Electrical field and its power characteristics tension. Electrical field, its power characteristic, tension

Electric field - This is a material environment transmitting interaction electrical charges In accordance with the Culon law. The electric field is valid only on electrical charges and can be studied using a test charge - a small largest positive charge so that it distorts the field under study as little as possible. The force acting on the trial charge is proportional to the magnitude of this test charge.

The proportionality coefficient serves as a power characteristic of the field at this point and is called electric field tension. Tension vector magnitude, the vector of tension is directed there and the vector of force. Tension is measured by the power of active on a single trial charge, placed at this point of the field, it can be found according to the law of the coulon:

Here q. - the charge of the field, r. - distance from this point of the field to charge; If the charge is distributed on the surface of the ball, then r. - The distance from this point of the field to the center of the ball, and there is no field inside the ball and the tension is zero. If the field is created by several charges, the tension in any point is equal to the geometric sum of the intensity created at this point by each charge separately.

Tension lines, homogeneous field.

You can depict an electrical field using tension vectors, but not always convenient. Faraday offered to portray an electric field using silest lines or tension lines.

These are such lines on the tangent to each point of which tension vectors are located. Thread lines are considered directed where tension vectors indicate. Graphically depicting a field should be remembered:

1. The line of tension does not intersect anywhere;

2. Start lines on positive charges or in infinity, and end on negative or in infinity;

Between charges nowhere is not interrupted.

In the calculations, it is conventionally believed that through the unit of the area perpendicular lines passes the number of lines equal tension, in the place where this surface is located. Electric field, vector of tension in all points of which is the same in size and direction called uniform. Thread lines uniform field Parallel and are located at the same distances from each other. A homogeneous is a field between two different charged plates if the dimensions of the plates are greater compared to the distance between them.

Tasks for block 6

1. Two equal positive charges are at a distance of 10 cm from each other and repel with the force of 1000 N. Determine the magnitude of each charge.


r.\u003d 10 cm \u003d 10 × 10 -2 m

F. \u003d 1000 H \u003d 10 3


q 1 \u003d Q 2 \u003d Q - ?


If the environment is not specified, then it should be assumed that charges are in the air or in vacuo: e \u003d.1. We write the formula of the Culon law, taking into account that q 1 \u003d Q 2 \u003d Q; From

Substitute meanings:

Answer: 3.3 × 10 -5 CL

Actions on the dimensions:

2. The core of which atom has an electrical charge equal to 1,312 × 10 -17 cl.


q. \u003d 1,312 × 10 -17 to

e.\u003d 1,660 × 10 -19 CL


Find how much elementary charges Contains this kernel

The desired element takes 82 place in the Mendeleev table, it means that this lead.

3. At a charge of 4 × 10 -8 CL at some point of the electric field of another charge, the force of 0.03 N. Determine the strength of the second charge field at the point.


q. 1 \u003d 4 × 10 -8 CL

F. \u003d 0.03 N.


The force acting on the charge placed at this point of the field is proportional to the magnitude of this charge. The ratio of proportionality is power characteristic Fields at this point, i.e. Tension.

Answer:7.5 × 10 5 N / CL

4. Determine the electric field strength point charge 2.7 × 10 -6 CL at a distance of 10 cm. The charge is in water.


q. \u003d 2.7 × 10 -6 CL

r. \u003d 10 cm \u003d 0.1 m


Note: E. 0 - expressed by the fraction:

"Field potential" - Physical meaning Potential differences. On a closed trajectory work electrostatic field equal to 0. Energy characteristics electrostatic field. The tension inside the conductor \u003d 0, which means the difference of potentials inside \u003d 0. The value of the potential is considered relative to the selected zero level.

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"Electric field strength" - a unit of measurement of the voltage in the SI system: [u] \u003d 1 b 1 volt is equal electric tension On the section of the chain, where when the charge of the charge, equal to 1 CL, is performed, equal to 1 J: 1 V \u003d 1 J / 1 CL. The connection between the electric field strength and the potential is known, the power can be obtained from the potential field. potential energy From the ratio.

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"Electric field charge" - Electric field They call the type of matter through which the interaction of electrical charges occurs. In a homogeneous electrostatic field moves positive charge From point 1 to point 2 by different trajectories. Potential point charge. The law of the coulon.

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