Vikasol with abundant monthly with clots.

Merchant bleeding is bleeding from sex tract between menstruation, after sex, at any time during the menstrual cycle, longer and abundant monthly; bleeding after the onset of menopause. "Vikasol" in the uterine bleeding is included in the complex conservative treatment system.

Uterine bleeding. The reasons

List of possible causes of uterine bleeding:

There are many reasons for bleeding. Not always justified the appointment of the drug "Vikasol". Indications for use are based on the fact that each specific case must be carefully studied to determine the further tactics of treatment. In some cases, operation or diagnostic scraping is required. Sometimes you can do the conservative bloodstream therapy with various groups of drugs. Often appointed "Vikasol". When uterine bleeding, this drug is necessary to improve blood clotting and a quick stop of bleeding.

What is Vikasol?

The necessary for the body is "Vikasol". Reviews of scientists exploring this substance indicate its many positive effects. This is one of the varieties of vitamin K, which is a synthetic form, in contrast to K1, which is found in plants, and K2, generated by bacteria in the intestine.

Vitamin K3 (Menadion) In addition to obtaining a synthetic method, produced in the body by absorption in the intestine when using Vitamins K1 and K2.

From a practical point of view, two forms K1 and K2 are of great importance in the exchange of human substances. The participation of vitamin C1 in the process of coagulation of blood and metabolism of bone tissue is well studied. This drug like Vikasol testimony is also based on the fact that adequate consumption of vitamin K can reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis and reduce the frequency of violations of the brain functions. The recommended daily dose of vitamin K for adults is 60 - 120 μg.

First aid

When bleeding, first aid lies in the appointment of the Vikasol preparation. Reviews of doctors suggest that it significantly reduces the amount of lost blood, because it plays an important role in the coagulation mechanisms system.

Vitamin K3 is used in medicine to eliminate the consequences of "thinning blood" drugs such as Warfarin ("Kumadin"). More and more evidence suggests that Vikasol can be useful in osteoporosis.

Vitamin K is an important nutrient, but it can only be used in small quantities. It is recommended daily use of vitamin C with products: for pregnant women 18 years old and younger - 75 μg; 19 years and older - 90 μg, preferably K1 (Fillaxinone). For nursing women aged 18 and younger - 75 μg; 19 years and older - 90 μg, preferably K1 (Fillaxinone).

Vitamin K deficiency can be:

  • In patients long-term antibiotic. However, this effect seems essential only in people who experience the deficiency of vitamin K before the start of treatment.
  • Pregnant and women in postmenopausage.
  • In addition, children born in women who take anticonvulsant drugs during pregnancy may suffer bleeding or be born with anomalies for the development of facial bones. Adding vitamin K during pregnancy is necessary for the prevention of this pathology.

The drug that reduces blood coagulation - "Kumadin" - acts antagonistically to the "Vikasol" in the uterine bleeding, and vitamin K3 has the same action, so it can be used as antidot with Kumadin poisoning.

Cephalosporins and some other antibiotics may also prevent vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation. However, this interaction is essential only in people who did not use Vitamin K.

In people with disorders of the digestive tract, such as chronic diarrhea, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, can occur symptoms of vitamin K. Alcoholism can also lead to vitamin deficiency.

Mechanism of action

"Vikasol" in the uterine bleeding acts as a cofactor for the production and activation of coagulation proteins: Protromina (factor II) and (VII, ІХ and X) in the liver. The predecessors of these proteins are transformed into active forms under the action of vitamin K-dependent enzymes.

The blood coagulation process begins with an activation of the X factor, which causes the formation of thrombin from Prombrin. Thrombin then leads to the formation of fibrin-fibrinogen monomers. Fibrin's monomers form a fibrin fiber network by polymerization, and these fibers accumulate in blood cells and lead to the formation of a thrombus that seals the injuries of blood vessels and causes a cessation of bleeding. For a long time it was believed that excessive consumption of vitamin K could lead to a dangerously increased tendency to thrombosis, but this is not true: the vitamin K does not have an excess of proteins, and excessive coagulation is impossible.

Application with bleeding

Painful, excessive or irregular cuts in the uterus during menstruation (dysmenorrhea) are one of the most common causes of bleeding.

In these cases, "Vikasol" is used in ampoules. Such treatment quickly removes the feeling of discomfort and reduces the use of painkillers in women aged 14 to 25 years. It is believed that Vitamin K helps to relax the uterus, reducing muscle spasms caused by the action of prostaglandins. However, it is not known what role this vitamin plays in the abbreviations of the smooth muscles.

In addition, the decrease in the level of estrogen in postmenopausus women is the result of vitamin K. Possible interactions between vitamin C and sex hormones, as well as the role of this vitamin in maintaining reproductive health, is currently being studied.

When can you take?

Tablets, as well as injections, prescribed for the treatment of bleeding caused by various reasons, but at hemophilia, the appointment of the Vikasol preparation is not shown. Instructions for use in uterine bleeding explains that this disease is caused by a disadvantage of other coagulation factors, for which the drug does not work. In suspected bleeding, the fetus "Vikasol" is prescribed in the third trimester of pregnancy.

How to apply with uterine bleeding?

"Vikasol" in uterine bleeding, especially with abundant monthly, can reduce the amount of blood secured. But the necessary effect may not always be, so it should not be applied to the "Vikasol" independently, without consulting the gynecologist. After all, in some cases, operational treatment is required. Improper use is fraught with dangerous consequences that may threaten the patient's life. This is informing the instructions for use attached to the preparation "Vikasol". Its price is pretty low, the drug is sold without a doctor's prescription. But this should not be a leadership for self-medication.

Usually the means are assigned according to the scheme: 3-4 days of reception - a break - then again 3-4 days. The daily dose is introduced for two or three receptions.

"Vikasol" is prescribed in tablets 2-3 times a day, but not more than 30 milligrams. The injection solution is injected intramuscularly 15 mg once 1-2 times a day. From the side effects of the drug should be noted hypervitaminosis of vitamin K (rarely occurs), increasing coagulation factors, general bilirubin.

Problems with a coagulation system or thromboembolism is a contraindication for the appointment of the Vikasol preparation.

Additional effects

There are other diseases in which the use of the Vikasol preparation is shown. The application instruction informs that this drug is shown for children as the prevention of hemorrhagic diseases of newborns.

Some women believe that the additional reception of Vikasol treasures toxicosis during pregnancy. This technique is even more efficient if this drug is accepted with vitamin C.

Vikasol is also used to reduce vascular stars on the face and legs. Creams are quite expensive, and effectiveness is doubtful. However, recent clinical studies have shown that the local use of vitamin in patients after a laser procedure on the face is an effective means to reduce bruises.

Most recently, researchers were engaged in studying the action of the drug "Vikasol" in the treatment of oncological processes. Vitamin K3, in particular, can be useful as adjuvant therapy with ovarian cancer.


This medication is used very widely. Names this way indicates the "Vikasol" instruction manual. Its price Available: Ampulic solution can be purchased for 65-70 rubles, pills - in just 14-25 rubles. All this makes the drug quite popular and widely used in uterine bleeding therapy.

Natural sources

Dark green leafy vegetables and algae are one of the best food sources of vitamin K. This also includes beef liver, cauliflower, eggs and strawberries. Vitamin K is quite thermally stable, but gentle cooking retains the content of other nutrients that are prone to destruction when heated.

For the treatment of insufficiency of the blood coagulation system, various drugs are used. When bleeding - uterine, gastric and any other - the Vikasol preparation helps to significantly reduce the volume of lost blood.


Abundant monthly bleeding in a woman is not always a normal phenomenon. If monthly lasts longer than 6-7 days, there are clots and mucus in the discharge, they talk about the pathologies of the reproductive system from endometritis to endometriosis and hormonal disorders. In this case, doctors are often prescribed Vikasol to stop menstruation.

How Vikasol acts

In simplified interpretation, the drug works to increase blood coagulation rate. Its components directly affect the liver cells that produce the substance of Protromine. It is precisely it is responsible for blood lungs, and investigates the intensity of bleeding.

Wikasol tablets at monthly capable of reduced blood loss during menstruation and regulate the cycle as a whole. In addition to aimed, the drug normalizes blood update processes and prevents the development of anemia. You can use the drug both to reduce menstrual secretions and in order to delay the occurrence of menstruation.

Composition and form of release

The drug in pharmacies can be purchased in the form of tablets and injection solutions. The composition of the main components is the same, but the speed of impact on the body is different. So after taking medication in a tablet form, the effect is observed after 10-12 hours. The intensity of bleeding is reduced within a few minutes when using the drug in liquid form.

The main active component of the drug is the synthetic analogue of vitamin K, which directly participates in the blood formation processes. More precisely - this is a substance Menadion sodium bisulfite. Finding into the body, it turns into vitamin K - the substance is a gemostatic. Vikasol tablets from bleeding during menstruation contain starch as an additional component. In solution for injections, water and hydrochloric acid are present.

Indications for the use of Vikasol during menstruation

The list of indications for the use of the drug includes the following states:

  • strong uterine bleeding;
  • long abundant menstruation;
  • bad blood clotting, provoking a large blood loss during menstruation;
  • dysfunctional bleeding from sex tract.

In the first case, there is due to bleeding during menstruation, very strong and with bunches, whose moisters of the uterus, endometriosis, ovarian cyst and other diseases of the female reproductive system. You can include abundant monthly, caused by an unstable hormonal background.

With poor coagulation, the hemostatic Tablets Vikasol during menstruation is shown in order to prevent large blood loss. Similarly, it is prescribed if the uterus independently cannot be reduced, from which abundant bleeding occurs. Sometimes the bloodstreaming during menstruation is a banal deficiency of vitamin K. In this case, the drug will also be useful too. He will fill the lack of the desired vitamin and the problem will be solved painlessly. Other readings for use:

  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • injuries accompanied by loss of blood;
  • bleeding from the stomach;
  • prevention of anemia with a planned operation.

The Vicassol preparation for menstruation is taken only by appointment of a doctor. In the case of planned menstruation with a little greater blood loss than usual, it makes no sense to resort to help assistance. The female organism can thus react to banal acclimatization.

A warning! Anxiety should be beaten with repeated bleeding several cycles in a row. It can talk about the development of pathology.


The drug has a minimum of contraindications related to blood and liver diseases:

  • thromboembolia;
  • increased blood coagulation;
  • individual intolerance to the components.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the medicine is shown only after consulting a specialist. It is believed that the active substance is not able to affect the fruit due to poor absorption and transmission through the placenta. In breast milk medicine also does not fall.

Vikasol: Instruction during menstruation

The mode and dosage of the drug intake depends on the tasks that need to be solved and the problems available. To quickly eliminate bleeding, an intramuscular injection is shown. In order to prevent bloodstures before the operation, the tablet is accepted on the eve in the dosage indicated by Dr. If there is a risk of high blood loss during childbirth, Vikasol is also taken in advance.

How to take Vikasol to stop monthly

In exceptional cases, you can stop the Vikasol to stop the menstruation. The reception of hemostatic starts on the first day of menstruation of 2 tablets at the same time period. Alternative - one injection of the drug per day. In this case, menstrual bleeding becomes scarce and passes in 2-3 days. The drug is accepted throughout this period.

If the blood loss occurs against the background of vitamin K deficiency, stop the monthly, it will be better easier and faster. Against the background of increasing the thickness of the biological fluid, its poor isolation occurs through damaged blood vessels in the uterus. Blood loss in this case is minimal. Often use Vikasol during menstruation. It is dangerous to health and requires constant control of blood coagulation level.

How to take Vikasol with abundant monthly

To facilitate the condition of severe menstruation, to prevent the development of anemia and weakness, you can take 2-3 tablets of the drug per day throughout the entire period of uterine bleeding. Vikasol with strong menstruation will begin to act after the first reception after 10 hours. Often, an oxytocin preparation is prescribed to increase the contractile ability of the uterus in the complex. It will protect the woman from serious blood loss and facilitates the state in physical terms.

However, in this situation it is impossible to abuse this method. Part of blood and capillar clots will remain in the uterus cavity and can cause an inflammatory process. Therefore, doctors are recommended when repetition of abundant bleeding to be examined at the gynecologist.

How to take Vikasol to delay the period

Usually, the vikasol is rarely visited for delay. There is a more efficient hormonal drug Dupaston, which, with proper reception, allows one to delay the offensive of critical days for 3-4 days.

If they still use hemostatki, they begin to drink 2-3 days before the expected date of critical days. To increase the efficiency of the viscol, in parallel, they drink 1 g of ascorbic acid per day. In this way, you can push menstruation for 2-3 days.

Possible side effects

The development of side effects depends on the abundance of monthly and individual tolerance of the drug. It is possible to appear rams on the skin on the type of urticaria. A woman can feel weakness, decay of forces, blood pressure jumps are possible. When the daily dose is exceeded by the formulation of thrombov, and this is the risk of stroke or infarction.

But most often the most serious side effect, which is observed in each 3 woman is the development of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity. This is caused by the residues of endometrial and blood clots in the cavity of the organ. Such a phenomenon is observed in women with abundant discharge against the mioma or endometriosis.

Analogue of Vikasol during menstruation

To stop or reduce blood loss during menstruation, except Vikasol, the following analogues are used:

  • Ditinon;
  • Gamelis;
  • Continued;
  • Vilate.

The most effective of them is the diction. In the instructions for the drug clearly indicated its testimony during menstruation. Continated is shown to stop any internal bleeding, but has a lot of contraindications. Prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Vikasol to stop menstruation can be taken no more than 1 time per year. Exceptions are cases where the blood clotting processes are violated in the body's body or vitamin K deficiency. Any interference in the natural processes of livelihoods of organs may entail failures in their work. The reproductive and endocrine system reacts especially sharply to such intervention, so Vikasol is a drug that requires the appointment by a specialist after a woman survey.

Typically, this drug is used in menstruation to change the monthly cycle.

Tablets Vikasol and Pharmacology

Blood moves along vessels in a normal rhythm, if there are no problems with coagulation and in the absence of thromboms. The smallest deviations from the aggregate state of the blood cause a homoostasis violation. For the lack of bleeding, the blood coagulation system is responsible.

Vikasol is a hemostatic or indirect action coagulant - it encourages the formation of a thrombus, which stops bleeding, a hemorrhoids drug. It is an artificial water-soluble analogue of vitamin K is an indispensable blood coagulation factor. His international name is Menadion Sodium Bisulfit. We buy it in pharmacies in the form of tablets or injection mortar.

How does Vikasol act during menstruation?

It stimulates the synthesis of Prothrombin in the liver, which launches the clomb formation chain. Judging by the mechanism of action, women without consulting a doctor to deferred menstruation or to stop Vikasol take.
  • with vitamin deficiency during mechanical jaundice;
  • when removing part of the small intestine;
  • in infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with hemoraggies (dysentery);
  • in crown disease and ulcerative colitis;
  • under the pathologies of the circulatory system;
  • in diarrhea;
  • with the smallest hemorrhages in the layers of the skin;
  • with hemorrhagic diseases of newborns;
  • with long bleeding after surgical operations.


  • increased blood coagulation;
  • with frequent thrombas;
  • hemolytic jaundice of newborns is one of the most severe infants, accompanied by the collapse of red blood cells - red blood cells.
When pregnancy and breastfeeding, renal and liver failure, it is necessary to be particularly careful using this drug.

Vikasol in gynecology

Since this is a vowel pharmacological preparation, it can cause side effects. For a long time, the help of viscasol has long been known at monthly and even dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Women take it to stop menstruation, without thinking about the consequences. And in vain.
  • With the help of Vikasol, it is impossible to stop menstruation immediately. It will begin to work effectively only in a day, which means that with abundant monthly or uterine bleeding, you will have time to lose a decent amount of blood. Help medication will be late. Wikasol will be able to stop menstruation only with a deficiency of vitamin K.
  • With the uncontrolled use of Vikasol, functional disorders in the body may appear.
  • In each third case, when taking Vikasol, side effects arise: it is impossible to stop menstruation on time, but an allergic urticaria appears, high pressure, tachycardia.

How to take Vikasol to stop monthly?

Take the preparation in tablets - 0, 015 - 0.03 g throughout the day - these are 2 tablets. In injections intramuscularly - 0, 03 g, no more, which corresponds to 1 injection. It is forbidden to increase the dose, as this will lead to the development of edema and the general formation of thrombus.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the monthly discharges, which, based on physiological norms, should exit the outside, and when taking medications, they somehow remain inside, which leads them to decomposition in the body. And this is very dangerous.

Is it worth it to jeopardize your health, even if the long-awaited vacation by the sea coincides with menstruation? Of course, the forced reception of Vikasol and will give the desired results - will speed up or stop the monthly period, but this is a rude interference in the body, you still have no good.

Instructions for use:

Vikasol refers to a group of vitamins obtained by a synthetic path. Analog Vitamin K.

pharmachologic effect

Water soluble analogue of natural vitamin K, obtained by a laboratory. Takes part in the formation of Protromina. Normalizes blood coagulation indicators. The lack of vitamin K is conducted to high bleeding.

Form release

Vikasol is produced in powder, in tablets of 0.015 g and in ampoules 1 ml with 1% solution.

Indications for the use of Vikasol

The use of Vikasol is advisable in the following cases:

Jaundice, which develops due to late arrival in the intestine of bile;

Capillary and parenchymal bleeding;

Bleeding, which occur during ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

Thrombocytopenic purpura;

Radiation sickness;

Permanent nasal and hemorrhoids of bleeding.

According to the instructions, Vikasol is prescribed to pregnant women in the last trimester for preventing bleeding in newborns.

It is possible to use vikasol in newborns with hemorrhagic disease (high bleeding).

Vikasol injections and tablets are prescribed with juvenile uterine and dysfunctional uterine bleeding to puberty and in the preclimberic period.

The use of vicasol is advisable in the case of bleeding with tuberculosis, septic diseases, reducing the coagulation, the use of anticoagulants, vitamin K antagonists, pheniline, neodykumarina and other drugs with a similar effect.

The purpose of the solution for injection and Vikasol Tablets in hemophilia and Verlgof's disease does not bring the desired therapeutic effect.

Instructions for the use of vikasol and dose

Vikasol tablets take inside. The injection solution is prescribed intramuscularly. Average dose for adults: Vikasol tablets from 0.015 to 0.3 g per day; The solution for injection from 0.01 to 0.015 g. The maximum allowable doses for adults: Vikasol tablets for one reception not more than 0.03 g, per day - no more than 0.06 g; intramuscularly in injections of not more than 0.015 g per enclosure and not more than 0.03 g per day.

It is possible to use Vikasol to children up to one year. In this case, the permissible daily dose is from 0.002 to 0.005. Children under three years old to take Vikasol in a dose of 0.006 grams, aged 3 to 4 years - 0.008 g, in 5-9 years old can be assigned to 0.01 g of Vicasol, From 10 to 14 years to 0.015, the daily dose is divided into 2 or three receptions, we take Vikasol according to the instructions three or four days in a row, then make a four-day break, and the course repeat again.

The dose of Vikasol for newborn children should not exceed 0.004 grams.

The villains are prescribed Vikasol in a daily dose for adults in one taking, if the childbirth does not occur, the use of Vikasol is advisable after 12 and 24 hours.

Side effects

In the instructions for Vikasol, possible side effects are indicated. These include:

Hypervitaminosis of vitamin K, as a result, there is an increase in prombine and thrombin, bilirubin;

Toxicosis in children, which manifests itself in the form of convulsion.

Contraindications for the use of Vikasol

Vikasol is contraindicated with elevated blood clotting and with thromboembolism (blood closacles of blood clots).

Wikasol with menstruation

Vikasol during menstruation has the ability to reduce the number of secretions if they are abundant. But Vikasol during menstruation does not always bring the desired effect. Therefore, it is not recommended to take Vikasol during menstruation yourself, it is necessary to undergo a survey from a gynecologist. It should be remembered that only a doctor can assign Vikasol.

The Medicinal "Vikasol" is a vitaminated drug of synthetic origin, prevents the development and stopping of bleeding of various etiology. It has a reversible effect on the blood coagulation system, it is shown to people with serious liver diseases, abundant uterine bleeding. It can be taken in late pregnancy.

In this article, we consider how "Vikasol" use to stop menstruation. Reviews will also be given.


The active medicinal substance of the Vikasol medication is an analogue of vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting in the body. This is a hemostatic and anticoagulant. After suction to systemic bloodstream, it is capable of:

  • have a hemostatic effect;
  • fill the lack of vitamin K, stimulate it to work out.

How does the medication act?

The drug begins to actively act after 7 - 24 hours (it depends on the dosage form) after receiving. The scheme is as follows:

  1. If you get into the blood binds to plasma proteins.
  2. It affects the formation of prothrombin and blood coagulation factor IV (Proconverter's Development).
  3. Converted to Vitamin K.
  4. Displays through the kidneys in the form of metabolites with urine.

Many patients use Vikasol preparation to stop menstruation. Reviews confirm its effectiveness in this case.

What medicinal forms come?

In pharmacies, the drug can be purchased in the following dosage forms:

  • In the form of tablets, packaged in packing 25-50 pieces. The active ingredient is 0.015 g in one tablet.
  • In the form of ampoules: 1% solution for 1 ml injection with a volume of 1 ml, from 10 to 100 doses per pack.

How to take "Vikasol" to stop monthly (reviews also have), we will tell below.

In which cases is assigned?

The drug has a pronounced effect in the treatment of diseases that change the composition of the blood and its coagulation. We list the main ones:

  • hypovitaminosis of vitamin K, including hepatitis and jaundice associated with the low secretion of bilirubin;
  • ulcerative disease, colitis, bleeding from the stomach and duodenum;
  • disturbed work of the pancreas, small intestines, Crohn's disease;
  • prolonged nose bleeding, subcutaneous and mucous hemorrhages;
  • long-term uterine bleeding (hypermetrian);
  • in order to stop bleeding in 3 trimester of pregnancy (prescribed by a doctor).
  • prevention and treatment of bleeding in newborns;
  • radiation sickness;

  • restoration of blood coagulation after taking anticoagulants - vitamin K antagonists;
  • resistant diarrhea, dysentery;
  • preparation for the operation.

In the instructions for the drug, there is no information about the possibility of using "Vikasol" to stop menstruation. Reviews confirm.

In veterinary medicine, the agent treats postoperative bleeding and injuries, food poisoning of animals.

Contraindications for reception

The main contraindications are pregnancy and liver failure. It is not directly prohibited, but it is not recommended to apply the drug together with a large dose of alcohol.

Also contraindicated medicine with the following pathologies:

  • hypercoagulant syndrome (increased activity of the coagulation system of blood);
  • thromboembolia;
  • jaundice newborns;
  • increased sensitivity to medication components.

How to drink "Vikasol" during menstruation? How to stop bleeding? These are frequent questions.


Overdose by the drug leads to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • itching, urticaria, redness of the skin;
  • bronchospasm;
  • dizziness;
  • falling blood pressure, tachycardia.

Also, injections can lead to redium injection zones and the emergence of local allergic reactions. Very rarely, the newborn marks convulsions and jaundice. With simultaneous reception with other hemostatic preparations, the risk of adverse reactions increases.

How to apply Tablets "Vikasol Biosynthesis"?

Tablets and ampoules for intramuscular administration are prescribed in the following dosages:

  • adults - no more than 30 mg, per day - no more than 60 mg;
  • the maximum daily dose in pediatrics will be 2 mg (for newborns) and 15 mg (for children and adolescents 10 - 15 years);
  • elderly persons are recommended to reduce the daily dosage by 2 times;
  • if there are heavy and threatening life life, it is permissible to increase the dosage of "Vikasol" in the solution for injection using additional hemostatic means with a rapid effect.

The course on average lasts five days. The diagram of the use of the drug is prescribed individually. It affects the severity and duration of the course of the disease.

After the start of treatment, it is necessary to control the prothrombin blood index.

If simultaneous purpose of antibiotics with a wide range of action is required, then efficiency will decrease, so it is necessary to increase the daily and one-time dosage.

This confirms the instruction on the use of "Vikasol". With abundant monthly, only a doctor should appoint it.

How is the drug used in gynecology?

Women apply "Vikasol" to stop menstruation, as well as when there are abundant menstruation. However, only the attending physician should be prescribed, since the reception must be reasonable and safe. Tool treats:

  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding based on the deficiency of vitamin K;
  • endometritis, endometriosis - prescribed along with other medicines;
  • long bleeding after abortion or in cases of drug abortion.

If "Vikasol" is used uncontrollably during menstruation, it can lead to violations in the work of the reproductive system, as well as reduce blood coagulation, cause allergic reactions, provoke a heart rate failure, a fall or an increase in blood pressure.

The allowable dose of the drug should not be exceeded during menstruation (women can do to reduce the abundance and duration of menstruation). It is categorically prohibited, because it is dangerous for life!

If there is an emergency, you can take a drug once to stop periods. You need to do this according to the following scheme: 1-2 tablets per day. It is impossible to take the drug for longer than 2 days.

We looked at how to use "Vikasol" to stop menstruation. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of this fund.

Reception in pregnant and lactating women

The expediency of using the drug "Vikasol" in pregnant women is solved with the attending physician. There is no information about the negative influence of the active substance.

It is extremely rarely appointed in the 3 trimester, when the prevention of generic bleeding is needed or there is a placenta detachment. They take it comprehensively with vitamin E, the injections of "ditinon", "but-shp". It is not contraindicated during breastfeeding. When pregnant, it is prescribed extremely rarely.

How to apply for newborns?

If the newborn has a hemorrhagic disease (intestinal bleeding, stomach and umbilical wound), then it can be assigned a course consisting of one intramuscular injection that you need to do every three day. In particularly difficult cases, simultaneous transfusion of blood plasma is required.

How to store?

The drug is stored at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees, away from sunlight. To purchase it in a pharmacy, a doctor's prescription is required. The term of its shelf life is two years.