Why I don't read modern poetry. Do we need poets? Does modern man need poetry?

Does a modern person devote much free time to poetry? Classical poetry or modern - it doesn't really matter. It is important that this poetry elevate and ennoble his Soul! Do not compare classical poetry and modern poetry. After all, we are all unique! And comparisons give rise only to disputes in which there are no winners and losers, but there is senseless time spent that could be devoted to something elevating the Soul. All poems are beautiful in their own way. It depends on WHO reading them and HOW the Reader is configured. If your mind intends to compare and criticize, then believe me: it will not see anything but mistakes and shortcomings. For in our minds there cannot be two ideas at once. You can spend a lot of time comparing and criticizing, but WHY DO YOU DO THIS? Don't like it - move on! But I got off topic...

Many will say: "Why should I waste time on poetry? All this is for romantics and dreamers ..." Not only, my dears, not only. Poetry has the most different directions. You just have to search and you will certainly find what you like. But the Power of the Word should not be underestimated! Poems make us FEEL, EMPIRE. They teach us empathy! Because a part of the poet's Soul is invested in them! I once wrote about the impact of poetry on the souls of people. Classical poetry is therefore immortal, just as classical prose is immortal. People who lived before us put parts of their immortal Soul into their works:


Poetry really elevates the Soul and instills a craving for beauty. It is unlikely that our favorite TV, which takes pride of place in every home, is capable of this. But is he able to give the Soul to drink what it needs so much? Life-giving Nectar of appeasement and a diverse spectrum of FEELINGS? The time of modern man is absorbed by what gives him food only for the mind, but not for his immortal Soul. Yes, and the information is illusory importance. This is how our days pass in vanity, and we do not even have time to look back at the Beauty of this World. Or at least sit in an armchair with your favorite book, wrapped in a warm blanket and watching the plot develop... In silence, we comprehend peace; in reading the poems of a beloved poet, we learn to empathize with his heroes. Open the Heart, see the feelings of others. The ability to see the World with different eyes is given to us by poetry, including modern poetry. Where else will we get such a chance? Who will tell us about their experiences, ideas, revelations?

We have a lot of talented authors on the portal "stihi.ru", whose poems elevate and inspire. But finding them is your way, because everyone's worldview is different. I found poems that inspire me. I am sure that if you have a strong desire, you will find it too.

Everything written by me is the Call of the Soul! How nice it would be if you were imbued with these words and would devote at least a little time to poetry. It is possible that after that you will want to write something. Poems teach to FEEL and EXPRESS your inner world on a white sheet of paper. At least for himself, and this is not enough. And maybe the gift of a poet will wake up in you too - it's wonderful! These lines are for Unknown Readers, in which, I am sure, the latent potential of the creator lies dormant. You just need to believe in yourself and wake up this dormant potential!
Listen to your Soul. What is she whispering to you? What is it drawn to? It is not necessarily a penchant for poetry. But the inclination to CREATE is in each of us.

For those who are already famous poet or a master of prose, this is an opportunity to grow and improve your skills. Grow above yourself! Not over others! Competition drags down our creativity. And this is not only in poetry, but in any field of activity. Learn, take the best from the classics, from your favorite contemporary poets, from your friends on this site. And just enjoy the beauty of the style of your favorite poets...

Reading poetry is not a luxury, but the Soul's need for beauty, like the need for any sublime art. Take care of your Soul, read at your leisure what is closer to your heart. It will not take much time, but it will give you unforgettable moments of aesthetic pleasure...

I wish you creative success and inspiration!

I really love poetry very much, so my appeal to EVERYONE who reads this article, whether it be the author or an unknown reader, is the same. Enjoy the beauty of poetry, find in it something that will captivate your Soul. And be happy!)

In our modern age of innovative technologies, crazy pace Everyday life it may seem that there is no poetry, that it does not seem to be needed, and this will be partly true. Poetry has almost depreciated, weathered, carried away along with modern trends, and this is sad, but not everything is as bad as it seems.

Yes, the era of romanticism has long ended, that infinitely beautiful, reverent attitude to poetry, when they were highly valued by ordinary people and critics, when people read and reveled in the lines, so harmoniously, so harmoniously running one after another, has gone ... Hugo, John Keats, Goethe, Poe, Pushkin, Lermontov and many others, whose work has always been and will remain an example for our contemporaries. But how many now need poetry?

We are occupied by cinema, we are occupied by endless online games and the Internet is being sucked in by the terrible force, we are occupied by modern music and songs, which are sometimes hard to call songs, we are even occupied still by books on fiction and scientific literature, ordinary, those very, lying on the shelves, with rustling pages and its own history, but do we really need poetry in its pure form, not seasoned with music, truthful and somewhere even cruel, desperate and beautiful.

No matter how it seems at first glance, it is needed, and it exists, moreover, it will always be, albeit almost imperceptible against the backdrop of the modern world, but never ceasingly penetrating into every corner of it, catching with its splendor more and more readers and connoisseurs world of poetry. And it will always be born in its updated variations, albeit a little modernized, diluted with a fraction of the new that penetrates into our constantly developing world, but no less beautiful because each time has its own charm, its own unique trends, its own style.

If you look on the Internet, then everyone known way you can find a lot of low-grade attempts to be a poet, as well as really worthwhile poems, and even entire sites of authors posting their creations. It's no secret that many begin to try themselves in poetry from that very beautiful moment when they fall in love for the first time, and later someone really discovers this gift in himself, someone tries to develop it, and someone understands that nothing will work. Perhaps, among those amateurs who write now, there are poets whose work really deserves special attention and even worldwide publicity. One thing is clear - poetry will never cease to be, just as no sphere of human existence will cease to be, giving him something more than just being a primitive man in the street, drowning in prose. Poetry makes you feel like a part of the high, it, like music, allows you to express those depths and those unspoken feelings that sometimes require an outlet, which pour out of us and often fall into lines themselves.

In general, take a closer look, because poetry is actually everywhere: She silently lives in the beautiful landscape of the evening beach, she is in the opening freshness and colors of an early summer morning, in the wind that drives gloomy waves, she is in the glare of snowflakes sparkling in the sun and in a child, chasing a kite, she is even in a constant stream of cars, in the headlights of which a wall of rain stubbornly crashes into the road, and of course she is in love.

The world will collapse without art, of which, of course, poetry is an integral part, and we must always remember this.

Comments ( 19 )

    You said it right - at school they gave us crumbs. I remember only "Love is submissive to all ages ...", and "The poet died, the slave of honor ...". Well, maybe something else. I know Yesenin and Vysotsky only from songs, I know very little of their other works. About the rest, listed by you - I have a complete zero.

    Although there was a knowledge of poetry, and after school. When I chose fairy tales for my boys, it was mostly Pushkin and Ershov. There were even two moments when he himself rhymed, but this was later, when he was either pumped up with spiritual systems or when he fell in love after forty, but also under the influence of meditations.

    You started a difficult business with poetry in circles tuned to business or career, but your cause is right - this also needs to be talked about, because a one-sided (obsessed) person is of no interest to anyone. All thought, how to help you, what to advise? And I came to the conclusion that every poem of the greats should be sorted out on the shelves, then we, techies, will learn something, and you will be pleased. As in that joke: "Say a toast about me - you don't care, I'm pleased!"

    To answer

    Of course, each of us has the right to choose our own path in life, but ... But there are many things that are so beautiful and complement our lives! But it doesn’t bother me, for example, to do something sports from the eastern direction, but in conjunction with poetry, art - this enhances your vision for our life. As it is well said in an Eastern treatise:
    You look at the branch that leaned towards the water - Delight!
    Circles ran on the water - Delight!
    A breath of wind with dawn - Delight!
    Therefore, we must also find time for ourselves to devote it to our inner contemplation, which leads to Delight! Think more often about the sublime - that's the whole secret! But back to poetry...
    Poetry not only gives us an inspiration and something bright for the soul - it inspires us, it heals us, it makes us come to a brighter, more reasonable from the sinful ... And all of us who are now engaged in business - this is so lacking! The spark that is needed to get additional strength from creativity is missing! Then the business will be like a song! Samvel Surenovich said well here - as a rule, everyday life should be accompanied by beauty. Here is your answer! So it is necessary, my dear colleagues, to comprehend the basics of beauty - and find time for this!

    To answer

    What is the aspiration of man? After all, all reasoning about meaning and being is connected with a person who is essentially indeterminate in relation to a particular profession. It does not matter. What is meaning? Maybe harmony, in all manifestations of the word? We can't just drink tea. We drink it from a mug, inhaling the aroma, feeling the taste, feeling its path and the warmth it spreads, exhale from a feeling of bliss and understand the pleasantness of drinking tea. All these sensations, their understanding and perception form a kind of harmony in a particular situation. Maybe the example is not very good, but the harmony of a person, where all feelings coexist in unison, including the beautiful, creates a person.

    To answer

    Yes, I partially agree with this! But for all of us, with our current modern life, as it is said - there is one problem ... a sort of quagmire of the "race for survival" has dragged on! You have to get there, then do it, bring it, and more, and more ... if you don’t do it, you immediately fly out of your “ordinary world”! And there is absolutely no time for spiritual and beautiful! And another trouble is that we all very cleverly and competently learned to introduce a substitution of the situation into our lives, replacing the real with a surrogate ... this is TV, this is lying on the couch, this is conscious doing nothing! And where is the very creativity that gives us true satisfaction? He is not!

    To answer

    As a rule, there is absolutely no time for creativity. I always think with regret that I have to spend it on sleep. If the main work is related to creativity, then of course the situation is different, this is work. What if it's another, parallel life?
    And even though I have not watched TV for a year and a half, the situation does not develop differently. There is no time for creativity, and from this, the soul suffers. There is no opportunity to improve yourself and help others to do it. After all, poetry is an art, the instrument of which is the word, and the essence is thinking in verbal images. Comprehending the facets of the word, we comprehend ourselves and the world around us.

    To answer

    But Harmony, apparently, is born in the perception of the world ... take, for example, poetry - in a holistic and joyful impulse of creative intensity, when everything else is not interesting to you, the world is dead! There is only Muse... and she is desired! This is where beauty, beautiful and iridescent tunes, colors that you have not seen before are born! But all this takes time, which we always lack ... and this is bad! This is very bad! It is necessary to find at least an hour or two in this raging world of business in order to admire the sublime!

    To answer

    Of course, Eugene, you are absolutely right. When our soul reveals the impossible for us, we must not go to meet it, but run in order to manage at least a little that we can do here, you don’t count, not minutes or hours, they just flow in streams, like streams thoughts given by the Muse. Giving in his lines absolutely bright, life-giving words (which the reader could penetrate not only with his soul, but also acquire some part of the new, unknown, slightly tangible, but understandable only to himself), the Poet rises and acquires a sense of weightlessness.

    To answer

    Here you may or may not agree. You can read Hamlet in translation, in the original, you can watch Hamlet performed by Smoktunovsky, you can read Gogol's auditor, or you can watch a TV show. And lying on the couch. You can read nothing at all at the present time, because the quagmire has tightened. But if Pushkin, Lermntov, Dumas, Garrison, Reed, and many others, absorbed by us in childhood and adolescence, are preserved in us and we carry them in ourselves, then they, having imprinted that beautiful plane in us, will be with us in the quagmire and lying on the couch. I sometimes, not so often, but I watch the channel "Culture" and also lying on the couch. I was at the theater a week ago. Yes, all this is rare, but it is present. You are right that we need to get out of the world into which we drive ourselves with work. Here I am, there was a period when, after five years of hard work - from 8 o'clock. morning to 3 nights escaped for 2 weeks on vacation at sea. I slept for a week. But the second week I bathed and read my favorite works.

    To answer

    When we absorbed all this, our parents did not lie on sofas, but stood in lines to buy books (in addition, they collected stamps, records, etc.) And how will the younger generation develop if they see that parents are only interested in TV (I will not specify the announcement), although they read, as you say, Gogol, Pushkin, Shakespeare, etc. It's not even about TV. modern world too fast pace of life and only we are capable of modern technologies help our new generations grow spiritually. Many works of various genres were written for us in the 20th century, but we must also think about the heritage ...

    To answer

    Here I cannot but agree with you. The beautiful in our children is different from the beautiful that we have and understand. But maybe it's something new that we don't understand. I don't mean pokemon or shaman kings or space football players or whatever. which the children are interested in. And they do not perceive the same Pushkin or Tolstoy. The film "Patriot" will evoke more feelings in them than the film adaptation of "Dubrovsky". It's right. But summarizing, it can be argued that the commandments left to us are known to them. They know what is good and what is bad. Yes, they need literature, history, and much more, which is the spiritual value of the country. But pay attention. When parents begin to instill this feeling in their children. When a child reads "War and Peace" as part of the school curriculum, the image of a spider-man is firmly established in his head, which will not be difficult to disperse Napoleon's army, and the theme of love is much more clearly displayed in other films broadcast on TV. So maybe, given emancipation, we need more early age talk about Princess Mary, Tatyana and Lensky, telling at night not a fairy tale about a bun. I remember that way in 1983. I was asked to babysit three children aged 5 to 7. So I told them at night the saga of the Nibelungs. We fell asleep. And the next day they asked to continue. True, he told in his own words, accessible to children, but more than 20 years have passed. already grown children remember these fairy tales.

    To answer

    Now is such a time that there are a lot of things that sometimes it is simply not possible to distinguish “worthwhile” from “so-so” or “brilliant” from “mediocre”. We are oversaturated. But there must be at least something that will bring beauty into our hearts and our children.
    At one time it was easier for us, because “the party said” or “so the great Lenin bequeathed”, but now freedom of speech, society has become emancipated. And art in any of its manifestations (I don't mean Malevich's "black square") can allow society to develop spiritually. Poetry should carry not only aesthetic and moral principles, despite the "freedom of speech", but also ethical ones.
    A.I. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago" is going to be introduced into the school curriculum, i.e. again there is a one-sided look at the past ....
    I agree that Spiderman has already filled the heads of children, but it’s even difficult for me to say what kind of modern children’s films we have analogues, probably not .... it's a pity.
    I really want people of the new time: writers, poets, writers, to start creating works about their heroes, about their state, about their culture. Then the works will be screened as once the fairy tales of Pushkin A.S. etc.
    And then maybe the children will believe in our fairy tales, and not in the spiderman's web ....

    To answer

    Society itself is at a crossroads. We can consider ourselves the older generation, taking with us the level of perception of cultural values ​​that we have. We were born into a society where material values stood below the spiritual, therefore we have more cultural and less material. Young people have other values ​​- in the first place is the material, and everything else is secondary. This is a product of society. Otherwise it is impossible. You look around. You have to pay for everything and the level of payment is growing quarterly. If our parents could live on 150 - 200 rubles. per month, going to the sea, organizing camps for us, now the level of well-being of the average Russian allows him only not to die of hunger and to wear something. I am NOT talking about children. Such expenses accompany us every day. Money becomes the meaning of life of every young person and all his dreams are connected with wealth. They introduced the EG, made paid education, reducing the number of places for free education to a shameless level. Knowledge has become inaccessible to many families, the children of the rich will study at universities. General educational programs become framework, "and not otherwise." This has already happened in the history of Russia, when under Lomonosov, with his support and participation, universities were opened for the poor. The government is trying to build centralized state? Yes, he tries, but he will not build it in this way. Rather, it will build a strong government, an army, an apparatus of officials, fiscal authorities, but no more. Remember the definition of the state from the textbook "State and Law". The state - including the people. And as long as these are two different terms, there will be nothing good, either to culture or anywhere. Under such conditions, it is a utopia to fight for increasing the cultural values ​​of a hungry child.

Recently, a poetic duel took place between an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry and an opposition "poetic observer". I was pleasantly surprised by such relations between the authorities and the opposition. Therefore, he also wrote a poetic commentary on this controversy.
I do not consider myself a poet, although I wrote down 1145 verses. A poet is not one who writes poetry. A poet is one who thinks in verse! Who can catch and poetically express moods, thoughts and feelings in a rhymed way, and sometimes in free verse.
The poetic duel between the authorities and the opposition again made me think: what is the difference between a poet and a person who writes poetry, and why do we need poets?
With this question, I came to the "Poetry Championship", which was held in the Mayakovsky Library in St. Petersburg - in the former home of the Dutch envoy during the time of Pushkin. To my question "why do we need poets" I received very interesting answers.

“Poets are needed to decorate this world. Poets share the treasure of their souls. Words can kill, words can resurrect. Therefore, what we say is of great importance. Because the soul and high thought are invested in the word of poetry. The space that surrounds us, it really lacks beautiful words, beautiful lofty thoughts. If a person radiates such thoughts, then he will work on the creation of our space, our Earth, humanity.”

Poets are a must! These are the people who can't help writing poetry. They are needed to make it happen. Its poetic form is primordial in man.

“Poets are not needed. From an economic point of view, these are people who do not produce anything material. From an idealistic point of view, if they produce something, it is far from being a mass product, something for a very narrow audience.”

“Poets are needed for themselves. Poetry is a very vivid way of communication. There is an idea that you cannot put your brain and your soul into another person. That's what poets do!"

“A poet today is a word, it is the ability to speak. Poetry is a locomotive. Poets are people who are looking for new opportunities for us to speak. They are looking beyond our classical language constructs. They are looking for new feelings, they are looking for new sensations, absolutely incredible incomprehensible phenomena. They clearly formulate, structure, explain for us. We don't even always understand what those feelings are. It is always a locomotive, an icebreaker of everything incomprehensible, which is inexplicable for us. Where science with its method will never reach. Poetry is valuable.
If poetry dies, it means that we have stopped in our development, turned off all feelings and sit and devour ourselves. This means that we are close to being decomposed and leveled to the ground, and later turned into oil, to be used by someone else later.
Therefore, poetry is the ability to speak, to express oneself. Self-expression is one of the basic human needs. And it is best realized in poetry. Poetry is the ability to say the simplest phrases when the sum of the words is greater than the terms.

“Poets are feeling people who want to talk about their feelings, want to draw attention to some topical issues other people. They do not want to remain indifferent. They don't care!"

“Poets state what is happening in society now. They are an emotional slice of the story that is happening right now.”

What is difficult in our time,
If there is a head on the neck,
It is worth sowing through the prism of thought
Such a phenomenon as words.

Like a way out to tear yourself apart,
Live under the mask, climb into the noose,
Scold the regime, caress the authorities,
No, I don't like this...

“Not all things can be expressed in prose. Some things can only be expressed through poetry."

“I need poetry to express my thoughts. I just think in verse. Not everyone thinks in prose. A poet is one who expresses his thoughts through poetry.

"Poetry, like other forms of art, helps to establish connections, to better understand each other."

“I need poetry for my soul, in order to better understand myself.”

“Poetry is for nothing. This is a phenomenon that has been present in culture since the beginning of the emergence of the language.

“Poetry is much more of a concept than it can be understood. It's not just putting words into rhyme or a poetic way of life. For me, poetry is one of the ways of expressing my ideas and thoughts.”

“How to sing. Let's not be loud.
I'm not used to big words.
I put my soul into a needle
And I darn the bed of the Neva ... "

There is a good movie called Dead Poets Society. He is about the fact that death for a poet can be nicer than living not in accordance with his destiny.

What attracts poetry? After all, not only pleasant rhymes and consonance of words. In my opinion, poetry is not so much rhyme as a concentrated and figuratively expressed THOUGHT!

Primary religious texts existed in the form of poetic hymns. The oldest literary works it is poetry (Homer's Iliad and Odyssey). Prose was not considered literature. Yes, by and large it does not count even now.

It is believed that after the abolition of ritual sacrifice, contact with the other world was lost. In the absence of the supernatural, the need arose for the production of the superartificial. This super-artificial, in my opinion, was poetry - our "residual spirituality".

Poetry was a form of revelation and communication with the gods. All primary sacred texts are poetic hymns. In ancient times, the poet and the priest were in one person. It was believed that poetry is both a gift and a curse, and the gods prophesy through the mouth of the poet.

In a state of inspired ecstasy and obsession, the poets possessed the property of otherness and divination, they felt themselves at the mercy of otherworldly forces. The poet became permeable to the narrow entrance to the ancestral source of knowledge, where the sphere of comprehensibility of the existent opened before him.

But in order to penetrate into the intelligibility of the world, a complete detachment from one's nature is necessary. Poets must live in a state of detachment and detachment from the world. To get in touch with the otherworldly, an altered state of consciousness is required. To do this, you need to turn to your part of the other world, which is in every person.

The transformation of a reasonable man (Homo Sapiens) into a spiritual man (Homo Spiritus) occurred as a result of some kind of anthropological catastrophe (perhaps the fall, expulsion from Paradise). As a result, a person acquired a soul and conscience, necessary for contact with the other world.

Recently I was at a lecture by the famous philosopher Alexander Kupriyanovich Sekatsky about the modern thinker Wolfgang Gigerich. It seemed to me that the described metaphysics of Gigerich, his characteristics of the "reactor for the production of the soul" correspond to such a phenomenon as poetry.

It seems to me that the "reactor for the production of the soul" is a person's ability to art, and only poetry gives the entrance to the intelligibility of the world. It is poetry, as a part of art, that synthesizes in man his existence.

The "Golden Fund of Poetry" is the golden reserve of the existence of mankind!

Poetry is both absolutely unreal and absolutely real, something that can be discussed with others.
Poetry is a communion with the ancestral source of knowledge, where the order of madness precedes the order of reason.

True Poetry is a spiritual sacrifice, a peculiar form of being for another.
Therefore, it is poetry that creates the "complete set of the soul."

Example - "Monologue of the rebellious soul of the Russian poet" Anatoly Chertenkov

I was suffocating, having got into a cruel world,
And he collected my tears.
And turned them into letters and lines,
And he built the temple on his own blood.

And if, it happened, words were missing,
And the walls were erected somehow,
He broke everything, started all over again:
And again pain and foam on the lips!

He rushed up, broke down, fell into the abyss,
But I forgave everything, I understood:

And there is no hope, there is no being!

The thought of Being and the thought of God are the two major events in human history. So says the famous philosopher Alexander Nikolaevich Isakov. I recently attended a course of his lectures under the general title "Thought as an Event".
AN Isakov believes that thought as an event is Revelation. Consciousness recognizes Revelation as a revelation of itself.

In my opinion, THOUGHT itself is an event and Revelation!
Because it is completely incomprehensible where unexpected thoughts come from, how and why inspiration visits us.
Thought is like discovery. It is not always the result of logical inference and reasoning; not always the fruit of the activity of the rational.
Sometimes at first we experience incomprehensible languor or excitement, and only then INSIGHT illuminates us, and we suddenly understand what we thought hard about or never thought about.
Almost always Revelation comes as a response. If, of course, the question is correctly formulated. Moreover, the answer is always formulated in a complete perfect form.

The distinguishing feature of Revelation is that there is no doubt about it. This is a thought perfect in its completeness and conciseness, when it is simply impossible to say better. At the same time, you clearly realize that this is not your achievement, it came from outside, from above.

In my opinion, poetry is one of the ways to connect with the transcendent. Even the ancients believed that poets talk to the gods, and poetry is the voice of the gods.

Real poetry is both a subjective revelation and an objective revelation.

Our "I" is only a conscious part of our personality, only the surface part of the iceberg of our being.

Poetry is the discovery and comprehension of oneself as a subject.
Subject and object is a speculative division. It is necessary to overcome this logical division in order to understand that the object is also a subject, and the subject, in turn, is an object - and we are all-unity!

The world is me, the planets are blood cells,
Galaxies are part of my body,
And the heart beats - someone yearns for pain,
I am happy - I comprehended the Meaning of Everything!
I became a particle of the meaning of the universe -
And my life now makes sense.
I can't stop exclaiming:
I am a part of God, I am God, I am His thought!

Recently, I participated in the philosophical discussion “Why a Philosopher in Lean Times” organized by the European University at St. Petersburg and the Open Faculty of Philosophy. As " homework” was invited to read Martin Heidegger’s essay “What are poets for?”
Since few people read the work of M. Heidegger, it was practically not discussed. But I read Heidegger's work and formulated my answer, why do poets need it in "lean times".

In the essay Why Poets, Martin Heidegger wrote:
“Poets are those of the mortals who, solemnly singing Vinobog, smell the trail of the departed gods, follow their trail and thus pave the way for the rest of the mortals to conversion.”

“It is characteristic of the essence of a poet, a true poet in such a time of the world, that out of all the poverty of time, the creative question for him is, first of all, poetic creativity and the vocation of a poet.”

Martin Heidegger

“Poetry is the institution of being in the word,” writes Heidegger. He calls poetry "pure dialect". Poetry does not talk about what happened, does not describe what is happening, with its word it creates being.

Heidegger says that poets, just like philosophers, are the guardians of the house of being, i.e. language.
The artist almost never speaks about himself in the first person in his works, the thought speaks through him.

How deep does poetry descend into the abyss? Where does the poet go, if, of course, he goes where he can go? - Heidegger asks rhetorically, analyzing Rilke's work.
Rilke, in his own way, in a poetic way, cognized and experienced the unconcealment of beings that had developed in this way.

"The higher the level of consciousness, the more excluded from the world is the conscious being." That is why man resists the world.

“Language is the house of being. Man lives in the dwelling of language. Thinkers and poets are the guardians of this dwelling. Their guard is the realization of the openness of being, so much they give it a word in their speech, thereby preserving it in the language.

“Speech and silence can be likened to being and being. Being is what is and is not. Silence is the same: both calls speech into existence and sublates it in the all-encompassing solemnity of truth.

In my opinion, the very title of M. Heidegger's work “What are poets for?” speaks of his recognition of the primacy of poetic creativity over philosophical. The philosopher only reflects on what is created by the inspiration of the poet, finds and deciphers the meanings in the intuitive poetic image.

It is unlikely that any philosopher can depict Hell as convincingly as Dante did in the Divine Comedy.

If it is true that "philosophers read the message of God in the original," then, in my opinion, philosophers rationally comprehend the message that comes in the form of some kind of intuition. Philosophy is concerned with the reflection of the original revelation. The mind comprehends what the soul knows.

April 8, 2016 I participated in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "HOMO LOQUENS: LANGUAGE AND CULTURE". It was held at the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy in St. Petersburg. I was interested in the question: who and how can save the Russian language from expansion in English in the age of globalization?

In my opinion, poets are the spirit of the nation! Therefore, first of all, poets can preserve the Russian language (this is our "house of being" in the words of Heidegger). Without language there can be no culture, without culture there is no nation, and without nation there is no country. To save the Russian language means to save Russia!

Heidegger was clearly in a hurry when he declared that the End of philosophy had come and another Beginning was approaching.

Where is the beginning of the end with which the beginning ends?

Now we are not experiencing the end of philosophy, but another crisis as a transition from the old worldview to the new one.
We don't know what time we live in. But we clearly feel the coming twilight.
But is it the twilight of dawn or the twilight of sunset?

Poets can more adequately describe twilight than philosophers. Only poets can convict time in its ontological illusory nature - a unique repetition in the change of seasons.

"Philosophy is truth in the mode of revelation." This is a decoding of the initial surprise, that same initial intuition that comes as an unconscious image, which was Plato's IDEA.
Plato considered the pure philosophical contemplation of ideas to be the highest form of knowledge, a way of ascending to higher ideas.

It can be assumed that the Platonic World of Ideas is an information field (by analogy with the Internet), which also includes the Earth - a kind of "universal Internet". The ancient Hindus called it the Akashic Record, and the Christians called it the Holy Spirit. It stores all the information about the past, present and, possibly, the future, not only of our civilization, but also of all previous ones.

A few years ago at the Faculty of Philology and Arts of St. Petersburg state university I took part in the discussion of the problems of contemporary poetry. According to the participants, only poetry, by and large, can be called literature.

I asked those present a question: what is a poet?
It turned out that there is no exact definition. However, everyone has their own opinion.

The poet is not rational, he is intuitive. The poet is strong not with his consciousness, but with his subconscious.
The poet speaks as he hears with his heart!

The purpose of poetry is to return to the heart. Poetry, used as a tool for understanding the world, does not pretend to be objective. The knowledge of being is not the goal of poetry.

Why were poets in demand during the Khrushchev thaw?
Yes, because they could tell the people the truth in an accessible way!

I remember how in 1992 at a cultural forum in St. Petersburg, which was held in the Tauride Palace, I met Bella Akhmadulina. There she was, the Poet!

And recently I met with the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. It belongs to him famous words"A poet in Russia is more than a poet." Evgeny Aleksandrovich even answered a few of my questions.

Personally, I believe that poetry exists not for the sake of poetry, but to express those higher ideas and meanings that are inaccessible to rational logical knowledge, which come to us from another world and connect our worlds.

The poet should in his work not so much embody already known ideas as comprehend new meanings.

The whole question lies in the scale of ideas and meanings comprehended by the poet. If they are deep and viable, then they do not need state support, they will sprout themselves.

Only poetry has access to certain ideas and meanings that are inaccessible to philosophy and science. And this is the great responsibility of poetry.

Poetry is not an end in itself. Although she is self-sufficient.
Poetry is not entertainment. Anniversary poems and rhyming is not poetry. Poetry is a way of knowing, a form of comprehending Revelation!

Real poems are thought forms.
Words are forms of images, and therefore they are not looked for, but come along with images, being only a means of expression.
If I manage to formulate a question in the first lines, then I only write down the answer, which rhymes by itself.

True creativity is a presentation, because it is not from oneself.
Real poetry is not composed, but written down.
When I want to compose something myself, nothing happens, but when I try to tune in and feel, the stanzas are born by themselves. And sometimes in such a finished form that I'm just amazed. Why and why this happens, I do not understand. For me, this is the same revelation as for others.

Undoubtedly, creativity is divinely inspired. This is the process of receiving divine revelation - Salvation, which the Lord sends by inspiration. But inspiration is given only to those who deserve it, and not at all in order to earn money on it. Inspiration is a reward for faith and the Lord's help to those who need it.

Genuine art is disinterested, because it is from God!

Feelings, mood of the artist are not empty, this is a game of inspiration, labyrinths of the creative process. Inspiration is irrational. Without inspiration, there is no creativity. But it takes faith!

Poetry is a presentation, not a composition. Words are not selected. Every word, if it is the same, it is inevitable, it and only it, and no other.

Do you know how feeling dictates a line? I feel it as a kind of excitement, like music, which I try to express with the help of words.
Words are untranslatable, because this is an attempt to express a feeling, an image that exists uniquely only in a given culture, in the language of a given people.

Each poem is a cosmogony - and therefore unique and untranslatable!

The creative process is important, not the product. It's not about literary delights, but about comprehending the innermost. Worst of all, if they say: he used to write with inspiration, but now it is beautiful, talent has turned into skill.

My poems, with all their possible value, are only a means of cutting the soul. But I know, I know that all this is not mine, and I have never written poetry before. They are a revelation to myself. And where did the inspiration come from? why?

Inspiration is such a blessing! It's worth everything! If I were offered a choice: Nobel Prize or inspiration, I would choose inspiration!

It is important for me to be extremely honest with myself, in a dream and in reality, so that I am interesting to myself and firmly know that I will not lie. But man is so arranged that life dictates being. But I don't want to be calm. I want everything or nothing! No, I am not a function of conditions, and I am not a slave of circumstances. I want myself to be worthy, to be honest, if I'm not right. Life requires you to look for conveniences, paying for life by untruth. But not the comfort of my guidance, but the Voice that sounds in me. He demands to be extremely honest in every word and in trouble, and not to look for a warm place, but to be only sincere everywhere. I don't care about fears and losses, threats to live in poverty for me. I do not want the convenience of the goal, it is more important for me not to lie to myself. Freedom is more important to me than money, love is more important than calculation. I need sincerity shore. Everything else doesn't count!

The artist creates the world, he is a demiurge, he is a god,
He hears the call of Heaven, he catches the Muses syllable.
And the Lord requires that there be only one poet,
Both at home and in the family, although he is not unsociable.
And therefore the poet runs from superfluous words,
From the vulgar fuss, family squabbles, worries,
From thoughts about food, about sex, noise - away!
He must be alone, his girlfriend is the night.
He is a subtle instrument of divine principles,
And the Verb demands that the poet be silent.
The artist is the Muses' slave, his Spirit is jealous,
Who serves - gives everything, and the rest - nothing.
The poet will not create what God does not give him,
And he must remember his last hour.
Do not invent what is not in the World of Ideas,
And to create, you need to love people,
And believe in what God says to the poet,
After all, a true poet does not create from himself.
How little is needed for an artist to create:
Peace for the soul, freedom from worries.
But creativity is always a feat for the soul -
Get over yourself and make your dreams come true.
The artist sees what many are not given,
He sees the future through a cloudy glass,
Trying to unravel God's Meaning in creation,
And tell the world what is to come.
The artist is a prophet, the poet is doubly a prophet,
He proclaims what Fate wants.
He sacrifices himself for the Lord to do,
The poet lives so that God creates the world for them.
He does not dare to ask, because he has a gift,
He creates with his soul, and the body of needs is not a slave.
He asks for silence in order to hear God's voice,
And he creates dreams that are so necessary for us.
Comfort is not needed either - it will destroy talent! -
All you need is silence, and only bread, and sleep.
Convenience is not the goal, but so that he can create,
Money is not important here, because the Muses cannot be bought,
Do not beg for poetry, do not beg for love,
After all, inspiration is a Gift, the hard work of the soul.
The poet is not appreciated while he lives among us,
But will become famous as soon as he dies.
He serves as a reproach for those who sleep with their souls.
He is a wanderer on Earth, he is strange, he is a stranger.
The poet is a servant of Heaven, an instrument of the Creator,
God is in the faces of all creators, and He is without a face.
Adversity is the bread of the soul, and an incentive for us to grow,
And to become a poet, you thank them.
A poet is always a fighter, an artist and a hero.
And God speaks to them. He is only his God!
(from my true-life novel "The Wanderer" (mystery) on the site New Russian Literature

Some Moscow celebrities come to St. Petersburg to teach versification to our poets for money. But St. Petersburg poets do not need Moscow "teachers" who come to the cultural capital "on a whim"...
On April 8, 2016, in the former premises of the Smolninsky bakery, and now the loft of the ETAGI project, the Big City Poetry Festival was held.

If there are poets, then there is hope!
And there is no hope, there is no being!


© Nikolai Kofirin – New Russian Literature –

Anatoly Cherepashchuk, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

What a question! A man differs from a monkey in that he has thoughts about the high, on which he can rely in a difficult moment. Most needed line? "My uncle's most honest rules!"

Boris Pasternak, CEO publishing house "Time":

It does not depend on our desire whether poetry will exist or not. Now Russian poetry is in its heyday, and the Internet has contributed to this. You can find absolutely wonderful authors on the net.

Victor Erofeev, writer:

Needed, especially in Russia. Poetry is a vivid verb, it is a word that gets into the blood, into the consciousness and subconsciousness. If a poem is written by divine prompting, then it strengthens us in our unstable thoughts, even if poetry is filled with irony in relation to our own fate or despair. We go through the cleansing of poetry, for us it is an inoculation against spiritual diseases.

Elena Obraztsova, People's Artist of Russia:

Poems touch the most delicate strings of the human soul. When feelings cannot be expressed in prose, poetry comes, and after it comes music. Personally, I adore Akhmatova, Blok, Yesenin.

Yuri Mamin, film director:

Poetry is only for those who need it. Music and poetry are things that the body requires if it is brought up on them. Previously, poets could gather huge halls: Voznesensky, Akhmadulina, Yevtushenko ... Today it is difficult to imagine such a thing. Previously, poetry was needed, now it is not.

Maxim Kononenko, Mr.Parker is a popular Internet figure:

The advent of the Internet does not mean that we do not need poetry today. The Internet has its own fashionable poets - Vera Polozkova, Vsevolod Emelin, Vanya Davydov. The Internet is a verbally oriented environment, and a person who masterfully masters the word - and poets are just like that - inspires respect in it. Of course, poetry does not have the same power as before. Previously, there was more noise, verses were easier to remember, and they were passed from mouth to mouth. Now any tongue-tied blogger can play the same social role as a poet before.

Mikhail Boyarsky, People's Artist of Russia:

One cannot live without poetry, because only in this language can one speak with God. But you can’t read poetry, you can either know it or listen to it. Personally, I can not live without Vysotsky. I think that I would have lost a lot in my life if I did not know his poems.

Vladimir Bragin, Financial Analyst at Trust Bank:

I like to listen to good music with good words, with poetic texts. Songs for the soul. I like bards, Russian rock. I don't buy or read collections of poetry on purpose.