The most powerful anabolic. What are the best steroids? Is it possible to gain muscle mass by taking steroids without harm to health? What are the best steroids

In this article, we will talk about popular steroids for muscle building.

Be careful!!! All information in the article is for informational purposes only. Before using any drugs and recommendations, a doctor's appointment is required!

Testover E (testosterone enanthate) Vermodje 250mg/1ml x 10ml.

Price: 1650 rubles.

Testover E is an ester of testosterone enanthate, the half-life is about 6-7 days. Enanthate is actively used by weightlifters to gain muscle mass and increase efficiency.

Testosterone enanthate is a long-acting drug that provides an increase in muscle mass, improves strength, reduces joint pain, stimulates the body's recovery processes and improves tone. Testover E has a pronounced androgenic activity.

Along with rapid weight gain, there is also an accumulation of fluid in the body. However, this is not so bad: the muscle connective sheaths are stretched, as a result, there is room for the fibers to grow. At the end of the course, it is recommended to start taking antiestrogens and cortisol blockers.

Preparations are started to be taken 2 or 3 weeks after the end of the course of testosterone enanthate. Testover E is one of the most actively used anabolics with a high level of return by athletes. The drug gives good results in combination with other drugs. It is combined with methane, decanoate, trenbolone and other equally effective means.


Testosterone enanthate is chosen depending on the desired result and goals. Usually start with 250 mg per week and gradually work up to 750 mg per week. Experienced athletes often use up to 1000-2000 mg per week.

Steroids for gaining muscle mass will help to gain weight painlessly and without harm to the body, in the correct application.

The drug is injected 1 time per week intramuscularly - in the buttocks. The drug has a long-term activity, so it is not necessary to use it more often. Testosterone enanthate is worth taking in bodybuilding.

Precautionary measures:

Heart failure, hypersensitivity, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, acute liver or kidney failure.

Testosterona E (testosterone enanthant) Balkan pharm 250 mg/1ml x 5 pcs.

Price: 850 rubles.

Testosterone enanthate is an ester of natural testosterone, it is one of the most popular steroids in bodybuilding and powerlifting, designed to gain muscle mass and increase strength. Produced by the human body in small amounts.

It is widely used by weightlifters to achieve high results. In medicine, it is used to treat a disease such as hypogonadism (that is, a lack of testosterone).

It acts on average for 2-3 weeks, is excreted from the body within 6-7 days, is very slowly absorbed into the blood. This drug has a fairly high anabolic and androgenic activity, helps to overcome the state of overtraining and very quickly tones and increases the regenerative ability of the body.

This drug has a strong contraceptive property, but at the same time, it has a positive effect on erection.

According to some sources, the drug can speed up recovery (regeneration) after receiving sports or other injuries or bruises, it can also serve as a prophylactic, as it generally strengthens the joints. Despite all the benefits, its abuse can lead to very detrimental consequences for your body.


Apply the drug as follows: 1 injection in the gluteal region no more than 1 time per week. The recommended dosage of the drug is in the range of 250 to 500 mg per week. If you use the drug in order to gain muscle mass and increase strength, then the course is approximately 8-10 weeks. After the course, it is imperative to carry out 2-3 weeks after the course therapy, using testosterone enanthate solo.

Precautionary measures:

  • Nephrosis, as well as nephritis in the nephrotic phase.
  • Hypercalcemia.
  • Kidney/liver disease.
  • Hypertrophy, namely the prostate gland.
  • Diabetes.
  • Coronary, as well as heart failure.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Boldever (boldenone) Vermodje 200 mg/1 ml x 10 ml

Price: 2000 rub.

The full name of the steroid is Equipoise/Boldenone Undecylenate. It is an anabolic steroid originally developed for veterinary use.

It is the so-called Dianabol molecule, devoid of the 17 alpha-methyl group, due to which the Dianabol molecule is able to pass through the liver without being destroyed. However, the increase in muscle mass in an athlete, both from Dianabol and Boldenone, is approximately the same.

According to the chemical composition, Boldenone is a testosterone molecule that has a double bond between the 1st and 2nd carbon atom, which makes Boldenone anabolic properties as powerful as testosterone. The only difference is that the androgenic properties of Boldenone are 2 times less pronounced than those of testosterone.

Euquipoise/Boldenone Vermoge is also an excellent stimulator of hematopoiesis in the body, and with an increase in erythrocytes, oxygen supply to the muscles also increases and accelerates, which is also great for athletes.

The drug helps to increase muscle mass, strength, and also has a good effect on appetite. In other words, Boldenone is well suited for both weightlifters and track and field athletes - it helps to achieve excellent sports results in gaining muscle mass, increasing muscle strength and endurance.

A feature of this drug is that women can also use it - this is due to its low androgenic activity.

How to use:

Injection from 600 to 1000 mg of the drug in the buttock, no more than 1 time per week, the duration of the course is 10-12 weeks.

After the course, therapy should be carried out, since it is possible to stop the production of your own testosterone by the body. And, of course, taking the drug should be accompanied by sports nutrition and regimen.

Precautionary measures:

For men, there are no contraindications at all. As for women, they need to take the drug in accordance with their androgenic sensitivity.

Trenaver E (trenbolone enanthate) Vermodje 200mg/1ml x 10ml

Price: 3850 rubles.

Trenbolone enanthate is an anabolic steroid with a fairly high anabolic activity. It is widely used by weightlifters to achieve good results in sports activities. Namely, building muscle mass, burning fat and improving relief, increasing strength indicators.

The drug lowers the level of cortisol in the body, due to which, in fact, there is a decrease in fat and an increase in anabolic properties. Also, trenbolone enanthate makes muscles more elastic, thereby helping professional bodybuilders in competitions, making their entire body aesthetically traced.

The steroid is one of the most potent, its binding capacity is approximately 4 times higher than that of testosterone. Trenbolone also promotes the secretion of fat-burning growth hormone.

The high anabolic ability of this drug is directly related to its affinity for the androgen receptor. Due to the high anabolic activity of this steroid, unpleasant side effects often occur from it, but this usually happens with an illiterate course or an overdose.


The recommended dose of this drug for the course period is 100-300 mg, injections should be made no more than every other day and the dose should not exceed 50 mg. The duration of the course is 4-8 weeks. You should also monitor your well-being and condition, and in case of side effects, immediately stop the course and consult a doctor.

Precautionary measures:

Naposim (methandienone) Vermodje 100 tab/10 mg

Price: 800 rubles.

Naposim is a steroid drug containing such an active substance as methandienone, which leads to an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat.

The main effect of the drug Naposim is aimed at stimulating protein synthesis in the body, which results in an increase in strength and strengthening of the skeletal system.

In general, the use of Naposim contributes to the retention in the body of a number of important trace elements: nitrogen, sodium, potassium, phosphorus. Naposim is a powerful anabolic, the effect of which is many times greater than the effect of testosterone.

The drug is absorbed fairly quickly into the body, while it is not destroyed in the liver and interacts with androgenic cells. Naposim is useful for both beginner athletes and professionals. For one course of taking the drug, you can gain up to 10 kg of "raw" muscle mass.

The big disadvantage of the drug is the excessive accumulation of water, but this can all be corrected by supplementing the course with appropriate steroids for mass.

The drug was developed by an American company in 1956, but the product went on sale 5 years later. Initially, it was used to accelerate the healing of tissues after burns. After some time, his action was appreciated by powerlifters and bodybuilders.

Instructions for use, dosage:

For professional athletes, the dosage ranges from 10 to 50 mg per day, the course is designed for 6-8 weeks, i.e. Naposim tablets are affordable. Since the drug breaks down in the body within 3-5 hours, you should know how to take the drug correctly, the daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses.

This ensures maximum efficiency of Naposima. Beginners should not exceed a daily dose of 30 mg. The drug can be bought both individually and in combination with other steroids.

Side effects:

Naposim is not recommended for women, due to its androgenic activity, as well as for people who have various diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Among the possible side effects can be identified an increase in pressure, the formation of acne.

Androver (oxymetholone) Vermodje 100 tab/50 mg

Price: 3000 rub.

Andorver is a powerful anabolic steroid with high anabolic activity and low androgenicity. The drug is able to help the athlete in a short time to gain up to 15 kg of muscle mass. It also increases endurance and strength indicators, improves the condition of joints and bone tissue.

It is one of the best steroids for gaining muscle mass, on a level with testosterone, sustanon, etc. The molecules of the active substance are a modification of dihydrotestosterone. Aromatization is almost completely absent in the preparation, however, there is still a slight estrogenic activity. Andorver has the ability to stimulate estrogen receptors in cells.

Side effects with proper dosage, as a rule, are rare. However, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the liver while taking it. Predominantly intended for athletes who are experienced in the use of steroids.

Taking the drug gives excellent results with a solo course, but you can achieve even more when combining the drug with other steroids. But before use, you need to consult with a specialist in this matter.

How to use:

For beginners, it is best to start with lighter preparations, as this tool is designed for professionals. As a rule, the course lasts 6 weeks. However, it should start smoothly and end the same way. The average daily dosage for males is 50-150 mg. For women, it is better to refrain from taking this drug, but in extreme cases, the daily dose should not exceed 50 mg.

Precautionary measures:

Sustaver (sustanon) Vermodje 250 mg/1ml x 10 ml

Price: 1700 rubles.

Sustanon is a powerful anabolic agent with a pronounced androgenic component. Sustanon is a combination of 4 testosterones that have a strong synergistic effect. The drug has a fast and long action.

Sustanon is mainly included in courses for intensive weight gain, as the drug significantly increases strength and promotes muscle growth. Compared to other testosterone preparations, Sustanon from Vermoge has a number of advantages.

The tool has a much better effect than cypionate or testosterone enanthate alone. Thanks to the propionate contained in the composition, a positive effect is observed after a few weeks. The drug begins to act on the body 1 day after administration and continues to be active for another 3-4 weeks due to the presence of decanoate in the composition.

A strong anabolic effect is combined with a pronounced androgenic effect, so many athletes choose sustanon to build muscle mass and increase strength potential. Sustanon 250 solo has an excellent effect on experienced athletes, and a strong dose increase is usually not required.


The recommended starting dose of Sustanon is 250 mg every 10 days. Then the dose is adjusted to 1000 mg per week. Some athletes take more than 1 g per week, however, in this case, unwanted side effects outweigh the positive results. For large volumes, it is recommended to combine the drug with oxymetalone.

Side effects:

Prostate carcinoma, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, diabetes mellitus, impaired liver and kidney function.

Sustamed (sustanon) Balkan pharm 250 mg/1 ml x 5 pcs.

Price: 1000 rubles.

It is worth buying Sustamed only because it is one of the most popular injectable steroids. The drug is a powerful combination of four esters: testosterone propionate, testosterone isocaproate, testosterone phenylporopionate and testosterone decanoate, i.e. androgenic steroid.

The tool has been designed to achieve fast results and long-lasting effect. The testosterones included in the preparation penetrate the blood at different times. In addition, they exhibit the highest activity at different speeds.

As a result, the drug acts as quickly and efficiently as possible and retains its effect for a long time. Already on the second day after taking sustanon, it has an active effect on the body and does not stop working for the next four weeks. This is one of the positive qualities that make the drug so popular among athletes.

Taking sustanon in bodybuilding has a pronounced anabolic and androgenic effect. This steroid drug is very often included in training programs to gain muscle mass, as well as to increase the weight and strength of an athlete. When taking the drug, there is a significant increase in endurance.

Sustanon works great for both experienced athletes and beginners.


Be sure to know how to inject Sustanon 250. The dosage should be prescribed depending on the physical condition of the athlete and his strength indicators. Usually start with 250 ml per week and gradually increase the dose to 1000 ml per day. Only professional athletes can afford such a high dosage. The solo course (weekly dose) varies from 250 ml to 1000 ml.

Precautionary measures:

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug, hypersensitivity, acute heart failure, disorders of the liver and kidneys.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

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Heard about the terrible consequences of using anabolic steroids for gaining muscle mass from familiar athletes or read online and are afraid to use them?

You are doing the right thing. Thousands of articles and books have been written about the dangers of these funds, films and videos have been shot, but even today the topic of using “dishonest tricks” in sports haunts fans to pump up quickly without overstressing.

Many professional bodybuilders would not achieve half of the success they have now without the use of special drugs. If the choice to resort to the help of "chemistry" is made consciously, the athlete needs to find the least traumatic options for the body.

Anabolic steroids or, for short, steroids (anabolics) are artificially created drugs that provoke muscle growth and increase strength by increasing the production of sex hormones and the accumulation of nitrogen in muscle tissue.

These drugs are used and produced by medicine for peaceful purposes - for the treatment of testicular cancer, for sex change, for disorders of the pituitary gland during puberty, for muscle recovery after atrophy caused by prolonged immobility. In these cases, the amount of testosterone taken varies from 2.5 to 400 mg, taken in courses of 4-6 weeks.

Athletes, on the other hand, often abuse chemistry, combine several drugs so that they receive 20-2000 mg of the hormone per day.

Consider the harmful aspects of taking anabolic steroids:

  1. Inhibition of the function of hormone production by the body - with a high concentration of testosterone in the blood, the glands stop its production. With great abuse, this is fraught with complete atrophy of the glands (testicles).
  2. The toxic effect of some anabolics on the liver, its destruction, dystrophy, adenoma.
  3. Enlargement of the mammary glands in men (gynecomastia) is manifested by an increase in certain drugs in the production of the female sex hormone - estrogen.
  4. Skin rashes - acne, acne, as the drugs provoke increased secretion of sebum.
  5. Elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood - leads to atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels, cardiac arrest, thrombosis, heart attack, ventricular hypertrophy, high blood pressure, kidney disease.
  6. Inhibition of brain abilities, the brain decreases in volume - the mechanism is not fully understood.
  7. Aggressive behavior, depression.
  8. Baldness.
  9. The acquisition of male features by the female body - a rough voice, atrophy of the genital organs and breasts, a change in facial features towards masculinity (masculinity).
  10. Testicular atrophy, prostate hypertrophy, temporary infertility.

If such side effects at a particular stage in the life of athletes are not afraid, then the “beneficial” effect of anabolics is more important for them:

  1. Increased endurance, strength and lean muscle mass
  2. Accelerated metabolism, drying, weight loss is faster
  3. Reduction of time and labor costs to increase sports performance, weight - up to 8-15 kg for a 1.5-month course.
  4. Accelerated muscle recovery, injury healing
  5. Strengthen ligaments
  6. Pain relief, e.g. arthritis
  7. Stress hormone suppression

In pharmacies, drugs are sold only by prescription and doctor's prescriptions, but in modern realities, we all know that whoever seeks always finds. Therefore, the responsibility to their health for the choice in favor of chemicals in order to become more beautiful or win in competitions lies entirely with the athlete.

What are the best steroids to choose for gaining muscle mass

Steroids are oral and injectable. Oral ones are more convenient, but also more harmful - pills additionally strike at the athlete's liver, among other harm. In the case of using injections at home, there is a high risk of infection (with poor skin sterilization) and the risk of overdose.

Many different top 10 anabolic steroids for gaining muscle mass have been compiled, below is a summarized summary of specific active ingredients of the drugs. The selection criterion is popularity among athletes.

1. Methandrostenolone (Dianabol, Danabol, Dianabol, "methane", Nerobol, Anabol, etc.)

  • + fast, efficient
  • + relatively affordable
  • - toxic to the liver
  • - goes into estrogen in the body, leads to an increase in the mammary gland in men, baldness, acne (average androgyny)
  • - retains water in the body
  • - a quick return to the old mass after the end of the course

2. Testosterone - drugs Enanthate (Enanthate), Cypionate (Cypionate), Propionate, Oxandrolone etc.

  • + This steroid is part of most drugs
  • + does not interfere with water circulation
  • + Helps burn fat
  • + after stopping the intake, there is no sharp rollback towards weight loss
  • - passes in the body into estrogen (high androgyny)

3. Turinabol

  • + does not turn into estrogen due to chlorine in the composition of the drug (safe for male mammary glands, as well as kidneys)
  • - toxic to the liver in high doses
  • - most often counterfeited

4. Nandrolone (Nandrolone, Decanoate, Deca-Durabolin, "Deca", Retabolil, the basis is the substance 19-nortestosterone)

  • + highly efficient
  • + low toxicity
  • + weak effect of inhibition of gland functions
  • + low rollback to the old mass
  • + strengthens bones and ligaments, joints, improves immunity, improves oxygen exchange
  • - temporary "male weakness": sluggish erection, low libido
  • - acts slowly, which implies a longer and more expensive course of administration

5. Oxymetholone (Anadrol, Anadrol, Anadrol, Androlik, Dynasten, etc.)

  • + most powerful
  • - a strong blow to the liver, heart, gland function, especially with prolonged use and increased doses
  • - rollback by weight after taking up to - 30%
  • – danger of gynecomastia even in the absence of conversion to estrogen

6. Sustanon 250 (Sustanon) injection

  • + can be taken less often than other drugs
  • + increased immunity, sexual desire
  • - the risk of infection if sterility is not observed
  • - risk of overdose
  • - general malaise, symptoms of a viral infection (most often with a fake, low-quality drug)
  • - suppression of own secretory functions up to testicular atrophy

8. Trenbolone (Trenbol-100, Trenbolone, Finaplix, Finaplex, also Parabolan or Trenbolone Enanthate)

  • + not converted to female hormone
  • + quite powerful and fast
  • + increased libido during the course
  • - common side effects
  • – risk of erectile dysfunction after the course
  • - mental disorders: attacks of aggression, depression, insomnia
  • – hypertension

9. Boldenone (Equipoise, Equipoise)

  • + powerful
  • + toxicity and risk of side effects are low
  • + the effect lasts for a long time after the course
  • – average conversion to estrogen
  • - increases appetite

10. Primobolan (Methenolone, Primobol) - for injections and tablets

  • + good for maintaining relief when losing weight, drying
  • + minimum side effects
  • - moderate weight gain

11. Winstrol (Strombafort, Strombajekt, Stanover, Stromba, Stanol, etc. The active substance is stanozol)

  • + increases strength, endurance
  • + draws terrain
  • + does not convert to estrogen
  • - helps to build muscle mass slightly
  • - increases appetite
  • - ligaments and joints suffer
  • - hypertension, increased blood cholesterol, myocardial hypertrophy
  • - toxic to the liver

The safest steroids

Safe steroids are a myth.

But, based on the foregoing, you can choose the drug that will have the least destructive effect on the body.

Based on the minimum androgynous action, Boldenone (Boldever), Oxandrolone (Oxandrin, Oxaver other names: Anavar, Lonavar), Primobolan, Clomid (Clomiver) and Masteron can be distinguished. These drugs gently increase muscle mass, are not converted into a female hormone and do not lead to hair loss, rashes. Allow to dry beautifully without losing relief.

Oxandrolone is especially good for novice athletes, those who have been doing it seriously and for a long time will not feel any positive effect from taking it.

Do not forget that even these safest drugs inhibit the production of their own hormones, which means they inevitably lead to negative consequences, and oral anabolics will always harm the liver. When using injections, each time it is necessary to take a new sterile syringe, disinfect the skin with alcohol.

You can minimize the harm from taking anabolic steroids in such ways as:

  • do a course of admission no more than 16 weeks;
  • choose drugs with minimal inhibition of the function of producing your own testosterone;
  • combine taking drugs with antiestrogen substances (such as Clomid, clomiphene, nolvadex, tamoxifen);
  • do not apply before reaching the age of 25;
  • monitor blood biochemistry indicators by taking tests;
  • do not use drugs for women and people with contraindications (diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, high blood pressure, with a predisposition to oncology).

Preparations for rapid muscle mass gain

Such modern drugs lead to a rapid increase in muscles, such as:

1) Oxymetholone (Anadrol)

The most “deadly” in terms of the strength of the impact in good and bad sense is anadrol, which quickly fills the muscles with blood (i.e. water), as it was originally developed to treat anemia.

Even avid and seasoned bodybuilders will take it at doses below the recommended ones. The muscles that he will help to pump up will mostly consist of water and will quickly “dissolve” after the end of the course. Antiestrogen neutralizers won't help because the drug becomes progesterone, not estrogen, which leads to the same side effects when taken in excess. You can reduce androgyny by taking Stanozolol at the same time.

Anadrol is comparable in power to Methandrostenolone. On average, it can give + 4-5 net (after the water leaves) kilograms for an 80-85 kilogram athlete in 4 months. In combination with testosterone will give even greater performance. Taken together with Primobolan and similar "soft" anabolics, it allows you to neutralize almost all of its negative effects.

Can provoke depression, apathy.

An injectable drug that allows you to quickly gain muscle mass. It improves protein metabolism, retains amino acids in muscle tissue, in addition, articular lubrication is well released, pain in the joints goes away. At the same time, it is considered relatively low-toxic. It turns into a weak hormone dihydronandrolone. Of the side effects, a weak erection is most often observed, as well as a runny nose, rash, headache and back pain.

It is combined with Winstrol, Bromocriptine (analogue - Cabergoline, Dostinex) to restore sexual functions while taking Deca.

3) Dianabol

Methandrostenolone (Danabol, Nerobol, Naposim) for injection is one of the most powerful steroids. Also dangerous is the transition to estrogen after the breakdown and the corresponding side effects, especially when taking more than 30 mg per day. Fat with it is not burned very actively, but the nervous and skeletal systems are strengthened. Water also delays, after the course of administration, 10-50% of the gained muscle mass is lost.

4) Sustanon 250

As part of 4 different testosterone esters, which are absorbed over different periods of time, which gives a lasting effect and the ability to take the drug less often than other anabolics would have to be injected. Not a fake drug can only be in a glass ampoule.

An analogue of the drug Omnadren 250, Sustanon is often used together with Methandienone and Nandrolone. In addition, anti-estrogens (eg Proviron) are also recommended.

5) Trenbolone (Parabolan, Finaject, Finaplex

The drug increases strength, quickly allows you to gain the desired weight (up to 10 kg in 2-3 months), promotes active fat burning, inhibits cortisol (fat accumulation hormone). But because of it, an erection as such can stop bothering an athlete for the entire duration of the intake, significantly reduces the production of testosterone by the testicles, which leads to their atrophy. Urine may be stained red.

To neutralize the effect of sexual dysfunction, it is used in conjunction with gonadotropin, cabergoline.

Whatever an athlete chooses for himself using anabolic steroids: more endurance, strength, a beautiful relief quickly, or an impressive muscle mountain, he must clearly understand all the consequences of such a choice. It will be impossible to use only a steroid drug and stay with normally functioning organs - tons of supplements, recovery courses, neutralizers will be required, and this is even more and more chemistry.

The body quickly wears out, ages, "forgets" what it was created for and how to live in natural conditions.

When choosing a beautiful body, think about health, how long it will take, your body will be beautiful. Do you and your loved ones need it, of course, if you are not a professional bodybuilder and earn money with this. And I have everything.

Your Ivan.

Anabolic steroid(AS) are drugs that enhance anabolic processes in the body. Mainly used by athletes to increase muscle mass, strength and endurance.

Back in the 1930s, scientists were able to synthesize the first anabolic drugs. Over time, they were improved, and as soon as these drugs appeared on the market, the world of sports, including bodybuilding, changed, “turned upside down”. After all, a new era began in sports: athletes began to run faster and further, jump higher, press more, etc., began to set previously unseen records.

While taking steroids, you significantly increase the level testosterone(with the exception of progestin steroids such as Nandrolone). Testosterone contributes to a significant acceleration of protein synthesis in the body, reduces recovery time, and also prevents processes catabolism resulting in muscle growth.

To get the maximum result from the use of anabolic steroids, you must follow the basic rules:

  • purchase quality drugs;
  • competently conduct courses;
  • train well;
  • adhere to the regimen and diet.

Effect of steroids

Their effects are divided into 2 groups: anabolic and androgenic.

Anabolic effects:

  • muscle growth (some drugs allow you to gain 8-10 kg);
  • an increase in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes);
  • strengthening bones, ligaments and tendons;
  • significant increase in strength and endurance;
  • burning adipose tissue and much more.

Androgenic effects (also side effects)

  • baldness, but at the same time there is an increased growth of hair on the face and body;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • masculinization;
  • virilization;
  • testicular atrophy.

Harm of steroids

Steroids have the following side effects: irritability, decrease in the quality and decrease in the amount of sperm, increased pressure, impotence, infertility, gynecomastia, hair loss, masculinization, liver damage, myocardial hypertrophy, growth retardation at a young age, acne, addiction, mood swings, testicular atrophy, fluid retention and others. All of the above side effects have a different frequency of occurrence. Read more about the side effects of AS in the article: " Anabolic Steroids: Side Effects«.

Due to the fact that during the course of anabolic steroids the body artificially receives testosterone, it stops synthesizing its own. At the end of the course, the level of natural testosterone is close to zero. In order to resume its normal level, at the end of the AS course, post cycle therapy (PCT).

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The site provides information for informational purposes only. IronSet does not sell or encourage the use of potent substances, including anabolic steroids. This information is collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of certain drugs. The information presented on the site does not call for the use or distribution of potent substances.

The top 10 anabolic steroids below are proven to be effective, which confirms their popularity among bodybuilders.

To begin with, I would like to note that the criteria by which these 10 drugs were selected are, first of all, the prevalence among athletes and the effectiveness of the impact on muscle mass gain. Perhaps someone will want to argue about this or that drug, substantiating their arguments with side effects or course features, but, I repeat, the drugs most popular among users and proven to be effective will be considered here, it turns out such a very conservative review, because there may be very effective drugs, but, they will not be so widespread and the price will be exorbitant, so they will not fall into this top, and therefore this top can be called classic, realistic and perhaps the most objective for most bodybuilders, so let's go.

1. Methandrostenolone (Danabol, Anabol, Nerobol, etc.)

The first place of honor in our top is occupied by perhaps the most popular drug that has proven its effectiveness over several decades of use, known to everyone by the slang name "methane". In Russia, it is produced under the name Methandrostenolone and Nerobol. Global pharmaceutical companies produce this anabolic under various brands, there are perhaps more than a dozen of them, the most common are listed in the title. This steroid is one of the most effective and affordable drugs on the market.

In Russia, its circulation is limited, just like other anabolic steroids, and is sold only by prescription, which does not prevent many sellers from distributing the drug "under the counter" using the Internet. As for the effectiveness of the drug, it is at a fairly high level, for example, after completing a course lasting 1.5 months, taking 20 mg of the drug per day, you can add up to 10 kg of weight. At the same time, you will definitely lose from 2 to 5 kg after the course is over, since the drug contributes to the accumulation of water in the muscles, nevertheless, the result is not bad. Do not forget about the side effects of this steroid, such as gynecomastia, drug toxicity to the liver, and others, which are often exaggerated and usually occur when the dosage is exceeded.

2. Testosterones (a group of steroids)

This is one group of highly sought after and common anabolics among bodybuilders. From the name of the drug it is clear that it is based on one of the esters of the testosterone hormone. Everyone knows about the anabolic effect of the testosterone hormone, this drug also has an anabolic effect and helps to increase muscle mass, although its anabolic activity is slightly less than that of Danabol, but the drug does not contribute to the accumulation of water in the muscles, and also promotes fat burning, therefore there is practically no rollback effect. There are several types of drugs based on Testosterone esters: Testosterone propionate, Testosterone enanthate, Testosterone cypionate and some others. Testosterone propionate is often used for cutting to shed excess fat and make muscles more defined while slightly increasing their volume. Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate are more suitable for building lean muscle mass.

Due to the high androgenic activity, when using the drug, the likelihood of side effects such as gynecomastia, acne, baldness and others is higher than that of methane, but at the same time, it is not so toxic to the liver. The drug is injected into the body, usually the course is combined with other steroids, during the course it is necessary to use antiestrogen drugs to minimize side effects.

3. Turinabol

This drug is very similar in composition and effect to methandrostenolone. But some differences from methane made this drug quite popular, and the most important difference is the absence of the effect of fluid retention in the body. According to user reviews, the effect in mass gain is not as fast as that of methane, but muscle mass is of better quality and with minimal rollback. Also, this drug has a lower likelihood of side effects, aromatization is practically absent, i.e. the likelihood of gynecomastia, acne, baldness and other things is very low if the dosage is observed, liver toxicity is about the same as that of Danabol.

4. Nandrolone (Retabolil, Deca-Durabolin)

Nandrolone is a group of very popular injectable anabolic steroids based on a substance called 19-nortestosterone. This substance is produced in the body during heavy and prolonged physical exertion, as well as during pregnancy in women. The popularity of the drug is due to the high anabolic activity and low frequency of side effects. Of the positive effects of Nandrolone, one can single out a good and stable increase in muscle mass, but without the accumulation of excess water and with virtually no rollback effect, while bones and ligaments are strengthened, joints secrete more lubrication and stop hurting, the level of red blood cells in the blood increases, which improves oxygen metabolism in the blood. body, immunity increases. Side effects such as those of methane and similar drugs are practically absent and appear only when the dose is exceeded.

An impressive list of positive effects, isn't it? But there is a fly in the ointment here, this is the progestin activity of the drug - it is expressed in a decrease in libido, sluggish erection and similar troubles. In this regard, the course of Nandrolone is usually combined with other anabolics and drugs to suppress progestin activity. Also, the drug acts on as quickly as other steroids and the course of time is longer and, given the price, more expensive.

5. Anadrol (Oxymetholone, Anadrol)

It is a synthetic steroid based on the substance oxymetholone. Anadrol is produced in tablets and is one of the most potent anabolic steroids. Anadrol is also produced under the trade brands Anadrol, Anasteron, Oxymetholone, Androlik, Dynasten and others. The most important effect of Anapolon is a powerful and rapid growth of muscle mass, in one course lasting 1-1.5 months you can increase up to 15 kg of mass, unfortunately there is a rollback effect, up to 30% of the gained mass. Also, Anapolon significantly increases strength and, when combined with other steroids, increases their effectiveness.

Very interesting effects were discovered during the study of this drug by American scientists, it was found that the drug can contribute to an increase in muscle mass even in those who do not exercise at all (!) At the same time, the mass of adipose tissue decreased, tests were carried out on elderly men with reduced secretion own testosterone.

Possible side effects of Anadrol: accumulation of fluid in the body, gynecomastia, high blood pressure, liver toxicity and others. There is no conversion to estrogen.

6. Sustanon 250

Sustanon is a fairly popular injectable steroid based on a mixture of various testosterone esters. Effects of Sustanon: Increase in muscle mass, an average of 5 kg per month, the effect of suppressing catabolism, increased appetite, increased the number of red blood cells, increased libido. Of the side effects, like other testosterones, it causes conversion to estrogens, hence gynecomastia, acne, baldness, swelling, suppression of the production of one's own testosterone, testicular atrophy and others. Also, many note an increase in temperature and a condition like with the flu. The latter effect can be explained by the low-quality "dirty" drug and the numerous fakes that flooded the market. The original Sustanon 250 is getting harder and harder to find on the market today.

7. Trenbolone

Trenbolone is a powerful steroid that was previously used for veterinary purposes to increase the weight of livestock. This drug has a fairly strong anabolic effect on the body and at the same time has a wide range of side effects. There are several types of Trenbolone drugs: Trenbolone acetate (brands Finaplix, Finaplex, Trenbol-100 and others), Trenbolone cyclohexylmethyl carbonate (under the brand name Parabolan) and Trenbolone enanthate. All of these drugs are made in the form of injections. Trenbolone is considered one of the most potent anabolic steroids; for a 2-month course of the drug, an increase in muscle mass up to 10 kg is possible. Along with this, you will feel an increase in strength indicators, a decrease in cortisol levels, a decrease in body fat and an increase in libido during the course.

But you have to pay for everything, in this case a wide range of side effects. Since Trenbolone does not aromatize into estrogens, such phenomena as gynecomastia and fluid accumulation in the body do not threaten you, but there is a high probability of such phenomena as a decrease in libido after the cycle, sluggish erection and testicular atrophy. To this is added insomnia, high blood pressure, attacks of aggression, hair loss, acne, a significant suppression of the production of one's own testosterone. The toxic effect on the liver has not been proven. According to some information, manufacturers use the veterinary drug Revalor as the basis for the Trenbolone drug, which in turn is used to feed livestock before slaughter.

8. Boldenone (Equipoise)

Boldenone, also known by the brands Equipoise, Boldesten, Boldabol and others, was, like Trenbolone, originally developed for veterinary use. In terms of anabolic effects, this steroid is similar to Methandrostenolone, but the process of muscle mass growth is slower. Apply it in the form of injections. When taking this drug, you will feel an increase in strength and a good appetite. The steroid also promotes the production of red blood cells. As for the side effects of Boldenone, compared to other steroids, they are minimal, if the dosage is observed, there are practically no possible effects such as gynecomastia and swelling, as well as baldness, acne and others. Suppression of the production of own testosterone is minimal. Often the course of this steroid is combined with testosterone.

9. Primobolan (Methenolone, Primobol)

Another anabolic steroid that can be purchased both in the form of injections and tablets. This drug has a fairly moderate anabolic effect. Often used during cutting to preserve muscle mass, the drug is not suitable for gaining muscle mass, since the effect is rather weak compared to other steroids. In turn, the drug has a minimal set of side effects and is considered one of the safest to use, subject to dosage, which makes it popular with some athletes.

10. Winstrol

This anabolic is produced both in tablets and in the form for injections. This is a synthetic steroid based on a substance called stanozolol, which was originally intended for use in horses, but eventually began to be used in humans. It is produced under various names such as Strombafort, Strombaject, Stanover, Stromba, Stanol and others. The drug is very popular with athletes, despite the fact that it does not significantly affect the growth of muscle mass, but significantly increases strength and endurance, gives muscles relief, burns fat, increases appetite, and also, according to studies, significantly increases the effectiveness of other steroids during combining their course with winstrol. There is no conversion to estrogens, therefore, there are no side effects such as gynecomastia and edema. However, there are other unpleasant effects: joint pain and ligament damage, high blood pressure, increased blood cholesterol levels, androgenic phenomena such as acne, hair loss, and suppression of the production of one's own testosterone are possible. Also, the drug is toxic to the liver and there is a possibility of myocardial hypertrophy.

Here are perhaps the top 10 most effective and popular anabolic steroids among athletes. If you are new to bodybuilding, we advise you not to think about the use of anabolic steroids, but to work for a year or two without them and feel the natural result, and only after weighing the pros and cons of approaching the use of steroids for further progress.

Date of: 2016-08-24 Views: 66 118 Grade: 4.5

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Important! The site "Your Trainer" does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who nevertheless decide to take them do it as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

Very often, people who have trained in the gym for the prescribed time on their hormonal background turn to me and ask a clear question: I (for example) to the roots of the hair and I need a full-fledged course for volume and meat increase, but just one that will give the maximum result and not would be a waste of time and money. Usually, these are guys who are completely virgin in terms of chemicalization, who, having collected available information on the network, understand that there is no point in stupidly experimenting and pointing fingers at the sky. Or people who, having heard enough advice from different forums, took courses once or twice for 4-6 weeks. They didn’t make any progress at best, otherwise they got acne with gyno, but there was no meat, and no. In general, there are three variants of the general metabolism for people in theoretical (therapeutic) medical terminology. This:
  • . Prone to rapid fat gain and difficult to lose fat and water on drying.
  • . A representative of the hound breed, which does not gain anything sensibly at all, but loses in a matter of days, despite the elephant's appetite and the ability to digest nails.
  • . Born an athlete with a pronounced muscle mass and amount of fat - just right. A person who can perform well in any sport.
Naturally, finding the same endomorph or athlete in its purest form is quite difficult in real life. 90% of people on the planet are mixed types of metabolism, with a predominance of any of the three available at all. Nutrition, training, daily routine - all this should be taken into account first of all for progress. It is also necessary to pass tests, because fat men often have a high level of estradiol, with a low or very modest level of testosterone. And sometimes prolactin is elevated. Or resistance to due to malnutrition before joining the gym. In people who are dry and skinny, the level of dough is also not always decent, and sometimes quite high, but at the same time it is actively bound by globulin. The same is with estradiol, which in the required amount is MANDATORY for building meat. Athletes (mesomorphs) have it easier, but sometimes they also have problems with hormones. In short - to pass elementary tests, learn to plow in the gym, eat food that suits you and observe the optimal rhythm of life - this is first of all, as I said. And in pharma - focus on the type of metabolism that prevails in you, not forgetting the one that is inferior. Not just - yes. But probably. Here I will give three options for mass courses, which, by trial and error, are really the most preferable for three types of metabolism. I’ll also say something about sports nutrition, which is also helpful if you connect the convolutions. Do not blindly focus on the article - it is designed to help at the initial stage. And before the mass-gaining course, you must have a press on your stomach. Or the hormonal game turns into onanism. And further. The optimal duration of the course for mass is 12 weeks. Short courses, as in most cases, do not work as they should. Everyone, it seems, understands that it is impossible to put an uppercut in a month, learn how to perform a figured jump in basketball or squeeze 150 kilograms lying down. So the muscles for real growth need some time. 12 weeks, for starters, that's it. No undercooks for 4-5 weeks if you are adequate and your goal is dry meat on the bones. Now let's proceed to the promised three options for the three types of the strong half of humanity.

1. First of all, we need some suitable Testosterone ester. Like it or not, the most convenient dough for those who are prone to gaining fat and water is testosterone propionate. 50-100 mg every other day. 2. If there are problems with the tolerance of injections - then testosterone enanthate 250 mg per week. These are mono broadcasts, which are the easiest to control and usually have a minimum of surprises from them. 3. No Sustanons, Omnadrens and Cypionates. The first meeting is the most important. And do not exceed the indicated dosages. They are more than enough for a simple amateur at a particular stage. 4. In addition to the dough - a purely anabolic component. There are only two options: Boldenone undecylenate / undecanoate (600 mg per week) or Methenolone enanthate, better known as Primobolan (400 - 600 mg per week). Both give an increase in dry meat, both are safe in terms of excess fluid retention under the skin and perform well against the background of minimal doses of Testosterone. 5. We use both dough and injectable AS for all 12 weeks. For the first 5-6 weeks it makes sense to add Turinabol. It also does not aromatize a priori and does not cause water accumulation. In short - with such a course, you definitely will not look like a mutant captain, with swollen cheeks and always wet with sweat ass and back. 6. The main thing is that at the initial stage, no progestins like and, ESPECIALLY,. Methandrostenolone, most likely, is also not suitable for you. 7. On hand, keep MINIMUM one plate of Anastrozole and, if necessary, only knock down, multiplying beyond measure, Estradiol. 8. From sports nutrition I advise (to the maximum, but not more than 80 grams per day). Products containing slow carbohydrates with a minimum amount of fast ones (such as Vitargo - advanced gainers). And high quality in the morning and immediately after the training.

1. In this case, testosterone enanthate is ideal. 500 mg per week will be just right. 2. Naturally, Anastrozole must also be at hand. 3. But from anabolic agents, as for me, it is best for ectomorphs to shoot. Just do not take a long decanoat. Phenylpropionate is the ideal solution. 100 mg every third day. 4. Both androgen and AS - for all 12 weeks of the course. 5. But, Nandrolone is a pure progestin, and therefore, you will have to control prolactin and progesterone in the body. And also - to have on hand some of the prolactin inhibitors. The same Bromocriptine or Cabergoline. 6. Unfortunately, people with accelerated metabolic processes are of little help Boldenone or Primabolan. This is not just how I write. Really noticed in practice. Although, you can still replace it with Boldenone undecanoate. Not less than 600 and not more than 800 mg per week. Prima is definitely not your drug. 7. Well, just right there will be 30 - 40 mg of Methandrostenolone for the first 4 - 5 weeks of the course. 8. From sports supplements - it is with a large amount of fast-acting carbohydrates and (possibly) with the presence of fats. Immediately after the training - this is mandatory and one more time a day. Choose when it's more convenient for you. But not at bedtime - that's stupid. . Either whey several times a day (20 - 30 grams per serving), or at least. Many. 50 - 60 grams after the final meal, before going to bed.

By far - the clearest type of general metabolism for bodybuilding. These guys usually have the maximum increase in meat with minimal dosages of AAS. At the first stages of chemicalization - so for sure. Accordingly, I will actually write a course that will give the most pronounced anabolism in relation to muscle tissue. 1. Testosterone enanthate 500 mg per week for 12 weeks. It was him and no one else. 2. Anastrozole to have - it goes without saying. 3. But the AU in this particular case - MANDATORY. And you have to endure injections if you want the maximum result. Like pure Tren, only a QUALITY acetate ester works. 100 mg every other day. If already very tender, then Hexa from the Balkans every three days in an ampoule. Same for 12 weeks. 4. Before, I would still advise Methane or Oxymetholone. But now I already see that it’s better for athletes from God not to eat pills in life. Genetics allows. And the liver will thank you after 35-40 years. 5. With prolactin or progesterone with such a course, Mesomorphs usually have no problems, but - if anything - Cabergoline half a tablet twice a week. 6. Sports pit - only. And the more the better. General recommendations for sports nutrition. Naming some options, in each of the examples, products such as,