How to check the craving in the chimney. How to improve cravings, if bad. Methods for regulating thrust in chimney

In cases, if you have in the country or in country house There is a fireplace or oven, then you know exactly what the chimney is. But at the same time, many do not know that during the operation of the chimney, one of the most common problems is in the thrust of the chimney. Let's talk now about how you can check the craving.

Checking thrust in chimney

You'll need : anemometer, sheet of paper, mirror, metal ball.

  1. It is best to check the craving in the chimney a anemometer intended for these purposes. Thanks to this device, you can get the most accurate data, but provided that the air movement will be 1m / s. To date, there are more advanced devices that allow measuring cravings in chimney with Pascals, even taking into account the fact that in different parts of the chimney and pressure can be different.
  2. To check the thrust, you can also leave the toilet paper to lower to chimney. In this case, the thrust force is established as its deviations, that is, the more deviation, the stronger the thrust. But its adequacy is determined visually. If smoke is observed into the room, then this tells us about the reverse thrust. And the flame is bright white with strong noise we can talk about his strength. But even if dark strips of red color appeared on the fire, then the thrust are not enough. When the flame in the boiler is a golden - yellow spike, then the thrust in the chimney is more than enough. The direction of thrust can also be determined on the smoke from the cigarette.
  3. You can check with a small mirror that you need to install in the smoke hood at the site of the thrust sensor. The mirror side turn towards the emission channel of flue gases. In cases of problems with smoke removal, gases will fall on the mirror, and therefore she is notice.
  4. For the following way, we need a metal ball with a diameter of 100 mm. To check the chimney to clog, it is necessary to omit it for the entire length of the channel. In cases where, before Niza, he does not meet any obstacles to the rest, it means there are no blockages.

Chimney is required to solve two tasks: removal hazardous products burning beyond the placement and to ensure the influx of oxygen to the place of burning of fuel. For gas boilers, the correct chimney work is no less important than for furnaces or fireplaces. Consider how to check the thrust in the chimney of the gas boiler.


An indicator characterizing the efficiency of the chimney - traction. The intensity of the thrust determines the speed of the air mass in the pipe. The higher the thrust, the faster the combustion products are removed and the better the inflow of oxygen to the flame.

The thrust is caused by the pressure difference between the upper and lower point of the chimney. All other things being equal, the higher the pipe, the better the thrust.


What threatens a weak thrust or her absence? The risks of this phenomenon are extremely serious:

  1. Arrival of combustion products (carbon monoxide) to a room with relevant health problems. Curly gas and the rest of the components of smoke are destructive for humans. Especially dangerous inconspicuous increase in the content of harmful gases, for example, at night. Depending on the concentration and time of exposure, a person can get rid of the headache, and may come and more sad consequences.
  2. Lack of oxygen to maintain combustion. In the case of a furnace, nothing particularly scary will happen - the furnace will go out. But in the case of a gas boiler, the fuel attenuation without turning off the supply of fuel will lead to the accumulation of fuel material indoors. In addition to the prospects for poisoning, the danger of an explosion is added.

If a clear smoke is visible or a gaspace is felt by smell - the boiler must be turned off, and the room is checked with a draft. If the color of the flame is changing towards red, this indicates the lack of oxygen, which, in turn, speaks about the emerging problems with the burden.

How to check this indicator?

To avoid specified risks, before using the boiler, it is necessary to check the presence of thrust. The test methods are as follows:

  • Anemometer readings. This is a special device used to determine the speed of gas movement (often called the "winder"). Modern anemometers allows you to accurately determine the value of thrust and come to the reasonable conclusion about the feasibility of starting the equipment. Unfortunately, a high-quality measuring device will be not cheap.
  • Visual "grandfathers" methods. A leaf of light paper (for example, toilet), brought to chimney, will show the presence of thrust and its intensity. The more leaf deflects under the stream of wind, the better the thrust. Similar information will give us smoke from a cigarette placed in chimney.
  • Checking mechanical blockages. The common cause of problems with the removal of smoke is clogged in pipes. You can check the presence of a blockage using a metal bowl that descends on the rope from the top point of the chimney to the bottom. If the ball got to the end without problems, then the chimney is clean. The presence of problems with the discharge of smoke in this case means the availability of problems in another area (short or not enough wide channel).

Check the presence of a blockage is possible using a visual inspection, if it allows the design of the chimney.


With any suspicions relating to the violation of thrust, it is necessary to stop the boiler until you figure it out with the situation. The best way Verification of the indicator is the use of an anemometer, but for estimated definition of the presence of traction, a sheet of paper is enough.

The operation of heating systems directly depends on how qualitatively chimney is made. Competent calculation of traction chimney Plays in this crucial role. It takes into account the differences in the inner and outdoor air temperature, as well as the density of the formed gases. It should be remembered that the bad thrust is reflected on the health and life of people. When it is insufficient, and even worse, reverse, toxic fuel combustion products do not go out, but poison residential premises. For what reasons this happens and how to prevent such a danger, this article will tell.

Causes of reverse thrust

The traction indicator is considered normal if 10-20 Pa. With less values, fuel development products remain indoors. This happens for several reasons:

In addition to the main reasons, there are other negative factors.

Note! Often, you need a little to eliminate the problem - just clean the chimney channel.

The quality of heating depends on the correct calculation of chimneys

Determining the magnitude of the traction

To determine the thrust in the chimney, there is a special device - anemometer. It works, provided that the air flow has a speed of more than 1 m / s.

On a note! If measurements are conducted during the off-season, the anemometer may be wrong. At this time, the difference in air temperatures and premises is minimal, so air flows are barely noticeable. For accurate measurement, it is best to invite a specialist who has a highly sensitive device.

There are also folk methods for estimating traction, for example:

  • Look, is there in the house smoke. When he is visible to the naked eye, it testifies to the absence of traction.
  • Analyze the flame color. If it is a white shade and at the same time heard the rumble, it says about a high thrust. Dark orange flames confirm its disadvantage. A sign of normal smoke outflow is a golden yellow fire.
  • Watch, whether the flame of a burning match or a registered sheet of paper is deflected towards the flames when they are brought to chimney.
  • Install the mirror in the smoke hood and turn it towards the channel. If everything is fine, it does not stop. The formation of condensate indicates problems with the removal of smoke.

Deflectors are effective during windane weather

Methods for strengthening smoke outflow

After identifying the problems that led to a bad hole of the smoke, it is necessary to increase the thrust of the smoke tube. Exist various methods Strengthening gas outflow in chimney.

As you understand, safe and effective work Heating devices directly depends on the quality of the thrust. At the first signs of its reduction, urgently eliminate malfunctions so that carbon dioxide does not get into the room. If you do not repair the repair, refer to the specialists. Be healthy!

From the article you will learn about the possibility of reverse thrust in the chimney, about tipping the thrust. How to identify problems in the work of the heating system and what to do if there is no thrust in the chimney?

What are the methods of increasing thrust in chimney and what mechanical devices will help to increase the thrust in the chimney? What is the effect of the damper on the smoke?

Perhaps you already have a fireplace or gas boiler, and maybe you are going to build a bath or sauna? Then you need a chimney to withdraw from the premises of the well-developed combustion products.

There is such a thing as a thrust in chimney. It occurs due to different temperatures in the pipe and outside, as well as due to different pressure indoors and outdoors. We'll figure it out what the reasons are the fact that the thrust in the chimney is bad, and how to improve the chimney craving

First of all, we'll figure it out why the thrust arises. Warm air has a smaller specific mass or density than cold, therefore the pressure will be less ( P \u003d Γghwhere γ - density, g. - acceleration of gravity, h. - Height). Due to the pressure drop, warm air will strive to upstairs, and it would be cold to push it.

Accordingly, the colder on the street, the better the thrust will be. The slowest traction will be in the warm season. But the inverse thrust in the chimney in the winter also takes place. The thrust characterizes the speed of the movement of the fuel combustion.

The calculation of the thrust of the chimney is carried out according to the following formula:

hC \u003d HD * (ρV- G) (mm water st)where

hC. - thrust of the chimney;

HD- effective part of the chimney, the vertical section of the pipe is taken at a distance from the pipe to the heating device;

ρv - air density;

ρG. - Density of substance from fuel combustion

For a more understandable, the values \u200b\u200bof the thrust can be translated into other units of measurement:

1 mm water st \u003d 0.0001kgs / cm2

What is craving

In the former times, there was an anemometer device that measured the traction force under the condition that the flow rate of "waste" substances was at least 1 m / s. Nowadays, there is also such a device, but already, so to speak, a new generation. It measures the craving in PA (units of measurement) and is not so cheap.

Is it worth gaining such a device or still use the "grandfather" method, to solve only you. How can you check the craving in the chimney with your own hands without having special equipment?

  1. The presence of thrust in the chimney can be determined by submitting a thin piece of paper (ordinary toilet paper is suitable for this case). If he rejected, then the thrust is.
  2. To safely, it is better to lower the extinguished mat, and in the direction of the haze from it you will learn, in which direction the thrust of your chimney is directed.

Visual ways to determine the thrust in the chimney

You can check the presence of thrust, just carefully by observing the heating unit:

  • Sconcement of the room Speaks about the presence of reverse thrust.
  • Flame has a pronounced white shade Or is there noise from the chimney. This indicates too strong pull.
  • If a in the flame there is a dark red colorthat means this traction is not enough.
  • The fire of golden, places of yellow color - a wonderful sign. Thrust in chimney what you need.

Why the chimney works incorrectly

If it turns out that there is no thrust or it is bad, then you need to try to figure out why it happened.

1. The most difficult situation is a poorly designed chimney (an incorrectly selected section, the diameter of the pipe or the height of the chimney is incorrectly calculated). If an inexperienced person is taken to do chimney with her own hands, he often admits fatal errors. If the reason is in an incorrect project, the only thing that can be done is to completely rebuild the smoke system.

2. Another answer to the question why there are no traction - it is a negligently mounted chimney (leakage of joints). In this case, you can eliminate the fault with your own hands.

3. Perhaps the chimney clogged, and it just needs to be cleared. To do this, you can invite a specialist or make work on cleaning with your own hands. Maybe in the room "walks draft", and due to these air flows, the work of the chimney is broken.

Reverse traction

Why does the reverse thrust arise and what to do when it appears? Reverse thrust is the wrong operation of the system of the heating device and chimney as a whole. The definition of "reverse traction" speaks for itself: "spent" fuel in the form of smoke is back to the room, instead of going to the atmosphere.

The reasons for the reverse thrust in the chimney can be the most different, ranging from the design and ending with the materials from which the chimney is mounted. Highlights that need to be checked with misuse of chimney.

  1. Error when calculating Overall dimensions of the chimney:
    • the flue section of the chimney is chosen incorrectly;
    • error in cross-sectional calculations leads to an incorrectly selected chimney pipe diameter;
    • the height of the pipe is calculated incorrectly (the recommendations of the construction standards and the rules relating to the height and location of the chimney are not followed.
  2. Retreat from claims To the chimney device:
    • there should be no lesions and narrowings of the section;
    • the absolute smooth outer surface of the chimney;
    • turning the pipes are allowed not more than a meter, if necessary, at an angle of 30 °;
    • the chimney is not protected by a special tip from atmospheric phenomena (does not concern chimneys intended for gas boilers).
  3. Wrong mounting chimney elements:
    • Exactness of the design.
  4. Inappropriate construction material For chimneys.
  5. Clogging of some sections of the pipe.
  6. Very cold air in the pipe Before starting the heating device.
  7. Nearby on the street, Gusty wind, atmospheric precipitation.
  8. The outdoor temperature above the room temperature.

Try to adapt all the reasons given above to your situation, and you will definitely understand why there are no necessary thrust in the chimney.

Tipping thrust in chimney

Tipping the thrust is short-term. For a short period of time, the "spent" fuel is retracting back to the room, then the thrust is restored. Provided that initially there was no such thing in the work of the chimney, it is possible to assume the causes of the occurrence of reverse thrust in the chimney.

  • Normal chimney pipe clogging.
  • The design has occurred.
  • Behind the window there was a bad weather, possibly the fallout in the mouth of the chimney.
  • Reduced atmosphere pressure on the street.

Methods for regulating thrust in chimney

If the check showed that the thrust force is insufficient, measures should be taken. Various cravings will help the knitting knob. Moreover, the device will do it automatically, maintaining the optimal pressure from 10 Pa to 35 Pa in the pipe. If necessary, the instrument can both increase the thrust in chimney and reduce it. So, this device will always keep the craving under control, which will ensure the optimal work of the entire heating system.

Increased thrust in chimney can be achieved by increasing the chimney pipe. The height of the pipe can be greater than is written in the regulatory documentation, but everything should be within reasonable limits.

Please note that the pipe is not worth doing too long, it will only make it difficult to extend the "spent" fuel, and it will be much more difficult to clean such a pipe.

How to strengthen the thrust in the chimney without resorting to the change of the design:

Now you know how to increase the thrust of the chimney using mechanical devices.

Be careful, the installation of mechanical devices should be considered individually for each heating unit.

The role of the damper in the work of the heating system

The damper, or the Sewber for the chimney, protects the house from ignition and prevents the possibility of reverse thrust.

It is mounted:

  • in the furnace door (fireplace) or is located in the oven itself (fireplace);
  • directly into the chimney pipe.

The chimney valve acts as a chimney thrust regulator. Closing the damper, reduce the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney, respectively, the thrust decreases. Open the damper, the cross section increases, and the thrust of the chimney too.

After the fuel burned in the heating device, you can close the Sewber, thereby reducing thermal losses. The oven or fireplace will cool not so quickly, which will save on the fuel.

What is a traction stabilizer

The chimney thrust stabilizer, or the interrupter, the secondary air supply device with doses, allowing you to maintain optimal traction. The breaker has a protective valve that prevents overpressure.

Taking advantage of the following tips, you can avoid problems with the chimney:

  • If cold air is present in the chimney, then before the ignition is worth burn a couple of reversal newspapers. Cold air is heated, it will become warm enough, and when Ignoring the heating device, a reverse thrust will not occur.
  • Chimney requires pipe cleaning At least twice for the heating period (see how to clear the chimney). If you neglect the rules of the smoke operation, it can be elementary to clog. It is because of this that the thrust in chimney may decrease, and also the possibility of reverse thrust in the chimney appears.

Now you can easily understand the work of your heating system.

One of the violations of the well-coordinated interaction of the heating system is the reverse thrust in the chimney. Avoiding complex definition can be said that this is the force with which the combustion product is given out through the vertical pipeline.

When operating a furnace, a fireplace, a solid fuel boiler, the entire avgar and chad with ease enters the atmosphere due to the thrust, but if combustion products are started into the room, the power of which cannot be controlled is, this will be reverse.

A failure in the system can cause people who are in this room, headaches, poisoning, suffocation. And what to do? We figure it out more detailed!

The mechanism of the inverse thrust in the chimney

Causes of the effect of the reverse thrust

How to determine the cause

If there is no thrust in chimney, work to determine its absence should be started in the chimney of the channel. If a specialist was not invited, then independently perform this using an anemometer - an instrument that allows you to measure the force of air movement.

To increase the likelihood of correct indicators, a certain condition is necessary - the air flow rate of at least 1 m / s.

The check is canceled during the period when the difference in the temperatures of the room and the street is minimal, for example, in the interval between two seasons (spring-summer).

Also, the device will show incorrect data in the absence of air flow. The anemometer does not apply to expensive and accurate devices. For accurate measurements, more narrowly specialized electronic devices are used, which not everyone may acquire themselves for their high costs. And what to do?

The effect of thrust is determined by the visual way:

  • The presence of smoke indoors, where it is a fireplace, a furnace or a solid fuel boiler.
  • Flame color check. Remote noise and white color of fire tongues - too big traction; Dark orange flames - insufficient; Golden-yellow is a normal reverse thrust in chimney.
  • Flame deviation. An experiment can participate any item that is unprecedented (matches, cigarettes). The match is lit and is brings to the vertical pipeline, at the end of which the mirror is installed (in the hood), directed towards the room. The formation of condensate is a sign of incorrectly designed chimney.

Amplifier traction

Dear visitors. Save yourself a link to this site in Soc. networks. The moment will come when it will be cold in the house and we will help you :) Share! On time, the chimney and properly designed design is a guarantee of normal output of combustion products at any time of the year. Do not neglect special equipment, since the effect of the reverse thrust is far from a safe phenomenon capable of bringing harm to health.

Video: Restoration of thrust in the furnace

Secrets of treating pain in the joints from our regular reader.


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