The safest states in the world. Dangerous and safe places on the planet during the first cataclysm rating of accommodation places in safety land

We all love to travel and lead an active lifestyle. Sometimes, we think about mild life and carefree old age. There are quite a few places on Earth that meet our requests, but what they are, the best place to stay on Earth. We made up sample list Such places, without ratings and rooms, are just the best places on Earth. And where would you like to live?

Caring for Health and Tolerance - Amsterdam, Netherlands

In 2009, the Netherlands earned the name of the best country in the health sector. The evaluation system consisted of a variety of criteria: compliance with the rights and freedoms of the patient, awareness, electronic health care system, treatment time, the range of services offered and drugs and much more. The Netherlands, in addition to everything, are valued for their low bureaucracy and attention to the population.

The Netherlands, in particular Amsterdam, became extremely popular worldwide, thanks to his tolerance to prohibitions. The authorities believe that people should choose what they consider morally correct, with the smallest participation of the state. Therefore, in Amsterdam, light drugs are legal. Tattoo salons, sex shops and streets of red lamps undoubtedly attract tourists, and in the summer seasons all hotels are clogged under the urban.

As for culture, in Amsterdam you can find famous museums where you can see the work of Van Gogh, Vermeer and Rembrandt. You can find out the story of Anna Frank, relaxing in beautiful parks and ride bicycles almost everywhere. "They say that Amsterdam has more channels than in Venice, more cafe than in Vienna and more bridges than in Paris." You can undoubtedly see everything yourself, as well as detect other secrets of the city.

The best place for single - New York, USA

Although the stay in New York requires more and more financial investments, it does not make this interesting city less attractive for people. This place can provide many advantages with 35,000 restaurants, 3,800 bars and 734 museums - you will definitely find many lessons in New York City. This overcrowded city is suitable for loners or divorced people who want to enjoy the solitude, relax and carefully to rest. It is noteworthy that the largest dating site in America has the greatest number of questionnaires from New York. Nevertheless, to live normally live in this megalopolis, you need to be loyal to the crowd. New York, in essence, this is a great accopriety of people from all over the world.

"The city that never sleeps" with ease justifies its name. From piano halls to jazz bars, nightlife in New York continues until the morning. Night clubs in which the world-famous DJs and fashionable institutions for the most exquisite persons.

What would not be interested in, be sure - you will find it in New York, the capital of the world.

Soft climate - Malta

Island state, less than 100 kilometers from Sicily, Republic of Malta. He is a repeated winner Life quality indexin the nomination the best climate and geography. Now be in ranking 28 most the best in the quality of life of countries. Soft winter, warm summer, a huge number of sunny days - this country is designed to be the best. Diving, sailing yachts, colorful fairs, horseback riding, golf and much more than you can do in your free time.

Yes, sometimes in Malta also rains. At this time, you can visit such wonderful institutions as opera, ballet or theater Manoel Theatre. In Vallette. Manoel Theater is one of the two most oldest theaters in Europe.

The politically stable government of Malta, the low cost of living and crime, hospitable residents and ease of movement and travel, despite the island status of the state - for all this you will definite Malta!

Best for Family - Virginia, USA

Virginia has wonderful coastline and beaches. Virginia is a very family and socio-oriented place, with a huge number of exhibitions, festivals and other public events. Here live very friendly and varied people, schools are highly appreciated in which your child will be able to find a lot of extracurricular activities and additional courses.

The staff are very serious about health and safety not only all living, but also children and schoolchildren. In 2010, more than $ 5,15,000 dollars on the support of young people, prevention of violence and drug addiction among them were allocated.

So Virginia is a great place for a relaxed family life.

Inexpensive retirement and retirement - Brazil

Brazil is the largest country in South America and therefore offers extensive opportunities for life and travel. From Amazonian jungle and famous beaches - everywhere you will find entertainment to taste, and the hospitable residents will help you get comfortable. And although the expensive nightlife of Brazil is famous for the whole world, do not everyone know that Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are among the cheapest cities.

Want to pay with debts? Brazil is a good place to resign. High pensions will be available after receiving the pension visa, and pension visas are given with income confirmation. They are common and legal for all residents who have at least some real estate in Brazil.

Brazilians are also very sensitive to their health. You do not even need to be a resident of Brazil to take advantage of the National Health System. Most of the services are free, but if you want, you can contact the services of private health. Nevertheless, for the same money you get more than, for example, in the USA.

Due to the well-developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing and services and services, the Brazilian economy exceeds the economies of other countries South America And quickly expands its presence in international markets.

Just fine - Belize

Belize, one of the most beautiful countries of Central America. Belize is an excellent clean beaches, a subtropical climate, a variety of wildlife and, of course, the low cost of life. Magnificent barrier reefs and scuba diving. The indescribable fabulous waterfalls of Maia mountains can only compete with hundreds of colorful birds flying in the sky.

Rent a huge house on the seafront in Kayo district will cost you about $ 300 dollars a month. Food in stores is appropriate at prices, the official language is English, retirement can be retired already in 45 and is possible TAX-Free life (free from taxes). What else is needed for happiness?

If you allow work, in Belize you can live seasonally: leaving here for the winter of the house. From May to October here is a wet season, often come rain and the threat of hurricanes is possible. But from November to April, here is beautiful, wonderful weather, which will help you relax and relax during the winter holidays.

Stunning landscapes - Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, second in population city South Africa Republic (SOUTH AFRICA). It offers you some of the best beaches in the world and exciting travel in the world. Here you can swim in the purest warm water and immediately watch the next to swimming whales. On one of the beaches you can sunbathe along with penguins or just relax on secluded wild beaches. Diffin on the feature of Cape Town is Dining Mountain Consisting of giant sandstone plates with breathtaking views, trails for hiking, and paragliding for adventure lovers.

Cape Town has gained fame and for its cultural diversity and public tolerance. In this coastal city, usually a soft and rainy climate in winter and dry, warm weather in summer. Restaurants and fast food networks provide not only all the variety of global cuisine, but also the famous local wines that will not leave anyone indifferent. Clubs, salons, and other entertainment centers make Cape Town perfect for the musical public.

Thanks to the World Cup in 2010, Cape Town became a rapidly developing economic center, and every year more and more people want to move to this beautiful coastal city.

Economic Features - Frankfurt, Germany

Anyone who is looking for certain high quality quality standards will definitely find them in Frankfurt, the economic capital of Germany. Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the largest in Germany and one of the most important world. According to the Mercer Research Agency, Frankfurt has the highest concentration of jobs in Germany, with 922 vacancies per 1,000 inhabitants.

Frankfurt residents enjoy life in the city not only because of economic security. Museums, historical centers, theaters and many other villains of secular life you can take advantage of this city. For tourists and for residents, the difficulty of displacements is reduced. The Frankfurt Airport is the largest airport in Europe, not counting the island Britain, the Central Railway Station of Frankfurt is one of the largest railway stations in Europe, and few people can give up the temptation to ride for corporate German autobahn. Wonderful views along the Main River, famous and beautiful works of art, such as Imperial Cathedral of St. Bartholomew and Botanical Sad. PishamgartenWhere 20 hectares you can see the landscapes of all climatic zones of the Earth.

The cost of living is satisfied high, but it is compensated by low unemployment, high wages, cheap business transport and many others. In addition, Frankfurt is the industrial and financial center of Germany, a wonderful place to stay and choose the author. :)

The most romantic - Paris, France

The air in Paris is simply saturated with romance. The fascinating atmosphere of this city is simply maniting here from all over the world. Cozy bistro and dim lightweight restaurants are ideal for couples in love. In general, Paris is a city of dreams.

Nevertheless, Paris is a city not only for lovers, it is simply filled with a rich historical heritage and admiring architecture. Louvre, Versailles, the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God is only a small part of all the world famous for the whole world of beautiful buildings that are decorated with Paris against the sky. The unimaginable number of paintings and sculptures will surely satisfy every amateur of the beautiful.

As a fashionable capital of the world, Paris is home to some famous designers and fashion designers. Those who are looking for careers in this area will not be able to find more suitable placethan Paris. Also, France is the birthplace of such noble drinks as cognac, Armagnac, Champagne.

However, among all the advantages there is one minus - the high cost of life. The good news is that in the future France will be one of the most advanced employment countries. So, if you dreamed of living in France - all the roads for you lead to Paris.

Hot and sexy - Miami, USA

Miami is known as the "magic city" is not in vain. Sensual Latin fragrance combined with a tropical arrangement makes Miami home for all fun and freedom-loving people. A huge number of single girls on the beaches and stormy nightlife. In addition to all these delights, then you can find that this wonderful city offers you a lot of career opportunities, despite urban attractions.

This sunny city of several ethnic groups is broken by new developments and provides excellent life opportunities: low taxes, housing costs and an exceptional education system.

Miami is a city of eternal summer, the sea, sun, beaches, low prices, parties, shopping and much more! Another magnificent city that enters our Top 10 seats for living on Earth!

If you dream about a cardinal change of the place of residence, especially about moving to another country, I would recommend everything to weigh a very thorough and calculate - after all, sometimes such changes were successful, sometimes led, they didn't eat any disastrous results. When making a decision, I would use any opportunity to find out the result in advance, including using the relay method. About what this is read.

Everyone, surviving for his own life, can decide and choose a place where he lives.

Analysts do not say that the number of natural disasters and cataclysms will increase, but do not object that they can be more and more large. Over the past few years, the number of victims from natural disasters increased quite sharply.

The issue of life safety becomes the subject of interest of a huge number of people. What can be natural disastersAnd where they "live" on our planet. One of the strongest elements on the planet is the ocean element, which took many lives and left the homeless millions of people. The territories of Southeast and South Asia are wealthy in front of the ocean, and even the United States cannot promise the inhabitants of their territories from this element.

Africa is named by the second suffering continent, especially the central part. War, hunger, epidemics are a list of reasons why it is not only difficult to live here, but is incredibly dangerous.

North and Central America are also not safe. Mortal, powerful snowfalls, or diametrically opposite long extinguishing droughts - with all this you can come up, especially since the potential of these continents can afford it.

The fact that the natural cataclysms of the 21st century are the result of global warming, no one else doubts. Scientists have long predicted different scenarios of what cataclysms are waiting for us in the future, and it's nice to know that the most secure places in connection with this - Russia and Ukraine.

Iron Mountain Date Center

Not far from the city of Boyers in Western Pennsylvania, at a depth of about 70 meters is the safest place on Earth - the data center and archive of Iron Mountain. This company is the most famous international provider of data storage and protection services. The Iron Mountain Data Center is a real underground city, to get into which you can only through the embossed entrance to the rock, which is securely protected.

Secrets and secrets of the dungeon

The area of \u200b\u200bthe complex is 580 thousand m 2, and the number of employees is 2700 people. A huge number of public secrets and secrets of international companies is hidden for thousands of metal doors.

The dungeon is reliably protected from theft, man-made disasters and natural disasters. The security system can provide protection even from nuclear explosion. This "city" has its own power supply system, its own water treatment facilities and firefighters. Employees work in offices with limestone walls. Since the original complex was originally created to ensure the safety of important documents for the case of a nuclear war from the USSR, the designers have provided a bomb shelter for staff. All this makes the data center with the safest place on the planet.

Digital Information Storage

Nowadays, Iron Mountain is considered the largest and most secure repository of digital information. Therefore, it is not surprising that the special services of the whole world quietly give the most important and valuable documents for storing the Iron Mountain archive.

It is known that the Iron Mountain archive stores thousands of famous hits, such as Elavis Presley's early records, as well as more than 11 million negatives and prints of Corbis photobank, among whom there are materials of the early 19th century.

Data Center Services

To store all this data, more than 400 thousand personal computers are used in the center and about 20 thousand servers. Every day approximately 8 million letters goes to the archive. Every year, the data center services are resorted to an increasing number of companies, according to Iron Mountain in three years, the volume of digital data increased by 600 percent.

For many, an ideal country is a state without wars and protests, with a stable economy, which allows you to easily secure life and leisure, without crime and fear for your security.

Do you know which countries of the world are best suited for such a calm, peaceful, stable life, with prospects for the future? Since 2007, the Institute of Economics and the World explores all the peoples and regions of the planet based on external and internal indicators. It seems to us that the world in the era of the crisis is becoming increasingly cruel, but according to the global index of peaceful, there are 20 most peaceful countries, ideal for life.

1. Denmark

Denmark heads a list of the most calm countries on Earth, as this is really a safe place to live. Even when Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, was under the occupation of the Nazis during World War II, there were no hostilities in the city at all. And all because people living in Denmark prefer to focus on economic issues, instead of getting involved in various armed conflicts.

The Danish people are very friendly, open and responsive. All tourists who at least in life have visited Denmark, without exception, they say that they would like to live in this country.

2. Norway

Many did not expect Norway to appear in the list of ideal countries. Perhaps this is because Anders Bering Breivik, the mass killer, painfully struck the world's world reputation. Of course, it was a single incident of such a scale, and according to the global index of peace-loving Norway - one of the most peaceful, stable, friendly and safe countries for life.

This is a state with the highest level of human development in the world. In addition, the Oslo government always dismides leading places in the list of priorities of the country of economic stability, social development and observance of the world.

3. Singapore

As an active member of the international community and, in general, a small separate nation, Singapore could never take place! Since its independence in 1965, Singapore has always focused on being a great neighbor, through the establishment of social, peaceful, economic, political relations with all countries.

Singapore collaborates with the United Nations, as well as participates in various global, unilateral and multilateral campaigns on promoting international cooperation, and is also a WTO member (World Trade Organization).

Singapore is in the list of the world's most peaceful countries, and is also one of richest states in the world. Here, the level of murders and violent crime is ten times lower than in other countries.

4. Slovenia

The beautiful European country of Slovenia is also in the "ideal for life" rating. He showed the lowest among the countries of the continent in the number of organized internal conflicts, protests, the number of civil and external wars. In addition, her wonderful cities, like Maribor and Ljubljana, are sissed by a unique culture, a flavor, from which Slovenia is also a fantastic place for tourists.

5. Sweden

One of the most beautiful Scandinavian countries, Sweden is located in the Far North of Europe. Although Sweden is one of the largest weapons exporters in Europe, the country has a low level of robberies (only 9000 per year) compared to the United States (about 350,000 per year)! Sweden did not fight and did not participate in the battles for more than two centuries.

Most of the country's budget is aimed at economic and social development, From which the level of displeasure citizens is equal to Nolu.

According to the global index of peace-loving, Sweden is one of the most relaxed and stable (political and economic terms) of countries in the world, despite the fact that it ranks third among the world's largest exporters of weapons.

6. Iceland

Iceland was recognized as one of the most calm countries in the world, as it was able to stay away from all major conflicts in the world. Because of this, the government had the opportunity to invest money in the economy and the development of the country.

Iceland rarely enters the newspaper headlines. Despite the collapse of Icelandic banks a few years ago, the country remained not only an amazing place, impressive natural beauty, but also a fairly stable state. Tourists from all over the world come to Iceland to view huge glaciers and raging volcanoes, as well as many unique natural and cultural attractions in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.

7. Belgium

According to the global index of peace-loving, Belgium is one of the best and most relaxing places for life as in Europe, so on the whole earth. Located in the heart of the continent, this small country occupies a special political place. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is a house for the European Union and NATO.

Belgium boasts medieval cities, beautiful town halls, majestic castles and bribes natural beauty.
The level of killings and deprivation of freedom in Belgium is very low, even considering the government crisis during the period 2008-2011.

8. Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is a relatively new country that has gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1989 due to the "velvet revolution" and the subsequent division with Slovakia.

After the collapse of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic focused on creating a strong capitalist economy and a stable climate for investment.

In 2009, the Human Development Index (IRCHP) declared the Czech Republic as a country with a "very high level of human potential development." Famous, primarily by its magnificent capital, Prague, and the breathtaking natural beauty, the Czech Republic attracts tourists from all over the corners. Moreover, students from all over the world flock to this country, who have a real opportunity to get European education for free and stay in this amazing country.

9. Switzerland

Switzerland for decades has consistently supports properly functioning government and open policies culture. The quality of the country's government activity is the lowest score of political instability. In addition, Switzerland is among the most peaceful countries that have a low level of violent crime. Although Switzerland is known for its neutrality in regional, international and global political issues, it supports close diplomatic relations with various countries around the world.

10. Japan

One of the most charming countries in culturally, Japan has a third largest economy in the world. Since the Second World War, she was a very calm state, practically without internal conflicts and with a very low level of crime. The country has its own internal security regulation in order to maintain the world.

Japan is a peaceful, as well as a stunningly beautiful state, in which it does not have to live, but one day to visit it.

11. Ireland

With her rich historical sights, amazing green pastures and friendly residents are not surprising that Ireland is one of the most calm countries on earth.

Ireland is a fabulous country with a variety of reasons for tourism. Rich literary history, mountain castles, scenic coasts and legendary hospitality make Ireland a great place to visit at any time of the year, as well as a great place to live, with a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

12. Finland

Finns, as the people, have never been famous for their fighting character, despite the fact that they have a mandatory civil and military service for young people. It is also worth noting a Finnish formation system that covers absolutely all areas of activity. No wonder she ranks fifth among the best in the world.

13. New Zealand

Every year, starting from 2007, the Institute of Economics and the world contributes to the rating of the most relaxing countries New Zealand. And there are reasons: a very small percentage of the population in prisons, limited military potential, close relations with Australia and incredible hospitality. New Zealand is a wonderful country for life. This place is a variety of natural scenery and unusual residents.

Visitors from all over the world come to New Zealand to test the mountain landscapes, see the breathtaking alpine glaciers, stunning beaches, fantastic geothermal springs and raging volcanoes, and walk around the places of famous hobbits and elves from the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings".

The country is also famous for its beautiful wines, since there is a huge number of grape varieties planted throughout New Zealand. So if you are a big wine lover or hobbits, you are a straight road here.

14. Canada

Having one of the highest levels of living in the world, Canada is also a very calm and stable state. It lives only 33 million people, but, nevertheless, this is the second largest country in the world.

Canada is a wonderful country to accommodate with clean and safe cities, picturesque landscapes and benevolent people.

Canada, despite the fact that it has a relatively high military potential, currently does not participate in any armed conflicts.

15. Austria

Austria is a small Central European country that takes place in the list of "ideal countries", due to its position on international politics. Starting from the First World War, the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Second World War, Austria stepped on the path of peaceful and serene life.

Many people claim that Austria is the best country to live. After all, with its stunning history, world-famous resorts in the Alps, a stable economy, allowing citizens to work and achieve success, not surprisingly to see Austria in this list.

16. Butane

According to the measurement of the global index of peaceful index in 2013, Bhutan is also one of 20 states, beautiful and safe for life. And all because Bhutan does not take part in international conflicts, and no inner unrest has not been observed here in the last 6 years. The country has a huge number of policemen per 100,000 population and low organized crime. The government almost does not allocate money for military needs and heavy weapons. People here are very friendly, peace-loving, and besides that, Bhutan boasts a large number of interesting attractions.

17. Australia

Australia is a beautiful and peaceful country that offers cultural diversity, wonderful beaches, a lot of exciting landscapes, amazing fauna and benevolent people with a stunning sense of humor. Despite the fact that the Square of Australia is almost equal to the size of the United States, it has a small population - about 20 million.

Very low crime rate, stable political system, High health standards and well-groomed roads make Australia safe and relatively lightweight state for living or just learning.

18. Portugal

You may be surprised by learning that Portugal is one of the most calm countries in the world, but it is true. It is 26 years old and is part of the European currency system. Portugal has a 43rd largest economy in the world according to the World Bank. In addition, one of the highest GDP growth rates are observed in the country.

There is a very low crime rate, a high standard of living and a stable government. Plus, fascinating sandy beaches, golden plains, majestic mountains and lively cities make Portugal one of best places For accommodation.

19. Qatar

Qatar, perhaps, is the most stable and industrialized country in the Middle East, and the most calm worldwide. The violent incidents are very rare.

Qatar is one of the most flexible and liberal states of the East, where women have a lot of rights, including the right to work, driving and the right to vote. Now the country has taken a course on "National Vision 2030" to achieve a more sustainable and developed economy.

20. Mauritius

In 2013, the country was recognized as the most peaceful state in Africa. The strength of this state lies in the stability of the region and thus further contributes to its popularization, as a reliable platform for rich management of services and property planning.

This is a big advantage - to live in a peaceful, stable country, and if you are lucky to live in such, you should be proud of it!

On the eve of December 21, European Internet users exchange views on where it is possible to hide in the case of the Apocalypse. Many at the same time believe that the choice is the main problem in choosing, since each shelter has its own specialization. About where better, according to bloggers, hide in the case of a disaster, has learned the European Correspondent Regina Sevostyanova.

If you believe in the end of the world and will find yourself in London, then soon go through Whiteholl Street to Pindar - this is the name of the new bunker of the UK Ministry of Defense, built in 1990. It is believed that it is extremely reliable, even the name itself is borrowed from the ancient Greek poet Pyndara, whose house was the only established after his city was destroyed. Now little is known about this object, but it is believed that it serves as a communication center for military games.

However, if you believe in the option of the apocalypse with a nuclear war, it is better to be away from the points that will become military targets. And then it is preferable to go to the islands of Pitcairn in the southern part of the Pacific, which are also under the jurisdiction of Great Britain. There is no airport in this small land plot, there is an incredibly fertile soil, bananas grow, papaya, breadwinning, coconuts, citruses, beans and sweet potatoes, and around a lot edible fish and lobster. The main thing is to make friends with the neighbors, because Pitcairn's population is only 50 people.

Those who still prefer to sit underground, experts on the apocalypse recommend climbing the world seed on the Norwegian island of Svalbard (or, as it is also called, Svalbard) in Northern Arctic Ocean. After all, this is a repository and was built to protect plant planting material in case of a global catastrophe. The greatest excitement is observed around natural hills. Now everyone has the name of the peak of the bugarash, located in the French foothills of the Pyrenees, where, according to the followers of Esoteric, there is a classified UFO parking, and on December 21, this year there must be a roomy ship that can pick up everyone who wants to escape. Because of the incredible stir, the power of France announced the closure of access to the village of Bugarash - the settlement is stupidly reinforced by the policies and the military.

Another "mystical" mountain is located in Serbia - Rtan 1570 meters high. The hotel manager in the vicinity of the mountain peak said that the day he comes to 500 orders for room reservations. About the mountain of Rtan with antiquity there are various mystical legends and legends, which were attracted including the famous British science arthur Clark. The writer called this mysterious place "PUP of the World". According to one of the legends inside, the mountains are hidden by the impenetrable treasures of the wizard, which lived here. Because of the unusual shape, as well as due to the magnetic and gravitational deviation detected here, airplanes do not fly over the mountain.

If you believe the statistics of air ticket booking systems, one of the most popular destinations from Europeans these days are the Turkish village of Swiringe. According to the legend, it was from here to the Virgin Mary ascended to the sky. Therefore, the terrain stores the charge of positive energy, which can save during Armageddon.

Hindus called on to escape in a small village in the south of Italy, in the area of \u200b\u200bApulia. It is believed that Mahavatar Babaji himself pointed to this place as a saving place - Hindu Saint, who lived in the XIX-XX centuries. It is believed that he did not die, but ascended in his human body. There are numerous evidence of his wonders: the healing of people, the resurrection of the dead, staying at the same time in different places, feeding a large number of people with a small amount of food. Babaji is called Hindu Jesus Christ.

Many of those who believe in the so-called "Maja Prediction", prefer to rally together on the eve of the catastrophe. For example, the Italians group built a whole city of Las Aguilas on the Yucatan Peninsula in Northern Mexico, some of the immigrants have already received local citizenship. For construction 2 years ago, the Italians acquired 800 hectares of land next to the ancient settlement of Maya. Another village, where you can survive, is considered Ilokkortodormut in Greenland. On the forums, this place is discussed also as an option of life after the apocalypse for those who will be able to escape. After all, 500
the inhabitants of the village do not depend on electricity and fossil fuels, drive in dogs, and eat what they will achieve