Conception to born a girl. How to plan a girl: all famous ways to conceive a girl

Many parents are absolutely sure that they have got a girl because they adhered to a certain diet, made love in certain poses, etc. However, official Medicine Does not recognize these theories and methods.

If you dream about your daughter most of all in the world, then what prevents you from at least try? After all, when it comes to a dream, all the means are good!

Adhere to the lunar calendar

This popular calendar, according to which the floor can be predicted, was created by Chinese scientists. Within 700 years, the calendar was in the royal tomb, while during the excavation, they did not find archaeologists. With this calendar, you can determine the sex of the child, knowing the age of mom and the month of conception.

Calendar has 99% accuracy. (Forced to admit that he correctly predicted the floor of my son). This calendar is very easy to find on the Internet. You just need to know months in which at your age is more likely to conceive the girl and start a business. Note that when a favorable month for the conception of the girl just began or comes to an end, you should not risk, in the first and the last days It is better to protect. Such precaution is related to the fact that the sperm for several days continues to live in the body of a woman, and therefore conception can not happen in that month in which you planned the conception.

Adhere to a special diet

Many parents and experts believe that if you begin to adhere to this diet a few days before conception, you can enhance the chance to conceive the girls. It is believed that this diet changes the acidic environment in your body, which affects the floor of your child.

According to this theory, you need to eat as much as possible acidic food: grapefruits, oranges, lemons, etc. It is believed that the acidic medium adversely affects the spermatozoa "boys", so the sperm "girls" increases the chance to fertilize the egg cell first. Supporters of this theory also consider that it is necessary to eat products rich in calcium, but with low salt and potassium.

Take the right pose

Supporters of this theory believe that during the conception of the girl you need to use certain poses. Many scientists agree that shallow penetration during intercourse increases the likelihood of the girl's conception. It is explained by the fact that the most acidic environment at the entrance to the vagina, and the farther, the more it is less acidic. Thus, the less deeply penetrate your partner, the more spermatozoa "boys" will be injured by an acidic medium, and therefore, a high chance that the sperm "girls" sperm cells are first. Simply put, those who really want to conceive a girl, it is better to use a "missionary" position. But if she bones you, you can safely experiment, not forgetting that the penetration should be shallow.

Choose the right time

It is believed that the sperm "Girls" moves slower than the "boys", but the life of sperm "girls" is much longer than the "boys."

And what does it mean, you ask? Everything is very simple! You have to have sex every day for 2-4 days, this period should be scheduled no later than 2 days before the start of ovulation. As soon as the ovulation remains 2 days left, you need to stop engaged in unprotected sex at least 4-5 days. Thus, you give the opportunity to be slow spermatozoa "girls" the first to fertilize the finished egg at the time of ovulation ready for this, since all the spermatozoa "boys" by the time of ovulation most likely perished. Some women feel when they should have an ovulation, but to reduce the risk of error, we recommend that you purchase special tests in the pharmacy to determine ovulation.

Heat your feelings

Another theory argues that "female" sperm is more resistant to heat. Therefore, according to this concept, your partner must take a warm bath before sexual intercourse to raise the chance to conceive the girl. But here it is dangerous to overdo it, with too strong overheating, the sperm may lose its fertilizing properties for several days. Full renewal of sperm in the body of a man occurs every two months.

Do not feel orgasm

Another theory argues that a female orgasm plays an important role in determining the floor of the floor of the future child. The fact is that when a woman is experiencing an orgasm, its body produces a substance that increases the level of alkali in the body. The high level of alkali is favorable for conception of the boy. Therefore, if you want to conceive a girl, then a woman is better not to experience orgasm during sexual intercourse.

Departure Temp

Many mothers who have and sons who have and sons agree that there is a long sexual intercourse with a romantic prelude for conception of the girl. This theory there is no scientific confirmation, but didn't People Solva be convincing?

Spend a round sum

If you want to be sure of 100%, then there is one very expensive, but an effective way is an artificial fertilization. Scientists have achieved incredible progress on floor forecasting. For this, the egg and sperm must meet in the laboratory, and not inside your body, then the resulting embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity. Since this procedure is not only expensive, but also very complex medical manipulation, which has a serious load on the female organism, and also has serious risks, this method is used when there are no other opportunities to get pregnant in a couple.

We wish you that your children are welcome and healthy!

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There is a reservation that predisposition is not a factor of direct transmission of a poor-quality disease. Pregnancy, childbirth, natural feeding, immunity, healthy image Life may not give pathology to develop. Doctors do not give a 100% guarantee of the birth of the right gender, however, applying accessible methods of conception can significantly increase their chances.

Brief excursion to the biological process

Progesterone generated by a man generalizes spermatozoa species X and Y. The woman develops only X eggs having a unique genetic material. It turns out that men's half is responsible for the sex of the child to a large extent. If the chromosome y will show their activity, a boy will appear on the light, if the male and female will meet, the long-awaited girl will be born.

How to conceive a girl on ovulation

The success of conception is determined primarily by the chromosomal composition of spermatozoa. The carriers with the female chromosome are leisurely and viable, spermatozoa carriers of the "Boy" Yurki and quickly die, the term of their activity from several hours to two days. If the proximity was for three days and more after the alleged ovulation with a high probability of appear to appear. If the moment of conception fell on ovulation or in time there will be a boy.

In order to take advantage of this method, the woman should lead the calendar of its cycle for at least six months.

How to determine ovulation:

  1. How to conceive a girl on ovulation, tells and calculates the calculator. Knowing his duration of the cycle, for example, 28 days, divide it into two and get an estimated date of the onset of ovulation, is 14 day;
  2. Measuring the basal temperature for several cycles will help determine the day of ovulation. The pre-yield period is characterized by a temperature of from 36.2-36.9 degrees. Day when the rectal temperature showed 37.0-37.5 meant day of ovulation;
  3. Some women thus prevented separate gynecological diseases and deviations. The reason for accessing a specialist will be a blurred schedule, the impossibility of calculating the day of ovulation. Remember, a healthy body works on the same scheme as the clock.
  4. Medicine stepped forward, and now in the pharmacy affordable prices You can purchase express tests, to determine ovulation, later calculating how to conceive the girl. The principle of operation is similar to pregnancy test;

Tip! Now it is definitely clear that the girl will not work in ovulation. It should be started to prepare for conception a couple of days before the approximate emissions of the egg from the ovary.

Moon calendar

Girl conception by lunar calendar 2017, the calculation technique is extremely simple. Duration of the month 30 days. Having a similar menstrual cycle, it is safe to say that a woman is dependent on the moon. If the cycle is more than 32 days, then the patron of such a lady sun. And also to establish a gender, you need to take into account the zodiacal features. If the conception was during the signs:

  • calf;
  • virgo;
  • a fish;
  • scorpio.

Chances of learn about the appearance of the girl rises. In all other cases, the boy will probably be.

Astrologers say: if you calculate the lunar date of mom's appearance, in the tandem it will give 100% warranty to conceive the girl in the lunar calendar.

Diet as a way to conceive babies

Advantage this method It is compatibility with the rest of the means. Nutritionists note that the base of nutrition to conceive the girl lies in the creation of an acidic medium in the mother's body. It is important not to overdo it. It is also necessary to consult with the attending physician, which based on individual health indicators, can make appropriate adjustments. Start better a few months before the planned conception period.

So you need to eat in order to conceive the girl:

  • let's start with drinks. Caffeine containing teas, coffee to use no more than 2 times a day. Useful mineral waterbut from carbonated drinks with fillers will have to refuse;
  • eliminate the male set of meat products, such as smoked, semi-finished products, sausages. Add to the diet canaline, beef;
  • fish in any form, fresh, frozen useful for future mom necessary vitamins. It is not recommended to often eat fish with different species processing (smoked, salted, dried);
  • dairy products are represented by milk and cottage cheese. Refrain costs from ice cream and cheese in any form;
  • bread and snob are allowed in moderate quantity. Better if it is food without salt with the addition of cereals. For a while you will have to forget about the salty crackers of industrial manufacture;
    Cruses should be present daily in the menu of those who want to conceive the girl. Recommended from croup rice and making, corn under the ban;
  • vegetable set is represented by zucchini, eggplants, asparagus. We need beets, radish, cucumbers, pepper, potatoes. Products containing starch to use small portions. Eliminate all known cabbage varieties, tomatoes, all canned and frozen vegetable products;
  • nuts are also useful for the body at the Girl Planning Stage. It is desirable to add nuts without salt to the diet. Dried fruits leave without attention;
  • pears, apples, white sweet cherry, citrus, are recommended for use, the exception is only at bananas, apricots, currants and melons;
  • All taste amplifiers in the form of salt, ketchup, seasoning are not suitable during the planning period for the girl conception. It is better to eat honey, jam or jam.


The method causing a lot of disputes to this day. Create an acidic medium for chromosoma type X will help acetic solution. Before the beginning of the sexual act in order for the girl, you need to douch.

Improper preparation of the solution can harm the health of the future mother.

The liter of distilled water will require 2 tbsp. Spoons of food vinegar. Pear for douching must be pre-sterilized. How to conceive a girl, using douching:

  • take a comfortable position lying;
  • introduce 250 ml of fluid in the vagina;
  • enter only nose.

This washing creates suitable conditions for the disappearance of Y spermatozoa.

This technique does not guarantee 100% result, as well as doubtfully dangerous to human health. After all, incorrect cooking can entail burns of the sexual body of the future mother.

The "first time" method

The only method of all listed giving the desired effect from the first time, confirmation of the statistics. If others only suggest how to relent the girl, then the preimplantational genetic diagnosis knows exactly.

A special medical laboratory conducts research of the biological material of a man and a woman, choosing healthy embryos later on existing standards. The analysis is performed on the third day of the life of the embryos, after the fertilization of the egg spermatozoa occurred. Biopsy Molecules gives full information About the embryo. This technique at an early stage reveals possible pathologies, which distinguishes it from others. In such cases, it is removed and the desired chromosomal set is selected. Healthy cells are hollowing in a woman's uterus, after it remains only to wait whether the foreign body takes place.

The method is more often used by spouses in the history of the disease, which are attending hereditary ailments and deviations. Another reason is the high price of this technique.

Positions for couples, when conceiving a girl

With the emerging conditions for the appearance of the girl will be evening, even better, if it is a full moon. In which poses, it is possible to conceive a girl:

  • position "Rider";
  • classic stand;
  • a woman falls on the side, a man at the same time behind;
  • The "sandwich" guy falls on the girl, she at that moment should stick back up.

Such postures help control the depth of entry, movement progressive, without jerks. These simple rules will help to conceive a girl, because it increases the chance of getting into the eggs of slow and long-lived spermatozoa "girls".


As the great wise men say, everything in this world is financially, and even thoughts. The easiest and most pleasant way. What do you need to do to conceive a girl? Spouses need to imagine a future daughter in the smallest detail. The founders of the method say that nature is all thoughts sooner or later transforms into reality.

Folk Signals Fiction Girls

For many married couples, the careless argument becomes the experience of our ancestors, with the help of which the chance of conception of babies is increasing.

Some folk facts:

  • Before laying in bed with a partner, a woman must assign the right little finger in the thread;
    During the day to the desired date, get pregnant to drink apple or other sour juice;
  • Optimal days for Girl planning is Monday, Wednesday, Friday;
  • Folk sign reads, the girl will be, if the conception coincided with winter boat or blizzard;
  • You need to sleep on the south;
  • Understanding the ladies after 30 years, half the firstborn is usually female.

The knowledge of our ancestors collected by centuries will help achieve the desired result and conceive the girl even after two boys. The main thing is not to neglect such simple advice.

Blood update method

Nature is so established that the human body systematically updates the blood. In men, this process happens every four years, in women every three years. A formula that helps determine how to conceive a girl on the renewal of blood looks like this:

(Pope's Age + Mom's Age) * 4: 3

The age in which conception will occur.

If the answer is the number with the tail 1, then there will be a girl. With other answers, a boy.

This method affects many external factors, for example, a transferred operation or blood transfusion. More experts recommend planning the girl conception during the renewal of the blood of the future of the Father. All counts today can be held in online calculators of the conception of children.

Japanese Girl or Boy Calculation Table

Danched two tables. Who created this method is unknown. However, there are opinions that these knowledge was transmitted for a long time. All you need for the first table is the month of birth of parents.

Forums Mom respond positively about the Japanese table, speaking of multiple coincidences when conceiving children.

Chinese calendar

Numerous polls revealed the accuracy of this method, it is recommended in many communities of experienced mothers. The question remains to make women older than 45 years old, the conception calendar does not suit this category of persons.

Finally, the opinion of gynecologists

No one can answer exactly the question when it is necessary to conceive a child to get a girl, this is the opinion of professionals. Therefore, use in different ways It does not always bring good luck. The most reliable among gynecologists is the method of ovulation, the rest are only wearing an auxiliary nature.

In war, all means are good! So and when planning a girl is better to first familiarize themselves with the available daughter's appearance. Good mood, positive attitude, selected method and positive result Will not wait a long time.

There are situations where the problem of the baby's sexuality is especially acute, for example, in the family, 4 boys are growing, and a mother who planning another pregnancy is trying to learn how to conceive a girl on ovulation, can it be done with a diet, in a special pose Or somehow more. What should be aware of this?

The floor of the future infant is a question that has tormented the parents of all generations and in all centuries. Although in our time, with the help of an ultrasound, a married couple knows the answer long before delivery and can prepare accordingly, some future parents still preserve intrigue before the child appears.

By and large, planning the floor of the child is not necessarily - nature gives you the best and most beloved baby. Is there a difference in a boy that will be either a girl? In any case, the birth of an absolute love will come with the birth of an infant.

However, there are situations in which the doctors are strongly recommended to think about the gender floor and approach the planning very responsibly. The fact is that some genetic diseases are transmitted to the next generations on the male line and then really need to try to get pregnant with the girl. From his father to his son or from grandfather to grandson are transmitted:

  • hemophilia and other blood system disorders;
  • alopecia;
  • schizophrenia;
  • daltonism;
  • progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • martina-Bella or dementia syndrome.

Important! Covered with the genome of the disease cannot be treated.

The human genital cells contain half a complete set of chromosomes, i.e. One sexy cell carrier or X-, or Y-chromosome. It is the Y-chromosome that the Mutagen most often carries in itself, so the birth of a girl for many steam is simply necessary.

Unproved ways and techniques for the conception of the girl

Calculate all theoretically and plan the necessary conception seems to be simple, but in practice, everything is not at all. How, during the natural fertilization, you can be sure that it is exactly the right spermatozoa that carrying X-chromosoma will be the first to get to the egg? And in no way! Moreover, this spermatozoa not only needs to be the first to achieve the desired goal, but also the first to break through all its protective shells. And it complicates the case even more. And how to calculate the desired moment on the monthly calculator, if, for example, the cycle of a woman is irregular?

Reproductologists and genetic scientists do not surrender and are looking for methods of helping couples who want to conceive a toddler of a certain gender, but nonetheless, it should not be argued that among the set methods there is at least one completely proven method.

This also applies to Erikson's method based on seminal filtration. The essence of the method consists in passing sperm through the albumin solution, during which the cells containing y-chromosoma are separated from the bearing x-chromosome. Then the ECO procedure occurs. The medical literature states that the method is effective in 70-80% of cases, but it is still not 100 and not even 90.

Planning to conceive a girl a day before ovulation

For example, lymphocytes are circulated from several weeks to several months, the red blood cells are replaced after 2 - 3 months, platelets live no more than 10 days, monocytes in circulating blood are only 15-20 hours, and the granulocytes are even less - not more than 8 hours. All this proves the fact that blood is constantly updated, and therefore, there is no scientific confirmation of its "age".

In this case, the statement, then the pairs with the same group affiliation and the rhesus are more often born girls, it sounds more believable.

What does the lunar calendar say

Let's talk about orgasm

In some sources you can find information that if a woman does not experience an orgasm during sexual intercourse, it will be pregnant, it will be very hard. Now I wonder what the author thought about? Not in vain, the term "simulation of orgasm" is invented, since not all women are able to test it with each of the SOITIM, especially if it was for any reason it was short.

Women are much more complicated by men, and to feel everything at the proper level requires preparation, prelude.

Any, we emphasize, any ingress of male genital cells inside the female vagina can cause pregnancy, in some cases there is enough simple lubricant out of male urethra and carrying a small amount of spermatozoa.

Therefore, we conclude - for the occurrence of pregnancy, there is almost always an orgasm, but male!

100% warranty

The only method that will allow 100 percent to be confident that it was possible to conceive exactly the girl, is the method of preimplantational genetic diagnostics used for ECO, but only for those spouses, in the family history of which there are genetically determined pathologies and chromosomal aberrations.

After 3 days after the fertilization "in the tube" for the selection of embryos, ready to transfer to the uterus, conduct a biopsy of the zygota, while obtaining complete genetic information. Those. Even before implantation of the embryo in the uterus, the doctor receives information about the Hx set embryo or XY, and chooses the necessary one.

Does pose affect the sex of the child

In addition to diets, calendars and other complex computing among the orders, the opinion is common that the posture in which partners were located during sex, also plays great importance in determining the sex of the child. Most likely, this is due to the theory of different speeds of the movement of spermatozoa carrying x or y-chromosome. The most suitable postures for conception of the girl are the missionary, position "spoons", as well as not very deep penetration in the poses, when a woman from above or lies on the stomach.

Such recommendations can be found uncountable and not the fact that they will not contradict each other. It should be understood that with the aim of successful fertilization, you can try all postures from the Kama Sutra overnight, but if there was no ovulation, all attempts will be unsuccessful.

One and only one prerequisite for conception is the meeting of the egg and sperm, and when, as in which position it will be predicted quite hard.

Opinion of evidence medicine

If it were possible to predict, with the exception of Eco, how the path will go to the fertilization process, each pair would freely choose to become her boy or girls parents. Unfortunately, this is not so.

Absolutely all of the above calculation methods do not give an accurate guarantee that the presence of chromosome y will not be decisive.

Bookmark internal organs on the most early stages Embrygenesis is the same and within the first 9-12 weeks to detect the difference is impossible. Eggs always carries the genetic material of the mother, i.e. Mandatory X-chromosoma. It all depends on the male genital cells. If in the process of fertilization, the egg cell merged with a sperm with the laid y-chromosome, then from the 9th week of intrauterine development, the floor is differentiated. But with an ultrasound examination, it is possible to determine the gender affiliation of the baby, not earlier than 11-12 weeks, when the first signs of external genital organs are visualized.

But here the future parents can expect a catch. The accuracy of the sex definition of the child under the ultrasound up to 16 weeks is only 80%, while when conducting a survey of 20 weeks, this figure increases to 98%.


In exceptional cases, the exact definition of the floor of the future kid can be a solution to many problems, but to predict the development of events is not as simple as it seems. However, any couple is entitled to choose the most suitable, in its opinion, the calculation method for conceiving a boy or a girl.

It should simply be understood that in nature everything relatively and she loves to present surprises to us. The appearance of a child to light is in any case, happiness and parents will absolutely and infinitely love him regardless of whether their expectations confirmed or not.

Men crave, almost all women want to know how to conceive the girl. Especially if this is the first child.

The floor of the future kid is 100% depends on what chromosome will share with an egg cell spermatozoa dad. Therefore, the role of mommies in such a responsible business is negligible.

And it would be correct to "blame" a man in the fact that the child is not the sex that would like and the woman gave birth to a girl.

If your goal is to become pregnant with a girl, then it is possible that specialists from women's consultation will help you. An experienced doctor will recommend several ways to conceive, and what better to choose your individual situation will tell.

But let's talk a little about the very sacrament of conception. Correctly say: in this process there is a lot of divine, however, modern medicine is currently pretty knowledgeable in this matter.

Let's start with what: Paul baby depends on several factors.

As noted above, the woman almost can not affect this process. It is dad, and rather his "charged" genetic set of sperm, and carry the primary responsibility for the floor of the Baby.

The role of dad

The egg cell has only one female X-chromosome. Sperm has x and y-chromosome.

Moreover, which one he will share - depends on, again, only from the father himself. It is affecting the likelihood of a girl conception.

The most important factor is the moment of sexual intercourse after ovulation. It's all about the survival of spermatozoa in the body of a woman with high temperature.

Male sex cells are very poorly tolerated the temperature rise above +28 degrees. That is why in the anatomy of the male body, the scrotum is provided - the repository of genetic material outside the body.

Cryptorchism transferred to dad childhood, hydrocel can significantly reduce the ability to conceive a child. Both the other disease can be associated with the overheating of the testicles.

Cumsions cannot be a long time viable in the body of the future milf. They are very dying for 3-4 days after sexual intercourse, and without giving the mother to conceive the baby in adverse circumstances.

But, it is from the process of death depends, whether conception will occur by her daughter or son.

After all, each spermatozoa has both chromosomes, they are divided into cells with "female" and "male" start.

Those cells that during conception could be responsible for the birth of the heir of a male genus die very quickly, usually in the first day.

The feminine start in sperms, affecting the chance to give birth to a girl, gives them an incredible viability, and they are pretty comfortably tolerated long-flowing in the fallopian tubes in anticipation of the moment of meeting with the egg.

Calculation at the time of ovulation

So, the viability of spermatozoa directly affects the gender of the baby. Pregnant woman is capable of any day cycle. But only a certain day guarantees 100% the beginning of pregnancy.

It is to clarify this day and a table with a ovulation schedule should be conducted.

In order to become likely to become pregnant with his daughter, it is most high, it is necessary to measure basal temperature for several previous months to know exactly.

A sexual intercourse must be at least 2-3 days before ovulation or, given the break from the dad to the previous ejaculation in 4-5 days, after, for 2-3 days.

In such a "hard" spermatozoa graph with "Male", the beginning will lose their viability and will become unsuitable for fertilization. Therefore, the cats will be treated, which when merging with the maternal will give her a chance to conceive a little girl.

By the way, you can control the right moment and through the calendar.

Let's try on the calendar

The calendar for calculating the floor of the child was invented for a long time. Also in ancient China The sex acts of the emperors were aimed only at the birth of boys and were painted as the table required.

The effectiveness of this method is very far from 100 percent warranty.

Perhaps, therefore, in the families of the rulers, there were a lot of pretty princesses. Although, probably, the wives of the great world of this either did not mind to give birth to a small girl.

The main criteria for calculating the calendar are the age of the mother and the lunar phase. Deciminate the impact of subtle structures and matter on floor planning and pregnancy, as such, no one will take.

But you can always resort to more scientifically reasonable ways. Especially if the woman firmly believes to conceive the girl.

Paul Calculation for Blood Group

Since the time scientists have discovered blood groups, the ball has a clear relationship between the rhesus factors of parents and children of children. "Calculate" a girl on blood can now suggest in any female consultation.

There is a table for mother and father's blood groups, which suggests the likelihood of the birth of a "defined" child. But, it is better to take into account the way when ovulation is controlled. After all, then it is possible to quite accurately calculate the period necessary, in order to become pregnant with the girl.

Compliance with a certain diet

Often on the Internet there are materials in which they are talking about wonderful not only for weight loss. But can the use of any food affect the future kid? Yes, of course.

But the impact is provided by the quality of food and the regularity of the reception, and not the preferences of certain products.

FROM scientific Vision is worth noting that female sex cells have xx chromosomes, which you can not say about male germ cells. Their spermatozoa can be both x and with y chromosome, and this fact is decisive to conceive a child's child.

If there will be a spermatozoa with x chromosome in the fertilization of the egg, then, of course, soon the couple will be happy parents of the girl. In the opposite case, the future child will be male. An important feature is that the sex of the child depends precisely from the male genital cells, since in women the egg always has the characteristics of the XX.

On the floor of the future child also affect other factors, while many are interested in the question, can I get pregnant with a girl after ovulation? As many studies show, a favorable time to conceive a girl is 2-3 days before ovulation, and not vice versa.

Is it possible to conceive a girl after ovulation and what factors affect the floor of the future child?

Not only chromosome of sex cells play a decisive role, but also other nuances, namely:

  • state ambient and ecology as a whole;
  • health condition of both spouses;
  • regularity of sexual acts.

It is interesting to know that with prolonged abstinence from intimate proximity, men are blocked by y chromosome antibodies, therefore, with this condition, the probability of the girl is high.

As for the female abstinence, here the picture will be at all in nature - it will become more difficult to get pregnant. This is due to the fact that women's antibodies will fully block men's sexes penetrating at the moment of seeds. Of course, this fact does not mean that a woman should have several sexual partners every day, the abstinence must be in moderation.

You can calculate the term of ovulation to conceive the girl. On the floor of the future child is largely affected by ovulation. If you are interested in how much to conceive a girl, you need to spend some uncomplicated, but very attentive calculations. Like other ways, this method of child planning a child cannot give 100% guarantees of the success of the result, and this should be taken into account by future parents.

Conception girls per day before ovulation or earlier?

As a rule, spermatozoa with x chromosome is much slower than spermatozoa with the opposite chromosome, so they have more chances to reach the target. It is also worth noting that spermatozoes x much longer live in the body of a woman, so you can try to conceive a girl 2 days before ovulation.

If it is recommended to abstinence, then there should be no reasons for excitement, including kisses and hot hugs. Sometimes without it it is difficult to do, so, taking the decision, it is worth thinking if you need to resort to such measures? The child needs to love with all the heart in independence from his floor.

To find out how many days before ovulation to conceive a girl, you need to lead the corresponding calendar several menstrual cycles in a row. If a woman is confident in the regularity of his menstrual cycleYou can use a special calculator on the Internet. To apply such a method for determining ovulation, you need to know the exact duration of your cycle and directly your monthly.

For how much to ovulation you can get pregnant with a girl - how to calculate a favorable moment?

There are several ways to calculate the day of ovulation, consider each separately.

Method number 1 Calendar

The first day of menstruation is the first day of the menstrual cycle. The next 4 days are the days of absolutely safe sex. That is, women are completely sterile and can not get pregnant.

To know what kind of cycle is ovulation, it is necessary to determine its regularity for a minimum of 6 months. Conduct calculations by measuring basal temperature.

Notice, sterile days are the first days after menstruation.

The next five days are precludedly safe days of the cycle. The probability of conception is approximately 50%. This is explained by the fact that not always ovulation happens as soon as possible. Each woman has this process individual.

After that, coming favorable days To conceive the girl, there are only 4. If you are interested in getting pregnant with a girl for how many days before ovulation, based on this, it is worth saying that safe sex happen to happen 3-4 days before that moment. As mentioned above, the ability of survival in women's chromosomes is higher than that of men's.

Usually, all the calculations on the Internet are valid for the approximate duration of the menstrual cycle of 28 days. If a woman has another cycle regularity, then such a distribution of days is not relevant for it.

And if the conception occurred on the day of ovulation, boy or girl will be born?

Method number 2 Calculation of the sex of the child on the table

Many women reading the information on the Internet know what the Japanese table is and how to use it. Illustratively, this table is divided into two parts - the first part is needed to determine the number, and the second to determine the likely child of the child.

The horizontal values \u200b\u200bof the first table are the month of birth of a man, and the vertical - the month of birth of a woman. At the intersection point of these readings, the number is necessary to use the following table.

It is over the second table that will be a girl or a boy. The vertical part is the numbers, and the horizontal line is the estimated month of conception. The middle part of the table is the probability scale of the child's conception of a child.

Method No. 3 Table for Blood Paul Definition

In independence, on what day after ovulation can be pregnant with a girl or boy, future parents can take advantage of another table, which is called "Definition of Paul Child in Blood."

Timing of the Blood Girl

To take advantage of it, you need to know what periodicity the blood is updated in a man and a woman. In men, this happens every three years, and in women every four years. Also worth pre-conducting calculations, who from the spouses younger blood? Accordingly, if it is younger from the spouse, then after ovulation you can become pregnant with a girl, and vice versa.