Sick chicken in a dream. What dreams of a dream chicken

It symbolizes well-being and family wealth. However, you should pay attention to how this poultry looks like and how he behaves.

  • To see a chicken - a good sign. With confidence it can be said that such a dream means the benefit that should visit your family, wealth, comfort and calm, both in a relationship, and in the shower.
  • Think about only, because the association with the word "zeal" is completely warm and homely. So with a dream, in which the chicken had dreamed - this is a clear hint of family well-being and love.
  • Of particular importance is the dream of a chicken, which to dream of a woman. If you smallers suddenly dreamed of a woman who has not yet had children in his life - this is a faithful sign that says that the long-awaited pregnancy will come soon.
What in a dream to see a chicken?

If a woman saw a chicken in a dream, she must definitely pay attention not only to the color of the bird's plumage (black, red, white), but also on how herself behaves: aggressive it or calm. Similar details are very important for interpretation of sleep.

Many dreams interpret the dreams of a chicken, as of the good Westies, which soon have to visit a person. If the chicken is to dream of a man, it does not mean that it will soon have a child, because this interpretation applies only to women. It may have to be interpreted as:

  • Ambulance Pleasant meeting with a long-awaited person
  • Good pastime with family members or relatives
  • Communication with a person from your close circle with which you have not seen long

Did the chicken, what does this mean?

On the other hand, sleep about chicken can have a completely calm interpretation. In this case, we are talking about a dream, where the chicken behaved extremely restlessly or any other factors, such as a fox or a person, were affected. Such a dream means:

  • Possible troubles and problems in family relationships
  • Possible quarrel with friends due to an outsider
  • Possible unexpected guests or unkind visitors of your home

What dream chicken, carrying eggs?

A very favorable meaning is the dream in which you dreamed of a chicken, carrying eggs. Such a bird is quite calm, which speaks of a good relationship in the family, with children and a loved one. The fact that the chicken carries eggs - indicates a peculiar delta, which you can get in various ways.

If you saw eggs in a dream, which just demolished the chicken, it can be expanded as:

  • The unexpected receipt of a significant material (financial) wealth (premium, vacation, presented amount).
  • Perhaps this suggests that soon you are good luck and you will win a large amount of money.
  • Perhaps what you have conceived - will come true and bring you a win.

On the other hand, if such a dream is to dream of a young girl or a woman - it can have a special subtext and mean the approaching pregnancy.

What dream chicken, carrying eggs?

If in a dream you saw a chicken that carries eggs and also gathered them - this suggests that in the future you will be chased by wealth and well-being. This suggests that you will not experience any drawback in the future and will live, having a sufficient amount of finance and a completely disastrous life.

What dream chicken and chickens?

To see in a dream chicken-good sign and not always this poultry foresaws troubles in the family. Removing how you dreamed of chicken, it will be possible to apply and predict the approaching events. The value has everything: color, its behavior, the presence of other elements in a dream.

Sleep with chicken in a dream may have the meaning of "guests" and "visitors." And if this bird was able to dreame together with chickens, it can be a fairly accurate prediction that guests will come to you and will be from afar. Depending on what kind of behavior is the chicken (and the chicken is the embodiment of you), so welcome and will receive guests.

If the bird does not sit on the spot, constantly biting and restless to chickens - then the arrival of guests will be:

  • Bottle
  • Restless
  • Financially invoice

If a chicken surrounded by chickens before the wedding, it says that in the future it expects a happy family life, where she can give her spouse a lot of heirs.

It is also worth paying attention to how they behave in a dream of chickens. If the chickens are calm enough, clean and right is a good sign that says that your relatives will be healthy and happy. If they are measured from the grain and rest - this indicates a material and financial supply in the family.

An important importance in such a dream is the ratio of chicken to chickens:

  • If the chicken quouch and does not pay attention to the chickens - this is anxiety in the family. It is possible that someone will soon find a disease. Pay attention to how all family members feel: especially children and people aged. Such a dream is preventable.
  • If suddenly you have dreamed of a stir in the chicken coop and the chicken was anxiously defended the chickens - it can talk about approaching funny walkings and fun in noisy companies among friends or relatives. Nothing bad such sleep does not promist.
  • If sleep with chicken and chickens to dream of a business engaged in a business - this speaks of his successful affairs and promotion of a personal matter. And if a family person is worth thinking about whether the amount of attention is enough do you pay your children and relatives?
  • If a person on the eve of an important event sees sleep with chicken and chickens - it can have such importance for him as many small difficulties and the problems that will be faced and coming. Carefully approach the solution of each question, pay attention to the smallest nuances. If you do not too careful, your business will be able to end for you failure and disappointment.

It can happen and so that the chicken in a dream will be too aggressive, for example will peck chickens. In this case, the dream is warned and tries to warn you about home issues with parents, loved ones or children. In the worst case, it may mean a divorce soon. If you saw such a dream and are afraid of losing warm relationships with your second half, then you should do your personal life and feelings.

It is worth paying attention to the color of chicken with chickens, because no matter how positive is not a dream with a zeal, the black chicken always talks about the occurrence of problems, and if we are talking about chickens (children, loved ones, close, relatives), then it foresees a quarrel, illness or Resentment in the family. Since the chicken is most likely to embody you, then first of all it is worth paying attention to your behavior and attitude to relatives.

What to dream chicken chickens?

What dreams black chicken?

Chicken is a good sign that may be present in dreams from each person. But nevertheless, there are nuances for which it is necessary to pay attention if you dreamed of this bird. The most important point is her color.

Black chicken in a dream is and completely neutral and may indicate the upcoming weather in the future. So, the black chicken foreshadows strong rains, shower and thunderstorms.

If the black chicken is worn down the street in the yard or in the house, it is not calm and constantly caught - this suggests that completely unexpected guests can come to you, which you are not so happy to see in your home. But nevertheless, you have to organize a meeting and spend some time in fussy and troubles.

It turns out that it is worth paying attention to what the black chicken is dreaming on what day of the week. If the dream dreamed overnight from Thursday to Friday - it has the strongest and truthful meaning. He literally "screaming" to you that you are as careful as possible, because soon life circumstances will be able to tighten you into unpleasant adventures.

If the black chicken dreamed of you on Sunday - it says that it is worth expecting a trick from loved ones and native people. And if he dreamed you on Monday - wait for failures in personal affairs and endeavors. In this case, you should not try to establish anything on your own - you will not succeed. Contact your friends and loved ones.

In another case, the black chicken becomes the embodiment of the "black" person. That is, we are talking about a man with black hair: a woman or a man. Such a person will soon appear in your life and will change something in it: gives the amount of money, it will definite or spoil a personal life, will bring confusion or delight with good news.

The black chicken may foresee - lover or mistress. But as well as speaking about treason, she gives you to understand that love joy will further bring you a lot of fun.

A dream in which he dreamed of chicken, what is he?

If you simultaneously dreamed of several black chickens, then all the troubles and problems that can be caught by surprise should be multiplied several times. Such a dream is trying to warn you about the upcoming failures and therefore you need to configure yourself to future difficulties and hard work.

Black chicken can have a good sign in a dream. This will happen when you will feed it with bread or grain in a dream. In this case, the chicken will be an outset for you a serious and long-awaited gift received from a loved one or your beloved person.

A few more black chicken values \u200b\u200bin a dream:

  • If such a bird demolished the egg - a good sign that says that financial prospect will arrive at you soon.
  • Lonely and detached black chicken, which in itself walks in the yard - a sign of loneliness and doomed, resentment and feelings of abandonment by everyone.
  • Black chicken on the table - good luck in casino or cash raids.
  • If a person in the market acquires a black chicken - this suggests that he will soon come to him and well-being, as well as possible, and good health.
  • If sleep shows a picture, how you catch a black chicken for a very long time - this indicates that you will have to perform painstaking and difficult work.
  • If in a dream you shut a black chicken - this is a sign that you skillfully handle all the difficulties and problems that will meet in your life.

What dreams white chicken?

Sleeping with chicken is always not afraid of fraught and negative predictions. He says that in the future you are waiting for small changes or troubles. Often the sleep is decrypted depending on the color of the bird of the dream and it is quite right - the color of the plumage decides everything and is able to drastically change the value.

White chicken in a dream, like any other white bird - a favorable and kind sign. She always suggests that something pleasant and positive, liberated from dangers and enemies await you. It is worth only to pay attention to the behavior of a white chicken in a dream, so that it is enough to interpret it.

If a white chicken dreamed in a dream:

  • Be careful, a dream in which you really want to catch a white chicken, but you can't do it to do it to serve for you an omen of financial difficulties. Perhaps he speaks of excessive waste of cash or lowering them to the wind. The same value has a dream where you want to buy a white chicken to markets, but either you do not sell it or it is simply not.
  • If in a dream you are watching the white chicken and clearly see how it is dirty (or do it yourself), then it tells you that in the future you will deal with a similar situation - you will be sought your honor and make people doubt you.
  • If in a dream you are trying to carefully clean the white chicken from dirt - this suggests that you will strongly prove something to someone, to explain the situation, try to "clean" your honor and dignity.
  • If you see a dream in which the white chicken jumps to your knees, on the table or just in hand - this is a faithful sign that soon wealth will come to you, as well as everything let go up, pleaseing you well-being. In addition, your health and health of your loved ones will absolutely will not be threatened.
  • If in your dream the white chicken carries eggs and you see it or even collect them - this is a sign that in the future you can make a profit or financial assistance.
  • If in a dream you tried or fed a white bird, then such a dream has a good value. Soon you will have the necessary help with a close person than decide most of his problems.
  • If in a dream you caught a white chicken and pluck it in order to cook in food, then later this situation will happen in real life in which you will not be able to control the outcome of events.
  • If you watch the white chicken separately "graze" in the courtyard, separately eats from his relatives and just silently sits away - this embodies you and hints that you need to relax a little, or spend time alone and think about Acts.

What to dream of white chicken?

If you saw a dream in which there were many chickens and clearly noticed one - white. It only speaks that in the future you do not threaten any danger and you can safely continue to live joyful and measured life.

What dreams red chicken?

As in other cases, chicken is a good sign that embodies your affairs and loved ones. Therefore, a dream in which this bird is present, it is necessary to interpret on the basis of its behavior and the color of the plumage, as well as other nuances. If you have dreamed of a chicken of red-colored - relax, this is a favorable sign that does not promise anything bad.

Sleep, in which a redhead chicken dreamed:

  • A chicken of red, gold, copper, yellow and orange color always embodies his relatives and a loved one, so be sure to turn to the state of the bird - it will be able to hint on future events.
  • If you caught in a dream and killed a red chicken - it is worth understanding a relationship with a close person or to make up, so as not to keep resentment and finally do not spoil relations with him.
  • If you are watching the crowd of red chicken with chickens who graze in the yard - it talks about a possible approaching big family holiday: anniversary, birthday, wedding.
  • If the redhead chicken walks on the table or on the furniture in the house - this testifies to the soon increasing and family well-being, where everyone will have what needs.
  • The redhead chicken, having dreaming of a man embodies his beloved and, depending on how the chicken behaved (fleeing, went for you, cauchars or snaps) to do a certain conclusion about the meaning of sleep. If the behavior of the chicken is negative - it is necessary to think about whether you behave correctly for your own woman.

What dreams red chicken?

What does boiled chickens dream?

Chicken is a popular poultry, which is often kept in the farm and are not rarely eaten. However, the chicken in the form of food, or rather - chicken, does not always have a beneficial value for a person. Be sure that if the chicken meat is clearly remembered, it will have no best for you.

Meat that dream, and especially if this chicken meat - symbolizes women's intervention. Moreover, this intervention has no favorable soil - envy, goats, fear and cunning. Seeing chicken meat in a dream, be careful and careful that no one can harm in real life.

If you exactly understood your sleep with boiled meat chicken - it will be able to warn you from future problems. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to skillfully enjoy your advantage - to memorize sleep and be able to change it correctly to avoid any consequences.

What to dream boiled chicken:

  • A piece of boiled meat chicken on a plate in front of you is what you have to make enough effort in order to compete for your rights, your well-being and pleasure.
  • In addition, boiled chicken meat can embody the authorities in a dream, which has every person at work. Therefore, it should be sufficiently seriously referring to such a dream to be able to avoid problems at work.
  • Boiled meat chicken can hint that in the future you will have to face many difficulties and even orders, which will not be completely easy. It may concern both your professional activities and personal life.

If you do not just look at boiled meat, but also eat it, biting pieces - this suggests that all problems that have arisen on your paths will be solved and you can easily cope with them on your own.

What can the boiled chicken be dreamed of?

There is one nuance that is capable of turning a sleep with boiled meat into a favorable sign. In such a dream, boiled meat should have someone else. In this case, this will only mean that all problems on your path will solve another person and they will not be able to touch you. Well, if in a dream you nobody treated boiled chicken and you stayed hungry.

What dreams of a lot of chickens?

Chicken, which in a dream looks healthy and well-groomed - always a favorable sign. It embodies material wealth and physical health for a person and his relatives. It also happens that in a dream at the same time there are many chickens and this dream has several values:

  • Chickens who graze in the courtyard embody your family and family members. If they calmly bucks and peck grain, then it only says that there will be peace and wealth in your house, you don't have to worry about anything.
  • Chicken, who fight among themselves and satisfy the perolet on the meaning of a noisy celebration or a holiday that may happen in your home. Also on this holiday can come long-range relatives and give you turmoil about their arrangement.
  • Chicken with chickens, which are many around you or in the yard - the arrival of long-awaited or uninvited guests to the house.

What dreams of a lot of chickens?

What is the dream of dead chickens?

You should not be afraid of sleep, in which you saw one or more dead chickens, because it has quite favorable meaning and is not able to foresee for you any negative events.

  • Dead chicken, or rather her carcass - only about the fact that in the future you will be lucky to get rid of the problems and alarms that are present in your life. Such a chicken may testify your further lifeselness in which there will be no difficulty and health problems.
  • If you caught a large chicken in a dream, they killed her and thickened, and then they prepared in food - it suggests that you will achieve your goals and get that profit, which was expected.
  • Pay attention to the chicken that you dreamed. If this is not a corpse, but the dying and eating sounds of the bird - then such a dream is anxiety and possible tears for any occasion.
  • If you dreamed of a dead white chicken, most likely it suggests that soon all your difficulties are safely resolved.
  • If you dreamed of a dead black chicken - this dream is anxious and if your family has a hard-sick person, perhaps a dream foreshadows his death.

What dreams of a dead chicken?

Be careful if you had a dream in which you wanted to buy a live chicken, but you slipped dead - it talks about possible intrigues and conversations for your back. Beware in this case of all not friendly people and think about your well-being.

Chicken, who dreamed of a person in a very aggressive mood has a number of values:

  • If the chicken pecks the grain or bread in a dream is a favorable sign that speaks of the domestic in the family and a calm family life.
  • If the chicken pecks another chicken in a dream - this means that in the family there are any conflicts that require immediate permission to not start relationships and not attract a discord.
  • If the chicken put a person - this dream says that you are stubborn and successfully confront all life adversities.
  • If the chicken pecks you in a dream - this suggests that you spend a little time with your family, which can be destructive to affect your life and relationships with native people.
  • If the chicken pecks chicks - this suggests that soon the family has conflicts that need to be either avoided or immediately resolve.

What dream of a chicken peak?

What dream chicken with a rooster?

Chicken with a rooster at the same time in a dream can have several values. It all depends on what kind of mood and location were these two poultry, what kind of plumage they had and what they did.

A dream in which the cock and chicken dreamed, what is he?

What to dream chicken and rooster:

  • If some of the spouses dreamed of a chicken, which very aggressively behaved with a rooster - a dream embodies the relationship of the couple. In this case, you need to urgently pay attention to the relationship in the family and avoid possible quarrels and conflicts.
  • A dream in which a rooster and several chickens are present, beyond which he cares to equally, says that the husband of (or the beloved) can have intrigue on the side, therefore it is extremely important to treat such interpretation.
  • If, in a dream, the rooster is a chicken - this dream foreshadows love and romantic relations with two in love.
  • If the chicken begins at all rooster, it should be carefully referring to such sleep, because he foreshadows intrigues and conspiracies for your back.

In any case, the rooster and chicken always embody the attitude of two beloved people. Therefore, a special interpretation of sleep should be done, which will have the importance of personal relationships.

Video: "What to shoot chickens? Dream Interpretation: Chickens in Dream »

This symbol personifies human social activities. It is necessary to analyze how in detail they behaved during the dream of the sealing chickens as they were. And their external appearance, voice and shape of the Khokholka have important importance. More often the chicken dreams of good and Guest is interpreted positively if you felt comfortable.

General interpretation

Chicken is a bird that does not know how to fly. So, symbolizes landiness, practicality, wealth. If she pecks you - this is to everyday problems. Pestrushka dreams of care associated with your main activity.

When a live chicken walks on green grass - this is a well-being.

Get a gift if you dream that you are feeding the nurses. And the surrounding people will show tactfulness and courtesy.

If you try to catch a chicken in a dream and you can't catch it up, you will have to resort to helping friends.

When you hear clucking, but do not see the chickens themselves, we will become a victim of woven the flaws.

If the custody of the bird does not hang or disproportionately huge, then this means that a person is waiting for ridiculous events and misunderstandings in various spheres of life. Wherever he appears, there will be life and work. Everything will seem imposed, unnatural and superfluous. War it is for the better.

When you have a poultry in a dream, wait for the manifestations of peeling from colleagues, there will be curvators and gossip.

If you see a dream, where the chicken pecks grain, then you are ready for creating, to new changes and the implementation of the intended goals.

If chickens are a lot and sleep good, without fear and violence, then you may be invited to the celebration. Often such dreams come to great events and parties.

Bird color

It is very important which coloring you see a chicken in a dream.

  1. Black appears as a symbol of anxiety about the house and family. It does not mean that any trouble awaits you. Just this sign should be regarded as in vain troubles about the home sphere of life. There will be no peace of mind and may have to seek psychological help. You will be helped by both professionals, such as psychologists and friends, good familiar with whom you can speak and get a good advice and the necessary support.
  2. Redhead chicken drops to warm, sunny days. Perhaps you will spend your time on a walk in the park or forest.
  3. Manyba white painting feathers dream of pure thoughts about love and friendship. To sincere conversations and tying of the same property relationship.
  4. The motley chicken color says that you have to spend a fun time in a family circle, ahead of pleasant care and troubles.

Claims with chickens

In the case when the wedding is dreaming chicken with offspring, expect heirs.

For business chickens mean a lot of small difficulties. But it is corrected.

If the Nonache behaves aggressively, then this suggests that you are too assessing. And if she pecks and pursues chickens, then your children, relatives and loved ones suffer from an unfair relationship.

If the zoom is demolished by the Golden Egg - to be wealth. Eggs themselves will dream of new grandparents and ideas that will bring good luck and success.


If a dream is dreaming that the rooster attacks, then your boss can show verbal aggression. If you work for yourself, the problems will bring controlling services.

A person is ready to start a new successful thing when he was given to the screaming head of the chicken coop.

If the cock and chicken are shot together, you are in idyllic relationships with your second half. It is a complete romantic linkage of both world-first and intimate. Do not angry God and do not doubt your chosen one - everything is so good as soon as it may be.


Kill a chicken in a dream - to errors. However, hack a poultry - it means to be practical and businesslike.

If at the same time it splashes blood, then it is possible that relatives will be taught to you, come or call you.

Cut the chicken in a dream symbolizes deep changes in life, the adoption of fast and serious solutions that require will and character forces.

A dream in which there is a carcass chicken, to the utilization time in your destiny. If she dreams of a young girl, then this is a meeting with a waters or spouse. If a woman in a dream kills the chicken herself, then it is to parting with her beloved.

When the head of the poultry is separate from her body, then you are not the owner at this moment with your actions and actions, the universe advises everything well to think about it and with akin to place, after some small rest with new forces begin to begin with their priorities.

Cooked chicken

Boiled meat may indicate indisposition and fatigue. It is worth bothering about your health: drink toning tea, for example, with a rose hips, adding sweet honey. And take the rule to take care of yourself, drink vitamins and natural decoctions.

The chicken fried in the pan will dream of improving in position, adding in the worst and increasing income.

When you see smoked chicken meat in a dream, then expect special attention to yourself, advantageous offers from wealthy and high-ranking people.

Frozen carcass indicates that you are working thoughtlessly and tired of spontaneously.

Boiled eggs - to the implementation of plans. A large number of their number is to sleep and well-being in the family. The house will always be a complete bowl, nothing will be able to shake the internal favorable family structure.

Eating a chicken in a dream is good or bad depending on the circumstances of the dream. If the meat is not enough, and there are many bones, then it is most likely to reach the loss. When a delicious dish is a fed life. The health status shakes, if the chicken will be touched in a dream.

To see the chicken - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to the increase in the family.

Chicken for Dream Hasse

Chicken buy - you will be happy; To eat - take care of health; with chickens - you will have your own family; Carrying eggs - happiness in love; hear kluckles - you leave on the road; Pursued by a rooster - do not trust the friends.

Family dream chicken

Chicken - dreams of pleasant meetings in the home circle, to the increase in the family.

Chicken Dream Dmitry and winter hopes

Chicken in your dream - always symbolizes homework and bustle.

See how the chicken demolished the egg - this is a call for patience and a promise of a well-deserved award. Such a dream means that your troubles will bring good fruits.

Black chicken is a warning of possible troubles associated with house, household or loved ones.

Dead chicken is a sign that your annoyance and intolerance can jeopardize your family happiness.

Chicken for the newest dream of Ivanova

Chicken - to the troubles, many of which will be in vain.

Spring Dream Hen

Chickens - to the troubles.

I hear in a dream quorting the zooms - to a quarrel with a neighbor.

Summer Dream Chicken

To see in a dream, as a number of Cvokhats over his chickens - to the arrival of numerous relatives and your care for their nutrition.

Thrust chicken - to guests.

Seen in a dream chickens in a shaped form - to death.

Chicken on the autumn dream

Hear in the dream Quachtany Chickens - to the concerns about the family.

Thrust chicken in a dream - to get into the unpleasant situation.

See in the courtyard many paving chickens - to profit.

Chicken in the dreams from A to Z

I hear in a dream of clucking chickens - means a sudden shock caused by the news about an unexpected severe illness of someone from your good acquaintances.

Dreamed chicken - foreshadows guests from among your friends. Aspilated and running chicken in the court - to confusion and mental decline, boredom and despair. A loudly kinking chicken - a sign of the upcoming road, in which it will have to go besides his will.

Chicken, carrying eggs - foreshadows rich winnings and happiness in love. To see the chicken, which the bay of the rooster means that enter into a secret love relationship. Chicken sick chicken - suggests that you will regret the lost chance, and for unmarried this dream - foreshadows your own numerous family.

If in a dream you buy a live chicken - it's fortunately, if chicken trees - stay without money. Cook the chicken on the soup is to be unpleasant, but the necessary work.

Fry, stew or bake chicken meat - you will overcome home care and troubles.

There are chicken meat in a dream - he foreshadows a visit to the doctor, perhaps a trip to the sanatorium.

Chicken in the dream of Simon Cannel

Chicken coop - medium

Chicken - buy - you will be happy; Benefit, profit - to eat - take care of health - with chickens - you will have your own family - the carrier eggs - happiness in love - hear kudzhtanny - you will leave the road - do not trust the friends

Chicken for the dream of Fedorovskaya

See in a dream chicken - to a gift.

If you dreamed that you fed the chickens - you yourself bring the trouble on your head.

You watched someone feeds chickens - you are waiting for trouble by anyone of your relatives or relatives.

Catch the chickens - to a big loss.

The dream in which you watched, how someone catches chickens - soon someone from your loved ones will be big trouble, and you have a loss.

If you dreamed that you were chicken - someone from your relatives threatens a big loss that will turn the profit for you.

You watched someone eating chicken - the loss of your friends will bring you a profit.

If you dreamed that they cut off the Kuru - in the near future you have a decisive act that will change your life for the better.

In a dream, you watched someone cuts chickens - your life will change for the better thanks to the act of one of your loved ones.

Buying chickens - you yourself are the blacksmith of your happiness.

If you dreamed that you were selling chickens - know, happiness can unexpectedly smile.

If you dreamed that you broke the chickens - you have a lot of work that will bring long-awaited results.

If you have dreamed that you watched someone broken chickens - soon someone from your loved ones will have to work well, but you will use the results of his work.

Chicken for a modern woman's dream book

To see the chicken - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to the increase in the family.

Chicken for Dream Azara

Chicken - profit.

Chicken in the dream book Eugene Tsvetkov

Chicken - a random guest; Many chickens - guests; Keeps grain - money.

With chickens - loss.

Customize to hear - sadness.

A dream in which you see chickens is a sign of a happy family increase.

Chicken for Schoolchildren Schiller

benefits, profit and happiness in the game.

Chicken for the noble dream book N.Grishina

The chicken is big and beautiful to see - happiness.

Chickens see - small everyday worries.

There are a lot of them - hard work.

Feed - the gift / you have a good person to find.

Slash, catch a chicken - love to achieve.

There is a chicken - gifts.

The egg demolished - a joyful event.

Chicken with chickens to see - joy in the family.

Chopped chicken head see - lead, letter.

Chicken for a healer of shark

What does chicken mean in a dream - to adding in a family or good profits. Imagine that you have a lot of chickens, all of them are large, beautiful and healthy.

Chicken in the dream of the healer Fedorovskaya

Chicken - a lot of chickens - to tears, losses. But: One chicken dreams of a pregnant woman to the birth of a girl.

Chicken in the ancient Parsida Dream Tafelisi

Chicken is an indication of a woman in your service. If the chicken sits on the eggs in a dream, it is possible that your servant is secretly pregnant.

Chicken in modern dream

Chicken - Benefit, arrogance and happiness in the game

Chicken in the dream book A.Mindel

You dreamed of chicken - you see a chicken in a dream - you are expected in the family; You will be very happy about this.

Chicken for the Big Dream Interpretation

What does the chicken coop mean in a dream - to the acquisition of property to the house. Imagine that you see the chicken coop, where many chickens, roosters and chickens. You are the owner of this chicken coop and have just decided to replenish it. Imagine that we put in the chicken coop of new chickens.

You dreamed of chicken - to rapid and noticeable health promotion. Imagine that you are cooking chicken meat.

Chicken for the ancient Russian dream book

Chicken - Singing to see there is a sign of sorrows and boredom; a nurser chicken see the profit and ladies; Chicken-azpa and chickens together to see such a dream foreshadows loss and loss; Hearing her clochtan there is a sign of joy and pleasure.

Chicken - cook in a dream from chicken all sorts of dishes - to good news.

Chicken in the dream of the sorcerer of Medele

Sleep to see about chicken with chapels - a symbol of a personal sacrifice (black chicken). Sign of speedy success (white chicken). Rooster - Symbol of the Uhager or Little Energetic Man. See one beautiful chicken - happiness in love and family life. Rooster see - to fear someone's desired intentions. Chickens - failure in affairs, cowardice. Chicken cluck - to unpleasant wilds, gossip.

Chicken in Russian Dream

What does chicken mean in a dream - homework; with chickens - joy in the family; Catch, slaughter a chicken: For a man - the prediction of a love victory, for a woman - to getting Westa.

Female dream chicken

Chicken - see the chicken in a dream - to pleasant meetings in the home circle, to the increase in the family.

Magic Dream Chicken

Sleep to see about you dreamed chicken - a random guest. Many chickens are a lot of guests and money. Chicken hen - joy for children. Buy - to well-being. To hear clucking is to go far away. If the chickens are interpreted during feeding - a fuss and noise in the house.

Chicken for the Dreamhouse Housewives

Chicken - family life.

Chicken for Dream Dashka

Friendly bird, which is a lot of bitch and fighter character, often turning into slope and fruit.

Cleopatra's Dream Cleaned Chicken

The chicken is a restless bird that is famous for a long bitten after he demoling the egg. The rooster is the embodiment of courage and fighting nature, although in most cases these qualities are moving into slope and proceedings.

Seen in a dream these symbols are related to the household and the nature of the people with whom the dreams communicate.

See the dream in which the chickens are looking for food, swarming in the money scattered in the yard, - the head of sad news or events that can occur because of your negligence, try to focus on the main thing, and everything will be fine.

Meet a person whose speech you can not understand because it is very much reminded to cluck, - do not believe rumors; Evil languages \u200b\u200bwill be misled; Do not take quiet solutions under pressure.

To see a chicken, which is long and unnaturally sitting in one place, - soon you can seek help, referring to malaise or disabilities, but you should not take everything on faith. Help so that later do not regret the participation in the fate of a person.

You dream chicken with a cow withdrawal - be careful: you are trying to deceive, it is possible that the deal that you offer is an empty scam; Do not believe those who promise big money and promises the Golden Mountains.

See a chicken, which attacks someone else who came to an unfamiliar courtyard - the one who promises to support support, will not fulfill promises; Do not hope for helping those who are not tested by you personally.

To see in a dream, the Grokery, which the chickens were spoken, - beware of the trick from the careless family members, from children, those who still know a lot.

Save in a dream chicken, which rushes to beat off her chicken at the haastle, is a symbol of what your defender himself needs help.

If in a dream you want to slaughter a rooster, then such a dream indicates that there are evil, envious people in your environment, who are very harmful to you, although now you don't know anything about it.

Cut in a dream of a rooster, which prevented you sleep at night, - a sign that you are too cunning people and suffer great because of this. Perhaps such a dream says that you are waiting for a misfortune because of the tricks of a person close to you.

To catch in a dream of a rooster - the head of the fact that you will soon have a difficult thing, which you can hardly be done.

Mayan Dream Hen

Good denied you dreamed that you eat a chicken, then in the near future you get rich. It is soon after the cross-shaped bone falls.

Bad denied you dreamed that you are plugging a chicken, then get disappointed in your work. If you do not want it, burn three chicken feot at dawn.

Chicken in the dream of winged phrases

Chicken - "Chicken Shield" (about the slopful crawled depraved woman); "It is worn as a chicken with an egg" - worried only about his, small, insignificant.

Italian Dream Mengtetti Chicken

Symbolizes a woman who "pecks", "shit" and can "demolish" such an egg that will be for the subject a very unpleasant surprise.

Chicken in the ancient Russian dream book

random guest; Many chickens - guests, money.

Chicken for dreams for women

To rain or washing. If the chicken runs across the yard - soon the guests will get to you and will have to fuss. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday - a sign that you should be more careful and alert, as you may be drawn into the scaffold; From Saturday to Sunday - remember that it is not always necessary to tell everything to friends, even if you closely, from Sunday for Monday - in a short time you will come across a barrier in affairs, to overcome which alone will not succeed.

Chicken in the dream book Pechora Healer

Many chickens - to tears, losses.

One chicken is dreaming a pregnant woman to the birth of a girl.

Muslim Dream Hen

Chicken - maid.

Chicken in idiomatics dream

"Chicken Schicken" - about a slopful crawling woman; "It is worn as a chicken with an egg" - worried only about his, small, insignificant.

Chicken for a dream for the whole family

Chicken - to the rain or washing.

If the chicken runs across the yard - soon the guests will get to you and will have to fuss.

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday - a sign that you should be more careful and alert, as you may be drawn into the scaffold; From Saturday to Sunday - remember that it is not always necessary to tell everything to friends, even if you closely, from Sunday for Monday - in a short time you will come across a barrier in affairs, to overcome which alone will not succeed.

Chicken online Dream

By the dream of a chicken with a snow-white plumage - foreshadowed you, and with black - you will have to come true for the good of others.

If you raude her grain - get acquainted with good in every man, you will make a pleasant surprise.

Trying to catch them - significant loss await you.

Acquire them - your success will depend only on you, sell - you did not even hope, and destiny will send you an amazing chance.

The dream in which you are trying to steal Curries - foreshadow your concerns and works, thanks to which you will still achieve the desired one.

If you have brought a soup with brood - your home will visit great happiness.

The cut-off head of the bird - foreshadows you receiving news.

Cut the chicken in a dream - soon you will be put before an important choice, showing hardness, you can achieve incredible success.

Prepare from it broth - you will do what you do not have a soul, but this is a forced measure.

Eat chicken meat - you need to consult with the doctor, it is desirable to undergo a course of procedures in healthy.

The compartment is chicken - the results will not so much significant, despite the painstaking and thorough work, it will disappoint you. To change the current situation, divert the fire and adjust 3 chicken feot in it.

Kill the chicken dreams - hard work is waiting for your fulfillment, you with great reluctance will be performed for its execution.

Prepare a chicken - your plans are not destined to come true, you will upset and upset.

Separate (cut off the head) The chicken dreamed - it is planned some kind of holiday. You will rest from the everyday bustle and working days.

Catch a chicken - you will choose an honest way to make money.

Catch a chicken, in the interpretation of the dreams - difficulties as a result of the short-sightedness of the next relatives.

Eating a chicken - family gatherings, conversations, meetings. Pleasant company.

Chicken peeled - happy sign. You will get some kind of money that will be very by the way.

Sleep, in which the chicken demolished the egg - luck for those who earn in the stock market, on the currency exchange.

Fried chicken - households will demand increased attention to their problems and desires. You have to do the way they want, otherwise the rebellion can not be avoided.

The meat of chicken dreamed - some kind of new acquaintance will contribute to the receipt of material wealth.

Fry the meat of chicken

Someone cuts chicken meat

Chickens - influential man feeding you a helping hand. Your dream of partnership with this person will come true. But do not be arrogant and ambitious, otherwise everything will end with failure.

Crude chicken in a dream - experiences associated with additional spending, unplanned costs. You will be wonderful time. There is a risk of fraud about you.

Live chicken - you are now on the crest of the wave, you smiles at Fortune. All troubles bypass you.

Chicken, rooster - symbolize someone from home, close relatives.

Rooster bophat chicken, by dreams - sexual attraction to a new acquaintance, passionate love. -

White chicken - luxurious, saturated with rich impressions, life.

Dead chicken - some reason waiting for you to work on it. Do not postpone it again in a long box.

The chicken nailed - sleep dreams of happiness. Monetary premiums, the receipt of large sums.

Black chicken - hasty in decision making. Good luck depends on whether you have chosen the path.

Chicken demolished the egg dreams - financial success, cost-effective offer. For casino lovers

Chicken for Universal Dream

One of the main mysteries of our life is the question of what was at the beginning, chicken or egg? And yet: what was before, chicken or egg? In other words, are you trying to solve an unresolved question?

Chicken is a wonderful symbol, meaning the desire to abandon the attempts to answer the questions that are not answered. Indeed, do we need to know absolutely everything?

Chicken is also the personification of external ideas. What ideas, dreams or projects do you wear in your life?

If in a dream you see a chicken that raises an egg - it means you think about some kind of idea or project.

Chickens are growing in the ground and have an amazing ability to find food in it when it seems that there is nothing there - you may need to dig a little deeper to get what you want.

American dream chicken

Chicken - something will happen in your life connected by the house.

Health Dream Head

There is a chicken - it is necessary to show attention to the state of his health; see the key grain - do the right nutrition; With chickens - to take care of children.

Chicken in the dream of lovers

Chicken - promises the addition in the family and happy relationship.

Chicken in the lunar dream

Chickens - money.

Chicken for Dream Martin Zada

Chickens are a big displeasure.

Chicken for the medieval dream book Daniel

See what you are preparing a chicken - to wealth.

Chickens to see or have to be good.

Chicken for Russian Dream

Chickens are a lot of trouble.

Chicken in Russian Dream

Chicken - a restless bird, which is a lot of bitch and fighter character, often turning into slope and frightness.

Chicken in the Chinese dream book Zhou-Guna

The chicken sits on the eggs - foreshadows greater joy.

Chicken for a snorker of 1829

Chicken - Singing to see there is a sign of sorrows and boredom; Smoking chicken - means profit and ladies; a chicken-azpa and chickens to see together - such a dream foreshadows loss and loss; Hearing her clochtanya - there is a sign of joy and pleasure.

Chicken for psychoanalytic dream book V.Samokhvalova

Chicken - Bird is not able to fly, and, therefore, imagination with utilitarian function. If the chicken is held for the production of eggs, then you can then hope for potential growth, in contrast to the case when it holds for meat.

Black chicken - conductor in the deep unconscious.

Someone, turning into a chicken, confidence unconscious that someone may be an individual himself, is a coward.

Chicken on the Timber Dream Dream Tafels

Chicken is an indication of a woman in your service.

If the chicken in a dream sits on the eggs - it is possible that your servant is secretly pregnant.

Chicken for Sheremein's dream

Chicken - a random guest; Many chickens - guests, if pecks grain - money.

Chicken for a dream for bitch

Chicken is a pleasant pastime in a circle with mine, adding in the family.

Chicken in the dream of the XXI century

The chicken is great and beautiful to see in a dream - fortunately in love or receiving a share of illegally acquired property.

Several chickens see - to the troubles or arrival of buddies, everyday concerns, a lot of chickens - to heavy work.

Feed chickens - to a gift, affectionate relation, meeting a good man.

There is a chicken - to gifts.

If the chicken drove the egg in a dream - it means you will be waiting for a joyful event.

Chicken with chickens to see - to joy in the family, a severed chicken head - to the news, writing.

Singing rooster hear - a sign of what care should be taken; Put feathers from his tail - to trouble, see the persecution of the roosters of chicken - to trouble in family life.

If a dumping cock is dreaming - this is to anxiety. a quarrel with old friends, a chrome cock - to the appearance of faithful friends, singing - to getting the news, the golden cock - fortunately, red - to the danger from fire, black - to a collision with evil forces, catch the rooster - means that you will be with whom "It's arguing, the roasting battle is the forever of the quarrel between your enemies."

If a woman sees a rooster in a dream - it means that she will soon get acquainted with an interesting young man.

Chicken in Slavic Dream

Chicken - see in a dream - to savings, women will help you. Symbol of an elderly woman and agun.

Chicken for the dream of Ezopa

Chicken - a restless bird, which is famous for long wiseness after making an egg.

The rooster is the embodiment of courage and fighter nature, although in most cases these qualities are moving into slope and proceedings.

These symbols seen in a dream are related to the household and the nature of the people with whom the dreams are communicated.

See a dream in which the chickens are looking for food, swarming in the money scattered in the yard - the head of sad news or events that can occur because of your negligence, try to focus on the main thing, and everything will be fine.

See in a dream a fabulous hut on curious legs - you have surprise.

Meet a person whose speech you can not understand because it is very much reminded to coolness - do not believe rumors; Evil languages \u200b\u200bwill be misled; Do not take quiet solutions under pressure.

To see a chicken, which is long and unnaturally sits in one place - you can soon contact you for help, referring to malaise or disabilities, but you should not take everything to faith. Help so that later do not regret the participation in the fate of a person.

You dream chicken with a cow withdrawal - be careful: you are trying to deceive, it is possible that the deal that you offer is an empty scam; Do not believe those who promise big money and promises the Golden Mountains.

See a chicken, which attacks someone else who came to an unfamiliar courtyard - the one who promises to support support, will not fulfill promises; Do not hope for helping those who are not tested by you personally.

To see in a dream the Grokery, which the chickens were spoken - we fear the trick from the careless family members, from children, those who still know a lot.

To see in a dream the pan of sch) in which there is an imperious rooster - you warn you about a surprise that will cause a storm of emotions of the opposite character in you.

Save in a dream a chicken, which rushes to beat his chicken at the haastle - a symbol of what your defender itself needs help.

To see in a dream that the roasted rooster nailed you - before expressing the final decision, weigh everything "for" and "against" because the dream foreshadows you surprise.

If in a dream you want to slaughter a rooster - then such a dream indicates that there are evil, envious people in your environment, who are very harmful to you, at least now you don't know anything about it.

Cut in a dream of a rooster, which pretended to sleep at night - a sign that you are too tricky person and suffer from it. Perhaps such a dream says that you are waiting for a misfortune because of the tricks of a person close to you.

To catch in a dream of a rooster - the head of the fact that you will soon have a difficult thing, which you can hardly be done.

Chicken for a brief dream book Deniz Lynn

House, nest.

Pukhaila and satisfied.

Chicken for detailed dream book Deniz Lynn

Chicken is a sign of home instincts. "Chesives". Perhaps this is the right time to turn your home into a cozy bright sanctuary. It may also mean that you are satisfied and satisfaction.

Chicken for Dream Wellez

Chickens - money, winnings, profit, new acquaintance, friends will come / cotton, complaint, attack, grave work; pee grain - money; caching - joy / layoff; with chickens - loss, widdled, orphabet; Many - guests, money / not to good; black - quarrel; catching the girl will be born (for pregnant); cut - unexpected guests, illness; feed - good guest.

Chicken in the Ukrainian dream book

The chickens are shot - large troubles; attack.

A woman with chickens will be dreamed of a woman - will be widowed with children.

Chickens are small - something good will be; Chickens - poverty, poverty.

If it dreams that Kuds are somewhat care is slander.

Many chickens, chickens - troubles unexpected.

Chespa with chickens - orphans: Mom dies, children remain.

Chicken for children's dream book

Chicken - In this image, someone from female relatives may appear.

If the chicken coarses the grains - it means everything will be fine.

If the chicken anxiously quoucht - she expresses her anxiety about you, maybe you are a little squeak or get into some kind of unpleasant situation.

Chicken for Gypsy Dream

Chicken - profit, considerable income.

Chicken chicken - means you get the protection you were looking for.

Chicken, carrying eggs - to luck.

If you hear how the chicken caches - this means consolation from some kind of offense.

If in a dream you feed chickens - it means you are waiting for small trouble.

Chicken in dream book 2012

Chicken is a reflection of excessive guardianship over someone (something).

Chicken on the alphabet Interpretation of dreams

Chicken (black) - a symbol of a personal sacrifice.

White chicken - a sign of speedy success.

See one beautiful chicken - happiness in love and family life.

Chicken cluck - to unpleasant wilds, gossip.

Chicken predicts family troubles, visits guests or profits. Poultry is a symbol of a woman, mother, hostess.

What did the chicken dreamed?

Beautiful big bird promises success in love affairs. The chicken chicken, according to idiomatic interpretation, is associated with the depravant and spine. In dreams in the image of a white bird can be a bride. In addition, the white chicken is a messenger of good luck or ambulance. Gray bird dreams of trouble with relatives, family conflicts. What dreams black chicken? Chernushka foreshadows an alarming period in life related to the need to follow the victims. Redhead chicken means a woman counting on your help. Headless bird in a dream - warning from ill-conceived deeds.

Is there a chicken in a dream?

Chickens in large quantities will take off to unexpected troubles, guests. On the interpretation of Fedorov's chicken, losses and tears are foreshadowed. To see a bird with an egg - it means to languish the foreboding, wait for Westa. The poles with chickens symbolizes the alarm of children, predicts a joyful event in the family. To harmony in family life and success in amur business, a chicken with a rooster is dreaming. If in the dreams, in addition to the chickens, ducks were also present, prepare for minor spending.

Actions Kuitsa

What dreams of raw chicken? Perhaps so manifests your senses. Try less to criticize yourself, pay attention to health. Bird running around the yard dreams of unexpected guests. If the chicken is sitting on the eggs, your expectations are justified. The only demolished egg is to a joyful event. The bay of grain bird promises money or execution of desires. Anxiously quorted chicken may be a harbinger of malaise, false accusations.

What did you do with chicken in a dream?

To see chickens in a dream means nice to spend time in a family circle. If the chicken dreamed of a pregnant woman, her daughter would be born. When you catch a bird in a dream, you need support. Buying chicken - a signal that it's time to replenish economic reserves. If you fed the bird, expect a gift from a loved one.

What dream fried chicken? By taking a lot of effort troubles, unprofitable trade transactions. If you have dreamed that you consider chickens, in reality, do not rush to summarize or make conclusion. Be careful if you cut a bird in a dream: you have a lot of envious. They carry insidious plans and are waiting for a suitable moment to harm.

Lowish dream book

Chicken usually dreams of favorable changes in life. Finding in many religions a symbol of wealth and fertility, it carries happiness, calm and comfort in your home.

See a chicken, means that in the near future your family life will go to a qualitatively new level (wedding, the birth of children, grandchildren and so on). Dreamed the dream in which you buy a chicken, it means that fate gives you the opportunity to be happy and independent.

To feed in a dream chicken means you do everything possible to make your family happy. The chicken was dreaming, which you eat, fried chicken - it means that you pay for your health, and no surprises will be foreseen from this side.

If in a dream eats a chicken patient, then in a short time he will take an amendment. The chicken was dreaming surrounded by chickens, it means that you can wait in the family of replenishment. If you dreamed like a chicken bitch, most likely, in a short time you have to go on a trip, and you cannot take your family with you.

The chicken pursued by a rooster will dream, as a rule, to betrayal from friends. Take care of new friends with whom I got acquainted in the last year.

Dream D. Mendeleev

If you dream chicken, what is this:

Chicken - see a chicken, peacefully walking around the court, means that the long-awaited guests will come to you from afar, which you have not already hoped to see, and now the joy and happiness visited your home.

If you run after the chicken, trying to catch it, such a dream indicates that you are attaching a maximum effort to create a comfort in the house, to preserve the world, peace and mutual understanding in the family, but sometimes it is not enough for harmony in the house.

Catch the chicken - to the infinite happiness, which is already knocking on your doors, you just need not to miss it on your own inattention.

Kill in a dream chicken, dead chickens - a signal that your beloved (or beloved) will neglect your feelings and makes it on them, having loved another (other).

To see that you boil out of chicken soup, it means that you will have your own hands with your own hands, forcing your soul mate to doubt the sincerity of your feelings and loyalty.

See how you feed the chicken, foreshadows the increase in the family you did not expect.

Dream S. Karatov

Why dream chicken in the dream book:

Chicken - see what you see a chicken or chickens, this means that currently the stars do not recommend changing your image sharply, for example, to cut, because Because of the period unfavorable for you, this attempt will be unsuccessful, even spoiling all your appearance. Therefore, it is better to wait for a while, and then without unnecessary concerns to do: hared, make-up, style of clothing, etc. All this has long been required to update, fresh look and a new, stylish, more modern approach.

See the frozen chicken in a dream - a similar dream foreshadows you various failures in family life due to the fact that you are not paying attention to your favorite person who really needs your understanding and participation. And he, in turn, does not feel necessary and necessary for you. Try as soon as possible, without launching in a long box, melt the ice in your relationship, otherwise there will be a complete alienation from each other as a result of cooling and gradually fading once at one time, straw passion and crazy love.

Dream of dreaming that they are making a cooking of any chicken dishes, for example, fry, extinguish or bake it, even feel like the unique dislike fragrance, delicious food, so that you even have saliva, as well as All those present, it will dream to the fact that in the near future you will enter into a legitimate marriage, but you will get a nikudnykh, nor not a suitable spouse (or spouse). You simply are not yet ready for such serious obligations and responsibility entrusted to your shoulders by society, because still "did not grow up" before that because of his excessive recklessness. About such as you say: "He has a wind walking in his head." But since you made such a serious act, you just need to take yourself in hand and become more serious, proud and start learning to feel your own responsibility and concern for another person, showing care and attention to it, and not just to yourself.

Dream interpretation for girls

Why dream chicken in the dream book:

Chicken - If the chicken runs across the courtyard - in a short time, guests will get to you and will have to fuss. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday - a sign of what should be more careful and vigilant, as they can draw in a bad case; From Saturday to Sunday - remember that it is not always necessary to tell everything to friends, even if you are closest, from Sunday for Monday - in a short time you will face a barrier in affairs, to overcome which alone will not succeed.