Why take growth hormone? Growth hormone - what are the concerns? All for and against

The discovery of a method for obtaining muscle growth hormone took place in the 70s of the 20th century. It was isolated from the brains of corpses. Somatotropin was a very expensive drug. After 10 years, scientists learned how to obtain an artificial hormone by chemical means. The use of growth hormone in bodybuilding is now known. What is this hormone, when is it used, how to take it, we will consider in this article.

Working out and functions

It is a protein substance produced by the pituitary gland - an endocrine gland located near the brain. It belongs to anabolic steroids. It is called growth hormone because in adolescents it causes the growth of tubular bones. Thanks to him, a person becomes taller. But this is not the only consequence of the functioning of matter. The hormone helps build muscle and burn excess fat.

Growth growth hormone is a peptide and contains just under 200 amino acids. Growth hormone in sports is prohibited for use as doping. But, due to its properties, somatropin has found application in bodybuilding. Biceps and triceps lovers can buy it in online stores. In addition, Somatropin is used to treat dwarfism in children.

Who can drink the hormone without complications

Growth hormone in bodybuilding can be used for muscle building by adult boys and girls after 20 years. If you try to take a course of the hormone earlier, disproportionate bone growth is possible.

If a diabetic patient decides to improve his figure, it is necessary to do this under the supervision of an endocrinologist, since growth hormone and antagonists. Somatropin suppresses insulin production. The doctor will advise you to increase the dose of insulin by 1 - 3 units for the duration of the somatotropin intake with each injection. You cannot increase the dose on your own.

Previously, it was believed that growth hormone is generally contraindicated in patients with diabetes. But this is an incorrect statement. Due to the action of somatropin, associated with the rejuvenation of the body and cell regeneration, the substance brings tangible benefits to the patient. It is only necessary with the help of a glucometer to control blood sugar and increase the dosage of insulin on the recommendation of a doctor.

The effect of the hormone on the body

The hormone has the following effect during the courses of admission:

  • Somatropin builds up the muscles of the body;
  • Excess fat is burned;
  • The body is rejuvenated due to the regeneration of skin cells and internal organs;
  • In young people under 20 years old, the substance promotes bone growth;
  • The substance strengthens bones, ligaments and cartilage;
  • The breakdown of muscle tissue slows down;
  • Immunity increases;
  • The hormone has a positive effect on metabolism;
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds after injuries;
  • Increases the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

For muscle growth, bodybuilders should take the drug in combination with other steroid drugs. They improve the figure, contributing to the dryness of the body, increasing venousness, creating a clearly defined muscle contour.

Dosage of the drug

Growth hormone injections are given at a dose of no more than 30 IU. The specific dosage depends on the purpose of the course. When it comes to recovery from an injury, the doctor will recommend administering 2 to 4 IU every 2 days. To burn excess fat, the endocrinologist prescribes from 4 to 10 IU, depending on the patient's complexion and concomitant diagnosis. To build muscle, bodybuilders are injected with 10 to 30 IU.

Injections of the drug (PM) are done 1 time in the 2nd day. Otherwise, the medicine will affect the generation of the hormone by the body. To achieve the result, it is better to divide the amount of growth hormone needed into several portions, equal in volume, and inject them every 4 hours during the day. Then the drug will mimic the production of the hormone by the pituitary gland.

Contraindications and side effects

The most common side effect of using growth hormone to gain weight from muscle is bloating, stomach pain, and joint pain. If you take drugs correctly, you can avoid these complications. It is necessary not to immediately take the maximum dose, but to start with half the dosage, increasing it slightly every 2 days until the volume of the drug reaches the prescribed amount.

For boys and girls under 20 years of age, the drug is recommended only under the constant supervision of a specialist. Although abnormal bone growth is unlikely, some disproportion in the body may still occur.

Before you start taking steroids to gain muscle mass, you must be tested for tumor markers indicated by your doctor. People with cancer are prohibited from using anabolic steroids, as they can cause tumor growth.

How to take the hormone

The method of using the hormone depends on the purpose of the course. If somatropin is used in bodybuilding, when the muscles of the bodybuilder are already sufficiently “pumped up”, and he wants to give them a clear contour, as well as in order to rejuvenate and improve the skin, hair, nails, you should use the following technique:

  • It is necessary to inject growth hormone at 5 IU of the drug every day in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast.
  • After 1 or 2 weeks, the dose is doubled. Inject 10 IU daily, dividing the amount by 2 injections. One injection is given in the morning half an hour - an hour before meals. The second injection is done before dinner. Well, if after breakfast, after an hour or 2, there will be a workout that requires tangible physical activity.
  • The duration of the course is from 3 months to six months. Less short courses do not give a visible result. Longer ones are contraindicated due to the body generating antibodies to the hormone and loss of sensitivity to it. In addition, acromegaly and other complications are possible.
  • Since somatropin interferes with the performance of its functions by the thyroid gland, it is necessary to include in the course of treatment the intake of thyroxine at a dose of 25 mcg daily from the very beginning of taking the steroid. Such a measure will increase the safety of the drug and its effectiveness, since thyroxine enhances the process of burning extra fat pounds.
  • Since drugs increase blood sugar levels, it is necessary to constantly monitor it. With an increase in glucose levels, patients with diabetes should add 1-2 units of insulin to the daily dose of insulin at each injection. This is done under the supervision of an endocrinologist, since an excessive increase in insulin dosage leads to hypoglycemic coma.
  • Taking the drug according to the described method, you need to go to training or do fitness 2-3 times in 7 days.

Check your health before going to the fitness center. For people with heart disease or a tendency to hypertension, heavy exercise is contraindicated.

If growth hormone is used in powerlifting to increase body weight through muscle building, rejuvenation and skin improvement, other hormones of the anabolic steroid class are added to this course of Somatotropin. Most often, it is recommended to add Testosterone enanthate up to 500 mg in 7 days. It is also good to take along with Somatropin Boldenone 400 mg per week or Sustanon 250 mg. Since the mechanism of action of these steroids differs from the functioning of growth hormone, they do not significantly change the hormonal background of the body in combination.

For better fat burning, instead of the above hormonal drugs, you can use, supplementing growth hormone for athletes, Anavar up to 30 mg per day or Winstrol at the same dose. It must be remembered that taking anabolic steroids does not eliminate the need to follow a diet to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. Also, during the period of taking anabolics, it is necessary to go to training sessions that take into account their consumption.

For fat burning, you can also put Thyroxin injections at a dose of up to 100 - 200 mcg per day, dividing the amount of the drug into 3 injections. The last dose of drugs should be done before 6 pm. You can start taking Thyroxine with a dose of no more than 50 mcg, increasing the daily dose by 25 mcg every 2 days. More than 200 micrograms per day should not be taken, as side effects may occur.

Training Features

Features of training when you inject yourself with steroids suggest:

  • Giving rest to your muscles. You can not load every muscle every day. It makes sense to train every other day. Muscles should be divided into 3 groups, and in each workout, do the load on 1 group, in turn.
  • The duration of the workout is from an hour to 2. Each exercise is repeated 8 times. The set of exercises is repeated 3-4 times.
  • When taking steroids, the risk of injury increases. The fact is that muscle mass grows faster than joints and tendons are strengthened. Therefore, before performing strength exercises, a warm-up is required - the muscles must be “warmed up”.
  • Training involves a progressive increase in load. They start with the average weight that you are used to taking. Then each workout, the weight is slightly increased. Then the growing muscle mass will be included in the load.
  • As soon as the bodybuilder stops taking steroids, it is necessary to reduce the load. This should be expressed in a reduction in training time, a decrease in the number of repetitions of exercises, a decrease in the weight lifted. After half a month, the load should decrease to such an extent that the bodybuilder leaves the workout without fatigue. That is, if you started classes with a load of 100%, while taking an anabolic you reached a load of 130%, then after completing the course, the load should drop to 70%.

If you do not reduce the load after the end of the course of steroids, the built-up muscles will begin to break down. You can reduce the load by reducing the number of repetitions of exercises, but not reducing the weight, so as not to worsen the results achieved. The load is increased, a month after the end of the course, up to 80%, gradually increasing it to 100%.

The method of diluting the hormone in powder and the method of administration

Buy Somatropin in a pharmacy. How to breed growth hormone is not difficult to understand. It is necessary to wipe the tip of the ampoule and the cap of the vial with powder with alcohol. Then it is necessary to draw liquid from the ampoule with a syringe and, having pierced the lid of the drug vial with a syringe needle, inject a solvent along the wall, then dilute the somatropin by shaking the vial. It is better to put growth hormone in your stomach in the area of ​​2 cm from the navel. How to inject, athletes usually know.

Where to prick, except for the stomach? You can make an injection in the leg or arm, in the upper outer part. The skin is wiped with alcohol, a fold is made from it and pricked into the fold, introducing a syringe shallowly.

Date of: 2015-03-02 Views: 30 755 Grade: 3.0

Important! The site "Your Trainer" does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who nevertheless decide to take them do it as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

In this article I will talk about the use of such an interesting substance as somatotropin (growth hormone) at a purely amateur level. If in a nutshell - somatotropic growth hormone, it is a polypeptide anabolic hormone of the human body, consisting of a chain of 191 amino acids and produced by the anterior pituitary gland under the control of somatoliberin and somatostatin. Both are hypothalamic hormones. The first stimulates the production of growth hormone, and the second suppresses it. Growth hormone is responsible for:
  • The growth of the whole organism as a whole during puberty.
  • Renewal and restoration of the musculoskeletal system in adults.
Indirectly, it is also related to the state of the nervous system, internal organs, skin, and so on. Why is the relationship mediated? Because it is not somatotropin itself that affects all this, but, which is formed in the body under the control of growth hormone. I think dry theory is enough. Let's move on to juicy practice.

properties of growth hormone

So, the dealers involved in the distribution of somatotropin promise that as soon as you get a couple of dozen bottles of the same (one of the commercial names for growth hormone), then in a few months you will magically transform into a muscular fat-free monster. Or into a slender and embossed handsome man - depending on the goals of a particular user of pharmacology. In fact, both the anabolic and fat-burning abilities of this substance are STRONGLY exaggerated. Yes, it is able to accelerate protein synthesis in muscle cells, as well as reduce the activity in transporting glucose through cell membranes. Which, against the background of a low-carb diet, will force the body to switch to fat fuel as energy for existence. But it's all theory and marketing. In practice, the introduction of growth hormone into allows you to enhance the effectiveness of AAS () and reduce their dosages. That is, you will gain better mass and look better on the background of a high-carb diet typical of a period of work on mass. Will it give you the opportunity to gain more muscle than just on a steroid course in the same unit of time? I take the liberty of saying that it is not in 9 out of 10 cases. Why do the pros grow so huge on it?
  • Well, genetics, this time. There is an abyss between the genetic differences between a pro and an ordinary extra.
  • And two, this is a compote of a pro, codenamed TIGER. (testosterone, insulin, growth hormone).
  • Well, the third component is the dosage. For somatotropin, they are in the range of 20 - 30 IU per day. A simple amateur is not ready for such a thing, not mentally, not financially, not physically.
During the period of fat burning, growth hormone is responsible for three functions.
  • The first is the ability to get rid of fat permanently. That is, immediately from everywhere, and not from top to bottom, as is usually the case.
  • The second is its ability to perfectly protect meat from cortisol. That is an anti-catabolic effect.
  • And third, this hormone, combined with AAS and a competent diet, makes your carcass at the exit from the drying period just FANTASTIC quality. So far, the “gormoshka” has no competitors in this regard and is not even visible on the horizon.
Will growth hormone speed up the process of getting rid of fat? Again, most likely not. True, for weight loss it is, whatever one may say, more effective than for weight gain. Just take into account: both on mass and on drying, growth hormone works only as an addition to the steroid course. As the only drug, it is TOTALLY stupid for these purposes. But it will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and have a general rejuvenating effect on the body.

How to use amateur

1. The first two or three years we use ONLY testosterone and anabolic steroids. Slowly but surely gaining muscle mass, following a competent diet and stuff like that. As a result, we reach a certain weight and consider it the most objective for us in terms of appearance/functionality. 2. After this time, it is time to connect the growth hormone. Starting with a dose of 4 IU per day and gradually bringing it up to 10 IU (no longer worth it - there may be problems), we sit on growth hormone in combination with AAS and slowly change the ratio of water / fat / meat in our body. That is, while remaining at the same weight, the hormone will allow in a year and a half to consist of juicy and embossed meat. 3. We divide the daily dose into two parts and put the first one and a half hours before training, and the second one and a half hours after it. On days without training, we make the first injection before breakfast, and the second one - before lunch, an hour before meals. 4. Naturally, all this is in the background. Moreover, testosterone at this level is already taken on an ongoing basis. As for growth hormone, its courses are objective in the range of 3-4 months with a month and a half break between them. 5. No insulin or thyroid hormones. Just regularly take tests for sugar in the blood and the state of the thyroid gland. If problems arise, we cancel the growth hormone for the period necessary to restore normal performance. 6. We do not put the hormone at night. This is the only way to disrupt the endogenous secretion of somatotropin by our pituitary gland. Don't forget to follow a strict diet. If you have already decided to take risks, then six days a week you eat only the right food. Otherwise, you will not see the expected effect. 7. You can connect somatotropin only for drying if you use the AAS course model, but not less than three months. This is for those who are not particularly rich and cannot afford regular infusions. On the mass - most likely not worth it. But it is also not prohibited. Again, the duration is at least 12 weeks. In general, growth hormone likes a permanent base of injections. My personal opinion: a couple of months a year - only injury prevention and general rejuvenation. In this case, a dose of 3-4 IU per day is more than enough. 8. To date, I personally trust only two manufacturers. This Jintropin And Ansomon. The situation with Dinatrope, but if you are sure of the honesty of the one you buy from, you can take it. Naturally, pharmacy and certified in Europe Saizen, Norditropin And Genotropin These are generally standards of quality. But getting them now is no easier than flying into orbit. But just in case, be aware of them. All sorts of underground drugs like kigtropina, Nordica And Blue Tops, this is only at your own risk. Personally, I would go around them for a kilometer. And the last. The likelihood of achieving the expected results with minimal health risks is greatly increased if you consult with a person who has an understanding in this process. In this case, attempts to do without consultation are fraught with the fact that you will spend a decent amount of money for absolutely no benefit to yourself. So you can


How does this hormone work? What effect can be expected from its application. How to put it correctly, dosage and combination with other drugs.

Growth hormone (medical name - somatropin) is an insulin antagonist, a peptide hormone produced in the anterior part of the pituitary gland. It is used in power sports, with growth retardation, to accelerate recovery processes, in order to rejuvenate the body.

A properly formulated growth hormone course opens the way for solving a number of problems - reducing fat volume, shaping the relief, increasing endurance and strength.

What to take?

One of the main tasks for an athlete is to choose a drug that can give the expected effect without risk to the body. The main manufacturer of such products is China. In order not to fall for a fake, you should use only proven products sold on well-known Internet resources, in a pharmacy or distributed through official representatives.

Today, the following drugs are most in demand - Ansomon, Jintropin, Feroxen, Kigtropin. Almost all options on the Russian market are of Chinese origin, with the exception of a few pharmacy brands. In terms of quality, they almost do not differ from European counterparts, but at the price they are 2-3 times cheaper. On average, the price for 5 units of the hormone is 10-12 dollars.

How to distinguish a fake?

The Chinese are known for their ability to create insulin antagonist drugs. So, among the most famous brands, it is worth highlighting Jintropin and Ansomon. They are licensed and of decent quality. There is a special sticker on the bottles, under which there is a code. To find out if the product is original or not, just enter this number on the manufacturer's website.

Many athletes are in a hurry to make a choice and buy low quality products. As a result, instead of gaining muscle, they get a lot of health problems. To avoid this, it is important to carefully approach the choice of drug. Characteristics of the original growth hormone:

  • The box for the product is made of cardboard, which has sufficient density and is resistant to moisture.
  • The label is glued strictly horizontally and identically on all bottles in the box. If a piece of paper with inscriptions is glued “blunder”, then this is one of the main signs of a fake.
  • Together with the hormone, a vial filled with the original solvent should be supplied.
  • The top cover is made of aluminum and should be flat.
  • The manufacturer and his website are listed on the box. It will be useful to go to the proposed address and check whether the resource actually exists or not.
  • Price. A natural insulin antagonist has a high price, which is in the range of US$15-25 for 10 units.

The effect of GH during the course

Before injecting growth hormone, it is worth understanding its effect on the body and personal tasks. Taking the supplement provides the following effects:

  • Powerful anabolic action. The presence in the body of a sufficient amount of somatropin eliminates the development of catabolic processes and the destruction of muscle cells. That is why it is recommended to put GH in the morning or in the afternoon.
  • Fat burning. The passage of the course is recommended in complexes aimed at rapid weight loss while maintaining existing muscles.
  • Increased production of insulin. As mentioned, insulin and growth hormone are antagonists. During the course, the production of insulin is automatically activated. This effect is dangerous for diabetics and must be taken into account.
  • Strengthening of bone tissue and activation of its growth (in case of admission up to 26 years).
  • Speed ​​up recovery after strenuous exercise. Studies have proven that GH injections work to increase and repair muscles, as well as to heal existing wounds.
  • Optimization of energy use.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Rejuvenating effect. If in Russia most of the people take somatropin to improve athletic performance, then abroad to solve another problem - rejuvenation.
  • Stimulation of the growth of internal organs. With age, human organs can decrease in size, atrophy. Timely intake of the hormone contributes to the protection and restoration of tissues.

As for bodybuilding, here the drug has the following effect:

  • Provides fat burning and muscle gain. It turns out a double effect: the body gains useful (muscle) mass and at the same time loses unnecessary body fat.
  • Growth in muscle cells. Unlike simple anabolics, the effect of which is short-term, upon completion of the course of growth hormone, the effect persists for a long time, and the rollback is minimal.
  • Upon completion of the course, there is no need for post-course therapy.

Side effects

Before injecting growth hormone, it is worth considering not only the positive, but also the negative qualities of the substance. They appear when the supplement is taken in a large dosage and for a long time.

The most common side effects:

  • The appearance of pain in the joints of the arms and legs.
  • Increasing the amount of fluid in the body.
  • An increase in blood pressure (hypertensive patients should not abuse such courses).
  • Hyperglycemia is an increase in blood sugar levels. This is where insulin can help.
  • Hypertrophy of the heart muscle and other organs (possible with an overdose or long-term use).
  • Acromegaly (occurs only in case of drug abuse).
  • Increased risk of developing cancer (in case of predisposition).

Generally speaking, side effects from GH are rare, unless you abuse the duration of the course and do not exceed the dosage.

To reduce the risk of "side effects" at low dosages (up to 10 units per day), iodine-active and lipoic acid are sufficient. If the course lasts no more than three months, then you can refuse them.

Main course options

Today it is worth highlighting several options for the course of growth hormone, each of which has its own characteristics:

Some athletes take another approach - use GH during the "bridge" between cycles. This option guarantees the preservation of muscle mass during the rest period from other drugs.

How to make injections?

Most often, growth hormone is injected under the skin. This means that when performing such manipulations, it is worth adhering to safety precautions and a clear algorithm:

  1. Wash your hands with liquid or solid soap. Treat them with alcohol.
  2. Draw the required portion of the composition into the insulin syringe.
  3. Gather the skin on the stomach so that a small fold appears. Also wipe it with alcohol.
  4. Insert a needle. Note that the point should enter the skin at an angle of 45 degrees (when viewed relative to the crease).
  5. Enter the entire volume of the substance.
  6. Subsequently, try not to inject in the same place.

There is another approach - local injections into muscle groups (usually those that received a load in the last workout). This scheme is used mainly by competitive athletes whose daily dosage of the drug exceeds 10 units.

It is forbidden to prick the composition at night (immediately after class). Otherwise, there is a risk of interrupting the release of endogenous somatropin.

What affects growth hormone?

Every athlete should know what affects somatropin and where it is spent. Consider what contributes to its stimulation and suppression.

GH stimulates:

  • Somatoliberin is a substance that belongs to the category of somastatin antagonist. The lower its level in the body, the more actively somatropin is produced.
  • Full sleep lasting from 7 hours.
  • Active physical activity - at least three times a week for an hour.
  • The amount of protein in the body. The more protein gets to the muscles, the better.
  • Hypoglycemia is a problem associated with low blood glucose levels.
  • Peptides.
  • Active production of androgens.

Factors that negatively affect growth hormone include somastatin, excessive consumption of fatty foods, estrogens, and insulin.


The benefits and importance of this hormone is difficult to overestimate. With the help of this substance, millions of people rejuvenate the body, achieve serious results in sports, develop a beautiful body and relief. The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of the drug, strictly observe the dosage and not exceed the permissible duration of the course.

A small embryo, born in the womb, grows very quickly. This is the work of a hormone, the purpose of which is the growth of the body. The hormone reaches its highest level in the fetus by 5-6 months of pregnancy. Incredibly, its concentration at this time is almost a hundred times greater than that of an adult. It is called somatotropin and is produced by a small piece of iron - the pituitary gland (in the brain). There is a statement that a person grows mainly at night. Is it so?

The secretion of the hormone is a periodic phenomenon, with several peaks per day. The biggest surge in hormone production is observed precisely at night, a couple of hours after falling asleep. That is why it is believed that we grow at night. With its help, tubular bones begin to grow in length, protein production is accelerated. The hormone is involved in metabolic processes and regulates the ratio of body weight to body fat, contributes to the normal functioning of the brain and heart, causes an increase in the amount of glucose, being an insulin antagonist. It strengthens the bone structure and helps to strengthen the muscular corset.

How artificial compound became popular

With age, the amount of the hormone goes down, because a person becomes decrepit and ages: muscle mass is lost, bones become brittle, memory, sleep, speech, perception are disturbed, endurance decreases, fat accumulates. Therefore, many people want to have a good physical shape in old age. The effect of an artificial anabolic agent on the human body was studied, and studies were carried out back in the nineties of the last century. Renowned endocrinologist Daniel Rudman got positive results, albeit short-term ones.

But some people do not attach too much importance to the fact that the side effects of growth hormone are quite serious. Others simply ignore them, rejoicing at the positive effects of the introduction of somatotropin and its analogues. Many argue that these drugs do not have a negative effect. , if they do not get carried away, but know when to stop.

A huge desire to look great, to have muscle like in a celebrity photo, or to lose weight has led people to ignore the side effects and believe that this cannot happen to them. Athletes, bodybuilders, movie stars and photo models are ready to believe in any fairy tale for the sake of their beautiful image. They are told that synthetic growth hormones will improve the quality of life, they are promised that they will grow up, a lot of magical properties are attributed to injections:

  • Increased strength and muscle tone.
  • Fat reduction in problem areas.
  • Restoration of hair color, density and healthy appearance.
  • Reducing the number of wrinkles, tightening the oval of the face.
  • Vision improvement.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Increase in intimate forces.
  • Clarification of consciousness, improvement of mental abilities, absence of depression.

Artificial mountain growth has many dangerous side effects and contraindications

Who will remain indifferent to such assurances? Being young and beautiful for a long time is very tempting. And they give a lot of money for it, not even remembering that the side effects and contraindications of growth hormone are not at all safe.

What is the danger of the drug

A person who thinks about his image, which he has dreamed of so much, simply forgets that you need to carefully follow the recommendations for use and do not increase the duration of the medication on your own. For such daredevils, the results immediately make themselves felt - side effects may appear:

  • Swelling of the extremities, carpal tunnel syndrome (pain, numbness occur due to enlarged muscles that compress peripheral nerves).
  • Muscles ache, symptoms of arthritis appear.
  • Gigantism, an increase in the volume of internal organs.
  • Diabetes, a one-time increase in blood sugar levels - hyperglycemia.
  • Hypertension.
  • hardening of the arteries.
  • Headaches.

Given such consequences, the injection of the drug should be done by an experienced practitioner and very carefully. Endocrinologists around the world do not recommend using growth hormone for weight loss or rejuvenation.

Dr. Rudman warned in his report that the effect of the drug is unknown in the distant future and the treatment is quite expensive, and similar results can be achieved through exercise. You just need to follow a certain course in accordance with age.

The well-known gerontologist Robert Neil Butler spoke about the introduction of somatotropin injections that there is a risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and behavioral changes. However, it must be recognized that for some categories of people such treatment is simply necessary. These are children and adults in whom the natural growth hormone is particularly deficient. It is prescribed for spinal hernia, genetic, chromosomal diseases, when patients are exhausted by severe ailments.

Using the hormone in a person can cause headaches

A clear sign of an overdose is the appearance of pain. To prevent disproportionate growth of internal organs and bones, somatotropin should be taken strictly according to the instructions, increasing the dosage should be done according to the scheme. Keep in mind that the skeleton grows until the age of 28, so young men can only take growth hormones as a medicine on the recommendation of a doctor. Taking the hormone by young people in gyms for pumping up muscles is not justified, it is better to use stimulants for the reproduction of your own growth hormone. Do not forget that side effects, although infrequent, but still happen.

Natural Secretion Boosting Methods

Those who truly care about their health will not resort to injections. A person who understands that at his age the growth hormone began to be produced less will try to change his lifestyle. To achieve good results to increase the level of the hormone, you can follow these methods:

  1. Proper nutrition. The diet should be balanced, which will help to form a beautiful body. Natural growth hormone stimulators are amino acids, which are rich in pine nuts, eggs, pumpkin seeds and soybeans, cottage cheese and hard cheeses. Before going to bed, it is better to consume easily digestible proteins in the form of low-fat cottage cheese and chicken eggs.
  2. Healthy sleep. Remember that growth hormone is most produced during sleep? Sleep duration should be at least 8 hours. Useful and daytime, albeit a short sleep. It will make you cheerful and energetic and add the growth of the hormone.
  3. Physical exercise. Strength training daily for an hour will make your body unrecognizably beautiful and embossed. This is the most efficient method.
  4. Run. Run short distances, and the muscles will quickly return to normal.
  5. Discharge. Do not accumulate in yourself fatigue and disappointment, stress and emotional distress. They need to be given a way out. A bathhouse and a contrast shower, fasting days and communication with real friends help to recover well.

To stimulate the production of growth hormone, you need to eat right

Around the end of the 80s, into the world of professional iron sports, i.e. beloved bodybuilding, a new drug has arrived - growth hormone. Since then, there have been significant changes in the dimensions of the performing athletes. It's no secret that modern high-level competitive bodybuilding cannot do without drugs of steroid origin. But a slightly different story with growth hormone. Not everyone can afford it, because. he is quite expensive. If there were enough funds, or if it cost a little less, then I think the majority would prefer only GR, given the fact that it is legal.

Although the International Olympic Committee banned the use of this drug by athletes, its demand has not decreased in any way. Initially, like most drugs, somatotropin was used exclusively for medical purposes, but rather quickly growth hormone began to be used in sports, and not only in bodybuilding.

So, what is this growth hormone? This is a peptide hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which is used by athletes to increase muscle mass, give the body relief.

Despite the fact that back in 1989 growth hormone was banned by the Olympic Committee, today it is used very often. Growth hormone is mainly used in bodybuilding along with other anabolic drugs to build muscle and reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat. Growth hormone is also used to reduce the frequency of injury, as it has the ability to strengthen bone and connective tissue. In other sports, growth hormone is almost never used, since its intake is not advisable. Despite the fact that somatotropin increases muscle volume, this is not displayed in any way on strength indicators, that is, they do not increase, which means that growth hormone is useless in strength sports. Studies have also found that taking growth hormone does not lead to an increase in other sports indicators - endurance or performance, so it makes sense to take growth hormone only in bodybuilding.

Growth hormone is taken in bodybuilding in order to increase relief. Somatotropin has obvious advantages - high efficiency, low chance of side effects, no effect on sexual function, does not require post-cycle therapy. After four weeks of taking growth hormone, the total weight of the athlete increases slightly (2-4 kg), and in some cases may even decrease due to large losses of fat mass.

The main disadvantage of somatotropin is the very high cost of the drug and the high risk of buying a fake.

Why is growth hormone so expensive?

Everything is very simple. High demand for this drug. It is used almost everywhere. They are injected to show business stars to make them look younger and more beautiful, they are injected to old people for rejuvenation, because. with age, the secretion of this hormone decreases, it is used by athletes, especially often in bodybuilding. In general, the product is in great demand. But there is another reason - the process of its production is very complicated.

“If growth hormone is so expensive, then why don’t I buy a regular course of steroids?” - you ask. And I will answer you. If GR did not do its “work” in the way it can, namely fantastically, then it would not be bought and used in such a large amount.

  1. GH increases the number of muscle cells. Due to this, the effect of the GH course does not “leave” after its completion, unlike the course of steroids.
  2. What is almost impossible with natural training is possible with growth hormone, namely a decrease in the percentage of subcutaneous fat and an increase in muscle mass. It should be noted that somatotropin is not recommended for athletes who need the following qualities to be maximally developed: endurance and performance, because. studies have shown that it lowers the fatigue threshold.
  3. Growth hormone in bodybuilding does not cause such side effects as from a course of steroids. Also, the course of GH does not require PCT (post cycle therapy). Moreover, GH can help you get rid of the "sores" caused by some injuries, because. it is able to restore bone and connective tissue.

As we have already said, the secretion of growth hormone in the human body decreases with age. The minimum production of GH in the elderly, the maximum standard level - in childhood. During the day, the release of growth hormone occurs periodically, there are several peaks in the level of GH every 3-5 hours. Usually, the greatest secretion of somatotropin occurs at night when we sleep, about an hour after falling asleep.

Can growth hormone secretion be increased? Yes, you can. Here are a few ways, both pharmacological and natural.

Side effects

When taking growth hormone, side effects are quite rare, but if you exceed the recommended dosages and the duration of the course is too long, you may encounter the following problems: