The approximate menu of pregnant in the third trimester. Food in the third trimester of pregnancy menu

Overweight during pregnancy is a heavy test for each woman. But it is worth understanding that after childbirth, depending on the weight and size of the fetus, you lose about 10 kg: the accumulative water, the placenta, the percentage of the increase in blood volume and, of course, the newborn baby.

The doctor will appoint a diet with a great increase in weight

If the weight of a woman is much higher than the norm, the doctor recommends applying a diet for pregnant women. What is a diet for pregnant women, in what cases it is assigned and which menu is used, we will tell right now.

Deal calorie products

What is a diet for pregnant women?

Excess weight can affect the health of the baby

During pregnancy, excessive weight is very dangerous, because it can provoke such diseases and complications:

  1. Late toxicosis.
  2. Increased arterial pressure, protein appears in the urine, edema, varicose veins, all that develops during gestosis occurs.
  3. The hypoxia of the fetus (the child lacks oxygen).
  4. Overweight becomes the cause of weak generic activity.
  5. The child is born large.
  6. A woman can develop gestational diabetes mellitational (after childbirth, the disease disappears).
  7. The phenomenon when sugar (glucosuria) appears in the woman's urine. This pathological condition is quite common, but the appearance of glucosuria also contributes to excess weight.

Nutritionists from Sweden proved that a woman who scored for pregnancy less than 16 kg, comes in the original form in one year and a half. And if the weight gain is more than 20 kg, then slightness will then return difficult.

How to add weight to not sit on a diet for pregnant women?

Calculate weight gain index

The rate of weight gain in a pregnant woman in different terms is calculated using the body mass index. You can calculate it yourself, divide your weight to the growth in the square. The index is considered to be an index from 19 to 25 units, and during the tooling of the child is absorbed from 9 to 14 kg.

If the indicator is less than 19, during pregnancy you can reveal a couple of extra kilograms. Are you pregnant twins? To the weight gain indicators, add up to 4 kg. Keep track of weight gain. In the first and beginning of the second trimester, a woman is gaining about 40% of the norm, the main increase - 60% - occurs in the middle of the second and in the whole third trimester.

Diet for pregnant women should be very balanced

Natalia Natalia Samoilenko shares useful advice

Diet for pregnant women to reduce weight.complex for �

Power in pregnancy is a very important topic! what

Meals during pregnancy Instagram Sasha_Koshun

What diet should stick to pregnant - what �

If you had a normal weight before the start of pregnancy, then in 1 trimester it is necessary to dial up to 1.5 kg.

In the second trimester, the increase increases and is 0.4 grams per week. In the third trimester, during 9 months, it is allowed to gain 1 kg, but the increase may be higher, which is often caused by edema.

Women whose weight before pregnancy was higher than the norm, by 20 weeks, doctors recommend to gain no more than 2.9 kg. And mom with normal weight - 5.4 kg. These indicators are also used when planning pregnancy.

What affects the weight gain during pregnancy?

Right right and move a lot

At that moment, when the family finds out the joyful news of pregnancy, the future motley is beginning to order. The husband bears home sweets, mother - soups and mashed potatoes, and mother-in-law - fat cottage cheese and milk. In 1 trimester, more than 80% of women suffer from early toxicosis, so everything adds in minor quantities.

But after 12 weeks, when toxicosis disappears, you can become strongly corrected.

A pregnant woman is not worth it for two, of course, portions increase, but not 2 times. Our body is equipped with cunning, and all useful components even from a small number of food will be straightforward to the future kid.

After 12 weeks, not only a low-wear lifestyle and enhanced nutrition affect weight gain. Check your legs, don't you stay on them socks? If they are, you have to adjust the menu. You may also notice that in the evening it's hard to remove the ring from the finger.

Indications for diet observance during pregnancy

Carefully follow the scope of weight

A diet for pregnant women is prescribed by every woman, but calories standards depend on the initial weight of the future mother, family diseases, chronic diseases.

It is believed that during pregnancy a woman should not limit himself, because everything she wants to eat, asks for a child. This is not quite the case, an increase in appetite is caused by changing the hormonal background, as in time of PMS and menstruation. It is impossible to succumb to your appetite, and in 1, 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy carefully follow all weight gains.

Diet for pregnant women: when to apply it?

Do not use Fast Food

Did you have extra weight during pregnancy? Do not worry, all stresses affect your baby! It is better to correct a little menu and lifestyle.

Diet for pregnant women is applied for medical purposes: you reduce the weight for the health of a person who lives in your tummy. If the future mothers have edema, harmful food is excluded from the menu:

  1. Smoked meat, fish, cheese.
  2. Sickles, home preservation, marinades and sauces.
  3. Salted salts are reduced to a permissible daily minimum.
  4. Yeast sweets, baking.
  5. Roasted and sweet drinks. It is better to give preference to fruit compote or natural juice, green tea.
  6. Mushrooms.
  7. Fast Food, ready-made pancakes, pizza, sandwiches.

Diet for pregnant women is divided into trimesters of no accident. Those products that are needed for the right and full development of the baby are allowed. Therefore, we do not limit the menu to parsley and water with lemon, simply cut the normal calorie rate. Each trimester includes a certain set of products that will help the proper formation of the fetus.

Diet for pregnant women: how to calculate the calorie rate?

The number of calorie consumed depends on the trimester

In the normal diet should be attended by:

  1. 120 grams of proteins per day, of which 70 grams make up animal meat, dairy products, fish or eggs.
  2. 100 grams of fats, of which 20 enter the organism with vegetable food.
  3. Not more than 400 grams of carbohydrates in the first trimester, in the second and third - up to 300 grams. You reduce the amount of carbohydrates, completing the lost proteins.

During a diet for weight loss of pregnant food, it takes 4-5 times a day in small portions. If during pregnancy to the diet you ate 3000 calories per day, the norm is cut up to 1800-2000 calories. This does not mean that now you need to walk hungry.

Eat on health, but only useful food, but about sweets, fastfood, sweet sodes, fresh white bread will have to forget.

Is there such a number of calories a growing baby? Yes, the quantity is enough, in the process of growth, the baby in the first trimester you need only 100 extra calories (a glass of apple juice). 2 trimester is a total of 150-200 calories, such as a glass of milk and yogurt. In the third - 300 calories per day, and this is a piece of boiled meat and kefir.

Diet for pregnant women by day

Food can be boil, stew without oil

Food is divided into 5 receptions, and your menu looks like this every day:

  1. Breakfast satisfying, it includes 30% of the daily calorie rate, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
  2. The second breakfast is 10%.
  3. Lunch is 40%.
  4. Humannik - only 10% of the daily rate.
  5. Dinner is also 10% of the allowed norm. Do not dine no late, about 7-9 o'clock in the evening, and in the menu include easily disabled products, such as fruits, natural yogurt, prostrochy or ion.

Dishes are boosted, extinguished, baked, prepare on the grill without oil. Salt consumption reduce to 6 grams per day, it causes stagnation of water, and he, in turn, provokes the occurrence of edema. Try to abandon ready-made dishes from shops, canned, jams and jams. After all, you do not know exactly what exactly put the manufacturer in them.

And if you really want a malnoable cucumber?

Eat more vitamins

Strange food desires during pregnancy speak only one thing - there are not enough vitamin or mineral in your body, and it gives you a signal. If such desires rarely occur, it can be written off on hormone jumps.

When a daily desire arises to eat the jar of salt cucumbers, tell me about it a doctor that the obstetrician gynecologist can choose a vitamin complex.

In any of the three trimesters, your menu consists of high quality healthy food. Making a choice between a cake and a plate of cottage cheese, you must stay in the second version. Your baby will get a lot of calcium, and you will have a weight loss.

So, a woman with a normal weight can afford to break some delicious food prohibitions, and a woman with overweight - no. But in the process of slimming, the main thing is not to forget about the needs of the child. Healthy food, matching menu and trimesters - a pledge of the normal course of pregnancy.

Diet during pregnancy in 1 trimester

Exclude products contributing to gas formation

A diet for pregnant women begins to be observed, no matter how strange it sounds, even before the start of pregnancy. You plan to get pregnant, and you already need to start to eat right, engage in light sports, abandon bad habits. Preparation for conception begins in 1-3 months. Such a system allows you to adapt to change, the body is configured to carry a child, and already during pregnancy you will gain weight.

In the first trimester, give up harmful food, your diet consists of protein and products that are rich in calcium.

This cottage cheese, white chicken meat, a large number of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. The meat contains protein, in dairy products - calcium, nuts, dried fruits, eggs, raisins and oatmeal will become invaluable sources of zinc and magnesium.

Diet at all weight for the second trimester

Candle bought sausages

In the second trimester, your baby is growing actively, and the need for vitamins, beta-carotine increases. The menu changes, but in terms of quality, and not in terms of increasing portions. In the second trimester, eat more cabbage, carrots, Bulgarian peppers, do not forget about meat, cereal and cottage cheese. In the second trimester, the future mammy is better to abandon the use of sausages, purchased sausage, smoked.

Also, the ban will fall a flour, sweet, fried with a crust in a frying pan.

Diet for pregnant women during 3 trimester

Watch for fluid consumption

The third trimester is the last 3 months of pregnancy, during which you can feel discomfort. Heartburn arises, body swelling, gravity in the stomach, growing fruit presses on the internal organs, so it can be noted that the usual inhi-exhalations are given hard.

In the third trimester, be careful with salt and all the dishes in which it is contained. Reduce the daily salt rate of up to 5 grams, try to drink clean water and fewer sweet drinks, it is especially concerned with tea and coffee. In the third trimester, the volume of daily fluid together with soups and drinks is 1-1.5 liters, depending on the globality of the problem of swelling.

In the past three months, doctors recommend fractional food, because during this period the CNS of the baby is formed. Your menu is rich in iron, fatty acids and zinc, which are contained in red meat, marine fish, nuts, dark green vegetables, yogurts and fruits.

In the last 2-4 weeks your body requires complex carbohydrates. This balance can be filled with cereals (porridge and bread), stewed vegetable stew. You can cook soups, stew vegetables, there are salads, protein omelet, a pair of fish. From the menu, any fat is excluded: fat, stew, even with meat it is better to cut areas that are covered with a layer of fat.

Refuse saturated broths, meat grays, sharp seasonings, especially black pepper and garlic.

Approximate menu for every day

Fresh juice is very useful

  • Breakfast should be dense. Start the day with a rich cottage cheese calcium, drink the fermented milk product tea with hawk tablespoon of honey or fruit fresh juice.
  • The second breakfast is fruit, so give preference to apple, pear, orange.
  • For lunch, eat essentially: broth soup (portion 200 ml), 2 pieces of grain bread.
  • The afternoon person consists of a delicious vegetable salad, which is filled with lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • For dinner, if he is not late, eat 150-200 grams of rice porridge and a cutlet from low-fat meat. We clarify that the cake must be cooked for a pair.

Doctors recommend breakfast in 30 minutes - 1 hour after awakening, but dinner 2-3 hours before sleep. If, after dinner, you will feel light hunger, you can drink out of fruit juice, for example, from green apples or a glass of 1% kefir.

Make a menu in advance

Reviews about a diet for future mothers are ambiguous, because during pregnancy, it is enough to refuse to give up your favorite products. But women note that no excess weight makes all the pregnancy: it is easier to walk, breathe, and during childbirth there is no problems.

Pregnancy is a golden time in the life of a woman. To enjoy them to fully, you should feel fine. The kid himself will take everything he needs, from the body of the mother. To fill your own balance, a woman should eat right and not forget about the vitamin complexes.

It is impossible to limit food strictly, mommy is still coming to childbirth, breast feeding, during which the forces and the supply of useful substances will be needed. Do not worry, after delivery you lose from 6 to 12 kg, depending on the course of pregnancy and the weight of the fetus.

It helps to control the weight and prepare the body to childbirth special gymnastics and charging. The most popular exercises are swimming, walking, work with breast muscles, breathing exercises, complexes using Fitbol. You can perform them in the group or at home.

It is also worth remembering that the course of pregnancy is an individual process. It is impossible to predict what kind of appetite you will have, even if at first pregnancy it was practically not there. Listen to your body, and your baby will be the most healthy!

Diet during pregnancy

General rules

Pregnancy itself is directly related to the physiological increase in the mass of the body of a woman, which is "planned" by the biological program of tooling the fetus. The physiological rate of the body weight gain is due to the weight of the developing fetus, placenta, fermentous waters, increased in the size of the uterus and the additional blood volume, ensuring the flow of oxygen for the respiration of the fetus and nutrients, as well as an increase in the fat stomach in the abdomen, mammary glands and hips providing " Safety "Fetal.

On average, the weight gain in the entire period of pregnancy varies in the normal range of 10-15 kg. The norm in the weight gain during pregnancy is quite individual and depends on the weight of a woman before the pregnancy period: under normal weight of pregnancy for the entire period, a woman can gain up to 15 kg; With overweight - no more than 11 kg; In obesity - weight gain should not exceed 7 kg. It is important to take into account not only the overall weight gain, but also the speed of the increase. On average, 40% of the total weight gain falls on the first half of pregnancy and 60% on the second. Weight in a pregnant woman should increase constantly and evenly, since it depends on the normal development of the fetus.

However, many women trying to eat so as not to recover, still in this period they gain a lot of body more than the norm, which increases the risk:

  • development of late toxicosis;
  • reduction of placental blood flow and the emergence of hypoxia of the fetus;
  • premature aging placenta;
  • premature genera or migration of pregnancy;
  • the emergence of the weakness of labor activity;
  • the birth of a major fetus complicating the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth;
  • varicose veins;
  • increased load on the cardiovascular system of pregnant.

The main causes of the pathological set of weight are most often: overeating caused by a strong sense of hunger; Changes in a hormonal background (activated by the production of placental lactogen, progesterone, chorionic gonadotropin, prolactin), increasing the grease; hypodynamine (low motor activity); Not compliance with the principles of rational nutrition. Therefore, in such cases, special nutrition is necessarily prescribed to reduce weight.

Diet for pregnant women

The main principles of nutrition in the pathological weight set are:

  • strict control of calorie content of its menu;
  • feeding by fractional portions (4-5 times a day), not allowing overeating;
  • careful chewing of food;
  • proper culinary processing of products;
  • exclusion from the diet of products that increase appetite and increasing the excitability of the food center (strong broths, salty and sharp, dishes, spices and seasonings);
  • holding unloading days (after 28 weeks of pregnancy);
  • enrichment of daily dietary products rich fiber;
  • change the structure of intake of carbohydrates to decrease consumption of simple carbohydrate by increasing the consumption of complex carbohydrates;
  • restricting the volume of evening meals and the time of its reception (no later than 2-2.5 hours before sleep) with the exception of fats.

The caloric content of the daily diet is pregnant with a weight gain above the physiological norm should vary within the limits of 2200-2500 kcal depending on the level of body weight from the norm, the period of pregnancy and the state of the fetus.

The daily diet for weight loss in a pregnant woman, with a normal weight, includes 110-120 g of proteins (of which 70-90 g of animal proteins, which come due to the use of low-fat meat and fish, cottage cheese, milk, dairy products, chicken eggs), 80- 100 g of fats (of which 20-30 g of fats of plant origin) and 300-350 g of carbohydrates.

In the diet, all fatty and fried dishes, pickles, smoked, sweet carbonated drinks are excluded; Preference should be given to low-fat varieties of red meat, birds and fish. Maxim is excluded products containing simple carbohydrates (sugar, jams, jams, honey), confectionery and yeast baking, replacing them with products containing complex carbohydrates (fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, dried fruits).

To reduce weight in the diet, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt up to 5 g / day, since the salt contributes to the fluid delay in the body and the appearance of edema. Fully abolving diet for pregnant women, especially in the hot period of the year is not recommended, because it can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance in the body.

The products stimulating appetite are excluded (onions, garlic, spices, spices) delicacies, canned food, snacks, alcohol containing drinks. It is necessary to eat liquid in sufficient quantities (1.5-2 liters per day), avoiding strong coffee and tea. Special temperature mode of dishes and methods of cooking products (with the exception of frying) is not required. If a pregnant woman has an allergic reaction to any food product in the diet, hypoallergenic diet is prescribed with the exception of highly allergenic products, according to the allergic profile of a woman (list of allergens).

With the rapid growth of body weight, one day is recommended to do unloading. In a unloading day, it is necessary to eat fractionally - up to six times a day without adding salt and sugar to the diet. As a drink, use simple purified water, infusion of rosehip, faint tea. Below are the options for discharge days for pregnant women with high body weight:

  • 1.5 l of any milk drink without fruit additives and sugar;
  • 500 g of low-fat curd;
  • 400 g of lean boiled meat or fish and 500 g of fresh vegetables;
  • 250 buckwheat of the nucleus boiled without salt.


Pathological gain of body weight during pregnancy.

Permitted products

In the diet during pregnancy, with a body weight, exceeding the norm, it is necessary to introduce first dishes in the form of frown and low-fat vegetables, meat and fish broths and soups with the addition of cereals or potatoes in the amount of no more than 200 ml / day. Non-fat varieties of red meat (veal, beef), rabbit, and poultry meat (turkey, chicken) are recommended from meat products. The content of meat dishes in the daily diet should not exceed 150 g. Meat people are recommended to cook for a couple, bake in the oven, after pre-bunning.

It is recommended to prepare steam cutlets and puddings, meat rolls, meatballs, meat and vegetable zrazy. Daily reception of seafood and fish dishes from low-fat varieties of fish (pike perch, cod) should be about 150 g, of which it is better to cook meatballs, fish cutlets for a couple, roulettes with vegetables, fish puree. From fats, vegetable oils must be present in the diet.

Mandatory inclusion in the diet of whole milk in volume 200 ml / day and various milk (dairy) products with low fat content. Consumption of bread and flour products should not exceed 100-150 g per day. Preference should be given to a rzhen bread of yesterday's baking or loafs with bran, bread from a coarse grinding flour, non-adhesive liver or biscuit. The diet includes chicken eggs (1-2 per week), preferably in the form of steam omelets or cooked scholars.

Pasta (vermicelli, spaghetti, noodles) is better to use in soups, and to give preference to porridge from various croup on the side dishes. In the diet of a pregnant woman with an increased body weight, a large proportion must occupy vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, bell peppers, different sorts of cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots) both in cheese and treated form. Parsley, dill, lettuce leaves, green onions are used in the form of seasonings to the main dishes.

From drinks to the diet, it is necessary to include stubborn tea with milk, decoction of rosehip, unsweetened fruit and berry compotes, diluted juice puree from various berries and fruits, non-carbonated mineral water.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, G.Fats, G.Carbohydrates, G.Calories, Kcal
zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cauliflower2,5 0,3 5,4 30
potatoes2,0 0,4 18,1 80
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
apricots0,9 0,1 10,8 41
watermelon0,6 0,1 5,8 25
melon0,6 0,3 7,4 33
nectarine0,9 0,2 11,8 48
peach0,9 0,1 11,3 46
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47
strawberry0,8 0,4 7,5 41
raspberries0,8 0,5 8,3 46
buckwheat (keris)12,6 3,3 62,1 313
oat flakes11,9 7,2 69,3 366
pearl barley9,3 1,1 73,7 320
rice white6,7 0,7 78,9 344
barley grits10,4 1,3 66,3 324
marshmallow0,8 0,0 78,5 304
merengi2,6 20,8 60,5 440
paste0,5 0,0 80,8 310
milk sauce2,0 7,1 5,2 84
milk3,2 3,6 4,8 64
kefir 2%3,4 2,0 4,7 51
cream 15% (innocent)2,3 15,0 3,6 161
sour cream 15% (misunderstanding)2,6 15,0 3,0 158
prostokvash2,9 2,5 4,1 53
cottage cheese 1.8% (low-fat)18,0 1,8 3,3 101
beef boiled25,8 16,8 0,0 254
beef liver17,4 3,1 0,0 98
beef boiled tongue23,9 15,0 0,0 231
veal boiled30,7 0,9 0,0 131
rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156
clawed chicken25,2 7,4 0,0 170
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84
chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157
chang salmon grainy32,0 15,0 0,0 263
butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748
oil foiled0,2 99,0 0,0 892
mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
apricot juice0,9 0,1 9,0 38
carrot juice1,1 0,1 6,4 28
pumpkin juice0,0 0,0 9,0 38

Fatty meat broths are excluded from the diet, white bread, snob, all fatty grade meat, sausages, sausages, dumplings, canned food, smoked, fatty varieties of sea and river fish, canned fish, salt fish, crab wands. Restricted by the reception of flour sweets, chocolate, ice cream, candies, cakes and cakes, jams, jams, honey, sugar. It is not allowed to include confectionery fats in the diet, mayonnaise.

It should be limited in the diet of peas, beans, lentils, semolina, sharp and smoky cheese. Creamy oil is limited to 15 g / day. Green peas, radishes, beets are limited.

From the diet, condensed milk, fast food, as well as products with a large content of dyes and preservatives (fused cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese) are excluded.

From fruit it is necessary to eliminate grapes and bananas. It is forbidden to use any sweeteners, use carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee, alcohol.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, G.Fats, G.Carbohydrates, G.Calories, Kcal
vegetables legumes9,1 1,6 27,0 168
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28
horseradish3,2 0,4 10,5 56
bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
grapes0,6 0,2 16,8 65
semolina10,3 1,0 73,3 328
white bread crags11,2 1,4 72,2 331
jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
jelly2,7 0,0 17,9 79
candy4,3 19,8 67,5 453
ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189
mustard5,7 6,4 22,0 162
ketchup1,8 1,0 22,2 93
mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
honey0,8 0,0 81,5 329
pepper black hammer10,4 3,3 38,7 251
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398
fried pork11,4 49,3 0,0 489
breast Pork Surochchenaya7,6 66,8 - 632
sausage in / smoked28,2 27,5 0,0 360
sausage with / dried24,1 38,3 1,0 455
swine sausages11,8 30,8 0,0 324
fried chicken26,0 12,0 0,0 210
smoked chicken27,5 8,2 0,0 184
duck16,5 61,2 0,0 346
goose16,1 33,3 0,0 364
fish dried17,5 4,6 0,0 139
fish smoked26,8 9,9 0,0 196
canned fish17,5 2,0 0,0 88
margarine creamy0,5 82,0 0,0 745
fat animal0,0 99,7 0,0 897
fat culinary0,0 99,7 0,0 897
mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
coffee with milk and sugar0,7 1,0 11,2 58
black tea with milk and sugar0,7 0,8 8,2 43
kissel0,2 0,0 16,7 68
shipovniki juice0,1 0,0 17,6 70

* Data indicated on 100 g of product

The menu is compiled based on the list of permitted, prohibited and partially limited products, taking into account the calorie content of the diet and the provision of physiologically complete nutrition. Special requirements for the supply mode and culinary processing products are not.

Pros and cons

Nature comments

Many pregnant women inadequately assess the risks for themselves and the fetus with a significant weight gain. With a weight gain of 15 kg and more, they fall into a risk group for the development of late toxicosis or gestosis, for which the appearance of edema, an increase in blood pressure and a violation of the kidney function is characteristic. Without timely treatment, such complications may cause the development of eclampsia (convulsive syndrome on the background of lifting blood pressure), premature delaying placenta, uterine bleeding.

One of the factors of excess weight gain is hypodymna. The opinion of the need to refuse physical exertion during the period of pregnancy is erroneous. A woman on any time is recommended moderately active lifestyle and dosage exercise: special gymnastics for future mothers, walking, swimming in the pool, respiratory gymnastics.

Dosage physical exertion provide high-quality blood saturation with oxygen and enhance the blood supply to the fetus, improving the process of its power and respiration. Only those associated with the load on the press, sharp movements fall into the list of prohibited classes. An individual version of physical activity should be seamless after consulting a doctor, taking into account the peculiarities of the flow and the period of pregnancy.

Reviews and results

As a rule, a strict diet with a pathological weight set allows to reduce the weight and rates of its growth, thereby reducing the potential risk for the mother and development of the fetus. Of course, individual indicators differ and it is quite natural.

  • "... yesterday was at the reception at my doctor. Pregnancy 28 weeks. The weight gain was 1.5 kg in 14 days. Despite the normal well-being and lack of visible edema, I was appointed diet to lose weight during pregnancy. Recommended to make gymnastics for pregnant women and, if possible, walk in the fresh air. Now I consider calories and daily control the weight gain ";
  • "... At the stage of pregnancy planning, the entire forum dedicated to dietary diet with a large weight set. The spread of opinions is very wide, ranging from doubt and the question can be pregnant on a diet, to specific personal examples and recommendations. I have always had problems with weight, sitting on various diets, last time on separate nutrition. However, as I understood, separate food and pregnancy are incompatible, as well as all the monodulations. At the consultation, I was advised to try to bring weight to the norm before the onset of pregnancy, and during pregnancy - to follow the diet and strictly control the weight. "

Price diet

The diet contains affordable and inexpensive products. The cost of weekly diet nutrition with a significant weight gain during pregnancy is 1280-1500 rubles.

NOTE! Information about diet on the site is a reference and generalizing, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on their use. Before applying a diet, be sure to consult a nutritionist with a dietary.

Diet with overweight in pregnant women

One of the main problems of women during pregnancy is the need to control the weight gain. There are various diets. Extra kilograms for pregnant women are the risk of hypertension, swelling, early aging of the placenta, hypoxia of the fetus. It is possible to weaken and even termination of labor. Pregnant women with an excessive body weight is often born too large or transferred to the child. At the same time, rigid diet and starvation must be completely excluded. All this can adversely affect the health of the fetus and the woman itself. The lack of weight leads to violation of the work of the internal organs. A rigid diet increases the likelihood of miscarriage, frozen pregnancy and bodies ahead of time. With too much weight, changes occur in the development of the central CNS fetus and iron deficiency is observed.

Power rules for pregnancy

The diet for pregnant women should be well balanced. The usual menu is revised by including useful products in it:

  • Fresh fruits, vegetables and greens. The most useful of them are pumpkin, cabbage, avocado corn, apples, bananas and pears. From berries you should give preference to raspberries, currants and strawberries. Parsley and dill in the menu during pregnancy will prevent colic in the baby in the future.
  • Fatty varieties of fish rich in Omega-3 acids and 6. The enrichment of the diet of the tuna, salmon, mackerel and herring will improve the psycho-emotional development of the fetus, will strengthen the immunity of the mother and the child. Their analogues are vegetable acids contained in unrefined oils, especially in flax. Useful when pregnant drink fish oil.
  • The daily menu should include dairy products enriched with a large amount of calcium - it is cottage cheese, milk, kefir and cheese. But that the useful element is easier to digeant, they should not be degreasing.
  • Whole grain porridge, bread, cuts, which include a large amount of fiber.

A diet for pregnant women will allow them to eat fully, feel good and not to gain extra kilograms.

In order to get rid of excess weight, all that artificial additives, preservatives and carcinogens should be eliminated from the diet. In this regard, during pregnancy will have to abandon the use of products:

1. Shopping sweets, refined sugar.

2. Smoked, marinades and canned foods. All this provokes heartburn during pregnancy and is not useful for the fetus.

3. Acute and salty seasonings - vinegar, mustard, horseradish, chili pepper.

4. The number of food and beverages containing caffeine should be reduced.

5. Alcoholic beverages.

6. Overweight - reason to abandon fried dishes. Products are better cooking, stew, cook for a couple and bake. Racking processing will help keep the maximum number of useful components in food.

7. To avoid food poisoning for pregnancy, it is recommended to abandon the eggs, pate, fish and meat, which have passed bad heat treatment.

8. In the morning, it is best to use heavier protein food, and during the day - fermented dairy products, light dishes containing slow carbohydrates and vegetable fiber.

9. If the weight is rapidly growing while pregnancy, the amount of fats cut to 60 g per day.

10. With overweight, eliminate harmful food, fast food.

11. Products, potential allergens - strawberry, chocolate, cocoa, tomatoes and citrus.

12. All that stimulates appetite - spices, onions, spices, garlic.

13. Sweet carbonated drinks and confectionery.

The main rules for the power mode during overweight during pregnancy sounds like this:

  • dinner should not be late;
  • polyvitamins are required during pregnancy;
  • dinner should not include fluid intake;
  • for the last meal, the easiest food is selected;
  • all dishes must be freshly prepared;
  • it should be eaten regularly;
  • up to 3 trimesters drink 6-8 glasses of water daily;
  • it is necessary to eat often and gradually;
  • the diet must be balanced;
  • arrange walks after eating;
  • thoroughly chew food;
  • take food up to 5 times a day in small portions;
  • regularly arrange unloading days.

It is necessary to saturate a diet for pregnant women with useful elements, such as:

  • iron, which is much in meat;
  • phosphorus - low-fat fish and seafood;
  • magnesium is contained in oatmeal, buckwheat, eggs and sea kale;
  • calcium - dairy products.

As a pregnant woman does not gain extra weight, nutritionists know. They have developed a power plan for trimesters:

  1. In 1 trimester in the body of a woman, significant changes occur - the birth of a new life. But increasing the caloric content of the diet at this time does not make sense. In 1 trimester to avoid a weight gain per day to use up to 2,200 kcal. The diet is enriched with proteins and vitamins that are needed for the normal formation of organs in the fetus. The menu includes natural juices, greens, fruits and vegetables.
  2. In 2 trimester, an intensive growth of the fetus occurs, so the caloric content of the day diet increases to 2600 kcal. But they do this not at the expense of sweets and other harmful food, but by inclusion in the menu of vegetable fats, which are in oils. Animal fats better not add. 2 trimester need to follow a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially A and V.
  3. In the 3 trimester, extra kilograms can also be dangerous, as at the beginning of pregnancy. It is recommended to eat small portions up to 7 times a day. Calorie food in recent months is better reduced. In the morning eating porridge with meat, and in the day and evening - fermented dairy products, greens and vegetables. Dried fruits are used as snacks, which are pre-found boiling water.

Following these advice, the woman should not be afraid to gain overweight during pregnancy.

Overview of the best diets

The following diet for pregnancy to reduce weight are applied:

  • apple
  • protein;
  • protein-vegetable;
  • ducan's diet.

1. Apple.

This diet in the form of unloading days a couple of times a week is appointed by future mothers that are too quickly added in weight. It will help:

  • eliminate toxicosis;
  • improve mood;
  • get rid of the unnecessary ballast;
  • soothe nerves.

For breakfast use fresh apples. After eaten grated fruit with vegetable oil on the track. For lunch - a salad of an apple with parsley, celery and low-fat mayonnaise. Afternoon person - fruit juice. For dinner - puree from apples with the addition of kuragi and prunes. If the weight significantly exceeds the norm, the diets and oil are removed from the diet and oil and comply with it within 3 days. During this period, a couple of kilograms of apples will eat, which will help get rid of the extra mass.

2. protein.

In pregnancy, a protein diet is used to reduce weight. It will be useful for both mom and baby. The diet menu includes 100-120 g of protein daily. The daily diet consists of:

  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs;
  • pistachios or peanuts;
  • non-fat boiled meat;
  • seafood;
  • cheese, best Mozarella - 50 g.

From the diet of a protein diet, with extra weight, completely eliminate sweets - chocolate, condensed milk, cakes, cakes, sugar. It should be refracted from the use of bakery products, sweet fruits, such as bananas, melons, grapes, as well as fatty dishes.

3. Belkovo-vegetable.

Applied protein-vegetable diet for weight loss. The menu for every day looks like this:

  • 1-2, 5-6 day - boiled fish and meat, water;
  • 3-4, 7-8 days - any vegetables and fruits.

With an excess weight set, the number of products in the diet is coordinated with the doctor.

4. Diet Dukana.

During pregnancy, the popular Duucan diet is also used, more precisely, its 3 stage. The diet should be corrected, according to the rules:

  • remove protein thursday;
  • use daily instead of 1 portion of fruit 2;
  • add to the menu dairy products - yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, milk 2% fat.

Diet Duucana for pregnant women allows not only to lose weight, but also hold it on one mark.

All diets will help control the weight gain. But since many of them are too strict, they can only be applied after consulting a doctor.

Daily menu

Powered by overweight should be fractional. Therefore, it is recommended to do not 3, but at least 4 meals. Menu for a week for pregnant women who need to be monitored and reduce their weight, looks like this:

  • On Monday morning, they use cheese, prostroprious and unsweetened tea. On the second breakfast, pancakes are laid with rice, a glass of milk and fruit. For lunch, it is better to eat vegetarian soup, cutlets and puree, drink compote. The dinner will be a relevant vegetable stew. Later you can drink a glass of milk.
  • On Tuesday morning eating cottage cheese with sour cream and tea. On the second breakfast eating vinaigrette with fastening coffee or tea. For lunch, rice milk soup, meat and boiled potatoes, kissel fit. For dinner - dairy porridge.
  • On Wednesday, the first breakfast uses prostroprious and tea, and on the second - rice porridge with milk. For lunch will be borsch on the vegetable broth, potato casserole and kissel. For dinner - fried in breadcrumbs boiled cabbage and tea.
  • On Thursday, a vegetable salad is eating for breakfast, a sandwich with cheese and tea. A little later you can eat pearl soup, fried fish and porridge, compote. For dinner - pasta made of solid wheat varieties and milk.
  • On Friday morning eating omelet with tea. On the second breakfast - rice pudding with milk. For lunch - a vegetarian brideller, boiled chicken with mashed potatoes and kissel. For dinner - Vinaigrette and tea.
  • Saturday for breakfast uses cheesecakes with sour cream, later - potato pancakes. For lunch - green soup or cabbage zrazy with porridge, compote. For dinner - Prostokvash and Bread with butter.
  • Sunday for breakfast eating pancakes, a sandwich with cheese or egg and coffee with milk. Later you can eat cabbage casserole. For lunch - soup, casserole and kissel. For dinner - vegetable salad with spokeshaw.

As you can see, the menu for every day is quite diverse and selected so that the pregnant woman does not experience the lack of vitamins needed to her and the child.

For pregnancy to proceed normally, it is necessary to observe a diet, follow the body weight and, in case of increasing the indicators, begin to take action. Basic recommendations, so as not to encounter a problem of excess weight:

  • You can not overeat. Food takes dosage and often. The body during pregnancy should receive a certain amount of nutrients and vitamins, then the weight will not be unnecessary.
  • The diet should include a large amount of fiber to avoid constipation. It is they who contribute to an excessive weight gain and the clasp of the organism. At the same time, lose weight with the help of laxatives is unacceptable. It is best to increase the amount in the diet of the Kuragi, prunes and fermented milk products. They normalize weight and improve the chair.
  • Commit to unloading days at least once every 2 weeks. They will help keep weight under control. The menu on such days should consist of vegetables cooked for a pair and fermented dairy products.
  • In addition to the diet, physical exertion is needed. Then there will be no problems with weight, nor with pregnancy in general.

The diet of a pregnant woman should be aimed at ensuring the child with all the necessary substances. Then the baby will be born healthy. Only rational food contributes to the correct flow of pregnancy, the absence of defects in the fetus and will not allow a woman to gain extra 5-10 kg.

Effective diet and menu during pregnancy to reduce weight

Diet during pregnancy to reduce weight, the menu of which will be described below, will help the woman to navigate in the choice of products that can and need to be used during the child tooling. Diets for pregnant women include, first of all, a full-fledged menu for every day, in which useful products are painted, the number of them and possible combination with each other.

What you can not eat

In the first trimester, the mass of the body of a woman can not only not add, but also will decrease slightly. This is due to the appearance of toxicosis - nausea, poor appetite, vomiting. The main weight gain is about the 5th month, when the fruit begins to grow intensively, and with it the uterus, oily water, subcutaneous fat increases. Poster in the third trimester normal should not exceed 400 g per week, but some pregnant women sometimes exceed 2 kg. To reduce overweight without hurting the child, it is necessary to limit the use:

  1. Fried dishes. Products prepared with frying, even the most useful, initially slow down the excretion of slags from the body. In addition, they are often prepared on oil or fats of animal origin, which contribute to the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the body. As a result, there is no damage from fried use products, and there is a lot of harm, in particular this is reflected in the weight of a pregnant woman, adding superfluous kilograms.
  2. Sharp, pickled, salted and fatty dishes. These spicy products are saturated with taste quality are the most beloved and often present in the diet in a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, they all negatively reflect on the weight of the future mother, contributing to its increase. In addition, excess salt leads to the detention of fluid in the body, which leads to the appearance of edema, pain in the legs and other unpleasant symptoms. Salted food forces a woman to drink a lot that on the last time in the presence of eats and excess mass leads to aggravation of health problems.
  3. Other favorite products of many women are reflected on excess weight - sweets. Delicious chocolate candies, desserts, ice cream, Halva and Sweet Sherbet - the future mother pampers himself to all that the soul wants, and loving relatives only contribute to it. And what's the result? The arrow on the scales, talking about a fairness increase in weight, shortness of breath, swelling, bad tests and extra kilograms that turn a woman at all is not a cute Hippo.
  4. Flour products. Fresh baking, dough, cakes and pastries - all this needs to be limited to a minimum. They are reflected not only on the weight of pregnant, contributing to its increase. Flour products contribute to an increase in the weight of the fetus itself, which subsequently may affect childbirth. The birth of a large fetus is naturally fraught with numerous injuries for both the child and for the woman itself. In addition, it is dangerous by the development of multi-way and further reception of drugs that will help save pregnancy, but negatively affect the health of the kid.

During pregnancy, you need to completely abandon harmful and dangerous to the health of a pregnant woman of products. These include alcoholic beverages, consumption of mushrooms, products that contain GMOs and dyes of artificial origin. Women during pregnancy should avoid visiting places where they prepare delicious, but very harmful food food. Fast foods can harm health not only for a future mother, but also her child provoking the development of pathologies of internal organs and systems.

At all weight, smoked sausages, ham and other, meat and fish products can be adversely affected. They contain harmful substances that have fallen with smoke when smoked, which may adversely affect the liver, kidneys, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Risk, especially in the hot season, buy a product of poor quality and provoke the beginning of poisoning.

Useful and diet products

Diet during pregnancy to reduce weight includes a list of necessary products for the health and development of the fetus, to maintain the body of a pregnant woman who should cope physically with the hatching and birth of a child. Products included in this menu are familiar to all people leading a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to eat while planning conception and after it occurs, preferably from the very first days. Small errors in nutrition are allowed, but in the form of an exception and extremely rare (when well, I really want).

The basic diet of a woman during pregnancy should consist of:

  1. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber (cabbage, leaf salad, pumpkin, sweet corn, tricky beans, etc.). Of these, you can prepare the first and second dishes, baking vegetables and fruits in the oven, microwave or cooking for a couple. So they will retain all useful vitamins that are needed for the development of the baby in the womb and the preservation of physical forces, a beautiful figure of mom.
  2. Fresh multicolored vegetables and berries. It is possible to achieve weight gain during pregnancy, while you can have delicious desserts from seasonal berries (strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, currants, gooseberries) or preparing amazingly useful cauliflower salads, sweet peppers or baked eggplants.
  3. Fish grades. Reducing weight is possible with the help of fish, which contains essential fatty acids. They contribute to the development of strong immunity in the child, help prepare the body of the future mother for childbirth. If you cook the fish correctly, bothering it in the form of broth, baked in the oven with greens and eating with salads from fresh vegetables, then it will only benefit from it.
  4. Under the excessive mass of the body, it is shown to eat oatmeal in the mornings, with the addition of a small amount of salt. It will contribute to the regulation of intestinal peristals, which will eliminate or prevent the appearance of constipation. Oatmeal contains many microelements that are easily absorbed by the body. As breakfast, this cereal will fit very by way, and then during the day the menu can be a little diversified.
  5. Seafood helps to cope with overweight. Especially useful during the first trimester of pregnancy, when the formation of the organs and systems of the child.

In excess weight will help unloading days that can be held 1 time in 7 days. On such days to reduce the weight, use only apples, or only boiled non-fat meat or fermented meat or dairy products. This will help to avoid a sharp weight jump and chalk problems.

Menu during pregnancy in 1 and 2 trimester

In the fight against excess weight, all means are good - this is, of course, nothing to do with pregnant women. Food should be high-quality, timely, useful and tasty. In the first trimester, for example, it is useful to eat seafood, oranges, home watermelons. Salt and seasonings should be used in minimal quantity, as they contribute to the strengthening of appetite and excess weight. During the day, cereal cereal, refilled by butter, fresh vegetables salads, soups, dairy products should be present in the diet. The portions should be ordinary - to eat for two for anything on this period, in no further.

In the second trimester, if extra weight, you need to refuse to eat sweets, smoked, cheeses of solid varieties, offal. If you want something pickled, instead of a salt cucumber, it is better to eat the sauer cabbage, which contains ascorbic acid - the vitamin necessary for health and strong immunity. During the day, you can eat casseroles from vegetables or cottage cheese, meat meatballs, natural yogurts, soups-mashed potatoes, etc. At least 1 time a week, you need to arrange unloading days to avoid problems with weight.

Menu for pregnant in 3 trimester

Diet for pregnant women in 3 trimester should be as strict as possible to avoid unwanted weight gain, which can later adversely affect childbirth. The menu itself on this date consists of vegetarian products with the exception of salt and sugar. If there are edema, you need to exclude the use of coffee beverages and fatty dishes.

Useful in the third trimester Cooking compotes from dried fruits, eating yogurts with a small fatness percentage, rabbit boiled meat or chicken, fish rolls.

It is possible to include vegetable and fruit salads in the diet, refueling them with low-fat oils or sauces, milk soups, stew from vegetables. For dessert, you can eat the gallery cookies with cottage cheese, in which, instead of sugar, it is better to put a small amount of honey.

The last meal must be no later than 2 hours before sleep. The same applies to the reception of fluid, which in excessive contributes to the development of edema. You need to eat often, but small portions to avoid overeating and all consequences from here. All dishes for every day you need to prepare only fresh so that useful substances are preserved and unnecessary microorganisms appeared.

Pregnancy is very important, exciting, responsible and at the same time a great period of life of a woman. Becoming mommy, a woman forever "enters into the club of pregnant women" and more than once will remember how it was her. Pregnancy, no matter what she accepted, always turn. The life of "before" the appearance of the baby and with him. The care of the baby Mommy must show at the first signs of pregnancy. And while they are with a child one whole, all of its decisions and actions should be aimed at the benefit of both. More walking out in the fresh air, rest, think about pleasant, avoid stressful situations and, of course, eat right. The development of the fetus, the flow of labor and the further health of the baby depends on the nutrition of the future mother.

A few words about the most important

Hearing the cherished words "you will have a child," a woman begins to replenish his knowledge luggage in the field of pregnancy and childbirth. Good information is now enough and highlights are known to every girl.

If you do not take into account individual characteristics, the duration of pregnancy is 9 months. This period of physicia is divided into three trimesters.

Of course, it is more stupid to argue that some of the trimesters is more stupid. For the full development of the fetus, for normal generics and the state of the baby and moms, each moment of pregnancy has tremendous importance.

So, in the first trimester, the fruit is formed and by the end of the deadline already begins to move (although the woman does not feel clearly). In the second trimester, the child is actively developing all internal organs. The child moves well, hears the heart of the mother and voice of the parents. In the last trimester, the kid has fully formed, all organs, including brain, eyes and even marigolds. Lucky are developing longer. In the third trimester, the baby turns over the head down.

During pregnancy, and better in advance, a woman needs to abandon bad habits: smoking, alcohol and improper food. Full nutrition of a pregnant woman is a very important factor in the development of the kid.

Effect of food for pregnancy

There are legends about taste whims and strangeness of pregnant women. Indeed, the gastronomic preferences of a woman during pregnancy are changing. Sometimes taste addictions of future mammies turn into shock, besides, they are so inconstant that future fathers have to gain patience. This is due to a hormonal failure, a special "protective mechanism" of nature Mother and "Points" in the head of pregnant.

The fruit receives his mother's blood food, so it is very important to follow how it feeds. We should not stick to a certain diet without the appointment of a specialist. Each doctor signs food for pregnant women for weeks and gives individual recommendations to the future woman in labor, guided by the analyzes.

General power rules for future mothers

A long-term diet has been developed for pregnant women in trimesters with its dishes and cooking technologies.

But there are a number of principles that adhere to all pregnant women:

  1. The most important thing is to eliminate alcohol.
  2. Each food is better in small portions several times a day (at least 5). It is desirable not in a hurry, thoroughly chewing, enjoying food.
  3. Before bedtime, it is not necessary, it is best if dinner (whatever it is in a row) was a few hours before sleep.
  4. Food should not be oily, fried or raw. Preferences should be made by boiled dishes or steamed.
  5. In the diet should be attended by all the necessary trace elements, which can be found in meat, fish, cereal, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
  6. Do not abuse sugar and caffeine.

Oxyphenylketonurium, listeriosis and many other diseases can be avoided by adhering to the right diet. Many diseases are found according to the results of analyzes, and it is possible to cure or prevent them using vitamins (both natural and pharmacy), but also you need to be careful. In such an important period of women's life, like pregnancy, the value is absolutely everything!

What a diet should be for pregnant women. 3 trimester

The menu of the pregnant woman should be balanced, useful, eliminate the products-allergens and at the same time not "overloaded". In the last time, many women recommend that there are smaller or arranged for the weight of mom, baby and the physical condition of the mother can complicate childbirth.

Pregnant women show green salads with vegetable oil (or without refueling). Vegetables and fruits are also very useful, especially if seasonal. Cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants, pepper - what you need to mom and her baby. Tomatoes need to eat with caution, they relate to allergens.

Dairy products should be chosen without additives and with a short shelf life. Dairy and fermented milk products have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and give the calcium necessary for the fetus. Yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese and milk Doctor may ask to limit in a prediated period, as this is quite calorie products.

Cruses are very important in the diet, it is desirable to prepare wholegrain, and not in flakes. Before cooking, it is recommended to soak the croup. By the way, on the croup there are restrictions, pregnant women are not recommended to eat a semoline and white rice.

Mushrooms should not use pregnant women at all, especially in the last time.

You always need to drink when you want. If a woman has no strong problems with swelling, it is not worth limiting in fluid. You can drink water, tea, fresh juices, milk. Alcoholic beverages and carbonated are unacceptable. Coffee is perceived by doctors not definitely, so it is recommended if not excluded, then limit.

Folk wisdom about the food of a pregnant woman says: "There is everything, but on a little bit." In the third trimester, this "a little bit" is very reduced. Also, depending on the duration, food for pregnant women will vary.

Feeding pregnant on weeks 3 trimester

A pregnant woman is important to consider several subtleties regarding their food. The fact is that for this wonderful time a woman needs to get as much useful trace elements and vitamins, while not all of them have the same benefit at different periods of pregnancy. Therefore, doctors have long been drawn up a diet for pregnant women 3 trimester. The menu of the future mother depends on the week of pregnancy and its individual indications.

Calcium is very important for the formation of various fabrics of the future kid, so in the third trimester it is recommended to use products containing calcium daily. But excess calcium can adversely affect the generic process. Starting from 34 weeks, the future guinea will need to limit the products containing calcium and iodine.

Vitamin D is designed to assimize calcium and warnings of children's rickets. A pregnant woman needs to remember that it is not enough to simply use products containing this vitamin, for his assimilation you need to walk in the fresh air at the "sparing" sun.

Sufficient use of products with iron content eliminates possible hypoxia of the fetus, and also contributes to the early restoration of the feminine. From the first weeks of the menu of a pregnant woman should include different meat. Starting from 34 weeks from meat products, preferably use a young beef or chicken.

For normal blood clotting, as well as to improve the work of the kidneys, the future mother you need to use products containing vitamin K.

Vitamin C contributes to the improvement of the mental state and the immunity of a pregnant woman. For kid, products with its content are important as strengthening vessels. But by the middle of the third trimester, you need to be extremely careful with this vitamin, because it contributes to the development of gestosis.

Vitamin E will help the woman's body better prepare for childbirth. Starting from 30 weeks, products with this vitamin must complement food for pregnant women. The woman's menu must include carrots, radishes, cucumbers and other products rich in vitamin E.

Each woman is individually, but approximately with 32 weeks, it is worth limiting the consumption of fluid, or replace water on the decoction or green tea. It will save pregnant from the swelling. For the same reason, in the 3 trimester, from 35 weeks, it is worth limiting or completely abandoning salt consumption.


The nutritionists of the whole world argue about the benefits and harm of juices, the scales bowl constantly changes its position. But in one and nutritionists and doctors agree - the juices in the diet of a pregnant woman in reasonable quantities should be present.

Significant note: Juices should be fresh. Not packaged, and fresh vegetable or fruit juices, drunk for half an hour after cooking, will be useful to mom and baby.

The most famous fruit juices: pomegranate, apricot, peach, apple, cranberry.

The most accessible vegetable juices: carrot, beet, tomato.

Not the most common, but one of the most useful - birch juice. A glass of fresh birch juice - a storehouse of vitamins. If a woman has no pollen allergies, then birch juice for pregnancy will be its best medicine from many ailments.

Drinking several glasses of fresh birch juice per day, the future mother will forget about toxicosis, pressure jumps and swelling. Returning to the topic "Diet for pregnant women 3 trimester", the men's menu should enrich birch juice, as it will contribute to further lactation and weight loss of a young mother. For women, thought about often becoming obsessive. After childbirth, Mamuchka will need time and effort to restore health and figures. Any woman wants to look beautiful, especially in the new status. Birch juice is an excellent assistant for women in solving these problems.

It is important to remember that both birch juice in pregnancy should be used in reasonable quantities. The time "harvest" of this natural gift is the early spring.

Fruits in the diet of the future mother

The beneficial properties of fruits have long been known, each of them contains various vitamins. Interestingly, it is useful for a person with all the fruits and vegetables that grow in the region where he lives.

Fruits, berries and vegetables must necessarily include a diet for pregnant women "3 trimester". The menu of the future mothers is not less to overload even with these useful products, because in large quantities they can cause allergies. With the appearance of the first signs of allergy, the reception of fruits should be discontinued, since not only mom suffers, but also the fruit. In the third trimester, doctors recommend completely abandoning exotic fruits. Domestic, and even better home apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, grapes, persimmon, grenades, grapefruit must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman.

The most useful fruits for pregnancy are those whose crop season. If the main term of pregnancy fell on the winter and spring time, it is better to use dried fruits or frozen fruits, vegetables and berries than purchased fresh.

Meat in the menu of pregnant

It is not easy to eat meat during pregnancy, but it is vital. Since only meat contains a protein of animal origin, which is involved in the formation of a bone system and muscle tissue. In addition, the meat contains enough iron to maintain hemoglobin in normal. Replace meat with other products for all pregnancy will not be possible.

But it should be remembered that it is necessary to give preference to the meat of non-fat varieties: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit or duck. Meat stands for a long time, stew or bake.

The lack of meat in the diet is the cause of the fatigancy of a woman. But in the last period of pregnancy, it is recommended to reduce the amount of meat use.

Dishes for pregnant women in 3 trimester

The list of useful products and the number of calories take care of any future mother, even the one that has not previously limited yourself in food. Interestingly, this diet during pregnancy is only the beginning. If, after childbirth, mommy will prefer breastfeeding, it is waiting for a strict diet. But it later, and before childbirth, the main question, which should be interested in a woman - a diet for pregnant women 3 trimester.

Menu pregnant on every day of the week:


Second dinner

Banana or dried fruit

Light soup, meat and potato mashed potatoes, vegetable salad and compote

Yogurt or Ryazhka

Meat stew with potato mashed potatoes, bean salad and green tea

Muesli with dairy products

Sandwich with cheese and cucumber

Soup, vegetable stew, morse

Cheese and green tea

Fish and vegetables for a couple, vinaigrette, juice or tea

Cottage cheese, apple or carrots

Green tea, glass of juice or yogurt, rippy

Soup, Fish with vegetables and juice

Sandwich with Kisel or Cocoa

Boiled or baked meat, rice, salad with greens, cottage cheese, kefir

Cheese or fruit

Boiled egg, loaf with butter or jam and green tea

Yogurt or fructoral porridge

Fruit salad

Roast beef, vegetable stew, Kissel

Lazy salad and tea

Kefir or yogurt

Cottage cheese with berries or jam

Nuts, raisins or dried fruits

Borsch, baked vegetables, cocoa or tea

Sandwich with salmon

Tea or fruit

Cheesecakes with tea

Sea cabbage salad

Ear or Fish Cutlet with Rice, Vegetable Salad, Tea

Cottage cheese

Pumpkin Soup Pumpkin, Chicken Baked With Vegetables

Raisins or dried fruits

Let the food brings pleasure and favor to a woman and baby.

Pregnancy Probably the most desirable time in the life of a woman, during this period she is preparing to become a mother, and continue his genus. But the final stage of pregnancy is the most difficult, it can be accompanied by different additional loads on the body. What problems may occur at the final stage of pregnancy the so-called third trimester?

For most pregnant women in the third trimester, an ordinary thing becomes hearth, due to the fact that the muscles of the abdomen earlier preventing gastric juices getting relaxing. Another problem can be nausea in the third trimester. This happens due to the fact that your uterus begins to occupy most of the abdominal cavity at the same time pushing the stomach up.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, alcohol is categorically prohibited, which will adversely affect the development of the fetus, it is also advised to refrain from the use of acidic and acute products that could contribute to the appearance of heartburn.

Another advantage will be a review of a daytime diet, refusing it from large portions of dishes, it is better to eat small portions, after which you need to walk in the fresh air. It is also important to maintain the water level in the body, you need to drink about 2.5 liters of water a day to prevent dehydration.

During 3 trimesters, the menu should be fractional, full and nutritious.

It does not hurt the use of high-content products with high fiber content, which mainly prevent constipation, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

The third trimester is intensive development of the internal organs of the child, and it is no secret that pregnant during this period can gain up to 2 kg per week, during this period it is very important to ensure full and healthy nutrition.

For the period of the third trimester, it is worth adding about 400 kcal to the diet, and no one can sit on a diet or watch what you eat, you need to choose healthy food, but not limit yourself in it.

During the last stage of pregnancy, many protein foods need to develop a child. Nutritionists recommend from 5 to 7 servings of meat per day and near the milk liter to satisfy the needs of the body in protein.

You should use: meat, poultry, fish, dairy products. It should be kept from the temptation to enjoy exotic fish, which can be with a high content of mercury, which can adversely affect the fruit.

The needs of the body during pregnancy are diverse, it does not bypass the need for additional vitamins that partly form the immune system of the child. First of all, iron and folic acid needed the need for these vitamins increases by about 50% during the third trimester.

During the adoption of vitamins, it is also worth eating products containing a large amount of vitamin C, products containing high cereals and fiber. Vitamin C is very important for the body, as it contributes to the absorption of iron. In the diet there should be a lot of grain products, meat, legumes and green vegetables, they contain a large amount of iron and acid.

The choice of the right and healthy nutrition in the large defines the future health of the child, the choice of healthy diet during the third trimester will be useful not only to your child, but also you will help get rid of nausea and. Therefore, watch the food that you use, and do not limit yourself during pregnancy - this will not benefit. After all, the time to sit on the diet in the future will be plenty.

Video about food for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Preparation for childbirth
  • In order for the kid to fully grow and develop, the future mother should eat high quality and fully. Food in the third trimester of pregnancy is extremely important.

    Features of the proper nutrition in the 3 trimester

    After the end of the 28th week of pregnancy, the third trimester comes. It will last before the occurrence of childbirth. This is a rather difficult time for the body of a pregnant woman, and for her baby.

    At this time, the child grows very quickly, gaining weight well and fills up quite a large space inside the mother's tummy. His internal organs and systems undergo final development. All this is a kind of preparing for the child's appearance.

    There are changes in the body itself. It changes hormonal background, which contributes to the emergence of specific symptoms characteristic of this period of pregnancy. So, many women at this time begin to appear strong edema. Quite often, future mothers complain about difficulties with regular intestinal emptying.

    In order to minimize negative symptoms, doctors advise to comply with special diet for pregnant women.

    Most recommendations are drawn up for all women, however, there are exceptions: so if the future mother suffers from some chronic diseases of the kidneys or heart, then she should be prepared individually for nutrition.

    Specify the first day of the last menstruation

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    How to make a diet?

    The best way to develop an optimal nutrition plan is to compile an exemplary menu for every day. With its preparation, the future mother should remember that it must contain all the nutrient elements necessary for its health, which include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements, and fiber. If some nutrient in nutrition is not enough, it can lead to failures in the work of the body.

    About proteins

    Perhaps the most important component of proper nutrition are proteins. In the body they perform a huge number of diverse functions. The most important of them during pregnancy is construction.

    Proteined molecules in the process of metabolism are split in the body to separate components - amino acids. It is they who participate in the construction of new cells of the body.

    The consumption of proteins is changing somewhat during the whole pregnancy. The most of their number should be included in the body of a pregnant woman in the very first weeks of pregnancy, for 8-9 months their consumption is somewhat reduced. This is due to the fact that the baby has developed enough to this point quite well and formed.

    Proteins can be both vegetable and animal origin. It is very important that in the right power menu of the future mother and those and other sources of protein are also present.

    An animal protein is contained in a bird, meat, fish, seafood, cheese and fermented products, as well as in milk. Large stocks of vegetable protein are in legumes, somewhat less than their content - in the cereals.

    The main rule in the use of protein food is an alternation. It is impossible to eat only one kind of protein. For example, consumption of only chicken or beef can entail an insufficient admission of essential amino acids, which are contained in other products.

    About fats

    Fats are the most important component for the work of the senses, brain, and also help the future mother to preserve beauty throughout the pregnancy. It should not be abused in the third trimester of pregnancy. The amount of fat should only compensate for the needs of the body of the future mother and her baby.

    Fats can be both useful and harmful. Fryer fried products with plenty of oil, as well as fast food will not bring any benefit to the body. Also, harmful fat is contained in Margarine and Mayonnaise. These products do not need to eat for future mothers.

    Useful fats are kept in vegetable oils, nuts, fatty fish. The correct diet must necessarily include these products. When adding fats in its menu, the future mother must remember that they are very calories.

    An excellent example of adding fats to the diet of pregnant women on the 37-39 week of pregnancy is a vegetable salad prepared from seasonal vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil. In summer, you can make a cucumber salad with sweet Bulgarian pepper and parsley, and in winter - carrot salad.

    About carbohydrates

    In the 3 trimester of pregnancy, the future mother is already quite actively feeling his baby. A sufficient grown child shows motor activity, can turn over in mom's tummy. For the implementation of such violent activities, a lot of energy is needed. It is also required by the woman itself, since all its internal organs and systems work at the limit of their capabilities.

    To compensate for increased energy needs, it is necessary to enable in the carbohydrate menu. Such in the blood, they provide the body by serving energy for a certain period of time.

    Carbohydrates can be both "fast" and "slow". The first is tasty, the second is more useful and functional for the body.

    "Fast" carbohydrates are contained in sweets, fruits, some types of vegetables, "slow" - in the croups, cereals. When making a menu, it is very important to remember the ratio of different types of carbohydrates. At the "slow" species should be given to most.So, the cereal porridge for breakfast or a cereal side dish to the main dish is a great choice of the correct menu of the future mother.

    Healthy foods

    In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is very important that the future mother eats not only useful food, but also delicious. On the 36-38 week of pregnancy, anxiety and unrest in a pregnant woman are growing. This is due to the fact that the nervous system begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth.

    One of the simple methods of improving the mood and creating an optimistic mood is the use of delicious food. If it is still cooked from useful products, it already brings multiple benefits.


    They are an excellent option of delicacies that the future mother can afford. They contain natural sugars that are more useful than the usual white crystalline sugar. If the future mother wants to eat a candy or send a spouse to a shop behind a chocolate cake, then it is better to stop this gusting on time and emit an apple or a pear.

    Specialists advise future mothers choosing seasonal fruits. The use of tropical fruits, such as pineapple or mango, can provoke an allergic reaction in a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, the consequences of allergies are more negative, as allergens can affect the body of the kid.

    Fruits should not be used in large quantities. To eat at once the whole kilogram of apples or bananas should not, even if the future mother it seems that this is the need for her body or the "whim" of her baby.

    Fruit contains quite a lot of fructose - natural sugar, which quickly raises blood glucose level. Pregnant women who suffer from gestational diabetes should discuss the possibility and amount of fruit consumption with their endocrinologist or therapist.

    Bird, meat

    From 35 weeks of pregnancy, it is better to gradually include meat products with lower fatty meat products. Some doctors are recommended for 2-3 weeks before delivery to reduce the amount of meat consumed. It should not be completely canceled, since the birth of a child is accompanied by severe blood loss, accompanied by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and serum iron in a woman.

    Use meat products should be about 4 times a week.Newable parts of chicken, turkey, lanched veal. From fat pork and lamb at this time it is better to refuse. They may worsen the work of the digestive system of the future mother and contain quite a lot of cholesterol, laid on the walls of blood vessels.

    The best way to prepare meat products is baking, quenching or cooking. You can also boil meat. All oily layers before cooking meat dishes should be removed.

    Many doctors do not advise future mothers to eat meat broths. They contain quite a few extractive substances that may complicate the work of the liver and gallbladder. It is better to boil meat for soup separately. The broth is better to make vegetable in the soup.

    A fish

    It is a very important source of protein, and also contains useful fats. Omega-3 is necessary for a good condition as a female organism, and has a positive effect on the nervous fabric of the fetus.

    Menuing the menu will help the white fish - cod, polytai, halice, heck. In such rocks, fish contains quite a lot of protein, but a little fat. They are well satuned by the body, without causing gravity in the stomach. You can eat fish with both vegetables and a cereal garnish. An excellent example of a useful lunch will be baked in the oven fish cutlet prepared from cod fillets, with boiled rice and a salad of vegetables.

    When choosing a fish is very important to remember caution. It follows only fresh and high-quality products.If the fish is fresh or cooled, then in front of its purchase carefully inspect the gills. They should be bright red. Fish eyes should be transparent, not muddy.

    Poor-quality and stiven fish can be a threat to the development of food poisoning. Most toxicoinfections in pregnant women are hard enough. A familiar woman at the same time is hospitalized in the hospital. Bacterial toxins in the blood can become a threat to the baby.

    Fish should be eaten very carefully to women who have a tendency to allergies. At the same time, it is best to preliminarily consult with the doctor.

    Dairy products

    Also are an essential element of the structure of proper nutrition of a pregnant woman. In addition to the rather high protein content, they include a lot of calcium. This element provides the density of bone tissue both in the body of a woman and her baby.

    In the dairy products, useful acid-and bifidobacteria is contained. These useful "agents" are involved in maintaining the optimal work of the gastrointestinal tract. Experts believe that regular consumption of fresh and high-quality sour milk helps to improve the regularity of the chair, as well as normalize the operation of the immune system.

    The future mother during pregnancy is responsible not only for his health, but also for the health of the future kid. Therefore, it is especially important proper nutrition. Planning the menu, you need to take into account the period of pregnancy.

    Consider the features of building a diet in the third trimester.

    You will learn about the features of a diet for pregnant women in the 3 trimester, the basic principles of proper nutrition during the last (7, 8 and 9 months) of pregnancy for weeks, as well as the approximate menu for every day of the third trimester.

    What it is

    Pregnancy that lasts 9 months (40 weeks), it is customary to divide for three identical periods called Trimesters. One trimester lasts three months (about 13 weeks).

    The third trimester is a period of 7-9 months or time from 26 to 41 weeks. At this time, the fruit is already formed and continues to actively develop, preparing for the emergence of the world.

    Pregnant at this time is not easy: the belly increases, presses on the internal organs, potential, late toxicosis are possible. Therefore, food should be aimed at improving its condition.

    Features of the proper nutrition of a woman for weeks

    Starting from 26 weeks the diet should become more diverse than before. For full growth and development, the child needs a full range of minerals.

    At such terms (28, 29, 30, and 31st weeks of pregnancy), future mothers often suffer from heartburn, so in the diet (with diet) it is recommended to limit the carbonated drinks, coffee And other products that can lead to it.

    By the term of 8 months (32, 33, 34, 35, 36 of the week of pregnancy), the child is finally formed by a brain, so it is important to provide sufficient admission of fatty acids and phosphorus. They are contained in fish, nuts, seeds, red meat.

    In the past few weeks of pregnancy (37, 38 and 39th), food should be directed to the support of the body of the future mother, since it will have such a difficult stage like childbirth.

    At this time, the importance of carbohydrates in the form of porridge and vegetables, which will help maintain the body.

    Basic principles

    The diet in the third trimester is to build on such rules:

    • It is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
    • Dissolves are allowed between the main techniques.
    • Dinner need to do lighter and no later than 2 hours before sleep.
    • The food is recommended to cook for a couple, cook, bake. Roasted better limit.
    • The optimal calorie content of the diet is about 2000 kcal.
    • It is worth abandoning fast food and semi-finished products.
    • Liquids need to drink about 1.5-2 liters per day (if there are no kidney pathologies).
    • Number of salt limit up to 5 g per day.

    Influence on the body

    Proper nutrition is extremely important - both for the most pregnant and fetus. The lack of nutrient components on the third trimester can lead to development delays.

    The balanced diet is important in order for the future mother to suffer less from heartburn, meteorism and other characteristic problems.

    An excessive amount in the diet of carbohydrates and fats together with hypodynamines can also lead to a strong weight set. Therefore, proper nutrition is necessary to improve the well-being of a woman and the correct course of pregnancy.

    A few more useful fees for food pregnant in 3 trimester will learn from the video:

    Advantages and disadvantages, contraindications

    Proper nutrition during pregnancy really helps to normalize the state of the mother and improves the development of the fetus. It can be rather balanced and tasty.

    Of the disadvantages - any harmful products to which many are accustomed to, prohibited, Under the strict ban and alcohol. But all the restrictions are temporary and only for the sake of the health of the future kid.

    Products may have individual contraindications and cause an allergic reaction., the poet is recommended to make a diet with the doctor.

    Sample menu

    Consider an approximate menu for a day for pregnant in the third trimester:

    • Breakfast: 100 g cash with butter (can be replaced with 100 g of omelet or cottage cheese), toast with jam or fruit, warm drink.
    • Lunch: 100 g of yogurt, fruit or berries (150 g).
    • Lunch: Soup with a slice of dark bread, a glass of juice or a compote, 70 g of dried fruits.
    • Second lunch: 200-300 g of low-fat meat or fish, vegetable salad or garnish from legumes, dessert.
    • Afternoon school: 100 g of nuts, seeds, dried fruits.
    • Dinner: stew from vegetables with a piece of bread or puree soup, fruit or fruit-milk smoothie.
    • At night: Apple, a glass of kefira or milk.
    • In the daily diet there should be no less products rich in calcium (fermented milk products, fish, fresh greens), iron (berries, cabbage, buckwheat, spinach, meat).
    • Each day Eat products rich in folic acid (beans, greens, lentils).
    • It is important to include in the menu products rich in vitamin C.
    • In the first half of the day it is worth focusing on proteins, in the second - to use light meals, which is quickly absorbed by the body.
    • Try not to combine liquid and dense food. The first and second is better to eat with the interval in a couple of hours.
    • It is impossible to overeat, nor allow feelings of hunger. Hence the importance of fractional nutrition. If you wanted to eat, snap something easy.

    Many products can provoke allergies.

    Allowed and prohibited products

    The diet in the third trimester consists of such products:

    • rich in fiber fruits and vegetables;
    • fresh multicolored fruits, vegetables and berries;
    • fat fish;
    • low-fat meat;
    • cereals;
    • seafood;
    • unrefined vegetable oils;
    • dried fruits (potassium sources and other useful minerals);
    • nuts and seeds - in small quantities;
    • equality products of low fatty;
    • natural juices and compotes.

    • any alcoholic beverages;
    • mushrooms. Useful, but for the body of pregnant, they are too heavy. And any mushroom can be poisonous;
    • products containing artificial dyes and GMOs;
    • fast food;
    • fried dishes. They are recommended to replace boiled, stewed or baked food;
    • sharp, pickled, fat, salty. These products lead to a delay in the body of the liquid and provoke swelling to which pregnant women are prone;
    • shopping sweets, which contains a lot of sugar and artificial components;
    • carbonated water;
    • puffy worth limiting. Choose a cut or wholegrain bread;
    • citrus, strawberry, chocolate, honey - strong allergens, so for the time of pregnancy they should be limited;
    • parsley. Although this greens is useful, it can provoke a hypertonus of the uterus and raise the risk of miscarriage. But another greens - dill, spinach, salad leaves - you can use.

    Continue the appropriate nutrition must be directly until the birth.

    After childbirth, another diet can be shown, intended for a nursing mother. Make a diet is subject to the recommendations of the doctor.

    Proper nutrition during pregnancy helps to normalize the state of the future mother and contributes to the correct development of the baby.

    In the later term, its importance is especially large, since the body of a pregnant woman should be ready for childbirth.

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