What a man had a dream. What dreams of beautiful unfamiliar men in the dream

Learn from online dreams, what a man dream, reading below the answer in the interpretation of the interpreters.

Dream of the XXI century

What dream is a man and what means:

A man is to see a bald man in a dream - to respect and wealth. For a woman to see a man in the shirt - to trouble marriage, a naked man in a dream - to luck, to see a dead man on the street - to the opening of new sources of income, intimate relationships on SMS with a man - to loss of state.

Dream Miller

What dream of a man in a dream?

A man is to see in a dream of a beautiful, well-folded and deft man - it means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of the state. If a man of ugly and sullen seeped in a dream, then you will come across disappointments and many difficulties that are diverting you.

If a woman sees a beautiful man in a dream, she will be offered recognition and popularity. If he obscure, then she is coming by unpleasant experiences because of the person she considered her friend.

Dream of Astromeridiana

What did the man dream

The man is the image of a man - both in folklore and mythology and in dreams, is naturally becoming a symbol of all creative and active, personifying himself an invalid social beginning. And he can represent not only the dream itself as such, but also invariably present inside you yang energy (then male, which is even in women). And since men, severe half of humanity, are also the embodiment of variability and updates, after such a dream it is better to prepare for fundamental material changes.

Men often spend time in reflections on wealth and glory, so if you constantly see a man in a dream, which you like - it can fill a profit in the business that you deserve thanks to your own active actions. The lack of clothing on a man - a dream will face misunderstanding and condemnation. Brilliant Lysina Men - Symbol of Symbol.

Psychological interpreter Fisterzes

By dream of a man

Sleep about men is a sign of the concentration of consciousness, the personification of the practical (rational) part of our thinking. A male stranger can symbolize something unknown, mysterious and therefore frightening. Some sources interpret such dreams otherwise: near you have an enemy, but you do not guess who he is.

A man in black - wait for trouble from the envious, which will prevent you from achieving the desired one. Be careful and try to avoid ambiguous situations in order not to feed gossip. If a man in a dream was cute - it symbolizes the success of all undertakings. An ugly man in a dream - to disappointments and depression. A man from a dreaming dream was a big and strong - a dream should analyze the realities and make it quickly.

Romantic dreamnik

Man to dream

The man is the majority of love dreams interpreting a decreased man unequivocally: it is to disagreements in a romantic relationship and serious quarrels in the family sphere. Did the unfamiliar man dream? It is tormented by jealousy - you are afraid that the sexual fantasies of your beloved will satisfy the rival. If it is not clear from sleep, what kind of man, then you dream about some ideal, but do not know what it should be.

A woman dreamed of a friend a man - most likely she secretly craves sex with him. You get a gift from a man in a dream - this can foreshadow as a pleasant meeting or joyful news and an unexpected marriage offer. A handsome man - to a date without continuing, if he was in a long raincoat - to an unsuccessful fictitious marriage. A modest unfamiliar man in the shirt invariably symbolizes family quarrels, and intimate relationships with it will lead to great financial losses.

Men, if there are many of them, they are beautiful, well folded - you are waiting for an unforgettable moments of fun, get ready for a pleasant pastime. Many unfamiliar men - for a woman sleep predicts career growth, good luck in business, for a gentleman - good luck in business, financial profit. Having dreamed of older men - you will be merged, they will respect. A man gives flowers, hugs and kisses - such a dying dream is the personification of your dreams about the ideal partner.

A foreign man in the blood is to see a gentleman's beloved with a stranger's spouse in a dream means the appearance of an opponent who began to provide your lady more attention than you. If he frightened you, then you will have to be able to reveal for your friend or a friend, something will happen to him. If in a dream you have a novel with a married man - you are unhappy with your spouse. For an unmarried girl, the dream reports that she will marry, but unsuccessfully, and can also turn novels on the side.

The man with whom you broke up - if he is a beautiful and smiling you, then this is a good sign. If he is with another woman - if the gap occurred not by your fault, then sleep indicates that this happened due to the fault of the rival, which he preferred to you. To see the one with which they broke up, lonely and sad - he very much regretted your break, whom he served as herself.

Idiom dream book

Male to what dreams

  • Man - "Speak as a man with a man" - a serious conversation, clarification of relationships;
  • "I will make you a real man" (strong, volitional man).
  • "Guy" - the word carries the shade of simplicity, rudeness, champing, so in the dream interpreted this dream about a man.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

See a man how to solve sleep symbol

A man - a dreaming abstract man in a white shirt, means that you have fun. To see an unfamiliar man with a child in a dream, foreshadows the adventure. To see yourself a man in a dream, means to get into some kind of spicy situation with far-reaching consequences. Dried in a dream a man with a knife in prison - the implementation of the long-haired plans. Male actor dreamed of a suit - to the upcoming quarrel with friends. See a man of midwife in a dream - ambulance.

Vintage french dream book

Male to what dreams, interpretation:

A man - if a woman sees in a dream a nice man with beautiful features of the face - a dream promises her well-being, satisfaction with fate, a lot of joy. If the dream sees a man - this is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, business opponents' visits. A man in white clothes - a dream promises joy, getting a state, in black - loss and sadness.

Male fat man in a dream foreshadows you well-being in affairs, and a low-spirited man - you will overcome difficult circumstances. Male Gorbun does not promise anything good, for often this dream warns about the deception or betrayal of those you trust.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which a man dreamed

Sleep about a man - a men's foot - a symbol of structures supporting the whole person. This image indicates historicity as the highest life positivity. In any case, it must be associated with the whole (that is, an individual). Dream Interpretation on a representative of a strong floor in a hat and a raincoat - you really don't want to share your thoughts and feelings with the surrounding people, but to do it. Handsome man - the fulfillment of desires is delayed for a long time. A man, naked - danger, AIDS. A man with a white beard - a disease; In the shirt - for a woman - misfortune from marriage; Dead on the street - the opening of new income.

The girl who saw in a dream of an excellent young man probably wishes to know what a beautiful guy dream is what it means. In such a dream, the appearance plays an important role. So, a young man who was in a dream, promises fast changes.

And if the guy is beautiful, then such changes will undoubtedly be pleasant. Probably, soon the girl will be lucky to find a fairly strong relationship, which will begin with a romantic meeting or dating.

But it is also possible that a good friend will meet from which it will be possible in any situation and always expect help (and this in life can also come in handy). Anyway, beautiful appearance and the visibility of a good health of a young man is a sign that we expect a pleasant change and news.

What if you dream a handsome guy?

What can a dream, in which the girl came a beautiful young man? For example, if it was a stranger, and a meeting with him was pleasant, it could mean that in real life a lady lacks male attention, and she dreams of meeting their second half.

If the girl in real life there is a young man, and he dreams of her, then probably the day preceding such a dream, something bright and significant, remaining in memory and subconscious (for example, a quarrel or something else) .

If the girl dreams of parting with a guy, then maybe she thinks about it. If there were hugs and passionate kisses with faithful, it is likely that in the life of the lady of this very lacking.

You should not give all the dreams of great importance, especially if there were some bright events throughout the day. Often, dreams are the embodiment of human experiences experienced per day. So the subconscious is manifest.

If we study the interpretation of sleep, in which a handsome young man appeared, then such a dream can be regarded depending on the situation. So, for example, a pretty guy in a dream may mean that in life some third-party person will soon intervene in life, who can spoil everything (this is if the girl builds a relationship with someone in reality).

If the laryrship is alone, then a handsome young man who appeared in a dream, can fill that someone experienced and wise can help her arrange their personal life and gain happiness. In addition, if in real life is not a lonely lady sees a pretty guy, then it may experience difficulties in relations with his second half because of someone (male).

What does foreshadow?

If the girl dreamed of a handsome guy, then you should remember which actions were made in a dream. For example, if a young man with a young man (unfamiliar) kissed or embraced, then this can foreshadow not very good events.

In particular, it is likely to be prepared for the fact that the ladies' reputation may suffer due to some careless deeds and rash solutions provoked by the mimolete obstruction. So it is worth thinking about your behavior and make some adjustments to it, otherwise the confusion and shame will be very difficult to avoid. It should be more prudent, cold-blooded, and also learn how to better understand people and recognize deception. Then the honor will not be bored.

An interpretation is important and age, as well as men's clothing. For example, a handsome young man can enjoy joy and pleasure, and an experienced man in age may mean that this person will be respected in real life. If the guy is naked, then it can fill condemnation. Young man in rags - sign of failure in a short time.

In conclusion, it remains to add that you should not believe the word interpretation of dreams. But sometimes dreams can warn about some events and news, therefore, it is not necessary to find out more about what you dare may not be superfluous.

Details of sleep

Have you been close to a man whose saw in a dream?

What age was a man in your dream?

What dream of an elderly man ▼

Dream Interpretation is considering an elderly man as a harbinger of the future honor. It is possible that it will be capable of committing either a significant act for which you get.

See an adult man in a dream ▼

The adult man was dreamed - for a young dream, it acts as a symbol of it, and also points to her true attitude towards him. Emotional characteristic will depend on the appearance of a man.

Dreamed Young Man ▼

What dreams of a young man? You will have many tempting opportunities, prospects. Boldly step forward, towards your own desires, you will all get.

Dream Old Man ▼

To see in a dream of an old man - to in vain bustle, wiping. Your experiences will be groundless, in fact everything is not as scary, as your imagination reports.

A man in your dream was somehow crossed?

Double dead man ▼

The dead man is interpreted by the dream of Felomena as a lack of near side. A high probability is in an extremely disadvantage, when helping you really can not.

See a man without hands in a dream ▼

Who dreamed of a man?

A married woman dreams another man ▼

Dreamed another man - for a married woman is a disturbing sign. With its current partner will soon begin serious discrepancies in opinion, misunderstanding. So far it seems that everything is fine, but in fact this process has already begun.

Video: What dreams of a man

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Did you dream, but there is no need for sleep in the dream interpretation?

Our experts will help you find out why a man dream in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try!

    the perfect man walked around me, and then went to another building and I clearly saw how he closed the door behind him. I went after him - in that room on the floor there was a road bag, as I understood - she was mine. I took the bag and left the room - it turned out to be a building of the airport ....
    The call to my mobile phone is not familiar with my male voice asks me: how I treat the author's statement ...

    • marina, perhaps your dream about the perfect man, just the game of your subconscious, in any case, judging by the dream you described.

      • Hello. I dreamed a week ago a wooden house, similar to the cottage, and there I was with my grandmother. At night, a man came to us and began to fall on the door. Grandma did not notice him, and I heard, but I was afraid and went to bed.
        And today I dreamed that in the same house I was with two friends, we had a light in all rooms, and at night the same silhouette of a man came and knocking the door, then walked looked into the windows, and again pounded. This time everyone heard him, I took a metal object with my friends (I do not remember exactly what) and expected it. I don't remember further ... In two dreams, the house was the same, and the silhouette of a man too. What can it dream?

    • First dream at night: We with a former husband in the village, with us his mother and sister, collect the red Bulgarian pepper, everything is good, quietly peacefully. On this dream, the alarm clock turns-ran.
      Second sleep in the morning: a man, married, cute, alleged husband of my former colleague, but definitely not he, we go together in an embrace, we are good and fun, the back of his wife goes, but it doesn't swear, not angry, then we go or in Cafe, or in a restaurant, sit down at the table, I order something, there are still some girls and his wife, I do not see her, but I know for sure that she is here and for some reason it does not oppose anything.
      About me: I am 44 years old, divorced, I have already met for 7 years with a young man (now he is 26 years old)

      • Maria, possibly a dream in which you see men and the one that you like - a non-traditional orientation, says that in reality you should wait for unusual relationships.

        Hello! Dreamed bright, memorable sleep from Sunday for Monday. In this dream, I open the door and in front of me there is a tall man of pleasant outdoor and, oddly enough, with a large garbage bucket of full garbage. For 2 years I have been divorced for 2 years, calmed down and recently began to think about new relationships. Somehow this dream can be interpreted?

        • Irina, sleep can warn you that you should not take hasty decisions in your personal life.

          Hello! Today, in a dream, we went for a truck with 3 unfamiliar men for a long time, but I saw only one in my face. I said goodbye to him. It was in the revealed car of Kalitka. I had a feeling of overwhelming private houses, but the walkway was dirty from the only ending rain. I called him Yuri, didn't talk about anything anymore

          • Galina, maybe such a dream says that in reality you can have some new acquaintance, which will bring a lot of positive emotions.

            again, I ask for help; do not refuse !!! I try to put life in my rut, it seems to me that it doesn't depend on me. It's half a year, at all !!! dreams of an ordinary man in glasses, but for some reason I don't like it, then I understand , He wants something. He wants in front of quickly and pulls me slightly with me, but I'm lagging behind. For help!

            • lenochka, perhaps your dream tells you that you lack men in your life.

              Constantly dream of my former young man (they were with him together for 3 years, and it was part more than a year ago).
              In the dream, we constantly together, then we walk, then I eat somewhere, then recently they made love and looked very happy. Dreams are so realistic that it seems that this man never left my life, although in real days I live completely differently and I don't often remember him. What is the movement? Thanks in advance for the answer.

              • Anna, similar dreams, most likely, suggest that psychologically you really need this man.

                • Maria, the fact that a man made you in a dream may speak of your jealousy.

                  Hello! Help please decipher dreams. To dream that I escape from unfamiliar men and saves me my father, who is actually already for five years. In the first case, I escaped from my wedding (I wanted terribly to go beyond the groom who stood in the registry office), locked in the house. Everyone was knocked, forced to go out. Only Father supported. He was at home and said that if I do not want to open the door. Then he made a huge rat out of the house and threw out the hatch, where my "fiance" is there. I trace also threw the rat. The second time I fell in love with my father, with serious intentions. I was in a panic and my father forbade him to approach me. I am not married in life. And not yet going

                  • Gulzia, the dream, most likely, says that you need a man, but the father remains for you.

                    I often dream that I'm in a dream a guy (and pleasant outdoor), but leading myself as usual, only somewhere in the middle of a dream I notice that a man, looking in the mirror or when they turn to me, or on some subconscious level that it means?

                    • Masha, what you dream is that you are likely to tell you that you underestimate yourself, in fact you are much stronger.

                      Good day! All the time dreams a certain man. He is always near, like a shadow, always silently, only eyes. That is my neighbor, then next to transport. Everywhere and always nearby. I know him. But I just know.
                      Thank you.

                      • Anna 30, the fact that you in a dream you see this man probably suggests that he personifies your ideal.

                        Hello !!! I dreamed of my former guy. I don't meet with him enough for a long time. I am very frightened by seeing it. I didn't mean in a cold sweat. What could it mean?

                        • Tamara, the fact that this man caused your fright is likely to say that there are no clarified problems between you.

                          Hello! He dreamed of a very distant dream, not MGU understand what means.
                          Many men, Caucasian nationality, not very pleasant appearance. Man 8-10, sit opposite me, on the other side of the river, on the cliff, but very close. With serious persons. In the same clothes. Look at me, and I'm on this shore, with friends. And suddenly one of them removes something from his head and it turns out this is my husband. Laughs and says - so you did not recognize me ...
                          What does it mean?
                          Thank you.

                          • Anna, what you saw such a dream most likely suggests that you will learn about the husband something out of a row.

                            help please figure out in a dream
                            I had a dream as I met in a trolleybus with a man of pretty old age and then we are going with the same man in the store and then begin to choose his clothes on him. And I don't like to do it if I don't know him

                            • Got, the fact that you dreamed of such a man most likely suggests that in relationships with men you are prone to manipulation.

                              Good day!
                              Today I had a pretty interesting dream.
                              I go somewhere to rest with the company of friends and girlfriends, the day is cloudy and the road is not very good, with the bumps, stop in some kind of village, friends all go to one house, and I am with my daughter - in a completely different one, where the owner is what Well, a man. This man is familiar to me (in a dream). We stay overnight in this house, in one bed, there is a mutual desire, and waiting, but nothing happens. In the morning, someone very persistently begins to knock on all windows, I look, and this is a former friend of my husband. A man (the owner of the house) goes to figure out what's the matter, and this former friend turns into evil, and they fight. A man wins. I go out of the house hid and leaving.

                              • Natalia, the fact that in your dream you have seen such a man, most likely, says that you are looking for a person now, who would take your life under control.

                                Good morning! I woke up from the feeling of hopelessness, loss and resentments that experienced from the events that occurred in my dream ...
                                Big hotel is not in my city. I and some naked men, as well as a person who is very expensive to me, are in the room. All laugh. I see that my favorite comes out of the room, and it is not long. I'm following him. In the corridor it is not.
                                I see a girl (she is my rival, but she does not know that I am reciprocating this person), she is going to leave. Someone says goodbye. Then I saw my beloved. I ask:
                                - Are you on your car?
                                - Yes.
                                - And who are you going with?
                                I understand that with her, my rival. He takes his eyes from me and leaves down the stairs. I'm in confusion, I try to catch up horror, I understand that I can't work, and shouting after him any nasty.
                                I run into the street - in front of me, the fences are low, then the bushes - I run, everything is jumping from where only the strength is - trying among the cars around the hotel, to find his car, see how he leaves with her and warn her or tell her about Our relationships. But I did not find anyone! And woke up.

                                • Tanya, the fact that in your dream there were such events, it probably suggests that you will be jealous of this man.

                                  • You are right - once in real life I saw how he goes to this girl in the house! I waited in the cold, shuddering and crying, near this house for 2 hours, writing him to SMS with a request to call back as he could. I saw how he, having yielding from her, began to call me, but instead of the answer I came up and laying him a good share and ran away, so that he did not see my tears! At that moment I thought that life was over! He began to calmly call me! And imagine - everything that happened to deny it !! Before that, I completely believed him.
                                    1.5 years old have passed since the terrible moment - I still love him - the girls of that for him already (although it is and trying to see him) and there is no misery, but I have a scar on the heart ...
                                    So I became jealous of him. To all.

                                • Hello. Today I had a dream in which I walk on the corridor maze for a very long time, like those in hospitals, type of hospitals, the walls are lined with white tiles, I climb the stairs, then I descend, and now I finally go to some cabinet in which the doctor leads, more like procedural, and then I go out of this procedural and see a man, he came to me, in a dream I really waited for him, I don't see him, he is high, and he says that he returned, in real Life I just wait for one person, soon he must come, and in a dream I know that it is he who is, but for some reason in his dream his name Victor Although in fact he is Artem in his life. Then he hugs me and carries home on his hands. The soul is very joyful.

                                  In recent times, almost the same thing is dreaming. I am with my beloved (from real life) go somewhere with our friends and there I am starting intrigue or meet with another man, every time someone is new! And I feel good with them! I feel like my heart more often beats how my body shudders from touching and explaining someone else's man and that the most striking in every dream my real beloved is always there, always seeing his image, but he does nothing. And in a dream, I understand that we meet him and as if I change it every time!
                                  Please tell me! Very worried about this cry!

                                  • Maria, the fact that a new man appears in your dream plot of sleep, most likely promises you frustrating in your young man, or you lose interest.

                                    With Thu on Fri dreamed a dream. I have a relationship with a man (unfamiliar), he is very strong, courageous, I feel it ... He hugged me. Next scene, I am lying on the bed, drinking tea with candy, he comes, sits down to me, gently says something ... What would it mean? I have a relationship with a man in life now.

                                    • Elena, the fact that in your dream was such a man, most likely, says that soon you will have a new fan.

                                      With Thu. on PT. I had a dream.
                                      What I got acquainted on the beach with a man. In this way, he was already sitting in our company in the circle of my relatives. It is sympathetic but not a handsome one, older than me for 10 years. I learned to care for me, then a trace. picture. We go to his big country house. And they say "Marry me, you are my man I know it. I will do everything you want for you"
                                      Answer to get married I say that I agree, but hinting on what you need to wait.
                                      What is such a dream maybe?

                                      • Karo, such a man in your dream, most likely, foreshadows for you the search for a new lover, which is crowned with success.

                                      • for several months to dream very often, almost every dream is a man. I kiss him, I'm hugging, I just talk, etc. With this man I work and for several months I had a novel with him, then it ended, remained friends. I don't think about him and I'm not trying to return, but for some reason it dreams.

                                        i have been dreaming for 5 times in a row that in a dream I am a man and I have sex with a girl. I don't touch her, I caress, I show how I am pleased. And I dreamed about it ago I dreamed that I didn't give any particular importance to me These dreams, but now my young man is strongly annoying.

                                        Good day. Recently, I see a dream about a man. I do not see his face, but I feel good with him. We have no intimate intimacy - every time I wake up on the moment I am lying on my side, a man hugs me back, I see his hands lying on my chest. I'm very good and calmly with him. Hard to understand this dream.

                                        Good day, I dreamed that I was pregnant and I feel and see the movements of the fetus in my stomach (i.e., periodically appear bumps discovering on the stomach), even next to me a former husband and a real husband (with which we don't live at the moment Together), and I try to make a choice with whom I live from them and who will be a child's father ... Help decipher sleep, please ...

                                        Today, in my bed, I dreamed in my bed like some kind of male lay with me, began to hugging his head on the shoulder, I saw my hand (under the blanket)
                                        help recognize sleep, I will be grateful
                                        MB It was a husband but he was buried ...

                                        I dreamedled the man with whom I was close. On him there was a new jacket that I seemed to be a great brilliant pants and not at all in the topic of the shoes I thought I had to buy a new time. For some time we went together, but then I tried to tear myself away from him, I saw a neighbor and I did not I wanted us to see us together, but he catches me up and waits while I went into a shaky wooden toilet through a translucent write interesting what could it mean

                                        • Such a dream in which there was a similar toilet, most likely, says that something personal can open out a stranger.

                                          I dreamed that I came to the kindergarten of my son to pay. Danya in the garden was not. I was sent to the accounting department, there was a few men, I seemed to know them, I didn't pay for the first time. One young, very cute strong brunette, said that he would help me with documents about payment. His view was very pleasant, almost in love, he approached me from behind and hugged me for the waist, saying something at the ear. I really liked it. The day he was overlooking the documents, I sat and played with the adorable one of the employees. Then the brunette spent me, while speaking something affectionate and not descending with me lovers eyes. As a spark ran, I could not even want to leave him. I wanted to continue the relationship with this man.
                                          Help please understand what it would mean. Thank you.

                                          • Constantly dreams familiar man (work together). I don't think about him, I'm married, he is married, there is a child. There is absolutely nothing that would associate us. But almost every day dreams, it becomes somehow by the way. Tell me, please, what is it? Thank you!

                                            I had a handsome man, but in reality such a person I never met. Bid then he loves me. He says that I am his only and what I was looking for me for a long time. He takes me to another city, where I recognize that he is very rich. We are fine with him. And at a truly with a guy, the problem, it seems to me that he sobbed me, but I love him, he was going to leave to another city and take me with him. What did I dream of such a good dream ??? Is it connected as with reality ??? I have a very good precipitate after it.

                                            • Most likely, the image of this man is a reflection of a collective image of an ideal man for your imagination.

                                              • I dreamed that I had sex with a barely familiar guy, in front of the former beloved, and the ex saying how I could, although I did it myself, but only in reality, but when I stand in an embrace with barely acquaintances - the former says that everything Equally, I am him and he takes me!

                                            • Hello. I dreamed that I did some kind of injection and my head was really spinning from him and I could not move, but I was helped by a very beautiful high man. He was always there, helped me and cared, resorted to the first call and in a dream we were a couple with him and there was a feeling that we meet for a long time.

                                              hello! A good sleep was dreamed. I had a boy to me, and I was going to come to come and wrote on an Internet, that he would come, then he would not come. Knock it seems to Java, he got tied with someone with someone and he changed his mind to go to me He came! High, beautiful. We decided to tie relationships, but nowhere is there, no matter how much the place for us. In the same room, children have found a room for us and no matter how it should happen, but someone comes and we have not done what Both wanted. I got, he came, he himself said that he wanted this. In the end I stayed at home to talk with a neighbor in the bathroom in the bathroom, the water was clean in the bathroom, and there is algae. Molded at all, the frog saw something else, water clean glows dazh and dripped everywhere, from the top. And I see the window as my boy goes away, I don't care. You didn't succeed. I didn't go anything younger, but in the internet there is a warm relationship. Associate to find out how it really is . Thank you for your help! Pts Waiting

                                              • What you saw such a dream is likely to be the result of your fantasies and assumptions about the possible development of events.

                                                Hello, please explain. Many times dreamed of a boy from school in the girl's image. Painted, with long hair. But in a dream it is all seriously perceived as a boy, as if only for me one is a girl.
                                                Why is that?

                                                hello. Address, please interpret sleep. He dreamed that his beloved man went into one of the rooms in a long corridor. There is some kind of fuss, a wedding whose or birthday. I am waiting for him, but he does not go out, confused to write SMS - it does not work ....

                                                I dreamed that I dance with a beautiful man experiencing a crazy passion to him, I understand that this is mutually, and then dancing with the trothed dragon and passion do not go away ?????????? how to explain ?????

                                                i dreamed that I got into the old time on the war, there in Plin, I slept our soldier, a man is very beautiful, the Brunette, he took my hand cut his wrist and my finger, led 2 wounds together, and said: "This is if I kill me, But still I will live, only in your time ... "Then he took him ... Tell me please, what can it be?

                                                Good afternoon, a dream from which it was very corpio in the soul, at the beginning I dreamed that we were all the class (10 years passed since the end) in schools sit at the parties, only the tables are compiled together and we walk, have fun drink, in addition to us in the class then people, then night we are all together just now it's not a church and some kind of hostel hotel, male classmates walk around the night somewhere and I'm behind them, then I descend one at the bottom and there is a queue of men, and the last meals for the floor and There is enough for the ass, it hurts so well, why, I'm pushing out and run away, running to my husband who has a strength and power in a dream, he hugs me and says and nafig you run at night.
                                                What did everyone dreamed about ?????

                                                • Your dream in which a man behaved so loosely, probably reflects your experiences of school years, the events of the past.

                                                  i had a dream, where I live with a man older than me for 10 years in an absolutely unfamiliar apartment. And I was behind him a married thing but there was no children. The apartment was spacious, little furniture, you can even say empty. In real life, I saw just a few times.

                                                  I see in a dream the passionate bed scene with a guy, then it turns out this is my apartment (I will reveal the apartment). We agree with him about the meeting, so that his wife and my husband were at work. And then I dream that I catch a big rat, already in my apartment, but did not catch ???

                                                  It is worth meeting (or just thinking, talking) a man, a good acquaintance, or on the contrary for the unfamiliar, on the same night an erotic dream with his participation (not necessarily sex, maybe just flirting). What does it mean? What do these men think about me too?

                                                  In a dream, under the morning I woke up early, because as Java came to a man. He stood at the entrance to a bright room, it was impossible to see it. Was very tall and wide, such an immense, grumbled, but good .. tells me: "Children? Do you want a family? .. You all go with it. How do you boring me "

                                                  Good day!
                                                  Help, please interpret sleep.
                                                  with W. on cf. Dyed a dream in which a man who I really like (we don't have a relationship, but we communicate) was in the store with my best friend, but stood back to me with your back, knew that I was there, but did not turn around. And then I go to my car to take a bag and go out for some reason without the shoes, and I get up my legs in the dirt remaining from the puddles. I really want to go back to the store, but I can not. I am watching from the far as they come out of the store, sit in his car and go ...
                                                  What would this mean?

                                                  • Most likely, the dream in which there was such a man, as well as the dirt was present, says that you can be in an awkward situation.

                                                    hello. I dreamed that on the street, some kind of uncomfortable blond man, with hair on the shoulders, 50 Siti's hair grabbed my hand and led me to some kind of a huge building, with big steps, we climbed them, entered some kind of room, where men businessmen They were a lot of them, in Knnate it was very closely, I tried to break out, and he said, silently and do not degrees, grabbed me for the waist and continued to show everything, and then when we outdown came out, the men took the guys from that room and said what kind of Well, you have been a beauty to your beauty ... .. Well, when we left the outlook, it was dark on the street, it rained ... I don't remember further. Tell me, what it means. I am an adult man for the second time

                                                    • Your dream in which you are surrounded by such people most likely indicates that you can be under pressure from influential society.

                                                      Good day!!!
                                                      I dreamed of a dream in which a high handsome man caring for me, persuading me to marry him. And I refuse to him, because already married, then he invites me to visit me, I still agree, he says to everyone that I am his future wife, and after we come to him to the house, he says he will wait for the day when I I myself will accept the decision to marry him and escaper me. I remember that I'm bitterly crying from the resentment and in my hands I have a needle. And the day is so sunny sunny ...
                                                      What is it for?

                                                      • The appearance of such a man in your dream, most likely warns you that you can give in temptation to tie a fleeting novel.

                                                        hello. From Tuesday, a dream was dreamed on Wednesday, as if I was walking down the street, and I was going to catch a private owner to get to the house, the car was stopped, and the car was stopped, and the car was a very pleasant appearance, and the car something like BMW or Mercedes. I sat in her. And he suggests to go to her party to him. I agreed. I drove to him. Ivdelia is an incredibly chic apartment. And he cared for himself in a dream in a dream and I was very pleasant and sympathetic for me. After thinking, I realized that here he was my ideal man. What could it mean?

                                                        • Probably the presence in your dream such a man promises you the appearance of a new decent fan.

                                                          Please help me expand sleep. He dreamed of a large hall, a lot of people, one event ended - everyone diverges. I put on a raincoat, turning to the exit and see there a young man (who is currently asking for forgiveness and wants to resume relationships after parting). He noticed me, and I pretended to have not seen him. Dressed, I go to the exit - and there it is no longer there. I go out into the street, it stands near and looks at me. I'm passing by - I thought he would call me. But he says nothing. Wrapped, and it is not on that place. Then there is a beautiful room with green walls, there are beautiful cabinets with glass doors. Inside - antique things. I open one closet and admire them. Then go to another room. I have a ringing phone. I take the phone - the youngest man. Asks for forgiveness that we could not talk. He says that he has some problems. I am His blame that he is always not always like that. He begins to tell the details, and I understand that he really has serious problems. I start to worry, my voice trembles. I ask questions, and he put the phone with nothing with this. What could mean this dream? Thanks a lot in advance.

                                                          • Probably your dream with such content says that you are in every way trying to avoid communicating with him.

                                                            On the 25th day to dream. Bare barefoot on the street, to run pleasantly sneakers under the arm, the men ask for a sick? I answer no so I want, and run on. I watch the right hand all in the dried layer of dirt and a quarter of the apple in hand. I see a car moves ahead to the stop. The track turns into a canal and beautiful naked men in the water belt come out to stop.

                                                            Good morning. Today 03/27/2011 dreamed of a strange dream. I stand in front of an unfamiliar beautiful man, undress, he likes, what he sees, admires, begins to undress himself, I see him naked. Suddenly the thought comes in the head that there will now be sex, and that it seems to me it is impossible, because I betray my man. An unfamiliar man, seeing my panic, gives me a time to calm down and goes to the shower, I close the door to the shower and run away. (In real life, he broke up with a man a couple of days ago, he was first, parted with the scandal and insults, loyalty to keep him not going to keep him ).

                                                            • Your dream, in which there were such events, most likely reflects your reaction to disappointment in relations that have recently collapsed.

                                                              hello tonight I had a man. So kind, gentle as if I want to help in everything, and I snapped to his cheek to him, and inspiring his smell, I was pleased, and then I was offered to marry him. And I woke up. What would this mean? Tell me!

                                                              Good day. It was not that I wanted to be cut into a sharp knife, oddly enough Elvis Presley, he chased for me for a long time, and still caught up, grabbed and began to drag somewhere, no one decided to deceive him and to win time what I will remember him in that light, and at that time I thought how to escape him, but in the end it was so good that he could no longer do it, and he was thinking, so he had to kill me. And he did not want That looked unhappy., And the japanese that I love him strongly. Dreamed this, even unprepared. Thanks in advance for the answer.

                                                              • Your sleep, in which there were such events, probably indicates that you may encounter actions not a distiller enemy.

                                                                Hello. I dreamed, as you sat in the car, communicated, there was a young man who was very sympathetic to me, but I was sitting with my current girl, I didn't pay any attention to me (although I used to communicate well in real life), I felt upset, but nothing Could not do it. What does this dream mean? Thanks in advance.

                                                                I dreamed of a domineering, sad man. Secured and business. In a gray shirt and a big belly. I even knew his middle name Eduardovich.
                                                                So, I went to his work company. And here it began nonsense. In a dream, I realized that this man fell in love with me and feces.
                                                                There was such a calm and anxiety at the same time. He offered me a job at home. And all kinds of custody. And I realized that there is something more between us. Intima did not see) but felt that he was.

                                                                • A dream in which there was such a man, most likely, says that a promising acquaintance is waiting for you.

                                                                  Tell me. I have a friend, a young man, not yet married. We have been friends for many years, we have warm relationships, sympathy, but we live in different countries, so nothing can be nothing ... dream of dreaming that I see him sitting in my apartment And he reads a newspaper and on his right hand he has a wedding ring.
                                                                  In a couple of months I dream that I hold the girl a newborn girl on the hands of a child and I understand that this is his child and his girls. I hold their child, and they two people appear as from the fog and I think that at this moment - well, well, that's good There is a daughter, now he will understand what children are and when we come up with him I will not be against his daughter ...
                                                                  I have a son on Java, I am alone. And this friend has done the next day that the girl's hands and the hearts have already passed, but it has already passed 4 months and there was no wedding ... How to understand - Will he be with the girl, will he marries Are they? Or are changed? I often dream that there is two of us with him, and I am pleased to be happy ... Thanks for the answer.

                                                                  • Your dream is most likely to say that soon you can meet a person who can understand your problems.

                                                                    Hello, help, please deal with a dream, which I dream every week from Thursday on Friday and is very disturbing me ...
                                                                    My favorite person (we live together, going to get married) It turns out married on another girl ... I'm jealous, we begin to talk, he says that he loves her and will not leave, and I stay alone all the time ... with tears in my eyes ... Every time he offers to stay To me his mistress or leave ... (Introduce everything mutually and he himself categorically not welcomes to change, and most importantly, it dreams every time, but different girls and different situations, but the meaning is alone and very sad).
                                                                    Thanks in advance!!!

                                                                    • Such your dream in which you will learn about the described, most likely, says that your boyfriend has an intrigue on the side.

                                                                      I dreamed that an unfamiliar man, beautiful and young, even somehow aggressively kisses me, but I like it. He is jealous of me. Don't have enough air from passion, I feel pleasure. I feel so calmly with him.

                                                                      Strange sleep ... dream of me that I look at myself in the mirror and see my teeth, but they are not like me, they are rare and large. I look at it - where is my front tooth? I feel the language - that there is a tooth, it's just a gum so swollen and covered the tooth. And then I look - and in the mirror a man (and it seems like I look at myself?) And I see that in his mouth - the front teeth are not visible, they closes the swollen gums ... That is, all the teeth are in place, but gums enlarged ... I am a man ... what?

                                                                      • The dream in which you had such teeth, most likely reflects your emotional weakness and fatigue.

                                                                        hello, with a holiday !!! From Friday to Saturday, before Easter I had a very pleasant sleep ... as if everything really was. I found myself in an unfamiliar house, the owner, a rich young man, manifests your interest to me, and I answer him the same ... familiar with which, it turns out, I came here, looking at me conviction, with a deep offense, she works as a cook, there Many servants ... I feel very good with him, I got what I never had enough, the feeling was, as if I was at home ...

                                                                        • Your sleep, in which there were such events, most likely, suggests that a new passion for a man awaits you.

                                                                          Hello, help please understand my sleep! Happy you, dear Alina! I had a man who sympathizes me and and which I really like it ... He was in a black suit, all sad, sad and hugging my father ... And dad smiled, was I am glad ... it was a family holiday and he turned out some sideways ... Then everyone went to be photographed and he left somewhere ...

                                                                          • The dream that you described most likely suggests that the man can enter your life in the role of a friend of a loved one.

                                                                            Hello! I dreamed of a very beautiful, state man, there was a very expensive burgundy shirt. I just admired them! As if this is a man of my dreams! My attention was attracted very beautiful, dear cufflinks on his shirt. There was no action, I just looked at him and cufflinks and admired ...

                                                                            hello! I dreamed of my former lover boy, 10 years old, I talked to him. I thought about the relationship, then I took him by the hand and ran with him on the stairs down. The little one was. Then he was already such as in fact Bed sit and talk.

                                                                            good day! I'm in the room, a young dark-haired man with a beard tries to enter into sexual contact, and I don't seem to mind, but I'm afraid. Another man includes, with blond hair, and protects me later I see that he is bare and his dick, and the one who climbed the naming, too naked and also dangles ......

                                                                            what does this mean?

                                                                            From Saturday to Sunday, I had a dream that I came to walk with employees, for some reason I changed myself into a sports suit. We walked, talked, then at the bus stop, I saw my former classmate with friends, we greeted, started talking. Suddenly his friends and my girlfriends disappeared, we stayed together. They walked together, talked, reached the university and he took me to his hands, for me it was a surprise, but I was delighted, hugged him. Then I was alone, I got lost at the university, I began to look for a way out, suddenly I saw that a coffin was worth a coffin in one of the rooms. I asked who died, I was told that the Japanese (we had at the university). Then I woke up. Tell me, please, what does it all mean? Thank you!

                                                                            • The dream in which there was such a man, most likely, says that you will have a new romantic passion.

                                                                              Hello, please tell me what he means to see in a dream of his boyfriend dead, even more likely to know that he died, I didn't see exactly, while I was very upset and crying. Sleep was from Monday to Tuesday.
                                                                              Thanks in advance for the answer !!!

                                                                              I dreamed that I was cared for a very caring, gentle, beautiful guy, comes with my parents to match me and here my real cavalier is announced, both give gifts. I'm suffering that I can't choose anyone, I cry and can't decide. Help in the interpretation of sleep, Madly interesting.

                                                                              Good morning!
                                                                              I had a dream from Friday on Saturday. Very I want to know what he meant.
                                                                              I remember him well, usually dreams are not welcome. I dreamed that we were in the apartment girlfriend and there were two guys there: which I really like, the second on the assumption - I. Initially, I embraced that I like me and then the one who likes I was the desire so that he would never let and the feeling of painfulness, then I said and he said something like "you are too fast" and then they disappear. Then I went another dream.

                                                                              • The dream of such a content is likely to say that you will have to take a difficult decision.

                                                                                Hello tell me please me here for the second time in a row dream my ex-guy broke up with him half a year ago I was thrown it but he still likes the first dream was that I was told that he was killed and I prayed sobbing so that he came to life and he came to life went towards each other and then somewhat sat down and hugged me)
                                                                                the second dream was such that I went to walk with a friend and we met him with his friends he invited us to himself but I first did not agree because I was dressed in some kind of stupid Sarafan and I unwrapped my girlfriend I say went to the cosmetics store I am backing the testers and all of us They walked stood there chose chose than to put up and then he came, I immediately moved to paint and my girlfriend went to paint, I sat down and then he went to me sat down and hugged me))
                                                                                Please tell me why such dreams ???

                                                                                • Such dreams are likely to say that at this stage there is still the likelihood that you have to see with this person.

                                                                                  • Seeing simply or maybe there will be a relationship ???

                                                                                • It seems like mom opens the door, and in our apartment includes her long-standing girlfriend (now they almost do not communicate) and this girlfriend gives her a pack of juice (type in honor of the past birthday) But the juice is open, they apparently drank from it ... I was already surprised I did not give. And it seems that this girlfriend led to a man. By disappearing. And a man type as a traveling, he has a briefcase with him, a coat through the hand hangs, and a bouquet of white roses. But these flowers like he didn't bring my mother, like he did not know that the mother had a D.R., And all this he lies - just see this bouquet and his things. And asks my mom so that she looks like him mother, such as she is old, and it is translated to work in Moscow and it is important for him. I think so - well, I would not work out, in a dream I understand the uncle with the prosperity, even very. And I think - you should not refuse, maybe Even the links will be useful? I don't say anything, I do not interfere, I see her embarrassment from acquaintance with him. I liked it, representative.

                                                                                  • Juice, in which there were such events, most likely, says that not sincere people can come to this house.

                                                                                    Hello! Help please understand your today's sleep. I dreamed of a man, a beautiful brunette. In real life, I know him who, but we are not familiar and we do not communicate with him. He is also familiar to my former chief. In a dream, he brought me to work on a beautiful black car. In a dream, I am before to get out of the car thanked him that he was on the instructions of my chief let me down. And he answered me that it was not at all as directed to the chef, but just like that would meet. And we met him.
                                                                                    I dreamed of this man 2 more times, it was a long time ago, somewhere 2 years ago. Then I also wondered why he dreams of me, because I don't think about him at all, and we are not familiar with him.

                                                                                    • The fact that in your dream was this man, most likely, says that in the future you can get close to him.

                                                                                      Your help is very needed. I extremely rarely remember dreams. And then from beginning to end, in detail, as if alive, from Thursday to Friday. I'm in the jeep of a man (which in life I love, but they did not work out from the very beginning). Sister calls me and says why I stole a car from him that he was looking for him and if he knew that it was banging, I don't know what would happen. I'm starting to be angry, I want to break the jeep, I press for gas, in the hope that it will crumble, understanding itself that it is not right. The good efforts are useless, tired, and the jeep is still intact .. I go out and throw it in some field. I come home and call from my favorite friend. I apologize, I say that I am ashamed for my act, but in response I hear the voice of my beloved and throw the phone. I know that he will arrive at his jeep. From despair I get drunk through strength and drink to the couch is lying. Here I hear his voice, he tells my parents that I came to match me. Enters the room, picks me up on my arms and through the shoulder-carrying. Further sharply change the picture. I dance on the disco, he looks away at me, then dance with him in a pair slow, although the music is fast. Then I sharply see them with a friend of disguised under the homeless, in the ruins, fuchic and boots. Wovenka in manure. I go after him and see that his hair has the whisen and long, tie tied. The whole neck in long hair, but the plot in cm around the neck will shake. Again changing the picture. I am going in that jeep already with my beloved on a wide highway, morning, sunshine, green and so fresh. Going to him to another city (he really lives in another city). We catch up the truck and I see that this is my father's car, father driving and I happily inform you that the father was released under the amnesty (he is in prison in real life). Father has fun, younger and with a smile behind the wheel. I poured him and my loved went on. I woke up. (In the reality of the relationship beloved in the crash, he asked me to forget him). What is the dream? Does he say that I will still with my beloved?

                                                                                      • The dream, which you told, most likely, indicates that you should not be initiated in this relationship, as it can only harm them.

                                                                                        Please tell me why I had such a dream my former boyfriend, I left, but he continues to me, I've ever dreamed of me in a dream for the third time the first two sleep he hugged me all two sleeps in a row And on the third dream, he did not meet me that it refer to me ???

                                                                                        hello again, today I have already written you about my dream, but asked about the role of the tsunami. Now I am interested in the role of young people in this dream. During the tsunami, I met a guy who is currently simpotic to me very much, and in the real life I would meet with him at the first opportunity, but in a dream we looked at it with her eyes and I decided to leave, not even spoke. And the situation was trampled, everyone was looking for loved ones to be forgiven, to spend together the last minutes, admitted to something. Then I met my best friend and didn't want to leave him, I waited for a long time when he says something, he confessed to love and even I agreed with him (although in life I wouldn't think) after that, with him, finding my family , all subsided.
                                                                                        What do you think it's a misunderstanding of my feelings?
                                                                                        I hope for your help.

                                                                                        • Most likely, irresistible obstacles will be associated with the development of relations between you and this young man.

                                                                                          i dreamed that I had on my 6th floor, I look from the balcony and see a man dressed in everything bright. He wakes up and looks at me and the pains do not removes it. The man was firmly complicated, with blond hair and not ugly

                                                                                          Recently, regularly dreaming with a man next to me. He is older than me, beautifully cares. In each dream it looks different. But I remember exactly that he has blond eyes and dark blond hair. I am pulling me in a dream. (Before my last serious relationships, I also had a regular man, brunette, and really my young man was a brunette.) Maybe again there will be a relationship soon?

                                                                                          • It is possible that it is such your dreams that sign the beginning of a new relationship.

                                                                                            Dreamed a very handsome man. He approached me in the park to meet. He said that he saw me at the meeting in a district council and suggested a passing, as we were on the way home. I remember, I really liked it. Middle height, brunette, beautiful features, polite, nice smile. Was dressed in a suit and coat. We got into the car, but did not go anywhere. I do not remember further, I woke up. But, the features of the face remember very clearly, as if he saw him in life. What could mean such a dream?

                                                                                            • A dream in which there was such a man, most likely, suggests that you can experience a shortage of romance in life.

                                                                                              Hello! Today I had a drunk man who pester me! It was an unfamiliar man. I went into the entrance of my house and, climbing the stairs to my floor, heard steps with Zade. I really wanted to have time to go on the door, but he will overtake me! I come to the door and he makes it turn to him, tightly takes and begins to weave all nonsense! I was so confused and was confused ... and talked to him on you! And then somehow he suffered a moment and could close the door. And then I thought that he was finally outside the door and I would not do anything! Thanks in advance for the interpretation!

                                                                                              • The fact that in your dream was such a fan, most likely, suggests that you can experience fear in communicating with unfamiliar men.

                                                                                                Hello!!! Please tell me, I constantly dream my former young man as if he was standing in front of me and silent and such a dream is repeated regularly. I have been married for a long time, and he is married. What can it dream ????????

                                                                                                I'm already all on the needles ... I had already dreamed of very many times from Friday on Saturday one young man in love with me. In love, he treats me well, nice looks at me, invited to visit ... The most important thing I am already It was completed with the fact that we will not be together and do not think about him, but he dreams of me ... I already become scary, why all this and that day.
                                                                                                If you can, please tell me why all this) Thanks very much ...

                                                                                                • The dream, in which there was such a man, most likely, says that your subconsciousness is still tied to this person.

                                                                                                  Hello! Help decipher sleep.
                                                                                                  Six years ago, I broke up with a guy and did not see him anymore, whom he loved, on his initiative, I am married, there is a child
                                                                                                  And now the last months I began to see him in a dream, in a dream he applies well to me, shows that he loves me, after a dream, there is a feeling that we are together ... ..

                                                                                                  I dreamed that I embraced with an adult, a pleasant man .. He dressed in a white t-shirt .. I am very comfortable ... And we are somewhere high, on the roof of the height chtoli ... there was the sun, the sunset .. it is medium dundal hair combed his hair back ... from His defense and comfort felt. Please have a good sleep)

                                                                                                  Nights to you) Sleep interested ... And before the men were dreaming, and the husband, but ... This man is already a couple of times. And here again, under Saturday. I was standing in my entrance and my two friends ... drove up the cars, one man came out of them invited one of them and They retired, the other ... the same story. I am standing, no, there was no confusion ... Only the wait ... Strange, Tomny and the main thing is some confidence in what is happening and here he appeared, without exaggeration - he !!! Statten, handsome on male, in a black perfect suit, burning brunette with a magnificent hair ... came up, took her arm and led ... what a resistance is there!) And then I do it strange that ... I'm sick of my face in the palm of your face - such bliss ... And then clinging to the shoulder to the shoulder walked, absolutely happy, tried a different food, as on a buffet, surprised me the dish with seafood, still alive ... I don't remember, but it was the absolute state of happiness, a simple human ... damn, not wanted)) Thank you)

                                                                                                  Sleep, most likely, says that there is a subconscious attraction between you.

                                                                                                  I dreamed of my first man (whom I came very much, but he did not meet me with reciprocity), as if he came to visit his girlfriend and to my husband and tried to pester me in every way, I like this very much, but I understood that I have a husband, and I can't do it ... This was not remembered for a man for a long time ago, and here it's still such a dream from Thursday to Friday, and as it turned out that he had a birthday tomorrow ... and plus I learned everything that it turned out 3 months ago, he married ...

                                                                                                  • The fact that in a dream was such an image of a man, most likely, suggests that you can have a certain attraction to strangers.

                                                                                                    From time to time dreams dream. My boss, I do not feel any sympathy to him, it treats a purely business relationship to me, but in dreams there is something completely different: he says that he brought references about me, he tries to seduce me. When I wake up, herself in shock, there is no such thing in reality. Why's that?

                                                                                                    Hello. I dreamed of a young man who I like, but with whom we just have "workers" relationship - we work with him together, and I know that he loves another girl (with which he does not meet) - so I don't even think about him and I do not dream. In a dream, we have such a warm relationship with him, he's so worried about me, we are good together - we are in a dream - when you are lovers, always and everywhere, he hugs me, keeps his hand and treats me so tremendous and me so well with him I feel mutual happiness. One of the episodes - as if we were at work together, I prepared the cutlets and mercy everyone and worry whether they would love to colleagues and he comforts me, says that everything perfectly happened, I got it from behind, pressed To the cheek ... Tell me, please, what can mean such a dream?

                                                                                                    • The dream of a similar plan is most likely, says that you can find a way to translate these relationships in an important personal plane for you.

                                                                                                      Hello \u003d) Help me solve my dream. I saw today that I am a man, I was looking for a treasure with other people, there were a chase, persecution, everything was happening in the water, and with everything it was black and white, as in old films .. we didn't find it, because we didn't find it, because I woke up .. \u003d (I just remember that I flew on a helicopter further look for a treasure ..

                                                                                                      Hello. For several years in a row, I often dream of one and the same man, I do not remember his face, but I know that it is very high, broadly and strong (can even say mighty). Different on the subject of dreams, we dance, then we look at the sunset, we run away from some pursuers, but in all dreams we never speak, and I know that soon we will part that we never be together, the indescribable feeling of love and pain, As if the heart breaks. I am waiting for these dreams and I am afraid, because after them in the soul, some kind of emptiness. Why do I even dream and so long?

                                                                                                      • Your dream, about which you told, most likely, says that you can not be satisfied with the device of your personal life.

                                                                                                        Hello. Many dreamed that the man of 45-50 had walked behind me. Slisses, not gray, in a raincoat. I ran away from him, hid, but he found me. When I started kissing with Nm, then sugar appeared on my lips.

                                                                                                        Good day,
                                                                                                        The other day I dreamed of a man (boyfriend), who is very good. I have long liked. I do not know whether he is free, but at his time, when he had a girl, I stopped feeding hope and found another (now broke up with him). With what you like, see now there is no possibility, I changed the work. So in a dream he was first - high-as if in approaching the love scenes, och. An interesting story (still without scenes and kisses), and then suddenly I wake up (I woke my homely by chance), and I fall asleep to go right away and I see the dr. Guy with a holing torso, and I understand that this is another guy and I don't like it , and he went somewhere. I'm shocked and tell him, they say. What is it?

                                                                                                        • Most likely, such your dream indicates that you can not be satisfied with your personal life, start a new search for the ideal.

                                                                                                          Tell me what the same man can dream, and to dream several times in the week and recently - increasingly.
                                                                                                          Both are not free, we have a different life in different cities, but we communicate. In addition, he hugs me, he keeps his hand, it calls and confesses to love ... And in life we \u200b\u200bdo not raise the topic of love at all. Last week he married ...
                                                                                                          I don't know how now, but I know before he was not indifferent to me.
                                                                                                          In dreams, at the beginning, he often appears with a woman, then she is on the side, he smooth, then behind him. But then at the end of sleep - we stay together with him, without her, or he gets up and goes with me, or she just disappears.
                                                                                                          The other day (before the wedding) he dreamed of what sits with me, pressed, joking, holding his hand, hugs ... And the woman suddenly disappears, and we stay together and ... find ourselves in bed, the morning sun shines on us, and so we are good ... and I understand that I understand that I descend down, I do not see, but I know what needs to go down from 5 to the 1st floor, and it seems like 4 floors I have passed. And here I stand in front of a wide staircase I need to go down, but I see that showed, and apparently slippery ... there are handrails, but I have 2 empty three-liter banks in my hands, I can't hold on one in each hand, I can't hold on. And here I have a fear rolling - that I will fall just ... and I throw these banks, we sprink your hands, I have been shattering them. And on the narrow staircase, there are people, among them - or a guy, or a man, I do not see the face - it is blurry, but I clearly see how he speaks his hand - I see him revealed five and I grab it his hand, and then he hugs me. And soothes - like it's just a steps such uncomfortable, and I tell him - well, I have enough for power with To deteriorate as much as 4 floors and nothing, and now it has become so scary .... So I stand in his arms ...

                                                                                                          • The fact that in your dream there were such events, most likely, says that you can lose a lot of strength and time developing your life in the wrong direction.

                                                                                                            my sleep dreamed of 15 lunaries ... I changed the hairstyle ... on a short haircut and turkey Malosi .. I began to care for a beautiful man ... I liked it, I liked it ... But here it is diagnosed with me, I have a tumor .. and the kidney is ... then I go to the sea .. I plunged into the clothes ... the water beat clean..zozoomy that he looked at me in wet clothes ... admired .... That's something had ever dreamed ...

                                                                                                            There are one guy in my life, we are familiar with him from a kindergarten, then in the same class, then friendship, sympathy, and then he left live abroad. Many years. For many years. Relationships are supporting friendly (although there may be between us and more serious feelings ). I am married, but with my husband at the moment a derogation. It was married a month ago.
                                                                                                            Sleep - I met him, of course joy, we talk about something, as always to me warmly and cozy next to him. Only he and I. I think that we walked exactly, we went and said and we went fast. I don't remember What we talked about, but that's what I remember, he told me: "And we get married!" (Bearing in mind), I'm already so calm (and disappointed) I say to him: "There is no, of course, what are such things ..." And we go further together.
                                                                                                            Then I see his wife, in a dream I realize that we are not personally acquainted, but she is so friendly to me with conversations ... I see that a friend stands back to us, such as he is embarrassed, confused that ..., and we are talking to her. Mostly she, I listen.
                                                                                                            A conversation about him, she complains of him, or whether he really expresses his discontent, or the surprise of him ... I understand that she wants to get a reaction from me - either the Council, whether the influence on him, whether the protection is mine. Talking with her I feel inconvenience, straight me ...
                                                                                                            And even somehow shame ... Maybe I'll write something stupid, but it was a feeling that we were "on the same wave" with him, that there is a relationship between us and they are hidden from her. So what, he turned back, but I have to talk to her And understand her ...
                                                                                                            I listened to her and saying: "I can say one thing, he is very touchy. I know how now I don't know him. But here before - this is for sure, such a touchy ..."
                                                                                                            I got the impression that I let her understand that I need an approach to him, and this approach - I know, because I know it more, longer, and before ... That is, what is the problem (surprise, indignation) in relation to it - for I am not a problem at all ...

                                                                                                            • Most likely, such a dream is most likely, says that soon the relationship with this young man can go to a qualitatively new level.

                                                                                                              • Strange ... But in life, he now does not even communicate to me, do not even communicate on the Internet ... Well, let's see. Thank you!

                                                                                                            • The events of the first half of the sleep were calm and positively, but suddenly one of the "not close to me" friends from somewhere brought a man's corpse to putting it on the table, which stood right among the road and began to pay attention to him in every way. After he touched the corpse's hand to me - I spoke my head and I began to spit on the asphalt with blood, dark violet color (it lasted long enough until I left there). After that, I ran away, saving my life and baby life From a man from a dream, which I was very pretty at first (ran away because I refused to marry him in a dream, frightened that he beat my childhood in my eyes). Before the awakening, I managed to escape to the territory safe for me, overcoming the barrage.

                                                                                                              Hello for 2 days I dream of such a dream I and my sister I walk on shopping my sister went to the store I did not bother stons at the entrance and suddenly there is such a nice guy for 20-24 years old passes by and goes to the next store and at the time in a dream My heart beats so quickly and as if in a dream I fell in love with him. Sister comes saying went to the next store approach this store and this guy coming out of there My heart beats again and I worry about it for some reason I go to the sister store disappears in this store for some reason I think it's not that way I look at the floor again this guy enters the store and it turns out that he works there this is what he said saw yesterday and today saw the continuation that I am going home and I am mistaken and getting down the street where the store heart beats again in the store he again here he behaves fine there is another girl I was served me took a lot of dresses and went to the fitting room, but the point to try to take all the clothes and from the rear door of the store came out and ran away, I woke up with Zraza, but again fell asleep and again I saw this guy that I am looking at the store that he sends me what kind of girl and the girl says these hair clips as a gift from our store I took it and threw it later this guy came up and said something O This time I finally woke up !!!

                                                                                                              Such your dream probably suggests that you can be strongly jealous of this acquaintance at the subconscious level.

                                                                                                              Hello, I dream of a white room, or rather similar to the studio for photo shoots. I am in it and my boyfriend (with which I have big problems now, misunderstanding). And suddenly, a very beautiful man is enough for my hand, to whom I am in a mixed feeling (I know it well in a dream, but not in real life) and asks to go with him. He is in love with me and I know that he wants only the best for me, but still leaving his boyfriend ...
                                                                                                              Please explain what it means?

                                                                                                              • Your dream is most likely to say that you can find yourself a new fan that will appreciate your qualities.

                                                                                                                Tell me. A stranger was dreamed of a beautiful doctor with mutual romantic feelings, took me on his hands and went somewhere and in the same dream a young guy dreamed, with the same mutual feelings, only more fateful, or something)) I gave him something very important as It seemed in a dream, similar to the bracelet.
                                                                                                                Maybe tell me what it all means, besides that I miss a man?

A handsome guy in a dream is strong health, and also reports that family relationships will be applied, and a complete mutual understanding after a quarrel will be established between the spouses. Dream Interpretation will prompt what the young man is still dreaming.

By dream of a wanderer

Did you dream of a slim and beautiful guy? In a dream, the character is associated with an angelic creature, herald of heaven. For a man, the image reflects vitality and active energy. Sometimes a young man personifies the very dream.

Why dream guy woman? In a dream, a lonely maiden he reports dreams of marriage. For a mature or married lady is a symbol of a spiritual mentor, and also symbolizes maternal or sexual instincts.

But if you grabbed an ugly, sick or evil young man, the dream book believes that he reflects all the worst.

By Dream Freud.

What dreams of a young man who has failed to consider well in a dream? Dream interpretation believes that for a man he personifies a competitor, including sexual. And also symbolizes its own uncertainty, suspicion or fantasy.

If the ghost guy dreamed of a woman, then he is an embodiment of unrealized or not designated well-desired. Perhaps you need to accurately understand what you want.

By dreams Deniz Lynn

What dreams of a young man? In a dream, he reflects the most innocent aspects of the personality, soul. A young guy can symbolize defenselessness, vulnerability, vulnerability.

After such dreams, the dream book advises to change himself, attitude to life, behavior behavior. Perhaps the guy in a dream is a sign that you have every chance of becoming a real man, to gain strength, power.

According to erotic dreams

Did you dream about a young man? Complete interpretation of sleep depends on its appearance, behavior, concrete actions.

Why dream, for example, a very aggressive guy? You are expected to be honorable, fame and success, but it is worthwhile to show your character. If a gentle and gentle young man appeared in a dream, then fame will go to the detriment and, most likely, the test of fame will end for you very sad.

What dreams is that the guy is cauting or calling with him? This means that it reminds of myself a certain important thing. The actions of a young man will definitely indicate what it is feared, and what to draw extreme attention to.

If you dreamed that the guy caresses, then you will destroy the passion for entertainment and idle lifestyle. To see that he exhibits rudeness, on the contrary, means that it should be abandoned from excessive pressure.

If a familiar guy appeared in a dream, then the famous business requires a creative and completely new approach. If the young man is unknown, then there is something completely new and unexplored.

By dreams from A to Z

What dreams a pretty young man? Get ready for a particularly disturbing life stage. If the guy appeared gray, then live long. You can see a thick young man with a big belly before a pleasant event. If a guy with a beard appeared in a dream, the dream book is confident that someone sick in the family.

If the girl dreamed of a young man in a simple shirt, she would extremely unfortunately married. The guy in a business suit promises life in luxury and wealth. What does the guy dream of ugly with repulsive features? In a dream, this is a sign of disappointment in love.

Went a gloomy and displeased young man? The purpose of the goal will be conjugate with multiple difficulties and obstacles. If a smiling and satisfied guy appeared in the night, then, on the contrary, it will achieve everything easily and quickly.

What dreams is that an aggressive young man by force inclined to proximity? In the real world, the man you considered a friend will bring a lot of trouble. Best, in the opinion of dreams, see the dead guy. This is an omensing of big money.

What dreams of a young man who likes, a guy you love

If you dreamed that they are engaged in stormy sex, and even in a spicy place with a young man who likes, then there should be two options for the development of events. Or you made the right choice and stay with it for a long time, or finally collapse.

What does it mean if in a dream I happened to marry a guy who love? In real life, close people will deliver a lot of trouble. In the same case, inversion is triggered, which promises a complete break with his beloved. In a dream, literally a man of dreams, who loved herself? Be prepared for what to worry and cry.

What is a former young man, a guy who do not think about

What dreams of a former young man, about which you have not thought for a long time? The most common interpretation claims that he is thinking about you. But most often this is a sign that the memories flooded or the case, the thought, an event from the past.

Did you dream of a guy who do not think about? In reality, an unpleasant event will occur, which will be very safe and fast. The same character may indicate the making mistakes, the incorrect movement of thoughts. A former guy can also hint that your desire will not be fulfilled in the near future.

What does it mean if a young man gives flowers, a guy makes an offer

If a young man made a proposal in a dream, then the interpretation of sleep is completely reverse - in reality you will precisely part with him. The same plot gives direct indication: it's time to change to completely change, both externally and internally. If you dreamed that the guy made a proposal about marriage, then I would like to get married something.

Why dream if a young man gives flowers or ring? This is perhaps the best thing that can happen in a dream. In any version, the gifts are guaranteed a good selection of satellite, close marriage, happy family life and other benefits.

Dreamed that a young man leaves, the guy marries another

If in a dream, the young man leaves or marries another, that is, the reason to think about the current relationship. If you do not take urgent measures, then something like that will happen. Why dream if the guy goes without a visible cause? After a short period of alienation, the relationship will flare up with a new passion.

If the rival dreamed, then in reality, prepare for tough competition, not necessarily in love. It's bad to see that the young man leaves another woman after a loud scandal. This is a harbinger of full break, business loss, significant losses. If in the night you ourselves decided to throw your young man, then you will be caught in trouble because of the ugly gear and a long language.

Young man, guy in a dream - other decoding

To get the most accurate prediction, other details should be considered. For example, the appearance of the guy, the mood of a young man, his actions.

  • guy for Women - Pleasure
  • for men - profitable business, successful undertaking
  • young man with a beard - illness
  • in a shirt - bad luck, difficulties
  • in a suit - good luck, prosperity
  • in white - joy, profit, good news
  • in black - loss, losses, sadness
  • blonde is a frivolous passion, illness
  • brunette - interesting, important acquaintance, wealth without happiness
  • redhead - catch, deception, impermanence
  • konopathy - fun
  • cute - dissatisfaction, unsolved desire
  • ugly - danger, difficulties, testing
  • naked - danger, illness or incredible luck
  • do sex with it - cash loss
  • fat - well-being, especially in affairs
  • very thin, exhausted - deception, poverty
  • low Growth - Overcoming Difficulties
  • cornstone - problems
  • widewriting - victory, friend help
  • long Hand Guy - Love, Acquaintance, Communication
  • long legs - Competition
  • long nose - curiosity, error
  • with a round, red muzzle - an unpleasant meeting
  • with one finger, without fingers - injury
  • with naked belly - shame
  • with naked legs - poverty, buying
  • black Eyes - Lover, Romantic Communication
  • humpback guy - betrayal, treason
  • sUTUSE - Collision with dishonesty, injustice
  • space - False, Cheating, Illusion
  • huby - Clearing Unpleasant Man
  • bald - wealth, respect
  • satisfied, joyful - well-being, contentment, joy
  • evil, irritated - quarrel with partner, disagreement, failure
  • pensive - sadness, reflections
  • capricious - disease
  • cattle - Stress, Conflict
  • dead - a new source of income
  • babied - accident
  • scratched - strong injury, including spiritual wound

If a famous young man appeared in a dream, then in some rendering to show extraordinary talent, huge abilities.

To see a man I had to every girl, because when you think about a person, he comes to you in dreams. The interpretation of such dreams is interesting and ambiguous, here much depends on the details of sleep and even what place this person takes in your real life. Astrologers are constantly working on the search for new values \u200b\u200bfor this dream.

Interpretation by different dream dreambooks

If you have given such a dream, an extensive dream book will open the curtain of sleep secrets.

    Kissing with a man in a dream - the personification of dreams about the real second half. If you remember the features of the face - look in reality to a similar person, the subconsciousness hints to you about it.

    Sleeping with a loved one - everything is fine and will continue in your relationship. In the inverse situation - you pay little attention.

To see your beloved person with whom you broke up next to another woman - perhaps your gap happened because he preferred to rival. To see the former in sorrow - he regrets what happened, even if he was the initiator of the break of relationships.

Every dream interprets such a dream in its own way. Sometimes the values \u200b\u200bintersect, and sometimes the opposite - it all depends on the specific situation in a dream.

    The American dream book is positioning a man as a strong side of character, the practical part of the psyche.

    East says that, if a handsome man dreamed of a girl, she is waiting for satisfaction, joy. If he is ugly, unpleasant, awaits disappointment. The hero of your sleep looks mysterious, dressed in a hat and cloak - you do not want to share with anyone with your views, experiences, but this is not avoided.

    Italian positions a man as a positive life, strong support.

    Moon dream book - see a man without clothes (naked form) - fear, shame, problems with female health.

Most astrologers converge on what is to see a guy and a man in the age - a good sign, on this day you will succeed. But there are also negative interpretations, they are proposed by the dream book of 1918: a man in a shirt / shirt, a poor or unfortunate testifies to the entry into unfortunate marriage. If he has a white beard - wait for health problems.

Upset, unhappy man dreams of bad mood, experiences, situations, when everything falls out of the hands, and bald to wealth. For a woman to see in a dream proximity to a man - loss of material goods, parts of the state, to detect a dead body on the street - in a short time you will find good sources of profits.

It matters even the hair color and the appearance of a person who came to you in a dream: Brunette - to an interesting acquaintance; Blondes - to frivolous, frivolous relationships. If his appearance frightened you - wait for problems and quarrels with your second half. The stranger warns you of the adventure.

A man-actor - to the loss of loved ones, a serious quarrel with friends, and the prisoner, which is behind bars - the implementation of long-standing plans. Gynecologist or obstetrician - a harbinger of the disease.

To go on a date, kissing in a dream and rejoice - crying that in reality, worry in most of the trifles. Old man - small difficulties that make you boom; Young - comfort in the house.

Family dream book

Husband who came in a dream can tell a lot about the real position of things.

    Your husband is cheerful and contented - there is wealth in the house and good relationships;

    The fierce quarrel with her husband is difficult, which will eventually end well;

    See her husband unpleasant, ugly - dissatisfaction with their position;

  • The woman saw himself in the guise of a man - she will cope with everything and can rely entirely.

Dream Miller

For this dream book, a man is interpreted in different ways. Lucky - in the future you will own a state; Ugly - you are stupid, bring to tears; Beautiful - you will become popular, in demand and you will attract attention at least in your circle.

Dream Meridiana

If you have given such a dream, the extensive dream book will open the curtain of secrets.

    Many attractive men - fun, unforgettable pastime.

    See the company of strangers for a woman - career takes off up; Male - business success.

    The company of older men - you will praise, in the eyes of others you are a respected person.

    Kissing with a man - the personification of dreams of a real second half. If you remember the features of the face - look in reality to a similar person, the subconsciousness hints to you about it.

    If you hug around your friends at your home, it promises you a pleasant home atmosphere.

    Hug a relative (brother, uncle) - wait for the guests, the Father - to sad news.

    Sleep with a loved one - in your relationship everything is fine and so will continue. In the inverse situation - you pay little attention.

    You were invited to a date - it can be a prophetic dream.

    In a dream, seeking consolation in other people's embraces - you are dissatisfied with the current relationship, everything goes wrong with them.

    For a man see their girlfriend / wife with another - the possible appearance of a serious opponent.

    The girl in a dream scared a representative of strong-time - will have to worry about someone.

    Twist a novel with a married one - you are not satisfied with your husband. For unmarried young lady - failed to marry.

To see your beloved man with whom you broke up next to another woman - perhaps your gap happened because he preferred to rival. To see the former in sorrow - he regrets what happened, even if he was the initiator of the break of relationships.

French dream book

The girl see such dreams - well-being, luck, satisfaction with women's fate. Men - stumbling blocks in business negotiations, quarrels with partners, colleagues. Dressed in white - joy, good sign, in black - sadness and sadness. Low growth - you overcome difficulties, fat man - things go up. Humpback is bad sleep, be prepared for deception.

If you look in general, a man in dreams is a good sign often symbolizing a long life, joy, fulfillment of desires. Through sleep, a man can tell about the future marriage, creating a family, successful business.