To improve digestion tablets for adults. Medications to improve digestion

Natural digestive enzymes are natural proteins that are produced in the cells of all living organisms. Each individual cell contains dozens of different proteins. Let us consider in more detail the role of enzymes, their functions, as well as the drugs that contain them.

Most often, an acute deficiency of enzymes in the body develops for the following reasons:

  1. Improper (unbalanced) nutrition.
  2. (pancreatitis, colitis, ulcers, etc.), which disrupt metabolism.
  3. Taking drugs, especially antibiotics, that adversely affect the intestinal microflora, causing dysbacteriosis (read how to treat it).
  4. Pregnancy affects the failure of enzymes.
  5. Eating foods that contain too much fat and protein.
  6. Binge eating.
  7. Eating unhealthy food.
  8. Poor chewing of food (eating on the run).

What is the danger of enzyme deficiency

If the human body lacks any enzymes, then the food that enters his stomach simply does not have time to digest normally. This, in turn, provokes the occurrence of diseases and the liver.

The primary manifestations of acute enzyme deficiency are gas, heartburn and. Diarrhea is also common. The increase in these symptoms is directly related to the violation of the digestive process.

Additional signs of enzyme deficiency in the body are:

  1. Headache.
  2. Chronic constipation or diarrhea.
  3. Deterioration of the immune system, which causes frequent colds and infectious diseases.
  4. Obesity (scientifically proven that excess weight is directly related to the lack of essential enzymes).
  5. Interruptions in the work of the endocrine system.
  6. Discomfort after every meal.
  7. Persistent indigestion after overeating.
  8. Sensation of distension of the stomach even after eating a small portion of food.
  9. Bloating in the abdomen.
  10. Stool with a strong smell.
  11. The presence of mucus in the stool.

The presence of at least two of the above symptoms indicates a possible lack of beneficial enzymes. Such a condition cannot be ignored, since in its neglected form it will greatly worsen the condition of a person.

Food as the main source of enzymes

The main enzymes that help digestion are found in large quantities in food. Most of these trace elements are found in fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir and various yogurts).

Additional sources of natural enzymes are:

  1. Sauerkraut.
  2. Apple vinegar.
  3. Bananas.
  4. Soy sauce.
  5. Apples.
  6. Horseradish.
  7. Garlic.
  8. Avocado.
  9. Papaya.
  10. A pineapple.
  11. Mango.
  12. Kiwi.
  13. Legumes.
  14. Broccoli.
  15. Cabbage (white, cauliflower, broccoli).

Also, in large quantities, enzymes are contained in freshly squeezed juices not only from fruits, but also from vegetables, so it is very useful to drink such liquids at least three times a week.

It is important to know that vegetables and fruits should be consumed mostly raw, since after steam processing they lose most of their nutrients.

The task of food enzymes is that they give the body the necessary “strength” for normal functioning. Also, these trace elements contribute to the removal of toxic substances and protect the body from harmful effects.

The most necessary enzymes for the body

The most important enzymes for normal digestion are:

  1. Proteases. They are aimed at the rapid absorption of proteins. Also, proteases normalize the work of the digestive tract.
  2. Lipase - is produced in the pancreas and is the basis of gastric juice. Lipase actively helps in the absorption of fats in the body.
  3. Amialase. It is designed to quickly assimilate incoming carbohydrates. This substance helps break down carbohydrates, so they can quickly enter the bloodstream.

The Best Medications to Replenish Missing Enzymes

The most effective medicines for filling the deficiency of enzymes are the following drugs:

It is important to know that all of the above drugs have a beneficial and gentle effect on the body, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking them.

Also, it is important to understand that most medicines are undesirable to take during pregnancy, so you need to be especially careful when choosing enzyme medicines for yourself during this period.

How to prevent enzyme deficiency

In order for your body to work smoothly and not have a deficiency of the necessary enzymes, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Observe the diet. This means that you need to eat every day at the same time. This will relieve the problem of overeating and the feeling of severe hunger.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. It is advisable to drink up to two liters of water per day, not counting soups, compotes, juices and other drinks.
  3. There should be 4-5 full meals per day, consisting of a hot dish, side dish and juice, as well as 2-3 snacks, including the use of nuts, dried fruits or fruits.
  4. You need to eat slowly, chewing every bite of food well.
  5. It is not advisable to eat too cold or too hot food, as this certainly will not favorably affect the digestion process.
  6. It is better to give preference to homemade food, rather than store-bought convenience foods, as there is no guarantee that only fresh products were used in such dishes.
  7. You should avoid eating too spicy and fatty foods, as well as hard-to-digest foods (bakery products, sausages, dumplings, etc.). Despite its taste, this food will make the digestive tract work harder and provoke digestive problems.
  8. It is very important to lead an active lifestyle, since the work of the digestive tract is directly related to this. With a lack of exercise, people often develop constipation and slow metabolism.
  9. Stress and nervous strain should be avoided, because mental disorders can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, it is stress that provokes indigestion and the formation of stomach ulcers.
  10. It is advisable to keep a food diary. It will be especially useful for those who cannot control what they eat. In such a diary you need to write down everything that you ate during the day. Thus, it will help to streamline your menu and give up uncontrolled consumption of junk food.
  11. Do not drink water with food, as this disrupts digestion.

Separately, it should be said about juices.

Inadequate digestion and breakdown of food leads to various disorders in the body. At the level of the gastrointestinal tract, this is manifested by colic, spasms, strong rumbling of the abdomen, constipation or diarrhea. All these changes in well-being are usually disturbing after a meal. Poor digestion of food negatively affects the whole body, if this violation acts constantly, then this leads to:

  • Avitaminosis.
  • Severe weakness and poor ability to work.
  • The appearance of rashes, pigmented spots on the skin.
  • Drowsiness.

Digestive problems do not appear from scratch; in most cases, the person himself is to blame for their occurrence. The course use of enzyme preparations may be required if constipation and other symptoms of impaired digestion of the food bolus are caused by:

  • Constant consumption of unhealthy food. Constipation often occurs in people who prefer to eat fatty, too salty, fried foods, smoked meats and sweets. Excessive and constant consumption of such food leads to significant malfunctions of the pancreas, liver, and stomach.
  • Overeating. Even healthy food, eaten in large quantities, causes problems with the absorption of useful components.
  • Poor chewing of food. Thorough chewing of all foods contributes to their better absorption and has a positive effect on the functioning of all parts of the digestive system.
  • Too late eating. After about 9 pm, all metabolic processes in the body slow down, and if you eat after this time, then the food will be digested for a very long time, causing heaviness, bloating, and constipation.
  • Plentiful drink during the meal. Water should be consumed as much as possible, but most of it should be drunk between meals. If you drink food, then an excess amount of liquid will dilute bile, including enzymes, and this will worsen the digestion process.

If the body constantly experiences all of the listed provoking factors of poor digestion, then it may require drug treatment. It is based on preparations with enzymes, under the influence of which the digestion of the food bolus will approach natural.

When are enzyme preparations needed for constipation?

A single violation of the principles of proper nutrition will not lead to significant changes in the functioning of the digestive organs. If constipation develops at this time, then you can eliminate it by changing your diet. Properly selected products for digestion from constipation should not only normalize bowel function, but should also reduce the load on the stomach and pancreas. A sparing diet will help stabilize the enzymatic function of the organs, and the process of digestion of food will gradually return to normal.

Dieting helps only if constipation is not caused by pronounced changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But if the problem is already long-term or arises as a result of a change in the functioning of the digestive organs, then one cannot do without a course of special means to facilitate splitting.

Enzyme preparations or otherwise enzymes must be selected by a doctor. When choosing them, the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, manifestations of disorders, concomitant diseases are taken into account.

If the enzymes for constipation are chosen correctly, then:

  • Gradually normal bowel function.
  • Undigested pieces of food disappear from the feces.
  • All symptoms of poor digestion and constipation are eliminated.

The dose of enzymes should be calculated individually. In severe disorders, enzymes must be drunk at every meal.

Types of drugs

Medicines that stimulate the production of enzymes should be prescribed by a doctor. Such drugs are divided into several groups. Each of them is suitable for eliminating certain changes in the process of digestion:

  • Medicines based on pancreatin are prescribed for poor production of pancreatic juice, with increased detection of pepsin and hydrochloric acid in the secretion of the stomach, with dysbacteriosis, with a congenital disorder in the production of enzymes. Preparations from this group are Pancitrate, Penzital, Pancreon, Mezim-forte. The course of these drugs improves the enzymatic function of the gland, which has a positive effect on bowel movements.
  • Medicines containing pancreatin, bile acids, hemicellulose. These funds well reduce the formation of gases, promote the breakdown of complex carbohydrates, stimulate the secretion of enzymes and improve intestinal motor function in constipation. They are prescribed for constant difficulty in defecation, belching, flatulence. The most famous drugs are Pankral, Festal, Enzistal, Panzinorm, Kotazim.
  • Medicines with herbal ingredients. The exocrine function is stimulated by preparations with an extract of rice fungus and papain - Nigedase, Pepfiz, Somilase.

With constipation that occurs as a result of a violation in the digestion of food, it is advisable to purchase drugs after the examination. For some patients, a few days of taking medication is enough to stabilize the work of all digestive organs, including the intestines. With a number of congenital or acquired pathologies, enzyme agents can be taken throughout life.

We eat right

Poor digestion is most often the merit of the person himself. In order not to experience all the "charms" of a negative change in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you must constantly adhere to the most basic rules of proper nutrition. Their observance contributes not only to better digestion of food, but also has a positive effect on the work of almost all organs and prevents the set of extra pounds.

Nutritionists advise to put into practice the following recommendations to prevent and combat constipation.

  • Immediately after waking up in small sips, you need to drink a glass of cool water, have breakfast after 30 minutes.
  • It is necessary to eat fractionally.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Eat spices, onions, garlic, garden greens.
  • Do not eat food that is too cold or scalding hot.
  • The diet should include as many natural fiber foods as possible.
  • Drink more.

The state of the whole organism depends on how accurately the above rules will be followed. People who do not neglect the advice of nutritionists almost never have functional constipation and other problems caused by poor digestion of incoming food.

To prevent insufficient digestion of the food bolus and, accordingly, constipation, it is necessary that the following types of foods and dishes from them be constantly in the diet:

  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Cereals and bran.
  • Legumes.
  • Fresh berries.
  • Avocado.
  • Nuts.
  • Pears.
  • Flax seeds.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Vegetables.

Poor digestion of food that causes constipation can be dealt with on your own. It is enough to reconsider your attitude to the diet and change the diet, and in most cases the work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract changes for the better in just two to three weeks. Enzyme preparations in most cases are required for the detection of pancreatitis, insufficient production of gastric juice and other pathological changes. If the doctor establishes the advisability of taking them, then it is necessary to complete the entire course of treatment to the end, this will relieve poor digestion and prevent the development of the most serious complications.

Enzymes (enzymes) are special substances that break down large particles into components. The body has a powerful enzyme system involved in metabolism and starts its digestive enzymes, which are produced by the pancreas and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract to carry out the processes of splitting fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

With a lack of enzymes, the breakdown and absorption of useful elements is disrupted, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract also slows down. In this case, special enzyme preparations will help to improve digestion and metabolism. However, they should be selected according to the problem. This article is not a guide to action, but will give you information about how, when and for what these drugs can be used.

Common enzyme preparations of animal origin

Indications for use

Enzymes are secreted by the glands of external secretion. Enzymes are involved in each of the stages of digestion, which begins already in the oral cavity. The main indication for the appointment of these drugs is. This happens with the following diseases:

  • Inflammatory pathologies of the digestive tract:, hepatitis, cholangitis,.
  • Autoimmune bowel diseases: Crohn's disease, .
  • , functional .
  • Congenital fermentopathy: lactase deficiency, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease.
  • Diseases of the teeth, leading to poor chewing of food.
  • For patients after surgery with general anesthesia, enzymes can be prescribed for the period of restoration of bowel function.
  • Enzymes are needed as a replacement therapy for people after resection of the stomach, pancreas, removal of the gallbladder.

Also, drugs may be needed by people who take anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs for a long time, as well as hormones and cytostatics.

Recommended: To avoid the development of enzyme deficiency, eat only well-cooked foods, eat often and in small portions, diversify your diet with dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals.

How is enzyme deficiency manifested?

The lack of enzymes begins to manifest itself as symptoms of indigestion: heartburn, heaviness in the stomach,. Due to impaired absorption and assimilation of nutrients, problems with the skin, nails and hair appear, the general condition is disturbed. A person lacks vitamins and minerals, fatigue, drowsiness appear, and efficiency decreases.

Interesting: Enzyme preparations can be prescribed as part of complex therapy in dermatology, gastroenterology, allergology and other areas of medicine.

Some patients, knowing about digestive problems, use these drugs periodically, before a feast. This is not correct, since overeating in conjunction with the uncontrolled use of enzymes disrupts the function of the digestive tract and leads to its consequences. Therefore, enzyme preparations should be prescribed by a specialist and taken reasonably, and not in cases where a person cannot control his appetite.

Varieties of medicines with enzymes

Enzyme preparations are obtained from the pancreas of pigs, the pancreas of cattle and plants. Preparations can be either purely animal or vegetable origin, or combined. When prescribing a particular remedy, the doctor is guided by its main enzyme components:

  • Pepsin is an enzyme of the gastric mucosa;
  • Pancreatic enzymes - lipase, amylase and trypsin - obtained from the pancreas of pigs or cattle;
  • Means with bile acids;
  • Enzymes of plant origin;
  • Enzyme preparations that break down lactose (used for lactase deficiency);
  • Combined drugs.

Important: All enzyme preparations begin to act no earlier than 20 minutes after ingestion, so it is recommended to use them immediately before meals.

Medications with pepsin

Pepsin is an enzyme secreted by the stomach lining. It is essential for the breakdown of proteins. Preparations with pepsin, namely the drugs Pepsin, Abomin and Pepsidal are used in people with diseases of the stomach, most often with atrophic gastritis.

Proteins are important components of energy metabolism, and with insufficient production of pepsin, weakness and anemia develop. In addition, food from the stomach enters the intestines insufficiently processed, which requires increased work from the gastrointestinal tract and can cause disorders of intestinal function. Enzyme preparations containing pepsin are prescribed to patients as lifelong replacement therapy after gastric resection.

pancreatic enzymes

Creon, Mezim-forte - all these are digestive tablets with the same active ingredient - pancreatin. The active ingredient of the drug is enclosed in granules, which are covered with a protective shell. Pancreatin is a substance that acts in the small intestine, so the protective shell allows you to deliver the active substance exactly to the target.

There are many indications for the use of the remedy, but since pancreatin replaces the natural enzymes of the pancreas, the medicine is prescribed mainly for pathologies of this organ. Pancreatic enzymes are safe and can be used long-term if needed. For example, in chronic pancreatitis and after resection (removal of part) of the pancreas, Creon, Pancreatin or Mezim-forte can be recommended before each meal as replacement therapy.

Bile acid products

Bile acids are involved in the breakdown of fats and stimulate the secretory activity of the pancreas. Also, the composition of these drugs includes vegetable fiber, which stimulates peristalsis, and defoamers, which relieve flatulence. Indications for use are diseases of the liver and gallbladder, in which bile production is impaired. Bile acid preparations include Festal, Digestal and Enzistal.

In addition to bile acids, these drugs also contain a pancreatic enzyme - pancreatin. Therefore, they can be taken with pathologies of the pancreas. However, bile acid products are not always interchangeable with pancreatin (Mezim), because patients are often allergic to bile components. Therefore, these medicines are only used in people with impaired liver function.

Enzymes of plant origin

Enzymes to improve digestion of plant origin have a complex effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They improve the motility of the stomach and intestines, reduce flatulence, improve the absorption of useful elements, stimulate metabolism and normalize the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Medicines can be used for diseases of the liver, pancreas, small and large intestines, as well as to normalize digestion in the postoperative period.

Despite the diverse effects, these drugs are rarely prescribed, as more effective herbal enzyme preparations are available. Most often, enzyme preparations of plant origin are prescribed before preparing for the study of the gastrointestinal tract.

These funds include Pepfiz, Unienzym, Solizim, Oraza, Sestal. Many enzyme preparations of plant origin, in particular, Pepfiz, are contraindicated in children and pregnant women.

Enzyme preparations that break down lactose

Lactase deficiency is not uncommon today. Patients suffer from digestive problems, treat skin and hair diseases, not knowing that the cause of everything is a lack of lactose. This problem can be solved simply - to exclude milk, cream, cheeses from the diet. However, when lactase deficiency is detected in infants who are breastfed, finding a way out is not so easy.

Lactose-free formulas are expensive and do not allow the child to receive the nutrients that are in mother's milk. For this, preparations with enzymes for children that break down lactose were created. It is enough for a woman to express milk, add a few drops of medicine to it and the child will be safe. These drugs include the drugs Lactraz, Lakteid, Kerulak. These medicines can also be used by adults.

Lactraz is a lactose-breaking drug added to milk.

Interesting: With lactase deficiency, sour-milk products are not contraindicated, therefore, people with this fermentopathy can receive all the beneficial substances from kefir, cottage cheese and other sour-milk products.

Combined drugs

Wobenzym is the main representative. Contains plant and animal enzymes. The drug not only replaces enzyme deficiency, but also has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, fibrinolytic and analgesic effects. Because of this, Wobenzym is an excellent tool in the treatment of autoimmune diseases of the intestine (and ulcerative colitis).

The tool is actively used in rheumatology, traumatology, endocrinology, dermatology and other areas of medicine. Despite the absence of a specific effect, the drug has excellent results, practically no side effects and can be used for a long time, for 1 month or more.

Medicines for children and pregnant women

Enzyme preparations to improve digestion have practically no contraindications, with the exception of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, so many of them are approved for use by children. However, it is impossible to give medicine to a child on your own, since the dose and course of taking the drug varies depending on age and body weight. Especially carefully, drugs are prescribed for children under 3 years of age.

Children are most often prescribed drugs Abomin, Mezim-forte, Pancreatin and Creon, selected depending on the condition.

Important: Pancreatic preparations (containing pancreatin) should not be used in acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic inflammation.

Violation of the digestive function is a change that immediately affects the well-being of a person. Tablets for digesting food in the stomach are enzyme medicines that contribute to more efficient digestion and the transformation of the food bolus into chyme. It is thanks to their use in a short period that you can speed up the work of the stomach.

Indications for the use of tablets for the digestion of food in the stomach

The main indications for the appointment of enzyme preparations are:

  • reduced secretion of the pancreas;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach;
  • violation of the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • prolonged immobilization.

Based on the above indications, drugs to improve digestion are used in the following situations:

  1. Substitution therapy for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, which also include dystrophic diseases of the digestive tract, resection of a part of the intestine or radiation exposure.
  2. As a means to improve digestion in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of such disorders, as a rule, are: malnutrition (uneven and excessive volumetric meals, etc.), a sedentary lifestyle, rehabilitation after undergoing surgical interventions, and dysfunction of the masticatory muscles.
  3. Preparation for the diagnosis of the abdominal organs (ultrasound, X-ray, endometrium, MRI).

Preparations to improve digestion

Indigestion is best dealt with by normalizing the diet and special medicines. Drugs that have their effect on improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are divided into three groups depending on the active substance:

  1. Means based on pancreatin. This substance is considered the most effective and fast-acting digestive enzyme, which in a matter of minutes normalizes the processes of digestion and assimilation of food. This group of drugs includes Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon, etc.
  2. Means, which include pancreatin and additional components (for example, cellulose, bile acid). Additional components help to increase the rate of glucose breakdown and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract by increasing the secretion of digestive enzymes, so that the gastrointestinal tract begins to digest food faster. These drugs include Festal, Enzistal, Panzinorm.
  3. Drugs whose action is aimed at normalizing the function of the pancreas (they can increase the concentration of enzymes in the gastric juice and speed up the digestive process). Representatives of this group are Orazu, Somilazu and Nigedazu.

Admission rules

Greater effectiveness of drugs that improve digestion can be achieved if certain rules are observed, which are indicated in each enzyme instruction for the stomach.

  1. It is necessary to drink the drug with clean water.
  2. During the use of the tablet, tea, coffee, carbonated and alcoholic beverages should be abandoned.
  3. Enzymes should be consumed during a meal or immediately after it.
  4. The required daily amount of the drug is indicated in the instructions and should be individually negotiated with the doctor.

Medicines of this pharmacological group can improve and speed up digestion only if all the basic rules for their use are observed, so you need to consult a specialist in advance and ask him all questions regarding the use of therapeutic agents.


The main contraindications include:

  1. Exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas. In this situation, enzyme preparations can worsen the patient's condition, so you need to seek medical help in a timely manner.
  2. Violation of the liver. In severe forms of hepatitis, it is worth abandoning the use of enzymes.
  3. Abdominal pain without a clear cause;
  4. Allergy to animal protein, which is caused by the process of sensitization of the body to foreign components.
  5. Diarrhea. The use of these drugs can aggravate the course of a digestive disorder.
  6. Colitis and other types of intestinal inflammation. In these diseases, the use of enzymes is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

You should not resort to self-selection of a medicine based on its name, which appears in many advertisements. It is necessary to approach the solution of the problem with indigestion in a complex manner and only a doctor can solve this problem. Therefore, if you experience constipation, diarrhea or pain in the epigastric region, you should immediately seek medical help.

But the selection of such drugs should be taken very carefully: it is important to take into account the cause of health problems and its current state. In this regard, we recommend that you select fermented preparations for digestion on the Internet. On the website of an online pharmacy, you can review and study the compositions, purpose and pharmacological action of various medicines for as long as you need. You can get professional advice. After selecting the drug, you can pay for it directly on the site, and then get it at the nearest offline pharmacy.

Features of several of the most popular and effective digestive enzymes

We recommend this enzyme for digestion, considering not only its high efficiency, but also its affordable price. Components to improve digestion selected in such a way that they are able to cope with physical inactivity and similar pathological conditions of the masticatory apparatus, chronic diseases of the liver, intestines and stomach, with insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes.

You can advise taking Pancreatin when overeating. The number of side effects is minimal (they appear, as a rule, only if the drug is taken incorrectly).

Product overview Mezim

Such drugs, as well as, are widely popular among the inhabitants of our country. Inside the tablets you can find pancreatin, protease, lipase and amylase. In its composition, the drug is as close as possible to Pancreatin ( the amount of active substance is indicated in the product labeling).

Taking Mezim tablets is indicated in the following cases:

  • the onset of inflammation of the pancreas;
  • inflammation of the stomach;
  • the occurrence of constipation and bloating;
  • decreased production of pancreatic enzymes.

If we compare Mezim with Pancreatin, then the cost of the first fermented product will be slightly higher. As we have already said, the composition of the drugs is almost identical. The main difference is in the taste of the product. Mezima tablets have a pleasant outer layer, so they are often chosen for little kids and the most capricious patients.

If you do not watch your diet, but want to keep your gastrointestinal tract healthy, reception of enzymes is shown to you.