What dreams of the Planet Earth as a globe. What dream globe

Globe in a dream predicts a journey or successes in scientific activities. What dreams of a round model of the world still? Dream interpretation will tell about the various variations of the interpretation of a dreamy image.

Decoding from Miller

Did you dream about the blue globe? Miller's dream book prophesate a dizzying success on a scientific or creative field, a wonderful rest and even a trip to the distant countries.


What dream of the globe is still? Dream Interpretation believes that his spherical form indicates excessive idealism.

It literally means to see him in a dream that you consciously refuse material values, for you see the world in your own way. Sometimes it is a transparent hint: you obviously inadequately appreciated a certain problem, because you can not solve it.

Did the miniature model of the planet dreamed? You are configured strongly and confidently, and it helps to cope with any life difficulties.

We'll have to work!

Did the globe dreamed? You can think over plans, projects and cases, the implementation of which will occur in the distant future. But remember: it will have to work well before the conceived embodies in real life.

A beautiful globe appeared in a dream? Dream Interpretation advises to take into account strictly real, and not alleged circumstances and facts. At the same time, a flat geographic map in a dream acts as a symbol of clearly designated ideas.

In addition, the Globe in Night Gresses hints at the ambulance of the place of residence, work or study. But before you make a final decision on change, you need to foresee all possible risks.

Recreation or obesity?

Dream interpretation reminds: Interpretation of sleep is sometimes directly connected with a dream that the globe appeared in the night. So for a man is a sign of indifference and coldness in relations with women.

The same image jokingly hints at the possibility of an excessive increase in body weight in the abdomen.

Lonely dreams of the earthly ball promises a long romantic connection, and even marriage. A married predicts a pleasant stay away from the family, perhaps abroad.

Especially for women

What does the student allowance for the ladies dream? The dream of the dream of dissatisfaction and resentment, and sometimes warns about the ambulance, possibly unplanned pregnancy.

If the globe has dreamed of a child, then the dream book is confident: he needs to think more about studying, and not spend time on games and entertainment.

What they were doing?

Understand the question: What is the dream of a globe, personal actions will help in a dream.

  • Twist - frivolity, inconsity.
  • Play like a ball - confusion, fatigue.
  • Consider - a dream that you clearly do not afford.
  • Searching for something - a new acquaintance, the need to provide trifles.
  • Buy - non-fulfilling dreams.

Get ready!

Did a large globe with a clear arrangement of oceans, continents and even cities? Get acquainted with a very unusual and talented character. He literally bursts into your life and turn it over.

If I had to study "the Earth" in a dream in a dream, looking for different names on it, the plot means that in reality, you will learn some information that will irregular and even shocks.

What dream of a globe? This symbol may mean both fast scientific successes and a fascinating journey.

Opinion Miller

If in a dream, a man saw a blue globe, then Miller's dream book foreshadows him the great achievements in science, creativity or a fascinating tour in distant edges.


What else can it dream? There is an opinion that any ball is a sign of excessive idealism of sleeping.

Saw globe in a dream - a symbol of your refusal from worldly in favor of its values \u200b\u200bthat are not separated by all surrounding. This leads to the fact that your "special" opinion does not allow to find the right solution to the problem.

Dream miniature planet? Dream Interpretation believes that this is a symbol of your confidence that does not allow to lower hands in difficult situations.

There is a lot of work

If in a dream you saw this subject, then interpreters are advised to draw up an ambitious plan that can be implemented in life after a while. However, the implementation of such a project will require a lot of effort. In order to cut them, and you need a detailed plan.

When the globe is dreaming, the dream book advises not to rely on the favor of Mrs. Good luck. Proceed from the facts, and not from assumptions. If the card was flat, it means that the plan is quite detailed.

The disinterested model of the planet including promises the change of the house, the employer or educational institution. However, before adopting such a responsible decision, it is necessary to thoroughly weigh everything for and against.

Relax or overweight?

What dream of a globe? Sometimes the decryption of sleep depends on who he dreams. A strong sex is a symbol of its coldness in relation to the ladies.

Dream Interpretation says the globe can be identified with overweight owner.

See in a dream Little land - a good sign for lonely people. Soon you come into love relationships. Married men, this symbol is promoting rest from households.

Interpretations for women

The globe appeared in the dream of the ladies. There are two options: either there are noise and unrealized desires, or unexpected and, possibly undesirable pregnancy.

When this manual dreams of a child, then according to dreams, he spends too much time on games, and not study.

Manipulation with globe

Why dream this subject? Remember what you did with him, the dream book advises.

  • Twisted - you careless;
  • played like a ball - confusion is coming;
  • in a dream, they considered - you have a too expensive dream;
  • i was looking for a country - get acquainted with someone;
  • bought - desires that are not destined to be fulfilled.

What should I prepare?

If a large detailed globe with countries and cities dreamed, then in a short time, meet an extraordinary person. This acquaintance will change a lot in your life.

You will be waiting for a round-the-world journey.

Globe by Dmitry Dream and Winter Hope

The shag-like form of the globe is a reflection of your excessive idealism.

Consider a globe in a dream - a sign that your ideas about the world are too idealistic and deprived of practical value.

If you reveal any important business or plan business contacts - such a dream encourages you to build plans, based on reality, and not from cardboard models.

At the same time, the geographical map in a dream - symbolizes carefully thought out plans.

Globe according to the latest dream book of Ivanov

A woman dreams of a globe - to emergency pregnancy (perhaps already expect a child); MEN - SONST WARNING: It is necessary for a strict restriction in food, otherwise obesity cannot be avoided; If the globe sees a child - he needs to pay more attention to study.

Spring Dream Globe

Globe - travel, road, rest, vacation.

Summer Dream Globe

To see the globe or something to consider something on it - to the dream to make a journey that you are not affordable.

Globe on the autumn dream book

Consider a globe in a dream - to long-range travel; To the cruise for the rich.

Globe in the dreams from A to Z

The globe seen in a dream - foreshadows a long journey, which will precede long fees and painful waiting at all stages of preparation for it.

Globe by Sleeping Simone Channel

Globe is a good trip, success in the sciences.

Esoteric Dream Globe

Globus - joyful trip. Plans for the journey, built after sleep, will come true.

To see a very big globe - means that you cannot solve all problems, do not know the real state of affairs.

To see a very small globe - means that there are no obstacles for you. You will succeed.

Twist the globe at high speed - warns that you behave inconsistently, frivolous.

Use the globe as a ball - says that you are finally confused and tired.

To see the globe in the bedroom - means for men, that indifference flooded their personal life; For women - that they are filled with insults and dissatisfied.

Shiller Schoolchildren's Globe

success in the sciences, a good trip to other people's countries.

Globe in the dream book Catherine Great

Globe - you dream of a big globe - such a dream means that you have accumulated too many problems; You will be waiting for confusion, you will not know what kind of problems take on, what kind of tanks pull. You dream of a small souvenir globe - all your problems you click like nuts; Even the most difficult thing is on your shoulder, you are confident in your abilities. You seem to turn the globe - the dream says that you are watching a cruel cruel enemy; Circumstances will be ashamed that you have to secretly change your location, it may even go to another city. You quickly twist the globe - sleep indicates that you are a frivolous man; In inconsistency, you will fall into a situation in which your life can be in danger; Do not go the road in the wrong place; Do not bathe in an unfamiliar reservoir.

Modern dream globe

Globe - Good luck, luck, traveling to unfamiliar places

Artemidor's Globe

You dreamed of the globe - to be inside a big globe - to a unsuccessful attempt to shift my own duties and problems. Hide the globe in the closet - to forget about important business.

Globe for Russian Dream

What does the globe mean in a dream - success in sciences, a good trip.

Globe by Dream E. Erixon

What means in a dream globe - travel to the edge of the Earth or around the world. Twist globe - share your knowledge.

Housewife Dream Globe

Globus - Thoughts about traveling to other people's countries; Reflections on life.

Solomon Dream Globe

Globe - Success in science.

Globe in dreams for bitch

Globe - you are waiting for a dizzying success in science or creativity, a successful and advantageous journey through distant countries or just a wonderful stay.

Globe in the dream of the XXI century

To see the globe in a dream - the forever of far-reaching plans, sometimes - long-distance travel or long-term preparation for it, long expectation of a solution to the issue or train (aircraft) at the station or at the airport.

Globe in Slavic Dream

Globe - you are waiting for luck in scientific research and contacts with foreigners, may be distant and overall a successful and entertaining journey. Sagittarius.

Learn from online dreams, what is the dream of a globe, reading below the answer in the interpretation of interpreter authors.

Globe in a dream: Interpretation of 100 dreams

Dream of the XXI century

What dreams of the globe and what does it mean:

Globe - to see in a dream Globus - the forever of far-reaching plans, sometimes - long-distance travel or long-term preparation for it, long waiting for a solution to the issue or train (aircraft) at the station or at the airport.

Modern dream book for 365 days

What is the dream of a globe by day of the week?

Globe - to be inside a large globe - to a unsuccessful attempt to shift its own duties and problems. Hide the globe in the closet - to forget about important business.

Modern dream book


Globus - Good luck, traveling to unfamiliar places.

Esoteric dream book

Globe in a dream:

Globus - joyful trip. Plans for the journey, built after sleep, will come true.

Simone Kananita Dreamnik

Globus to what is dreaming across the saint:

Globe is a good trip, success in the sciences.

Astrological dream book

Globus See what means?

Globe - you are waiting for luck in scientific research and contacts with foreigners, may be distant and overall a successful and entertaining journey. Sagittarius.

New Family Dream Interpretation Hope Sobolev

How to understand what to twist the globe in a dream?

Globus - Thoughts about traveling to other people's countries; Reflections on life.

Unique dream book Tatiana Radchenko


Globe - Travel to the edge of the Earth or around the world. Twist globe - share your knowledge.

Big modern dream book

Globe - What dreams of a dream?

Globe - You dreamed of a big globe - such a dream means that you have accumulated too many problems; You will be waiting for confusion, you will not know what kind of problems take on, what kind of tanks pull.

You dream of a small souvenir globe - all your problems you click like nuts; Even the most difficult thing is on your shoulder, you are confident in your abilities. You seem to turn the globe - the dream says that you are watching a cruel cruel enemy; Circumstances will be ashamed that you have to secretly change your location, it may even go to another city.

You quickly twist the globe - sleep indicates that you are a frivolous man; In inconsistency, you will fall into a situation in which your life can be in danger; Do not go the road in the wrong place; Do not bathe in an unfamiliar reservoir.

Encyclopedia of Snov Lewisa

Globe - management of its world can be reflected in the image of a fixed globe. Rotating globe often symbolizes the opposite situation: the dream of a dream is not controlled.

Universal dream book

Globus what means:

Globe - Success in the sciences, successful journey.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Globe - travel, road, rest, vacation, in the dream book so deciphered this dream.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Globe - To see the globe in a dream, or something to consider something on it - to the dream to make a journey that you are not affordable, according to the dream book - a predictor.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Globe - to consider in a dream globe - to long-range travel; To the cruise for the rich.