Compatibility of drugs with each other. Testing drug interactions

  1. Green color - drugs are compatible
  2. Red color - medications are not compatible
  3. Yellow- you need to click on the yellow field and read the recommendation.

IMPORTANT! ALWAYS checked for compatibility active ingredient in the medicinerather than the name of the drug.

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ATTENTION! The compatibility table is given for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action, for all questions about the compatibility of drugs for therapy, you should consult with your doctor. We DO NOT ANSWER questions about the compatibility of drugs on therapy. Thank you for understanding.

Interaction of direct-acting inhibitors (HCV DAAs) and drugs used in cardiovascular diseases

Green: No clinically significant interaction identified
Yellow: dose and timing adjustments may be required, additional monitoring is needed
Red: drug sharing is prohibited

The table describes:
Interaction of drugs used in cardiovascular diseases: antiarrhythmic drugs (Amiodarone, Digoxin, Flecainide, Vernakalant), antiplatelet drugs and anticoagulants (Clopidogrel, Dabigatran, Warfarin), beta-blockers (Atenolol, Bisoprolol, Propranolol), calcium channel blockers (Amlodiadazipine), heart failure (Aliskiren, Candesartan, Doxazosin, Enalapril)

Interaction of direct-acting inhibitors (HCV DAAs) and immunosuppressants.
(Recommendations of the European Association for the Study of Liver Diseases)

The table describes:
Interaction of immunosuppressants:Azathioprine, Cyclosporine, Etanercept, Everolimus, Mycophenolate mofetil, Sirolimus, Tacrolimus and direct-acting antiviral drugs against hepatitis C: Simeprevir, Daclatasvir, Sofosbuvir, Ledipasvir, Vieira Pak combination (ombitasvir + paritaprevir + dasabuvir + ritonavir)
(Immunosuppressive drugs are used primarily in organ and tissue transplantation, such as kidney, heart, liver, lungs, bone marrow)

Interaction of direct-acting inhibitors (HCV DAAs) and antiretroviral drugs (Hepatitis C + HIV)
(Recommendations of the European Association for the Study of Liver Diseases)

The table describes:
Drug interactions for HIV antiretroviral therapy: Abacavir Abacavir, Didanosine Didanosine, Emtricitabine emtricitabine, Lamivudine Lamivudine, Stavudine stavudine, Tenofovir Tenofovir, Zidovudine zidovudine, Efavirenz efavirenz, Etravirine etravirine, Nevirapine nevirapine, Rilpivirine rilpivirine, Atazanavir Atazanavir, Atazanavir / ritonavir atazanavir / ritonavir, Darunavir / ritonavir darunavir / ritonavir, darunavir / cobicistat darunavir / cobicistat, Fosamprenavir fosamprenavir, Lopinavir lopinavir, Saquinavir saquinavir, Dolutegravir dolutegravir, Elvitegravir / cobicistat elvitegravir / cobicistat maraviroc, Maraviroc direct-acting antiviral drugs against hepatitis C:Simeprevir, Daklatasvir, Sofosbuvir, Ledipasvir, Vieira Pak combination (ombitasvir + paritaprevir + dasabuvir + ritonavir).

Before taking any medications on therapy in parallel with sofosbuvir daclatasvir (ledipasvir, velpatasvir), you must definitely check their compatibility. Certain medications, such as certain types of antibiotics, may reduce the therapeutic effect or may increase side effects.

For example, drugs such as the antibiotic levomecitin, the drug for tuberculosis riafampicin, herbal infusions (St. John's wort, milk thistle, etc.) will weaken the effect of sofosbuvir, therefore their parallel use in therapy is not recommended.

On therapy, it is prohibited to take any hepatoprotectors (milk thistle, carsil, heptral, phosphoglyph.

Sorbents such as activated carbon, polysorb and others can be taken at least 3 hours before and after taking sofosbuvir daclatasvir.

Omez, omeprozole should be taken at least 6 hours before or after taking inhibitors.

Compatibility Base Instructions:

  1. GREEN color - drugs are compatible
  2. RED color - drugs are not compatible
  3. Yellow color - you need to click on the yellow field and read the recommendation.

ATTENTION! The compatibility table is given for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action, for all questions about the compatibility of drugs for therapy, you should consult with your doctor. We DO NOT ANSWER questions about the compatibility of drugs on therapy.

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We all know that medications must be taken according to strict rules that relate not only to the dosage and system of administration, but also to the diet during treatment.

websitemade up 9 pairs of products and drugs that are not recommended, and in some cases, and absolutely cannot be taken together. Read and be healthy.

Preparations for bronchospasm

(prescribed for asthma, bronchitis and other lung diseases)

  • Preparations: theophylline, albuterol.
  • Limit: drinks and products with caffeine.

Both drugs have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, therefore, in order to avoid increased excitability and nervousness, it is necessary to reduce the use of caffeine for the period of treatment. You should be especially careful with theophylline., since caffeine greatly increases the toxicity of the drug. You also need to minimize fatty foods in the diet, because it increases the bioavailability of theophylline, which can lead to overdose.

Blood pressure lowering drugs

(prescribed for the treatment and prevention of heart and kidney diseases)

  • Preparations: captopril, enalapril, ramipril.
  • Limit: foods rich in potassium.

Medicines from this group increase the amount of potassium in the blood, an excess of which can provoke an abnormal heart rhythm, shortness of breath.Therefore, for the duration of treatment, it is necessary to limit the diet of bananas, potatoes, soy, spinach. Other foods high in potassium you can look at

Anti-arrhythmia drug

(prescribed to treat or prevent heart failure)

  • Names: digoxin.
  • Limit: liquorice.

Liquorice (licorice) contains glycyrrhizic acid, which, when it comes into contact with digoxin, can cause heartbeat disorder and even heart attack.This substance is contained in sweets, cakes and other confectionery products. Also, licorice is often present in kvass and beer.

Dietary fiber (such as bran) reduces the effectiveness of this drug, so it should be consumed 2 hours before or after a meal. The effect of digoxin and herbs such as senna and St. John's wort impair the effect.

Drugs to lower "bad" cholesterol

(prescribed for obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases)

  • Preparations: atorvastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin, rosuvastatin, pravastatin.
  • Limit: grapefruit.

Grapefruit greatly increases the absorption of drugs, which increases the likelihood of overdose and side effects. So, the effect of just one tablet, washed down with grapefruit juice, equal to the effect of 20 tablets, washed down plain water... Citrus fruits such as pomelo, lime, and Seville orange have a similar effect.

Blood thinner

(prescribed for the treatment and prevention of blood clots)

  • Name: warfarin.
  • Limit: reducing blood viscosity and foods rich in vitamin K.

While taking this drug, you need to significantly reduce your intake of cranberries, garlic, ginger and some spices (cayenne pepper, cinnamon, turmeric). These foods thin the blood and, by increasing the effects of warfarin, can provoke bleeding.

Reduces the effect of the vitamin K preparation, present in large quantities in spinach, turnips, cabbage, broccoli. You can familiarize yourself with other foods that contain this vitamin.

The virtual drug compatibility testing service helps you compare drugs, find out their interactions. The user enters the request of interest in the search field, where it is necessary to indicate the drug by appointment. Here with combomed you can check medicines online, get useful information in order to safely combine medicines. The free site offers only reference information.

The real benefits of a virtual service

People periodically have to take several drugs without thinking about the consequences. Taking incompatible medications can have unpredictable, negative clinical reactions. Such actions are not safe, given that they will suffer own health... The virtual platform comes to the rescue of those people who, for any reason, cannot seek medical advice. It is also worth remembering that only a doctor, certified and experienced, can prescribe treatment, issue a prescription.

The online service helps visitors by informing about the identified side effects. This is a good time-saver by studying about 60,000 drug interactions. Each visitor will appreciate the capabilities of the virtual site:

  • instant results;
  • visual display of interactions;
  • convenient search engine;
  • the ability to partially enter the name of the drug.

The information at the site is based on authoritative sources and is regularly updated. Using the proposed materials, the treatment will be effective and safe. Thanks to a special service, it is possible to learn about combination therapy. An online resource will help:

  • evaluate the safety of therapy;
  • check contraindications;
  • avoid danger;
  • check compatibility;
  • adjust dosage;
  • refuse questionable treatment.

Visitors to the virtual site should remember that the service does not replace a doctor's appointment. The information obtained is dangerous to use for self-medication. All information that the visitor receives is for informational purposes only. Among the assortment of medicines, you can find medicinal herbs, tablets, liquid substances of various groups of action. The site will help heart patients not to make a mistake with taking medications if a person did not have time to sign up for a clinic. An electronic cheat sheet will help you avoid catastrophic consequences, prevent allergic reactions, nausea, dizziness, any side effects caused by combining several drugs. Try to use the service, spending a little time searching, in order to maintain your health and avoid irreversible consequences.

To test interaction medicines on the website or use the cloud service Radar ® for integration with an automated medical information system (MIS).

Cloud service "Drug Interaction"

The RLS ® company offers a new service for automated MIS. The service is designed to be embedded in the "electronic medical record" module.

When prescribed by a doctor, the system automatically checks the interaction of drugs from the prescription list, as well as with appointments made by doctors of other specialties.

Integration of the service into an automated MIS will allow:

  • improve the quality of information support for doctors;
  • reduce the risks of erroneous appointments;
  • to improve the level of medical services for the population.

An Internet connection is required, as well as the availability of the RLS ® drug nomenclature in the MIS.

Certificate of state registration of the database "Interaction of medicines v 1.0" No. 2014621047 dated April 11, 2014

Services for MIS developers

RLS ® company presents modern way obtaining data about medical products using web services located in the Microsoft Azure cloud system.
The service is designed to be embedded in the MIS.

When integrated with the MIS service, it gets access to the following data:

  • structured nomenclature information about medical products;
  • extended descriptions of medicines, active ingredients, dietary supplements, etc .;
  • color images of packages of medicines;
  • barcodes (EAN codes), Roszdravnadzor codes;
  • classification by pharmaceutical groups, ICD-10, ATX, OKPD-2, etc .;
  • tags belonging to different lists: ONLS (DLO), VED, OTC, narcotic drugs, potent drugs and others;
  • monitoring of prices for vital and essential drugs taking into account regional markups;
  • checking the interaction of drugs.
  • creation of a single information space in the field of circulation of medical products;
  • improvement of the system for monitoring the movement of medical products in the regional fragment of the Unified State Health Information System;
  • maintaining inventory records;
  • centralized procurement of medical products;
  • monitoring of rejected series of medicinal products and VED prices;
  • construction of automatic reports;
  • information and reference support of medical specialists;
  • building decision support systems.

Copyright holder: LLC "RLS-Patent"

Some foods have properties to alter the effect of medications. People who are taking medication should be aware that there is a whole list of foods that are not recommended for use during the course of treatment. We will talk in this article about what enhances the effect of medications, what reduces their effectiveness, and what can cause or enhance side and unpleasant effects.

Related materials:

The instruction for taking any medicine does not just contain an indication of when to take the drug: on an empty stomach, before or after a meal. Unsuccessful combinations can both completely neutralize the effect of drugs, and seriously harm health. Sometimes the interaction of drugs and food can be not only poisonous, but even fatal to humans.

There are at least 200 drugs that food affects their effectiveness or toxicity. Here are the most common combinations.

Dangerous combinations of tablets with food

The interaction of drugs with various food products can affect not only the occurrence of unwanted drug reactions, but also be dangerous.

ACE inhibitors (for example, ramipril, captopril), which the doctor prescribes for hypertension, dilate blood vessels and increase the level of potassium in the blood. An excess of it can even lead to cardiac arrest. Therefore, the ban is rich in potassium dried apricots, potatoes, herbs and chocolate. They need to be completely eliminated from your diet in order to avoid unwanted consequences.

Group drug monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which are often prescribed to treat depression. When taking these medications, you should stop for a while from avocados, chocolate, bananas, red wine, cheese, soy and smoked products. The listed products contain tyramine, which, under the influence of monoamine oxidase, turns into an inactive form and accumulates in the body. This leads to an increase in blood pressure, a sharp headache.

Anticoagulants prevent the formation of blood clots. While taking them, try to eat a minimum or not at all of Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, liver, soy, walnuts and zucchini, as well as fat-rich foods and cranberry juice. All of these foods contain large amounts of vitamin K, which acts directly opposite to anticoagulants. As side effect this combination may cause bleeding.

Bronchodilator drugs based on theophylline are not compatible with foods rich in carbohydrates.

According to the data of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy, it is impossible to combine:

  • antibiotics of the tetracycline group and preparations containing caffeine, with milk, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • iron preparations - with tea, coffee, milk, nuts, grain products;
  • calcium preparations - with carbonated soft drinks and juices containing citric acid;
  • antibiotics erythromycin and ampicillin - with fruit and vegetable juices;
  • aspirin and medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid - with oil, sour cream and fatty foods;
  • sulfa drugs (sulfamethiozole, etc.) - with herbs, spinach, milk, liver, grain products.

Alkaline food (milk, vegetables, fruits, berries) enhance the excretion of acidic medicinal substances, for example, salicylic acid derivatives, and enhances the effect of alkaline substances. Sour fruit and vegetable juices can neutralize the pharmacological effect of some antibiotics (erythromycin, ampicillin, etc.), enhance the effect of salicylates, and slow down the absorption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as neproxin.

Milk + vitamin D... Dairy products promote the absorption of preparations based on this vitamin, which poses a danger to the central nervous system.

Also milk weakens the effect of antibiotics, since calcium binds a significant part of them and interferes with absorption. Dairy products, like alcohol, are intolerable to antidepressant treatment.

It is not recommended to eat grapefruit most drugs. It is rarely combined with anything. Certain components of grapefruit juice block the CYP3A4 enzyme, which is involved in the metabolism of many modern drugs. Thus, the concentration of the drug in the blood can become unacceptably high, which is fraught with various complications. Grapefruit can increase the toxicity of antibiotics, enhance the effect of hypnotics-benzodiazepines, and lead to a sharp decrease in pressure in people taking antihypertensive drugs from the nifedipine group.

High danger is a secret for few people combining drugs with alcohol... Especially with antibiotics. What's more, drinking along with anticoagulants given when there is a risk of blood clots can lead to stroke. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops in combination with any alcohol dramatically increase arterial pressure... The usual dose of paracetamol combined with a glass of alcohol can cause kidney failure. When combined with cardiac glycosides and diuretics, alcohol can disrupt the heart rhythm. This also applies to drugs containing alcohol.

Important! Talk to your doctor about combining foods with food on your next visit.

Tea contains tannin, which forms insoluble compounds with many drugs and thus significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy. This is typical for nitrogen-containing drugs with an antispasmodic effect, as well as for drugs that have a selective tonic effect on the heart (cardiac glycosides).

Coffee interacts with drugs in different ways, depending on their properties. It is not recommended to combine coffee with sedatives as anxiety or insomnia may result. Coffee enhances the effect of psychostimulants. Antibiotics, antidepressants, and birth control pills block the enzyme CYP1A2, which is responsible for the absorption of caffeine. As a result, this substance remains in the body longer, which is quite unfavorable for the nervous system.

It is best to take medicines with drinking water.

Healthy food and medicine combinations

Some of the diuretic drugs help eliminate potassium from the body. It is dangerous to the heart and can cause arrhythmias. During the period of treatment with these drugs, dried fruits (dried apricots, figs) and bananas are very useful, because they contain a lot of potassium.

Vitamins A, D and E, antimicrobial drugs based on metronidazole and antifungal agents with griseofulvin are absorbed by the body only together with fats. In addition, fat-fortified foods should be on the menu of people taking benzodiazepine tranquilizers. The same applies to anticoagulant drugs that reduce blood clotting.

If your doctor has prescribed you a theophylline-based anti-asthma, eat more carbohydrates. Cereals, legumes, honey, fruits (both fresh and juiced) aid in the absorption of this drug and may indeed make the treatment more effective.

The absorption of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is improved by the influence of cottage cheese, meat, fish and eggs.

For iron deficiency anemia, natural sources of vitamin C are very useful: oranges, strawberries, rose hips, currants, red and green peppers. They promote the absorption of iron preparations and, therefore, increase the level of hemoglobin.

Compatibility of drugs and food

  • Amidopyrine, chlorpromazine, antipyrine... Exclude smoked meats and sausages from food.
  • Antianemic agents... Food with a high iron content (strawberries, apricots, apples, beets, pomegranates) in combination with ascorbic acid is recommended.
  • Antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs... A complete vitamin diet is recommended.
  • Anthelmintic drugs... Eliminate animal and vegetable fats from food.
  • Antidepressants- mAO inhibitors... Exclude from food cheeses, feta cheese, cream, coffee, beer, wine, peanuts, bananas, beans, beans. Recommended to eat Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, vegetable soups, pears, rutabagas, turnips, spinach.
  • Anticoagulants... Foods rich in vitamins C and P are recommended, protein foods and vegetables containing vitamin K are excluded.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid... It is recommended to exclude foods rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and fish products.
  • Hemostimulin... Exclude dairy products from food, as well as products containing tannins (tea, coffee), phytin (nuts, wheat, oatmeal).
  • Glucocorticosteroid hormones (cortisone, prednisolone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone, etc.). A diet containing protein, calcium, potassium, vitamins, dairy products is prescribed.
  • Diakarb... A diet rich in potassium salts is recommended.
  • Digitoxin... Potassium supplements or foods high in potassium are prescribed. Exclude plum jam and juice, warm flour and dessert dishes.
  • Disulformin... Eliminate protein-rich foods. Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Diphenin... Include in the diet food containing folic acid and vitamin B12.
  • Dichlothiazide... Foods rich in potassium salts are recommended (raisins, persimmons, figs, beans, prunes, potatoes, peas, seaweed, cereals, apricots, peaches, grapes, beets, black currants).
  • Iron preparations (ferrous sulfate, ferrous lactate. Exclude from the diet milk and foods containing phytin (nuts, wheat, oatmeal), tannins (tea, red wine, coffee).
  • Calcium gluconate, calcium chloride... It is not recommended to drink it with milk. Exclude from the diet foods containing oxalic, acetic and fatty acids.
  • Codeine... Do not take with fruit juices.
  • Nialamid... Exclude protein-rich foods, liver, chicken, beans, beans, bananas, nuts, cheeses, beer, wine, it is advisable not to combine with sleeping pills and analgesics.
  • Nitroglycerine... Do not consume plum juice, bran, and other high-fiber foods at the same time.
  • Cardiac glycosides (preparations of digitalis, adonis, lily of the valley, oleander). Eliminate protein foods.
  • Sulfanilamide preparations... Eliminate foods containing sulfur (eggs), folic acid (beans, tomatoes, liver), limit foods containing fats and proteins.
  • Theophylline... Do not consume at the same time with sour fruits or juices.
  • Tetracycline... Refrain from foods containing calcium (dairy products), smoked meats, sausages.
  • Phenothiazine and other tranquilizers... Exclude aged cheese, red wine.
  • Ferroplex... Avoid foods containing tannins (tea, coffee), phytin (nuts, wheat, oatmeal) and dairy products.
  • Furazolidone... Exclude liver, chicken, herring, beans, beans, bananas, nuts, cheeses, beer, wine. Do not combine with barbiturates, analgesics and protein-rich foods.
  • Erythromycin... Do not consume dairy products at the same time.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources.