Venezuela: And what good did Hugo Chavez.


  • In 1975, in the rank of younger lieutenant graduated from military academiasuenes. Served in airborne parts.
  • In 1982, Chavez founded the Comacate underground organization with colleagues, which was then transformed into a revolutionary Bolivariano Revolucionario).
  • On February 4, 1992, army columns under the command of Hugo Chávez went to the streets of the capital Caracas. More than a hundred officers and almost a thousand soldiers participated in the plot. The Supreme Command announced the support of the president and gave an order to suppress the rebellion. Already at noon on February 4, Hugo Chavez surrendered to the authorities, urged his supporters to fold the weapons and took over all responsibility for organizing this operation. Chavez and a number of his supporters were in prison.
  • After 2 years, in 1994, Chavez was pardoned by President Rafael Caldera. Immediately, by release, created "Movement of the Republic".
  • At the parliamentary elections in November 1998, the coalition "Patriotic Pole" coalition, which was headed by the movement, the fifth Republic scored about 34% of the vote and won 76 of 189 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 17 of 48 seats in the Senate. In the 1998 presidential election, Chavez won, gaining more than 55% of the votes.

Hobbies Hugo Chávez

Hugo Chavez wrote poems and stories, from childhood he was fond of painting. At the end of 2007, Chavez published a collection of songs, which included popular Venezuelan and Mexican songs performed by the president.

Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias was born on July 28, 1954 in the city of Sabanea, Venezuela, in the family of teachers. Before becoming famous thanks to its attempts to reform and strict statements as President Venezuela (1999 - 2013).

Chavez studied at the Military Academy of Venezuela, which he graduated in 1975, having received an education in the field of military arts and natural science. Further, he went to serve in airborne troops.

In 1992, Chavez, together with other disappointed servicemen, tried to overthrow the Board of Carlos Andres Peres. Attempting the coup was failed, and Chavez, later, spent two years in prison, but in the end he was pardoned. After liberation, he created the "movement of the fifth republic" - the revolutionary political party. Chavez ran for the presidency in 1998, campaigning against corruption in the government and giving a promise to carry out economic reforms.

Venezuelan President

After coming to power in 1999, Chavez decided to change the Constitution of Venezuela, making amendments to the powers of the Congress and to the judicial system. As part of the new Constitution, the name of the country was changed to the "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela".

As president, Chavez faced problems both in his country and abroad. His attempts to strengthen its influence on the State Oil Company In 2002, the contradictions were raised and led to protests, because of which the warlords in 2002 removed him from power for some time. The protests continued and after his return to power, as a result, a referendum was held, where it was decided whether Chavez was in position. In August 2004, a vote was conducted on the referendum and a majority of votes were decided to leave him as president.

Hostile relationship with USA

Throughout the period of the Board, Chavez was known as a straight and categorical person, he did not particularly restrain, expressing his opinion or criticism. He insulted the heads of oil companies, the servants of the Church and other world leaders, and especially hostile to the US government, which, in his opinion, was involved in a failed coup in 2002. Chavez was against the war in Iraq, stating that the United States, unfolding hostilities, abuses with his authority. He also called President George Walker Bush with a mean imperial.

Relations between the United States and Venezuela were stretched for some time. After joining the position of President, Chavez sold Oil Cuba - a long-time opponent of the United States - and opposed the US plans to stop illicit drug trafficking in Colombia. He also helped partisan troops in neighboring countries. In addition, during his Board, Chavez threatened the United States to stop the supply of oil if another attempt to remove him from power will occur. However, he sacrificed household fuel for helping the victims of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita, which destroyed many fuel and processing enterprises.

The international cooperation

Regardless of the relations of Venezuela with the United States, when Chavez held the position of President, he effectively used the oil resources of his country to form relationships with other countries, including China and Angola. In 2006, he helped the creation of the Bolivarian Alliance for America, the Socialist Organization of Free Foreign Trade, United Fotem Castro, President of Cuba and Evo Moralis, President of Bolivia. Chavez was also an active member of the Non-Aligned Movement Organization, which included more than 100 countries, including Cuba, Iran and a number of African countries.

Worsening health and death

Chávez found cancer in June 2011, after the operation to remove the pelvic abscess, and from 2011 to the beginning of 2012, he had transferred three operations to remove cancer tumors.

Before his third operation, in February 2012, Chavez acknowledged the severity of his condition, as well as what, perhaps, would not be able to continue serving the country as a president, and afterwards he called Nicholas Maduro as his successor. Due to the deterioration of health, Chavez was not allowed to the solemn ceremony of the official joining the position of the President for the fourth term in January 2013.

After his long-term struggle with cancer, Hugo Chavez died in Venezuela on March 5, 2013 at the age of 58. He has a wife, Maria Isabel Rodriguez, and five children: Rosines, Maria Gabriella, Rosa Virchini, Raul Alfonso and Hugo Rafael. Two days after Chavez's death, Vice President Maduro said that the body of Chávez would be concerned and in the glass tomb will be forever presented at the Museum in Caracas, which is currently under construction. It is located near the palace where Chavez Rules for more than ten years, and was named El Museo Histórico Militar de Caracas (Rus. Museum of Revolution in Caracas).


"The left forces returned, and this is the only way to which we have to go to get out of that shame in which conservatives were drowned. Socialism creates, and capitalism destroys. "

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]. In 1982 (according to other data - during study at the Academy), Chavez founded the Comacate underground organization with colleagues (abbreviation, compiled from the first and second letters in the names of medium and younger officers) ,. Later, Comacate was transformed into a revolutionary Bolivariano Revolucionario, named after the Hero of the Latin American War for Simon Bolivar (Simon Bolivar) ,.

In February 1992, Lieutenant Colonel Chavez rose at the head of the military coup against President Venezuela Carlos Andres Perez), unpopular due to the high level of corruption and government reduction policies ,. The uprising, during which 18 people died and 60 were injured, was suppressed by the government ,. Chavez surrendered to the authorities and was placed in a military prison ,. In November 1992, Chavez's comrades took a new, again unsuccessful, attempted coup. Chavez spent two years in conclusion, in 1994 he was released on amnesty ,,, He reorganized his supporters in the movement of the Fifth Republic (Movimiento V Republica) and moved from the armed struggle to legal political activities ,.

In 1998, Chavez ran for the presidency under the slogan fight against corruption. At that time, he refrained from the radical political rhetoric, and the reform program proposed by him could not be called a revolutionary one. In the elections on December 6, 1998, Chavez won a victory by typing 56.5 percent of votes, ,,,. The policy of the Government of Chávez included a number of large-scale social programs, including the creation of universal education and health systems. The government has established stiff control of Petroleos de Venezuela's state oil company, which came to the needs of society: the construction of hospitals and schools, the fight against illiteracy, carrying out agrarian reforms and others. Thus won the support of the low-income majority of the population, Chavez began to nationalize enterprises in various industries.

In 1999, a new Constitution of Venezuela was adopted, which increased the presidential period from five to six years,. On the following presidential elections, July 30, 2000, Chavez scored 60 percent of the vote, ,. In the subsequent period, the political course of Chávez, called "Bolivarian movement to socialism," shifted to the left. The President acted with severe statements to the "Oligarchs of Predatniki" - heads of the oil industry, as well as hierarchs of the Catholic Church and opposition journalists. At the foreign policy, Chavez took an anti-American position. In 2001, he condemned US military operation in Afghanistan. According to the Venezuelan president, the Americans for the struggle against terror themselves used terrorist methods. It is quite natural that in an attempt by the overthrow of Chávez in 2002, many, including the very Venezuelan leader, accused the United States, ,.

On April 11, 2002, the authorities were deprived of the state coup, but on April 14, he returned to the presidential post with the support of the loyal parts of the army and numerous supporters,. Until April 14, the state headed Pedro Carmona Estanga (Pedro Carmona Estanga). He dismissed the parliament, suspended the work of the Prosecutor General and the State Controller, and also canceled the legislation received during the presidency of Chavez, the redistributing part of the national wealth in favor of the poor. The United States readily welcomed the coup, "the beneficial for Venezuelan democracy". When Chavez returned to power, the Secretary of State of Condolesis Rice advised the President of Venezuela to extract the lesson from the latest events. After 2002, the opposition tried to fight Chavez constitutional methods. In 2004, the president's opponents achieved a referendum on confidence in the country's management. Most Venezuelan (more than 59 percent) then supported the president, and his power only strengthened.

Anti-Americanism and anti-globalism became a Cavence business card. Under his leadership, Venezuela began to claim leadership in the US opposition in the Western Hemisphere,,. According to the press, the Government of Venezuela assisted by Colombian partisans, spent considerable amounts for helping other Latin American states, opposed the creation of a sociable free trade zone (FTAA, Free Trade Are of the Americas) ,,. Moreover, Chavez tried to conquer sympathy within the United States. His American opponents argued that Venezuela allocates funds to lobbying their interests in Congress. In the territory of the states arose groups of supporters of the Venezuelan president. Chavez agreed on deliveries at a preferential price of fuel oil for low-income areas in the north of the United States ,.

False against the US Chavez won sympathy around the world. Americans could not dismiss the list of foreign friends of Chávez, the Union with whom he called the "axis of goodness": Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Bolivia Evo Morales, President Cuba Fidel Castro (Fidel Castro) ,,. With Cuba, Venezuela installed especially friendly relations. Chavez at low prices sold energy to the island state and provided him with economic assistance. Castro in response sent numerous Cuban specialists to Venezuela, in particular, physicians who played an important role in the implementation of social programs of the Chávez government.

On August 22, 2005, there was a scandalous case associated with the name of Chavez. On this day, the American "Tel Robertson" telepar student (Pat Robertson) publicly urged the US authorities for the murder of Chávez, who can turn Venezuela in the "Springboard for Communist Infiltration and Muslim Extremism" on the American continent ,,. Although Chavez himself expressed indifference to incident, other official representatives of Venezuela demanded from the American authorities to call Robertson to answer. The representative of the American State Department said that Robertson as a private person had the right to any statements, emphasizing that the official position of the United States does not correspond to the opinion of the preacher.

In July 2006, Chavez made a visit to Russia, where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Two countries have entered into important agreements. First, an agreement was reached on the supply of Russian weapons and military aviation in Venezuela. Secondly, partnership in the energy field was scheduled: in particular, the development of new oil fields in Venezuela was planned with the participation of the Russian company LUKOIL ,.

The show of Chavez at the meeting of the UN General Assembly in September 2006: Venezuelan leader called President George W. Bush Devil and prejudice the wreck of the American Empire ,. During the election campaign of 2006, which Chavez led under the slogan "In the Name of Love" (Por Amor), he promised to "Mr. Devil" to "Mr. Devil", that "candidates from imperialism will be erased into powder," ,,.

Before the 2006 elections, Venezuelan society was divided. Supporters of Chavez, whom the majority among Venezuelast residents and which basically represent the low-income layers of the population, saw in him the leader defending the interests of the poor. The opponents of the president accused him of a populism, a tendency to autocracy and attempt to imitate the communist regime of Cuba ,,,,, Although the Opponent of Chávez - Governor of the Oil Rosales, Governor Rosales (Manuel Rosales), was able to rally the disparate forces of the opposition into a single whole, in the elections of December 3, 2006, Chavez won the top ,,,,,

Even before the official announcement of the voting results, Rosalez acknowledged the defeat, and Chavez began to celebrate the victory, which he dedicated to his friend Castro, and proclaimed the beginning of the new era of the socialist revolution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Before the elections, Chavez announced the plans to introduce into the Constitution of Venezuela amendments, allowing the president to re-election an unlimited number of times ,,,,. Taking the presidential oath on January 10, 2007, Chavez promised to conduct intensive socialist transformations in Venezuela, including the nationalization of the largest energy and telecommunications companies ,.

Later in January 2007, Parliament provided Chaveles expanded authority for a period of a year and a half. The president was able to manage the country with the help of decrees, bypassing the legislative power. In February, the promised nationalization of corporations in key industries began. Venezuela bought at the American Aes Corporation Assets of the largest ELECTRICIDAD DE CARACAS (EDC). Agreement on the purchase of shares of the CANTV telecommunications giant owned by American Verizon Communications was concluded.

On May 1, 2007, Chavez announced the suspension of Venezuela's cooperation with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The reason for this step, the president called the desire to distance themselves from international institutions under the territory of the United States. At the end of June, the Venezuelan leader visited Russia again. As in the previous time, the main topics of the visit were the procurement of Russian weapons Venezuela and cooperation between the two countries in the oil and gas industry ,.

In July 2007, Chavez announced his intention to make a bill to Parliament, allowing President Venezuela to re-election unlimited number. Chavez explained that citizens should not lose the right to choose the leader you liked as many times as they want.

On December 2, 2007, Venezuela citizens did not support constitutional amendments proposed by Chavez ,. In total, 69 amendments were made to the referendum: in addition to the abolition of restrictions on the number of presidential terms of the Board, it was assumed, for example, to increase the term of office of the head of state from six to seven years, to abolish the autonomy of the Central Bank of Venezuela, to enter the election law of sixteen-year-old citizens and introduce a six-hour working day. At the same time, Chavez became the initiator of only 33 amendments united in the "A" block, the other 36 amendments combined into the Block "B" were proposed by Parliament. Following the results of the referendum, the first reform unit was supported only by 49.3 percent of voters, and the second - 48.9 percent; Accordingly, 50.7 and 51.1 percent of voters voted against.

Despite the defeat on the referendum, Chavez continued the consolidation of power. Back in 2006, he declared the creation of a new party, where, together with the head of the fifth republic, other parties supporting the "Bolivarian movement to socialism" were supposed to be the creation of the fifth republic. The first Congress of the New Party, named United Socialista Unido De Venezuela, PSUV, was held in January-March 2008. The new political organization was headed by Chavez himself, calling her "the party of social struggle and defending the Fatherland" ,.

In February 2008, after the announcement of the independence of Kosovo, Chavez stated that he would not recognize the sovereignty of this republic, adding that such steps were aimed at weakening Russia, destabilize the region and create a number of dangerous precedents. According to Chávez, the United States also provoked unrest in Tibet to spoil the image of the PRC on the eve of the Olympic Games.

In June 2008, after the operation of the Colombian military versus a partisan organization, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Chavez offered FARC leaders to release hostages and folded weapons.

Chavez was on the side of Russia and during the conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008 (subsequently in the media, this conflict was mentioned as a "five-day war"). Chavez declared that he supported by Russia's recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, approved on August 26 by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, but did not say whether Venezuela is gathering the republics and the republics. Also Chavez accused the United States in the injection of the conflict.

In January 2009, in response to the Armed Operation of Israel against Hamas in the Gaza sector, Venezuela sent the Israeli ambassador from the country, while Chavez called the actions of the Israelites aggression and announced a break of diplomatic relations with Israel. Similar steps have taken Bolivia. In response, Israel sent the Venezuela Embassy from the country ,.

In early 2009, Chavez announced that he intended to conduct the author's columns, the "List of Chavez", in a number of Venezuelan newspapers, and the first of them was devoted to the favorite sport of Chávez - baseball. According to experts, Chavez decided to engage in journalism, imitating Fidel Castro.

In January 2009, it became known that on February 15 of the same year, a referendum was appointed to cancel a restriction on the number of stays for the President of Venezuela and other elected posts. A similar proposal failed at the referendum in 2007, however, this time the proposal to change the constitution was supported by 55 percent of voters, thus Chavez received the right to put his candidacy for the third six-year term at the next presidential election in 2012. It is noteworthy that representatives of the US State Department said that a referendum in Venezuela satisfied all democratic standards ,,,

On September 10, 2009, during an official visit to Russia, Chavez announced that Venezuela recognizes the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In response, the State Minister of Georgia on the reintegration of Temur Yakobashvili declared that Chavez was a marginal, and his application would not have any consequences. On September 15, 2009, Venezuela Foreign Ministry handed the government note about the official recognition of the sovereignty of Abkhazia.

In 2009, due to El Niño, drought began in Venezuela, which led to a critical decrease in the water level in hydroelectric power plants, which produce about 75 percent of the country's electricity. Because of this, in Venezuelan cities, cases of disconnections of electricity were frequent, the metro in Caracas worked with interruptions. As a response, Chavez demanded from the inhabitants of the country to save electricity: in particular, he suggested not to play football at night, wash with cold water under the shower no more than three minutes and do not enjoy air conditioning. However, according to critics, the cause of interruptions with the supply of electricity was the nationalization of the country's energy complex, since the Government of Chavez did not take measures to modernize it ,,. In February 2010, Chavez in connection with interruptions in the power supply announced an "electric crisis" and called on the population and enterprises to reduce the consumption of electricity under the threat of sanctions and raising tariffs. In January 2011, Chavez announced overcoming the crisis, however, after that, the media wrote about problems with the supply of electricity in the country ,.

In June 2011, Chavez suffered an operation in one of the Cuban clinics ,. On June 30, the President admitted that during the operation he was removed by a cancer tumor ,. In mid-July of the same year, Chavez again went to Cuba to undergo a course of chemotherapy. Before treatment, he passed part of his authority to the Vice-President of the country Elias Jaua and the Minister of Finance Jorge Giordani (Jorge Giordani) ,.

After graduating from the medical course, in August 2011, Chavez announced the nationalization of Venezuela's gold mining industry: to its declaration of the largest company that worked in this sector in the country was a Canadian company with Russian capital Rusoro Mining ,. In December 2011, its representatives reported that the Government of Venezuela did not apply to it with proposals for the creation of a joint venture or compensation, and promised to file a complaint to international arbitration. In addition, in August 2011, Chavez announced a return to the country of the Golden Reserve, which was kept in the banks of Europe and the United States (the main part - in the UK). Total reported that the Central Bank of Venezuela intended to repatriate from 160 to 218 tons of gold, and part of the gold and foreign exchange reserves in China, Russia and Brazil, ,.

Meanwhile, the course of treatment suffered by Chavez in the summer of 2011 was not enough: in February 2012, doctors in Cuba made him another operation to remove the tumor.

On June 11, 2012, Chavez was registered by the candidate for the presidential elections for the next on October 7, 2012, its main opponent called a single candidate from the opposition, the former governor of Miranda Enrique Capriles (Henrique Capriles). On the eve of Chavez declared his full recovery. "For several last days here, in Venezuela, I made a computer tomography, a magnetic resonance examination, and all the results are absolutely normal after the operation and ray therapy courses," the RIA Novosti was given.

On October 7, 2012, Presidential elections in Venezuela Chavez was re-elected for a new six-year term, typing 54.4 percent of votes. Kaprilasa supported 44.9 percent of those who had voted residents of the country.

Chavez was married twice. With the first wife, Nancy Colmerance (Nancy Colmenares), he divorced in 1992, after which he began to live with his mistress - Erma Marxmen (Herma Marksman). His second wife was a journalist Marisabel Rodriguez Oropesa (Marisabel Rodríguez Opeza). Marizabel helped Chavez to create a 1999 Constitution, but in 2002 she filed a divorce and in 2007 condemned the reforms conducted by a former husband. Chávez has three children from the first marriage: Rosa Viriginia (Rosa Virginia), Maria Gabriela (Maria Gabriela) and Hugo Rafael (Hugo Rafael) and one daughter from the second - Rosines.

Used materials

Ewan Robertson.. Chavez Wins VENEZUELAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WITH 54% Of The Vote. -, 07.10.2012

Hugo Chavez Registers for Venezuela "S Election. - BBC NEWS., 11.06.2012

Dmitry Znamensky. Chavez declared recovery a year after the first operation. - RIA News, 10.06.2012

Andrew Cawthorne.. Ignore Rumors, Venezuela Says in Chavez Cancer Saga. - Reuters, 29.02.2012

Daniel Cancel. Rusoro May Turn to Arbitration to Resolve Venezuela Gold Mining Dispute. - Bloomberg., 17.12.2011

Venezuela Begins Return of Gold Reserves From Abroad to Central Bank. -, 02.12.2011

Chavez Repatriates Venezuela "S Foreign Gold Reserves. - BBC NEWS., 26.11.2011

Roman Asankin, Sled Egyptian. Hugo Chavez nationalizes everything that glitters. - Kommersant, 19.08.2011. - № 153 (4694)


Comandante Chavez Delega Al VicepresidentE Elias Jaua Para Ejecutar Un Conjunto de Funciones. - Venezolana de Television, 16.07.2011

Hugo Chavez Delegates Duties Ahead Of New Therapy. - San Francisco Chronicle., 16.07.2011

Fernando Garcia.. Chavez Tiene Cancer. - La Vanguardia, 01.07.2011

Chavez Frias, Hugo Rafael (Chavez Frias, Hugo Rafael) (1954-2013), Venezuelan Political Worker, President of Venezuela.

Hugo Chavez was born in Sabanenet on July 28, 1954. His parents were school teachers. From 1971 to 1975 he studied at the Military Academy of Venezuela. He graduated from her rank of younger lieutenant.

Served in in airborne parts. He was fond of reading literature of theoretics of left views: K. Marks, V.Lenin and Mao Zedong.

In the 1980s, organized an underground organization called Comacate, and later underground revolutionary Bolivariano Revolucionario also created on the basis of this organization (MBR-MBOVIMIENTO BOLIVARIANO REVOLUCIONARIO).

Since 1990, some revival of the economy occurs, partly in a consequence of feverish privatization; In 1991, economic growth reached 10%, and in 1992 - 9%. However, by the end of 1992, the growth slowed down, and inflation remained at the level of 30%.

The crisis in the country continued to deepen. Capital outflow occurred, a number of banks announced their insolvency. Crime raised sharply, and the case of prisoners took place in crowded prisons. Former President Jaime Lusinchi, accused of 1993 in corruption, was acquitted, but the former president Perez was placed under house arrest, and in 1996 the Supreme Court recognized him guilty of illegal expenditure of public funds.

Chavez spent two years in prison after his failed attempt at the military coup, was released and engaged in creating his own electorate, referring to support mainly to the poor. His supporters united into the so-called "fifth republic movement" (DPR). The candidacy of Chavez in the presidential election in December 1998 was supported, in addition to the DPR, the MAS and the coalition of small groups of the left sense.

At the parliamentary elections in November 1998, the Patriotic Pole, who supported the Fifth Republic (DPR), movement towards socialism (MAS), the Motherland's Party for all and other groups, scored about 34% of the vote and won 76 of 189 places in the House of Deputies and 17 of 48 seats in the Senate. DD remained the largest of individual parties (55 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 19 in the Senate). I received only 27 deputies and 7 Senate chairs. In the elections of the state governors and the capital district of the Patriotic Pole and DD, they won 8 posts, more than 5.

The presidential elections followed in December 1998 turned out to be a real political earthquake. They demonstrated a decline in the influence of DD and SPEs, which dominated the country for almost 40 years. The result of their reign of steel corruption, rise of poverty and a sharp deterioration in elementary public services, including the scope of health and education. Despite the oil wealth of Venezuela, more than 80% of the population lived in poverty conditions, 40% - even below the subsistence minimum. The economic downturn, which began as a result of the fall in oil prices, mistakes in financial policies and political instability, led to a drop in gross domestic product in 1998 by 0.7% (in 1999 the crisis continued, despite the fact that oil prices increased again).

In the wave of universal discontent, the victory in the presidential election won Hugo Chavez (56.2% of the votes), far bypassed his rivals - banker and the former governor Enrique Salass Rymer (39.9%) and "Miss Universe 1981" Irene SALES (2.8% ). Traditional parties of DD and Kopi refused to nominate their own candidates and expressed support for Salas.

Having joined the presidential post on February 2, 1999, Hugo Chavez refused to bring an oath to the Constitution of 1961, declaring it with "dead". He announced his intention to achieve the adoption of a new Constitution, which was to provide for a deep reform of the entire political, legal and economic system, to combat poverty and corruption. Chavez proclaimed the beginning of the "peaceful revolution" and threatened that the Congress and Supreme Court would dissolve, if they resist the planned transformations.

The socio-economic policy of Chavez did not provide for the principal refusal of market mechanisms, the regime of "tough economy" and the economic orientation in the United States, did not imply the nationalization of the main industries and finances. At the same time, the new authorities sought to increase the state intervention in the economic and social sphere. Chavez put into action "Plan Bolivar 2000", in accordance with which 70 thousand military personnel and 80 thousand civil servants were sent for projects for the development of infrastructure, health care, agricultural education and road construction. At the same time, the government continued to further reduce government spending, including social needs, limited the increase in salary in the public sector, so he significantly lagged on the growth of inflation, introduced tax on banking operations, etc.

The arrival of Chavez to power led to a sharp polarization of political forces. The acute struggle between its authoritarian regime and old party, legal, entrepreneurial and trade union elites unfolded. The President immediately moved to the offensive on the legislative and judicial authorities of Venezuela. On February 17, 1999, he demanded the adoption of the law on the provision of emergency powers. At the end of March, Congress was forced to recognize the president of the right to legislative measures to improve budget for a period of 180 days, and on April 15 - after the threats of Chavez, introduce an emergency position - additional emergency powers in the field of economics.

In April 1999, Chavez held a referendum, during which 90% of the participants (only 47% of voters voted) spoke in favor of the convening of the Constituent Assembly to develop a new constitution of the country. The election in the meeting was held in July; 120 out of 128 places (three more places were reserved for the Indian communities) received supporters of the president, and he was again approved in his post. The Supreme Court tried to limit the powers of the Constituent Assembly, decided that it had no right to dissolve democratically elected bodies. However, on August 12, the meeting, ignoring the opinion of judicial authorities, announced an emergency authority to reform state bodies, and on August 19 introduced an "state of emergency" in the field of justice. It also decided to investigate the activities of all court courts, including the Supreme Court, as well as to cleanse them from persons involved in corruption. After that, the resistance of the Supreme Court was broken, and his chairman of Cecilia Sosa Gomez resigned. Against the 75 judges of various instances of the authorities opened affairs on charges of abuse of official position and corruption.

Now the main blow to the Government of Chávez was sent to the opposition in its composition of the National Congress. August 25, 1999 The Constituent Assembly decided to deprive the Congress of Legislative Powers; His meetings were prohibited and appointed commission for the investigation of the activities of deputies and senators. The severity of the conflict softened the mediation of the Catholic Church (Hugo Chavez himself is a deeply believer Catholic). According to the compromise achieved, Congress was able to resume his meetings on October 1, 1999, but was forced to essentially to take his own powerless position. The Supreme Court rejected the claim of parliamentarians who have sought the abolition of emergency laws adopted by the Constituent Assembly. Finally, both the meeting and Congress approved the text of the new Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and on December 15, it was approved by a nationwide referendum. The provisions contained in the text that envisaged the expansion of state intervention in the economy caused discontent with entrepreneurial organizations.

After the entry into the Constitution into force in January 2000, the constituent assembly was dissolved and for a period of time to new elections was replaced by the Temporary Committee of the Congress.

The following conflict arose between the Government of Chávez and the press. By order of the authorities, an opposition television journal was closed, which caused violent demonstrations of protest of journalists who accused the regime in violation of freedom of printing. Private television channels of Venezuela openly opposed the president.

Presidential elections July 30, 2000 Won Hugo Chavez with a big advantage, who climbed over 59% of the vote and started a new term of office on August 19. The main rival of the president this time was his former associate in the military uprising 1992 Lieutenant Colonel Francisco Arias Cardenas, who was now moving into opposition against Chavez. By combining around himself opponents of the current president, Arias Cardenas collected more than 37% of the votes. 3% went to the share of another opposition candidate - Claudio Fermin. The Patriotic Pole also won the parliamentary and governor elections, won 99 seats in the National Assembly and 13 posts of the governors.

The economic situation in the country was aggravated by the growth of unemployment, the fall in the standard of living and the flight of capital abroad. Civil servants and trade unions responded with mass protest demonstrations and threats of strikes.

In the field of foreign policy, Chavez sought to expand contacts with oil-producing countries and establish cooperation with Cuba, but at the same time did not want to deteriorate relations with the United States - the main consumer of Venezuelan oil.

During 2001, the confrontation between the President of Chavez and his opponents from the environment of old elites was increasing, and next year it turned out in an open confrontation. There were dissatisfaction with the part of the highest military circles, some representatives of whom publicly called on Chávez to resign. In April 2002, the government replaced all the leadership of the State Oil Company Petroleos de Venezuela, in response, the oppositional leaders of the Confederation of Workers of Venezuela called for an indefinite universal strike. The performance of oilmen and trade unions supported the unions of entrepreneurs. After the collisions between hundreds of thousands of supporters and opponents of the president occurred in Caracas, during which there were dozens of killed and wounded, the commander of the manifestations of the troops committed on April 11, a military coup; Chavez was forced to resign and arrested. At the head of the transitional government, rebel generals put the president of the Venezuelan Federation of Trade and Industrial Chambers and Associations (the largest association of entrepreneurs) Pedro Carmon. However, most of the army remained faithful to the president, besides, many hundreds of thousands of his supporters were released on the streets, who mobilized the Bolivarian Committees, mainly in the poor bind neighborhoods. As a result, Chavez counterpersion returned to power; His leading opponents were arrested.

The failure of the April coup did not put an end to the political crisis in Venezuela. During the year, the opposition, taking advantage of the growing economic difficulties and inflation, organized four universal strikes against the President of the President of Chavez. The largest of them began in early December 2002 and lasted for more than 2 months. Protest organizers made the leaders of the trade union confederation of workers of Venezuela and the Democratic Coordination Political Block. They demanded the resignation of Chávez and holding a referendum about his presidency. But this strike (as well as the previous one, in October 2003) ended with failure.

In 2004, a referendum was held, on which the main issue was the issue of confidence in the country's president. Over 59% of the population supported Chávez in that he should stay at the post.

Chavez strengthened cooperation with Cuba, because There was an understanding that it is necessary to unite against the imperialist environment. In 2006, Chavez came up with the term "axis of goodness", and he tried to consolidate such countries as Cuba Bolivia. In the future, Iran, Nicaragua, Belarus joined as potential allies to the pre-axis.

December 4, 2006 Hugo Chávez funds at the next presidential election again won a convincing victory over the candidate from the Venezuelan opposition, the governor pcs. Sulia M. Rosalez.

In early January 2007, Hugo Chavez announced the nationalization of the largest telecommunications and electricity companies in Venezuela - Compania Nacional De Telefonos de Venezuela (SANTV) and EDC controlled by American firms.

January 18, 2007 Parliament of the country adopted a law providing U. Schaves extraordinary legislative powers for the next one and a half years.

On October 7, 2012, the next presidential elections were held. 6 candidates participated in the presidential race. Hugo Chavez (55.26%) and Enrique Caprips Radonski, a single candidate from the opposition (approx. 45%) received the greatest number of votes. Chavez for the fourth time was re-elected president of the country.

After re-election, Chavez changed the composition of the government. He appointed Nicolas Maduro, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs by Vice President.

A few months before the election of Hugo Chavez, several operations were made, because He discovered oncological disease. After re-election, he was treated in Cuba and actually headed the vice president. Chavez threatened the seriousness of his position, so in one of the speeches he declared the successor to N. Maduro, if one would need to conduct early elections.

Chavez died on March 5, 2013 in Venezuela after prolonged treatment, including in Cuba from the oncological disease.

There is a category of people claiming that in order to achieve high-quality results, special conditions / skills are needed (it is not about, threatening to flip the land in the presence of an appropriate point of support). But there is another category of people who, despite anything in the fluff and dust, the convictions of the first their examples. The biography of one Venezuelan state and politician to the bright example.

Childhood and youth

The future speaker was born and the leader of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias in Sabareta - a small village located in the staff of Barinas. This event occurred on July 28, 1954. The boy became the second of the seven children of Hugo de Los Reyes Chávez and his wife Elene Friaz de Chavez.

Early childhood hug in the village of Los Rastrohos, which, together with his elder brother, he left after the end of the elementary classes. Parents sent boys to her grandmother in Sabaret, in order to live with her, Hugo and Atan studied at the Lyceum named after the General Daniel O'Liiri.

Chavez, remembering childhood, often said that it was out of his poor, but happy. Then he dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player when he grows (in part, this dream came true in student years). After graduating from a lyceum, Hugo entered the Military Academy. In parallel studies, the guy played baseball and softball - it led him to participate in the country championships according to these sports.

Hugo Chavez in childhood and youth

Also, being a student of the Military Academy, Chavez was interested in the life and statements of the National Hero - General. Later he got into his hands a book "Diary", and hugo caught fire the ideas of the Latin American revolutionary. At the same time, Chavez drew attention to the poverty of Venezuela's working class and decided to correct this social injustice in the future.

In 1974, the leadership of the Academy sent its students to celebrate the deaths of the Battle of Ayakucho, which occurred during the independence of Peru. The event was performed by the head of state Juan Velasco Alvarado. Presidential speech on the need for hostilities in the interests of the working class due to the corruption of the ruling class produced a strong impression on the twenty-year-old Hugo Chavez.

Young Hugo Chavez in the Military Academy

Another landmark event that happened to Chavez during study at the Academy was acquainted with the son of the Supreme Commander of the National Guard Panama, Omar Torryhos, and a visit to Panama. Velasco and Torrichos became ideological inspirers of Hugo - on their examples, the ideas and displacement of the military leadership of civil authorities were based on their examples. In 1975, Hugo graduated with honors from a military university and went to the army.


During the service in the Anti-Partizan division, held in Barinas, after the next raid, the guy found a cache with the literature of a communist nature (including with the works and). Several keen books left himself and familiarized himself with them in his spare time. The read forced Chávez to root in his left views.

Two years later, in the state of Ansategue, the detachment of Hugo fought with the grouping "The Batch of the Red Flag". After communicating with the prisoners, the UGO group began to understand that not only civil power was corrupt, but also the top of the military leadership. Otherwise, how to explain the fact that income from the sale of oil does not go to the help of poor residents of the country.

Such a revelation leads to the fact that in 1982, Chavez founds the "Bolivarian Revolutionary Party-200" (later the "revolutionary Bolivarian movement-200"). The initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization was positioned by the study of the military history of the state in order to create a new personal system of combat operations.

Later, the political scientist Barry Cannon argued that the "revolutionary Bolivarian movement-200" was becoming the formation of a new ideament, which had absorbed all the best from previous ideal models. In 1981, the hugo receives the title of captain and during the semester teaches in his former university, sharing his ideas and recruitment among them.

After that, Chavez was sent by leadership to the city of Elors. Hugo has suspicions that it was a link, because military leaders began to worry about his actions. Chavez was not confused - instead, he started acquaintance with the tribes of Yaruro and Kuiba - the lands of the land, which at that time belonged to the Venezuelan state of Apura.

Fielding with Yaruro and Kuiba, Chavez realized that it was necessary to stop the oppression of the indigenous citizens of the country and revise the laws on the protection of the rights of indigenous residents (which would later be implemented). In 1986, Hugo Chavez received the title of Major.

Two years later, the presidential post took Carlos Andres Perez. He managed to win the race during the elections thanks to the promises announced in the election campaign. In particular, the promise to discontinue follow the monetary policy of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

In fact, Peres launched another worst mechanism - a neoliberal model is more profitable for the United States and IMF. Citizens Venezuela did not categorically like. People came to rallies, but by decree of the president, all mass protests were brutally suppressed with the help of the military. Chavez at that time was lying in the hospital, so when the news came to him, he realized that a military coup was needed.

According to the developed Hugo and his team, the plan followed the key military facilities and the media, eliminate Perez, replacing it with a proven candidacy - Rafael Caldera (one of the former presidents of the country). Everything was ready for this.

But, nevertheless, the attempt of the state coup, produced in 1992, was not crowned with success. Because of the small number of supporters, numerous betrayals, unverified data and other unforeseen circumstances, Chavez's plan failed. On February 5 of the same year, Hugo independently surrendered to the authorities and spoke on television for his supporters to surrender, saying that so far he lost.

This event was considered in detail the media throughout the world (articles with the photo of the hugo were in all major publications of the world) and brought a fame prisoner to the Military Prison of San Carlos Chavez. Also, these events were not bypass and Carlos Andres Peresa - for officials and worship of the state budget in personal and criminal purposes in 1993, the President was convicted and removed from office. Caldera came to replace him.

Rafael Caldera freed the Hugo and his supporters, removing all the accusations, but forbid to serve in the ranks of the country's armed forces. Chavez then immediately went to promote his ideas among fellow citizens, as well as to seek support abroad (then his acquaintance with Fidel Castro).

During the Tour of Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Cuba and Argentina Chavez learned from the associates that the actions of the current president of the caldera are not much different from the actions of Peres. Suspecting something wrong, hugo returned to his homeland.

Chavez understood that it was possible to come to power only for a violent way, since the oligarchs would not let him win the caldera in the upcoming elections. Nevertheless, the hugo decided to try to do without armed conflict, founding in 1997 "Movement for the Fifth Republic" (later became the Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela) - the left Socialist Party.

In the 1998 presidential races, Hugo Chavez managed to bypass Rafael Caldera, Irene Saas and Enrique Raehers, who joined the post of President Venezuela in 1999.

The first presidential term of Chavez lasted until 2001 and was marked by the repair of roads and hospitals, free treatment and vaccination, providing social assistance, revising the laws on the protection of the indigenous population, as well as the launch of the weekly transfer "Hello, President" in which anyone could have discussed with Chavez A pressing question or ask for help.

The first presidential term followed the second, third and even short fourth. The oligarchy could not overthrow the folk pet, the President of Hugo Chávez, despite the Pulling in 2002 and the referendum in 2004.

The fourth presidential term of Chuvez began in January 2013 and ended in March of the same year due to the death of Hugo. In fact, the role of the head of state was actually carried out, which became the next president of Venezuela. And Hugo Chavez died at the age of 58.

Personal life

Twice was married. The first wife became Nancy Calmenares, from which Chavez's daughter's Rosa Virginia (1978) and Maria Gabriela (1980) and the son of Hugo Rafael (1983). After the birth of the son of Hugo broke up with Calmenares, continuing to take care of his children.

From 1984 to 1993, he consisted in unregistered relations with Erma Marxman - his companion. In 1997, he was married again and for the fourth time he became dad - the second wife Marisabel Rodriguez gave birth to Daughter Rosines. In 2004, the couple was separated.


In 2011, Chavez learned what was sick with cancer. Then at a personal invitation arrived in Cuba to undergo a course of operations. Hugo removed a malignant tumor, and he began to feel better. However, at the end of 2012, the pain again made himself felt.

On March 5, 2013, Hugo Chavez died. For a long time, the details were not disclosed, but later announced that the cause of death was an extensive heart attack. There were rumors that, in fact, Chavez was poisoned by Americans or his former associate, who became a dedicator, Francisco Arias Cardenas.

Initially, Hugo Chávez wanted to embellish, but for certain reasons it did not make it. Instead, the body of Chavez from the Military Academy, in which he studied and taught, carried to the museum of the revolution, where the farewell ceremony with the president and funeral took place. The heads of delegations from different countries came up with speeches, including from the United States (despite the fact that the sessions of the UN General Assembly, Chavez, unfore the inhabitants of the White House).


On March 7, 2016, in Sabaret, the village where Hugo Chavez was born, a monument was established - a gift from friends from Russia (including those and).


"On Mars recently discovered some remains of a couple who used to be water. It can be assumed that there was a civilization once on Mars. Mars is very similar to Earth. He even has the speed of rotation around the sun and around its axis is similar to the earth. So, recently I looked at a photo of a dead planet, which I sent the American apparatus from Mars. And it seemed to me that on one of the Martian rocks I was distinguished by three beaks: the IMF. "
"Yesterday the devil acted on this podium. And here still smells gray. "
"I swear, not to twist the hands, days and nights, the whole life to build Venezuelan socialism, a new political system, a new social system, a new economic system."