"Dream Dream of Rat has dreamed of what dreams in a dream of rat. See in a dream rat - interpretation of sleep by dreams to what the rats are shot in the bathroom

The dream in which the rats dreamed, does not promise a good mood. But do not rush to panic, not everything is so bad. It is necessary to look into the dream book to know about what can happen when you accompany the rat flock or bites in a dream rodent.

At the same time, it is impossible to miss the little things: what color were animals, it was painful or not from their bite, did it appear blood?

Dreamed rats what it means

Miller's dream dream donated Rat flock for woman or man It is regarded as a quarrel with displeased neighbors. This state of affairs can provoke a conflict incident and even a fight. Sometimes such a dream indicates cunning plans of neighbors with fraudulent actions.

Popular articles:

  • When dreamed one or more rats - Beware of cunning actions of colleagues or companions on business.
  • By Ancient Slavic dreams Meeting with an unpleasant rodent leads to an explosive situation at work, in the field of study, at home.
  • Rats are shot by K. Check, revision, unpleasant relationships with bosses.
  • If animals dreamed a lotAnd they attacked, bite, then a visit to inspection will find a shortage, negligence, a balance of goods, incorrect accounting.
  • Rats in the house dreams To the emergence of dangerous enemies, problems, chagrins and "goats" by relatives, companions, colleagues.
  • Rat bite to blood - trouble with blood relatives.

What is the dream of a rat

Dream interpretation does not predict anything good woman When meeting with rodents. He foreshadows meanness, quarrels, conflict situations, betrayal.

If the rat is shot, wait for trouble from the husband, he is wrong to you.

When in a dream for women are observed with a fence with roots and femaleThe outcome of events will be positive. Woman will go wise in his actions and will return an incorrect man into the family.

Woman shoots rat From the detachment of rat, which bite up to the blood, will appear gossip from the far relatives.

What dream of a rat is a man

Dream Interpretary believes that men Can see rodents in the night plot, to improving the material condition. The more they will be - The easier money amount.

If found Big rat Black color I. He bites - Your companion may be dishonest, wait for betrayal from him.

Do not wait for nothing good if you met with a gray rodent. This is a colleague who can betray you at any moment.

White manual rat Prerequisites wealth and stability.

If the rat has dreamed big

  • The larger the size of the rodent, the more trouble he can bring. This refers to animals of gray and black color.
  • If you dream a big white - This is a good sign.
  • White rat in a cage - You caught good luck. Such a dream indicates a monetary well-being, an unexpected premium, a significant lottery gain.
  • When dreamed big gray - Listen to the leader's opinion. You can get into the critical situation due to a work colleague, friend.
  • Big black The creature in a dream brings bad news related to the automotive accident, diseases and even death.

What dreams a lot of rats

Sleeping from the flocks of rodents foreshadows trouble, troubles, conflicts.

Many dream intercoms are interpreted Such a dream as financial well-being, but not for all categories of the population.

Businessman May see rattle to conclude a profitable commercial transaction, to income.

For housewives Such a night plot predicts a quarrel with her husband and his close relatives.

See in a dream white, black and gray rat, what is it

If you are shot rodents in large numbers White, black and gray color, it means that you may have a quarrel with neighbors, good acquaintances, work colleagues.

When animals not thrown on youYou can be in a conflict situation simply by the viewer.

White K. ryss and mouseand do not foreshadow the poor development of cases. They are a symbol of purity and well-being.

For men Rodent brings income, and for girls - broadcasting an ambulance wedding.

Availability in flock of black animals foreshadows quarrels, illness, bad well-being, and sometimes - an accident.

Gray rodents Also do not bring anything good. If you managed to throw from the house with a gray female or male - you will handle your enemies and conflict situations.

Dreamed Rats Duffle and Dead

See in dream of dead rodents - Does not indicate troubles and troubles. On the contrary, the troubles moved to the side - as if died. And your enemies decided to leave you alone.

Sometimes duffle Animals indicate the change of weather.

What dreams of a rat that bites

Dream Interpretation claims that rat bite foreshadows Scandals, bad news, the appearance of gossip, unwanted tapping and separation.

If you dream rat, which bited by hand, you should not take money. This may entail a conflict situation with the lender.

Student Bite by Dream - You are expected quarrels in the family, departure from the house.

If a big, black or gray animal Grabbed the finger - you are waiting for small failures, a disease is possible.

Kill the rat in a dream

Kill rodent Means the dreams to massacre with a detractor, overcoming problems, a positive solution to the tasks.

Woman who killed the pest Wilgs over his opponent.

Kommersant will receive a profitable investor by coping with competitors. Dream Interpretation interprets such a night plot as relieving obstacles on the path to solving the tasks.

Dream Miller

See in a dream of rats - Means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. There are also quarrels with your companions.

Grab in a dream rat - Means that you will despise human beastness and dating their enemies worthy.

Sonniest Medea

For people who have not yet experienced sex - Rat symbolizes their fears before entering into a sex life.

Dream lovers

Sunday Son. - You are waiting for pleasant homemade troubles.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Rat - Enemies, from which it is difficult to get rid of, deception and quarrels from colleagues.

Catch a rat - worthy to defeat enemies.

If in a dream you grabbed the rat - You can defeat your enemies worthy.

Killed in a dream rat - We will become the winner in any case and in any situation.

Modern visible dream book

Rat seen in a dream - Means that your neighbors will humiliate you and insult. Also possible disagreements with companions and quarrels with friends.

If you dream that you catch rats - In real life you will despise human lowness and take the top over your enemies.

Kill rat - a sign of overcoming all difficulties.

Rattle rats - We need to go to another place for a while, at least for two weeks.

Rodent rat - Time to think about billets for the winter.

Saturday Son.- You enter into a profitable deal that will bring you a good income.

Sunday Son. - You are waiting for pleasant homemade troubles.

Eastern female dream book

See rat - To quarrels with friends, colleagues, neighbors.

Sleep in which you catch rats - predicts a victorious war with enemies.

If you kill the rat - So you will be able to overcome all the difficulties.

Dream Nostradamusa

Rat - Symbol of intelligibility, pickly, fertility, death, good luck.

See the ship managed rats - This symbol means that before the era of universal prosperity will have to endure a difficult period, which will begin with flooding in 2066.

See people who prepare a dish of rats - It means that 2008 will be marked by the cooking worship in front of the rats, the experiments on which will allow to open a medicine, very necessary for a person.

See people with rat tails - A sign that warns about the disease should bring on the idea of \u200b\u200bhealth and care for the safety of life.

See that rats are preparing for attack - forever aggression from the UK.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

Rat - to death; If you kill in a dream or expel the rat - then this sign indicates a prosperous completion of the disease. To a petition; Conversation with a cunning, but very clever man.

If the rat is black - Sleep value is enhanced.

Children's dream book

Rat - In your company, a lie, who betrays you at the first danger.

If white rat rat - then this traitor for female.

Full dream of a new era

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Rat - To a smart enemy.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

See in a dream of rats - Means the emergence of secret enemies, which is not so easy to get rid of.

House running huge, sagal rats - Family troubles and nonsense of friends, debris and losses are foreshadowed.

If in a dream you put a trap on rats - So, in reality, you will be the intentions of your enemies.

Trapped - foreshadows the robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors. Kill rat - Get rid of slander and rivalry. Doodling rat - to infectious disease.

Flow the rats from the room, the wrench to the poker or something in the same way - There is a struggle with variable success and deplorable results.

Be afraid in a dream of rats - I will disappear into an unpleasant story and you will be falsely accused.

Grab a rat with hands - Tested disgusting to a low, podlome man.

See a cat catching a rat - Get the saving support in time.

Italian dream book

Rat - An exceptional animal, which seeks to be in close proximity to humans, food, predisposed to be in places of emergency wealth and tendency to bring damage to the surroundings that it occupies. This is an image of a vampire capture, it has a negative sound and is a symbol of destructiveness. Fear of losing good luck, the symbolic meaning of guilt, concerns about health, concerns about the depreciation of some close man. The expression of the underlined female negativeness associated with the desire of the seizure, subordination to itself hidden under the mask of attractiveness, the desire to possess. This image may be associated with a negative maternal effect.

Islamic dream book

Pisch rat. - foreshadows about the damage, which will be applied by some kind of blank, spoiled man or thief.

Lunar dream book

Dream of Yellow Emperor

Psychoanalytic dream book

Rat - soreness. Not only because the rat is plague, but largely because rats are flooded with a house that is a way of the body. Someone, about the com, the individual thinks unconsciously, as the rat - the symbol of the tearingness and leaving the sinking ship is first. Voraciousness and archetype of a terrible mother.

Dream Stranger

Rat - disease, dangerous person.

White - Good luck, enrichment through temptation with a subsequent spiritual plant, "help" of dark forces; Own greed.

Modern universal dream book

Funny: Wherever people go, rats followed a person on his heels. Six rats even participated in space flight. But since the rats are dealt with diseases and live in the mud, we do not love them and even worry.

If you dream - Rat, perhaps someone in your life behaves dishonest and unclean. Why does this person behave like rat? Is this explained by circumstances or his surroundings?

Rats are dealt with diseases because they live in sewage. Perhaps a person who is associated with the rat - behaves unclean, because it simply does not imagine another behavior model. Perhaps you should explain to him something.

Rat - symbolizes the device to the environment. Rats can survive everywhere and through generations are becoming resistant to those or other poisons. Sleep can say that you are also able to overcome all obstacles.

If someone in your dream is associated with a rat - It is possible that this person has such character traits that you need for survival. For example, if you dream of a miser man and in a dream you see him next to the rat, perhaps you can spend less money in real life.

Rats can dream "Also, if you feel that someone betray you or dismisses gossip about you."

Rats along with mice use for experiments in scientific laboratories - Do you feel like an experimental rat? Someone pulls you for string and plays your feelings and emotions, just to see how you react to it?

Dream of Gypsy

Rat - You have a secret enemy, and it acts against you. Someone who you consider your friend (although not close), in fact your enemy. He (she) do not plunder something against you, as you know your secrets to take advantage of them.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Rat - Your spiritual impurity, small, shy thoughts, your breath / shame, shame / secret danger / deceit of friends.

Kill rat - Good / enemies to win / guilty to you to meet a person.

Rats catch - Danger.

There are them - trouble.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Rat - danger, grief, illness, hunger, tears, troubles, threat, live, lead about a bad friend; catch, kill - Good luck, avoid danger.

Ukrainian dream book

Rat - troubles, enemy.

Catch, kill - destroy the danger.

Dream of flowers

Rat - Mountain, tears, danger; kill rat - Good luck, the more, the more killed rat in a dream; white rat - Hidden danger.

Collection of Sonnikov

Rat - Traitor; An attacker.

Rat in his own home to see - To wealth.

Rat - to the disappearance of a very important thing; several rats - Quarrel with loved ones; kill it - Victory over difficulties.

Rat - symbolizes death, decomposition, underground world.

In China - personifies the lowness and timidity.

In christianity - Evil symbol.

Rats, mice - Shot to a loss.

Rat is an animal always seeks to settle near a person, use it food and housing, thereby damage damage.

If you dream of rat - Most likely, you have a danger of losing good luck, or you have again to fear for your health. This image can also be associated with a negative impact on the part of a mother, or another woman who, using its attractiveness, seeks to submit you.

Kill rat - to liberation or healing.

Hunt to rat - Anxiety, but at the same time the rat is a symbol of material well-being.

Dreamed rat - The sign of what you need to be attentive in life, since you have enemies who wish you evil.

There is in a dream rat meat - To victory over danger and evil.

If you dreamed:

  • If a bad dream dreamed:

    Do not be discouraged - it's just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

    Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in the open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

    Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

    Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

    Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

    Spread bed linen inside out.

    Do not tell anyone a bad sleep before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Rats are "cute" mouses that settle near a person, in the covers where there are nutrients. Since these rodents of the mice family are most often preferred to reproduce their sewage population, cellar, garbage, sewage, then always cause hostility from people. The sense of disgust arises not only in reality, but when the rat was dreamed.

Basic Nuances Deciphering Dreams with Rats

What dreams of rats and mice? The argued answer to this question can be obtained from a variety of dreams. Do not stand rats and mice to associate only with bad omen. Many interpretations of dreams indicate both the positive moments of the presence of rodents in a dream, although they are never unpleasant. Decipher your dreams will help the following suggestion dream.

Why dream rats, how to find out - to a bad or good? Mice and rats coming in a dream are a reflection of the real environment of a person, so it is so important when interpreting your dreams to pay attention to how rodents behave in a dream:

  • shot alive or dead;
  • visiting a person in a dream in a single quantity or integer populations;
  • attack, bite and harm or behave comfortable;
  • cause fear or lunizing;
  • shot in the house or on the street.

It is important to emphasize the attention of who dreamed in a dream of unpleasant rats - an old man, a man, a pregnant woman, people who are not bound by marriage, a child. In decoding dreams with rats, important details are their color (white, black, gray), and their size.

The dreaming rodent is an important component of sleep, so you need to interpret dreams, based on where the rat or mouse in the kitchen, in the kitchen, in the door, in bed, in the storeroom, on the roof, on the window, on the table, in personal Things ...

Connecting together all the above moments, it is very easy to conclude that fruit rats suddenly starve.

Consolidated dream book: what the rat is shot

You dreamed of unpleasant rats and mice, and you want to learn how to find out what the dream promises? Consolidated dream interpretation will help you with this.

Interpretation of dreams according to the color of rodents

  • The white rat was dreamed - it is worth expecting a girlfriend from the side of friends, familiar women; White color indicates an innocent masking of an insincere person, dishonest and evil, so it will not be superfluous to evaluate the circle of his female communication.

White rat can be a good sign if she is in the hands of the sleeping or sits somewhere unrelaxed from him in a dream, it means that his friend's arrival or relatives awaits, in other words - uninvited guests can be granted to both be treated and not. Lowish dream book indicates that white rats are a symbol of despair, struggle, overcoming difficulties, as well as wisdom and wealth.

  • A black rat dreamedled - it is necessary to include its intuition, evaluate the circle of communication before solving important tasks, the implementation of significant projects. Often there are black rats before the presentation of talents, achievements. Black rats can mean enemies, envious, who do not want to succeed a person and prepare a conspiracy against him. Black rat - Dracus symbol, strip, scandals, diseases.
  • If a gray rat has dreamed, this rodent foreshadows small troubles that can take a little time for their solution. The difficulties that promise a large gray rat is most often associated with homemade household and family environment. The routine of domestic duties can pour into a person and cause nervous disorders, depressed and physical fatigue, which can be overcome after rest.
  • If a redhead rat has dreamed, such a dream is hazardous in the near future, it is worth being careful and more carefully with regard to other people. A bright color draws attention to the fact that the enemies can prepare a cunning plan, a trap can be from the people who are not waiting for meanness.

In a dream, red rats can be a symbol of fast failure, if the "fire" rat bit over the heel, then you can expect remuneration at work, raising the salaries of relatives, a successful sale of property.

What size of the rat you dreamed

How do rodents behave in a dream

  • In a dream, crowned rats bite - the rodent attacked on the man points out that soon the people surrounding him will begin to show their secret dislike, with each convenient case point to their superiority.
  • If in a dream mouse and rats bite a man behind their arms and legs - to unexpected profits and sufficiency, if for other parts of the body - to disease and life disappointments.
  • Often, in a dream, rats are chosen for bite those parts of the body, the health of the human security depends. Such dreams can also be injured, unemployment, undeserved dismissal.
  • In finding a response to the question, what dream of a rat bite is worth paying attention to its pain. If the rat bit weakly, then from troubles, it turns out to evaporate, if the rat was bitten deep and hurt - the troubles can be too heavy.
  • The bite of the rat in a dream can mean both the betrayal of colleagues at work and treason of his beloved person.
  • Restless rats that are not attackers on the sleeping, promise the imminent exposure of traitors and the interruption of further relations with them.
  • Sitting rats observing from the side - the appearance of hidden enemies, a visit of long-standing friends, envy of people.
  • Rats in the house: in personal belongings and in bed - to family scandals, divorce, exposure of treason; In the kitchen, the table, eating bread crumbs - to the upcoming large monetary waste; on the roof of the house, the attic - to possible fires, family parties; In the doorway - to the loss of good luck. Rat in the house is a loss of trust in their loved ones and native people, intrigue and gossip.

What dreams of dumpy rats

Did the dead rat dreamed - what would it? In real life, the desire to get rid of rats and mice is quite explained. Always I want to apply strength to them, destroy them in any way, so often people are aggressively tuned against rodents and in a dream. But why dreams of dead rats, who died not from the actions of a sleeping person?

If the road in a dream is eliminated by the dead rodents, which moves sleep, then in the future he will have to fight for his place under the sun, overcoming complexity, it applies to family, and social life.

Dead rats talk about future victories over all sorts of evil, which can come from both neighbors, colleagues, relatives and few people. Involver, what the dead rats are shot, it should be noted that in the fight against difficulties, the sleeping will receive aiding support for patrons, that is, to overcome the burden of fate will not alone.

How many rodents is in a dream

One rat in a dream can dreamed, it focuses on one important problem that will subsequently decide. If a lot of different rats dreamed of a lot of different rats - troubles at work may be imposed on the troubles in family life, which can lead to a complete collapse of imaginary stability and personal happiness.

Rats in female dreams

What does rat mean in a dream for a pregnant woman? If she keeps her in her hands - favorable childbirth, if I caught - I grabbed good luck for the "tail."

For an unmarried woman, a rat in a dream can mean intrigue, molts, the appearance of a rival, which does not show its dislike.

Rats in men's dreams

What dreams of male rats? Rats and mice in their dreams often indicate difficulties in professional activities. If a man is successful, in a short time he may encounter difficulties in business.

The rat suggests almost always, where to wait for the trick. Sleeping with rodents in housing is a misunderstanding of relatives, in a dream the rat fonded - familiarity with dishonest people. Elderly male rat can fill the ailments and depression.

Signs about rats and conspiracies

Not only in a dream, rats are alarming. When they appear in the house, there is a sense of concern. The rat has long been considered an indicator of misfortune.

  • No sign says that rodents feel the occurrence of trouble and appear suddenly where the accumulation of negative energy is formed, and also suddenly leave this place. Our ancestors used conspiracy against rats. It was previously believed that the conspiracy is capable of protecting housing from destruction, clusters of negative.

However, it is not worth it too close to the heart to take the situation. Rats are typical of some kind of golden places in others, because their population is rapidly growing and satisfying at the dislocation site is missing at all. The victims of the rats of rats may be few, and simple methods for the destruction of rodents are perfectly help to correct the situation.

  • Many scares the sign, which states that the rat appeared in the house where the sick person lives, is death.
  • The appearance of the rat in the house was also associated with welfare. Specifications that rats are sustaining wealth, it is quite explained, because the rodents are typical there, where there is something to eat. And since they are omnivores, they are able to apply tremendous harm. It was believed that the conspiracy in such a situation was helped to save all the acquired good.
  • Since the rat is considered to be a devil assistant, the people still appease that with the help of this rodent can be damaged.

Many people and today believe that their dreams and the house from the rats protects the conspiracy on the stone, laid on a plate at the rat hole: "I brought a stone for a rat tribe, let the tribe of the rat of this gnawing, and my housing and thoughts will leave mine at rest".

Rats are creatures that there is no desire to face. They are carriers of diseases, and people try to avoid them and exterminate. But when it comes to the symbolic value of the rat, there is something to talk about. Rat in a dream, this is the most common dream in people who have a lot of interpretations based on its scenario. Any event in a dream accompanied by emotions, your actions, can reveal the depth of your subconscious and understand what the rat is dreaming in a dream for a woman.

It is impossible to say that rodent in a dream has a positive interpretation, usually such dreams symbolize your inner fears to be deceived, devoted, abandoned. Rats often represent hidden negative thoughts of the dream, feeling of envy or guilt. The rat is a sign that you want to forget certain moments or long periods.

The meaning of such dreams will depend on your own attitude towards this animal: inspires you fear or on the contrary, it seems cute and harmless. Dreams with rats often imply negative emotions and events. However, some dreams can actually represent positive things in your life. Since rats are interpreted in various versions, even the smallest sleep details should be taken into account.

See rat

Such a dream means an unpleasant meeting with someone you know. It can be your business partner, colleague or longtime familiar. The meeting will be unexpected and will imply some actions on your part. Perhaps you will come across a verbal or even physical confrontation. Be prepared for provocations, try to bypass sharp corners and smooth the situation.

Rat fishing in a dream

This dream refers to your surroundings, there are people who cause you unpleasant feelings, discomfort or hostility. You feel awkward next to them. Perhaps these are colleagues or relatives. You see their desertion and insincerity, but they are constantly about you. The best way to combat such people is to keep them at the distance. The smaller they know about you and interact with you, the better. Thus, you can save your personal life and not suffer from the surrounding negativity.

Kill rat in a dream

Such a dream has a positive meaning. You are waiting for success and luck in projects, plans. Any undertaking will bring fruit. Such a dream is also connected with your personal life. Be prepared to meet a person who will change your views on the world for the better. You are waiting for everything new and exciting. If you are in a relationship, the killing of the rat in a dream means that you and your partner are ready to overcome all the problems and disagreements preventing joint happiness.

Video version article:

Many rats

Sleep in which you saw many rats carry negative meaning. You are surrounded by people who do not want you happiness. Fear envy, deception, betrayal. Non-successors are ready to attack at any time. Sleep is associated with your workplace, family relationships, when the moments of despair are coming, and their hands are lowered from problems and constant failures. The business falls apart, in the family of a quarrel and misunderstanding. You removed from all and do not receive support, loving and dear people offended by your cold behavior. You are a victim of stress and depression. Get on your hand and leave there, where it is good, where you are waiting for and are always happy. Do not allow urgent problems to break you. Gather and start freeingly breathe.

At first glance, the white rat in a dream should not have negative interpretations, but it will not cost without a spoon of tar. There is a lot of interpretations on this topic, but dream interpreters offer the main two outcome of the development of situations. White animal symbolizes a woman's enemy. Perhaps your best friend, which all these years smiled to you and flattened, but at any opportunity, you can gladly insert a knife in the back.

This dream is also interpreted as a warning sign.

You feel something wrong around. At work, among friends, relatives. You are used, flattering, weave intrigue behind your back. Perhaps you are mistaken, and it also oppresses. There is a feeling, but there is no evidence. You are forced to endure and hypocrite the answer, pretending that everything is fine. Do not trust anyone, do not let you deceive, recheck and specify any information. Someone seeks to take your place. Do not apply to your personal life and future plans.

Negative interpretations:

  • non-promoters will make you outcast;
  • physical strife on you from the neighbors or someone's relatives;
  • competitor at work, or rival in personal life.

Dream intercoms, based on various dream nuances, offer positive values. A white rat symbolizes inner strength, cleanliness and ability to adapt to changes, without prejudice to yourself. If you saw a white rat in a dream, this is a positive omen, indicating that you are on the right track. Do not be afraid to implement plans and projects, move forward and get the expected result. White rodent can symbolize overcoming difficult times: you will pass through complex situations, and leave them the winner.

Rat bites in a dream

When in a dream you bite your rat - do not wait for the good. If only the bite came to the heel area - expect material support. In other cases, interpretation is negative:

  • The rat knocked his finger - focus on the urgent problem and set to its solution.
  • Pokusana hand - Financial trouble is coming, be attentive to projects and cash investments, which at first glance seem profitable.
  • The bite fell on the leg - married straps or a quarrel with a friend. The initiator performs the dreams himself by making an immeasured act. Do not bring the situation to conflict, do not interfere in other people's affairs, and do not protrude a stumbling block.
  • If the place of bite is bleeding - to a serious illness of a person close to you. Be prepared for an emotional failure, depression state. The situation can knock you out of the gauge. Do not allow this, in your support will need, and for this you need to be strong and not surrender.
  • Bite fell on clothes - a good sign. The goal to which you went for a long time will be achieved. We are waiting for success and prospects.
  • It fails to dismiss the rat, and she jumps on your shoulder - parental control, the pressure of the elders, parents-tyranny, or vice versa, you, too freedom-loving. The problem of fathers and children.

Raning rat

  • The rat ran next to you - luck will bypass you. Be vigilant and careful in crowded places. If such a dream is not the first time, take care of your health carefully.
  • Running from the house of the rat - you may need to change the place of residence. No opportunity? Change what is: make a permutation of furniture, get rid of the whole old and unnecessary, do repair, buy something new, big and bright (picture, lamp, coffee table). After all, even the rat does not like your home.
  • The rat was able to get out of the mousetrap and escape - all your plans, ideas and undertakings will have a failure.
  • Rat ran into your bedroom - for a healthy person interpretation of sleep means a disease. If a person is sick, such a dream promises recovery. Interpretatives explain this by the fact that the animal takes all the ailments.
  • Rodent (many rats) runs away in searching for refuge - you offended a person with rapid words. Do not be surprised if you start to take revenge for something.

Black rat

Having dreamed of black animal is considered to be unfinished. In addition, the black color of the rodent is associated with your loved ones. If the dream promises troubles or misfortune, it will mean that someone from your relatives will happen, or they will be to blame.

Black rat precursor divorce, scandals, gossip, intrigue, distrust, hatred and envy. These animals are a reflection of the inner world of the Divine itself. Perhaps your past keeps dark secrets, your thoughts and acts are full of negative and aggression towards others.

If the black animal dreamed of a girl - you should be careful with the choice of partners. Here we are talking about sexual energy, which is looking for an exit in relationships with elements of masochism.

In a dream, the rat looks at you - soon heaven the trouble. You will come across deception and betrayal.

Bite of the Black Rat is the only scenario that does not foreshadow anything bad. Sleep is considered empty, meaningless. Perhaps you were rehearding the day before, which completely explains this dream. Relax, nothing threatens.

Kill a black rat - you are a winner! All troubles and problems will be departed from you. The black stripe will end in life.

  • The black rat attacks is an increase in position, money winning, you will find a valuable thing.
  • If she is in the house - wait to visit the old buddy, who began to treat you cold.
  • Black rodent runs away from you - an unsuccessful deal, financial losses.

Big rat

A major rodent is often the harbinger of failures, disagreements and insincerity. If the rat attacks you or bites - there is a unpleasant conversation with a competitor. The enemy will open his face.

A small animal shows aggression (scratched, throws) - Difficulties in the family. Be careful to households, spend more time with children, try to bypass sharp corners, do not look for conflicts, be tolerant.

The big rat in the dream house is your character will cause many problems. If the rat jumped out of the house - the difficulty does not touch you.

  • If you try to drive it - in your power to overcome all obstacles, you are not afraid of difficulties.
  • A large rat fell into a mousetrap - good luck on your side, any undertaking promises success.
  • If a big rat bit also bited and blood appeared - a serious conflict with relatives.

Rats dreams of quarrels, so try not to exacerbate with anyone with anyone.

If in a dream you grabbed the rat, you can adequately defeat your enemies.

They killed in a dream rat - will become the winner in any case and in any situation.

According to Nostradamus, the rat is a symbol of intelligibility, pickly, fertility, good luck and ... death.

Sleep, in which a huge number of rats eats sowing, speaks of a barley.

We saw an unusually beautiful white rat riding in the carriage - keep in mind that the appearance of deceptive and the tendency to luxury does not testify the strength of the nature and the inclination to compromise.

Dreamed People with rats - take care of their health and safety.

D. Loff wrote: "In the modern world, rats are almost everywhere with contempt.

For most people, dreams about rats indicate their concerns to turn into the same lonely eaters of garbage - lose friends and become rejected.

According to another version, sleeping feels that his public safety gave flow. Unlike the theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy the environment gradually. "

Interpretation of dreams from psychological dream

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See in a dream of a rat

To see in a dream rat - means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. There are also quarrels with your companions.

Grab in a dream rat - means that you will despise human beastness and donate your enemies worthy.

Kill in a dream rat - the victory sign in any business and in any situation.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

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What does rat sleep mean

To death.

If you kill or expel the rat - then this sign indicates a prosperous completion of the disease.

For a petition of a conversation with a cunning, but very smart man.

If the rat is black - the sleep value is enhanced.

Interpretation of dreams from the newest dream

See in a dream of rat

Rat is a symbol of intelligibility, pickly, fertility, death, good luck.

To see the sea of \u200b\u200brats eating a harvest - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve land and reasonable extermination of the pests of agriculture, it can turn into an environmental disaster that will lead to hunger.

To see an unusually beautiful white rat, riding in the carriage, "means that negotiations with the Northern Power will not be so easy as it seems at first glance. Sleep warns that the appearance of deceptive and the tendency to luxury does not indicate the softness of character and location to compromise.

To see the pairs of rats, walking down the street, like people, - the head of the fact that in 2020, the defenders of nature will declare the year of the inviolability of living beings.

To see the ship managed by rats - this symbol means that in front of the era of universal prosperity will have to endure a difficult period, which will begin with flooding in 2066.

See people who prepare a dish from rats - means that 2008 will be marked by the cooking worship in front of the rats, the experiments on which will allow to open a medicine, very necessary for a person.

See people with rat tails - a sign that warns about the disease, should bring to the idea of \u200b\u200bhealth and care for the safety of life.

To see that rats are preparing for an attack, - the forever aggression from the UK.

Interpretation of dreams from Nostradamus's dreams

What do the dreams mean rat

(see mouse) Danger, mountain, illness, hunger, tears, troubles, threat, live, lead about a bad friend; Catch, kill - Good luck, avoid danger.

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnoy Veles

Sleep about rat

Rat - very soulless, small, shy thoughts, your corner / shame, shame / secret danger / cunning of friends.

Kill the rat - good / enemies to win / blame for you to meet.

Rats catch - danger.

There are them - trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the noble dream

What does it mean in a dream rat

Internal sensations of omitism, shame, guilt.

A sign of violent influence or harbinger of the disease.

If the rat bites you - the dream foreshadows, illness.

If you killed the rat - you will overcome the difficulties and avoid alien intervention.

Interpretation of dreams from tutorial on the interpretation of dreams

The value of the dreams of rat

Catch a rat - danger.

There is her - trouble.

Fu! What a dream! Probably, you mistakenly got a dream dog-rat.

Interpretation of dreams from dream book for girls

Interpretation of Sleep Krys.

A friend's betrayal.

Imagine that you give a rat poison, she eats her and dying. Ross it into the ground.

Interpretation of dreams from Simeon Simeon Simeon

That in a dream predicts rat

Disease, dangerous person. White luck, enrichment through temptation with a subsequent spiritual plant, "help" of dark forces; Own greed.

Interpretation of dreams from the dreams of a wanderer

Sleep interpretation rat

To bad Wests.

Catch rats - to the danger.

To eat rats - to trouble.

Get into the rat - you need to beware of robbery.

Empty rats to see - you do not threaten slander and rivalry.

Put a rat - a sign that you will be known to the intentions of your enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the son of the XXI century

What predicts the dream of rat

Symbolizes hidden threat and danger. Such a dream says that unclear premonitions of some kind of trouble are. Perhaps one of your surroundings prepare you a trap or is going to throw you in a difficult moment.

Interpretation of dreams from the dreams of the twentieth century

In a dream to see rat

Rat is a sign that you need to be attentive in life, as you have enemies who want to evil. There is in a dream rat meat - to victory over danger and evil.

Interpretation of dreams from French dreams

Sleep prediction rat

The roof is a sign that soon you take part in a risky monetary operation. To climb in a dream to the roof - the forever threatening you danger. If you fall from the roof - the dream is the foresight of the catastrophe.

Interpretation of dreams from French dreams

What dream of rat

See rats to a large number of enemies.

Woman sees how she holds a rat, - by the birth of a child.

Catch a rat - to get acquainted with an unreliable person or to the fact that people prepare you trouble.

See how the cat caught a rat, - to well-being.

To see the rat in Nore - to the robbery of your home.

If a man saw him bitten a rat, - to be trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnie Feng Shui

See in a dream of a rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones that deliver constant troubles and grief.

Kill a rat in a dream - a symbol of victory over the enemy or trouble. Such a dream also means that you intolerable treat human weaknesses and will not laugh with meanness, cowardice, hypocrisy.

To stroke the rat in a dream - the foresight of the trouble from the person you considered our friend and which you trusted. White rat in a dream - your hidden enemy.

See Interpretation: Animals, Beasts.

Sit down the skin in a dream means that you will be able to knock out a cunning enemy and get started at his expense. The main thing is that in a dream the skin did not break, because this is the most valuable thing that there is a rat.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

What do the dreams mean rat

Running rats - you need to go to another place for a while, at least for two weeks. Rodent rat - time to think about the blanks for the winter. Saturday Sleep - You enter into a profitable deal that will bring you a good income. Sunday sleep - you are awaiting pleasant homemade troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation for women

Sleep about rat

Sleeping about rats promises deception from the beloved or fan, in the dedication of which you still have no doubt.

Interpretation of dreams from Love Dream

What does it mean in a dream rat

White rat shows the road to the cland - collaboration and support from someone.

Running a big rat - foreshadows a joyful event.

The rat bites a man for clothes - you will achieve what I sought.

Interpretation of dreams from chinese dreams

That in a dream means rat

If you see a rat in a dream and shudder from disgust - a vile man will appear next to you who will not give you peace.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation dreams

Interpretation of Sleep Krys.

If you dreamed that it crawls rat, then in the near future you are awaiting success in love affairs. So that no problems arise, we always carry a little cheese with you.

If you dreamed of a dead rat, then someone is very cool. So that this person could not harm you, always wear a gold chain on my left leg.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Maja

What does it mean to see in a dream rat

The rat - in your company, started a false friend who betrays you at the first danger. If the rat is white, then this traitor is female.

Interpretation of dreams from children's dreams

Sleep interpretation rat

The appearance of rats in a dream - to serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts are also possible with your colleagues. Grab the rat in a dream means with contempt relate to human lowness. You will show advantage in collisions with your opponents. Kill in a dream rat - the victory sign in any business and in any situation.

Interpretation of dreams