Top testosterone boosters. Testosterone boosters - indications for use, rating of the best drugs

Sports Nutrition Specialist & Gym Trainer | more >>

Graduated from: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank. Specialty: social work, pedagogy. Health fitness and bodybuilding courses at the Belarusian State University of Physical Education, at the Department of Health Physical Education. CCM in arm wrestling, 1st adult category in hand-to-hand combat. Winner of the Cup of the Republic of Belarus in hand-to-hand combat. Prize-winner of the Republican Dynamiad in hand-to-hand combat.

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Date of: 2015-05-05 Views: 27 736 What determines the set of muscle mass, good relief and high strength performance? The answer will contain many components, such as: diet, nature of training, daily routine. But the basis of all these conditions is a high level of testosterone in the blood. In this article, I will focus on drugs that can increase the production of your own (endogenous testosterone) and make a brief overview of them so that you can choose an affordable and effective product for yourself. Testosterone Boosters- This is a type of sports nutrition or dietary supplements used to increase the amount of one's own testosterone. The composition of boosters, as a rule, includes plant components, vitamins and occasionally synthetic substances.

Attention! Testosterone boosters are not pharmaceuticals or anabolic steroids and can be purchased without a prescription from sports nutrition stores.

However, these products are not recommended for under 18s. Since at a young age, people already have high testosterone levels. Therefore, taking additional supplements that increase the secretion of the male sex hormone will be superfluous. In women, the use of testosterone boosters can lead to the manifestation of "musculinization". It was and remains the most popular and one of the most effective drugs on the sports nutrition market in the CIS countries. This supplement has an absolute plant origin and the most extensive evidence base. Give your preference to products in which the content of active saponins exceeds 70%. Such a product is Tribulus from Dynamic Development (Spain). All other products are those that have from 40% -60% active saponins, namely:

Performance rating: 5 (excellent)


A fairly common supplement for raising testosterone levels, although its effect has been questioned by many studies. Feelings of an increase in strength indicators are quite subjective among users who are fond of bodybuilding, fitness and powerlifting. The composition of this supplement is quite simple: zinc, magnesium, copper, vitamin B6. The product has no contraindications. The best time to take it is 30-60 minutes before bedtime. There is another option when the daily dose is divided into two times and taken immediately after training and before bedtime. When choosing this supplement, I recommend looking at the composition and purchasing the product where the ratio of active substances is maximally maintained according to the following standard: 30 mg of zinc, 450 mg of magnesium and 10.5 mg of vitamin B6. Of course, the content of substances can deviate and vary. For example: This supplement is of plant origin and has nothing to do with steroids, although manufacturers like to embellish the effect of their product. As soon as the user sees the phrase "steroid compound" in the text of the description, he immediately begins to think that the drug is better than its predecessors. But not everything is so, after reading further in the text, we see that the effect of the drug is anabolic, but it does not have hormonal activity. Of course, taking ecdysterone will give an effect. It will not be superfluous to take it after a course of anabolic steroids, during heavy physical exertion and against the backdrop of a low-carb diet. It is taken not only by athletes of power sports, but also by athletes of cyclic sports, such as: running, football, swimming, hockey, biathlon, etc. The drug has the following effect:
  • Raises testosterone levels.
  • Improves the recovery of the nervous system.
  • It leads to an increase in glycogen in the muscles.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Shows antioxidant effect.
  • Reduces cortisol levels.
  • Reduces fatigue, increases speed and strength.


The drug does not have any contraindications, moreover, it does not have such side effects as:

  • Musculinization in women
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Impact on the hormonal system
The recommended dose is 400-600 mg per day. The drug should be taken before meals. The most effective ecdysterone will be on the background of a diet rich in proteins. Preparations containing ecdysterone:
If we look at the composition of this supplement, we will not see anything new, with the exception of the special Anatropin blend, which is 625 mg per serving and the manufacturer promises to stimulate testosterone due to the new innovative blend composition. Personally, I will not say that the action of this product is much better than the old and simple ZMA. But I emphasize that this is subjective.

Overall performance rating: 3 (so-so)

A good drug, worthy of attention from a trusted manufacturer of sports nutrition. It is distinguished by a rather rich composition, in which, in addition to zinc, chromium and niacin, there is arginine alpha-ketoglutorate (AKG), which increases muscle mass and strength. As a result of the application, I felt an increase in appetite, an increase in strength indicators in basic exercises and an improvement in well-being after a workout.

Overall performance rating: 4 (good)

I have always been attracted to the Animal line, and I was not disappointed with the use of products from this manufacturer. As confirmed by this product. Yohimbe Bark Extrakt () appeared in the composition, which only enhances libido. Personally, I used this supplement after a course of anabolic steroids. Naturally, I took antiestrogenic drugs, however, I think Animal Test copes with its tasks with a bang. Even if the manufacturers overpraise him, this does not prevent him from being in the top of sales.

Overall performance rating: 5 (excellent)


Of course, taking testosterone boosters will be desirable and indispensable when leading an active lifestyle, against the background of stress, physical activity,. Testosterone is the head of everything, as experienced athletes say. Therefore, approach competently to taking this type of drug, follow the instructions for use, and then you will be able to raise your strength indicators and. Personal fitness training from the author of this article:
  • drawing up training programs and nutrition online,
  • weight loss and adjustment
  • set of muscle mass,
  • Exercise therapy for various diseases (including the back),
  • rehabilitation after injury,

Testosterone Boosters - these are supplements, used mainly to increase the stimulation of muscle growth, increase strength and libido, they also prevent male menopause. Not too long ago, someone asked me to write an article about supplements that boost natural testosterone production. So testosterone boosters have exactly this effect.

Testosterone boosters come in various forms, but most often in the form of sports nutrition or dietary supplements, they can be purchased in short without any problems, i.e. no prescriptions needed, sold in sports nutrition stores and pharmacies.

The composition of these drugs, as a rule, includes: vegetable components, natural components, vitamins, sometimes synthetic substances. By the way, the last substance, as the manufacturers claim, has the ability to increase the level of testosterone in the human body, but how can manufacturers be trusted when their goal is only to sell their products as quickly and expensively as possible? In addition, the market for sports nutrition testosterone boosters leave much to be desired, because. for example, the most famous complexes, such as ZMA, have long been recognized as an ineffective additive, but manufacturers still sell this crap and say that everything is fine.

Who needs boosters?

Usually men, incl. those men whose goal is to increase lean muscle mass. These supplements should not be used by persons under the age of 25. For before this age, the body is still young, and as you know, a young body has an unstable hormonal system, this also applies to sex hormones. In addition, at such a young age, there is already enough testosterone in the body, more precisely, more than enough, because. the body produces an increased amount of it, therefore, they do not need an additional intake of this supplement.

In general, the optimal intake of boosters is recommended to be taken by people over 30-40 years old, when their own testosterone production is already reduced, because. age makes itself felt. In this case, the intake of such supplements benefits the body in the form of increased potency and libido, and most importantly for us, in the form of muscle growth.

Boosters are also used after a course of steroids or a cycle of prohormones, in which case it is recommended to take tribulis for 4 weeks. This will help maintain the level of testosterone in the body, as well as neutralize the side effects that have arisen with the abolition of steroids.

Boosters are only active for the duration of their reception, after you stop using them, all effects will disappear.

Most Popular Testosterone Boosters

Tamoxifen- an effective drug, increases the concentration of testosterone in serum by 142% of its initial level. It is also called Novadex.

Tribulus- the most common and effective drug, now it is difficult to find in sports stores, because. this drug was classified as a drug, therefore it was immediately withdrawn from free sale in sports nutrition stores, in general, look for it in a pharmacy.

Aromatase inhibitors

Very effective supplement, besides very safe. Studies show that taking one tablet of Letrozole (it contains 2.5 mg) for one month increases testosterone levels in the body by 50%. Accordingly, if the dosage is higher, then the effect will be stronger. In addition, taking this drug reduces the level of estrogen in the body.

ZMA- this is what we talked about, a useless supplement that is still sold on the market. Has no side effects.

Forskolin- the substance is obtained from a plant, very often this drug is included in the composition of various boosters, the effectiveness has been proven by studies.

Maybe there is something else, but I don’t know about them, so I described the most popular ones.

How to use?

Depends on the specific booster and the specific manufacturer. But most often taken from 1 to 3 times a day after meals. Average intake cycles are 4 weeks.

Side effects

Side effects can be serious and even very. Therefore, do not abuse. Long-term use of test boosters leads to a decrease in the body's own production of testosterone on its own, tk. getting used to. Thus, after the end of the cycle of taking boosters, the body will not produce enough sex hormones, and this will lead to loss of muscle mass, impotence and other diseases.

There are also side effects when taking boosters, such as aggression, irritability, acne (pimples), and very rarely gyno, feminization, hair loss, decreased testosterone secretion.

Testosterone boosters should not be taken by people who have heart problems, kidney problems, or high blood pressure - if there are any side effects, it is better to stop taking the supplement immediately. Because after the end of the supplement, all side effects are reversible.

Although, if you take the supplement with your head, i.e. at prescribed doses, for 4 weeks no more, then side effects are very rare.

Combination with other supplements

In order for the effect to be pronounced, you need to adhere to the correct strength training, immediately the correct

The sports nutrition market is full of various testosterone supplements. According to manufacturers, their intake leads to an increase in testosterone, as a result of which, after a week, both strength indicators increase and muscle mass increases. Unlike steroid anabolics, which are notorious among the people, testosterone boosters consist of components that are safe for health and can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy.

It is really worth considering taking such drugs if the level of testosterone in the body does not reach the minimum normal threshold for men of 0.3 mcg / dl. To find out your indicators, it is enough to take a blood test. Some symptoms indirectly indicate low testosterone: decreased sexual desire, erection problems, hair loss, loss of muscle and bone mass.

To normalize the level of production of the most important of the male hormones, you should put your lifestyle in order, and at the same time try to recover with the help of boosters. To quickly, safely and permanently change your physique for the better is the desire of many men. To achieve this, study the rating of the most popular drugs, which the reviews say that they really work.

Best Ecdisten Boosters

Ekdisten or, in other words, ecdysterone is obtained from medicinal plants, such as leuzea, spinach or cyanotis. Numerous studies have shown that regular intake of this compound in a certain amount (5 mg per 1 kg of body weight) helps to increase testosterone and increase muscle metabolism by 150-200%. Such results are comparable to steroid anabolics, while the hormonal balance remains unchanged. The effectiveness of using a booster in smaller dosages is low, so when buying a testosterone booster of this type, you must definitely choose a drug with the maximum amount of active ingredient.

3 Academy-T TestoBoost

A rich vitamin complex in the composition. Fast results
Country Russia
Average price: 900 rubles / 180 caps.
Rating (2019): 4.5

In a daily dose (6 capsules), this supplement of ecdysterone itself is not so much - only 15 mg. But it is supplemented with other substances valuable for sports achievements and maintaining health in general: L-carnitine, vitamins A, C, B6 and E, as well as micro and macro elements - zinc, selenium, magnesium. It is noteworthy that the complex of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 itself is considered a fairly active testosterone booster, so the product from Academy-T is often called 2 in 1.

The combination, judging by the feedback from the trainees, turned out to be very successful. Already after the first week, they notice an increase in endurance - weight gain is easier, less time is needed to recover between sets and workouts. According to the analyzes made by one of the athletes, the level of testosterone after 3 weeks of use increased by 5 units. Sexual desire also increases, which is very important for men over 40-50 years old. Not a word was said about the side effects, from which we conclude that the drug is quite safe.

2 Weider Beta-Ecdysterone

Combinatorial effect of 3 herbal extracts. No sweeteners or flavors
Country: Germany
Average price: 2450 rubles / 84 caps.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Sports supplements are often called "chemistry", and those who take them - "chemists". But Weider likes to bust myths and bring products to the market with natural ingredients. So, in her testosterone booster, the active substances are 3 herbal extracts - from spinach (ecdysterone), rice bran (gamma-oryzanol) and dioscorea (diosgenin). Together, they have a beneficial effect on the body in the form of stabilizing blood sugar levels, preventing the formation of subcutaneous fat, stimulating the production of endogenous testosterone, increasing strength and lean body mass.

According to the athletes who took this supplement course, this test booster is the best natural steroid! Several responders boasted that already in the first days of use they updated their personal records of sports achievements, vigor appeared, sleep improved. True, not everyone left positive reviews: someone called it a “side effect” in the form of a diuretic effect, someone called it an increased appetite, and someone didn’t get a pronounced result at all.

1 Frog Tech Ecdysterone 100%

The highest concentration of ekdisten. Convenient one-time use
Country Russia
Average price: 2250 rubles / 30 caps.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The assortment of the Russian company includes almost 300 items of high-quality sports nutrition. Of particular interest is the testosterone booster with a record content of the active ingredient - 500 mg in 1 capsule. This dosage allows for 1 dose to provide the athlete with the amount of ecdysterone necessary to obtain the result. One package is designed for a monthly course, after which you need to take a break. Its average cost is higher than the prices of products with a lower concentration, but if you recalculate it based on the number of capsules for 30 days, then the Frog Tech product will be a little more profitable.

Athletes who have already tested its action on themselves, in the reviews indicated that “the thing is working”, but you can’t do without adequate power loads and a protein diet. The result of an integrated approach, they called an approximately 6-7% increase in muscle mass, as well as a noticeable increase in vitality, ability to work and energy. Some consumers were not too lazy to make an analysis of the endocrine system and made sure that the levels of hormones did not go beyond the norm.

Most Popular Tribulus Extract Supplements

Another common type of testosterone booster is preparations from tribulus, a medicinal plant that has long been used to improve potency. The mechanism of action of stimulants prepared on its basis is due to the content of a large amount of saponins with a steroid structure. Once in the body, they contribute to increased production of testosterone and other "male" hormones, as well as the release of nitric oxide, which has a vasodilating effect. As a result, the drug, if taken at a dosage of 500 to 1500 mg per day, can serve as a powerful aphrodisiac and a source of raising testosterone for men with age-related deficiency. At the same time, the use of tribulus supplements by young people under 30 years of age solely for sports purposes is considered ineffective.

3 Optimum Nutrition Tribulus 625

The most popular sports nutrition brand. High safety standards. The best drug for PCT
Country: USA
Average price: 980 rubles / 100 caps.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Probably, all bodybuilders at least once tried the whey protein isolate of this company - the famous "Gold Standard". If Tribulus 625 is not so popular, it is only because it is a special additive, and not every trainee is shown to take it. The manufacturer carefully monitors the safety of its products, requires raw material quality certificates from suppliers, conducts internal tests and independent tests, and has GMP accreditation. Unfortunately, the number of counterfeit products of the cult brand is as high as its popularity.

As for the drug itself, the amount of tribulus is indicated, at first glance, a little - only 625 mg in 1 caps. However, furastenol saponins - its active components - it contains more than 40%, so the booster has a good effect on the production of its own testosterone. This allows it to be used in complex post cycle therapy (PCT) to restore the natural hormonal background and maintain the gained muscle mass. Taking the supplement as monotherapy does not lead to the expected results in most cases, and there is no noticeable increase in testosterone.

2 BioTech USA Tribooster

The best ratio of price and quality. High reputation of the manufacturer
The country: USA (manufactured in Hungary)
Average price: 1100 rubles / 60 tab.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The American manufacturer BioTech is famous for its good quality sports nutrition. All products are made from safe ingredients according to ISO and GMP standards, have unique formulas, and are recommended by world sports champions. Pleases and its loyal cost. For example, the Tribooster product contains no less than 2 mg of the active substance, and the company's specialists recommend using only 1 capsule per day, that is, 1 package of 60 capsules is enough for 2 courses lasting 1 month, between which you need to do the same break.

On the page of one of the largest European sports nutrition online stores, we found more than 750 reviews about this product, with an average rating of 4.5 points. It is not stingy with praise, it is called the best testosterone booster, helping to recover from a steroid cycle and optimize hormonal levels for men over 50 years old. Of course, there is also criticism, but it is very small in percentage terms.

1 VP Laboratory Tribulus Terrestris

A winning combination of tribulus extract with zinc. Suitable for vegetarians
Country: UK
Average price: 920 rubles / 90 caps.
Rating (2019): 4.9

In addition to the tribulus extract, the developers of the composition decided to add zinc citrate. This compound is highly bioavailable, is involved in testosterone metabolism and is essential for the proper functioning of the prostate gland. Each capsule contains 600 mg of pure tribulus extract and 3.3 mg of zinc, respectively, with a maximum daily dose (3 capsules) of 1800 mg and 10 mg. This is enough to cover the recommended amount of tribulus (completely) and zinc (half - it is understood that the remaining 10 mg should come from food).

100% vegetable ingredients allow vegetarian athletes to take the test booster - even the capsule shell is made not from gelatin, but from a plant-based substance called hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Nevertheless, the reviews on it are quite contradictory: it did not help one category of consumers, another one allowed to increase libido, improve mood and endurance, but did not particularly affect physical performance, the third one provided good results after training and weight gain. At the same time, athletes from the latter category indicated that they took the testosterone booster from VP Lab in a complex way, along with protein and creatine.

Complex preparations - herbal and pharmaceutical

There are a number of medicinal and herbal preparations that can be conditionally classified as testosterone boosters. They are based on substances that affect the level of the male hormone by activating certain mechanisms:

  • ZMA (combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6) - slightly affects the set of muscle mass, increases strength and is involved in the production of testosterone;
  • D-aspartic acid is an amino acid directly responsible for the regulation of androgen synthesis;
  • eurycoma extract - contains compounds that prevent the catabolism of muscle mass and stimulate the synthesis of testosterone;
  • agmatine sulfate - stimulates the secretion of luteinizing hormone and the production of its own sex hormone.

4 Be First Agmatine Sulfate

Complex biological action. Eliminate post-workout pain
Country Russia
Average price: 590 rubles / 90 caps.
Rating (2019): 4.3

An agmatine sulfate supplement may also be of interest to active individuals who want to increase their testosterone levels naturally. It is known that agmatine itself is present in the human body, and its additional intake leads to increased secretion of gonadotropin, a hormone on which the production of testosterone depends. In addition, there are assumptions by endocrinologists that the presence of gonadotropin ensures the consumption of fat reserves, while the muscles are protected from catabolism.

No less interesting for a person who cares about their health are other effects of taking the product: a decrease in adrenaline secretion and a feeling of calm, a decrease in blood pressure, pain suppression after a strong workout. 1 capsule contains 550 mg of agmatine sulfate and the manufacturer recommends taking 1-3 pieces/day. Before training, the booster is best taken as part of a pre-workout complex, so that its components neutralize the sedative effects of agmatine.

3 Now Foods TestoJack 300

Increased dosage of the active substance. No side effects
Country: USA
Average price: 2300 rubles / 60 caps.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The drug is intended to enhance men's health, respectively, its intake affects changes in athletic performance and body structure indirectly, and not directly. It consists of one single ingredient - an extract from the root of Eurycoma longifolia or, as it is also called, Malaysian ginseng. This plant has long been known as a strong aphrodisiac, which can also increase stamina, promote muscle gain and reduce fat.

The TestoJack 300 booster contains 300mg of the extract and the manufacturer recommends taking only 1 capsule daily. With this dosage, athletes get an effect in the form of increased sexual desire, an increase in testosterone and numbers on the scales. According to their reviews, the composition acts gently, there are no manifestations of testosterone aggression - on the contrary, the general tension decreases, and the mood becomes better. The product can also be taken by vegetarians, as it does not contain ingredients of animal origin.

2 Be First D-Aspartic Acid

Best price. No sugar or flavor additives
Country Russia
Average price: 480 rubles / 120 caps.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Traditionally, sports nutrition is quite expensive, but due to its domestic origin, you need to pay less than 500 rubles for a supplement with D-aspartic acid. However, its popularity was facilitated not so much by the affordable cost as by the pronounced result. Consumers note that due to the intake of DAA of the Russian brand Be First, they felt a moderate rush of blood to the muscles (pumping), noted an improvement in memory and an increase in libido, and the muscles began to respond better to increased load. True, a certain percentage of those who responded complained about the rollback effect after the end of the course.

An effective course should last at least 4 weeks, during which you need to consume 1-3 capsules daily. The line includes a powder form of an additive weighing 200 g worth 600 rubles. It is not as convenient as capsules, but it is more economical and allows you to more precisely regulate the daily dose of the amino acid. Neither the capsules nor the powder contains sugar and sweeteners, so not everyone likes the sour powder. If you take it according to the recommendations - along with food, then this disadvantage is leveled.

1 ZMA Ultimate Nutrition

Daily dose of active substances for a hard training athlete
Country: USA
Average price: 1300 rubles / 90 caps.
Rating (2019): 4.8

At high loads, athletes need an increased amount of certain nutrients. So, vitamin B6 increases their mental and physical performance, it is also necessary for protein synthesis, and they need to consume 15-20 mg of this substance per day. Zinc is part of the anabolic hormones and is heavily consumed during training, so weightlifters need to use it up to 30 mg. Finally, magnesium is considered the king of supplements for bodybuilders, as it significantly increases the performance of training - the daily dose of a macronutrient for them is 400-450 mg.

ZMA from Ultimate Nutrition has all the necessary elements in a bioavailable form and in the right amount: B6 - 10.5 mg, Zn - 30 mg, Mg - 450 mg (the amount is indicated per daily dose - 3 capsules). There are no side effects after taking the supplement, on the contrary, there is a surge of strength, sleep improves, muscle cramps go away. A noticeable rise in testosterone should not be expected, especially if the consumer is a healthy person who is used to eating right. But people with a deficiency of the above substances ZMA helps out well.

Testosterone is the most important hormone in the body for building and strengthening muscles.

The effect of testosterone on the body:

  • Increases the size of muscle mass - accelerating growth and recovery
  • Gives extra energy
  • Improves mood and self-confidence - keeping you motivated to go to the gym

There are genetically gifted guys, they will grow and grow, from year to year. Other guys can drink tons of protein shakes, eat tons of meat, and still stay in the same shape. This is not only to blame for testosterone, they need to choose the right training and nutrition scheme, and we just wrote about that, and also about that without the use of pharmacological drugs.

And today we'll talk about testosterone boosters that should be the key to a new leap in muscle growth.

They use a combination of ingredients to safely support and stimulate testosterone levels.

Actions taken:

Help in testosterone production- largely depends on the processes in the brain and the endocrine system.

In every diet you can find the necessary products for this. Testosterone boosters can help fill the diet with essential nutrients, supplementing missing nutrients, and the body naturally producing more testosterone.

Increase free testosterone. About 60% of testosterone production in the human body is associated with hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).

When bound, this type of testosterone loses its anabolic activity and can no longer be used directly. Testosterone boosters reduce globulin production.

Decreased estrogen levels. In the body, an enzyme known as aromatase is responsible for the production of estrogen, and testosterone is sometimes used as a starting material.

Some T-boosters contain ingredients that are able to inhibit these enzymes, slowing down the process, reducing estrogen while increasing testosterone levels.

Do testosterone boosters really work?

Some people think that the only real way to increase testosterone is with steroids or prohormones.

This is the highest form of delusion. in reality, test boosters are not as strong as synthetic substances, but this does not mean that they are ineffective.

Recent studies have found a range of natural ingredients clinically proven effective on testosterone. They work without the dangerous side effects of steroids or prohormones.

Best Testosterone Boosting Foods

Not all testosterone boosters are effective. Many of the products on the market were released years ago and contain old, ineffective ingredients.

We dug deep and found the most effective and affordable products with real proven clinical effectiveness:

D-aspartic acid- an essential amino acid for increasing testosterone levels - through a reaction with the brain, D-AA helps the body release many hormones. These include luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormones, and most importantly, growth hormone.

According to some studies, D-aspartic acid is an effective component for removing the limits of the rate of testosterone synthesis.

Oyster Extract Potentially one of the most effective testosterone boosting ingredients. Oysters contain a lot of zinc - 10 times more than steak. Zinc, like D-aspartic acid, is excellent for the production of luteinizing hormones and helps in boosting testosterone levels.

That's not all, oyster extract also contains 59 essential nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids, omega 3 and 6, and taurine. What's more, it boosts IQ, aids in strength development, and boosts immune system resilience.

Nettle. Working in close contact with the sex hormone binding globulin, nettle 'lignans' found in the root bind to SHBG instead of testosterone. This allows more testosterone to be free. Also, odor inhibitor properties reduce the rate of estrogen production.

It's called a vitamin, but it's actually a hormone. D3 is 1 of 24 nutrients we need to stay alive. Vitamin D3 is absorbed from sunlight, but this is usually not enough for us.

Since we spend more time indoors in today's world, the supply of this hormone is limited.

D3 helps release luteinizing hormones, which help produce testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormones, and growth hormone.

Ginseng rocking the world of testosterone. It has the ability to increase nitric oxide levels in men, which in turn improves endurance and strength performance.

Ginseng also lowers glucose levels in the body, eliminating any concerns about insulin interfering with testosterone synthesis. The saponins in ginseng also increase testosterone levels and luteinizing hormone.

Are there side effects?

These products are not steroids. These are all natural supplements designed to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to produce testosterone. They do not cause any side effects.

Top 3 Best Testosterone Boosters

After countless hours of searching, comparing, and endlessly researching, we bring you the most effective and affordable test boosters on the market that can have a tangible effect.

These are the best supplements we have found on the market and have all been developed using the latest research.

Many testosterone enhancers can be studied. But there are quite a lot of positive reviews about this supplement, although there are also reviews that talk about the absence of any positive effects. It depends on the quality of the supplement itself, sports nutrition manufacturers do not always add enough active substance to the product. And also the way in which the element was mined and processed is very important. Tribulus terestica itself is a plant in which there is not much active substance, the main concentration is in the pollen, which is more difficult to extract. Therefore, many simply grind the stems, as you understand, the effect of such an additive will be minimal.

Therefore, it is better to try several options and see if it works for you.


  • Increased libido (sex drive)
  • Strength improvement
  • Reduction of body fat

All ingredients are natural, no side effects.


High price at possibly low concentration of the active substance.


Given the amount of feedback and opinions from experts, it is necessary to personally check how effective this supplement is for you to naturally increase testosterone levels and build muscle. There is an opinion that the product works only on people who have low testosterone levels due to various factors, such as stress, overwork, lack of sleep. For a completely healthy person, the supplement may not be effective.

2. ZMA

ZMA formula - zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. They are three important nutrients for maintaining testosterone levels.


ZMA is committed to:

  • Restore optimal hormone levels - balances testosterone
  • Increase muscle strength - helps muscle growth processes


More suitable for maintaining testosterone levels than for increasing it.


If you just want to support your testosterone levels and have the funds, then this product might be right for you.

Contains several essential ingredients to maintain testosterone balance, but lacks D-aspartic acid and

In organism. They are designed for men who want to gain muscle mass. It is not advisable to take them for men under 22, as they can disrupt the emerging young hormonal system.

Every man is proud of strong muscles, strong bones and high intelligence. The development of these signs is associated with the level of the main sex hormone - testosterone. After 30, the production of the hormone fades away. Some people make up for it with drugs that inject testosterone from the outside - anabolics. But this is the wrong choice. There are drugs that stimulate the synthesis of your own testosterone - testosterone boosters.

The use of this supplement is desirable for men over 35 years of age, since at this age the amount of natural testosterone decreases. It will help to raise it, which in turn will positively affect the growth of muscle tissue, improve libido and potency. Girls are not recommended to use boosters, as they contribute to the development masculinization.

Separately, it should be noted that athletes often use testosterone boosters during exercise. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). This is due to their ability to raise the level of natural testosterone in the body. At the end of the course anabolic steroids these supplements will help to normalize the hormonal background, as well as maintain the gained muscle mass.

How do testosterone boosters work?

Testosterone is synthesized in men in the testicles, namely Leiding cells. The hormone is produced only under the influence of a special substance, luteinizing hormone (LH), which is produced in the brain gland - the pituitary gland. LH travels through the blood, reaches the Leiding cells, and they begin to release testosterone. The hormone is distributed to all organs and leads to numerous effects:

  • Human behavior changes - potency and sexual desire increase;
  • There is a rapid growth of muscles;
  • The fat layer is reduced;
  • Secondary male characteristics are formed (facial hair);
  • Increases bone density - is responsible for the strength of bones.

That is why during physical exertion, under the influence of testosterone, the bones become strong, and the muscles increase in volume.

How to take testosterone boosters?

Usually they are consumed immediately after a meal, the mode of administration is different (usually 1-3 times a day), it depends on the type of supplement and its dosage. The duration of the use of boosters is about 4 weeks.

They are compatible with almost all sports supplements. Traditionally they are combined with protein, gainer, vitamin and mineral complexes, amino acids, BCAA And creatine. All these supplements contribute to weight gain.

The Best Testosterone Boosters

Most boosters are based on natural plant ingredients, but sometimes they also include synthetic substances and various vitamins. To date, manufacturers are often "charlatans", advertising and adding substances to this supplement that do not bring the desired effect. Before buying a booster, be sure to read its composition!

The most commonly used tools are:

  • Tribulus terrestris (Tribulus Terrestris). It deserves special attention: firstly, it is a natural substance, it is an extract of a plant; secondly, one of the best "working" testosterone boosters has a good evidence base. Dosage: 400-600 mg/day (at PCT, dosage can go up to 3000 mg/day);
  • Forskolin(this supplement is quite often included in boosters. Like tribulus, it has a good evidence base);
  • Aromatase inhibitors (synthetic substances that increase testosterone levels);
  • Tamoxifen(if you take Tamox for 10 days at 20 mg / day, then the level of the “test” increases by 2-3 times);
  • 6-OXO(prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogens);
  • Agmatin(stimulates the production of native gonadotropin);
  • D-aspartic acid(increases the production of "test" by influencing the pituitary gland).

Popular supplements such as ZMA, Boron, Fenugreek are ineffective.

Tribulus is used more often - this is a medicinal plant, the substances of which act on the pituitary gland, stimulating it to synthesize more LH. The thing is that after 30 years, the amount of testosterone begins to decline rapidly, it is more difficult for a person to gain muscle mass and maintain bone density. If the production of LH is stimulated, then the synthesis of the sex hormone increases, and its age-related decrease is leveled. There are two types of testosterone boosters: the first, increase the synthesis of LH, the second, directly affect Leiding cells.

How to choose the right testosterone boosters in a pharmacy?

There are monopreparations that contain one of the testosterone boosters, and complex agents. They include several components.

The action of such testosterone boosters is more pronounced, because all the incoming substances form a synergistic effect, that is, at once, several components affect the testosterone level through different mechanisms.
Liquid forms cause a rapid increase in the hormone, they are quickly absorbed in the intestines, and tablet forms cause a delayed effect. Therefore, tablets are taken before training, and liquid drugs are taken during and after training.

Side effects of testosterone boosters and contraindications

If you use these supplements in the correct dosages prescribed by the manufacturer, without violating the terms of consumption, side effects are extremely rare.

If you violate the dosage and lines, then this can lead to addiction of the body: after the end of the use of boosters, the body will not be able to produce testosterone in the right amount. This is fraught with loss of muscle mass, decreased libido and impotence. "Androgenic side effects" (acne, gynecomastia etc.) are extremely rare.

You may also experience:

  • mood swings;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Aggressiveness.

Precautionary measures

Testosterone boosters should not be taken for a long time, because they, like most drugs, become addictive. They are effective for 4-8 weeks, and then the effect decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break.

Drugs that increase testosterone levels are not recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system. All drugs that stimulate protein synthesis should be used with caution, as the burden on the kidneys is great.

In case of side effects, you need to take a break in taking the drug. Children should not take testosterone boosters. In adolescence and childhood, the hormonal system is not yet stable, so you should not try to influence it with the help of hormonal stimulants. Only after the hormonal background stabilizes, at the age of 20-25, testosterone synthesis stimulants can be used.