record the results of the exercises in this book, with particular emphasis on the exercises that build positive attitudes.

5. On the right side, record all the positive events of the day - from good weather to unexpected compliments or pleasant conversations.

6. Pay attention that every day there are more and more positive events, learn to notice them and enjoy them.

7. After some time, you will notice that pleasant events do not happen by themselves, but you have drawn them into your life - for this, from time to time return to the previous entries and re-read them.

Chapter 8. Awaken your intuition

Imagine how confident and safe you would feel if you had a partner who could provide you with everything you need, suggest solutions to all your problems, open new exciting prospects for you and show you how to use them, who would always come to the rescue at your first call ... In fact, such a companion exists, it is within you and is called intuition.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

What do we teach children?

Work with huge amounts of information.

What effect does this have?

Not very tall, admittedly.

Very often, no matter how much you scroll through the information, the solution does not come!

Because it is impossible to collect all the information, there is always a gap that needs to be filled.

But how and how?

What if you can't find the answer?

If you turn only to consciousness, then you limit the range of possibilities!

How do I expand it?

The answer is simple: turn to your intuition!

The subconscious is replete with new ideas, solutions and answers. Don't limit yourself. Open this treasury and take everything new, dynamic, original and full of life. These ideas and solutions exist within you right now.

J. Kehoe. "The subconscious mind can do everything!"

Recently I dropped by to help my mother set up something on the computer. On the table was a notebook the size of two matchboxes — my old notebook. Mom took it out of the box, probably everyone in the parental house has such a box ..)) ..) to read .. She says that I write well. I am not writing the essence! I just speculate to quickly re-read and remember! And I am very glad that she is comfortable and likes to use it.

So, this notebook contains some of the first abstracts of the books I have read .. below they are being worked out, of course ..

On the first inner page I read: "A person should not be afraid of death. He should never be afraid to live. Marcus Aurelius." .. hmm, at 18, in my opinion, I do not remember exactly, I wondered how to live in order to LIVE, but not exist !? Have you thought about it ?? Rather, she just lived! And how I manage to do it this way or not so, I haven't figured it out yet. After all, I clearly live better now. Thank! But I don’t play golf yet! ..

I express my deep gratitude to my mom for saving and unexpected presentation of important materials on the case!

The subconscious mind can do anything. John Kehoe (2)

11. Concentration and Reflection - skills that can be learned and developed. Requires practice - akin to developing and strengthening muscles.As long as a person obeys each of his thoughts, allowing her to carry him away in an unknown direction, he will remain captive to his fantasies, worries, desires.

Whatever the problem, thinking, we break through the ideas, truths and laws lying on the surface in order to comprehend the deepest hidden meaning. Only thinking about the problem allows you to understand it deeper.

How to reflect? What does it mean? What does this mean? How can this affect me? Can I benefit from this?

Reflect on this for the allotted time, not letting your brain slip away from the desired thoughts. By accustoming your brain to discipline and training it in this way, you will develop the ability to concentrate, become more active and creative.

12. Views and their rooting. What you believe is what you get. We can question almost any aspect of life, but a person will be the last to challenge their own beliefs.

The brain can distort the perception of reality in order to bring it in line with your views.

Choose your beliefs wisely.When new beliefs arise in the subconscious, a completely new reality appears before you.

Now is the time to discard all the old, negative and self-deprecating beliefs, albeit cultivated for so many years, replacing them with new ones.

Explore your options.

1. Reconsider all your views .. if you have health problems, take a closer look at your views on health, if you are experiencing financial difficulties, you should pay attention to your attitude to money.
Write down all your views on this. Do not regret the time spent and be honest. Your task is to find limited views.

2. Next to each narrowed gaze, write a new positive statement. For example: I don't see a way to make good money. There are many ways to make good money.

Build one or two new beliefs each month.

Rooting.No matter how enthusiastic a person may be from a new idea, if he cannot or does not want to go beyond this initial enthusiasm, he will inevitably return back to his previous state from which he began.

To get an idea ingrained in your brain, combine affirmation with reflection. It takes one to three months for the effect of a new belief to take root in the brain.

13. Self-esteem. Our self-esteem consists of a mental representation of all the concepts that have formed over the years. We created it ourselves, and therefore we can change and remake it.

Take yourself seriously.
1. You are unique. Rejoice at the thought that you live on earth and that you are good as you are. Hold on to the dignity you deserve and put yourself in an advantageous position.

2. You can do whatever you want. You can go to any country .. Learn a foreign language .. Start your own business .. Learn to play musical instruments .. Learn a new profession.

3. You have unlimited power over yourself.

4. How do you think of yourself - so you will become.
Timid thoughts create a timid person. Confident thoughts - confident. Purposeful - purposeful. Unfeasible - Impractical. Enthusiastic thoughts - energetic. Tenderness gives birth to a loving person.

You are responsible for creating and maintaining your relationship with yourself. Be grateful to yourself. Imagine, develop and confirm your positive qualities in your mind.

5. Love yourself... Follow the principle: "I am good the way I am"; realize that you don't need to be someone else. The paradox is that by accepting yourself as you are, you can easily change and become different.

6. Overconfidence.The only thing to consider is how you think now and how you will act in the future. So, everything is in your hands.

14. Creative inclinations.
Creatively thinking people think of themselves as creative individuals, while people with less developed inclinations think that they are unable to create.

Strategies to improve your life ..

1. Be an explorer. Pioneers are not afraid to remain anonymous. They understand that success and happiness lie not in imitating others, but in creating their own path. Such people are always ahead, always alert.

2. Ask questions. Searching for answers to questions, striving for knowledge -
essential components of human development. Don't take anything for granted ..
The question that was not asked is stupid.

Why do I limit myself in some way? I wonder what will happen if you make an offer to this person / client / company? What happens if I stop watching TV? What happens if we sell our house and move to Mexico?

3. Have a bunch of ideas. If you have only one thought, only one solution to a problem, then you have only one course of action. ..Yes, it will work, but it may exist
best answer ..

4. Break the rules - Break habits - the most reasonable way to self-improvement.

5. Let your imagination work.Our imaginations don't fit into the real world. It is limitless. Whatever you intend, you can achieve it.

6. Fill the well - you must take care of yourself, learn to calculate your strength and consciously replenish resources .. Buddhist wisdom says: "If you keep the bow taut all the time, it will break."

Fill the well - means to think fun, and not standard. Do something completely different, original, stimulating. And if you feel a little guilty about such a pastime, just remind yourself that YOU are filling the well.

15. No problems, just opportunities. Nothing happens by accident. We are a part of the Universe that always sends us certain signs and signals, often in the form of problems. Our difficulties are pointers to read.

Learn to turn every situation into an opportunity - Learn to look at your stresses and problems as prospects and opportunities, rather than responsibilities or obstacles.

The founding director of a large, successful investment company shared the secret of hiring top performers: “We do not hire any
graduate until he suffers at least one major defeat in life, We
believe that as a result, such people become more obligatory and
decisive. Failures promote personal growth. "

16. Heal yourself . The body is a self-healing mechanism. All this happens automatically, without your participation. Your body knows exactly how to fix itself.

Your attitude is extremely important.The mind is paralyzed by fear, and the more serious the illness, the greater the fear. The problem also lies in the fact that we see our disease as an alien object or "being", and not as a process. Which began, and then
will stop. "

Laughter and joy can heal. Studies have shown that stressful mental states such as greed, anxiety, anxiety and fear interfere with the functioning of the immune system.

Recent medical research on humor and health has shown that the laughing person releases two important types of hormones from the brain - enkephalins and endorphins - that help relieve pain, tension and depression.

Each person is purely individual. If you believe, listen to the song "Handsome Boy" performed by the Christmas tree and believe that the song is about your future Son / brother / future husband, so it is .. What do you believe in?

17 Consciousness of a successful person. Develop a belief in success ..

Belief 1.This. The world is full of riches... Wherever you look, the mind of a lucky person sees abundance everywhere. Likewise, there are opportunities everywhere in the market, you just need to focus to see them.

And if there is a lack of opportunities somewhere, then only in your head.

Loser Consciousness believes that each person competes with others in the fight for
achieving the same goals and that there are too few opportunities around, or
that there is always not enough money and everything is so expensive.

Belief 2.Life brings joy and satisfaction. Loser Consciousnessi am sure that life is hard and full of problems. It is confident that it will have to work hard to
get something.

appreciates life and knows that each new challenge brings more reward, new adventures and pleasure. Life is full, rich and generous, and new experiences and success await you around every corner.

Belief 3. Every aspect of my life contains unlimited possibilities. For loser consciousnessthe situation is always hopeless, and there is no point in even trying to do something.

Consciousness of a lucky man believes that every aspect of your life contains a huge number of possibilities, just enormous!

Believing that every aspect of your life contains a vast array of possibilities,
you will actively search for them. Think about it!

Belief 4. My success depends only on myself. The loser's mind believesthat having a lot of money is bad, that you should have just enough money to meet your basic needs. And if you have at least a little more of them, then you are taking money from other people.

Consciousness of a lucky man i'm sure the more money you make, the more opportunities you have to help other people, especially financially.

Seek and find abundance in the present ..Don't expect money to come to you on its own until you are feeling lucky. Feel lucky now! Find an area in your life where you can feel abundance.

Rest assured that success is everywhere .. Walk out into the city center and look at the huge office buildings around. Think about the success of at least one of these buildings. You can be sure that the architect who designed the building received a fairly large sum for this. The contractor who built the house also got a little rich. The owners of this building are undoubtedly wealthy and successful people. The people who rent spacious offices there must also be doing quite well. This building alone contains so much success, but you can multiply this success by the number of similar buildings in your city ..

Never be jealous of someone else's success. Recognize it and be glad - this is proof that it is possible at all.

Listen to cassettes and read books on self-help ..

Constantly associate yourself with successful people, both real and imaginary. If you want to become a filmmaker, associate yourself with other filmmakers. If you want to be successful, find a group of successful people.

The energy of success is constantly absorbed into you when you are in such a society.

It is your duty to succeed .. It should be deeply realized that by achieving your goals in this life, you make not only yourself happy, but also help others to fight for their own success .. The more successful the economy develops, the more opportunities exist for everyone.

Your success will help many, your failure will not help anyone.

18. Our relationship. Personal relationships are as important as the air we breathe. This interaction touches and enriches us at the deepest levels.

As we become more honest, people respond in kind and accept us for who we are.

Every man is a star -inimitable, unique and deserves respect. Your support can be a turning point in someone's life, so don't let the person’s appearance dazzle you and see his greatness behind it. Look for the best in every person by believing in him.

Treat each other with care, because we are all human.When you change your attitude towards people, they begin to treat you differently. In relationships, as in everything else, we get what we believe in, what we think, what we expect. Changing relationships means changing yourself.

Attract the attitude you deserve.Giving people strength and confidence is a very special and very personal way of touching other people's lives.

The more we love ourselves, the more we can love others. Thoughts of love and kindness make people free. Kind words and support inspire them. Recognition makes people stronger. Making people believe they are special, wanted, and needed by you will support them and give them confidence.

Changing relationships means changing yourself. The road to changing our relationships is the road to change and growth. There will be risks, mistakes, something new for you.

19. Train hard and the result can exceed all your expectations. The power of thinking does not come simply by magic. You should be prepared to devote as much time to this activity as it takes.

Continuous practice requires constant practice.

Conclusion.Nobody works without thinking about reward.

Only a clear understanding of what we can do and what we can become stimulates us to regularly work on creating a new reality.

It takes no less time to fully understand a majestic and beautiful thought than to generate it.
Jean Hubert

Many people have a misconception about what concentration is. For them, it is associated with hard work and not always pleasant memories of school. This is how they convince themselves that it is difficult to concentrate. However, if you have ever experienced the joy of watching a movie or listening to a concert, you will agree that concentration comes naturally when you are immersed in activities that bring you pleasure.
Concentration does not require superhuman effort, but practice. It is a skill that can be learned and developed. As with most skills, the more you use it, the more accomplishment it becomes. By the way, as you develop concentration, you will notice that you have not only become better at controlling your thoughts, but also have gained greater clarity of mind.
The ability to concentrate and focus your brain on a particular idea or thought is the key to the successful use of brain power. Unfortunately, if you have never trained your brain, you will find that it is quite uncontrollable and constantly jumps from thought to thought. This is the first thing that a person notices when starting to train his brain. The human brain is more volatile than most people realize. It takes a lot of effort to manage it. This is what you must master: get the brain to generate thoughts at will and discard thoughts that you do not need. As long as a person obeys his every thought, allowing her to carry him away in an unknown direction, he will remain captive to his fantasies, worries, desires. Every thought has power over a person. By learning to concentrate, we establish control over our thoughts. Strengthening the brain through various concentration techniques disciplines it. And this, in turn, allows us to be selective about our thoughts.
Developing concentration is akin to developing and strengthening muscles. After abandoning classes in the gym, you will find that the first workout will be very tiring and unpleasant. But, continuing to practice every day or every other day according to a certain program, you will soon find how pleasant and exciting it is. In addition, your well-being will improve, your stamina will increase and your overall physical condition will improve. The same thing happens when you work in the "gym" of your brain. Your brain is not disciplined, so the first attempts to concentrate will be met with resistance and, naturally, will not be as productive as if you had been doing mental training for a while. Keep this in mind and don't be discouraged if this happens to you the first few times. Be patient and give yourself time to learn this new skill. Only constant training will give positive results, and the results will certainly be, I assure you.


Reflection is the only technique that I find most appropriate for developing concentration skills. They will not only help you hone your mind, but they will also allow you to gain a deeper understanding of any problem being studied. Reflection exercises are an integral part of our studies.
Whatever the problem, thinking, we break through the ideas, truths and laws lying on the surface in order to comprehend the deepest hidden meaning. This is how the greatest artists, inventors, mystics and clairvoyants throughout the history of mankind drew their knowledge. Without deep reflection, it is impossible to lift the veil of secrecy over many phenomena, so most people have only a superficial idea of \u200b\u200bthe reality around them. How often we deceive ourselves into thinking that we know everything about the subject by providing facts and making logical arguments!
It is possible that we know something, but this “something” may be only a small part of the whole picture, and, of course, we do not know everything.
Let me give you one example. What is the difference between a tomato plucked still very small and green from a fruit that was allowed to ripen and become full of juice? After eating an unripe tomato, you can claim to have learned the taste of tomatoes, and you will be partly correct in claiming that they are bitter and tasteless: this follows from your experience. But here you are trying a juicy ripe tomato and see that you were mistaken before. Your knowledge of tomatoes has expanded significantly as you have now tried both varieties and know the difference. The potential of the green tomato was hidden from you at first. Likewise, after reading this book once, you can claim that you now know how brain power works, and this is true: you have a basic understanding of this problem. But it is much more important not just to read the book, but to practically try the techniques described in it. Having learned this, you will have more opportunities to comprehend the secrets of the powers of the brain than a person armed only with theoretical knowledge. Only thinking about the problem allows you to understand it deeper.

How to meditate

As we meditate, we use our brain like a flashlight beam to find the information we need. Reflection is about taking an idea, thought, or truth and probing it deeply. This disciplines the brain, training it to constantly focus on the subject of thought, while you repeatedly revise and reflect on the content of the problem, establishing hidden relationships and discovering previously unnoticed connections.
You can reflect on what inspires you or what you want to understand more deeply. Let's say you want to ponder the claim that thoughts have real power. Using a watch for control (I recommend doing the reflection exercises for at least five and no more than ten minutes), begin to focus on the fact that "thoughts have real power." Completely dissolve in this statement, deeply immersed in thoughts about it. Ask yourself questions like: "What does this mean?", "What does this mean?", How might this affect me? "," Can I benefit from this? " Reflect on this for the allotted time, not letting your brain slip away from the desired thoughts.
If your thought is constantly wandering while thinking, and it will be necessary, gently, but confidently return it to the subject of thinking. In the initial phase of the reflection exercises, your thought will evade the subject ten twenty times in a five-minute period. During the exercise, a completely abstract thought may occur to you. Memories from the past, thoughts about things that have not been done, as well as various desires, worries and fantasies will arise in the brain against will, trying to disperse your attention. Don't let them distract you from the main task. Realizing that your brain is busy with unnecessary thoughts, forget about them, I continue to think from the moment you stopped. Your brain is not yet disciplined and used to this kind of work. It is easier for him to think about anything and concentrate on what he likes best. Soon he will get bored, deciding that there is nothing more to think about; thoughts will become restless. Do not pay attention to these feelings, but just return him to the main topic of reflection, constantly reminding him of the set time limit. This is truly great gymnastics for the mind. Now you can direct and control your brain, not you.
If you continue to do this exercise for several days and weeks, two things will happen. Firstly, by accustoming your brain to discipline and training it in this way, you will develop the ability to concentrate, become more active and creative. Secondly, your, until this moment, a limited logical understanding of what you are thinking about, will become much deeper You will find that as you meditate, you will sometimes have a feeling of joyful excitement and enlightenment, as if the truth has opened to you.When meditating, it is a good idea to always have a pencil and paper handy to jot down new thoughts and ideas that come to your mind You will find that you are now perceiving ideas on a sensory level, which is much more effective than simple logical thinking, so you can explore the problem more deeply.
Latent brain power can be developed through exercise; the ability to think correctly and effectively comes with practice. Start developing your ability to concentrate today by practicing reflection. You can start by contemplating that you have a powerful subconscious mind, or that thoughts affect reality, or with many other principles that can completely change your life, which are contained in this book. But whatever the subject of your thoughts, you will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Have you ever walked in the woods with a bird-savvy person? He will notice ten birds, while you will see only one. His eye is already trained, and he knows what he is looking for. With constant practice, his hearing became sharper. The same happens with intuition. Watch closely and listen to what is happening within you. At first, you may be missing most of what your intuition tells you, but you will soon learn to hear it. It's much easier than you think. All that is required of you is a little practice and faith.

Very often, intuitive ideas come to us in our dreams. Dr. Frederick Bunting, a brilliant Canadian physician, discovered the chemistry of insulin in his sleep. He dreamed exactly all the steps that had to be taken to discover the formula that had eluded him for so long. The inventor of the sewing machine, Elias Howe, worked on her project for many years, but to complete his creation he was left with one small detail that he could not think of. One night he dreamed that he was surrounded by savages who pointed strange spears at him - at the end of each spear there was a hole. Howe woke up with a firm decision - to make an eyelet on the end of the needle! This little detail was the key to the invention of the sewing machine.

The subconscious mind can suggest solutions every time in different ways, but you will always feel that you are receiving intuitive information on the quality of ideas, as well as on the feeling that arises. Joy, confidence and an overwhelming feeling: "This is it!" - it is these sensations that distinguish intuitive ideas from other thoughts arising in your brain,


A certain attitude and type of behavior will contribute to the development of intuition, so it is worth cultivating them. There are many ways in which you can convey to the subconscious what is required of it and get what you want. By accepting the existence of intuition and believing in its power, you will create the preconditions for its work. Learning to think of intuition as a natural and beneficial part of everyday life is sure to show itself. But thoughts such as “I will never solve this problem” or “I will never find an answer to this question signal to intuition that there is no need to worry. Positive thoughts and the conviction that you deserve not just an answer, but the best answer, propels your intuition towards positive action.

Do not be shy. Boldly tell your subconscious mind that its wisdom, knowledge and power guide and lead you. At night, I talk to my subconscious the way I would talk to my friend. I tell him (while repeating this to myself) that it is omnipotent and has access to "absolute knowledge." I confidently explain to him what it has to do for me. Then I calmly fall asleep in complete confidence that everything will be done. This is always the case.

Here's a statement you should try too:

"My subconscious is my partner in achieving success."

Breaking this statement apart, you will notice that it has three key elements:

1. "My subconscious ... ”By affirming this, you acknowledge the fact of the existence of the subconscious. You acknowledge and accept your "invisible partner" as real. Once again you remind yourself of its existence. Do not be afraid, it is impossible to overdo it with such reminders.

2. “… my partner…” A partner is someone who works hand in hand with you to achieve a common goal, someone who shares with you all the hardships of this work, while each of you solves his own circle of problems. Why not let your subconscious mind do what it does best — provide you with accurate information, ideas, and answers? In any situation, you are not alone and are not left to fend for themselves, because you can always count on your subconscious. It provides you with ideas and is a source of positive action.

3. “… in achieving success”. The word “success” is a powerful statement that expresses everything that you would like to achieve in work, relationships with people, and in life in general. The mere repetition of this statement will vibrate energy that will help you achieve your goal.


Sometimes you have to make a decision quickly - you can't wait a week, you need to decide something today. If you have an urgent decision, try this trick:

Relax your entire body by taking a few deep breaths or circular movements with your shoulders. Feel calm and relaxed. Calm your brain, and then confidently say to yourself ten times, "I always make the right decisions." Feel the power of words. Speak confidently. After saying the phrase for the last time, make a decision immediately. Thus, you will avoid logical reasoning and get the answer from the subconscious. The first thing that comes to your mind will be your decision.

Sometimes it is helpful to avoid logical reasoning. It is impossible to live by obeying only the laws of logic: our life is full of paradoxes and mysteries. That is why it is important to trust your subconscious mind, feelings and premonitions. In doing so, a person becomes closer to the truth than when dogmatically trying to remain within the framework of limited rational thinking.

Unfortunately, the school does not teach you to listen to your intuition. Instead, children are taught to select and decipher accumulations of knowledge. However, it is easy to see that in real life, even after you collect all the information you need, there is a gap that is not easy to fill. Here intuition should come to the rescue, which will prompt the final decision.

The quality of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. How many times have you tried in vain to find a solution or an answer in your head, passing through the same information over and over again in the hope that you just missed something? You could not find the answer, because, referring only to consciousness, you greatly limited the range of possible solutions. Trying old ideas, you have been marking time for years, wearing a blindfold over your eyes and with one hand tied behind your back. No wonder you couldn't achieve what you wanted. The subconscious is replete with new ideas, solutions and answers. Don't limit yourself. Open this treasury and take everything new, dynamic, original and full of life. These ideas and solutions exist inside in right now.

Once you realize the omnipotent power of the subconscious, you will never again be short of ideas. Your mind and intuition will constantly focus on finding the information you need. As the Upanishads say: "All exists inside ”.


Dreams will show you where you are and where you are going. They will reveal your destiny to you.

Dreams have interested humanity since time immemorial. The oldest interpretations of dreams, written on clay tablets, can be found in the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, dating back to 3000 BC. Today it is known that the ancient Greeks and Egyptians practiced “dream-evoking” in temples and sanctuaries intended for healing. The Bible tells of many people who were guided by dreams in their lives. Joseph predicted seven years of prosperity to Pharaoh, followed by seven years of need, correctly interpreting his dream. Among the Aztecs in the hierarchy of gods, the most important is the deity who commands dreams. North American Indians have special dream rooms where tribal elders interpret the dreams they dreamed during the rituals and make various decisions in accordance with this.

Until recently, most people in modern society did not consider this aspect of the human psyche to be important, depriving themselves of the connection with their own inner world. Fortunately, now the situation is changing, and more and more people are trying to master this source of understanding of their own "I". Dreams are most interesting because they mix the conscious and unconscious, when the images of everyday life collide with the hidden wisdom of the subconscious.

Many scientists first dreamed about solving the problems they were working on, and only then consciously developed them. Einstein dreamed that he was riding a beam of light long before he discovered the theory of relativity. Many artists, businessmen, researchers, and people from a wide variety of professions find creative solutions in their dreams. There is enough evidence today to convince even the biggest skeptics that dreams are not just mindless delirium.

In the previous chapter, I talked about Dr. Bunting and Elias Howe, who made their revolutionary discoveries with the help of dreams. Let me give you another compelling example.

Nobel laureate Dr. James Watson discovered the mysterious properties of the DNA molecule through a dream he had one night. For many years he tried unsuccessfully to decipher the molecular structure of DNA. One night he dreamed of two snakes that wrapped around each other. He instantly woke up and exclaimed: “Maybe this is what I'm looking for? Maybe DNA is a double helix twisted around itself? " This form no longer exists in nature. He tested this hypothesis, thus solving the mystery of the genetic code, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Dreams are the forgotten language of the human race. The strange symbols and allegories they contain are full of hidden meaning, you just need to learn to understand them. Having been engaged in the interpretation of my own dreams for many years and having analyzed a huge number of dreams during this time, I can say with confidence that the higher mind speaks to us through dreams. Dreams show where we are right and where we are not, pointing to the hidden cause of inner disharmony or emotional breakdown. They reveal the deepest meaning of human life, explaining many phenomena. Dreams show a person how to follow their destiny and realize the potential of life hidden in each of us. We dream an average of five to seven times a night. This will surprise some: there are people who think they rarely dream. In fact, every person sees dreams every night, regardless of whether he remembers them later or not. This can be accurately ascertained as “rapid eye movements” occur during sleep. Having fixed this phenomenon, physiologists determine exactly how often a person sees dreams. Babies dream 50 percent of the time they sleep; premature babies - 70 percent, we more often see dreams if the previous day was filled with experiences, active study, new events. Consequently, dreams help a person adapt to the changes in his life.


1. Tell your brain before going to bed: "Today I will have dreams, and I will remember them." Repeat this to yourself about twenty times. You might even guess what you would like to dream about, which area to explore, but remember that dreams arise according to their own program. The body knows better what a person wants to understand at the moment.

2. Place a piece of paper and a pencil next to your bed. This is not only practical but also symbolic. This will demonstrate your desire to delve into the meaning of your dreams. Your attitude towards your dreams will determine their attitude towards you. When preparing to understand dreams, you must first of all respect and recognize them, then you will dream of dreams much more often.

3. When you wake up, do not jump out of bed at the moment when consciousness slowly returns to you. This intermediate time between sleep and wakefulness is very important. This is a cleft between two worlds. Perhaps there is still a fragment of a dream hovering around somewhere? If so, watch it like a hunting dog watching its prey. Try to restore it bit by bit. Replay the dream in your mind several times, adding a new detail each time, until you have restored almost all of the dream. Now stand up and record your sleep failure, adding details that will pop into your memory as you record. When the dream is recorded, you can immediately start interpreting it or postpone it for later.


In the interpretation of dreams, deep interest plays a greater role than idle curiosity. Imagine that you are a pioneer or archaeologist excavating an ancient settlement. The interpretation of dreams is in many ways akin to archaeological excavations. You need to not only find the relics, but also explain what they are and what they mean.

The dreams that were described in this and the previous chapters are interpreted very simply. I have brought them in to show how sleep can direct human activity. However, such dreams are an exception. Ninety percent of your dreams seem completely meaningless, or extremely difficult to explain. They seem like nonsense, a message in a foreign language that you don't know. However, if you really want to understand your dreams and know some of the clues to their interpretation, they will open up to you in a new unknown world.

Symbols and allegories are used to convey the message in dreams. Symbols tell our intuition what words to think about. The language of dreams belongs more to the field of poetry or art than linguistics. There is an interesting hypothesis that dreams use symbols, not linguistic signs, because this part of human consciousness arose earlier than language.

Dreams are messages that the subconscious mind sends to you, so they carry information about your inner world. Dreams are always associated with a specific person, showing where he is having difficulty. what he is trying to avoid, what he lacks, what he does not notice and what he needs to do. 95 percent of your sleep time, all the characters, monsters, and monsters in your dreams reflect certain aspects of real life. Before you start interpreting dreams, you should understand that all the characters in the dream are you (unless it is obvious that the dream character is your child, relative, work colleague, etc., but even then they are often just a reflection of you).

Consider, for example, a dream where a burglar sneaks into your house intending to kidnap your children and harm them. You are trying to resist the robber, and as a result, a life-and-death struggle flares up. You wake up.

Explaining this dream subjectively, first of all, we can say that you are acting in it to two persons - in the role of a robber and in the role of your own person. Ask yourself this question: What part of my self is harming children? Maybe you work too hard and don't have any time for them? Perhaps, by staying at work for a long time, you steal from children, depriving them of your society.

This dream can be interpreted in another way: perhaps children are an innocent and carefree part of your "I", while in this dream you yourself symbolize everything that is serious and logical in you. Maybe the “adult” in you suppresses your naturalness and spontaneity? It is likely that this dream tells you that by living this way you are losing something. Got it?

Try to avoid interpreting dreams too literally. Let's say you dream that you are driving a racing car down a mountain serpentine road at ninety miles per hour. You lose control, crash and crash. Does this mean that you will soon die in a car accident? Very unlikely. Most likely, something not so literal is communicated about you in this dream. Maybe you lose control of your life? Where do you need to slow down? Perhaps a dream warns that if you do not slow down. then you will “crash”, that is, you will get sick, lose something valuable, or distance yourself from someone who is dear to you. Death in a dream often means a change, a transition to another state, the end of one stage in your life and the beginning of a new one. Are you being pointed to change? Perhaps they will happen too quickly. Is this explanation right for you?

Nightmares are an attempt by your subconscious mind to shock you, to make you pay attention to some aspect of your life. The subconscious mind seems to be telling you: “Look here. This is urgent. " Likewise, recurring dreams are messages that try to reach you. If you interpret them correctly, they will disappear. They repeat over and over again because you misinterpret them.

Here are some tips to help you interpret your dreams:

Title your dream. The headline can be completely meaningless, it is important that your intuition works. This heading can serve as a clue to the interpretation of the dream.

To show how this technique works, I will give the following example. Many years ago I was looking to invest in a venture that seemed very reliable. Shortly before we were about to close the deal, I had a dream that one of the participants was walking a skunk on a leash. I asked him; "Why are you walking a skunk?" He just shrugged, as if he thought it was perfectly normal. When I woke up, I tried to grasp the meaning of this dream. I came up with a name for it - "Something stinks." As a result, I decided not to invest in that venture. From the outside, it seemed that I had missed a truly unique opportunity, but two years later, all participants in this deal went bankrupt. By listening to my own dream, I saved my money.

Immediately after waking up, go back to sleep and talk to his characters. Find a secluded spot where no one will disturb you for five to ten minutes. With your eyes closed, mentally restore your sleep. Try to reproduce everything exactly - imagine the same events and the same characters. Bring yourself back to sleep. Let the events unfold, only this time you can react to them the way you want. For example, in the case of "a dream about a burglar breaking into your house to steal children, restore the events as you dreamed about them, but do not engage in a fight with the burglar, but try to talk to him. Ask him who he is, what wants why he does it. Now you can do it, because you are in control of sleep. You can talk to your children - Bass can be very surprised by their answers. This technique is simply irreplaceable if you want to figure it out.

Imagine your soy is a play, and analyze it for the following points:

1. Introduction. The decoration of the dream and the meaning of the problem raised in it.

2. Plot. Action, the course of events in your dream.

3. Conclusion. How does your dream end? Has the problem posed been resolved? What is behind this ending?

Studying sleep in this way, you may wonder what its main symbols are. What can they mean? What associations with the past do they evoke in me? What are they telling me?

Analyze also your emotional state at each moment of sleep: it contains the key to unraveling the meanings of symbols. Do you feel relief, terror, confidence, an extraordinary surge of energy? Maybe you dreamed that you witnessed a murder, but instead of being scared, you felt joy and excitement. When you wake up, you feel awkward for your feelings. The key to sleep is how you feel at the time of the murder. What part of your life needs to be changed (killed)? Will you feel joy and excitement if such a change occurs? What changes in your life might this dream indicate? Work out different versions.

Sometimes the meaning of a dream is revealed only after some time. It usually takes a few days or weeks for sleep to make sense, and sometimes that time isn't enough. But even if you did not manage to explain a dream (at first you will be able to explain only one dream out of four), the very fact of working with sleep will contribute to the growth and development of your subconscious mind. There are no efforts that would not be compensated for at one level or another. In the same way, one cannot deal with the interpretation of dreams only from the point of view of rational thinking: intuition is no less important here than logic.

Every dream, if remembered and correctly interpreted, will have a lasting effect. A person will be forever connected with him, and through him - with his inner world. When we find the correct explanation for a dream, it is as if there is a click inside us. We are talking:

"Yes, this is it." We feel energized. A correct understanding of sleep is very helpful, as a person experiences satisfaction and peace when he receives guidance from within. The interpretation of dreams is always a live dialogue with your own subconscious. Having acquired the skill of interpreting dreams, a person begins to understand that he has a connection with something powerful and unlimited within himself.


The future of man is in himself; it lives in him at this very moment.

Abraham Maslow

What is happening in your life at the moment is not just an accident, but the result of the work of your consciousness in the past. Your “today” is rooted in the past.

Let's consider this analogy: by looking at the sky and seeing the stars, you actually see their past, as some of these stars no longer exist. The stars are hundreds and thousands of light-years away from us, and light, which travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, reaches Earth only after hundreds and thousands of years. Thus, the light we observe from a distant star was emitted by it hundreds of years ago. This star could explode or die out twenty-five years ago, but we still see its light and will see it for another hundred years, although the star itself has long been gone.

When using the power of your brain, always remember this analogy, because by changing your thoughts, you will not immediately notice a change in the reality in which you live. There will always be a time period when you will develop a new consciousness, while continuing to live in the old reality.

This period of “waiting for what will happen” is very important: your behavior during this time will either speed up or slow down the onset of the new reality that you want to create. You may have doubts that change is taking place. You may feel frustrated thinking that you’re just wasting your time. Your brain will try to fool you by whispering that nothing will happen, that everything is useless. Such thoughts are quite natural and arise in each of us. Do not pay attention to them, but just be patient and diligent and continue what you started. It should be remembered that reality is a process, not something stable and unchanging.

Everything that exists is in a state of constant transformation into something else. The circumstances of your life are also changing all the time, turning into others, so if you constantly repeat thoughts to yourself, they simply cannot but create a new reality, It is worth thinking about it.

Relax and enjoy these exercises, ignoring any negative thoughts. Everything has its time, and gradually your life will begin to change naturally and painlessly. You shouldn't force this process.


1. Always be aware of what you are thinking. Today's thoughts create your future.

2. Change your attitude to any troubles in life. If you are not moving up the corporate ladder, your personal life is not going well, you are sick, unemployed, or all circumstances are turning against you, take it for granted. Don't try to tell yourself that it isn't. This is true. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself or opposing circumstances;

fight them with your brain power.

3. Define a daily “building period” for yourself, free from everyday worries. This is the time when you will receive the necessary charge of energy.

Once I called a company and asked to provide me with the information I needed to work. The woman I spoke to asked me to call back in half an hour, saying: “Sorry, but now we cannot get information from the computer, programs are running on it. Hanging up, I thought, “This is how we use the power of the brain. By executing a mental program, we close our brain to all external stimuli and run the program over and over again. ”


Imagine an eyedropper filled with red paint. Every day, you drip one drop into a large container of water. At first you will not notice any effect: the paint will quickly dissolve and be absorbed by the water. However, as you continue to drip a drop per day, you will see the water turn pale pink, then pink, until it finally turns into a rich red solution.

When creating a new reality, your daily “creation period” acts as a “dropper”, when “you disconnect from your daily worries, difficulties and reality, which you are living in the moment. This period can last from five to thirty minutes, depending on By applying the techniques you learn regularly, you will soon notice an ever-increasing effect, those who do it half-heartedly will quickly fail, and those who work hard will not be impossible.

Will you be able to believe that you have foresight in the sense that you can be stronger and rise above the circumstances?

Are you ready every day, without missing a single day, to strengthen your thoughts about the reality that you would like to create for yourself?

Will you persist in your daily activities and believe in their success, even if outwardly nothing changes in your life?

If so, you will get whatever you want. You boldly step into this world, and it will fulfill any of your requests.


It takes no less time to fully understand a majestic and beautiful thought than to generate it.

Jean Hubert

Many people have a misconception about what concentration is. For them, it is associated with hard work and not always pleasant memories of school. This is how they convince themselves that it is difficult to concentrate. However, if you have ever experienced the joy of watching a movie or listening to a concert, you will agree that concentration comes naturally when you are immersed in activities that bring you pleasure.

Concentration does not require superhuman effort, but practice. It is a skill that can be learned and developed. As with most skills, the more you use it, the more accomplishment it becomes. By the way, as you develop concentration, you will notice that you have not only become better at controlling your thoughts, but also have gained greater clarity of mind.

The ability to concentrate and focus your brain on a particular idea or thought is the key to the successful use of brain power. Unfortunately, if you have never trained your brain, you will find that it is quite uncontrollable and constantly jumps from thought to thought. This is the first thing that a person notices when starting to train his brain. The human brain is more volatile than most people realize. It takes a lot of effort to manage it. This is what you must master: get the brain to generate thoughts at will and discard thoughts that you do not need. As long as a person obeys his every thought, allowing her to carry him away in an unknown direction, he will remain captive to his fantasies, worries, desires. Every thought has power over a person. By learning to concentrate, we establish control over our thoughts. Strengthening the brain through various concentration techniques disciplines it. And this, in turn, allows us to be selective about our thoughts.

Developing concentration is akin to developing and strengthening muscles. After abandoning classes in the gym, you will find that the first workout will be very tiring and unpleasant. But, continuing to practice every day or every other day according to a certain program, you will soon find how pleasant and exciting it is. In addition, your well-being will improve, your stamina will increase and your overall physical condition will improve. The same thing happens when you work in the "gym" of your brain. Your brain is not disciplined, so the first attempts to concentrate will be met with resistance and, naturally, will not be as productive as if you had been doing mental training for a while. Keep this in mind and don't be discouraged if this happens to you the first few times. Be patient and give yourself time to learn this new skill. Only constant training will give positive results, and the results will certainly be, I assure you.


Reflection is the only technique that I find most appropriate for developing concentration skills. They will not only help you hone your mind, but they will also allow you to gain a deeper understanding of any problem being studied. Reflection exercises are an integral part of our studies.

Whatever the problem, thinking, we break through the ideas, truths and laws lying on the surface in order to comprehend the deepest hidden meaning. This is how the greatest artists, inventors, mystics and clairvoyants throughout the history of mankind drew their knowledge. Without deep reflection, it is impossible to lift the veil of secrecy over many phenomena, so most people have only a superficial idea of \u200b\u200bthe reality around them. How often we deceive ourselves into thinking that we know everything about the subject by providing facts and making logical arguments!

We may know something, but this “something” may be only a small part of the whole picture, and, of course, we do not know everything.

Let me give you one example. What is the difference between a tomato plucked still very small and green from a fruit that was allowed to ripen and become full of juice? After eating an unripe tomato, you can claim to have learned the taste of tomatoes, and you will be partly correct in claiming that they are bitter and tasteless: this follows from your experience. But here you are trying a juicy ripe tomato and see that you were mistaken before. Your knowledge of tomatoes has expanded significantly as you have now tried both varieties and know the difference. The potential of the green tomato was hidden from you at first. Likewise, after reading this book once, you can claim that you now know how brain power works, and this is true: you have a basic understanding of this problem. But it is much more important not just to read the book, but to practically try the techniques described in it. Having learned this, you will have more opportunities to comprehend the secrets of the powers of the brain than a person armed only with theoretical knowledge. Only thinking about the problem allows deeper her comprehend.

How to meditate

As we meditate, we use our brain like a flashlight beam to find the information we need. Reflection is about taking an idea, thought, or truth and probing it deeply. This disciplines the brain, training it to constantly focus on the subject of thought, while you repeatedly revise and reflect on the content of the problem, establishing hidden relationships and discovering previously unnoticed connections.

You can reflect on what inspires you or what you want to understand more deeply. Let's say you want to ponder the claim that thoughts have real power. Using a watch for control (I recommend doing the reflection exercises for at least five and no more than ten minutes), begin to focus on the fact that "thoughts have real power." Completely dissolve in this statement, deeply immersed in thoughts about it. Ask yourself questions like: "What does this mean?", "What does this mean?", How might this affect me? "," Can I benefit from this? " Reflect on this for the allotted time, not letting your brain slip away from the desired thoughts.

If your thought is constantly wandering while thinking, and it will be necessary, gently, but confidently return it to the subject of thinking. In the initial phase of the reflection exercises, your thought will evade the subject ten to twenty times in a five minute period. During the exercise, a completely abstract thought may occur to you. Memories from the past, thoughts about things that have not been done, as well as various desires, worries and fantasies will arise in the brain against will, trying to disperse your attention. Don't let them distract you from the main task. Realizing that your brain is busy with unnecessary thoughts, forget about them, I continue to think from the moment you stopped. Your brain is not yet disciplined and used to this kind of work. It is easier for him to think about anything and concentrate on what he likes best. Soon he will get bored, deciding that there is nothing more to think about; thoughts will become restless. Do not pay attention to these feelings, but just return him to the main topic of reflection, constantly reminding him of the set time limit. This is truly great gymnastics for the mind. Now you can direct and control your brain, not you.

If you continue to do this exercise for several days and weeks, two things will happen. Firstly, by accustoming your brain to discipline and training it in this way, you will develop the ability to concentrate, become more active and creative. Secondly, your, until this moment, a limited logical understanding of what you are thinking about will become You will find that as you meditate, you will sometimes feel a sense of joyful excitement and enlightenment, as if the truth has opened up to you. You will find that you are now perceiving ideas on a sensory level, which is much more effective than simple logical thinking, so you can explore the problem more deeply.

Latent brain power can be developed through exercise; the ability to think correctly and effectively comes with practice. Start developing your ability to concentrate today by practicing reflection. You can start by contemplating that you have a powerful subconscious mind, or that thoughts affect reality, or with many other principles that can completely change your life, which are contained in this book. But whatever the subject of your thoughts, you will be rewarded a hundredfold.


All truly wise thoughts have been pondered thousands of times, but in order for them to become truly yours, you need to honestly ponder them over and over until they take root in your brain.


There is no area in our life regarding which a person would not have certain views and beliefs, many of which are developed in early childhood and sweep through life. We seldom doubt the already formed views. Naturally, we consider them correct, otherwise why do we need them at all? If we are sure that making money is not easy, it is only because money actually not easy to make money. A person considers himself worthless - so it is there is actually. If it seems to us that life does not bode well, it really does not bode well. We can question almost any aspect of life, but a person will be the last to challenge their own beliefs.