Trees that clean the air in the city. Four factors like trees clean air

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In 1989, NASA launched a study, the purpose of which was to determine the best indoor plants for cleaning the surrounding air. Scientists found out that the air of the room constantly contains particles of harmful volatile organic compounds - trichloroethylene, benzene, ammonia and others. To environmentally clean the air, experts recommend placing them in the rooms. Indoor plants are able to neutralize up to 85% indoor air pollution.

In the air of the room contains five harmful substances:

  • Formaldehyde. Contained in furniture from chipboard, fiberboard, carpet and upholstery materials, tobacco smoke, plastic dishes, domestic gas. Causes allergic reactions, irritation of the mucous membrane, asthma, skin diseases.
  • Trichlorethylene. It is contained in the means for cleaning carpets and tissues, chlorinated water, cartridges for printers, paints and varnishes. Trichlorethylene is a strong carcinogen, causes eye and skin irritation, striking the liver and kidneys, causes psychomotor excitement.
  • Benzene. Located in tobacco smoke, cleaning and detergents, including soap, paintwork products, rubber products. Carcinogen, which is capable of provoking leukemia, accumulates in adipose tissue,
    causes excitation, similar to alcoholic, shortness and convulsions,
    Reduces blood pressure.
  • Ammonia. Contained in computer equipment, tobacco smoke, household chemicals. Causes dryness and sore throat, cough, provokes pain in the chest, causes swelling of larynx and lungs.
  • Xylene. It is based on many types of plastics, paintwork products, adhesives, and it is also contained in automotive exhaust, leather goods and tobacco smoke. Causes skin irritation, respiratory tract and mucous membrane of the eye.

website Collected in one post 15 plants that will not only decorate the house, but 24 hours a day will be devoted and smoothly work on air purification.

Anthurium Andre (Lily Flamingo)

Perfectly moisturizes air and saturates it with purified aquatic pairs. Actively absorbs xylene and toluene And processes them in harmless to humans.

Gerbera Gameson

SzindapSus (Golden Lotus)

The main advantage is huge shadowlessness. Effectively cleanses the air from formaldehyde and benzene.. A poisonous plant that is worth keeping away from children and animals.


The Chinese evergreen tree is a houseplant that grows in low light conditions and loves moist air. Effectively cleanses the air from toloola. and benzene.. Juice and berries Plants are poisonous.

Chlorophyteum ("spider")

Plant "Spider" with rich foliage and small white flowers actively struggles with benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylol. Another reason to acquire this plant is safety for children and animals.

Ivy curly


Sansevieria (Teschin Language)

Very worryy plant, you need to try to heat it. Fights with such pollutants as formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene. At night, absorbs carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen.



"Working horse" on air purification from formaldehyde and other types of toxic compounds. Neciprisian plant, perfectly feels in rooms with low illumination. Not recommended by those who have children and animals.

It is known that without food a person can live more than one month, without water - only a few days, but without air - just a couple of minutes. So he needs our body! Therefore, the question of how to protect the air from pollution should take the primary place among the problems of scientists, politicians, government leaders and officials of all countries. In order not to kill yourself, humanity should take urgent measures to prevent this pollution. Citizens of any country are obliged to take care of cleanliness. It only seems that there is practically nothing depends on us. There is hope that together we can all protect the air from pollution, animals from - disappearance, forests - from cutting down.

Atmosphere of land

The Earth is the only planets from the famous modern science, on which life exists, which has become possible due to the atmosphere. She provides our existence. The atmosphere is primarily air, which should be suitable for breathing people and animals that do not contain harmful impurities and substances. How to protect the air from pollution? This is a very important issue to be solved in the near future.

Human activity

In the last centuries, we often behave extremely unreasonable. Useful fossils are insignificantly trans. Forests are cut down. Rivers are dried. As a result, the natural balance is violated, the planet gradually becomes unsuitable for life. The same happens with air. It is constantly contaminated with all sorts of ingressful to the atmosphere. Chemical compounds contained in aerosols and antifreezes are destroyed by land, threatening global warming and disasters associated with this. How to protect the air from pollution so that life on the planet continued?

The main reasons for the actual problem

  • Gaseous waste of factories and factories, in countless volume emitted into the atmosphere. Previously, this happened in general uncontrollably. And on the basis of waste of enterprises polluting the environment, it was possible to organize entire plants for their recycling (as they do now, for example, in Japan).
  • Cars. The burning gasoline and diesel fuel form that they disappear into the atmosphere, seriously polluting it. And if it takes into account that in some countries there are two or three cars for each average family, you can submit the globality of the problem under consideration.
  • Burning coal and oil in thermal power plants. Electricity, of course, is extremely necessary for human life, but to produce it like this method is real barbarism. When burning fuel, many harmful emissions are formed strongly polluting air. All impurities rise into the air with smoke, concentrate in clouds, shed at the soil in the form of this largely suffer from trees that are intended to purify oxygen.

How to protect the air from pollution?

Measures to prevent the current catastrophic situation have long been developed by scientists. It remains only to follow the prescribed rules. Humanity has already received serious warnings from nature itself. Especially in recent years, the world around the world literally shouts to people that consumer attitude to the planet must be changed, otherwise - the death of all living things. What do we have to do? How to protect the air from pollution (pictures of our amazing nature are presented below)?

According to environmental specialists, such measures contribute to a significant improvement in the current situation.

The materials presented in the article can be used in the lesson on the topic "How to protect the air from pollution" (Grade 3).

Trees still have a school bench like an indispensable filter of natural origin. Its leaves contain chlorophyll, which absorbs carbon dioxide, and then supplies our planet with oxygen.

  • In the summer period 1, the village can recycle them bad in good air volume, which is enough for breathing 4 people.
  • Green plantings of 1 hectares are able to absorb about 8 liters of carbon dioxide in 1 hour, and then recycle it into oxygen, which is enough for 30 people.
  • Trees benefit and earth, providing its air exchange and cleaning the soil layer of 45 meters.

Some tree breeds are used specifically for cities gardening. Often you can find chestnis and poplar on the streets. In the power of chestnut, processes about 20 thousand m3 of polluted air, when a 25-year-old poplar is by its capabilities of cleaning a spruce of 7 times, and in moisturization - 10 times.

The foliage of trees has the properties of dust absorption, neutralizing and reducing the degree of harmful substances in the air. Noted by good data Lilac leaves, Elm, Acacia. There are enough 400 units of young plants of poplar to eliminate 340 kg of urban dust, when the same amount of belt can cope with 1900 kg!

Reduced air temperature

The hot summer season is characterized by constant air flows, which comes from the hot asphalt, roofs of buildings and houses, cars, etc. These flows carry a lot of dirt, dust, carcinogens. Well, if there are trees nearby, the temperature of the leaves in which it cuts the hot air from the coatings and precipitates dust. We all always hide in the shadow of trees, where the air is not so dry and "heavy."

Metals in the air

The comfort of the presence of vehicles deprived us of natural and clean air, especially in megalopolis. A whole kilogram of metal is able to throw a car into the atmosphere during the year of his work!

It is destructive for breathing, as well as for plants grown near the road and often - these are vegetables used by us. This can also be attributed animals that feed on the grass by the road, and then give milk, meat, etc.

Lead (read more about) in the atmosphere when it is re-pubed, it causes a leaf fall in trees, and in not the autumn period. For trees, this metal is very harmful, in contrast to Mukhov, larchs. Concentrating lead in their leaves, trees have the ability to recycle carbon dioxide.

Over the growing season, the tree is capable of accumulating the volume of lead, which can be obtained from 130 liters of gasoline. From this, it is possible to make an easy conclusion that 10 trees are required to neutralize harm from cars.

Hunting for bacteria

Trees are multifunctional plants of our planet, because they not only supply the world with oxygen and consume harmful substances, they save us from the sun, heavy metals, but also can neutralize harmful microbes.

Fitoncides are the components of green plantings, which hunt for malicious bacteria, and most focused in: White Acacia, IWA, Birch, Elutes, Pine, Topola, Cherymouth, etc. It is important that these substances kill both human pathogens and animals. . Especially harmless in coniferous forests, because there are 2 times less bacteria than in deciduous.

Not in vain, even at school, we are taught to appreciate and keep green plantings, because their work is so important for our healthy life, the beauty of the surrounding world. Moreover, the present time catastrophically does not reach such a natural filter like trees.

If you are interested in see - what indoor plants clean the air in the house

The role of plantings in the fight against the pollution of the atmosphere. One of the main advantages of green plantings in urbanized territories is their high activity when capturing harmful substances entering the atmosphere due to transport and industrial emissions. The role of plants in the absorption of carbon dioxide, reducing air pollution with dust (harmful gases are absorbed by plants, and solid aerosol particles settle on the leaves, trunks and branches of plants) and reducing its bacterial contamination by enriching the atmosphere by various phytoncides.

Forests, parks, gardens, boulevards and squares are largely affected by the composition of atmospheric air. During the growing season, their vegetation enriches the air with oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide. In one warm sunny day, the hectare of the forest absorbs 220 ± 280 kg of carbon dioxide and sends 180 kg of oxygen. The highest productivity in the process of excretion of oxygen has a poplar. Different breeds of wood-shrub plants have a different intensity of photosynthesis and therefore allocate different amounts of oxygen, for example, trees with a greater deciduous mass elaims oxygen more.

Planting air from industrial and exhaust gases (the effectiveness of the struggle of green planting bands with harmful emissions of road transport may vary in fairly wide range - from 7 to 35%). Green plantations located on the stream of contaminated air breakage the initial concentrated flow to various directions. Thus, harmful emissions are diluted with clean air, and their concentration in the air decreases.

The gas absorption capacity of individual wood-shrub breeds of plants depending on the various concentrations of harmful gases in the air of non-etinakov and depends on the degree of their sensitivity to different pollutants. It is necessary to take into account that plants with increased intensity of photosynthesis have less resistance to gases.

Studies and perennial observations have shown that the best absorption qualities have a linden mellite, ash, lilac ordinary and honeysuckle.

The weakly varies include elm (rough and smooth), spiny spruce, IVA tree, Maple ash, ox, Popol (Berlin, Balsamic, Canadian and Black), Siberian Apple, Acacia Yellow, Hawthorn Siberian, Cherry Wild, Wild Cherry, Currant Black , Juniper (Cossack and Virginsky); To the medium-wide - birch birch, Elagelman spruce, Siberian larch, Ryabina, ordinary, Iva basket, Maple Tatar and other species.

The hazardian meadow, the smallest - white field has the greatest resistance to gases. Supporting nitrogen fertilizers, as well as lime, improving the aqueous soil mode, significantly increase the stability of plants to gases.

Table 4.Best green filters for atmospheric air purification in the cities of Russia

1 hectares of coniferous rocks detains 40 tons of dust / year, and deciduous - about 100 tons of dust / year - the results of studying the dust-holder role of woody and shrub landings indicate that air dusting areas are 40% lower than on open or built-up areas.

Dust, fascinated by descending air currents, settles on the leaves, but also in a malicious period, trees reduce air dusting by 37%. Breeds of trees and shrubs with shrubs, covered with villi leaves (elm, linden, maple, lilac) possess the greatest dust-catering ability.

The lawn along with trees and shrubs also delays dust. It is not by chance that in recent times, in the practice of landscaping, the landscape or free design of the design is increasingly given, at which 60% and more landscaped area is given under the lawn.

Fitoncides of plants and air ionization. Many plants emit volatile biologically active substances into the air - phytoncides that kill and overwhelming and the development of microorganisms. Many of the phytoncids were highlighted in its pure form, and their chemical nature was established. It turned out that some plants phytoncides are organic acids, and others - essential oils and alkaloids; And in the tissues of various plants, phytoncides are unevenly distributed.

Phontiforms include both volatile and non-volatile substances of plants. All these antibiotics of plant origin. Volatile phytoncides are able to provide their action at a distance; Non-leaving are formed in the juice of tissues at the time of damage to the cell membranes of the plant, but in addition, phytoncides can be released and intact leaves (for example, phytoncides of oak and birch leaves). The number of these substances varies depending on the season, the physiological state of the plant, the time of day and soil-climatic conditions. Most of them are for the time of flowering.

Initially, it was believed that only the ether plant plants had phytoncidal properties, but studies have shown that this phenomenon is characteristic of the entire plant to one degree or another. Therefore, in parks, air contains 200 times smaller than pathogenic microorganisms than on the streets of the city, while in the green arrays already at a distance of 30 meters from the roadway of the street 2 times less microbes than on the transport highways. Moreover, in pure pine forests and forests with a predominance of pine (up to 60%), the bacterial contamination of air is 2 times less than in birch. No wonder many sanatoriums and hospitals are built in pine bodies. The phytoncides of this tree, as a rule, increase the protective forces of the body, tone it.

Juniper highlights phytoncides about 6 times more than the remaining coniferous rocks, and 15 times more than deciduous. In our country, more than 20 species of juniper, but this plant is very sensitive to air pollution by industrial waste. Therefore, its landing, unfortunately, is not acceptable in large industrial cities and in the territories of sanitary protection zones.

Of the 15 types of eucalyptus, only Eucalyptus spheripid can destroy the flu virus. And faster all the microbes and viruses of poplar and birch leaves are destroyed - within 3 hours.

Due to the very rapid dissemination of information that plant phytoncides, penetrating through the lungs and skin into the human body, protect it from infectious diseases, have a positive effect on the metabolism, favorably act on the psyche, and other coniferous breeds of special dwarfs in balconies. species that fill apartments by a lively forest aroma. In this case, you should not forget that the combinability of phytoncides of various plants is of great importance. So, oak, birch and poplar help each other: the volatile substances contained in these trees fall into one spectrum. But the plants of various spectra, for example, lavender and rose, oppress each other with their phytoncides. The new biological method - ecological phytodesign - deals with the correct combination of plants with severe phytoncium and gas-cutting properties used for rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the air of the premises.

So, from tree-shrub rocks with antibacterial properties, positively affecting the state of the city's air environment, you should call Acacia White, Barbaris, Birch Bearded, Pear, Grab, Oak, Spruce, Jasmine, Honey, Ivo, Kalina, Chestnut, Maple, larch, lime, juniper, fir, plane, lilac, pine, poplar, cherry, apple tree. Herbatous plants - lawn herbs, flowers and lianas have phytoncide activity.

City vegetation contributes to another phenomenon, a beneficial for humans, to increase air ionization. Ionization is the process of cleaning air by enriching it with light negatively charged particles or ions.

There are aeroions that can bear negative or positive charges. The most favorable environmental impact is negative ions (lungs). The carriers of positively charged (heavy) ions are usually ionized smoke molecules, water dust and vapor polluting air. Consequently, air purity is largely determined by the ratio of the number of lungs and heavy ions.

A significant qualitative feature of oxygen generated by green plantings is the saturation of its ions that carry a negative charge, which is manifested by the beneficial effect of vegetation on the state of the human body. For a clearer view of the possibilities of plants to enrich air negative light ions, you can bring the following data: the number of light ions in 1 cm 3 air over the forests is 2000 - 3000, in the city park - 800, in an industrial area - 200 - 400, in a closed crowded room - 25 - 100.

The ionization of air affects both the degree of landscaping and the natural composition of the plants. The best air ionizers are mixed coniferous deciduous plantings. Pine plantations only in adulthood have a favorable effect on its ionization, as due to the Turkidar, the concentration of light ions in the atmosphere is reduced. The volatile substances of flowering plants also contribute to the concentration of light ions in the air. Ionization of forest oxygen is 2-3 times higher compared to sea and 5 - 10 times compared to oxygen atmosphere of cities.

It is most helped to increase the concentration of light ions in the air. Acacia white, Birch, Karelian and Japanese, oak red and puffy, Willow white and wrapped, Maple Silver and Red, Larch Siberian, Siberian Fir, Rowan, Ordinary Lilac, Toplar Black.

Trees are well cleaned air, absorb harmful substances. We talked with the owners of the site and they told us a little about how the trees purify the air.

In the leaves of any conventional tree, chlorophyll grains always absorb carbon dioxide, and then they excrete oxygen. In the summer in vivo, any tree of a small size per day highlights so much oxygen as it is necessary for breathing four people. It is known that one hectare of plantings in one hour absorbs about eight liters of carbon dioxide, and then it allocates the amount of oxygen into the atmosphere. It is quite enough to maintain the life of thirty people. Trees also benefit - they purify the surface layer of air, approximately thickness of about forty-five meters.

There are many tree breeds that are used to landscap the cities. All of them are beneficial. For example, take the usual chestnut. He has a lot of good. Exhaust gases come - chestnis cleans a large territory. Let's think more. Poplar is also resistant to pollution. The poplar absorbs carbon dioxide, sepates oxygen. Such a tree, age at twenty-five, surpasses spruce seven times, and according to the degree of how he moisturizes the air - almost ten times.

So in order to improve the air instead of seven Christmas trees, you can plant a topolak, which in any case will be good to capture dust.

The leaves of the trees actively capture the dust, especially reduce the concentration of harmful exhaust and gases, with which these properties in different species are usually manifested in varying degrees. The dust of the Elm leaves, lilac (even better than the same poplar leaves) are delayed. So, landing about 400 young and beautiful poplars in the summer catches about 340 kilograms of dust, and Elm - almost six times more. Acacia, unpretentious fast-growing rose hips and rows of other useful plants also have similar properties necessary.

Trees significantly reduce the temperature in the heat.

In a hot day over heated asphalt, hot roofs of any homes are formed by terrible ascending flows of very hot air, which carries with them small dust particles that keep in the air itself. Over parks, squares, which are located somewhere in the city center, usually appear downward air flows, as the surface of the leaves is much cooler asphalt, iron. And dust, which is fond of driving downward flows, often settles in the parks on the leaves of trees.

Yes, for comfort, which is provided by transport, a huge number of cars, we pay the purity of air. For one year, the car throws into the atmosphere to one kilogram of metal. And the increased lead content in vegetables, fruits that are grown near the motorway. And what about the milk of cows that eat polluted grass, this is all and for animals is harmful, and what is the danger to the health of people? Now you can observe even the leaf fall on the trees. Strange, right? It seems like an autumn. The reason is the high lead content in the air.

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Foliage of trees is very hard to transfers lead poisoning. Ma, larch, absorb it usually in large quantities, but gentle birch or Iva, aspen is significantly less. Concentrating such a substance such as lead, plants purify air itself. During the growing season, one adult tree can accumulate so much lead how much it can be contained in a hundred thirty liters of gasoline. A simple calculation often shows that in order to neutralize the harmful effect of one car you need at least ten trees.

Trees, shrubs can allocate volatile substances in the air - phytoncides. But they have the ability to kill harmful microorganisms. Particularly active sources of phytoncides are: White Acacia, Willow, Birch, Spruce, Pines, Topol, Cherry, etc. It is especially very important that these phytoncides have the ability to kill pathogens of human diseases, as well as animals. Coniferous forests are destructive for pathogenic microbes. Scientists have established that in coniferous forests always two times less bacteria than in deciduous. Trees, shrubs daily, hourly conduct complex work: absorb a huge amount of dust and carbon dioxide, produce oxygen. An effectively form a microclimate.

Green plantings are not only decorations, they are advocates for the health of all people.

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You can also watch the video about the purification of air with indoor plants