What dreams a lot of buns. Bulka Interpretation Dream Interpretation What dreams of buns in a dream

Learn from online dreams, what is the dream of a bunch, reading below the answer in the interpretation of the authors of the interpreters.

Bulka in a dream: Interpretation of 100 dreams

Big Dream Interpretation FEBE

What does it mean if dreamed boots

Bulka - to the uncomplicated, strong health. Imagine the counter with fresh, warm and soft buns. You buy several bulls of different varieties and bring home. Feel a pleasant aroma of fresh bread, imagine how you cut it with thick pieces, smear honey, butter or jam and drink tea.

Universal dream book

Bulk what means:

Bulka - Health, Profit, Success in Affairs.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

What is the dream of a bunch?

Bill is - useful work; see a bunch - hope for guests; Buy a bun - profit; Cut the bun - saving.

New and most complete dream book 1918

What dreams of a bunch

Bulka - there is a bunch - to well-being through things; See a bun - useful waiting.

Culinary dream book

Features of the decline of sleep about buns

Bulka - buy a bunch in a dream - to profits; cut a bunch - to the savings; There are boots - to success in affairs.

Simone Kananita Dreamnik

Bull to what dreams of the saint:

Bulk - There are boots - health, profit, success; see bread - good news; Buy a bun - profit; Cut the bun - savings.

Modern dream book


Bulka (Baton, Sdob) - Health, Profitable.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation of bread from your sleep

Bulka, Pie - Success in Affairs.

Dream of flowers

How does the Dream Dream pushes?

There is a bunch - to well-being through things.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Bulka see in a dream:

Bowers - buy a bun - profit; Cut the bun - savings.

Lunar dream book

Bulka in a dream what means:

There are breads - useful for the future welfare work.

Esoteric dream book

Bulk in a dream:

Bulka, bun, bagels - execution of cherished desire.

Astrological dream book

Bulk see what means?

Bulka - to eat a bunch - improved health, purchase of property.

Big modern dream book

Bulka - What dreams of a dream

Bulk - you dreamed that you eat a bun - your decent things will soon provide you well-being. You see a bun, lying on the table - your expectation will not be in vain. You yourself seemed to bake bread - your children will give you a lot of trouble in the near future; But you have already adapted to solve their problems; The way you courageously pin down on your shoulders of other people's affairs, should serve as an example for your children.

You seem to buy a magnificent bug in the store - if this dream sees a married man, the latter, most likely, will have a love connection on the side; He, of course, will try to hide this connection from the spouse, but long will not be calm; Every day, this incorrect husband will expect that his wife will send proof of his infidelity. If this dream sees a married woman, she must be ready for a great disappointment in his own spouse, - perhaps confident in his power rival leads him everywhere, like a calf on a tanning.

You seem to throw a stale bunch - you are too wasteful, the principles of saving are unknown to you; Therefore, you do not avail material losses and ruin.

Dream Interpretation Simeon Prozorova

Interpretation: Bulka:

Bulk - wealth, good health and well-being in the family, imagine that you smear the bunch of jam and surrounded by the family treats tea (see jam, tea).

Unique dream book

Bulk in a dream How to understand:

Bread - to a good appetite; See how others eat the bun - envy someone else's health.

Dream Buns

If you sit on a diet, and go to bed hungry, the food will be in a dream, without any send. And if you are full, what does the bunch of dut?

See in a dream baking

In principle, any appetizing food is interpreted as a positive omen. If she delivered pleasure in a dream, consider luck already in your pocket.

Interpretation of dreams

How the dream interpretation is pushing, the bun, the aroma in a dream, promises the improvement of financial affairs. Of course, different dream interputes interpret this symbol in different ways.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

See many buns, cakes and pastries, eat them - success, happiness, joy.

If this dreamed of a sick person, he will soon go to the amendment.

If dreamed of buns

Modern dream book

Positive interpretations:

  • Buy buns in a dream - profit.
  • To eat - luck in affairs.
  • See how the baker will be a furnace of fresh bells - a good crop.

Negative predictions:

  • cut a bunch - it is necessary to relate to expenses;
  • the seller throws the sedl to the window - trouble in affairs.

Pocket Dream

  • Dreamed the fend on the table - desires will be performed.
  • Eating her - financial affairs will go uphill.
  • The bake of buns are small troubles with children.

For married and married dreams, they are considered a dream negative. A married woman was similar to a similar way - to the infidelity of the spouse. If it throws a stale bread - her exorbitant costs will greatly hurt the family budget.

Married man, buy fresh bells in a dream - an intrigue on the side, with caution that the wife finds out.

Baking manufacturer

It is important for interpretation there is a fact, you bought pastries, or made themselves.

If you bought or seen on the showcase

Baking on the shop window

If the delicious white baking manits through the glass of confectionery means, and in life you occupy the position of a third-party observer. This dream is not negative, perhaps on most of the solutions you could not have influence.

Buying fresh pastries - it's time to get a reward for your work.

Buy a lot of stale bread - a favorable time to "pull up tails." The prediction concerns social issues, for example, the return of old debts, pleasant and necessary gifts.

Oven yourself

The buns that you bake yourself, it means, and in life you are all kept under control. The troubles with ease overcome independently. You should achieve your desired post on your shoulder, get acquainted with the right person, buy your favorite thing. In short, you are the king of the situation, or at least they will become.

Bun furnace with Mac - a favorable time to assimize any information. Now you can visit courses, trainings, get a new education.

When the purchase of the necessary products is reduced before cooking, everything will be accuracy with your desires.

Baking with filling

Not the last impact on the interpretation of dreams, which will dream, has a filling with which you dreamed of baking.

Patties with poppy

If you dreamed of a bun with poppy

There are or just to see sweet buns with Mac - you won the Jack Pope. All your essential desires will come true, while this may happen in any field of life.

There are people who fell to taste your baking - it's time to show your talents, the admirers will be delighted.

If you are at the moment alone, then such a dream promises you a romantic meeting.

Bun with jacket

Such a snob dreams to sweet life, in the literal and figurative sense.

Bun with jam or jam, means that your desire and effort will bring a good result.

Raisa raisins

Such a job promises many small pleasant surprises, if there is a lot of raisins. Although if in a dream you will choose a raisin, then, it means that in reality will be engaged in a painstaking case that will not bring the desired benefit.

Other fillings

As in reality in a dream, Sdob can dreame with a variety of filling:

  • with cherry - it's time to silence with your illusions, look at life real;
  • with cinnamon - the second half will not cease to please you, idyll will be in all areas of your life together;
  • there is a bunch with cottage cheese - in order for luck to turn to your face, you will have to make a lot of effort;
  • with cottage cheese - news, from a friend who has not seen for a long time.


It happens that in a dream, in baking you find a pin. The pin itself means quarrels in the family. Therefore, it is worth looking at a complete interpretation of sleep, associated with baking and apply to it to add a pin. For example, if the pin is not alone, and there are many of them, then small quarrels in the family will prevent you of pleasant moments.

See the boots in a dream - the sign that your wait is crowned with success, if only the boot on the ones will crumble or moldy. If the boob increases in the size of your eyes, you will find great success and happiness. See interpretation: Bread.

Buy bread in a dream - a sign of benefits and arrived. There is a bun in a dream - the fores of success in affairs, useful work and health. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone from your loved ones or relatives will need your help you will have at the right moment. Cut the bun in a dream means thrift that will help you to make money. Such a dream warns you that you should think about saving money economically, because soon they may need you. Felt a bunch in a dream does not foreshadow anything good. You are awaiting disappointment in love. Perhaps you will find that your beloved or beloved is incorrect to you, and maybe you will have to taper between a sense of duty and your personal sensations. Such a dream often predicts disagreements with partners on issues related to the distribution of profits.

Find keys in the Bullet - a sign that you can foresee the course of events and take advantage of this in your own interests, even if for this you have to use the trust that you have loved ones. To see in a dream, how bread bakes, - the foresight of fast and good change. See in a dream fresh buns - the foresight of income increases. If the buns are not baking, then you are waiting for boring work. If in a dream you found yourself in a bakery, then you have to learn something important. A dream about the bakery foreshadows a lot of good and predicts that the capricious fortune will finally turn to you. The dream promises to strengthen the situation in society, profitable transactions and the fulfillment of desire. To see in a dream of a buncock selling bread, is a sign of success in affairs. Become a bull in a dream - the fores of success in affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

Dream interpretation - cream buns

Snoviditsa is a model at the show, the girl's circle in beautiful dresses and a rich table after defile - symbolizes the desired external state, external favorable. From somewhere, a former husband, a dream with a saucepan of borscht for everyone, in Soup Makaroni, abandoned with her husband without a knowledge of the dreams, external discontent of the dreams - symbolizes the displaced and undeveloped yin - the qualities of the dreams (wife, hostess, house, life - everything is as expected) . The dreaming boils, but takes himself in his hands and follows to the rich table, but not beyond the borscht, and for different appetizing buns - this indicates the excessive emotionality and sensitivity of the dreams, a lover of spiritual comfort. And life proves the opposite every day, and won the most landlined representatives of mankind (fans of borscht with pasta, which in any case twisted). That's what a dream.

Dream interpretation - hours

Search, want to acquire buns in a dream (the bread is ugly), that is, the need to establish ordinary life, to understand well in yourself, your desires and opportunities, to open new talents, to gain peace of mind (but there is no bun anywhere) further, the choice of watches (straps long, shorter), the personification of time, but choose a clock with a dark dial, but clarify - "At the same time I doubt that it will be clearly seen: on the black dial black numbers and black shooters - can not see .." - here is the key all sleep. Black color to radical changes in life. Figures in a dream are very important, accurate code (long number written by a blue ballpoint handle in my hand) You do not remember (whether it resembled a bar code on the product, many nine, zeros or banking code, perhaps this number indicated the dependence on Some structures (in concentration camps are numbered), the responsibility imposed on the outside from foreign funds, drawing into dual situations, assigning "draws money", or the loss of funds as a result of dishonest partners. Disassemble everything is too expensive. Personal dreams should be interpreted Divine personal data, in personal correspondence. In general, your dream means that it comes to hard to control yourself, regulate the life in order to do something, sacrifice with pleasures, to abandon the desire for luxurious and unscrewing life. Can predict your life directly (hours ) Under the pressure of circumstances that either break, or make it come together and find new forces in themselves. To live according to the principle Who is not with us, the one against us. " Show such qualities as independence, determination, confrontation of evil in all its manifestations. Symbols such as the clock can mean important events in the life of parents, are one of the indicators of the future marriage for a young girl ... a lot of values, which of them will suit you.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream house at the Sun

See the boots in a dream - the sign that your wait is crowned with success, if only the boot on the ones will crumble or moldy. If the boob increases in the size of your eyes, you will find great success and happiness. See interpretation: Bread.

Buy bread in a dream - a sign of benefits and arrived. There is a bun in a dream - the fores of success in affairs, useful work and health. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone from your loved ones or relatives will need your help you will have at the right moment. Cut the bun in a dream means thrift that will help you to make money. Such a dream warns you that you should think about saving money economically, because soon they may need you. Felt a bunch in a dream does not foreshadow anything good. You are awaiting disappointment in love. Perhaps you will find that your beloved or beloved is incorrect to you, and maybe you will have to taper between a sense of duty and your personal sensations. Such a dream often predicts disagreements with partners on issues related to the distribution of profits.

Find keys in the Bullet - a sign that you can foresee the course of events and take advantage of this in your own interests, even if for this you have to use the trust that you have loved ones. To see in a dream, how bread bakes, - the foresight of fast and good change. See in a dream fresh buns - the foresight of income increases. If the buns are not baking, then you are waiting for boring work. If in a dream you found yourself in a bakery, then you have to learn something important. A dream about the bakery foreshadows a lot of good and predicts that the capricious fortune will finally turn to you. The dream promises to strengthen the situation in society, profitable transactions and the fulfillment of desire. To see in a dream of a buncock selling bread, is a sign of success in affairs. Become a bull in a dream - the fores of success in affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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Dream Interpretation - Buy

The dream in which you make a large selection of purchases, and in the calculation it turns out that you have no money with you, this is the foresight of both great expenses and considerable profit. Pay in a dream for purchases - it means to free yourself from oppressive alarms for the condition of loved ones.

If you are buying goods in the corporate store, department store or supermarket and purchase all the best and expensive - it means that, in reality, your affairs will quickly go uploaded thanks to the essential support of friends who have extensive experience in business and long-standing in the business world. If you dream that you make purchases on the market or in small shops and shops, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, in every thing, some small amount, - I will lose more than save, shook at the cheapness.

Buy in a dream car, - a sign that we will return the lost position, significantly exceeding the new field. If you buy oranges and other fruits of hot countries - it means difficulties and obstacles on your way will be easily overcome, and with a considerable benefit for you.

If in a dream you buy underwear - it promises the disease from overvoltage. Purchased tickets to the theater or for some other idea - to shameless deception and extortion. Banks with any content means the unsubstitialness of your success and heavy disappointment in the event of a complete failure. The boob bought by you foreshadows the profit, if fresh, and losses - if worried.

Buy in the dream of the country - to get a rich inheritance, boards - prosecute sadness and cardiac experiences, firewood - to gossip at your address.

If you buy jewelry in a dream - it foreshadows success in the business sector.

To buy perfumes yourself - this is to disappointment in your loved one, if even the spirits do not buy anyone else, as he himself and it is for you - it means that you will have a happy life and well-being in everything.

Sleep, in which you buy pictures, foreshadows unsuccessful entrepreneurship; carpets - to get big profits; Lace - there will be no feather from fans, so you will be in front of a difficult choice, who to give preference.

If you buy some kind of medicine in the pharmacy in a pharmacy, it foreshadows the disorder of cases, and if the laxative - fees are coming to the long road.

Buy ribbons - it means that there will be empty expenditures.

Buy a shovel - you can lose your place, a horse - spend your vacation on the lap of nature, perfectly resting and taking new impressions.

Buying the oil - you will live in full pleasure, milk - you are inflounted and insidiously deceived, meat - a sign of a bloody business or a severe illness.

The dream in which you acquire weapons means that you will cause a negative attitude of the person with whom we will refuse to enter into an intimate connection. If the weapon is a bow with an arrow or a different children's toy, which is not able to seriously hit, means that there will be forced to rebel to the services of a lawyer in protecting their interests. Buy shoes - to small troubles and inconsistencies.

If you buy gloves in a dream - I will show economy and thrift, but this will not avoid extra expenses due to unforeseen circumstances. Buying a new belt in a dream means married loyalty, and for a young girl - chaste and virgin modesty to marriage.

If in a dream you went to buy a fabric to a wedding dress - it began to be soon pleased with the relatives, declaring your decision to marry a worthy and well-known person, preferring to his former fan.

If you buy a beautiful inlaid or carved box - learn the mystery by reading someone else's letter. Buying a fashionable hat - to the change of image, if not all lifestyle. Buy an antique closet - will achieve a well-being of hard work, modern furniture - will achieve the same without much effort.

Interpretation of dreams

See the boots in a dream - the sign that your wait is crowned with success, if only the boot on the ones will crumble or moldy. If the boob increases in the size of your eyes, you will find great success and happiness. See interpretation: Bread.

Buy bread in a dream - a sign of benefits and arrived. There is a bun in a dream - the fores of success in affairs, useful work and health. Sometimes such a dream predicts that someone from your loved ones or relatives will need your help you will have at the right moment. Cut the bun in a dream means thrift that will help you to make money. Such a dream warns you that you should think about saving money economically, because soon they may need you. Felt a bunch in a dream does not foreshadow anything good. You are awaiting disappointment in love. Perhaps you will find that your beloved or beloved is incorrect to you, and maybe you will have to taper between a sense of duty and your personal sensations. Such a dream often predicts disagreements with partners on issues related to the distribution of profits.

Find keys in the Bullet - a sign that you can foresee the course of events and take advantage of this in your own interests, even if for this you have to use the trust that you have loved ones. To see in a dream, how bread bakes, - the foresight of fast and good change. See in a dream fresh buns - the foresight of income increases. If the buns are not baking, then you are waiting for boring work. If in a dream you found yourself in a bakery, then you have to learn something important. A dream about the bakery foreshadows a lot of good and predicts that the capricious fortune will finally turn to you. The dream promises to strengthen the situation in society, profitable transactions and the fulfillment of desire. To see in a dream of a buncock selling bread, is a sign of success in affairs. Become a bull in a dream - the fores of success in affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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