The names of the girls are unusual anime. Japanese surnames and their meaning. Generic surnames in Japan.

Japanese male names - This is the most difficult part of reading when it comes to your own names. It happens when the same symbol is read completely differently. Yes, and every name is hiding its value. Therefore, if you want to learn a little more about Japanese male names, as well as find out their meaning, come here!

If in the past, the names of girls ended in "Co.", the trend definitely changed to the "ka" and "on". For a long time, the name chosen by the imperial family to his children has greatly influenced the Japanese, calling their children with the same names! Some parents chose to intentionally call their girls with the name written without Kanji. The name written in Haragan is considered softer. . What is behind this variety names?

The role of the Japanese surname

The first names give individuality, and the names characterize belonging to the family. More importantly, differs from culture to culture. Accordingly, a person is also called surnames, except when he is really close to them, and do not forget politely san at the end, as in Nakamura-San or Sato-san.

Men's Japanese names

Before the Second World War in Japan did not use restrictions on the use of signs. You can imagine what was the confusion and how much it caused problems. Because you can remember 50 thousand characters unrealistic, but those who worked with the papers could only be sympathize, as I had to sit with the dictionary. But this is in the past, now only the use of 166 characters is allowed for names, which greatly simplified life. So, you are granted to your attention table with the most common Japanese names and their values.

Japanese surnames Consist from Chinese kanji hieroglyphs that make sense. Thus, 田 explains that Tanaka is called a "rice field" on japaneseSince the characters in themselves "rice field" and "medium" or c. These differences are related to the fact that the characters were taken with chinese Language and, accordingly, have at least one Chinese and one japanese pronunciation. Whole two families share the name 鰻 Unagi - "eel". 東京 Tokyo is only a Japanese family, but it does not proceed from the capital - she lives in Osaka.

Japanese registered suffixes

Often Japanese names are used for the same finals as for us. Of course, they also remain meaningless. For the most part, these are the terms from the nature characterizing these surnames. 本 Moto means "root" or "Origin" alone. 山 Yama means "Mountain", and "Kava" or "Gava" means "river". The content of such surnames reflects the traditional nature and history of agriculture of Japan. However, surnames, as we know them today, have a long tradition in Japan. However, this ruling was fair only for official documents and in the presence of samurai, so many have yet unofficially used the names - Miodegia is still used today.

Name Value
BUTkayo. smart man
Aki. fall
Akio pretty boy
Akichiko. bright Prince
Arata fresh
Akihiro. scientist
G.oro. fifth son
D.aisk good assistant
Jiro. second son
Daichi large wisdom or great son
June obedient
Junichi. clean, obee
Jero tenth Son.
ANDsAO dignity
IZAO merit
Ichiro. first son boy
Isama brave
Iošihiro. common perfection
IVAO stone man
Iosha good
Hoshikez fair, good
Isamedzhi inviting man
Iošinori fair principles
Ioshito lucky

By the way, the Japanese most often call each other by surname. If you want to contact by name, you need to use a certain name suffix. Without suffix, you can use the name only if this is your good acquaintance. If we are talking about male names, then you need to consume the following suffixes: -sama, - San, -Kun. -Sama means respectful attitude towards the people of older, positions and so on. -Can is used as a neutral appeal. -Kun is most often used for male names of more close acquaintances, for example, colleagues at work or classmates.

Three surnames right away?

To understand where Japanese surnames come from, take a look at the family history in Japan. It didn't always look as if it was with us: before the reign of the emperor, it was not the main family, as we know it today, and which is called Japan in Japan. In the class of samurai, these were pretty clans. The inheritance of the leaders of the clans was evenly distributed between all children, whether men or women.

The members of the Japanese Samurai Class were able to bear a few surnames. The initial name of the clan was called 氏 dji. Noble also received an additional title from the emperor: 姓 Kabana, which was attached to the dji. The most powerful and well-known clan of Japanese history was 大 和 Yamato.

Name Value
TOeidji. respectful (second son)
Katsu victory
Ken. strong, healthy
Kent strong
Kenichi first health
Kazukhiro harmony
Kenshin modern truth
KIO ginger, big
Kin gold
Katsero. victory Son.
Kunayo compatriot
Kero son ninth
Codier the one who is happy is the son of ruler
Katashi hardness
Katsho victory Son.
Kenichi governor.
Kohke amber

Men's Japanese names can be one-component and multicomponent. Single-component names consist of verbs, adjectives for example. For example, Hiroshi occurred from the word wide.

Name Value
M.akto true
Mamoru defender
Mikayo. man trunk man
Minor fruitful
Mesesiuki. proper happiness
Masashi luxurious
Mitsser full height
Mazeto elegant man
Mesheiooshi right
Madoka calm
Masumi. true clarity
Mazeio increases world
Minor true
Mazer. intellectual
Maneba diligent
Izojo man on the right way
N.aoki. honest tree
Norio. chelives law
Set virtuous, ascent
Nobuo pretty man
Nobu. vera
Nobyuki devoteed happiness
NEO fair man

Japanese male names that consist of two hieroglyphs, most often have figures for men. For example, these indicators may be the following words: husband, assistant, warrior, tree. Each such indicator has its own end. For example, assistant has the ending -SUK, and wood - RO, husband ends on -o. Of course, there are other main components in male names, but these are the most common. And they need in order to understand what read read the name. So, signs with a component 朗 rO It is necessary to read on one reading. Although sometimes there are exceptions.

He came up with Japanese nationality so much that today he is named the largest ethnic group in the country. Some powerful clans have become vassals of the nobles in the Heian era and began to adapt their names. As more and more clans divided the same surname, Samurai groups rely on new Japanese surnames to distinguish themselves and allocate their individual status. It was also an early version of today's Mioji. Even if the samurai landed or grown outside of their family property, they chose their surname of Meodi in accordance with these new territories.

Name Value
ABOUTzem. right
Orochi. big snake
Rand about excellent
Ru dragon Spirit
Rayden thunder and lightning
Rockero. sixth Son.
FROMuzum progress
Satosha sophisticated
Saybero third son
Sora sky
Sedo. decisive man
T.akashi. assistant praise
TADAO true man
Taro great son (so called only the first son)
Tadashi. true
Toshio genius
Tetsuya iron
Toor wanderer
Takeshi. cruel, Warrior
Tekhiro perestrated nobility
TEADEO loyal man
Tutsu a wise man
Temote protecting
Takumi craftsman
Toshuki happy and emergency

There are I. three-component names. They most often have a two-component indicator. For example, "Senior Son", "Assistant", "Fourth Son" and so on. Although there are cases when the name consists of two hieroglyphs and one component.

Meet I. Four-component namesBut it is rarity. Also, the rarity names recorded only cannas (alphabet).

New state, new Japanese surnames

Although UDI was still official last name, Modegia was mainly used in everyday life And gradually became the most important part of the name. Among the most common Japanese surnames before the restoration of Maidzi at the end of the century were Fujiwara, the name of the most powerful noble house and Minamoto, as the most influential Japanese Samurai clan. It was more difficult to distinguish between the carriers of these surnames, which made a significant part of the Japanese population.

Reading Japanese names and surnames

However, after World War II, its content was reformed, so now only the main family with two generations is included, that is, parents and children. By the way, the imperial family has its own family registry, and the emperor himself has no name - he has always been considered a kind of deity that does not belong to the clan.

Name Value
F.umao literary child
H.İzoka saved
Hiro wide
Chitoshi. balanced
Juryuki common happiness
Hachiro. eighth son
Hadjeim start
Hiroshi. In abundance
Hiker shining
Hizashi durable
Shiger superior
Tire true
Wide second son
Shodja chosen
Shoichi succumb
Shchichiro seventh Son
E.igi. second son, excellent
YUkayo. happy man
Yuday. great hero
Yutaka rich
Yuchi. brave
Yuki. happiness, snow
Yasuhiro. rich honesty
Yasushi. peaceful
Yasuo fair man

Japanese male names
Very complicated in your reading (because there are many exceptions), but very interesting in translation. It is always very interesting that it hides at the next mysterious name. It is said that the fate of a person depends on his behalf. Probably, that is why the Japanese are investing the best qualities of a person who can manifest themselves if desired to grow and develop.

It is special that the newly arrived Japanese names were mostly difficult to adopted, but came from local priests. That is why the Japanese surname does not necessarily mean anything about the roots of the family. Rather, he often reflected the characteristics of the place of residence or property: Hara for the "field", "Savva" for the "swamps", hashi for the "bridge". If someone lived on the source of water, it could be called 井井 inoue. He had a wooded hill in the area, Matsuoka, seemed to be the last name. You can also use task names as 鍛冶 Cadzi for the Blacksmith.

Japanese male names - One of the most complex parts in reading the names of your own. From this article, you learned the importance of male Japanese names.

By the way, many names in Japan sound the same, and recorded by different hieroglyphs. That is why it is important not only to know the name of your interlocutor, but also to understand what hieroglyphs it is written. And if you still do not know japanese hieroglyphs, we advise you to see, thanks to which you can already learn how to write some Japanese names and surnames.

If the family had proximity to cooking, it could also affect the title: in 味 噌 Misko or 醤 油 油 油 with "Soyuzuce". Mighty clans could call the regions in which they dominated, so the surname may indicate a pedigree.

The Japanese surnames that were transmitted unchanged were usually not the most influential from the nobles, because this name was also used to convey the taboo that were associated with him. Therefore, the names of the great rulers of past empires, such as Tokugava or Asicag, now almost disappeared.

What Japanese men's names do you like? Please share in the comments.

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Japanese family before and today

If the family structure has changed for the era, what does it look in modern Japan? From the point of view of marriage, this is traditionally held here: when it comes to marriage, in Japan, it is accepted and even prescribed by law that the spouse refuses his last name, almost always being a woman. Her girlfriend, Kyous, then finds the most informal use. The law is still controversial and provokes protests among the female population, but surveys also show that many Japanese see the positive effect of the same name on children's children.

The nominal Japanese form consists of the surname of the kind and personal name. And The meaning of the Japanese surnamedominates the name of the name - the surname is written and pronounced first. Nowadays, the Japanese often record their names on Latin or Cyrillic in the usual order - first the name, then the surname. And so that there is no confusion, they write the surname in capital letters. In russian language declination of Japanese surnames Often raises questions. Most recently, conflicting opinions of linguists sounded on this issue. However, now in all reference manuals it is indicated that the Japanese surnames with the end of "A" are changed by cases, and the unclear option, for example, "Visiting Kurosava", is considered a gross violation of the norm. Surnames ending on the other vowels are not inclined.

Only with the Hayan era, the Japanese surname is changing with the wedding. Only then the patriarchal family system spread throughout Japan with a male family leader, in which only the eldest son received the right of inheritance - before that, a married couple often lived with his wife's wife. But the essence of the Japanese family today does not cease to change, and the initial patriarchal system is already considered obsolete.

Like the family, various historical styles of Japanese surnames now merged into the form, so today we are roughly distinguish the name, name and full name in Japanese. However, although different kinds Japanese surnames seem difficult, you just need to remember this today to show your Japanese politeness and respect - and, perhaps, learn something about the history of his family. In Japanese, there are various forms of circulation that often confuse us as foreigners. This is due to the fact that in Japan a lot of attention is paid to etiquette and good methods of treatment, whereas we can deal only part of such forms of treatment.

The meaning of Japanese surnames

The meaning of Japanese surnamesTheir appearance and distribution, consisted in accordance with national traditions. Until the second half of the XIX, hereditary naming was only among the aristocrats and samurai, the rest of the population was content only by personal names or nicknames. Moreover, the number of aristocratic surnames was strictly limited and had ancient roots. "Newbies" did not appear here. Each clan had his own surnames, which were inherited. Never had a surname from Emperor of Japan and his family members.

For all the friends of Japanese culture, we again reviewed the addresses and explained in detail them. In Japan, you are not only on the other side of the road, but also the order of names. Thus, usually there is a continuation of the surname, and not as we, first first, and then the last name. Therefore, it is not surprising that the first names are used only among good, close friends, as well as in the family. The call of an unfamiliar stranger is considered impolite.

These are the forms of Sensei, Sampai, Buch and Kach. The above forms can also be used instead of the name. If one record is more than one person, the last name is defined earlier. It is used by young children, good friends or couples. Even in sweet animal-tanks is often used. It is used in stores opposite customers, in targeted letters, as well as higher persons. Similarly, suffix is \u200b\u200bsometimes found for working headlines, such as, in business negotiations, often put the form at the end of the company.

In the era of "Enlightened Board" in the second half of the XIX century, Emperor Mutsukhito commanded that all the peasants, artisans and merchants chose their names. Some Japanese, not murining the village, as a surname recorded the name of the settlement, others - the name of the store or firms in which they worked. People with fantasy came up with sonorous, bright surnames. Interpretation Most japanese surnames associated with peasant life, growing rice and its processing. For example, familiar to us the surname of Khakamad consists of two hieroglyphs, one of which "Khakama" means the bottom of the traditional Japanese dress, men's pants or a female skirt. And the second "yes" is a rice field. It can be assumed that the ancestors of Irina Khakamada worked on rice fields.

He used to be used against the nobility. Currently, it is used only in documents and in the military. This is a form that is used only in letters to name a third person who does not participate in the exchange of letters. No accessories use only the closest friends, families and couples. Somewhere else does not happen if you do not want to insult anyone. In addition, in conversations with family members, any additions are omitted. It is not considered rude.

They are an integral part of Japanese culture and one of the reasons why this country seems to us as a polite country. Is it possible to introduce such politeness in Germany, it's difficult to say. However, polite relationships are never mistaken, and many differences can be avoided. The origins of the titles before the end of the century were forbidden for low-level persons, that is, merchants, farmers and unemployed, wearing a family and a traditional addition. Previously, for a better distinction, only something memorable was applied.

Generic surnames in Japan

Another feature of Japanese surnames - they do not have a generic accessory. The same name is suitable for both men and women. According to the laws of Japan, the spouses must have one name. In the overwhelming cases, the surname of the husband becomes over an ancient tradition, although the 1946 constitution allows the name of his wife.

Usually it was something that concerned the place of residence or work of people. However, during the Mayji, the government saw the need for people registration system, and therefore it was necessary to appoint people with the names. How are family names formed? Ten most common names in Japan - Sat, Suzuki, Takahasi, Tanaka, Watanaba, IT, Yamamoto, Nakamura, Kobayashi and Cat. Most surnames consist of several elements. The decisive was where people lived on what they worked on whether the geographical objects in this area or in which part of Japan they lived.

If you view List of Japanese Fames by AtFavitYou can make sure that Japanese surnames often have interesting, unusual importance and musical sound - Igarasi ("50 storms"), Kikuti ("Chrysanthemum"), Katama ("Wild Well"). BUT top Popular japanese surnames It will be possible to find out which of them most like the Japanese themselves.

Therefore, many Japanese names have a value that can often be obtained well. Tanaki used to live in the middle of the rice field or at least worked there. The first names are the first names often consist of components that can be found in many names. Shuichi is the first son of Shu and Ryuichi, the first son of Ryu. If parents give their children such names, they want them to be beautiful or happy, depending on what signs they still use in the child's name. For girls, you also like to use the ingredients with names that have some kind of attitude to colors, the names in the title are also gladically visible, for example, for example, in the case of Sinich one, Ryuji, two or even the number seven in Nanako.

Popular Japanese surnames and their meanings

The list of Japanese surnames contains the most popular beautiful Japanese surnames that are most common in Japan.
Abe - 阿部 - angular, shadow; sector
Akiyama - 秋山 - autumn + mountain
Ando.: - 藤藤 - calm + wisteria
Aoki. - 青木 - Green, young + tree
Arai. - 新 井 - new well
Arai. - 荒井 - Wild well
Araki - 荒木 - wild + tree
Asano. - 浅野 / 淺野 - small + [Non-Non] field; plain
Baba - 馬場 - Horse + place
Vada - 和田 - Harmony + rice field
Watanabe. - 渡辺 / 渡邊 - crossing + neighborhood
Watanabe. - 渡部 - transfer + part; sector;
Goto: - 後藤 - Behind, Future + Wisteria
Okota - 横田 - side + rice field
Okyama - 横山 - side, side mountain
Yosida - 吉田 - Happiness + rice field
Yosikava - 吉川 - Happiness + River
Yoshimura - 吉村 - Happiness + Village
Yosioka - 吉岡 - Happiness + Hill
Ivamoto. - 岩本 - rock + base
Ivasaki - 岩崎 - Rock + Cape
Iwata. - 岩田 - rock + rice field
Igarasi - 五十 嵐 - 50 storms
IEndo: - 遠藤 - Far + Wisteria
IIDA - 飯田 - boiled rice, food + rice field
Ikeda - 池田 - pond + rice field
Imai - 今井 - now + well
INoe - 井井 - Well + top
Isibasi - 石橋 - stone + bridge
Isida - 石田 - stone + rice field
III. - 石井 - Stone + Well
Isikawa - 石川 - stone + river
Isichard - 石原 - stone + plain, field; steppe
ITICAVA - 市川 - city + river
Ito - 伊東 - that, he + east
Ito: - 伊藤 - and + wisteria
Kawaguti - 川口 - river + mouth, entrance
Kavakas - 川 上 - River + top
Kawamura - 川村 - River + Village
Kawasaki - 川崎 - River + Cape
Kamata - 鎌田 - Sickle, Spit + rice field
Kanako - 金子 - gold + child
Kathama - 片山 - piece + mountain
Kato: - 加藤 - add + wisteria
Kikuti - 菊地 - Chrysanthemum + Earth
Kikuti - 菊池 - chrysanthemum + pond
Kimura - 木村 - tree + village
Kinosita - 木下 - tree + under, bottom
Kitamura - 北 村 - North + Village
KO: No - 河野 - River + [Non-Non] field; plain
Kobayasi - 小 林 - Little forest
Codisima - 小 島 - small + island
Koike - 小 池 - small + pond
Komatsu - 小 松 - Little Pine
Condo - 近藤 - close + wisteria
Concycling - 小 西 - Little + West
Koyama - 小 山 - Little Mountain
Cuba - 久保 - Long + support
Cubot. - 久保田 - Long + maintain + rice field
Kudo: - 工藤 - working + wisteria
Kumagai - 熊谷 - Bear + Valley
Kurikhara - 栗原 - chestnut + plain, field; steppe
Koroda - 黒田 - Black rice field
Maruyama - 丸山 - Round + Mountain
Masuda - 増田 - increase + rice field
Matsubara - 松原 - pine + plain, field; steppe
Matsuda - 松田 - pine + rice field
Matsui. - 松井 - pine + well
Matsumoto. - 松本 - pine + base
Matsumura - 松村 - pine + village
Matsuo - 松尾 - pine + tail
Matsuoka - 松岡 - pine + hill
Matsushita - 松下 - pine + under, bottom
Matsura. - 松浦 - pine + bay
Maeda - 前田 - behind + rice field
Midzuno - 野野 - Water + [Non-Non] field; plain
Minami. - 南 - South
Miura. - 三浦 - Three bays
Miyazaki - 宮崎 - Temple, Palace + Cape
Miyiac - 三 宅 - Three houses
Miyamoto. - 宮本 - Temple, Palace +
Miyata - 宮田 - Temple, Palace + Rice field
Mori. - 森 - Forest
Morimoto. - 森本 - forest + base
Morita - 森田 - Forest + rice field
Motezuki - 望月 - full moon
Murakov - 村村 - Village + top
Murata - 村田 - Village + rice field
Nagai - 永井 - Eternal Well
Nagata - 永田 - Eternal rice field
Nai - 内藤 - inside + wisteria
Nakagava - 中 川 - Mid + River
Nakadzima / Nakashima - 中 島 - middle + island
Nakamura - 中 村 - Mid + Village
Nakanisi - 中 西 - West + middle
Nakano - 中 野 - mid + [non-items] field; plain
Outbala / Nakada - 中 田 - middle + rice field
N. akayama - 中 山 - middle + mountain
Narita - 成田 - to form + rice field
Nisida - 西田 - West + rice field
Nisikawa - 西川 - West + River
Nisimura - 西村 - West + Village
Niciima - 西山 - west + mountain
Noghi. - 野口 - [Non-Field] field; Plain + mouth, entrance
But yes - 野田 - [Non-Field] field; Plain + rice field
Nomura. - 野村 - [Non-Field] field; Plain + Village
Ohava - 小 川 - Little River
Oh yeah - 小田 - little rice field
Odezava - 小沢 / 小 澤 - Little swamp
Sandesquies - 尾崎 - Tail + Cape
Oka - 岡 - Hill
Okada - 岡田 - hill + rice field
Okalzaki - 岡崎 - Hill + Cape
Okamoto - 岡本 - hill + base
Okumura - 奥村 - deep (hidden) + village
It - 小野 - small + [Non-Fixed] field; plain
Ooisi. - 大 石 - Big Stone
Ookup - 大 久保 - big + long + support
Oomori. - 大森 - Big Forest
Oony - 大西 - Big West
UNO - 大野 - big + [non-vantage] field; plain
Oozava - 大沢 / 大 澤 - big swamp
Oosima - 大島 - big island
Ota - 太田 - Big + rice field
Otani. - 大谷 - Big Valley
Oohasy - 大 橋 - Big Bridge
Ootsuka - 大塚 - big + hill
Sawada - 沢田 / 澤田 - swamp + rice field
Saito: - 斉藤 / 齊藤 - equal + wisteria
Saito: - 斎藤 / 齋藤 - cleansing (religious) + wisteria
Sakai - 酒井 - Alcohol + Well
Sakamoto. - 坂本 - Slope + Found
Sakurai. - 桜井 / 櫻井 - Sakura + Well
Sano. - 佐野 - assistant + [Non-Field] field; plain
Sasaki - 佐々木 - assistants + tree
Sato: - 佐藤 - Assistant + Wisteria
Sibata. - 柴田 - twig + rice field
Simad. - 島田 - Island + rice field
Simiza - 清 清 - Clean water
Sinohara - 篠原 - low bamboo + plain, field; steppe
Sugavara - 菅原 - Single + plain, field; steppe
Sugimoto - 杉本 - Japanese cedar + roots
Sugia - 杉山 - Japanese cedar + mountain
Suzuki. - 鈴木 - bell (call) + tree
SUTO / SPEY - 須藤 - certainly + wisteria
SEKI. - 関 / 關 - Zavada; barrier
Taguti - 田口 - rice floor + mouth
Takagi. - 高木 - High Tree
Takada / Takata - 高田 - High + rice field
Takano - 高野 - high + [Non-Field] field; plain
Takahasi. - 高橋 - high + bridge
Oakama - 高山 - High mountain
Takdy - 武田 - military + rice field
Takeuti - 竹内 - Bamboo + inside
Tamura - 田村 - rice field + village
Tanabe - 田辺 / 田邊 - rice field + surroundings
Tanaca - 田中 - Rice field + middle
Tanyiguti - 谷口 - Valley + mouth, entrance
Tiba - 千葉 - one thousand leaves
Fucked - 内田 - inside + rice field
Ucyma - 内山 - inside + mountain
WEDA / WETI - 田田 - top + rice field
Weno. - 野野 - Top + [Non-Non] field; plain
Fujivara - 藤原 - wisteria + plain, field; steppe
Fuji - 藤井 - Glicinia + Well
Fuzzimoto - 藤本 - wisteria + base
Fujitita - 藤田 - wisteria + rice field
Foowood - 福田 - Happiness, well-being + rice field
Fukui. - 福井 - Happiness, well-being + well
Fukushima - 福島 - Happiness, well-being + island
Furukawa - 古川 - Old river
Haagivara - 萩原 - Lestec two-color + plain, field; steppe
Hamada - 浜田 / 濱田 - shore + rice field
Hara - 原 - plain, field; steppe
Harada - 原田 - plain, field; steppe + rice field
Hasimoto. - 橋本 - bridge + base
Hacegawa - 長谷川 - Long + Valley + River
Hattori - 服部 - clothes, subordinate + part; sector;
Hayakawa - 早川 - Early + River
Hayashi - 林 - Forest
Higuta - 樋口 - Gulb; stock + mouth, entrance
Kirai. - 平井 - Smooth well
Hirano - 平野 - even + [Non-Field] field; plain
Hirata - 平田 - smooth + rice field
Hyrose - 広瀬 / 廣瀬 - wide rapid flow
Homma - 本 間 - base + gap, room, good luck
Honda - 本田 - base + rice field
Hori. - 堀 - Channel
Hoshino - 野野 - Star + [Non-Film] field; plain
Tsuji. - 辻 - Street
TSUTIA - 土屋 - Earth + House
Yamaguti - 山口 - Mountain + mouth, entrance
Yamada - 山田 - Mountain + rice field
YamadzakiYamasaki - 山崎 - Mountain + Cape
Yamamoto. - 山本 - Mountain + Found
Yamanaka - 山 中 - Mountain + middle
Yamasita - 山下 - Mountain + under, bottom
Yamauali - 山 内 - Mountain + inside
I but - 矢野 - Arrow + [Non-Field] field; plain
Yasuda - 田田 - calm + rice field