An abstract classes of extracurricular activities of GEF. An abstract of extracurricular activities "Secrets of communication"

The system of extracurricular activities on the development of the culture of communication of junior schoolchildren "The Art of Communication"

Vddina Evgeny Sergeevna, primary school teacher MBOU SOSH No. 13 of the Volga Volgograd region.
This material Designed for primary school teachers. The system of extracurricular activities can be tested on 1-2 classes where students show weak level development of culture of communication. It is advisable to conduct classes within the club "Art of Communication" once a week in extracurricular time. The duration of each lesson: 25-40 minutes, depending on the age of children.
The system of extracurricular activities using game technologies is aimed at improving the level of development of the culture of communication of junior schoolchildren in the following areas:
- the ability to politely come into contact and leave it;
- the ability to conduct a dialogue and participate in a free conversation;
- the ability to express praise and make compliments;
- the ability to provide support to people in need;
- the ability to listen and hear others;
- the ability to be attentive to yourself and others;
- ability to understand the feeling and mood of others;
- Ability to cooperate with others, work in a team.
Goal: Creating conditions for the development of learning launching norms of communication (as it is necessary? How accepted?), Rules and techniques for effective communication (as best? How efficient?).
- to form communicative literacy of students in the knowledge of the functions of communication, the role of communication in the life of a person, team and society, understanding the causes of conflicts arising in the communication of people, knowledge of their own communicative characteristics and the main directions for optimizing their communicative activities;
- Teach students to comprehend their own and someone else's communicative practice, to develop their attention to their own speech and speech of the interlocutor, the ability to analyze their own communicative behavior and the communicative command of the interlocutor;
- to form students in the skill of responsible communicative behavior, the ability to adjust its communication depending on the situation and participants of the act of communication;
- to arm students with knowledge of etiquette and communication standards adopted in the cultural society, as well as the norms of speech culture;
- to train students with basic rules and techniques for effective communicative behavior in various situations.

Topic: "Let's get acquainted!".
1. Teach children in polite familiarity with new people.
2. Teach children to talk about themselves.
3. Develop speech communication skills.
Equipment: Card with the theme of classes, cards with the rules of dating, reflection tree, paper red and green apples.
Structure occupation

- Hello guys! In order to tune in to work, I will give you my smile and give my good mood, and you smile to each other, give your classmates a good mood.
- I am glad to see your faces, your eyes. And I think that today's occupation will bring us all the joy of communication with each other. Successes to you and good luck!
- Today we will spend the first extracurricular activities within the club "Art of Communication". Our today's occupation is called "Let's get acquainted!".
(The subject of classes opens onto the board)
- Guys, have you ever got acquainted? (Yes)
- Tell us when and with whom you got acquainted.
- What were you talking about with a new acquaintance?
- What did you feel when meeting a new person?
- Have you had to feel awkward when you meet?
- Were there any situations when you did not know what to ask a new acquaintance, how to find out his closer?
- Today at the lesson you will learn to politely meet new people, talk about yourself, keep a dialogue with a new acquaintance.
2. Work on the subject of classes.
a) conversation.
- As you know, the first impression that you will produce on a new acquaintance is often determined by the fate of further communication. Therefore, the rules of dating existed in all peoples at all times. And many of the ancient traditions of dating found their place in modern etiquette. However, the ritual of dating in antiquity was too complex procedure. Today, the rules of dating is much easier.
- What should be done first of all when you meet? (Introduce yourself)
- Right. Any acquaintance begins with the presentation. You should call your name, and if this requires a situation, patronymic or surname.
- The most likely, when you meet people exchange? (Handshake or bow).
- What do you think you will make a good impression on a new acquaintance if you are frowning, unfriendly? (No)
- And how should you stay when you meet? (Nearby, smile and try to look in the face of someone in mind or who seems to you)
- Did you get to acquaint people with each other? (Yes)
- What did you say?
- In situations where you need to introduce people, you need to bring acquainted to each other and call their names. According to the rules of etiquette, you should not force guests to seem one to each other.
- What polite words say after the presentation? (Very nice, glad to meet, nice to meet)
- Further, according to etiquette, presented to each other, people need to exchange at least a few sentences. Show interest in the personality of a person with whom just met. Listen to him and call the conversation. You should also tell you a little about yourself if the interlocutor will ask. When talking more often, call the name of a new acquaintance, it allows you to arrange it to you.
- It was the basic rules of acquaintance. Let's bring them again briefly.
1) to introduce themselves in the name and exchange hands or a bow.
2) Use polite words: very nice, happy to meet, nice to meet you.
3) Exchange with a new sign by several offers.
4) interested in the personality of the interlocutor, listen carefully.
5) Share about yourself if the interlocutor will ask.
6) Smile, look into the eye to the interlocutor, more often call him by name.
(Cards with rules on the board)
b) the game "Fictional acquaintance."
- So, the basic rules of acquaintance you remember. But these rules are valid only in the usual, everyday conditions. And if you have an incredible acquaintance and you need to overcome the language barrier? How then behaving?
- Let's play the game "Fictional acquaintance." You need to draw acquaintance:
astronauts with aliens;
hunters with a snowman;
new owner of the castle with haunted haunted in him;
Sailor thrown after shipwrecks by shore, with a tribe of cannibals.
- What did this game taught you? (Place your interlocutor, produce a good impression)
c) the game "Interview".
- When meeting it is very important to be able to eloquently talk about yourself. This creates a good impression about himself. To work out this skill, play the game "Interview".
Children choose the lead, and then, presenting that they are adults, take turns on the chair and answer the questions that they will ask the lead. The presenter asks the child to introduce themselves to the name-patronymic, tell about where he works, if he has children, which has hobbies, etc.
Comment: In the first stages of the game, children are often hampered by the selection of questions. In this case, the teacher is the role of the host takes upon itself by offering children a sample of dialogue. Questions can concern anything, but it must be remembered that the conversation should be "adults".
- What skills did you acquire in the process of this game? (Talk about yourself, produce a good impression)
3. Outcome classes, reflection.
- So, what was the subject of classes?
- Why is it very important to comply with the rules of dating?
- What are the dating rules you remember?
- What did you have learned the game "Fictional acquaintance" and "interviews"?
- What are your impressions left after our classes?
- Look at the blackboard. This is a reflection tree. If you think you learned to get acquainted, get a green apple on the tree. If you think that you will also be trained in meeting new people, stick a red apple. Apple take on the first desk.
- What a beautiful tree we succeed!
- Thank you for the classes, you all are well done!

Plan - an abstract of extracurricular activities
Topic: "Meeting with a friend."
1. Teach children to maintain a conversation when meeting familiar.
2. To form a benevolent attitude towards people.
3. Teach children to come out of contact using friendly words and intonation.
Equipment: Card with the subject of classes, ball.
Structure occupation
1. Organizing time, Stopping the subject of classes.
- invented by someone just and wisely
When meeting, hello: "Good morning!"
Good morning Sun and Birds!
Good morning gullible to persons!
And everyone becomes good, gullible.
Good morning lasts until the evening.
- Guys, what is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis poem? (When meeting, you need to greet, desire good morning, day, etc., it charges the good mood of both interlocutors for the whole day)
- Today we will spend another lesson within the club "Art of Communication". The subject of classes: "Meeting with a friend." (The subject of classes opens onto the board)
"In this lesson, you will learn to use polite words when you meet with friends, keep the conversation and correctly polite from contact.
2. Work on the subject of classes.
a) conversation.
- Remember when you accidentally meet a friend, relative or a friend, how do you behave? What are you talking about with him?
- What do you think there are the rules of etiquette when a friend is met? (Yes)
- What first do you need to do if you saw a familiar person? (Say hello)
- What words of greetings do you know? (Hi, hello, good afternoon, good morning, good evening)
- Together with the words of greetings, it is recommended to contact the interlocutor by name. For example: Hi, Ira! Hello, Lyudmila Ivanovna!
- What are the greetings gestures do people at the meeting? (Exchange hands or waters)
- And how should you behave if you saw a friend from afar? (If you notice a friend in the distance and if you noticed you, you should greet the head of the head, a squeak of hands, a smile, a bow. Do not shout in the whole voice.)

If you saw a friend who is approaching you, do not need to scream "Hello!" from afar. It is necessary to wait until the distance is reduced to several steps.
- Imagine that you go into a room where there are many people. Will you greet with everyone individually or with everyone in general? (With all in general, it should be said "Hello!" To all those present)
- When meeting with a friend or acquaintances, the ability to support the conversation is very important. What can I ask your interlocutor?
b) the game "What to ask?".
- To develop the ability to support the conversation, will you ask what to ask about? ". Sit please in the circle.
The teacher has a relay (ball). The relay is moving from hand to hand. The task of players is to formulate a question that you can ask a friend when meeting after greetings, and answer it. One child asks the question, another answers ("How do you live?" - "Good." "How are things going?" - "Normal." "What's new?" - "Everything is in old", etc.). You cannot repeat the question twice.
- What did this game taught you? (Support the conversation at the meeting)
c) Game "Tell the mood."
- What do you think, what mood you should communicate with your friends? What emotions should he be transmitted?
- It is very important to communicate with a good mood, smile, sincerely interested in the interlocutor, to transfer positive emotions to him so that he will be happy to remember your meeting. To learn this, you need to play the game "Tell the mood."
Playing, forming a circle, close your eyes. The teacher "wakes up" of his neighbor and shows him any mood (the first round is a fun, the second round is temporary). Children, having transferred the tutor's mood in a circle, discuss that he guess. Then the leading becomes anyone. If he has difficulty, adult helps him. The action of children is not evaluated and are not discussed. One thing is important: all players must carefully monitor partners and reproduce the mood.
- What mood to convey easier? (Fun, good)
- What emotions did this game caused you?
d) game "to the ambulance".
- Imagine that you have already exchanged a couple of sentences with a friend, and you have to go. What should be done in this situation? (Come out of contact, politely say goodbye)
- What words are used when leaving the contact? (So \u200b\u200bfar, until the emergency, I was glad to see, goodbye, all the best, happily, etc.)
- Let's spend the game "Goodbye."
Children are sitting in a circle and, betraying the relay to each other, call the words that they say when goodbye (goodbye, to the meeting, all the best, will still see you, a happy way, good night, to the ambulance, happily, etc.). The teacher draws attention to the fact that, saying goodbye, you need to see the partner in the eye.
- What skill did you get in the process of this game? (Get out of contact, politely say goodbye)
3. Outcome classes, reflection.
- What are the rules to be observed when meeting familiar?
- How not to behave?

- Raise your hands those who believe that he learned all the rules.
- Raise your hands those who think that you still need to study the rules and practice yourself.

Plan - an abstract of extracurricular activities
Topic: "Talk?"
1. Develop a conversation support skills.
2. Develop attention to your own speech and speech interlocutor.
3. To form in children the ability to adjust your communication depending on the situation and participants of the act of communication.
Equipment: Card with the subject of classes, ball, emoticons pictures.
Structure occupation
1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of classes.
- Hello guys! I am glad to see you of such beautiful, good, with a good mood! We will spend this lesson together. Let it bring you joy and many new interesting impressions. Let's please each other!
- Look at the blackboard. These are Russian proverbs.
For conversation, every reason is good.
The bell ringing is not a prayer, a cry is not a conversation.
Red field with a swarm, but a conversation mind.
Chatting well when there is something to say.
- What are these proverbs about? (About conversation)
- The proverbs I picked up not by chance. What do you think, what is the topic of our classes?
- Our lesson is called "Talk?".
The subject of classes on the board.
- Suppose you can learn how to class with this name?
- You will learn to lead a conversation (or dialogue), depending on the situation and participants in the conversation.
2. Work on the subject of classes.
a) conversation.
- Human communication is subject to certain rules, often unwritten. Previously, the conduct of the conversation was whole, but now many forget about the basic rules of talking. Let's talk about some of them.
- Let's start from the very beginning. If you start the conversation first, carefully choose the topic: it should be interesting for everyone (or at least for most) present.
- What topic is it appropriate to talk to the other? With a unconscious man? With adults? With teacher?
- What are the topics to speak with a friend? With a unconscious man? With adults? With teacher?
- Should the selection of the topic of conversation be based on the mood of the interlocutor? (Yes)
- Give examples.
- Listen to very important rules for conducting conversation.
1. When you are treated with a question, do not respond monosyllant (let's say, just "yes" or "no"). Such answers often beat off the people every desire to negotiate, as they demonstrate the lack of interest on your part (even if it is really embarrassment or fatigue). Even if you have nothing to answer the question, except "yes" or "no," try to expand a little, so that he does not sound so passibly.
2. Proper conduct of the conversation requires the ability not only to speak, but also listen. A few people take part in the conversation, which means that everyone needs to speak out.
b) the game "Question - Answer".
- To secure these rules in practice, play the "Question-Answer" game to learn to lead a conversation in a certain situation.
conversation with a friend who today received a two school;
Conversation with a man who met yesterday with you;
conversation with mom after parental Assembly;
conversation with the teacher after his praise;
Conversation with a relative at the holiday.
Children stand in a circle. One of them is in the hands of the ball. Taking a replica question, the player throws the ball to the partner. The partner, catching the ball, answers the question and moves it to another player, while asks his own question depending on the situation, etc. ("What is your mood?" - "joyful." "Where were you on Sunday?" - "I went with a dad to visit". "What game do you like?" - "Fathers", etc.).
- What did this game taught you? (Lead a conversation depending on the Sitzation and participants of the conversation)
- Did you like the game?
c) the game "Who do you want to become?".
Packed teacher and children. The teacher starts the game with the words: "Let's talk. I would like to be ... (the wizard, wolf, small). How do you think why?". The child expresses the assumption and tie a conversation. At the end, you can ask who would like to become a child, but it is impossible to evaluate his desire and cannot be inscribed on the answer if he does not want for any reason to admit.
Comment: This game is useful for closed and shy, as in the game form teaches a child not to be able to communicate, puts in a situation of need to come into contact.
At the initial stages, children may refuse to ask questions or enter the game. Then the Initiative should take a teacher.
- What impressions are you left after this game?
3. Outcome classes, reflection.
- What was the topic of our classes?
- What are the rules to be observed when conducting conversation?
- What does the topic choose depends on?
- What have you learned about this lesson?
- What mood you have left after games?
- Each of you on the desk is 2 emoticons: sad and cheerful. If you think that you learned the rules for conducting the conversation, learned to keep the conversation, then attach a cheerful emoticon on the board. If you think the lesson did not bring use for you, attach a sad smiley.
- Look at how much fun emoticons we have on the board! I wish you so that you are always in a good mood, and never be sad.
- Thanks for the lesson!

Plan - an abstract of extracurricular activities
Topic: "Praise me."
1. Teach children to express their positive emotions about the works of other children.
2. Develop the ability to make compliments.
3. To educate benevolence and empathy.
Equipment: Card with the theme of classes, chips, ball, drawn on the watman flower.
Structure occupation
1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of classes.
- Hello guys! Magic boxes are on your tables, you will see the smartest, clever, most resourceful children. Open Slowly these boxes. Who are these children? (Shared photo of students) Let's smile to each other and say loudly and confidently: "We are the best children in the world!" With such a raised mood we will start our lesson.
- When did I say that you are the smartest and clearer, what did I do this way for you? (Praised, made a compliment)
- Guess what the topic of our classes will be? ("Missed me")
The subject of classes on the board.
- Today at the next occupation of the club "The Art of Communication" you will learn to do and take compliments.
2. Work on the subject of classes.
a) conversation.
- Remember who last time did you compliment? What exactly praised? What feelings did you feel at the same time?
- Compliments undoubtedly cause positive emotions. When we are praised, we rises self-esteem.
- And who for the last time you praised?
- praise the interlocutor - ancient art. In the East, it is still impossible to provide communication between partners, colleagues, relatives and just familiar without beautiful phrases and compliments. The history of many nations tells us that the ability to talk compliments to the ladies, cavaliers, kings often solved the fate of not only a few people, but also entire countries.
- What do you think, for what purpose do people make compliments?
- The purpose of the compliment can be anything: the desire to cause sympathy, strengthen the reputation, affect the situation and even manipulation. Often compliments are made to keep the interlocutor to continue to do anything in the right direction. For example, if the student has become more diligent in performing homework, you should praise it so that it continues in the same spirit. It is important that the compliment be made at the right time and deservedly.
- Compliment can be done relative to the appearance of a person. For example: Ira, you look good today. Also, compliments can concern the mind. For example: Lesha, you are so smart! I would never think before. You can make compliments about the personality qualities of a person. For example: Katya, you are very kind and responsive. Either about the achievements: Anna Vitalevna, you perfectly coped with the task.
- What do you think, with which mood you need to do compliments? (With good, inspired, speak sincerely)
b) the game "Praise me".
- Practice to do and take compliments. Now we will play the game "Praise me."
Children are invited to draw a drawing on a free topic on the plan.
After the children draw pictures, they are divided into pairs and change patterns. Now they need to carefully consider drawing of their pair, find something in it, which is especially like and tell about it. The meaning of this task is to tell you about the picture so that someone who drew it was pleasant.
Each couple appears in turn, the rest of the children listen to each other's stories. Every child has in his hands on the chie, and it can only give it to one teller, who liked the most of all (that is, the best of all, according to the child, managed to praise the author of the picture.). Then the winner is selected after counting the chips.
- Why exactly ... collected more than all chips?
- What reception he (a) used to make a person nice?
- What did this game taught you?
- How to take compliments? (Speak "Thank you", you can make a response compliment)
c) Game "Compliments".
- Clear again. Let's go game. To do this, you need to get up in a circle.
Pedagogue, giving the ball to one of the children, says him a compliment. The child should say "Thank you" and pass the ball to a neighbor, pronouncing affectionate words in his address. The one who took the ball says "Thank you" and transfers it to the next child. Children, speaking compliments and words of gratitude, pass the ball first in one, then in the other side.
- What other words of gratitude were you used in the game?
- What skills have you purchased?
3. Outcome classes, reflection.
- What was the topic of our classes?
- How to make compliments?
- What have you learned about this lesson?
- On the board poster, it depicts a flower. Come and sign on the petals, what emotions you have experienced in this lesson that you have turned out which skills you purchased.
Loud inscriptions.
- Thanks for the lesson, you are great!

Plan - an abstract of extracurricular activities
Topic: "A bunny threw the hostess."
1. Teach children to show sympathy.
2. Rail an emotional responsiveness.
Equipment: Card with leaking theme, eye bandages, mood card.
Structure occupation
1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of classes.
- Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will spend another lesson within the Club "Art of Communication".
- How is your mood? Ready to occupation?
- Guest came to us today. Be very sensitive with him, he is upset.
A gaming hare character appears (one of the students), who cries and tells how bad he is, because his mistress threw him.
"Guys, our occupation is called" a bunny threw the mistress. " And you learn how to show sympathy and support.
The subject of classes on the board.
2. Work on the subject of classes.
a) conversation.
- How can I help a bunny? (I will regret it, cheer up, support)
- Unfortunately, sad events happen in life. When with someone from friends, troubles occur or someone is in Mount, I want to express sympathy, help a person do not break, support him in a difficult moment. But not everyone knows how to choose which words to choose to express our feelings, whether it will be appropriate, etc.
- How to express sympathy? (Sincerely, from the heart, short phrases)
- If your friend happened trouble, express your readiness to help him. Ask what you can help him, and do our best. Switch a person's attention to positive connections with an event. In the conversation, emphasize the bright moments of the past. Speaking about the future, try to support the confidence of a person in our own power. Fix those moments when a person calms down. More often focus his attention on them. Try to persuade him go somewhere together. It will help to distract from unpleasant thoughts.
b) Game "Handbank".
- You heard some recommendations from me to express sympathy. Let's play the game. Sit in a circle. In the center of the circle, leave a bunny space.
- You need to say in turn on one sentence to support a bunny. Remember the recommendations.
- What do you think, who did everyone want to encourage a bunny?
- Why? What techniques it (a) used (a)?
- Word again recommendations on the expression of sympathy.
c) Game "old mans".
- Moral support is required to provide all people who need it. Now we will play in one game "Grandma".
Children are divided into two teams - Grandparents (grandparents) and grandchildren (granddaughter). "Olders" tie their eyes - they are very old, so they do not see anything and do not hear and they must certainly take to the doctor. It is necessary to go across the street with a strong movement. Conduct grandparents should their grandchildren (granddaughter) standing up so that they are not shot down the car. Several children become "machines", running along the "Street" there and here. The task of grandchildren is not only translating the "old mans" across the road, but also to show the doctor (his role is played by someone from children), and buy a medicine at the pharmacy, and then bring home.
- Would the old mans without helpers? (No)
- What did this game taught you? (Support a person in a difficult situation, help)
3. Outcome classes, reflection.
- What was the topic of our classes?
- Why is it important to support a person in a difficult situation?
- How to express sympathy?
- What have you learned about this lesson?
- What did you like in this lesson?
- Where and when can you use the knowledge and skills?
- On the board you see cards with words. These words transmit your condition after the lesson. Tick \u200b\u200bonly on one card, which most accurately describes your condition.
- Thanks for the lesson, until the emergency!

Plan - an abstract of extracurricular activities
Topic: "We are a team".
1. To teach the ability to negotiate.
2. Contribute to the development of cooperation.
3. To educate a desire to respect someone else's work, space.
Equipment: Card with the topic of classes, colored markers, Watman
Structure occupation
1. Organizational moment, setting the topic of classes.
- Hello guys! Today we will spend the last lesson within the club "Art of Communication". Remember what you learned from this club's classes?
- Today's occupation is called "We Team". What do you think you can learn to occupy with this name? (Work in a team, negotiate, cooperate)
The subject of classes on the board.
2. Work on the subject of classes.
a) the game "Draw together".
- Now we will draw on one sheet of paper at the same time. Come up with what you want to draw, and select yourself. For drawing, I will give each of you only one felt-tip pen, but I think that you, of course, want to make your drawings with multi-colored. To do this, you will need to share with each other felt-meters.
Drawing is carried out on a large carpet so that children can take a comfortable position. The teacher observes the process and proposes in case of conflict situations, compromise options for their solution occur.
- Look at what beautiful drawing you got! What did you just learn? (Negotiate, cooperate in a team)
b) the game "Live Picture".
- And now we will play the game "Live Painting."
Selects leading games. The rest so that the leading does not hear, agree that they all will show together. Children create a story scene and freeze. They can change the posture only after the leading guards the name "paintings".

Extracurricular activity

"Spiritual regional science of native Belogoria"

Circle occupation


"Friendship will be swaying"

1 class


Agafonova Svetlana Vasilyevna

primary school teacher

MBOU "Gymnasium № 12"

belgorod city

them. F. S. Gihlushki


Topic: "Friendship will be swaying"


Deepen the presentation of children about the moral qualities of a person as an integral condition interpersonal relationship in human society

2. Developing: Students will be able to learn

    tell your opinion;

    argue your point of view

      analyze your character traits;

      predict the consequences of actions;

      participate in collective activities;

      focus on own personality with the aim of self-knowledge and further self-development.

3. Educational: Students will be able to make sure

    the need to strengthen interpersonal relations in the group;

    the existence of the influence of friends to each other in the team;

    the fact that a strong identity appreciates in friendship is the opportunity to help another person, be useful for him.

children will have the opportunity

  • realize to realize what reliable friends are;

  • learn to resolve problem situations.

  • expand knowledge about friendship, moral qualities of personality

  • bring up goodwill, respect for each other; Promote the formation of a friendly team.

Estimated result : Formation in children of the moral concept of "friendship" as the most important condition for the formation of a class team.

Equipment: Cards for work in groups, sets of geometric shapes, set of decorations, stickers to create a "friendship carpet" Multimedia projector, screen, computer, presentation of the lesson.

p \\ P.

Guys, I would like to start our lesson from several proverbs that prompt us the topic of our classes. And who of you reminds us what is the proverb? Right, the proverbs are folk wisdom. I wanted to introduce you to them, but last night, when I made them, our four-legged Friends, Barsik, and confused all the words in proverbs ...

- Do you help me collect them? I suggest you workin pairs. You have envelopes on every desk, you need to collect the proverb from individual words and choose who will read it. "Do not have a hundred rubles, and have a hundred friends" "Without a friend in the shower of the blizzard" "An old friend is better than two new ones" "Man without friends, what a tree without roots" "There is no friend - look, and found - take care"Each couple after drawing up the proverb. As you read, the teacher hangs on the board, a properly printed proverb.- Well done! - A person is a public creature. He can't live without other people. We all live in society, among people. We study with others, with others - rest, with the third - we meet in a circle, section. We are associated with joint activities (occupation). And if we combine common interests, the common cause, sympathy for each other, you can call us comrades. And the highest degree of partnership is friendship. Today we will talk about what real friendship is and that she gives a person.
Now we will see several scenes in which two friends participate. Look carefully and listen, how guys behave in different situations, and give an assessment of their actions.

The situation is the first. Sergey and Anton participate in it.
2 boys overlook the board.
On independent in mathematics, Sergey found that ink ended in the fuction.
Sergei. Oh, the ink is over!
Anton. And I have a spare handle!
Sergei. Whether be friend, let me, and then the teacher a couple shit!
Anton. And what do you give me for it?
Sergei. Well, I will give money, how much handle is worth?
Anton. Why do I need your kopecks? You will doubt all week for me! Is it good
Sergei. Oh well, come on!
What do you think Anton did, as a true friend? How would you do in his place?
Thus, from this situation, we conclude that a real friend should be disinterested.

Now considersecond situation . Grisha and Vova participate in it.Grisha and Vova - Friends. Vova is sitting near the window, and Grisha is near the door. They love to play football on change. For this, Grisha brings from home a ball for tennis. It happened this time. The call rang from the lesson.
2 boys overlook the board. One becomes near the window, the other is moving to the door.
Vova. Grishka, the ball brought?
Grisha. Of course!
Vova. Come on!
Grisha. Catch!
Grisha waves and pretends that he throws a ball.
Vova. Unfortunately, I could not catch the ball and he pleased the window.
Classroom teacher. So-so! Who broke the glass?
Vova. It he threw it. I have nothing to do with this!
Classroom teacher. Did you throw the ball?
Grisha. Well, I.
Classroom teacher. Come on the diary! Get a reprimand! Also and your parents will invite them to insert the glass! Ugliness! (Turns, departs to the side.)
Vova. Well, what will we play football?
Grisha. No, I don't want something! Participants of the scene are sitting in place.
Classroom teacher. What do you think guys why GRA is missing for football? What would you do on the site of Vova?

From this situation, we can conclude that a friend is known in trouble.

Teacher - And now let's see the scene "same". Think and tell me how Sonya did in relation to his girlfriend in this story.

(Children stage the story)

There were two inseparable girlfriends first graders. Both are small, pinkish, blonde, they really looked at each other. Both moms were equally dressed, both studied only on five.

- We are all the same! - Girls said proudly.

But once Sonya, so called one of the girls, came running home and boasted mom:

- I got five on arithmetic, and faith only three. We have become unequal ...

Mom looked at Sonya carefully. Then she said sadly:

- Yes, you have become worse ...

- I? - The girl was surprised. - But the troika did not get the troika!

Why did mom convince Sonya? What would you say Sona?

- Guys, raise your hands those who have a friend or girlfriend.-Okay! I have no doubt that you have friends! - What qualities should your friends possess? AT literary works We also often meet with the concept of friendship. Is it possible to be friends with the heroes of these poems?
(Students read poems "Queen" and "Jadda")

Who keeps his candy in his fist,
To eat her secret from everyone in the corner
Who go out into the courtyard, nobody from the neighbors
Will not give a bike
Who is chalk, elastic, any idleness
In the class, will you never share with anyone?
The name is suitable Daddy
Not even a name, but the nickname of Zhardde!
I don't ask for a rich
I won't be invited to visit
Will not come out of the chief of a friend of good
Even the buddy will not name it
Therefore - honestly guys, I will say -
With greedy i'm never friends


If you still have anywhere Did not meet the queen - Sharow - Here it is! It lives among us.

All right and left Announces Queen: - Where is my raincoat? Hang it! Why isn't it in place?

I have a heavy portfolio - Donate it to school!

I ordered at duty Bring me a mug of tea And buy me in the buffet Each, every candy.

Queen - in the third grade, And the name is Nastasya. Bow at Nastya Like a crown Like crown From Capron.

What should be a real friend? And you have these qualities

Cognitive:setting and solving problems: Independent creation of methods for solving search problems.Communicative:partner's behavior management;the ability to express your thoughts.Personal: Formation of interest in subject-research activitiesRegulatory: understand the selectedteacher landmarksactions in educational material;pronounce in collaboration withteacher, class find several solution options task; W. Indeed, the relationship in the team must be friendly, comrade. And this depends on the success of any case. And in our small class team will be much easier to live and interesting to learn if we can create an atmosphere of friendship and cooperation.
Now we will spend a business game. A set of B is announced
groups to create a picture. .It is necessary to choose such groups of people who can solve difficult tasks together.
All applicants need to be tested - in 5 minutes to assemble a picture of several parts (rectangles, triangles, circles, trapezoids), stick these parts on a sheet of paper and attach to the board.
So, we divide into groups of 4 people. I ask you to pull you out of the box on a mug. Those children who have had mugs of the same color are collected in one team.
Each team needs to collect applications. Ready? Started ...

The test ended. Thanks to all the guys for work. And now I have 2 questions for teams.Are you satisfied with the result?

What bothered to work for you?

Technological map of the occupation of the orsostudy in the framework of extracurricular activities

Subject: "Colorology. Seven-color miracle "

Goal: Creating conditions for creative drawing on the topic "Seven-color miracle."

Tasks: 1. Formation of knowledge and skills in the sequential image of the colors of the rainbow;

2. Formation of the ability to independently determine the goals of their learning, to put and formulate new tasks to achieve creative success;

3. Development of figurative thinking;

4. Preservation and maintenance of individuality of students;

5. Promoting the development of aesthetic taste, the ability to perceive the aesthetics of natural objects, to express its relationship with artistic means;

6. Education of interest in the subject area "Fine Arts".

Equipment:sheets A4, watercolor paints, brushes, laptop and multimedia presentation, strips (parts of the rainbow) for work in pairs.

Formulated Wood:

Subject:Know the concepts "color", "tone"; "Colorless paints"; mastered the basics of language painting; Discern the main and composite, warm and cold colors to master in practice the basics of flower science. The ability to use listed paint to change the nature of the main and composite colors.

MetaPered: Formation of the ability to see and perceive manifestations artistic culture in the surrounding life; learn to convert the practical task into cognitive; Find out, call and identify objects and phenomena of surrounding.

Personal:education oriented view on the world in a variety of nature; respectful relationship to other opinions; aesthetic needs; Formation of cooperation skills.

Stages of classes

Tasks stages

Teacher's activities

Activities teaching

Formulated Wood

    Organizational. Self-determination to activities.

General readiness of children to occupation; Food, concentration of students' attention.

Greeting. Check availability to the lesson. Choice efficient way (Reception) Concentration of children's attention and creating an emotional mood to work together.

Hello guys! I welcome you at the next occupation of the city. Let's smile to each other and I get the charge of positive energy, so necessary for today in today's lesson. Music sounds from the cartoon "from a smile ...".

Self-adjoint readiness.

Reaction to the words and actions of the teacher; to music.

Personal: Ability to self-organization.

Regulatory: the ability to regulate their actions.

    Stage of motivation and actualization of knowledge.

Attracting the attention of children to identifying the subject of classes. Creating conditions for the occurrence of internal need for inclusion in the creative process.

Organization of active dialogue.

It offers to guess on the listened melody about the topic of classes.

Organizes immersion in the topic:

You expressed your assumptions about the topic of our classes. To make sure that these assumptions are correct, guess the riddle:

What a miracle beauty!

Painted doors

Appeared on the way!

They do not enter

Neither to enter! /rainbow/

Emotional-shaped mood to occupation.

Determine the subject of classes, express their assumptions.

Listen and guess the riddle, confirm the hypotheses that the occupation is dedicated to the Rainbow.

Formulate the subject of classes.

Cognitive: the ability to consciously build their statement.

Personal: Development of emotionally inductive responsiveness; Motivation to the study of the new.

Regulatory: Control the correctness and accuracy of responses of peers.

3. Suitable goal and tasks.

Organization of discussion of children when setting the goals and objectives of this lesson.

He supports the guys to identify the goals and objectives of this lesson.

Which of you saw a rainbow in nature?

And what conditions are necessary for the occurrence of rainbow? Suppose: What do we have to learn today, remember.

What do you think about today will be speaking in today's lesson?

Let's try to make a plan of our classes.

Carefully listen to the words of the teacher and peers.

Express your assumptions.

Give clear answers to the questions set.

Determine the goals and objectives of the classes.

Together discuss the approximate action plan when performing work.

Cognitive: Building a logical chain of reasoning; Development and deepening of the needs and motives of educational cognitive activity.

Regulatory: the interconnection of the correctness of statements. Planning actions.

Personal: awareness of choice; Personal experience.

Communicative: implementation of cooperation with teacher and peers.

    Systematization of knowledge on the topic.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge about the colors of the rainbow; On the opening of Newton on the order of their location.

Reports a student about who and when it was revealed, which colors "hid" in the rainbow.

It offers to remember the location of colors in the rainbow with the help of associations.

Organizes work in small groups aimed at memorizing the colors of the rainbow and their location.

You have already remembered from your own life experience, what conditions are needed for the occurrence of rainbow. This wonderful natural phenomenon attracted attention not only to simple observers, but also of these scientists. So, the English scientist Newton also became interested, as this phenomenon occurs. He missed the beam of sunshine through a glass prism and found out that the sunshine, seemingly transparent to us, actually consists of 7 colors. Newton noted that these colors are always located in a definite order. The sequence of rainbow colors is easy to remember if you learn the phrase: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits" (according to the first letters of rainbow colors)

I suggest you work in pairs and make up your rainbow from stripes by applying the knowledge gained.

Carefully listen to the words of the teacher and peers.

Memorize the order of colors.

Looking through the presentation slides.

Answer questions.

Interact in pairs when performing a task.

Cognitive: the use of knowledge gained in their own activities.

Regulatory: take and maintain educational purposes and tasks; In accordance with them to plan their activities.

Communicative: the ability to listen and join the dialogue; Enrichment of key competencies with artistic and aesthetic content.

    Creative practical activity.

Perform drawing on the subject of classes in compliance with the rules of expressive means. Development of reception: holding

continuous colorful lines

Use of listed colors to change the nature of the main and

composite colors.

Development of creative abilities of students.

Organizes the activities of students to apply new knowledge. During the fulfillment of practical work, the frontal, individual, preventive control is performed.

So, wonderful rainbows appeared on your desks. Do not forget that each color has his mood. What do you think: what is the mood of red? At the blue? Etc.

Now let's try to portray the rainbow with watercolor paints.

Before working, let us recall the rules of the artist (the rules of work in the exercise, with a brush, with paints, etc.)

We can start!

For those who have previously accomplished the rest, additional task: Take the background and decorate the lawn.

Pleasant music sounds, setting up for creativity.

Give full and clear answers to the questions set.

Show fantasy I. creative imagination.

Remember and correctly formulate the artist's rules known to them.

Perform a creative task.

Regulatory: organize independent artistic work, choose funds for the implementation of artistic design.

Cognitive: independently create an algorithm of activity; apply knowledge in their own artistic work; Use different means of artistic expressiveness to transfer your own design.

Personal: the ability to distinguish and transmit in artistic work character, emotional state and its attitude to art.

    Control of assimilation, discussion of work performed.

Analysis of work performed. Discussion of mistakes made and their correction.

Organizes the exhibition of children's work.

Introduces appreciation criteria creative work.

Provides a positive reaction of children to creativity classmates. Forms the ability to adequately assess the work of own and other people's work.

Analyze the work of own and classmates in accordance with the criteria.

Express your own opinion.

Personal: moral and aesthetic assessment of creative activities; Tolerant acceptance of other works.

Regulatory: adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher and peer reviews; Assess the result of its work during the lesson.

Communicative: the ability to listen and join the dialogue; Participate in collective discussion of the content and expressive means of creative works.


Formation of ability to evaluate yourself. Summing up the classes.

Offers return to the goals and objectives of this classes and draw conclusions for the lesson. Rate your emotional mood after work.

What do you think: did we manage to fulfill everything planned?

Have we achieved goals and tasks?

Determine your emotional state after creative work: With the help of "Flower of moods".

What was new for you in class?

What happened easy?

What did the difficulty experience?

What would we like to ask for adults or read in the books on this topic?

Remember the goals and objectives of the classes set at the beginning. Analyze and draw conclusions. Evaluate their knowledge, skills and skills on this topic.

Personal: Emotional-value attitude towards the environment; The ability and interest in observing natural phenomena.

Regulatory: the ability to adequately assess the result of its work.

Cognitive: understand the importance of art in a person's life.

An abstract classes on extracurricular activities on the topic: "Polite words. Please"

Work description: The occupation contains exercises in the use of polite words, small stages illustrating the importance of "magical words", children are invited to analyze the situation and find out how politely needs to be done; Children learn and systematize knowledge about the difference between the request and order. This lesson is intended to implement extracurricular activities of the social, scientific and educational direction in accordance with GEF NOO.; The material of the classes is aimed at the development of communicative skills in younger students.
Godlevskaya Natalia Borisovna, Student Group Sh-31 GBOU SPO "Yeisk Pedagogical College"
Type of classes: combined.
Technology Classes: Game, collective interaction.
Educational goal: teach to use various means of expressing courtesy; become acquainted with the etiquette expressions of the request; To teach to choose a relevant request for this situation; Use intonation as a means of polite request request.
Developing goal: Develop the speech of children, thinking, vocabulary.
Educational goal: Rise up the culture of communication, culture of behavior in society, cohesion of the children's team, form a sense of partnership.
Wood formation:
Personal Wood:
1) the formation of the readiness and ability of students to self-development
2) Formation of motivation for learning and knowledge
3) the formation of a holistic, socially-oriented view of the world in its organic unity and variety of nature
4) the formation of a valid attitude to other opinions
Regulatory Wood:
1) Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, finding funds for its implementation
2) Mastering how to solve problems of creative and search nature
3) the formation of the ability to understand the causes of success / failure of educational activities and the ability to constructively act even in the situation of failure
4) Learning initial shapes Cognitive and Personal Reflection
5) mastering primary information about the essence and features of objects, processes and phenomena
Cognitive Wood:
1) awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, elementary rules of moral behavior in the world and people.
2) The formation of skill is adequately, consciously and arbitrarily build speech statement in oral speech
3) Establishment causal and investigative Relations, construction of a logical chain of reasoning, proof
Communicative Wood:
1) the formation of the ability to build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks of communication and draw texts in oral form
2) The formation of the ability to use speech tools and means for solving communicative and cognitive tasks
3) The formation of the ability to listen and join the dialogue.
Equipment: computer, projector, presentation (the content of slides is indicated during the class)

Structure occupation

Teacher: Guys, today the Guest Cat Leopold came to the occupation. Leopold's cat wants to tell you the very important quality of any educated person. Compare two situations:
1) Denis said:
- Nikita, give a pencil, and quickly.
2) Sasha asked:
"Nikita, please give me a pencil, and then mine broke."
Teacher: Tell me, how are these requests differ? (the first is ignorant, and the second is polite)
What do you think to whom Nikita give a pencil? Why? Raise your hand who has already guessed what Leopold cat will tell you about you.
Teacher: Today you will learn about polite words and how to correctly make a request. Guys, what does polite mean?

Polite - observing the rules of decency, educated

Teacher: And where should the propriety instilled? (everywhere) Politeness is one of the most important qualities of an educated person. Previously, the word "Trust" meant "expert" - the one who knows the rules of decency and the forms of expression of a good attitude towards people.
Teacher:Guys, think about how to show politeness? (gestures, facial expressions, polite words) What polite words do you know? To better remember polite words, we will play the game "Board Loudly." Who knows the answer - raises his hand.

Having met a hare, Yozh neighbor
He tells him: "..." (hello!)
And his neighbor eared
Replies: "Hedgehog, ..." (Hello!)
To the octopus of Kambala
On Monday pinched,
And on Tuesday, for sale
She said: "..." (goodbye!)
Clumsy dog \u200b\u200bKostik
The mouse stepped on the tail.
Would they fail
But he said "..." (sorry!)
Wagtail with Berezhka.
Dropped the worm
And for treat fish
She has slept: "..." (thanks!)
Wonderful sang among the branches
Naked nightingale
And he on the whole sheep
Sparrows shouted: "..." (Bravo!)
Thick cow Lula.
Ate hay and sneezed.
So as not sneezing again
We say to her: "..." (be healthy!)

Teacher: Well done! The guys are polite words called more magic. Why are they called that? With the help of magical words, you can even get a good mood with a sad or offended person. Polite words are provided by the "magical" action per person. Listen to the story of Valentina Aseva "Magic Word", and get ready to answer questions.

Valentina Osseev "Magic Word"

A small old man with a long gray beard sat on a bench and an umbrella died something on the sand.
"Move," Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge.

Lena opened his eyes wide. Her fingers were broken, and, removing her hand from the table, she muttered embarrassed:
- Ka-ku you?
"I'm blue," Pavlik said timidly.
He took the paint, held it in his hands, looked like her room and gave his sister. He did not need paint. He now thought only about the magical word.
"I'll go to my grandmother. She just cuts out. Wrong or not? "
Pavlik took the door to the kitchen. The old woman removed the hot cakes with a fight.
The grandson ran up to her, with both hands turned the red wrinkled face to him, looked into his eyes and whispered:
- Give me a piece of the Pie ... please.
Grandma straightened. The magic word and shone in every wrinkle, in the eyes, in a smile.
- Hot ... Hot wanted, my dove! She sentenced her, choosing the best, rosy patty.

Pavlik jumped from joy and kissed her in both cheeks.
"Wizard! Wizard!" - He repeated about himself, remembering the old man.
At dinner, Pavlik sat touched and listened to every word of his brother. When the brother said he would go to ride a boat, Pavlik put her hand on his shoulder and quietly asked:
- Take me, please.
At the table immediately all silenced. Brother raised his eyebrows and grinned.
"Take it," suddenly said sister. - What do you stand!
- Well, why not take? - Smiled grandmother. - Of course, take.
"Please," repeated Pavlik.
The brother laughed loudly, the boy was poured on his shoulder, his hair climbed him:
- Oh, you, traveler! Well, okay, get together!
"Helped! Again helped! "
Pavlik jumped out of the table and ran to the street. But the old man was no longer in the square. The bench was empty, and only unknown signs remained on the sand.

Teacher: Why did Pavlik want to escape from the house?
What was he upset?
What magic word old man said to Pavlik?
How to talk a magic word? (looking straight in the eyes, a quiet voice)
How did Pavlik help the Magic Word?
Why Pavlik wanted to return to the old man?
Teacher: The word turned out to be truly magical. Guys, raise your hand those who have already had to ask for something. What is a request?

Please - polite appeal to someone calling for anything.

Teacher: Guys, how can I express a request? (gestures, mimic, words) Now two of you will show a scene, and you will need to voice it. (Before the class teacher warns two guys)
Scene: There is a chair on which one of the students sits. One without words asks for another to give way.
Teacher: With what was the request expressed? How to express it with the help of words? Now two of you will show this scene, only with the words.
Teacher: And now two more will be shown with words, and with gestures.
Teacher: Guys, Cat Leopold prepared for you "Frautics of polite words". (Appendix 1) Duty to distribute one dictionaries to everyone. Read polite words about yourself. Reading out loud words of the first column. Reading out loud words of the second column.

Teacher: What words did you not use before in your speech? We will make up the proposal of the request with these phrases. Let's make a phrase with the first word, second, etc. With a support for polite words dictionary.
Teacher: Guys, what do you think, after these words, I want to fulfill the request? Now we will learn to competently express appeal to. And will help us in this plan.

1. Appeal.
2. Please help.
3. Gratitude.

Teacher: In this sequence, a request should be converted. Why start? If this is your peer, then turn to it by name. And if an adult is - by name and patronymic. Further, the request itself. What must necessarily be in the request? (Magic word) And when we will answer consent, we must thank the person.
Teacher: Now everyone will choose to whom he will ask, says it to himself, and then he woofs it. Who will be ready - raise your hand. You have 1 minute.
Teacher: Well done. Now listen to the passage, and determine what kind of tales he is.

Then the girl told him strictly:
- Hold your leg from under yourself and lower it under the table. Do not eat hands, there are spoons and forks.

Teacher:What fairy tale is this passage? This is an excerpt from the fairy tale Alexey Tolstoy "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio." Determine if Malvina was used when congently with Pinocchio. So what did Malvina use, turning to Pinocchio? (order) What words did she use? What is the difference between the order from the request?
The differences of the request and order are derived to the slide.

Teacher: Read the order and request to yourself. At the request are present magic words, and in the order? (No)
A request is pronounced by a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes, and the order? (Strict, imperative intonation.)
Request is performed as desired, and order? (Mandatory.)
Teacher:And now let's go back to the excerpt from the fairy tale "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio". How did you need to say Malvina, so that Pyratino wanted to fulfill everything? Correct the words of Malvina.
Teacher:Now I will play the scene. In the scene, Malvina will use the request, not the order, and Buratino will fulfill the request of Malvina.
Teacher: To see the difference between a request and order will help us with an excerpt from the cartoon "Return of the prodigal parrot".
Teacher:Who pronounced the order? And who is a request?
Teacher: Politeness is manifested not only in words, but also in practice. Listen to several situations, and determine who comes politely, and who is not.
Situation 1. The boy shouted the passage: "How much time?".
Questions: Will the boy passes? Correct the situation so that it sounds a polite request.
Situation 2. Two boys collided in the doorway. No way can dispay.
Questions: Which of them should give way, if one is 8 years old, and another 11 years?
Situation 3. The teacher asked a question class. Anya knows the answer and, as it should be a student raised his hand to answer. And Stupa shouted the answer, not allowing to respond to other guys.
Questions: Who did it impoligently? How did you need to do the step?
Situation 4. On the change, the teacher talked to the teacher from the parallel class. And the ole urgently needed to ask something, and she interrupted the conversation.
Questions: Who did it impoligently? How did you need to enter Ole?
Situation 5. Petya came for his birthday to Kate. Petya prepared the words for congratulations, but Katya immediately snatched a gift from the threshold and began to shoot a wrapper, without inviting guest to the house.
Questions: Who did it impoligently? How did you need to do KATE?
Teacher: So our occupation approached the end.
1. What today I introduced you to the cat Leopold?
2. How to make a request?
3. Name polite words.

Ticket number 9.

Intelligent club "I want to know everything."

Goal: development of educational abilities of students based on a system of educational activities.


1. Create conditions for development in children of cognitive interests, the formation of a child's desire to reflect and search.

2. Ensure the formation of children of developed forms of consciousness and self-consciousness.

3. Training search and creative activities.

4. Development of a complex of personality properties, which are included in the concept of "creative abilities."

Equipment: Presentation, non-ferrous paper strips (rainbow color); images of fabulous heroes; rebuses; Cards with proverbs; cards with good tips; Sheets with circles.

Personal results:

    Define and express the most simple common rules for all people with cooperation (ethical norms) under the leadership of the teacher.

    In the situation offered by the teacher, communication and cooperation situations, relying on common for all simple rules of behavior, to make a choice, with the support of other participants in the group and the teacher, how to do.

MetaPrivate results:

Regulatory Wood:

    Determine and formulate the goal of activities with the help of a teacher.

    Press the sequence of actions.

    Learn to express your assumption (version).

    Learn to work on the plan proposed by the teacher.

    Learn to distinguish true to the task of incorrect.

    Learn together with the teacher and other students to give an emotional assessment of the activities of comrades.

Cognitive Wood:

    Focus on your knowledge system: to distinguish a new one from the already known with the help of a teacher.

    Do preliminary selection of sources of information.

    Get new knowledge: find answers to questions using your life experience and

    information received from the teacher.

    Recycle the information obtained: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole class.

    Recycle the information obtained: Compare and group objects.

    Convert information from one form to another.

Communicative Wood:

    To convey its position to others: draw up your thoughts in oral and written speech (at the level of one sentence or small text).

    Listen and understand the speech of others.

    Together to negotiate the rules of communication and behavior in the group and follow them.

    Learn to perform various roles in the group (leader, artist, criticism).


Methods of formation and consciousness of the personality: beliefs, stories, explanations, explanations, examples;

Methods of organizing activities and the formation of public behavior experience: teaching, pedagogical requirements, gaming method;

Methods for stimulating behavior and activity: promotion, punishment and competition.


1. Audial: listening to mysteries, fairy tales, questions.

2. Visual: presentation, pictures.

3. Kinesthetic: sensations.


    Traveling at stations.

    In the form of a competition.


1. Organizational moment.

2. Psychological attitude.

3. Work on the topic of extracurricular activities ..
-Nas intellectual club called "I want to know everything." Guys, how do you think, can a person know everything? (Listened to the reasonable answers of children).

Of course, a person can not know everything, but he can know a lot. In order to know a lot, you need to read a lot. And today we will define who is the most inquisitive. Our event will be held in the form of a competition. For each correct answer you will receive tokens. Who at the end will be the most tokens, he will be the winner.

To be interesting and fun, I propose to make it multi-colored.

What happens to be multi-colored?

What do you remind these color stripes? (7 colors of rainbow).

Problem situation: arrange colors as on the rainbow. "Every hunter wants to know where Pheasan is sitting."

1. Color - red.

Psychological attitude.

We! - There is no calling words in the world!

We! - This is a song and dawn!

We! - It means you and me!

We! - It means friends!

Good advice.
1. Guys, remember that the student of a friendly class is always: help each other, appreciate each other.

2. Guys to know more: more often ask yourself questions: "Why?", "How?", "Where?", "Why?". Look for answers to classrooms, in books, ask the elders; Watch the world around; Listen to your heart.

The game "Gather Proverbs".

The first parts of the proverbs are attached on the board, in the hands of the second parts.

It is necessary to properly connect parts of the proverbs.

1. Hours - light, (and unsuccessful - darkness).

2. Age Live, (learning a century).

3. The person decorates not clothes, (and the mind).

4. Not ashamed not to know (and not a shame to learn).

5. Meet for dressing, (accompanied by the mind).

6. The doctrine is the path (to reduce).

7. Friendship has no borders, (Knowledge does not have a bottom).

8. Know more, (and speak less).

9. Good teach, (who wants everything to know).

2. Color - orange.

Reading the poem E. Yelubayev. "The richest man."

Know the language today has become

Only one, I do not hide, little.
If two are no questions

Those who know three perfectly

All the geniuses believe.

Well, if all four-

There are no people richer in the world.

Task "Riddles".

Children guess the riddles.

Riddles in the number of children.

1. She says silently,

But it is clear and not boring.

You talk more often with her

You will become four times smart.


2. I am in a cage, then in the ruler.

Write on them Sumy - ka.

You can draw and draw.

What is me?


3. There is a high light house.

Guys of agile many in it.

I write there and consider

Paint and read


4. Pooh the land is frozen

Behind the white-white window.

These White Mushki

Do not go for the period.


5. She comes with news,

And with the fairytale.

Magic wand wave -

In the forest, the snowdrop will bloom


6. He was born in white fur coat,

With him any of us familiar:

This beast is terribly like

Wash the tongue.


3. Flower yellow.

Entertaining tasks.

1. Tinch - Havroshchka went to the forest with her sisters - one-eyed,

Double-chapter, three-chapter. How much did they have any eye? (2 + 1 + 2 + 3 \u003d 8)

2. Water serves 12 sturgeon. When he sent a few fish sent to invite

mermaids, and the remaining 5 sturgeon helped him cover on the table. How much sturgeon

Watering sent for mermaids? (7)

3. The Lesil collected 48 ammorov, and Baba Yaga is less for 12 ammorov. How much is all

useful for their health of mushrooms collected Les and Baba Yaga? (48-12 \u003d 36 48 + 36 \u003d 84)

4. For the school of evil wizards brought 15 computers, 8 of them stopped working in

the first day, another 3- on the second day. How many computers work?

(15- 8-3=4)

5. Grandma with grandfather baked 16 kolobkov. 3 Kolobka ate fox, 4 - wolf, and the rest

they came to life and ran from grandfather with grandmother and from all animals. How many independent kolobkov

managed to create old men? (16-3-4 \u003d 9)

6. The grandmother went to Karaganda. To meet her 3 old man, each has 2 bags. how many

whole person went to Karaganda? (One grandma)

7. 10 pears grew in a pear, and on IWA - 2 less. How many pears grew on Iva? (On the

willow pears do not grow)

8. Crocodil the gene set up a job. Sits in front of the zoo with harmonica and all

birthdays sings songs. In the day he sang 10 girls, 7 boys, three aunt and 2

uncle. How many birthday women congratulated the crocodile gene? (22)

4. Fizkultminutka

5. Color - green.

The game "Name in one word."

Replace the phrase, in one word.

For example: smart clever man or clever.

Brave man - brave

good man - Dobryak

chatty man - Boltun

lazy man - Lazy

rich man - rich

wise man - Sage

rough man - Grubian

strong man - strong

cheerful man - merry

silent man - silent.

Game "Board Word".

I call the first syllable - the children call the continuation to the complete word:

For example: Ma - Ma, for-yats ...

Za - Ma over-Bor for - shaft,

you - you grew up - Bor you - walked

bo - Ba-Ba Bour

c - La Si -

ma - Lysh Ma - Tire Ma

dia di - Namo di -

that is the sweat - Paul-POP.

6. Color - blue.

Quiz "Do you know?"

Entertaining questions about nature.

1. This bird 200 years ago was given the name "Golden Eagle". (Golden eagle)

2. What bird is called the Solovy Kazakhstan steppes? (Lark)

3. Name, what poultry says, what does she getab? (Finch)

4. Bird singer. (Nightingale)

5. What kind of predator develops speed up to 120 km / h? (Cheetah)

6. What animal has become the Emblem of Nature Protection Fund? (Panda)

7. What animal is powered by eucalyptus leaves? (Koala)

8. What animal can change skin color for a few minutes? (Chameleon)

9. What plant grows a month for 3-4 meters? (Bamboo)

12. Best animal jumper. (Kangaroo)

15. And it doesn't sing singing, and does not fly, for what then is her bird think? (Ostrich)

16. In a dark corner lives, a silk thread is hiding. He secretly climbed here,

build new house Gathered. (Spider)

17. My tail can not be distinguished from the head, I will always find me in the ground. (Worm)

18. Ser, yes not a wolf, long, yes no hare, with hooves, yes no horse. (A donkey)

19. Who can go out in an open field without leaving your home? (Snail)

20. What lake in Kazakhstan half fresh, half salty. (Balkhash)

7. Color - blue.

Game "Writer or not a writer?"

Call any names famous people. Children should raise her hand if the surname of the writer met.

Mikhail Svtain, Alla Pugacheva, Agnia Barto, Yuri Gagarin, Nikolay Nosov, Nikolai Baskov, Samuel Marshak, Sergey Mikhalkov.

The game "Riddles on the contrary".

1. Know this Plutche

Nobody will be inflicted:

Cannibal like a mouse

Managed to swallow!

And spurs ring him on her legs

Tell me who is it?

(Puss in Boots)

2. The granddaughter to grandmother went,

Pies suffered her.

Gray wolf followed her

Deceived and swallowed.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

3. Girl appeared

In a cup of flower

And there was that girl

Slightly no longer.

In walnut shell

The girl slept.

Here is a girl

How she is sweet!


4. The work knew and ash,

But visited the ball,

Insults were from sister,

But she did not get the prince.


5. Many people are unknown,

He became every boyfriend.

All in the fairy tale interesting

Boy-bulk sign.

Very simple, though long,

He is called ... (Chipollino)

6. The stage flies,

Traces remarks

Without miracles old woman

Bored live in the hut.

(Baba Yaga)

7. Wooden was a boy

Not reported to school book,

In the adventure hit,

Slightly poor fever did not disappear.


8. Everyone in the world he wants

He treats sick animals.

And once hippopotamot

He pulled out of the swamp

He pulled out of the swamp.

He is known, famous -

This is a doctor ... (Aibolit)

9. Hrew-Hrew-Khrew - three brothers

Don't you afraid more wolf?

Because the beast is predatory

Does not destroy the brick house.

(Three pigs)
8. Color - purple.
All on the tables are sunflower flowers, Dorisite your mood.

Winner's reward ceremony.

Calendar-thematic planning of the program "Rhetoric"Grade 2.



































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