Technological card Table in DOU GEF. Technological map Node (sample scheme) Consultation on the topic

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Bell "


directly educational activities

on the formation of a holistic picture of the world(insert your own)

"Theme lesson"

Full Name,

Educator 1 qualifying category

r.P. Spiritskoe

year 2014

Educational regions:……………………….

Integration of activities: ……………………………………...

Lexical topic: …….. (indicated if it is necessary, or is indicatedplace the topic in curriculum)

Type of classes: ..................

Forms of educational activities:……………………

Purpose: …………………………………….



Educational: …………………………………………

Developing: …………………………

Planned Result:……………………..

Preparatory work:(if such was carried)………………………………………..

Equipment: projector, laptop, screen, pictures with an image of electrical appliances, flashlight with batteries, batteries and diodes by children, wire with nodules, hoop, sets of split pictures for work in pairs, distribution material for each child: pictures with electrical appliances silhouettes, pencils, envelopes With visual landmarks for tasks, cards with numbers 3 and 5, pictures with electricity, presentation: 3Videos, the game "Fourth - superfluous", poster on TB.

Technological map Node

Stage classes

Structural components of activity

Structure occupation

Teaching activities

Children's activities


Input part

Organizing time

Switching the attention of children to the upcoming activities, stimulation of interest in it,either just concentrate the attention of children in any way, for example, an exercise on attention,emotional psychological attitude.



1.5 min.

Problem situation(or motivation) and the placement and adoption of the children's goals

Motivation (Process involving in operation):

1. To make something, so that most children are interested;

2. To remove something, leaving an empty place (in the group there are no dolls or cars or other);

3. Someone comes to visit or make a toy;

4. Effect of surprise (noise, cracking, knock ...);

5. Intrigue (wait, after charging, I will say; do not look after breakfast; do not touch, it is very fragile, spoil)

Problem Situation:

Create a situation that causes difficulty in the activities of children, which they fix in speech (we do not know that, we still do not know how ...).

Extending various options what to do to solve the problem. Answers not to evaluate children, take any, not to offer something to do or not do, but to offer something to choose from.

As a result, the guys are concluded that it is necessary to think about how to get out of the difficult situation together.

If this is not, then the educator carries outthe formulation and adoption of the goals of classes.



1.5 min


Designing the problem solutions,

actualization of knowledge

or the beginning of actions for the problems of NOD

Tasks for this stage:

  • or actualization of existing knowledge, representations. Creating a situation in which there is a need to receive new ideas, skills. Teacher's activities: With the help of lead, problematic issues, telling, explanations, organization of search activities, bring children to reproduce information necessary for the successful resolution of the problem situation, or the learning of the new one.
  • or children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue based on the content of different sections of the program based on visibility, or children themselves produce knowledge, by research, search, discoveries ...

(see "full analysis of Nod")

"Opening" by children of new knowledge, method of action

  • the educator using the supro-dialogue, organizes the construction of a new knowledge, which is clearly fixed with them with children in speech.

Independent application of the new in practice,

or actualization of already existing knowledge, representations, (execution of work)

  • mastering the methods of action, the use of obtained (already existing) skills, representations. The activities of the teacher consists in organizing practical activities, providing the necessary assistance, the organization of interaction in achieving the result;
  • The inclusion of a new knowledge in the child's knowledge system and repetition. At this stage, the educator offers games in which new knowledge is used in conjunction with the previously studied. It is also possible to include additional tasks for training mental operations and activity abilities, as well as the tasks of the developing type, aimed at the advanced training of children to subsequent classes.


Outcome. Systematization of knowledge.

Summing up the nodes from different points of view: the quality of learning of new knowledge, the quality of work performed, the generalization of the experience gained by the child. In conclusion, the educator together with the children records new knowledge in oral speech and organizes the understanding of their activities in the class with the help of questions: "Where were there?", "What did you do?", "What did you know?", "Who did you know?" The tutor notes: "Could help, because they have learned ..., they learned ...".


The formation of elementary self-control skills, self-esteem (for younger age - the reflection of mood and emotional state, for the older - reflexion of activity, or the content of the educational material).

Note: Not all structural components of the activity (parts) uses a teacher, it depends on the form and content of the node. In this column"Structural components of activity" It is prescribed only that the teacher chooses to organize its classes.

Senior Educator MDOU "Kindergarten" Bell "

r.P. Spiritovskoe Saratov region

I.V. Anufriev

Radaikina Oksana Aleksandrovna
Educational institution: Madou "Child Development Center - kindergarten №2" Saransk
Brief description of the work:

Publication date:2017-05-03 Technological map Node "Vegetables and fruits" Radaikina Oksana Aleksandrovna Madou "Child Development Center - kindergarten №2" Saransk Organization Node in the second youngest group

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Technological map Node "Vegetables and fruits"

Subject: "Vegetables and fruits".

Age group:second younger.

purpose: Development of the cognitive initiative of junior preschoolers in the process of socio-communicative, speech, physical activity.


Educational tasks:

  • promote the development of the grammatical system of speech;
  • develop dialogical speech as a way to communicate in junior preschoolers;
  • forming ideas about vegetables and fruits.

Developing tasks:

  • develop the ability to use the speech to express their thoughts, desires;
  • develop and maintain the interest of children to jointly with adults and independent surveys of vegetables and fruits;
  • develop cognitive interest in the process of visual activities;
  • develop the ability to distinguish appearance and form of vegetables and fruits;
  • develop the creative activity of children in the process of creating a product of fine activities;
  • develop mental processes - figurative thinking, imagination (speech development).

Educational challenges:

  • rise love for artistic creativity, to nature and the world around.

Integration of regions:Speech, physical, socio-communicative, artistic and aesthetic

Planned Result:

During this classes, children develop sustainable cognitive interest, in the process of organizing speech, physical activity.

Children can independently have playing situations, search for answers to questions and make the simplest conclusion.

Children are able to use a speech to express their thoughts and desires.

Children are able to empathize and come to help each other, friendly to others.

Form of holding:cognitive activity.

Basic concepts: Carrots, cabbage, onions, tomato, potatoes, apple, pear, peach.

Equipment and materials:


Dispensing:contour image of fruits and vegetables on paper, brushes, gouache, napkins.

Stages of activity, classes

Actions of children

Action teacher

Necessary equipment

Stage time


1. Enter - organizational, motivational - motivating

Problem situation, motivation to activities

The guys enter the group and see on the table there is a basket, in which vegetables and fruits lie

peek out, take out and call

Focus on the attention, gets in gaming situation, consider and show interest in the character.

Answer questions.

Introduces the character in the game (plot situation).

Provides enough time to familiarize yourself with the character.

Individual appeal to each child according to his knowledge.

Emotionally includes, involves in the hearing.

Guys, let's see what is in this basket of well done.

Encourages children to the statement. All correctly called

(Apple, Peach, Tomato, Bow, Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrot, Pear) and Letter from Bunny

3 minutes

The interest of children upcoming activities.

2. Ready

Developing, informative, intellectual, practical, search engagement

Guess the riddles.

Actively play.

Consider submitted materials.

Show speech activity and interest in what is happening.

Watch over the action of the educator, perform the sample action.

Actively play.

Uses visual funds.

Attracts to the discussion, sets the riddles that stimulate the process of thinking and intensifying knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

He shows respect and encourages children to statements.

Stimulates curiosity and interest in activities.

Encourages children to the right deposits.

Conducts fizminutka:

Sale bunny sits

And ears Shevilit

Like this

And ears mechanics.

Bunny sit coldly

It is necessary to sore lapping

Like this

It is necessary to warm laptops.

Bunny stand cold

Need a bunny jump

Like this

Need a bunny jump.

Organizes physical activity.

Shows the sequence of actions.

Encourages children to gaming activities.

The game "What are we welding soup?"

Formulates the problem, suggests its solution. Engines in joint educational and speech activities.

Watches children during the task.

Specifies questions to stimulate thinking processes.

Encourage children to joint activities.

Organizes, involves children in joint gaming activities, shows the sequence of actions.

Encourages children to joint gaming activities.

Illustration of vegetables and fruits.

moir, illustration of vegetables and fruits.

8 minutes

Activation of speech and mental processes of children during the period of guessing the riddles.

Fastening knowledge about signs of vegetables and fruits.

Active inclusion in joint activities and games with adults and children.

3. When selecting, reflexive - corrective

Control and evaluation of performance results, reflection, summarizing

Show interest and are included in productive activities.

Get acquainted with materials for productive activities.

Collect a sequence of actions.

Demonstrate the result of productive activities.

Remove the place after the visual activity.

Organizes and involves children in productive activities. Provides enough time to familiarize materials for productive activities. Shows the sequence of actions.

Encouragement to the visual activity.

Encourages children for the fact that they are cleaned about the place after the visual activity.

Paper, brushes, gouache, napkins.

5 minutes

The ability to work according to the sample, follow the priority of actions.

Getting pleasure from joint activities with adults.

Organization of the exhibition creative work (vegetables, fruits) for children in a group and for parents

. .

Subject: "Journey to the country of Knowledge."

Age group: senior group.

integrated node

Form of organization: Group, individual, steam room.

Integration of regions: "Cognitive development", " Speech development"," Socio-communicative development "," physical development ".

1. Mathematics for preschoolers 5 - 6 years. E.V Kolesnikova, Moscow 2003

2. Informative - research activities as the direction of the development of the identity of the preschooler. Experiments, experiments, games. N.V. Nishcheva, St. Petersburg 2015.

3. Experimental activities in Dow. Abstract classes in different age groups. St. Petersburg 2015

4. Mathematics in kindergarten. V.P. Novikova, Moscow 2007

Mathematics for preschoolers. Thus Erofeeva, L.N. Pavlova, V.P. Novikova. Moscow 1997



MBDOU Kindergarten compensating type №263

Technological Card (Design)

Integrated node

"Journey to the country of Knowledge"

Based on GEF to


Schpycina N.L.

izhevsk 2015.

Technological card (construct) integrated node

Subject: "Journey to the country of Knowledge."

Age group: senior group.

Shape of joint activities:integrated node

Form of organization: Group, individual, steam room.

Integration of regions: "Cognitive development", "Speech Development", "Social and Communicative Development", "Physical Development".

Educational and methodical kit:

  1. Mathematics for preschoolers 5 - 6 years old. E.V Kolesnikova, Moscow 2003
  2. In informative - research activities as a direction for the development of the personality of the preschooler. Experiments, experiments, games. N.V. Nishcheva, St. Petersburg 2015.
  3. Experimental - experimental activities in Dow. Abstract classes in different age groups. St. Petersburg 2015
  4. Mathematics in kindergarten. V.P. Novikova, Moscow 2007
  5. Mathematics for preschoolers. Thus Erofeyev, L.N. Pavlova, V.P. Novikova. Moscow 1997


  • visual - dolls Dunno, split picture Pinocchio, toys - dog, cat,2 glasses of the same size, columns of different sizes.
  • literary - poems, riddles;
  • musical - cutting children's musical works;
  • equipment - Tinting water "Money" in a bank, two identical glasses for each child, a map (scheme), a simple pencil (by the number of children), color pencils and markers for each child, card with missed numbers (by the number of children), comparison cards Objects (by the number of children), napkins.


Create conditions for the development of the cognitive initiative of preschoolers in the process of mastering elementary mathematical ideas in the process of experiment research activities.


  1. Educational tasks:

Introduce me to children with actions used to compare the results of fluid measurement.

Consolidate the ability of children to compare groups of items; Master the iconic-digital forms of the ratio of two numbers.

  1. Developing tasks:
  • develop observation, the ability to notice characteristics objects, reflect, summarize the results;
  • develop active speech (speech - proof, speech - argument) children in the process of comparing the measurement results of the liquid;
  • develop a shallow motor
  • Enrich children's dictionary: fragment, medicine, conditional measurement;
  • develop the ability to negotiate joint actions, represent the result of the study.
  1. Educational challenges:
  • educate interest in experimenting;
  • facilitate the manifestation of positive emotions, feelings of love for wildlife;
  • educating the benevolent relationship between peers in the process of joint solving a cognitive task, to form the ability to negotiate, help each other.

Tasks taking into account individual characteristics of pupils:

  • Pay attention to the indecision of Christina during independent work;
  • Pay attention to the position of the pencil in the hand at Vanya and Sasha;
  • Instruct Roma and Ruslan control, for the correctness of the conclusions when comparing the results of fluid measurement.

Planned Result:

Inquisitive, active

activity in cognitive, experimental activities, in a conversation.

Emotionally responsive

a sense of rhythm in motion to the music;

manifestation of emotional attitude to wildlife.

Potted by means of communication and ways of interaction with adults and peers

the ability to interact with peers in the process of performing work;

the ability to listen carefully and actively discuss, ask questions and respond to them within their awareness and experience;

the ability to share with the teacher and children with your impressions.

Able to solve intelligent and personal tasks

application of learned knowledge on ramp on experienced research activities in independent daily life;

Mastering universal educational prerequisites

  • the ability to focus on 15-25 min.;


Stage of activity

Teaching activities

Children's activities

Planned result

Stage 1


Surprise moment

I see a wide circle

All my friends got up.

We will now go right now, and now go to the left.

In the center of the circle will gather, and let's go back everything. Smile, let's go smile and greet!

Guys, look at how many guests we have, let's say hello to guests, come up to the guests and touch our palms to their palms ...

Do guests have warm palms? Our guests are kind, and they shared their warmth with us.

Knock on the door.

Sorry, I'll see who there.

Dunno: Hello guys. I came to you for help. Znayka prepared me a test, you need to go to the country of knowledge, only one I can not cope. Do you want to help me?

In order not to lose the zakina drew me the map (shows the map).

Let's see what is depicted on the map.

At each stop we are waiting for interesting tests. If we do everything correctly, Dunno will give us a part of the picture - a fragment, of which at the end of our journey we will be able to fold the picture and find out who hebest friend.

Are you ready for traveling?

Look carefully on the map, as you think, where do we need to go first?

Specifies a positive emotional attitude

Invites children to say hello to guests

Creates a problem situation, shows its interest

Sends children to the right decision.

Perform movements according to words

Welcome guests by sharing their warmth

Children express their opinions

Children discuss seen.

Children discuss possible options.

Children are configured for communication

Show confidence in guests

Show interest in the upcoming activities

2 stage

Work on theme

Problem situation

The station is called "digitalograd". What do you think we are waiting there?

Before you card, enter the missed numbers.

Cope! Well done! Everyone tried, get a fragment of the picture!

Formulation of the problem.

Promotes individual work

Expose assumptions.

The child chooses a way to interact when performing a task: individually or paired.

Decide problem situation. If difficulty arose, the children appeal to the educator or each other.

The ability to conclude and argue it

Mastering the iconic - digital form of numbers.

Here is a fragment of the picture!

This station "Entertaining tasks".

Statement of the problem contributing to the group's work.

Reason, interact with peers in the process of work.

Enrichment of collaboration experience.

Fastening the ability to compare groups of items.

Entertaining problem

For the goose shelter went 6 guns

One lagged, how much left with a goose goes?

Then there are two more traps behind, how much remains?

Goose was worried, began to collect a geussy.

All collected. How much did the goousy go for the goose geese?

Well done! There you are fragment of the picture.

Encourages children for attentiveness and correct answers

Listen carefully, the chips are exposed.

Knowledge of a sequence account.

Station "Numenia"

Everyone on the table sheets with some points, what is it? It seems I guessed, there are numbers here and if you connect them, starting with the figure 1 and on, then the drawing will be. Let's try to decipher these drawings.

What wonderful drawings we did, but in my opinion, some kind of figures are not enough again when we will have time we will write it too.

Well done, coped with the test, here's a fragment of the picture!

Stimulates the interest of children.

Draws attention to the need to observe the sequence of numbers, otherwise it will not work.

Work on individual leaves.

Rejoice in the result obtained.

Obtaining positive emotions from the result obtained.

Mastering the sign-cyfrone form.

Music warm-up

(with musical accompaniment)

You do you like to dance? Dancing music. At the end of the music - listen carefully to the task.

They met backs, palms, knees, maidenchiks, cheeks, foreheads.

Rested? Here, Dunno gives you another fragment of the picture, I liked it, as you danced and listened carefully to the tasks.

Introduces children with the game, gives instructions, emotionally helps to relax

Praw children

Choose partners, demonstrate physical activity, combine music and movement.

Skill listen, perform tasks.

Have a feeling of rhythm. Develop plastic

Fastens the ability to navigate in space.

Implemented the need for children in communication.

Experimental experience


Guys, do you like experiments?

The puppy and kitten got sick. The doctor came and poured the "medicine" puppy from the bank, said that the kitten should be pouring as much. There are two glasses on the table, in one nanita medicine.

Of the general (banks) of the container with the "mixture", with a spoon in the second glass for a kitten

pulls a little bit? So many? (This is not enough) less can not be helped by a kitten to recover.

Pours a lot, overflows. So many?

(It's a lot)

More cannot be harmful.

How to determine the same medicine as for a puppy?

That's right, it is impossible to pour less or more. Must be equally.

The first glass will be with the conditional measurement, we will celebrate the felt-tip pen in the level of the felt-tip pen, and a spoon will help to pour us.

Start an independent work.

What does the same mean? The same, this means equally nor more and no less.

Increases children in experimental activities.

Creates a problem situation.

Creates conditions for emotional responsiveness.

Draws the attention of children to the fact that the kitten needs as much medicine.

Includes children in independent activities; Provides activities; provides materials; Watches children during the task.

Asks to explain the children, how did they determine the same? If children find it difficult, helps to conclude.

The child chooses a way to interact when performing its work: individually or paired at will. Experienced determine the amount of "medicine" for a kitten.

Express your assumptions.

Make a conclusion.

Manifests activity in the process of independent activity;

Skill pick necessary materials for work;

The ability to make a logical conclusion; The ability to follow the rules

3 stages

Outcome activities

Here are great! And with this task perfectly coped. Dunno hands you another fragment. Look, there were no unknown places on our map, it means that our journey approached completion. Let's remember where we visited what they did? What was it difficult for you to fulfill, but what's easy?

Attracts children to summarize, to reflection (self-analysis);

Share impressions; express their own feelings for the work done; plan independent, (joint) activities; Express emotional response.

Ability to evaluate the result of its activities;

Ability to express feelings;

Ability to draw conclusions;

The ability to plan an independent (joint) activity.

Folding a split picture

Guys, we completely forgot about fragments of the picture. We need to collect it. What do we learn if you collect?

Invites pictures from fragments to folding.

Fold pictures

Show emotional attitude to the result.

Unpaved Anastasia
Technological Card Classes. Compilation of GEF Circuit

(Scheme-sample technological card)

[Technological Card Lesson] Preparation of GEF

So what is routing classes. I will say in your own words. Without it, do not do in the open lesson, on the presentation, master class. This is a summary of actions, the words almost everyone who participates in this event. In my case, it will be about work in Dow. Reaping this compilation, be sure to contact a specialist in the methodical work of your dow

1) theme:….

2) integration of educational areas:….

Socio-communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Physical development

3) Purpose: ...

(This is the end result) End "IE"

Creating Conditions, Formation, Education, Strengthening

4) Tasks: .... ()


We write what we will teach. Learn-not to write.

Promote, form skill, create conditions


We write what we will fasten. clarify


We write which mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will develop.

5) Targetlights: ....

(We write that the child will reach the end of the lesson, what will learn. What will know the new one)

6) Means of implementation:... Multimedia, visual, verbal, artistic.

7) Equipment and materials:..

(We write what the educator gave in the class of each child)

8) Wordwork: ....

(What hard-acting words were used, hard-acting sounds, hissing.)

9) Travel course:.

You can create a table where each word of the educator is indicated, an approximate preschooler answer. Either just write a compaction dialogue, where the entire speech on the planned abstract (scenario) is also indicated.

If you decide to write the script of the occupation in the table, there are certain nuances of its preparation. At the end of the work done at the bottom, another item is specified.

Table of 3 columns:

1) Opening part: Mativation and Insurance Stage

2) Main part: Organizational and Searching Stage (drawing process, modeling.) (visual gymnastics, finchikova I

3) Final part:

Reflective-corrective stage of activity

gymnastics, physical councils)

(At this stage, the whole group works: "Olenka, what did you do today?",

"Petya and you?"

"And what did we learn?"

10) List of references used: ....

1) main sources: 1,2,3,4).

Publications on the topic:

Technological map of classes "Travel to the world of nature" Technological card (construct) Subject: "Travel to the world of nature" age group: preparatory for school group. Node form: Presentation.

Purpose: providing conditions for the development of speech activity in the process of discussing a cartoon and speech games on the topic "Birds Wild and homemade".

Technological map of directly educational activities on the implementation of GEF to "Vegetables on Groke" Topic: "Vegetables in Groke" Explanatory note Everyone has the opportunity to take care of his health. Medicine offers a variety of.

Technological card for GEF "Five Keys" Savina Tatyana Ivanovna Educator middle group №1 Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten 11".

Technological card of extracurricular activities in the 2nd class "Our Assistants" Technological Card Classes extracurricular activities In the course "Doctor's Lessons" Teacher: Alexandrova Anastasia Anatolyevna MBOU.

Technological map of classes "Analysis of the story V. A. Osseva" just an old woman " Purpose: Creating conditions for the development of children's interest in artistic literature. Tasks: 1. Educational: continue to promote.

Technological Card Classes "What is better: paper or fabric?" Children's age, educational area: 3-4 years; Priority: cognitive development; In integration: socio-communicative, speech.

Technological maps of cooking dishes in kindergartens (DW) Moscow in Novy Sanpin 2013:, chemical composition and the food value of dishes, allowed dishes.

In this section you will find a new collection of prescription (Directory, Prescription), which contains technological maps (recipes) of cooking 178 dishes for kindergarten (DOU).

When preparing the collection, the official publication was used: Power supply in preschool educational institutions: Methodical indications of the city of Moscow. Designed: horse I.Ya. (Power RAMS); Mosov A.V. (Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the city of Moscow, the Research Institute of Hygiene and the Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Republic of National Rams); Tobis V.I., (Moscow Foundation for the Promotion of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population); Tsapenko M.M. (Department of Education of the City of Moscow) and others.

The rules of product bookmarks, semi-finished products (nested dishes) gross and net per 100 grams of the mass of the finished dish are published. The recommended output of the dish for feeding children as a nursery (1-3 years) - nursery and children is 3-7 years old. The nutritional value and the chemical composition of each dish, including protein content (proteins, polypeptides), fats (triglycerides, lipids), carbohydrates (saccharides), calorie (kcal), vitamin content: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), C (ascorbic acid), mineral substances (microelements, micronutrients): Ca (calcium), Fe (iron). The type of processing is indicated and a complete technological card (technology, recipe) is presented.

You can view these culinary recipes both on our website and in the program, the demonstration version of which you can download for free on our site and install on your computer. This program has all the technological maps published here, as well as the menu plan for 8-10, 12, 24 hours of the child's content in Dow and much more.

Recipes of dishes are shown on 100 grams of the net of the finished dish. For your convenience, the program converts these masses to a specific dish outlet, for example, when the dish is released 200 grams, the weight of the products is multiplied by 2. The program has chemical compound reports both by a promising (planned) menu and actual for any period. There is also a menu-requirement, accumulative statements and other documentation for the nutrition of preschoolers and consideration of products in stock.

Dishes included in the diet can consist not only of simple products, but also from semi-finished products (previously cooked dishes), for example, baking is prepared from the dough, and the soup is welded on the broth. In this case, here a reference to the formulation of invested dishes is provided here. All of our computer computer programs calculate the full tab, including all nested dishes (any depth of nesting), resulting in the composition and weight of elementary products.

The nutritional value and chemical composition used foods Led in the product directory.

All recipes presented on this site you can save And automatically contribute to any program of the power program, so as not to enter manually.