What dream of a child's loss in a dream. What dreams is that the child is lost

For each mom, thought about the disappearance of his own son or daughter from the species is very scary. What dreams of a child's loss on the street is, is it worth afraid of something after the arrival of such a vision and is there any secret meaning in such nightmares?

What if you dream of a child's loss on the street?

Loss of a child on the street - a symbol of loss of life. It is this embodiment that many modern specialists in the field of deciphering night visions are offered. At the same time, in each case, this prophecy can acquire a special meaning. After the arrival of such a vision of a person await trouble. Sleeping aware that all his actions are in vain, and the fight against difficulties is meaningless. It will make him fall into deep depression. Sometimes it requires professional assistance from psychologists to exit such a state.

If a person dreamed that he loses the child on the street and no one comes to the rescue, not looking for a baby with him, in reality he would also have to solve all the problems alone. No need to wait for support from loved ones, as it just takes a precious time.

For a young woman, without children to lose in a dream of a child - revealed to be alone. In the near future, no positive change will happen in personal life.

It is not necessary to take a dream seriously, if a person, indeed, has lost his child for some time, or realized that his son or daughter faces danger. In this case, the dream only reflects internal experiences.

If a person dreamed of how he loses on the child's street and after a while finds it, it means that in reality he will still be able to solve all his problems. To more accurately decipher night dreams, you need to remember some details. So, for example, to find the baby yourself - Introduces one to one with trouble. If in a dream, people helped with a search, this means that in real life of the sleeping surrounding faithful pleasures. In a difficult moment, they will always come to the rescue.

For a young woman to lose in a dream of a child in the eyes of a huge number of passersby - in reality to face worn and misunderstanding. The dream will be unpleasantly surprised, realizing that the closest are capable of betrayal. If in a dream a woman lost a child on the street, and found him at home, this means that there are quite close trust relationships in the family. For their children, she can be calm. In a dream, losing a child and discover it in someone else's house - I will lose parental authority to lose.

What does foreshadow?

If a woman has to lose a child and at the same time she cries bitterly, she will have to open in front of close and native people. Most likely, a dream for a long time had to hide his feelings, but soon the moment would come when she would show a true face and would bring her unprecedented relief.

In a dream to lose on the street is not a kid, but a teenager - in reality to move away from his own children, stop being an authority for them. Such visions often come from people who grow up sons and daughters. Night dreams indicate that parents are hard to worry about changes taking place with adolescents.

An unfavorable sign is considered to be visions in which the child will lead away from the playground and the dream loses his son or daughter from the view. Such nightmares prophesy a certain threat. In the near future, not very pleasant events will occur and you need to be ready for them.

In a dream, losing a child on the street - to serious trouble and loss. Such visions prophesy to be severe depression, deterioration of relations with their own children, the loss of parental authority. Especially unfavorable nightmares in which a person does not find his child or crying very much, suffering about loss.

Many agree that the child's losing in a dream is not as terrible, how to lose it in reality. This night plot does not always foreshadow the misfortune, any detail has a great importance in it. Experts believe that in most cases such a dream indicates the coming favorable events. If a person wants to figure out the meaning of sleep, he must take into account a number of nuances.

Any parent is afraid of losing a child. What dreams of such a dream can be sorted out if you consider the fact that a person could find his child or he lost him finally. When everything ended with positively, a light strip will come in real life. Sleep may also indicate that meaningfulness will come to sleeping. Statistics show that such a plot most often see pregnant women, as they are too concise. Winned may also indicate that the future mammy is obsessed with a real fear for the future life. Certain a partner will help to cope with the situation.

Losing a child in a dream and seek it or watching how someone takes the baby immediately after birth, - in real life, the future mother fears that she will not be able to give a crouch everything you need. Do not despair and depressed after awakening. It is necessary to carefully analyze your life, because if a person does not rejoice in trifles, he simply loses interest in everything that is happening. Dreaming can force the sleeping to abandon the usual everyday routine and concentrate on more interesting things.


Modern people used to decipher dreams to use dreams. Lose in a dream of a child - this is not always the foresight of the grief events. Even a small detail can significantly change the interpretation. Dream intercoms compiled by psychologists and esotericists propose to pay attention to all the nuances:

  • if the offspring is lost in the Big Forest, in reality will have to face the troubles that will be associated with their own children.
  • the kid dies at childbirth - testimony of a big inner alarm of sleeping;
  • the lost child was found in the night sperm and unharmed - his joy waiting for him;
  • if Chado gone in a big crowd, then the dream should expect problems at work.

Interpretation depends largely on who exactly saw a dream.

Options for interpretations taking into account the identity of sleeping:

  • a girl or a woman can expect various troubles, losses and disappointments;
  • if a person does not have his children, then sleep personifies his personal fears;
  • a pregnant woman dream foreshadows fears for the toddler in her womb;
  • men stands to fear the failures in the planned affairs.

Interpretation of plot

It is possible to read the dream with a precursor loss if you can perceive its direct value. The most terrible dream is the dream when the child is sinking, but its value can be diverse. Often, such a plot dream of women who can not get pregnant for a long time. Some dream interputes contain information that sleeping obsessed with its own importance, seeks to rise higher, strengthen social significance.

Salvation of the drowning indicates that love people need help. If the child quickly found, then an old problem will be decided, everything is conceived. Of course, you have to work well, but the result is worth it. If a woman dreamed of a dream, where his father is looking for his son, then in real life she will have to face anxiety and troubles.

Big city

When the baby lost in the metropolis in a dream, the dream must be fully mobilized for new achievements. A large city in all dreams is a symbol of the technical side of life, because of which it will soon be necessary to apply all the skills to achieve the desired one. Much importance should be paid to the terrain and atmosphere.

An unfamiliar megalopolis may indicate a kind of plenty of help, because of which the help of leadership and employees will be needed. Well-known streets and areas mean that sleeping needs to worry about their health. Even a small passion from everyday turmoil will open a new breath.

Detect the loss of the baby in the supermarket - good sleep. A person will soon receive an interesting proposal for work, it will be raised in his position. Sleeping can embarrass the volumes of new duties, but do not be afraid, because in the end it will achieve good profits. If the woman really lost the child, and in a dream she was breasting in a wheelchair, it indicates strong inner experiences. The usual work cannot be filled with a mental wound, such attempts will end with a complete failure. You need to visit a qualified psychologist or church, otherwise the consequences will be sad.

Thick forest massif

A lot of alarms awaits someone who dreamed of a dream in which the baby was gone during a walk through the forest. The severity of the fallen problems will be completely proportional to the age of the baby. If, in a dream, the sleeping person is watching the panik's panic, shouting the name of his child, then this promises the rapid appearance of a rather difficult situation. It will not work independently to solve all the questions, the help of relatives will need.

Unwillingness to look for a baby demonstrates an excessive carelessness. If the searches ended positively, there will be many positive emotions in reality. Hugging with the found baby and cry from happiness - this is a favorable sign.

Appeal to Miller Records

A well-known American psychologist argues that a loss is an exceptionally negative sign. If a pregnant woman sees such a picture, then she doubts that it will be a good mother. Such a situation may indicate that the woman being in the position does not experience support from the relatives. But do not be upset because the dreams are just a reflection of the internal experiences. Nothing bad with the child will not happen. If the loss of the baby is caused by miscarriage, it means that in reality, a woman pumped up too much duties.

When the search ends positively, there will be many joyful events. Find the baby and hugging it - a favorable sign, which is described in all modern dreams. The development of the situation in reality always depends on the person himself, his confidence in his power.

Variants of David Loffe

Pastor considers such a dream with a key tip to quickly achieve the goals. Children always act as a symbol of the continuation of the kind, a kind of investment in the future. Of course, lose an expensive for the heart is a very terrible moment, especially if it concerns your own children. If after what a person in a dream cries, it means it's time to streamline all the works. The intensity of public pressure, as well as the misunderstanding of personal aspirations, did the dream, because of which the rhythm of life simply ceased to arrange him. Man and himself understands the need for change, but the fear of him rearrange.

This relief can be found in the event that the child was found. It's time to discard fear, the moment of choice came, the decision was true, and the situation stabilizes.

Searches for an unfamiliar child have several values \u200b\u200bat once. Highlights: Emotions and the situation in which dreams are. Strong fright promises real alarms. An unfamiliar little boy foreshadows business failures, empty spending of money and time. Girls will dream of who lost the taste of life, is experiencing various sorrows, ran into a strip of failure.

Value for women

There is a special book of dreams for representatives of the fine sex. Experts have provided many interesting decodents, where all the nuances are taken into account. Women must need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • if the child's found looks quite happy and cheerful, in reality you need to expect the arrival of friends or a strong mutual love;
  • when a young woman dreams that her baby lost, and she hears his crying, then it would be difficult to avoid disappointment and deterioration of well-being;
  • sibling walks alone - a sign of time or independence;
  • if a patient or mutilated baby was lost, but in the end he was found and took him in his arms, it means that there are tears, sorrow and sadness ahead of the dreams;
  • a woman nursing a breast child, whom he lost and looking for, - he will deceive it from whom she is the least of all this.

Night searches foreshadow bad events. If a woman wants to independently analyze the talked plot, then she must remember his feelings. Experts recommend to take into account, full of it was a dream or only abstract pictures. If the girl has not lost a significant subject (wallet, bag, phone) - this is to certain troubles. But when the loss is associated with the child, I need to wait for bad news.

In the old days, wise seams and leaders claimed that when the girl saw the loss of his own baby in a dream, she should prepare for the worst. You need to be careful, since the life of the child is under threat. But today the interpretation has changed a bit, since numerous observations have shown that negative dreams do not always indicate bad incidents. Seen pictures may simply display a real mental state.. A kind of sign is always considered a dream when a woman finds a child healthy and unharmed.

Interpretation for future mothers

Women who are in a position should be occasionally worried about their baby. If the future motley is surrounded by love and care of loved ones, then everything will be fine. When notes associated with miscarriage, it indicates real fears and fear for their child, which is quite normal. Such dreams most often worried too distinctive women. Experts recommend adhere to the classic interpretation seen:

  1. Unsuccessful pregnancy or the death of a baby during childbirth in a dream can cause certain concerns from women who worry about their children. But it is not too nervous, as the vision is just a sign that the woman does not cope with the responsibilities assigned to it. Dream interpretation recommends more carefully to his health, take care of himself and rest more.
  2. If the dreams successfully gives birth to the baby, but it takes it, it means that she doubts that he can become a truly loving and caring mother.

Pregnant women need to be careful with the interpretation of their dreams, as unnecessary experiences can harm the crumb. The main task is to follow your well-mindedness and not overwork, only then the born baby will be happy and healthy.

Loss of beloved Chad out of sight of reality makes it hard to revere any parent. If such a situation occurs in a dream, then the rest of the night will definitely be sleepless. Losing is not as scary, as it seems - the interpretation of such visions does not always talk about future negative events. Often the dreams are just a reflection of the real experiences of a person.

Interpretation for future mothers

Losing a child in a dream for a pregnant woman - a terrible vision, causing despair. However, it is not necessary to worry, the dream is just an echo of day experiences about the prosperous outcome of pregnancy.

If the term is already coming to an end, and the baby is about to be on the light, and his mother had a similar dream, then it talks about the imminent beginning of childbirth and the birth of a healthy child.

A dream, in which the recently pregnant woman feels that she has no miscarriage and a child, says that she should be attentively treating their own health. Baby such a dream does not foreshadow no danger.

Velezov Sonnik

Losing a child in a dream, while inexorably suffer and fear for his life - to the loss of warmth and happiness in a relationship with a loved one. The dreams will try to immediately return the former feelings, but to no avail, since his second half has already cooled to him.

What dreams of losing in if the sleeping loses its own offspring, it is waiting for its own opportunities in real life. If other people's children are lost, then relatives in the near-day dream will ask for help in raising babies.

Dream Miller

Lost children in a dream always marvel a loss of hope, kindness, skills to love and be loved. Losing a child in a dream - it means that the meaning of life will lose the meaning that he always forced not to give up and go ahead.

The lost crying kid who met in a dream, foreshadows sleeping unpleasant illness, as well as trouble at work. Search the lost child in a dream - to desire to determine the main goals, meaning of life. When choosing should not be guided by minute gusts, everything should be thoughtfully.

Female dream book

Lose in a dream of children, and then look for them and find - to gaining long-awaited happiness. Unmarried Women Dreaming promises acquaintance with their future halves, and men are replenished in the family. If the children laughed, were satisfied, well dressed and healthy, then the dream predicts the offensive of long-awaited stability in all life spheres.

Loss of a little boy in a dream and his frantic search mean that sleeping is time to grow and stop living one day. In the near future, it is necessary to get the second half, otherwise the risk remains in complete loneliness.

Dream of Freud.

If the sleeve met a lost child, walking alone and who does not want to return, then this speaks of his inner "I", which opposed the opinion of the people around him. The dream must be reconciled with himself.

Infinitely trying to catch up in a dream of a runaway child - to a difficult one, she will turn the reinforcement of the dream and make him become tougher, calculating.

Lose in a dream of children, and then see how fit and ask for help, - to the manifestation of care. Sleeping will help your relatives, protect them and protect them.

Find the lost baby one with a floor in a dream - to an agreement with the inner "I". Sleeping no longer need to pretend to surround it to perceive it as it is.

Dream Stranger

I ask for foreign people to find a lost child in a dream, while experiencing hopelessness - to empty troubles. The dream will have to do routine work that does not cause positive emotions.

To keep the child found home, but not to understand whose he is to uncertainty in life. A person needs to urgently arrange priorities, otherwise the strength that should be directed into the right channel will be wasted.

To hear the baby laughter, but not see the baby, while continuing to search for it, - to sorrow and longing through a close person. Soon it is possible to partition with someone from relatives or friends.

If a person saw in a dream, according to the "Loss" of an excited mother, he will be waiting for his success on a love field - soon he will meet the only one, with which, finally, will find happiness and peace.

In the article on the topic: "Dream Interpretation has disappeared in a dream," - presented topical information on this issue for 2018.

If you have lost a child in a dream - this is an unfavorable sign. Dream interpretation usually treats the plot as the foresight of trouble, loss, breakdown plans, financial problems. But, explaining what the vision is to dream, you need to remember: it may be simply a projection of doubts, sleeping in reality.

Get ready for real losses

What dreams like a child lost? Dream interpretation warns: you need to prepare for disappointments, losses financially plan, work. Such trouble will let them know later even for a long time.

Also see the plot, how children are lost in a dream, and you are in vain looking for them, signals a significant loss in reality. Perhaps this is a kind of thing, very important for you. However, the situation should be accepted because nothing can be changed.

If the dream is about the fact that the child was lost is accompanied by strong experiences, the unrest - in reality, due to the breakdown of the plans, there are serious financial losses, even a loss of reputation is possible, which will soon affect things.

The vision of the search for the lost baby, in the dream book, often personifies the real attempts of the dream to find sense, hope in his life.

Who dreamed?

Interpretation of sleep on the loss of their children differs depending on who saw it:

  • a woman is coming disappointment, material difficulties;
  • a man - failure of plans, some enterprise;
  • pregnant - Fear not to cope with the difficulties of motherhood;
  • a childless person is a reflection of his fears, insecurity.

According to the dreams, in fact, the pregnant woman has a dreamy vision. You just need to calm down, focus on current tasks.

Family troubles are possible

See yourself in a dream "awesome" mommy, who has lost a child in his own fault means family difficulties. Pay home, especially younger, more attention, manifest interest in their hobbies. Otherwise, misunderstandings are possible and, as a result, quarrels, protracted conflicts.

The victim's vision dasioned, as if her baby was stolen, reflects the real fear of a woman not to become an authority for his Chad, which will respect a foreign person else.

Miller Dream Value

If a child has lost in a dream, it means the loss of his own happiness. In reality, sleeping does not feel joys, it has lost the ability to empathize with others, has become indifferent to everything. Such a boring, monotonous life can cause a protracted depressive state.

Remote help relatives

What dreams how the child was lost, but not his own, and someone else and people are unsuccessful looking for him? There are diseases, troubles from the dreams of a dream, his relatives or good acquaintances. They are now very necessary support.

Did you dream of losing someone else's child? Dream interpretation indicates: problems with children will begin with your relatives, but you somehow be involved in these difficulties.

Ahead of favorable changes

Find in a dream of someone else's lost kid - I will suddenly gain something that they did not count at all. This thing, whose support or important information will be very useful. It is necessary to be grateful fate, because it sometimes gives pleasant surprises.

To see how everything ended well, the child in a dream was found - a good sign. Dream interpretation claims: Soon life will work out, welfare will come. Problems and difficulties are successfully allowed.

Lost Baby Interpretation Dream

Loss of a child in a dream is a very unfavorable sign. According to Dream, this plot may impose trouble, loss and financial problems. However, sometimes the interpretation, which is dreaming, as if the child was lost, is only a projection of your doubts and mental experiences.

To loss and losses

Reflect on what a child is dreaming about how the child was lost. As a dream book believes, you should prepare for disappointment, pain, losses and troubles in the financial and service sphere. Moreover, the consequences of these difficulties will be felt by you still very long.

Dreamed that children lost in a dream, and you can't find them? Such a plot foreshadows that in reality you will survive a greater loss. Perhaps the thing will be lost, which is very important for you. Try to terms with this. After all, nothing can be changed.

Went like a child lost, and are you very much worried about this situation? Most likely, in reality, you will not be able to avoid monetary losses. In addition, there is a chance that your reputation will suffer significantly.

Dream Interpretation insists that the search for a lost child is just a projection of your attempts to find a lost meaning in life, to gain a goal.

Who dreams

According to Dream Interpretation, the interpretation of sleep, in which the child was lost, dependent, first of all, who was given to this plot. So, what dreams like a dream:

  • Woman? In reality, she will have to experience a lot of grief, disappointment and monetary difficulties.
  • Man? In fact, the new project will be failed.
  • Pregnant? A seen plot is only a display of doubts and fears of sleeping about the upcoming birth.
  • Childless? In reality, the dream lacks self-confidence.
  • As a dream book believes, a pregnant woman's dream will not bring dangers. You should only calm down and tune in to a positive wave in life.

To conflict

Perhaps to see myself mommy, what has lost a child in their own nonsense? In reality, problems and difficulties in the family are waiting for you. Try to pay more attention to your relatives and friends. In particular, their own children. After all, otherwise you will not be able to avoid quarrels and conflicts.

If the mother dreams, as if her baby was stolen, it means that she was afraid of losing credibility to his own child.

Opinion Miller

Miller's dream book believes that if a child was lost in a dream, then in a short time you will lose your own happiness. Most likely, in reality, other people have become indifferent, you have lost the ability to rejoice and empathize. If you do not change your attitude to life, then you will fall into depression, as if in a deep hole.

Help relatives

Saw in a dream how to lose someone else's child and can not find him? In fact, you should fear diseases, troubles from relatives and loved ones that they will never need your support.

Perhaps in a dream to lose someone else's child in stupidity and overlooking? Dream interpretation believes that your native collide with serious problems in relationships with your children. In addition, you yourself and provoke these difficulties.

A light in the end of a tunnel

I happened in a dream to find someone else's baby, what was lost? In real life, new opportunities will appear for you, which will be very useful. Didn't see how the lost child was found? Soon your life will change for the better.

Dream Interpretation - Losing a Child

Dreams were always a mystery for a person. They hit their fabulous images and incredible events. Many consider dreams with a prompt for further actions and believe them unconditionally. Modern people understand that images of dreams arise in the subconscious. However, this does not at all reduce their value. After all, in everyday affairs and worries there is no time to listen to the inner voice, it is difficult to look inside yourself.

When a person falls asleep, he relaxes. And then the subconscious can be pulled out from their depth, what is usually not paying attention to the day. Published fears, anger, jealousy breaks through in dreams with unexpected plots and images. Sometimes there is a dream such an event that makes worrying and worry. We must try to understand why the disturbing dream was dreamed. To do this, you should not jump off the bed at once. It is necessary to mentally repeat all the events dreamed. Then you can see his interpretation in different sources.

Any woman is alarming if she dreamed that she lost her child. But the children's image is wider. Finding a child means an attempt to find a sense in my own life. If the mother in a dream lost most importantly, it means that she lacks something important in real life.

Lose baby in a dream - Dream Miller

Loss of a child is a bad sign. But it is not connected directly with the baby. If this will dream of a pregnant woman, then its insecurity is in itself. A woman in the position is frightened by the upcoming birth, it does not feel support and support. For her, the very sleep does not bear bad signs.

An ordinary woman like a dream warns against the upcoming disappointment. Large financial losses are coming, many plans will be destroyed. Recovery will be long and heavy. If it dreams that the child is located, it promises a safe solving problem.

What dreams of losing a child - Dream Vangu

Sometimes it dreams that the child has lost and is not in any way. At the same time, the image of a child in a dream is not present. Mother walks aimlessly and does not understand what to do, where to look. Such a dream speaks of the loss of the meaning of life. A person has no more hope for the prosperous resolution of his troubles and difficulties. But in the depths of the soul lies the desire to find a way out.

Any loss in a dream means real fears of a person. They are not always connected with the specific images of the disassembered people. If you dream that the child was lost, it is necessary to take care of the nearest surroundings, relatives and friends. Often, the threat of well-being proceeds from there.

Dream Interpretation - feed a child

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Thank you could not decipher my sleep where I am looking for a missing child

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Lose baby in a dream - what dreams of such a grief?

Sleep, in which you lose the child, whether it is a hands-up baby or not born baby in the womb, makes it takes. After all, after all, emotions from the loss of a native person, their own bloodstream, always excavated. Usually the interpretation of such dreams, in which there is a place of loss of something or someone associated with the fact that the person has some real losses. Most likely, such a dream is a sign that the meaning of life is lost or hope is lost.

Boy Holding Onto His Mother - Image By © Royalty-Free / Corbis

Lose baby in a dream: What does it mean?

Depending on whether you could find a child in a dream or lost it finally, this dream is interpreted. If everything ended happily, then a favorable strip will come in real life. It also means that the meaningful events occurring.

Losing a child in a dream of a pregnant woman in the woman - not a rare phenomenon. It so happens that pregnant women are too denial and insecure in their abilities. Under a strong impression of a pregnant woman, you can dream that a child disappeared in a dream, this is a reflection of the fact that the future mother is obsessed with fear, she is not sure that he will cope with the future role and becomes a good parent. In this case, the partner will need.

To see in a dream of a pregnant woman and lose a child or watch how someone takes the child immediately after birth - this is again the sign of the fears of the future mother, her fears that she will not be able to become an authority for their children.

If once again I dreamed that my child was missing, you should not despair and panic. Carefully look at your life, are you happy about everyday trifles or have lost the taste of life? Perhaps this dream will make you abandon everyday rutin and try to switch your attention to more interesting things, go hobbies.

Loss of your child in a dream almost always means future disappointment. At the same time, than the younger child, the greater the likelihood that disappointment will come from a close relative.

Dream Interpretation: Lose baby on the street

If a child is lost on the street in a dream, you can expect a violation of scheduled events in reality. At the same time, the cause of the collapse of the plans will become you or someone from your blood relatives.

If you dreamed that a child disappeared, and you are convulsive to look around it all over the street and at the same time I am very worried, then your plans in reality will be violated, and at the same time finance suffer.

Did you have lost my son or daughter? If in reality you have problems in relations with children, then this dream is a projection of your complexes.

What dreams of losing your child?

Very often, the plot of sleep, in which the child or children is lost, continues for a very long time. Sleeping at the same time attempted to take attempts to find their child, ask around the surrounding people about whether they saw His Son or Daughter. In fact, such a dream denotes that a person has long been looking for himself, his meaning of life or purpose.

What to dream of a child's loss: Dream Miller

In the dream book Miller, there is interpretation of a dream, in which you lose the child. The psychologist says that this is a sign of losing his happiness. Such a dream will not bring anything good, but will only be the beginning for a protracted depression.

Lose baby in the womb in a dream: What does it mean?

Opening the modern online dream book, you will learn what to dream of a child's loss in a dream for a pregnant woman. Abortion or miscarriage in a dream is a true sign that in real life the girl is insult and disappointment. She is lonely and worries not better times. For a girl who is not a pregnant woman in reality, see the dream in which she loses the baby from the womb only means that there will be a betrayal or deception in her life. For a pregnant girl, such a dream means that she needs to be more attentive to his health.

What dreams of a child's loss in a dream dream book Vangi

Wanga told that the mother could dream that the child was lost and did not find it. The image of a child can be clear or vague, but it is necessary to listen to their feelings. The child symbolizes in this dream hope and meaning. Therefore, if you lost it, then in reality, you also do not make sense and hope. The Bulgarian clairvoyant insisted that after such sleep, a man looked more closely at his relatives, perhaps they infringe on him.

Losing a child is terrible, both in reality and in a dream. However, it is not necessary to think that all dreams associated with the missing kids have a purely negative interpretation. There are situations where this plot has a very positive value. To figure out what the child's disappearance is dreaming, well-known dreams will help us.

Brief interpretation

For those who cannot remember the dream details, dream interpretation offer a simplified interpretation option. Remember at least something from what you saw in a dream and get brief interpretations. For example, losing a child.

  • Lost when they gave birth to excitement.
  • I got lost in the forest - to the troubles and care.
  • Search in urban "jungle" - to hard work.
  • Find baby - to joy.

Dream Miller

The loss of trust of the surrounding promises a dream, according to Miller's dream book, in which you dreamed that you did not get out of a stranger child, and he disappeared.

But if a woman dreams that such an attack happened to her own child, the famous psychologist was advised to calm down, as this dream means only her unreasonable fears for their child.

Loss with childbirth - Signs of experiences

To see in a dream of experience that you have failed to lose a child during pregnancy or childbirth? If this dream of a pregnant woman is a subconscious experience for the health of the future kid. For all other women, the baby's loss during pregnancy is the display of their internal state.

Did the fetus loss due to miscarriage? Strong duties you took over.

Want to know what to dream of the loss of your not born in reality baby? It is necessary to learn to defend themselves from life assault, interprets the lunar dream book.

Borrowed in the forest - to the troubles

Did you have lost your child in the forest? Little baby - small care, one hundred older - problems larger.

Get lost and seek a son, running through the forest - you have to search for solutions, how to get out of a difficult situation. Roar because of the loss and look for it, fusifying the forest - you can not do without any assistance. But if you lost it and seek not going to search - you are in vain, we hope that the problems solve themselves.

Did you manage to lose the child and I will find it? Bottles will be taken away from you a lot of strength, but their result will be pleased with you, the Eastern Dream will prophesate. And if you go to search and find a dad, it is he who will bring you a lot of worries.

Disappeared in the city - you have a painstaking job

Lose the child on the street - you will be entrusted with the task that will require technical knowledge from you. The child was lost on the street of your city - you can cope with the work you will be able to independently, for which you get a reward. Lost the city street you are not familiar? You may need help for which you have to pay.

Did you dream that the baby was lost in the mall? Modern dream book gives such an interpretation of sleep: do not neglect the post that you will offer. Uninteresting at first glance, in the end it will be very profitable.

A woman who lost the child in the appearance, sees in a dream that she forgot the stroller with a breast baby in a crowd of people is a symbol of the fact that in reality she is trying to forget the happening of the mountain, lighting up from him in exhaustive labor.

Find a loss - to joy and luck

Dream dreams that the lost child was found, and do you feel joy? In reality, positive emotions are waiting for you. Find a lost child on your own and cry from happiness - to the successful resolution of a controversial question, predicts the dream of Pastor Loffa. But to find the loss and cry because of the suffered stress - a sign of a heavy period, but with a prosperous outcome.

And now let's find out how your dream will come true? 🔮 who dreamed today. This night 🌃.

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    I dreamed that my daughter and I left rest on the sea, but I needed to go home and I left leaving her at sea. I was going to return for her, but woke up. What is such a dream to dream?

    Dreamed that he lost her daughter on Zh.D. train station. I was looking for her and did not find it. Then she is shown on TV, she sits with our dog in an embrace, in the car and smiling such as it found some kind of authorities. But she is somewhere in another city. It was scary. Tears. And most importantly, I tried to fall asleep several times to continue in a dream to look for it.

    I dreamed that I fly and pick up the pile daughter, and some people sit next to some people. Then I start playing volleyball with them, they throw, but for me the ball is hard. Then they want to rape me and I begin to shout, some kind of boy appears and I ask him to call the pile grandmother. Grandma comes, but I'm already dead and she says what you did, because it was a princess, and they start crying and suddenly I live and start talling the stomach, and cry and say: where is my child.